ARForms v6.2.0 – WordPress Form Builder Plugin

Last Update: January 17, 2024
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ARForms stands out as the leading WordPress form builder plugin of 2018. Craft high-quality, responsive WordPress forms effortlessly in a matter of minutes – no coding or design expertise required.

Features of the ARForms WordPress Plugin

  • Comprehensive set of 25 elements to enhance form creation.
  • Access 12 pre-designed form templates for quick setup.
  • Utilize AJAX upload for seamless file submission.
  • Tooltip facility for providing additional information.
  • Intuitive drag and drop functionality for easy form building.
  • Direct navigation menu support for enhanced user experience.
  • Robust analytics to gain insights into form performance.
  • Integration with Google Fonts for diverse typography options.
  • Multi-language and RTL support for broader accessibility.
  • Masking options to control input formats.
  • AJAX technology for smoother and dynamic form interactions.
  • Partial form data retrieval for user convenience.
  • Email marketing ready with seamless integration.
  • Import/export functionality for efficient form management.
  • Prevent duplicate entries with built-in safeguards.
  • Receive email notifications for real-time updates.
  • Ensure compatibility with multiple browsers for widespread use.
  • Apply custom CSS for personalized form styling.
  • SMTP support for reliable email delivery.
  • Choose from built-in color schemes or customize as needed.
  • Incorporate custom images to enhance form aesthetics.
  • Fully responsive design for optimal performance on all devices.
  • Suitable for creating any type of form with versatility.
  • Define specific actions upon form submission.
  • Material style forms for a modern and clean appearance.
  • Real-time editor for instant form adjustments.
  • Quick duplication feature for efficient form creation.
  • Powerful anti-spam measures to enhance security.
  • Resizable columns for flexible form layout.
  • Confirm password and strength indicator for user guidance.
  • Create multi-step and survey-style forms for in-depth interactions.
  • Explore various add-ons to extend functionality.
  • Easily embed objects within the forms.
  • Access a library of Font Awesome icons for visual appeal.
  • Implement advanced conditional logic for dynamic form behavior.
  • Lightning-fast loading for a seamless user experience.
  • Built-in popup options for additional form visibility.
  • Edit entries as needed for ongoing form management.
  • Incorporate math logic for customized calculations.

Version 6.1.1 (01, January 2024)

Minor bug fixes

Version 6.1 (22, December 2023)

Re-designed Gutenberg Block with real time preview of selected form.
Added helpful documentation links on every pages with floating panel
Fixed: Cyrillic characters not working with dynamic dropdown
Other minor bug fixes

Version 6.0.1 (31, October 2023)

Added new shortcode for email subject to add ‘Entry ID’ & ‘Entry Key’
Added new shortcodes to pre-populate form fields’ default value with post/page/custom post and few site details
Updated MailChimp APIs
Updated Font awesome icons to version 6.4.2
Other minor bug fixes

Version 6.0 (14, September 2023)

Added new responsive options for form width, form padding, field width, field border radius, and submit button width
Added new Google/Gmail option to send email notifications
Added new date filter to export form entries
Fixed: Field order doesn’t get properly managed for the fields inside the repeater when sent the data in email notifications
Fixed: phone number field auto-formatting not working with mobile devices ( iPhones )
Fixed: email notification to customer wont send if the maximum entry limit is set and the form is submitted for the defined limit time ( ie., last entry )
Fixed: page break label field option not displayed with survey style form
Fixed: PHP 8.x version compatiblity
Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.9 (18, January 2023)

Added new facility to place FILE UPLOAD field in Repeater
Added a new option to set minimum and maximum date dynamically for the date field
Added a new option to set name attribute for fields while sending data to Webhook URL
Improved Widget design in the theme customizer
Fixed: Responsive issues
Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.8.1 (21, November 2022)

Updated: Font Awesome Icons to version 6.2.1
Improved ARForms with AJAX based themes
Fixed: Select picker opens keyboard on mobile devices
Fixed: Popup forms design issue with different theme in mobile devices
Fixed: Bordered theme submit button color issue
Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.8 (29, June 2022)

Added facility to send attachment to user with auto-responder emails.
Added facility to modify label names for first name & last name for SendinBlue
Improved ARForms Elementor widget functionality.
Fixed: W3C validation error with CSS
Fixed: Running Total not working for Selectpicker when conditional rule is also set with the selectpicker.
Fixed: Database caching related issue with Running Total ( two or more running totals having common fields in the formula )
Fixed: SMTP debug log popup is not displaying when an error occurred while sending test email.
Fixed: Images could not copied while importing sample forms
Fixed: Google reCaptcha verification issue when http(s) wrapper is disabled in the server configuration
Fixed: MadMimi API verification
Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.7.1 (12, March 2022)

Minor bug fixes

Version 5.7 (05, March 2022)

Added New Facility to set timer on multistep forms
Added completely new two page break styles for wizard type forms
Added New option to set success message posstion to bottom
Added New facility to set modal forms on the image
Added new facility to set Prefix/Suffix icons for the material theme
Improved CSS loading performance for forms
Fixed issue : Like and Smiley control with bootstrap theme
Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.6.2 (03, November 2021)

Minor bug fixes

Version 5.6.1 (28, October 2021)

Minor bug fixes

Version 5.6 (25, October 2021)

Added New Field: Rich Text Editor
Added New option to enable previous page clickable for wizard style form
Added New widget for WordPress Block Editor widget
Added New options to set Animation on fields and page break
Added New option to set dynamic options in Dropdown Field.
Improve design for Image over checkbox & radio
Added Option to set width and icon for the image over checkbox & radio
Remove bootstrap dependency from Dropdown, Multi-select, Slider, Phone (input mask), Date, Time, & Auto Complete Field
Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.5.1 (06, September 2021)

Added HTML field (Only when running total is enabled) at form entries section
Added new facility to change labels for progress bar
Fixed RTL layout issues
Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.5 (24, August 2021)

Added 2 New Fields: Matrix & Spinner
Added option to select minimum options for checkbox and multi-select
Manage WordPress user session
Added facility to navigate between entries from view entry model.
Added facility to view specific entry in a model for partial form entries.
Updated Font Awesome Icons
Optimize database queries
Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.0 (16, June 2021)

Added new form style: Material Outlined
Added facility to crop and rotate image for file upload field. (supports only .jpg, .jpeg, and .png files)
Added new option to force users to choose strong password
Updated Materialize Library
Improve performace for loading data from CSV for preset field choices (checkbox, radio, select, multi-select, and auto-complete)
Fixed: cookie reset issue with normal submission
Other minor bug fixes

Version 4.4 (13, May 2021)

Fixed notice/warnings related to PHP 8
Fixed issue regarding broken forms in Editor
Added HTML field (Only when running total is enabled) for sending data to redirect URL using GET/POST method
Minor bug fixes

Version 4.3.5 (08, March 2021)

Added option to customize validation message of number range for the Number Field
Minor bug fixes

Version 4.3.4 (04, March 2021)

Added new facility to open redirect URL in new tab or new window.
Allow HTML field to be displayed in the email message for [ARF_form_all_values] shortcode
Fix MailChimp Webform issue
Minor bug fixes

Version 4.3.3 (18 January, 2021)

Added New Facility to Remove Junk Files (User uploaded files which are not associated with any forms)
Allow conditional email facility based on the running total
Updated AWeber oAuthentication to 2.0
Fixed site-health loopback request fail error
Minor bug fixes

Version 4.3.2 (16 December, 2020)

Added Compatibility for PHP version 8
Added Compatibility for WordPress version 5.6
Minor bug fixes

Version 4.3.1 (27 November, 2020)

Minor bug fixes

Version 4.3 (25 November, 2020)

Added new email marketer – Drip
Added support for German Date Format
Added facility to limit the ‘GET/POST’ parameters while sending data through URL
Added option to hide/show uploaded files via ARForms file upload control in the WordPress media section
Added facility to use field value in the HTML field in the same form
Updated Font awesome icons to version 5.15.1
Allow ,(comma) as a decimal separator in the number field.
Add an option to show slider field tooltip on hover.
Improve model forms structure to reduce duplication of the code
Improve conditional logic – backend side
Restrict auto-complete field to accept the data that are not in the list
Other minor bug fixes

Version 4.2.1 (15 August, 2020)

Added facility to display thousand separator for the running total.
Fixed issue with form in header/footer elementor template using ARForms widget.
Fixed conflict with ‘The Events Calendar’ plugin
Fixed autocomplete issue for displaying limited results
Fixed autocomplete issue with Latin characters
Other minor bug fixes

Version 4.2 (08 August, 2020)

Added facility to set file upload counter to allow maximum file upload ( only for multi file uploader )
Added new field – Multi-select
Added WordPress categories, tags and WordPress product in the preset field choice ( For Checkbox, Radio, Select, Multi-select and Auto-complete field )
Updated Mailer Lite Library
Updated DataTable library
Added an option to inherit the theme fonts
Other bug fixes

Version 4.1  (09 July, 2020)

Added Field tooltip position option
Added placeholder option for the “time” field
Fixed validation issue with the repeater fields.
Fixed rocket loader issue with cloudflare
Update slider library to fix ipad issue.
Improved Repeater UI for confirmation summary and email content
Other bug fixes

Version 4.0.3  (10 February, 2020)

Minro bug fixes

Version 4.0.2  (29 January, 2020)

Minro bug fixes

Version 4.0.1  (22 January, 2020)

Minor bug fixes

Version 4.0  (20 January, 2020)

Introducing new control: Repeater Field
Added facility to save partially filled form data to the database
Added new email marketers: Hubspot, Convertkit, and Sendinblue
Added facility to disable built-in anti-spam feature
Added facility to enable the multi-column form on widget forms
Added options for button shadow
Enable hidden field for conditional logic for ‘set value of’ action
Added new option for popup form to hide/show popup form for logged in user
Added facility to rename key for submitted fields while using ‘Send data to redirected page/post using POST or GET method’ option
Added new option to send data only in an email without storing it to database
Improved Form Editor
Improved Section Field Control
Improved add new form popup to install ARForms samples in one click
Added new Font Awesome icons
Improved Site-wide popup to display popup form once per browser session
Improved Number field validation for different language keyboard
Prevent form submission while file upload is in progress
Fixed special characters issue with import/export
Fixed spam detected message with WP-Rocket plugin
Fixed signature field issue with model forms
Fixed file upload drag & drop control issue with modal forms
Fixed site-health loopback request fail error
Other bug fixes

Version 3.7.1  (05 April, 2019)

Minor bug fixes

Version 3.7  (04 April, 2019)

Introduced new field – Credit Card
Introduced Site-wide Popups
Added facility to install readymade samples with just one click
Added in-built support for Elementor page builder
Updated MailChimp API to version 3
Updated Aweber authorization method
Added Cc and Bcc option for admin email notification
Added new shortcode for input fields for display current logged in user details
Added new argument in popup shortcode to pre-populate popup forms without passing value in URL
Added facility to make fields read-only
Added an option to round up running total
Added facility to delete uploaded file from view entry modal
Added widgets in WordPress dashboard for quick analytics and available add-ons of ARForms
Improvement in conditional logic
Other bug fixes

Version 3.6.1  (06 March, 2019)

Minor bug fixes

Version 3.6  (08 December, 2018)

Added compatibility with Gutenberg Editor
Added support for country flag for phone number field
Improved spam filter captcha mechanism
Updated PHPMailer Version
Added new shortcode for email to display the page URL where the form is placed
Fixed Elementor Plugin Conflict
Improved conditional logic
Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.5.2  (03 October, 2018)

Minor bug fixes

Version 3.5.1  (14 August, 2018)

Minor bug fixes

Version 3.5  (03 July, 2018)

Introducing new field: Switch
Added new font awesome icons
Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.4.3  (09 June, 2018)

Minor Bug Fixes

Version 3.4.2  (30 May, 2018)

Minor Bug Fixes

Version 3.4.1  (26 May, 2018)

Minor Bug Fixes

Version 3.4  (22 May, 2018)

Introducing new Opt-in : MailerLite
Added option to prevent storing visitor analytics data
Added an option to add GDPR privacy policy guide-line
Minor Bug Fixes

Version 3.3  (16 April, 2018)

Added feature to change field type without losing the entry data.
Added option to change file upload path.
Added facility to send form submission data along with redirect URL.
Added facility to reset default checked radio button option from form editor.
Added some ready-made clickable regular expression validation patterns at field options.
Separate “Reply to Email” and “From Email” options at email notification.
Added image control options to change image position, height and width at mobile device.
Added styling option for placeholder opacity.
Other bug fixes

Version 3.2  (21 Mar, 2018)

Added facility to display confirmation (summary) after form submission.
Added option to load form in Right to Left / Left to Right in RTL site.
Added facility to export form in form editor.
Fixed CSS for prefix/suffix icons in fields in RTL.
Other bug fixes

Version 3.1  (10 Mar, 2018)

Added facility to upload multiple files
Added facility to display confirmation summary before form submission
Added facility to hide survey/wizard tabs from multi steps form
Added facility to allow maximum options for checkbox control
Fixed an issue for Conditional Logic and Running Total on the same field
Fixed an issue regarding to field order in exported CSV
Fixed Different Language issues due to the special characters
Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.0  (17 Jan, 2018)

Added new form creation styles: Material Style and Rounded Style
Added new very powerful In-build captcha mechanism so you do not need to add ReCaptcha in form.
Improved performance for Editor. Major improvement in form editor to load forms faster.
Added new resizable facility with multicolumn. Now you will be able to adjust column size with mouse drag.
Improved Conditional Logic.
Improved Running Total.
Added Two new fields : smiley and auto complete
Multi column upto 6 column
Added Conditional Redirect after form submission
Added Conditional Email to User after form submission
Introducing new Email marketer : Madmimi
Improved performance of Front end form rendering.
Query Optimization to reduce database interaction.
Save partial form data from abandoned form
Post form data to custom URL
Added facility to Prevent Duplicate entries
Added facility to limit Form submission.
Added PHP mailer support to send mail.
Added new Email format support ( HTML or Plain text ).
Added new Option to load js or css in all pages.
Added New way to import form.
Export form and entries in one file and import them as well.
Given css based checkbox and radio in forms.
Added new facility to set Custom icon for Checkbox and radio.
Added new facility to set Image over checkbox and radio.
Introducing new chart types for analytics ( line chart and country wise chart ).
Fix minor bug related to MailChimpList Field for First Name & Last Name merge.
Other bug fixes
CSS fixes

Version 2.7.7 (26 Oct, 2016)

Added New Font Awesome Icons.
Improved plugin loading performance.
Minor bug fixes.
CSS fixes.

Version 2.7.6 (29 Dec, 2015)

Added New Google Fonts.
Added New Font Awesome Icons.
Added Facility to get value of Current User Id, User Name And User Email who submitted the form in email notification.
Added Authentication option for SMTP mail functionality.
Added Maxlength option for textarea.
Added facility to set current date on minimum and maximum range.
Minor CSS Fix related to WordPress version 4.4.
Other minor bug fixes.

Version 2.7.5 (29 Sep, 2015)

Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.7.4 (22 Sep, 2015)

Added new facility to send test mail with SMTP setting.
Added auto update facility. ( Will work from next version )
Change adding subscriber method according to new constant contact API changes.
Added Bootstrap Date / Time picker.
Added New Font Awesome Icons.
Added new input masks for Phone Number format.
Improved Popup with respect to responsivity.
Added Extended Fonts support to google fonts ( Font Subset ).
Implemented New Google Recaptcha Method.
Other minor bug fixes.
CSS Fixes.

Version 2.7.3 (26 May, 2015)

Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.7.2 (09 May, 2015)

Added support of change background color and text color of Fly and Sticky
Added new setting to set success message duration. ( For how many seconds it should stay on page after submitting form )
Added css fixes for WordPress latest version 4.2
Other bug fixes.

Version 2.7.1 (10 April, 2015)

Added support of AWeber’s new fields in webform method.
Other Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.7 (04 April, 2015)

Added prefix/suffix font awesome icons support
Added Visual Composer support
added New Add-On page for all add-on listing
Improved ajax form saving in admin side with respect to max_input_vars
Improved form submission from frontend with respect to jQuery conflict
Improved Admin editor – more lightweight now
Added New facility for confirm Email same as confirm password
Given Server side validation ( required field PHP side validation to prevent spam )
Now sticky menu is also available for left and right position
Improved Import/Export functionality
Given facility to customize admin email with some useful predefined shortcodes
Added new 4 css cloud to place custom css for popup ( Link / Link – Hover / Button / Button – Hover )
Better UI implementation for field options
Given image upload facility for submit button hover
Other minor bug fixes.

Version 2.6.3 (15 December, 2014)

Getresponse api is changed according to new version.
Given facility to add transparent form background in normal forms ( without modal window ).
Added “media” selector for select image source ( wp media uploader) for IMAGE FIELD
Changed Tab Index for RTL
Added min length for textbox, textarea, Number and password field
Added facility for to set default value for Time Picker
Other Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.6.2 (31 October, 2014)

Added support of checkbox multiple values with Match Logic / Running Total.
Added facility to add placeholder text for confirm password.
Other Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.6.1 (08 October, 2014)

Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.6 (27 September, 2014)

Added Color Picker Control.
Added Image Control.
Added Running Total Facility.
Added SMTP mail functionality.
Upgraded Bootstrap version.
Added input mask in phone number field.
Added styling options for Survey “Progress Bar”.
Added support of WordPress 4.0 (CSS fixes) .
Added month / year changeable in datepicker.
Other minor bug fixes.

Version 2.5.4 (11 August, 2014)

Added Conditional Logic on submit button.
Added New preset field choice for “Telephone Country Codes” for selectbox, checkbox and radio button options.
Improved CSS with respect to Responsive forms.
Improved Password strength indicator validations.
Other minor changes related to css classes and fonts.

Version 2.5.3 (31 July, 2014)

Small bug fixes related to css styling.
Improved js / css loading speed while display form in front-end.
Other minor changes related to css classes and fonts.

Version 2.5.2 (19 July, 2014)

Small bug fixes related to editor width.
Improved js / css loading speed while display form in front-end.
Improved loading speed while preview of form.
Improved all popup forms’ view. ( Popup Form / Fly Form / Sticky Form ) .

Version 2.5.1 (12 July, 2014)

Small bug fixes related to display Form title and description.
Small bug fixes related to import/export forms.

Version 2.5 (10 July, 2014)

Complete new admin interface
Added like and slider control
Added Confirm Password facility
Added facility to duplicate fields
Added new option “Onload” for display form in modal while page load
Added new template for job application form
Added new color picker
Added new validation error message style ( normal / advanced )
Added new preview style with 3 different resolution
Improved RTL
Improved form submission ( with respect to max_input_vars)
Added new phone number formats to validate the field
Added New tooltip style
Checkbox, radio and select box options are now sortable
IP Address column added in form entries
Submit button text can change from field editor
Form background Color + form background image both supported.

Version 2.0.5 (28 April, 2014)

Added facility to change subject of email sending out to Administrator.
Added facility to duplicate the fields.
Added facility to change file upload text color.
CSS fixes related to WordPress 3.9.
Small bug fixes related to bootstrap error message classes.
Small bug fixes related to conditional logic rules.

Version 2.0.4 (11 March, 2014)

Small bug fixes related to file upload.
Small bug fixes related to conditional logic rules.

Version 2.0.3 (27 February, 2014)

Small bug fixes related to IE 8 And IE 9.
Small bug fixes related to form styling.
Small bug fixes related to Import / Export.
Made compatible with GEOip PHP extension.

Version 2.0.2 (15 February, 2014)

Small bug fixes related to Email Attachment.
Small bug fixes related to Localization.
Small bug fixes related to CSS in different browsers.

Version 2.0.1 (07 February, 2014)

Added more options to property / styling at field level.
Improved Site loading speed.
Small bug fixes related to File upload in IE 8, IE 9, Star rating.
Small bug fixes related to Import / Export (Forms / Entries).

Version 2.0 (01 February, 2014)

Simple captcha
Conditional laws
Flying/sticky forms
Editor look and feel change
Google fonts support.
Form/field level css implementation (property styling).
File upload control improvement.
Code cleanup and reduced external js/css usage.
Loader image improvement.
Better documentation.
Email notification part improved.
Few additional options on styling tool.
New fancy checkbox / radio buttons set.
Bugfix: small bug fixes related to different theme compatibility.
Bugfix: small bug fixes related to different theme compatibility.

Version 1.2.2 (17 December, 2013)

Bugfix: small bug fixes related to different theme compatibility.
Bugfix: WordPress version 3.8 compatibility issues fixed.

Version 1.2.1 (13 December, 2013)

Bugfix: small css based bug fix for dropdown, fileupload and other general formatting etc.
Bugfix: invalid file style upload message.
Bugfix: css changes conflicting with various themes.
Bugfix: admin email message after form submission.
Bugfix: WordPress version 3.8 compatibility issues fixed.

Version 1.2 (6 December, 2013)

Bugfix: small css based bug fix for star rating,dropdown and other general formatting etc.
Bugfix: recaptcha focus.
Added option for place form with link / button for modal window
Added support for dynamic modal height and width
Added support for transparent modal window
Added background image support for form
Added option for adding transparent fields over the form

Version 1.1.1 (28 November, 2013)

Bugfix: small css based bug fix for checkbox,dropdown and other general formatting etc.
Added default option for checkbox/radio button to inherit style from theme
Added option in short code

Version 1.1 (27 November, 2013)

Multi column support added.
Multi steps wizard style form support.
Star rating element is added.
Multi lingual support for admin section.
New set of additional checkbox and radio buttons.
Optional email setup for admin notification.
Better data about browser etc in form entries.
Small bug fixes and text changes.
✲ Prices shown on the site are excluding taxes which at checkout will be calculated based on user's geolocation as per EU regulation.
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