BeTheme v27.2.6 – Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme

Last Update: September 30, 2023
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BeTheme is not just another WordPress theme; it’s a versatile platform with an advanced options panel and drag-and-drop builder that open up endless possibilities. With a variety of thematic websites to showcase its capabilities, BeTheme demonstrates just how powerful and versatile it truly is.

BeTheme WordPress Theme Freatures

  • 4 different grid layouts
  • Widgetized Top Area
  • Awesome Layouts Generator
  • Unlimited menus
  • Customizable entry effects on scroll
  • Custom Font Uploader
  • 7 different header versions
  • Under Construction / Maintenance Mode & Blank Page
  • 12 predefined skins
  • One page website possibility with nice scroll effect
  • Smooth & reliable parallax effect
  • 1 Click Skin Generator
  • Over 200 Muffin Builder and shortcodes items included
  • WooCommerce ready
  • WordPress Multilingual Ready
  • Built-in translator
  • Mega Menu
  • Muffin Builder splitted on sections
  • Sticky Header
  • Fully Responsive
  • Retina Ready
  • Tap To Call for mobile devices
  • Contact Form 7 plugin included and styled for theme
  • Revolution Slider included
  • Awesome Drag & Drop Muffin Builder
  • Amazing Muffin Options
  • Visual Composer plugin with frontend and backend editor
  • 3 Different Blog Layouts
  • 4 Different Portfolio Layouts
  • Translation ready
  • Child Theme compatible
  • Fully customizable
  • Over 300 vector icons included
  • Easy to use for any type of website
  • 100% Responsive Design
  • 200 Shortcodes
  • Tested compatibility with
  • 600 Google Fonts included
  • SEO ready
  • Many pre-built Pages
  • Unlimited sidebars for pages
  • 6 built-in custom widgets
  • Subheader background images support
  • Custom logo, Retina logo & favicon support
  • Dedicated subpages
  • Google Maps support
  • Grid Based Layout
  • Social media icons
  • Custom footer menu
  • Built-in breadcrumbs
  • HTML5 / CSS3
  • Cross browser compatible
  • Clean commented code
  • Full documentation included
  • HD Narrated videos
  • 18 PSD files with UI Kit included
  • Layered homepage PSD-file included into package
  • XML file with demo content
  • Outstanding support for customers

Version 27.2.6

New features

  • Blog, Portfolio & Shop – Infinite scroll – Loading dots
  • Portfolio – Single project – Subheader background image
  • BeBuilder – Option to open popup template on click link in one of the following elements: Call to action, Feature box, Helper, Hover Box, Hover Color, Icon Box, Image, Our team, Pricing Item, Trailer Box, Zoom Box
  • WooCommerce Builder – Single product – Product images element – Option to set gallery background color


  • BeBuilder – Elements – Custom width issue after theme update
  • BeBuilder – Developer Mode – Sticky and mobile header controls
  • BeBuilder – Icon Box element – Hide ‘Title tag’ if title is empty
  • Mega Menu Builder – Site layout: Boxed – The grid width limits the full-width menu
  • Popup Builder – Pause embed YouTube video on popup close FB community issue
  • Templates – Changes are not visible in builder window if element styles have been previously saved
  • Dynamic Data – Tags in sections containing nested wraps
  • Shop – Cart – woocommerce_cart_item_name filter being applied twiceIssue #71134
  • Shop – Cart – Products list – Product variations – Margin & font-weight
  • Search icon – Popup search form – Header template flickering on search form openIssue #70981
  • Search icon – Popup search form – Content overlay z-index Issue #70981
  • Theme Options – Icon select field – Icon pack switch
  • Custom icons – Upload path issue on some server configurations
  • Elementor plugin – Be Portfolio widget – Filters option does not appear
  • Rank Math SEO plugin – 404 Monitor addon Issue #71124


  • Social icons – Twitter changed to X
  • BeBuilder – Product Tabs element – wc_get_product replaced with global $product to improve performance
  • Shop – Side Cart – Missing actions added Suggestion #7098

Version 27.2.5

New features

  • Shop – Product filters – Mark active filters when the URL with filter attribute was opened
  • Search icon – Popup search form – Option to set body overlay and content blur
  • New Google Fonts – 1569 fonts available
  • BeBuilder – Blog, Blog Slider, Blog News, Blog Teaser elements – Option to exclude sticky posts
  • BeBuilder elements – Link title field added


  • BeBuilder – Elements without attributes, like placeholder, are not saved
  • BeBuilder – Heading element – Click on heading with link breaks builder
  • BeBuilder – Image Gallery element – Custom height for laptop breakpoint
  • BeBuilder – Local CSS styles not saved for classes containing ‘custom’
  • Templates – Number of templates of a given type – Drafts are skipped
  • PHP 8.1 Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property is deprecated


  • Classic Headers – Removed a slight blink when switching pages

Version 27.2.4


  • Performance – Builder local styles: Inline in header – Single post and Single portfolio templates
  • Shop – Free delivery progress bar – Store currency
  • Theme Options – Colors – CSS variables in color field Issue #70911
  • BeBuilder Blocks Classic – Laptop breakpoint
  • Responsive – Section horizontal padding – Option to disable for single post


  • Shop – Product filters – URL attributes with multiple values are now comma separated

Version 27.2.3


  • BeBuilder – Positioning: Fixed and Dimensions: Custom width compatibility
  • BeBuilder – Section reverse columns on mobile
  • BeBuilder Blocks Classic – Element custom styles do not save
  • BeBuilder Blocks Classic – Hide unwanted template elements
  • Shop – Translate: Free delivery progres bar
  • Shop – Translate: Fake sale notification
  • Boxed layout – Boxed Sticky Header – Sticky header width different than grid width


  • Shop – Product filters – Simplified URL FB community issue

Version 27.2.2


  • BeBuilder – User Interface: Default – New elements adding

Version 27.2.1


  • BeBuilder – Sticky wraps disappear after page update
  • Responsive: Laptop – Header Builder – Wrap – Fit container
  • BeCustom plugin – BeBuilder custom logo size

Version 27.2

New features

  • Developer Mode – New BeBuilder interface
  • Nested Wraps – Design even more advanced layouts
  • Laptop – New responsive breakpoint
  • Templates – Single post
  • Templates – Single portfolio
  • Shop – Single product template – Product Tabs element
  • Shop – Free Delivery Progress Bar
  • Shop – Fake Sale Popup Notification
  • Video element – HTML5 videos – Playsinline attribute
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Consultant 3, Software 2
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Consultant 3, Software 2


  • BeBuilder – New element placeholder image if Lazy Load is enabled in Performance
  • BeBuilder – Video element – Unwanted PHP debug code removed
  • Search results page – Pagination if Live Search is enabled
  • Responsive – Mobile – Off canvas sidebar on shop and products pages
  • Responsive – Section horizontal padding – Option to disable on tablet/mobile
  • RTL – Helper element – Buttons position
  • BeCustom plugin – Custom slug – Betheme dashboard links
  • Rank Math SEO plugin – Image element shows now as HTML img tag


  • Layer Navigator – With drag & drop and right-click menu



  • Header Builder – Cart icon – Cart quantity icon cut off
  • Live search – Hide blog and portfolio categories if ‘Search shop products only’ option is enabled
  • Quick Fact element – Empty value when 0 is entered in the number field

Version 27.1.6

New features

  • Video element – HTML5 videos – Playsinline attribute
  • 2 Pre-built websites: AI 2, Architect 6
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: AI 2, Architect 6


  • Betheme Icons – Unwanted right margin removed
  • Pre-built websites – Section and wrap background image URLs on multisite installation
  • Payment methods element – Size attibute
  • Shop slider element – Image size – ‘woocommerce_thumbnail’ instead of the full sizeIssue #69032
  • BeBuilder – Local CSS styles – Sometimes ‘wp_upload_dir’ doesn’t return https for SSL websites
  • WooCommerce builder – Polylang compatibility
  • Popup builder – Cookie based close conditions – Caching plugins conflict
  • Sidebar menu builder – Sticky navigation arrows – z-index
  • Shop – Widgets – Price filter and Be Attributes – Unwanted horizontal scroll removed
  • Blog – Style: Photo 2 – Unwanted duplicated padding removed
  • Elementor plugin – Be Gallery widget – Duplicated lightbox
  • PHP 8.1 – str_contains(): Passing null to parameter of type string is deprecated
  • PHP 8.1 – preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter of type array|string is deprecated



  • Templates – Single product – Default images gallery

Version 27.1.5

New features

  • BeBuilder – Transform – Transition origin attribute


  • Shop – Single product – Default images gallery
  • Shop – Single product – Quantity input icons
  • Mobile – Missing body CSS overflow attribute

Version 27.1.4

New features

  • BeBuilder – Counter element – Duration attribute
  • BeBuilder – Counter Inline shortcode – Duration attribute [duration=”1000″]
  • BeBuilder – List element – Tabs link – Target attribute


  • Shop – Single products – Custom Variation Swatches
  • Header Builder – Menu element – Submenu open on click – Only one submenu can be opened at a time
  • Betheme Icons – Missing font-display:swap descriptor added
  • Under Construction page – Minor PHP noticesIssue #70329
  • Accessibility – Header – Sliding top and WPML switcher – Misplaced aria-label


  • HTML5 Semantic Elements ‘main, article, section, header’ added instead of regular ‘div’ where needed
  • Elementor – Be Live Search widget – Info that widget can only be used once per page
  • WPML plugin – BeBuilder Language Switcher element – Submenu open on click on mobile devices

Version 27.1.3

New features

  • Icon Box element – Icon wrapper – Border radius – Responsive options


  • BeBuilder – Global sections – Remove deleted section from builder content
  • BeBuilder – Custom Icons – Check that they are not disabled in Theme Options
  • BeBuilder – Wrap – Custom width on tablet and mobile
  • BeBuilder – Box shadow field – Clear color button
  • Shop – Products per page filter – Priority change to prevent plugin conflict
  • Shop – Products page – Remove deleted attributes
  • Templates – Conditions – Limit tags number to prevent errors for sites with 100K+ tags
  • Templates – Single Product – Disable woocommerce_single_product_summary action in builder
  • Templates – Single Product – Quantity field – Hide for ‘Sold individually’ products


  • Betheme Icons – 45 new icons available
  • WooCommerce 7.9 – Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files

Version 27.1.2

New features

  • Image Gallery element – More styling options
  • BeBuilder – Wrap – Min-height attribute
  • Page Options – Custom JS field
  • Portfolio – Categories – Category thumbnail
  • Icon Box element – Title tag – Additional tags: ‘p’, ‘span’, ‘div’
  • Header Builder – Icon element – Link title field
  • Header Builder – Menu element – Text position


  • BeBuilder elements – Color field – Check if color value is correct
  • BeBuilder elements – Image field – Get attachemnt metadata function improved
  • BeBuilder elements – Icon field – Show custom icons
  • BeBuilder elements – Typography field – Some responsive options not working correctly
  • Header Builder – Icon Box element – Option to change title and content breaks text align
  • Header Builder – Closeable section – Section close if cache is enabled
  • Popup Builder – Display conditions – Single post
  • BeBuilder Blocks Classic – Hide Font Awesome icons if FA are disabled in Theme Options
  • Templates: Single product – New template – Error if the are no productsIssue #69944
  • Templates – Sidebar menu element – Hide in places where it should not be visible
  • Shop – Side cart – Cart refresh if cache is enabled
  • Shop – Single product – Custom attributes – Hide on archives page
  • Shop – Products page – Filter by attribute
  • Global sections – Convert to global – Section styles are not visible in preview after conversion
  • Global sections – ‘Convert to global’ option removed while editing global section
  • Dynamic data – Duplicated {product_price} tag removed
  • Search results page – Infinite load if live search is enabled
  • Mobile – Templates: Single product – Product content element in full width section – Padding for sections in content
  • Theme Options – Save options – Generate BeBuilder data file
  • Theme Options – Restored accidentally hidden Search options if global templates are set
  • Tools – Regenerate CSS – Allowed memory size exhausted of sites with 1000+ posts
  • Tools – Delete history – Prevent non admin users to run ajax action
  • Mobile – WordPress dashboard – Admin bar height and spacing
  • Accessibility: Header – Search field – Missing aria-label

Version 27.1.1


  • Dynamic data in not public custom post types
  • Dynamic data – Testimonials post type – Missing tags added
  • Query Loops – Background gradient – Empty color value
  • Query Loops – Dynamic data {featured_image} for wrap hover background image
  • Theme Options – Restored accidentally hidden Subheader options if global templates are set
  • Shop – Single product template – Deafult product images gallery
  • Shop – Products page – Infinite load – Loading more than two pages
  • Shop – Cart – Missing action ‘woocommerce_after_cart_item_name’
  • PHP 8.1 Deprecated: trim(): Passing null Issue #69906

Version 27.1

New features

  • Sidebar Menu builder
  • BeBuilder – Convert section to global
  • BeBuilder – Sections and Wraps – Style presets
  • Popup builder – Option to disable browser scroll when popup is open
  • Icon Box element – Option to change title and content order
  • Button element – Option to scroll to next/previous/last section on click
  • Theme Options – Hide header and footer options if global templates are set
  • SEO – Google Tag Manager fields. Check option →
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Barbeque, Ski 3
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Barbeque, Ski 3


  • BeBuilder – Element presets – Incorrect data storage key
  • BeBuilder – Navigator – Global sections missing
  • Icon box element – Border radius field – Responsive options
  • Tabs element – Tabs field – Skip html tags
  • Heading element – Title tag ‘span’ and text align ‘center’
  • Popup builder – Mixed up local CSS styles after after cloning
  • Popup builder – Pause video in popup content on popup close
  • Query Loops – Category include/exclude – Minor PHP warnings
  • Query Loops – Custom post types – Include/exclude
  • Dynamic data – Custom post type: Offer – Offer thumbnail tag
  • Shop – Products list – Products per page option
  • Shop – Products list – Infinite load does not work if ‘Products per page’ option is not set
  • Shop – Single product – Quantity field – Hide if only one piece of the product is available
  • Shop – Checkout page – Notice banner – Icon size
  • Shop – Checkout page – Payment method select – JS error which may cause endless loop
  • BeBuilder Blocks Classic – Typography field – Font family if Custom font is selected
  • BeBuilder Blocks Classic – Category select field in some elements
  • Elementor plugin – Hide Betheme popups while editing


  • WPML String Translation plugin – WPML config file – Shop fields

Version 27.0.9

New features

  • Query Loops – Category select – Multiselect field to include or exclude categories
  • Popup builder – Option to open popup on any link click (class=”open-mfn-popup” data-mfnpopup=”#mfn-popup-template-XXX”)
  • Popup builder – Popup ID – Copy to clipboard
  • Popup builder – Page content jumps on popup opening


  • BeBuilder – Dynamic data – Tag does not parse if there is a character next to it
  • BeBuilder – Theme Options – Hide if user does not have ‘edit_theme_options’ capability
  • WooCommerce 7.8 – Header cart icon – The number of products does not change
  • WPML plugin – String translation – Social icons


  • WooCommerce 7.8 – Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files

Version 27.0.8

New features

  • Shop – Single product – Open variable product with link – Select variation provided in URL
  • Widgets – Be Menu – Option to open submenu on hover but on click on mobile
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Leasing 2, Bistro 5
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Leasing 2, Bistro 5


  • Shop – Products list – Page options: Hide the content
  • Shop – Products list – Click on product variation opens product with this variation selected
  • Shop – Products list – Products per page
  • Shop – Wishlist – Missing ‘Add to cart’ and ‘Wishlist remove’ buttonsIssue #69403
  • BeBuilder – Visual editor field – Toolbar options does not work
  • BeBuilder Blocks Classic – Unwanted ‘Exit link’ element removed
  • BeBuilder Blocks Classic – Missing options in some ‘select’ fields, i.e. global, sidebar, slider
  • Templates: Header – Mobile – Unwanted padding removed
  • Templates: Shop – Unwanted content removed
  • Query Loops – Dynamic data {featured_image} as wrap background image
  • Polylang plugin compatibility – BeBuilder – Update button not responding


  • Betheme dashboard – Missing translation tags added

Version 27.0.7

New features

  • Lighbox – Self hosted .mp4 videos support
  • Sticky wrap – Custom offset


  • BeBuilder – Editor error if ‘Disable the visual editor when writing’ option is enabled
  • BeBuilder – Missing Advanced tab if BeBulder Blocks Classic is enabled

Version 27.0.6


  • Column element – Visual editor – Changes in ‘Text’ mode are not saved
  • BeCustom plugin and White Label mode – Remove admin panel video tutorial if custom ‘friendly url’ is set


  • BeBulder Blocks Classic – Restored at the request of our users

Version 27.0.5


  • BeBuilder – JS error ‘redeclaration of var ajaxurl’ if some plugin has already declared it
  • Error 404 Custom page – Builder styles not loading if performance option Builder local styles is set to ‘inline in header’Issue #67777
  • Rank Math SEO plugin – BeBuilder new data storage format supportIssue #69419
  • WPML plugin – Config file – BeBuilder new data storage format support

Version 27.0.4


  • BeBuilder Blocks – Display issue while editing post types: post, shop archive, single product
  • Templates – Templates that offers live builder only – Issues when Builder Mode is set to Blocks for pages and posts
  • BeCustom – Custom slug – Edit with BeBuilder button link
  • BeCustom – Dashboard UI mode DarkIssue #69369
  • WPML – Translate Templates – Post options

Version 27.0.3

New features

  • BeBuilder – Settings – Show confirm window whenever you click one of the options which requires page reload


  • BeBuilder – Some SVG without specified size are not visible after update
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Builder loading time whenever set language is different than English
  • Mobile – Mobile menu: Classic – Duplicated menu toggle icons


  • Image sizes optimized – Five redundant sizes removed
  • Pre-built websites – Set recommended WordPress Media image sizes for imported pre-built website

Version 27.0.2

New features

  • Before After element – Responsive image dimensions (srcset)
  • Icon Box – Link title attribute


  • BeBuilder visibility – Hide for everyone – Error when saving Theme Options or Post Update
  • Popup builder – Display trigger – On button click – Missing popup template ID
  • Tools – Regenerate Thumbnails – SVG images with mimetype ‘image/svg’
  • BeBuilder Blocks – UI mode: Auto – Builder icons color
  • Page Options – Custom CSS field – Unwanted special characters change
  • Theme Options – Custom fonts – Hash # in font name
  • Theme Options – Custom fonts not working when Google Fonts disabled
  • Privacy bar – Hide ‘more info’ link if link field is empty
  • Google Maps Advanced element – Additional marker with HTML description
  • Payment Methods element – Image alt tag PHP notice
  • PHP 8.1 Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter


  • Theme Options – Pagination type option moved to Global > Navigation

Version 27.0.1


  • Post/Page options – Missing select field values
  • Tools – Analyze Builder content – Missing tabs field typeIssue #69024
  • Theme Options – Missing CodeMirror in some fields
  • Blog element – Style: Photo 2 – Columns: 2 – Description wrapper position
  • Button element – Option to open or close popup
  • PHP 8.1 Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property is deprecated
  • PHP 8.1 Deprecated: trim(): Passing null

Version 27.0

New featuresHuge performace update: Read more →

  • Create Really Fast-Loading Websites.
  • It’s now easier than ever to create websites that score 100 on PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix.
  • Take full control over your website performance or use one click performance setup.
  • BeBuilder is better than ever with 3x loading speed of the builder and 20x less builder data storage.
  • BeBuilder Blocks is now part of BeBuilder. Check it if you go for a classic look but want an extremely fast builder.
  • BeBuilder – Wrap – Position: Offset – Responsive switch
  • Query Loops – Option to show children of current category
  • Tools – Analyze Builder content – Prepare builder content in format readable for external plugins and post search. Check feature →
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Business 7, Wedding Car
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Business 7, Wedding Car


  • BeBuilder – Global sections and wraps – Modern navigation
  • Query Loops – Hide loop if it is empty for specified term
  • Elementor – Be Table of Contents widget – Simple links format for languages based on non URL friendly characters

Version 26.8.5


  • Shop – Single product – Sidebar inherited from shop page if there are no templates
  • Shop – Single product – Product images gallery – Minor CSS fix
  • Shop – Related products missing if product uses custom attributes related
  • Shop – Related and Upsell products – Duplicated priceIssue #69098
  • Templates – Shop – Single product – Missing product classes and gallery styles
  • Popup Builder – Popup open on button click if there are more than one popup at one site
  • PHP 8.2 Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property is deprecated
  • Accessibility – Misplaced aria-labels movedIssue #69053
  • Rank Math SEO plugin – Content update even if BeBuilder Blocks is disabled

Version 26.8.4

New features

  • Responsive – Mobile – Maximum images srcset width
  • System Status – Show warning if site uses insecure http connection


  • BeBuilder – History – Undo action
  • BeBuilder – Section – Deprecated section styles – Options are invisible and cannot be deselected
  • BeBuilder – Keyboard shortcodes – Ctrl+C
  • BeBuilder – Transform – Minor CSS fixes
  • Popup Builder – Template type changes to ‘page template’ if popup is updated in backend editor
  • Popup Builder + WPML plugin – Display conditions
  • Shop – Archives – Price is missing if shop template is not selected
  • Shop – Single product – Quantity field – Hide for ‘Sold individually’ products
  • Shop – Single product – Sidebar inherited from shop pageIssue #68823
  • Shop – Single product – Custom Variation Swatches
  • Shop – Single product – Minor CSS fixes
  • Social Icons – Add https:// prefix if missingRequest #68794
  • Pre-built websites – Database reset – Remove widgets to prevent Inactive widgets excess
  • PHP 8.1 Deprecated: Automatic conversion of false to array
  • Contact Form 7 – Response output – Missing CSS style
  • Elementor plugin – Be Gallery widget – Lightbox – Missing title and descriptionIssue #68831
  • BeCustom plugin – Betheme Dashboard page contentIssue #68866
  • BeCustom plugin – Edit with BeBuilder link


  • Automatic theme updates – WordPress 6.2 do not allow auto updates for themes outsite



  • Header Builder – Menu element – Deprecated styles removed
  • Shop page – Product image – Secondary image size on hover
  • WP Rocket plugin – Too few arguments to function maybe_disable_core_lazyload()

Version 26.8.3

New features

  • Betheme Tools – Regenerate Thumbnails – Restore missing SVG images dimensions
  • Header Builder – Header and Sticky header – Width attibute
  • Toggle element – Parse some shortcodes in tab contentRequest #68403
  • WPML plugin – BeBuilder Language Switcher element


  • Shop page – Page title tagIssue #68669
  • Shop page – Sidebar select – Default WooCommerce sidebar
  • Templates – Shop page – Duplicated product attibutes
  • Header Builder – Menu element – Menu icons heightIssue #68758
  • Header Builder – Menu element – Active menu link color
  • Header Builder – Scroll when click on menu link with anchor – Scroll positionIssue #68752
  • Theme Options – Responsive – Mobile site width
  • Theme Options – Responsive – Layout – Changed confusing function description
  • Under Construction page – Launch date – CountdownIssue #68697
  • PHP 7.2 Error: Redundant comma in Builder class
  • PHP 8.1 Deprecated: strpos/trim(): Passing nullIssue #68733


  • Shop page – Product image – Specify exact width instead of selecting options
  • Image element – Missing srcset and sizes added
  • Performance – Disable WordPress assets – Block library – Include WooCommerce blocks CSS

Version 26.8.2

New features

  • Popup Builder – Popup options – Box shadow
  • Popup Builder – Popup options – Height
  • Popup Builder – Popup options – z-index


  • Popup Builder – Default z-index increased
  • Popup Builder – Prevent site content scroll when popup is open
  • Header Builder – Icon element – Image – Missing width and height attributes
  • Header Builder – Menu Burger element – Image – Missing width and height attributes
  • Header Builder – Payment methods element – Images – Missing width and height attributes
  • Divider element – Image – Missing width and height attributes
  • My account – Login form – Duplicated IDs


  • Pre-built websites – WordPress unzip_file() function fallback

Version 26.8.1


  • Shop – Archives – Price is missing if shop template is not selected
  • Header Builder – Logo element – Missing width and height attributes
  • Mobile – Header Creative + Default mobile header
  • GDPR & Cookies – Image element – Missing width and height attributes

Version 26.8

New features

  • Popup BuilderRead more →
  • Search results page for products – Option to use shop page sidebar
  • Shop – Single product – Gallery – Option to show slider arrows
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Eco 4, Lingerie
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Eco 4, Lingerie


  • Vulnerability – Cross Site Scripting on some Shop pages
  • BeBuilder – Password protected posts
  • BeBuilder – History – Date shows 1970-01-01 for some cutom date formatsIssue #68381
  • BeBuilder – Responsive visibility – Unable to move element over hidden one
  • Header Builder – Plain Text element
  • Query Loop + Dynamic Data – Parsing error for some custom post types
  • Templates – Single post in category – Header and footer display conditions
  • Shop – Shop page – Sidebar select in page options and both sidebars support
  • Shop – Checkout page – Payment method selectIssue #68268
  • Counter element – Empty value when 0 is entered in the number field
  • Betheme Dashboard – Plugins – Check if ZipArchive extansion exists
  • WPML plugin – Shop attribute labels
  • WPML plugin – Live search – Option to search in current languageIssue #68388

Version 26.7.5

New features

  • Wraps – Entrance animations
  • Responsive – Section background video on mobile devices


  • WordPress 6.2 Compatibility – get_page_by_title() deprecated
  • BeBuilder – Category select field – Include empty taxonomies
  • BeBuilder – Visibility: Hide for Everyone – Hide all Edit with BeBuilder links
  • BeBuilder – Elements – Custom presets not stored Issue #68165
  • Header Builder – Menu element – Option to Fold last 2 submenus to the left
  • Templates – Query Loop – Dynamic data {title} tag
  • Shop – Single product – Product image disappears on hover if it is too smallIssue #68213
  • Shop – Archives – Sticky sidebar position if Store notice is enabledIssue #68169
  • Off-canvas sidebar – Sidebar icon on desktop
  • Map Basic element – Advanced – Border radius
  • Admin panel – Pages list – Hide unwanted ‘_be_setup_wizard_demo’ page
  • Pre-built websites – Database reset – Deleting of menus fails if the database prefix is changed
  • WPML plugin – Shop – Side Cart – Cart title
  • WPML plugin – Live search – Option to search in current language onlyIssue #68239

Version 26.7.4

New features

  • List element – Option to set starting number
  • Toggle element – Option to set starting number
  • Dynamic Data – ACF plugin fields {acf:field_name}
  • Dynamic Data – List of dynamic data tags in BeBuilder Settings
  • Sidebar Menu – Close button position and size


  • BeBuilder – Save issue on servers with limited max_input_vars
  • BeBuilder – Translate – Missing esc_attr added
  • BeBuilder – Transform – Transition duration on mouse out
  • Dynamic Data – Display issue for sites with more than 100 000 tags
  • Header Builder – Sticky and Fixed header – Sticky wrap offset top
  • Shop – Cart – Product title with HTML tags
  • Shop – Single product – Template selected in the product is the most important
  • Shop – Single product – Images gallery – Missing variable product images Community suggestion
  • Shop – Cart – Coupon code – Unwanted label removed
  • Query Loop – Additional check added to prevent possible PHP error
  • Blank Page – Query Loop type: Slider
  • One Page – Sidebar menu links
  • Blog element – Filters – Hide categories excluded in Theme Options Issue #67706
  • Shop Products element – Infinite Load option
  • Slider element – Category select Issue #67850
  • Toggle element – Active item close on click
  • Setup Wizard – Database reset – Remove Privacy Policy page ID
  • WP Rocket plugin – Updating page from BeBuilder does not clear WP Rocket cache Issue #67824



  • BeBuilder loading if there are many Mega Menu templates

Version 26.7.3

New features

  • New Toggle element
  • Mega Menu – Now available on multiple menu levels
  • Mega Menu Builder – Padding, background, and border
  • BeBuilder – Advanced tab – Background position – Option to set custom position
  • Header Menu element – Submenu width option
  • Header Builder – Plain Text/HTML element
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Agency 8, Furniture Store 2
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Agency 8, Furniture Store 2


  • BeBuilder – Post/Page select field – Special characters in the post title
  • BeBuilder – Single page import – Import pages with Slider plugin element
  • BeBuilder – Multiple values input fields – Join option
  • BeBuilder – Page preview does not refresh
  • BeBuilder – Shop categories element – Show top-level categories on non-shop pages
  • Query Loops – Type: Slider – Image align if WooCommerce plugin is active
  • Lottie element – PHP error Issue #229585
  • Map advanced element – JS console warning
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Plain text element – Resize Issue #67660
  • Templates – Shop: Single product – Save issue for sites with more than 100 000 posts/products
  • Templates – Shop – Shop products element – Empty product list after element option change
  • Templates – Conditions – WPML plugin compatibility
  • Templates – Prevent 404 error on some server configurations – Additional flush_rewrite_rules added
  • Shop – Archives page – Remove empty HTML element if layout options are hidden
  • Shop – Single product – Product image – Disable Zoom option
  • Portfolio page without jQuery filtering – Missing JS script
  • Accessibility – Aria-label moved to link instead of submenu
  • WP Rocket plugin – Logo size if the ‘Add missing image dimensions’ option is enabled



  • WooCommerce 7.4 – Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files

Version 26.7.2

New features

  • BeBuilder – Builder to SEO – Generates builder content in an SEO plugin-friendly form
  • Header Builder – Menu element – Submenu active element color


  • BeBuilder – Post update – Save issue for sites with more than 100 000 posts/products
  • Header Builder – Header disappears on hover while editing template
  • Header Builder – Site Layout: Boxed – Sticky header width
  • Header Builder – Burger Menu element – Submenu icon overriding burger menu icon
  • Query Loops + Dynamic Data – {content:ID:term} tag
  • Dynamic Data – Display issue for sites with more than 100 000 posts/products
  • Portfolio – Masonry layouts – Items do not line up correctly
  • WooCommerce + Contact Form 7 – Header Login Form and Side Cart translation for languages different than English


  • Accessibility – For voice-over users, the aria-label of a submenu contains the name of the menu item

Version 26.7.1

New features

  • Entrance animations – Delay attribute
  • New Google Fonts – 1482 fonts available
  • Elementor – Blog widget – Option to use as Related Post – Exclude current post from query
  • Elementor – Clients slider widget – Option to set number of clients per slide
  • Elementor – Clients slider widget – Option to scroll one client at a time
  • Elementor – Clients slider widget – Navigation arrows position option


  • Loop Builder – Post type change when there are many Query loops on single page
  • Loop Builder – Wrap loop – Enable query loop on empty wrap – Refresh query after adding element
  • Loop Builder – Section loop – Dynamic data {featured_image} as wrap background
  • BeBuilder content overlapping header submenus – Incorrect z-index removed Issue #67227
  • Header and Footer Templates on password protected pages
  • Column text element – HTML tags with inline styles – Element preview
  • The Events Calendar plugin – Default plugin CSS styles

Version 26.7

New features

  • Loop Builder – Design any type of slider, blog, portfolio or shop listing without limits. Read more →
  • Dynamic Data – Intuitive modal with a list of all dynamic tags at your disposal anywhere on the page. Read more →
  • Year shortcode – Add current [year] automatically in Copyright area
  • Elementor widget – Live Search
  • Pre-built website: Recipes 3
  • Elementor pre-built website: Recipes 3


  • Templates: Header – Menu burger element – Bouncing content on menu open
  • Templates: Prevent 404 error on some server configurations after the first template is added
  • BeBuilder – New section – Missing global section button
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Section info – Background position – Minor PHP notice
  • Live search element – Next section z-index lowered to prevent content overlapping
  • Option to hide WordPress Editor affects only post types which support BeBuilder. Check feature →
  • One Page – Main menu – Active on scroll when Entrance animations are disabled
  • Sticky Header – Wrong header position if page has already been scrolled and is refreshed or is opened with #hash
  • Section with parallax background image – Duplicated image removed
  • Accessibility: Keyboard support – ESC key press – Close mega menu on all type of links inside, not only menu items
  • Contact Form 7 plugin – Unwanted column padding removed
  • The Events Calendar plugin – Breadcrumbs if Events Calendar widget is in place on the pageIssue #226838
  • Revolution Slider + Lightbox – Button with lightbox rel attribute
  • WPML – Load BeBuilder local styles from the primary language if styles for the current language do not exist

Version 26.6.7

New features

  • Buttons – Style: Custom – Option to set box shadow. Check option →
  • Heading element – Option to set title hover color
  • Clients slider element – Option to scroll one client at a time Feature request #66217
  • Clients post type – Option to open client link in the same window
  • Accessibility – Header Builder support
  • BeBuilder – History – Option to disable autosave
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Wedding 3, Cosmetics 3
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Wedding 3, Cosmetics 3


  • BeBuilder – History – Undo and Redo – Unwanted site scroll removed
  • BeBuilder – Additional information element – Minor PHP notice
  • BeBuilder – Safari browser: Order field
  • Templates: Header & Footer on Search page which has no results
  • Templates: Shop + Footer template – Footer outside the main #Wrapper
  • Templates: Footer – Image Gallery element – Missing HTML tags
  • Betheme Dashboard – Plugins – Check if plugin folder exists
  • Accessibility: Keyboard support + Shop: Show secondary image on hover
  • Search results page – Page title – Unanted slash removedIssue #66822
  • Portfolio – Load more and Masonry layouts – JS object error
  • Section style: Dark – Our Team element – Social icon color
  • Responsive – Tablet – Main menu – Unwanted active element background colorIssue #66760
  • PHP 8.1 – Division by zero error
  • BeCustom plugin – Redirect URL when theme switching
  • Elementor plugin – Be Icon box & Be List widgets – Check if image and icon fields are not emptyIssue #66645

Version 26.6.6

New features

  • Shop – Single Product – Option to hide WordPress editor content for all productsCheck option
  • Heading element – Option to add inline shortcode in title field
  • List element – Target attribute for list element with link
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Burger 3, Estate 4
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Burger 3, Estate 4


  • BeBuilder – Single page import
  • BeBuilder – List element – Missing CSS file when new element added
  • BeBuilder – Blog element – Style: Photo 2 – Padding assigned to wrong div
  • BeBuilder – Live search element – z-index
  • Templates: Header – Bouncing sticky header on resizeIssue #66580
  • Templates: Header & Footer on Author and Date archives
  • Templates: Shop – If one product is hidden, the products loop stops
  • Shop – Missing closing div tag in main WooCommerce PHP template
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Element Additional CSS field – Unwanted following semicolon removedIssue #66477
  • BeBuilder Blocks – List element resizeIssue #66477
  • Header Creative – Duplicated background image
  • Multisite – BeBuilder roles and capabilities
  • Contact Form 7 plugin – Unwanted spinner empty div removed
  • Elementor plugin + Slider Revolution plugin – Open image or video in lightbox
  • The Events Calendar plugin – Page title if Events Calendar widget is in place on the pageIssue #66431
  • Cache plugins – Images with data-src atribute in ajax loaded content

Version 26.6.5


  • BeBuilder – Theme Options – GDPR Message field – JS error when some HTML tags added
  • BeBuilder – Navigator – Labeling of global section was displaying incorrectly due to wrong conditional statement
  • BeBuilder – Pre-built sections – Unwanted confirm
  • BeBuilder – Templates – Global wraps – Hide unused import options
  • Blog element – Filters – Show active on current filter
  • Blog – jQuery filtering – Enable only for blog homepage
  • Portfolio – Single project – Missing div in project header
  • Progress icons shortcode – Transparent background without color should use theme color
  • Pre-built websites – Import content without database reset
  • Pre-built websites – Deprecated ‘Full width’ attribute for sections in old pre-built websites
  • Shop – Missing woocommerce_after_single_product hook added
  • Shop – Single product – Add to cart – Option to enable extra plugin contentCheck option
  • Plugin: BeCustom – Link to enable BeBuilder Blocks on post edit screen
  • Plugin: Slider Revolution – Unwanted margin for .rs-p-wp-fix removed

Version 26.6.4

New features

  • 2 Pre-built websites: Doctor, Clothing Store 2
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Doctor, Clothing Store 2


  • Multisite – Pre-built websites – Attachments import
  • BeBuilder – Post Options – Escape HTML to prevent XSS vulnerability
  • Progress icons shortcode – Option to set color icons and transparent background

Version 26.6.3

New features

  • Button element – Option to add ID to allow click trackingRequest #66082


  • BeBuilder – Autosave – Show error and reactivate the ‘Update’ button if autosave fails
  • BeBuilder – Option to disable builder by PHP constant – define(‘MFN_DISABLE_LIVE’,true)
  • BeBuilder – Add a unique ID to items that do not have it
  • Pre-built Websites – Builder select step for older websites
  • Pre-built Websites – Always organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders
  • Responsive font size calculation – Check if value is a number to prevent PHP error


  • BeBuilder – More detailed checking of user capabilities before performing specific actions

Version 26.6.2

New features

  • Blog element – Option to use as Related Post – Exclude current post from query


  • Setup Wizard – Setup stucks at last stepIssue #65649
  • Templates: Header – Once set, the exclusion condition cannot be turned off
  • Header – Cart icon with when price has additional text e.g., Excl. VAT
  • Header Builder – My account – Login form – Duplicated form
  • Shop – Side Cart – Cart icon link
  • Sticky wrap – Bouncing entrance animationIssue #65649
  • Blog – Server error 500 if more than 10000 WordPress users are registeredIssue #223779
  • Under Construction page – Countdown – Missing JS file
  • Under Construction page – Text logo

Version 26.6.1


  • Pre-built websites – Minor PHP Notice after demo content import

Version 26.6

New features

  • New List element
  • Pre-built websites – 5x faster demo content and attachments import
  • Shop Products element – Infinite Load option


  • Security: Potential vulnerability during the import process. unserialize() function has been replaced by json_decode() function
  • Setup Wizard – Wizard page visible on pages list in admin panel
  • Templates – Header, Footer, Shop products – Hide WordPress Editor Content
  • Global Wraps – Context menu – Paste style option removed
  • Global Wraps – Column Text element – Disable inline text editor
  • BeBuilder – Typography field – Font family is invalid when switching back to default font
  • Shop – Side Cart – Checkout button color if Button style: Custom is selected
  • Shop – Checkout – Your order table – Headings use H1 color instead of content text color
  • Progress Bars element – Missing JS file


New features

  • Icon Box element – Label – Color and typography options
  • Progress icons shortcode – Option to set color icons and transparent background


  • WordPress 6.1 Compatibility
  • Isotope filters – Proper width of items and horizontal alignment of them
  • Theme Options – Color field – Update colorpicker only when full length HEX or RGBA is enteredIssue #65661



  • One Page – Header Builder – Burger menu – Remove HTML overflow hidden on link click and menu hide
  • Theme Options – Font Size – Undefined index PHP notice if values were removed in BeBuilder
  • Sticky Wrap + Elements with Masonry layout – Unwanted resize event triggered more than once
  • Slow WordPress Query to get all Builder fontsIssue #65721
  • Elementor plugin – Text editor widget – Default HTML list styles
  • Elementor plugin – Edit with BeBuilder pages which were previously edited with Elementor
  • PHP 7 compatibility – str_contains function introduced in PHP 8 replaced with strposIssue #65717


New features

  • Global sections – Import/export sections between pages


  • Shop – Products list – Layout: Masonry – Missing JS code
  • WPML plugin – Templates – Conditions: Exclude



  • BeBuilder – Disappearing images in Builder window if Lazy load is enabled
  • BeBuilder – Sidebar Widget element – Padding attribute

Version 26.5.1

New features

  • Performance: Lazy load images. Check option →
  • Heading element – New HTML tags added: p, div, span
  • Blog slider element – Option to show post excerpt
  • RTL – BeBuilder Blocks – Wraps and elements are arranged as on the frontend


  • Templates: Shop – Template conditions – Include/Exclude category
  • Templates: Header + Shop: Single product – Breadcrumbs – Missing categoriesIssue #65548
  • BeBuilder – Pricing Item element – Typography issueIssue #65395
  • BeBuilder – Get attachment data for scaled imagesIssue #65515
  • BeBuilder – Logo element – Image alt tag
  • Galleries inserted using the WordPress block editor – Lightbox
  • Fonts – Font Family – System font
  • CSS – Google fonts with spaces in their name are not quoted
  • Pre-built websites – Import demo data for pre-built websites without plugins
  • Pre-built websites – Import demo data on servers which returns 500 code on timeout
  • RTL – Betheme Dashboard


  • Performance: Load only the JS files that are currently used on the page


New features

  • Column text element – Option to set content links color
  • Shop slider element – Option to exclude out of stock products


  • Plugins – Update button does not appear
  • BeBuilder – Shop slider element – Element rerendering in preview window
  • BeBuilder – GDPR notice – Hide permanently in page preview window
  • Gallery shortcode in Helper element content – Lightbox
  • Templates: Header – Position: Fixed – Bouncing header on site load
  • Templates: Shop – Template conditions – Exclude categoryIssue #65331
  • Templates: Shop + Performance – Files location – Builder local styles: Inline in header
  • Theme Options – Theme functions – Option to hide Pre-built websites and Setup Wizard
  • Theme Options – Colors – PHP 8 deprecated notice if rgba color is used in some fieldsIssue #65317
  • Theme Options – Slider type fields – Slider keeps resetting if 0 set



  • Theme Options – Unable to save options if slider field value is empty
  • White Label mode – New Betheme Dashboard compatibility


  • Theme Options – Smaller sticky header on screen height < 800px
  • Dark Mode – Theme Options – Custom CSS and JS field colors



  • BeBuilder Blocks – Missing builder background color
  • Shop – Unable to save product content in BeBuilder Blocks
  • Shop Products element – Style: List – Text align
  • Child theme – BeBuilder – Missing icon in remove element modal



  • Blog – Archives – Missing ‘Read more’ buttonIssue #65269
  • Theme Options – Slider type fields – Slider keeps resetting if 0 set
  • Minor PHP Warnings & Deprecated notices: Undefined array key “uid”, Passing null to parameter, etc.

Version 26.5

New features

  • Setup Wizard
  • New Betheme Dashboard
  • Pre-Built Websites Importer with automatic plugin installation
  • Theme Options panel available in the BeBuilder
  • Global sections and wraps
  • Clients slider element – Navigation arrows position option
  • Shop categories element – Categories display options – Main categories and subcategories
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Business 6, Betheme Store 2
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Business 6, Betheme Store 2


  • Header Builder – Sticky Header bounce when scrolling default header
  • Templates conditions for Header and Footer – Custom post types are treated as pages
  • Image element – Minor PHP notice
  • Gallery element – Lightbox on page which has Elementor content
  • Performance – Cache fonts local – Additional subsets
  • Shop – Checkout – Google pay button
  • My account – Login form – Remember me checkbox is unclickable
  • Elementor plugin – Unwanted deprecated notice
  • Revolution Slider plugin + Elementor – Broken slider preview
  • WPML plugin – Shop: Side Cart


  • Map Advanced element – Additional markers – Optional Title is used as tab title if not empty


New features

  • BeBuilder – All links inside element with class ‘scroll’ have smooth scroll
  • Header Builder – Menu burger element – Submenu styles
  • WPML plugin – Templates – Different templates of different languages


  • BeBuilder – Page Options – Sidebars list did not refresh after adding sidebar
  • Header Builder & Mega Menu – Sticky header disappears on menu link hover
  • Header Builder & Footer Builder templates on author archives page
  • Header Builder – Sticky Header bounce when scrolling from default header
  • Header Builder – Submenu items – Word wrap
  • Footer Builder – Menu element – Word wrap
  • Templates – Shop – Single product – Missing ‘Start building’ button when builder is empty
  • Shop – Products list – Thumbnail cropping in Customizer
  • Shop – Price filter – Slider color
  • Shop – Quick preview – Close button covering modal content
  • Accessibility – Aria-labels translatableIssue #64846
  • Safari browser – Header Builder – Fade in animation
  • RTL – Header Builder – Search element alignment


New features

  • 2 Pre-built websites: VR, Biker 4
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: VR, Biker 4


  • Shop products element – Order field – JS error on drag startIssue #64683
  • Shop – Single product – If all variations are “out of stock”, product information does not display
  • Shop – Cart – Header Builder sticky header positionIssue #218544
  • BeBuilder – Shop products element – Products list sometimes is empty if the WooCommerce option “Hide out of stock items from the catalog” is enabled
  • Be Shop Attributes widget – PHP 8 deprecated notices
  • Pre-built websites – Menu items – Custom meta fields import fails if the database prefix is changed
  • BeBuilder – Custom sidebar selectIssue #64769
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Column element – CodeMirror code editor – Add shortcode link
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Lottie element resize
  • Header Builder – Promo Bar – In some cases, text is duplicated when returned from another tab
  • Images – Srcset option – The disable option does not work with all images
  • Colors – Footer – Copyright border color


New features

  • Shop – Products list – Option to return to old images width. Recommended if you have a lot of smaller-sized photos in your store. Check option →
  • WPML plugin – String translation – Theme Options > Fonts > Font family


  • Shop – Templates – Single product template not loading for new products
  • Shop – Product quantity input – Step as decimal numberIssue #218354
  • BeBuilder – Overlapping header and slider edit icons
  • HTML Tables – Auto responsive option. Check option →
  • Search page – Templates removed from search results
  • Buttons – Style: Custom – Button Highlighted
  • Table of contents element – Scroll to heading when Header Template is active
  • Page Options – Non-working checkboxes
  • Tablet – Blog: 4 columns – Broken 2 columns layout
  • Accessibility – ESC key in dropdown menu
  • Elementor 3.7 plugin – Deprecated function ‘is_built_with_elementor’ replaced
  • WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin – Missing payment button



  • BeBuilder – When editing on a small desktop screen, unwanted switching to tablets is blocked
  • Header Builder template on Search pageIssue #64547
  • Header Builder – Icon element – Open link in new windowIssue #64554
  • Header Builder – Menu element – Submenu icon color and size
  • Shop – Cart icon link do not work if Side cart is disabled
  • Shop – Templates – Exclude specified category
  • Shop – Mobile – Related products grid – 2 columnsIssue #64501
  • Safari browser – Shop – Variable products select
  • Pre-built websites – Single product template – Product content CSS styles
  • BeCustom – BeBuilder links for header and footer templates
  • My account – Login form – Unwanted site shift when click on form label



  • BeBuilder – Slashes in shortcodes on history back
  • BeBuilder – Font size is displayed incorrectly in Builder windowIssue #64400
  • BeBuilder – Lottie element – Animation loading after element duplication
  • BeBuilder – Import/Export – Hidden sections and Lottie elementIssue #64430
  • Header Builder – Scroll to ID
  • Shop – Display products from individual categories
  • Shop – Missing woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title hook added
  • Shop – My Account button – The same ID for multiple buttonsIssue #64422
  • Mega Menu – Automatic Mega Menu can not be disabled
  • Blog – Style: Masonry tiles – Margin option restored
  • Performance – Cache assets – Side CartIssue #64476
  • Featured images – SrcSet – GIF animationsIssue #64420



  • Header Builder – Assigning header template if another template has been removed
  • Header Builder – Open submenu link on click
  • Footer Builder – Default text and link color
  • Maga Menu – Content font inherits from body insted of menu
  • Pre-built websites – Minor PHP 8 warning during import



  • BeBuilder – Edit header link when BeCustom plugin is active
  • Menus – Add menu items – New items have the content of the post in the description field
  • Shop – Product content in full width section – Unwanted padding removed
  • Shop – Products page – Buttons style: Stroke
  • RTL – Mobile contact form


New features

  • Wrap – Background overlay – Overlay backgrounds with opacity or css filters like blur, brightness, contrast, saturation or hue


  • BeBuilder – History – JS error when xml code used in content
  • BeBuilder – Visual options field – Clicking sometimes has no effect
  • BeBuilder – Slider Revolution edit icon
  • BeBuilder – Mobile – Section full width – Unwanted side padding removed
  • BeBuilder – Hover Color element – Fields with duplicated ID. Notice: Please adjust colors if you use this item on your site
  • Templates – Admin bar – Edit with BeBuilder link
  • Header Builder – Header fixed – Hide section on scroll – Sticky header position
  • Header Builder + Shop page – Bouncing header on Quick preview open
  • Header Builder – Wrap in first section, moved up, hides under the slider
  • Shop categories element – Images cropping – Uncropped
  • Theme Options – Subheader background transparency – Slider keeps resetting if 0 set
  • Unwanted inner shadow on the right side of the browser window removed
  • HubSpot plugin compatibility


  • Translation Files – New translation strings

Version 26.4

New features

  • Header Builder 2.0 – Design any type of header you want, without coding and limits
  • Mega Menu Builder – Create your mega menu easily
  • Footer Builder – Built engaging footers
  • BeBuilder – Payment methods element
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Marketing 2, Furniture Store
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Marketing 2, Furniture Store


  • Shop – Hide unavailable variations when lable is selectedIssue #64167
  • Mobile – Shop – Off-canvas sidebar – Widgets with lazy load



  • BeBuilder – Additional protection against saving empty sections
  • BeBuilder – Section – Background image – Unwanted white background color removed
  • BeBuilder – Image element – Unwanted white background color removed
  • BeBuilder – Image element – Mask shape: Custom – Uploaded image preview in builder windowIssue #63954
  • Google Map element – Info window – Minor PHP notice: undefined index: content
  • Google Map element – Info window – Line break escape
  • Video element – Videos autoplaying and non-responsiveIssue #63965
  • SVG files upload
  • Theme Options – Fonts – Letter spacing – PHP error for some server settings if value is empty

Version 26.3.4

New features

  • Mask shape – Apply beautiful images for headings and set mask shapes for images and videos
  • Backgroud overlay – Overlay backgrounds with opacity or css filters like blur, brightness, contrast, saturation or hue
  • Automatic theme updates – Option to enable built-in WordPress automatic updates for BethemeCheck option
  • Performance – Files location – Builder local styles – Option to print styles inline in header to prevent CLSCheck option
  • Blog & Portfolio – Option to use responsive images with srcset attribute instead of sizes set in Theme OptionsCheck option
  • Lightbox – Add rel=”pdf-lightbox” attribute to open PDF document in popup
  • Blog slider element – One post per slide option
  • Clients slider element – Option to set number of clients per slide
  • Image element – Responsive images support – srcset attribute
  • Map advanced element – Info window – Additional information that would appear on marker click
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Renovate 5, Car Wash 3
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Renovate 5, Car Wash 3


  • Shop – Buttons style: Stroke – Button text color on hoverIssue #63713
  • Shop – Variations select – Inactive options are hidden
  • Templates – Shop: Single product – PayPal plugin hook
  • BeBuilder – First section header menu z-index for some header styles
  • BeBuilder does not update the modified date on pagesIssue #63717
  • Table of contents element – BeBuilder Fancy heading element – Anchor
  • Blog style: Classic – Posts list – Post without image – Container width
  • RTL – Blog teaser element: Post publish date – Icons position

Version 26.3.3

New features

  • New Divider element
  • New Google Fonts – 1406 fonts available
  • Table of contents element – BeBuilder Fancy heading element support
  • Table of contents element – Option to allow user to hide table of contents
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Pregnancy, Language 4
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Pregnancy, Language 4


  • Blog – Single Post – Featured image: Hide – Affects also Blog element post images in post content
  • Hover color element – Gradient background type – Transition durationIssue #63594
  • Testimonials element – Bottom padding attributeIssue #63643
  • Footer – Icon bar element – Link color
  • Shop – Some buttons use ‘action button’ instead of ‘theme button’ color
  • BeBuilder – Pills field – Unable to remove recently added values
  • WPML + Elementor plugins – Betheme custom widgets translationIssue #63476



  • BeBuilder – Section – Advanced attributes tab – Save to local CSS stylesIssue #63555
  • BeBuilder – Column element – Unwanted outline


New features

  • 2 Pre-built websites: Coaching 3, Jeweler 2
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Coaching 3, Jeweler 2


  • BeBuilder – Page Options – Select fields with menu and slider was not updated after modifying them Issue #63498
  • BeBuilder – Builder fields JS file – Change query string version number on some options update to prevent cache
  • BeBuilder – Button element – Scroll option mistakenly marked as deprecated Issue #214012
  • BeBuilder – In very rare cases, a new element style did not overwrite the old one
  • Table of contents element – Exclude WordPress Editor content if page option ‘The Content’ is set to ‘Hide’ Issue #63357
  • Link with class .scroll – Scroll to anchor without # in UR Issue #214000
  • Before After element – Container hieght – Run the script after images loaded
  • Media – Unable to upload any type of file if ‘JSON files upload’ is disabled in Theme Options Issue #214019
  • Theme Options – Fonts: Size & Style – If ‘Auto font size’ is disabled, mobile should inherit font size from the tablet
  • Muffin widgets – Minor JS error in Button element
  • BeCustom plugin – Betheme Dashboard – Theme icon and some missing filters added
  • WPML plugin – String translation – Shop: Wishlist page ID Issue #63423


  • BeCustom plugin – BeBuilder – Custom preloader logo
  • White Label mode – Remove the rest of the template identification informationsSuggestion #63424



  • BeBuilder – Category select fields – PHP error if WooCommerce plugin is not active Issue #63422

Version 26.3.2

New features

  • Shop – Products list – Filters – Option to hide ‘List sorting’ and ‘Results count’ Check feature
  • Shop – Single product – Lightbox options Check feature
  • Icon bar shortcode – Social type: Instagram


  • Shop – Single product – Images gallery – Space below gallery if one of the images is larger than the others Issue #63189
  • Shop – Inactive add to cart button color
  • Shop – Variations visibility if attribute is set to ‘Any..’
  • Shop – Active ‘Add to wishlist’ button color
  • Shop – Live search – Product price format
  • BeBuilder – Select fields with categories and slider plugins was not updated after modifying them
  • BeBuilder – Click on empty space between sections with margin
  • BeBuilder – Color field – Color picker not show the current color Issue #63262
  • BeBuilder – Images gallery element – Images reorder
  • BeBuilder – Element size: 5/6 – Missing HTML tag
  • BeBuilder – Sticky wrap – Clone Issue #63274
  • BeBuilder + BeCustom plugin – Proloader logo removed; Builder logo can be replaced
  • Templates – Shop products page – Breadcrumbs – Page link Issue #63295
  • Pages with BeBuilder and Elementor content – Duplicated lightbox
  • Child theme – BeBuilder – Delete element – Missing warning icon Issue #63336


  • Category select fields – Hierarchical structureFeature request #59823

Version 26.3.1

New features

  • Shop – BeBuilder – Advanced tab for each WooCommerce element
  • Shop – Single product – Gray out unavailable variations. Feature request #63028
  • Social icons – Unlimited number of custom icons can be uploaded. Check feature
  • Mobile – Safari browser – Browser top bar background color. Check feature Feature request #63056
  • Elementor – Be Lottie widget
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Accountant 4, Lottie
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Accountant 4, Lottie


  • Shop – Single product – Add to cart button position
  • Shop – Templates – Single product display conditions
  • Shop – Templates – Single product – Short description element – Parsing shortcodes
  • Shop – Templates – Disabling Custom Variation Swatches
  • Shop – Templates – Variations that changes SKU for specific variation
  • Shop – Different slug and name for attributes not appearing in product variations
  • Shop – Select a larger stock level than the one set with AJAX on
  • Section – Shape dividers – Multiple ‘Gradient Opacity’ dividers color
  • Icon Box element – Link target attribute
  • Icon Box element – Default icon color. Check option
  • Hover color element – Unwanted inline style: border-radius
  • Header Creative – Options: Scrollable + Dropdown menu – Scroll event
  • Entrance Animations – Starting point of the animation when element margin is negative. Issue #63199
  • BeBuilder – Import/Export single page builder content
  • BeBuilder – Gradient field – Disappearing value
  • BeBuilder – Option to hide section. Issue #63187
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Column Text element – Editor window size
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Shortcode manager – Icon select field
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Heading and Icon Box elements – Resize
  • Elementor – PHP Notice – _register_controls is deprecated
  • Gravity Forms plugin + BeBuilder – Server timeout. Issue #63024
  • WPML plugin – Translation Editor – Use local CSS styles from page in native language if styles do not exist


  • Shop – Templates – Changes are even more live and instant

Version 26.3

New features

  • Lottie animation element. Read more →
  • Section – Shape dividers. Read more →
  • New Icon Box element. Read more →
  • Element presets
  • Accessibility – ESC key closes active menu
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Personal Trainer 3, IT Service 6
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Personal Trainer 3, IT Service 6


  • BeBuilder – Typography field – Responsive values
  • BeBuilder – Tabs field (Accordion, FAQ, Tabs)
  • BeBuilder – History – Autosave every 5 minutes
  • BeBuilder – New wrap size on tablet
  • BeBuilder – Element edit – Advanced tab – Responsive visibility
  • BeBuilder – Sidebar widget element – Content disappears if first sidebar is selected
  • BeBuilder – Data Storage – Issue with importing templates when Serialized data storage set
  • Accessibility – Side slide menu – Close menu on Enter key press on menu link
  • Main menu – Arrows for Items with Submenu
  • Shop – Search results – Price includes tax if this option is selected
  • Rank Math SEO plugin – Content update on builder element remove

Version 26.2.1


  • BeBuilder – Section – Divider element – Size
  • BeBuilder – Tabs element – PHP error
  • BeBuilder – Column Text element – Inline editor – Font family select
  • Firefox – BeBuilder – Typography field – Font family select

Version 26.2

New features

  • BeBuilder – Undo/Redo
  • Table of contents element – BeBuilder Heading element support
  • Translate – Shop – “Wishlist is empty” + “Go to shop” translation strings


  • Accessibility – Keyboard support – Main menu link with submenu
  • Section – Navigation arrows – Arrows visibility and scroll offset
  • Post edit screen – Featured image – SVG image height
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Image gallery element preview – SVG images
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Box shadow field – Colorpicker value
  • WPML plugin – Translation Editor – Use local CSS styles from page in native language if styles do not exist


  • BeBuilder – Speed improvements
  • BeBuilder – Single Product Template – Preview
  • BeBuilder – Shop Archive Template – Preview

Version 26.1

New features

  • Accessibility. Check feature → – Keyboard support – Improves core navigation functionalities for non-mouse users; also, it adds ARIA Landmark Roles – Underline links – Make content links more distinguishable from surrounding content by adding underline – Repetitive link title – Use post title in addition to the “Read more” text – Warning on links – When spawning new window or tab, warn the user using browser alert method
  • Theme Options – Logo – Option to set different SVG logo width on tablet and mobile. Check feature →
  • Table of contents element – Links format select – SEO friendly or Simple (for languages based on non URL friendly characters)
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Car Rental 3, Food Truck 2
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Car Rental 3, Food Truck 2


  • BeBuilder – Elements – Entrance animations – Start when the element is visible
  • Article box element – Border radius
  • Featured image for all post types – SVG image width
  • Header Creative – Dropdown submenu – Menu width
  • JS – Removed deprecated size() function
  • CSS – Google fonts with spaces in their name are not quoted
  • Elementor widget – List – SVG icon
  • Mobile – Shop – Single product – Content wrapper width
  • Mobile – Overflow logo covers icons
  • Shop – Templates – Categories and Tags – Conditions
  • Shop – Templates – Product description – Element styles
  • Shop – Checkout – Stripe payment
  • BeCustom plugin + BeBuilder – Missing filters added
  • Classic Editor plugin + Disable full-height editor – Edit with BeBuilder button
  • Enhancer for WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin – PHP error – Call to a member function get_id

Version 26.0.2


  • BeBuilder – Option to hide section
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Options to hide and collapse section
  • BeBuilder Blocks – Column element – Typography options
  • Blog – Single post – Option to hide Featured image – Unwanted space removed
  • Contact box shortcode – Background
  • Footer – Call to action – Column width
  • Map advanced element – Contact box background
  • Share box shortcode – Show even if Share Box is disabled in Theme Options
  • Sliding box element – Title bar – Global background and color
  • Theme Options – Subheader transparency – Unable to save ‘0’ value
  • Under Construction page
  • Mobile – Blog – Single post – Intro header width
  • Shop – Single product – Columns margin
  • Shop – Filters position and select box-shadow
  • Shop – Widget: Be Shop Attributes – Checkbox click
  • Shop – Wishlist page

Version 26.0.1


  • Minor PHP Warning: trim() expect paremater to be string
  • Minor PHP Notice: Undefined index
  • Rank Math SEO plugin – JS console error: Missing dependencies

Version 26.0

New featuresBeBuilder with Advanced Content Management. What you see is what you get.

    • Dimensions, paddings and margins
    • Flexible positioning
    • Responsive editing
    • In-line editing
    • Layer Navigator
    • Handy tools on right click
    • Auto, Light & Dark UI mode
    • Keyboard shortcuts
    • And much more awesome features to improve your workflow. Read more →
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Blogger 4, Business 5
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Blogger 4, Business 5



  • Muffin Live – PHP error preventing opening

Version 25.1.9

New features

  • 2 Pre-built websites: Event 8, Landing 4
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Event 8, Landing 4


  • Table of contents element – Links generated from headings text – Latin extended characters
  • Sidebar widget element – Unwanted padding removed
  • Elementor – Be Timeline widget – Duplicated date on mobile
  • Minor PHP Warning: Undefined array key ‘s’

Version 25.1.8

New features

  • Header style: Shop split. Check feature →
  • Shop – Colors – Single product – Image icon color and background. Check feature →
  • Shop – Colors – Add to wishlist icon color. Check feature →
  • Pricing item – Option to use icon name as list item title, ie. icon-check will be displayed as check icon
  • Pricing item – Option to use simple shortcodes in list item title, ie. [icon type=”icon-check” color=”#fff”]
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Agency 7, Whiskey 2
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Agency 7, Whiskey 2


  • Shop – Hook: woocommerce_after_main_content – Unwanted margin removed
  • Shop – Single product – Images gallery – Transparent images background on hover
  • Shop – Single product – Add to cart button – Border radius when Button style: Custom is selected
  • Header Creative – Dropdown submenu – Top bar right position
  • Header Creative – Dropdown submenu – Unwanted border removed
  • Transparency: Top Bar with menu for Header style: Shop
  • Theme Options – Buttons – Change between Classic and Custom buttons if ‘Google Fonts: Load from Google’ option is disabled in Performance tab
  • Theme Options – Subheader padding on mobile – No effect if 0 entered
  • Theme Options – Misleading option name for Single Post – ‘Zoom image’ -> ‘Featured image click’
  • Minor PHP Warning: Undefined array key ‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’
  • Elementor – Table of contents widget – Marker view – Unified margin
  • Elementor – Table of contents widget – Scroll to heading after link click


  • Table of contents element – Links generated from headings text

Version 25.1.7

New features

  • Elementor – Table of contents widget – Creates a snapshot of the headings in your page
  • Rank Math SEO plugin – Muffin Builder content analysis
  • Search results page – Post image links to post details page
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Tire, Book 2
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Tire, Book 2


  • Table of contents element – Scroll after link click – Missing top spacing
  • Table of contents element – Marker type: Icon – Font family
  • Muffin Live – Table of contents element – Rerender after attribute change
  • Muffin Live – Table of contents element – Missing element icon
  • Dropcap shortcode – Custom font size in px, Font family
  • Offer slider element – Offer item without title – Empty space
  • Fancy heading element inside Accordion content – Title – Font size and color
  • Blog – Single Post – PHP warning for post excerpt when featured image is not set
  • Blog – Single Post – Blog element used in post content – Featured image link and size
  • Image item – SVG image disappears if Size is selected other than Full size
  • Theme Options – Sticky subheader position
  • Post edit screen – Edit with Muffin Live button on narrow screen
  • Elementor preview window – Offer Slider Thumb – Thumbnail images



  • PHP error on certain server settings after theme installation

Version 25.1.6

New features

  • Table of contents element – Creates a snapshot of the headings in your page
  • Social icons – Drag & drop to change order. Check feature →
  • Single post, portfolio and product – Edit with Muffin Live Builder link in the Admin Bar
  • Idea shortcode – Icon select and border radius attributes
  • Column element – “Text” alias
  • Column element – Code editor – Toolbar – Paragraph shortcut
  • Muffin Builder – Preview link next to default WordPress preview button
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Eco Food 2, Shop Assistant
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Eco Food 2, Shop Assistant


  • Shop – Single product template – Product meta element – Layout: Table – Commas between tags
  • Live builder – Page options – Layout field – Unwanted checkboxes
  • Theme Options – Header height on mobile – No effect if 0 entered
  • Theme Options – Buttons – Change between classic and custom buttons
  • Elementor – Page Layout: Elementor Canvas – HTML lists – Default style
  • Forms – Select field focus – Background color
  • Column element – Shortcode manager – Content link – Missing link field
  • RTL – Header icons – Circle with count – Position
  • RTL – Live search form
  • RTL – Header login popup
  • Classic Editor plugin – Column element – Unwanted content scroll
  • WPML plugin – Translate Everything compatibility



  • Classic Editor plugin – Visual editor in column element

Version 25.1.5

New features

  • Performance – CSS – Option to use minified theme CSS files. Check feature →
  • Performance – JS – Option to use minified theme JS files. Check feature →
  • Performance – Cache assets – Set expiration dates for assets according to PageSpeed Insights guidelines. Check feature →
  • Performance – Option to move all theme CSS files to footer. Check feature →
  • Shop – My Account page and Popup My Account menu – Paypal and Stripe icons
  • Shop – Attributes – Color – Option to insert HEX color instead of using color picker
  • Shop – Plugin: Mix and Match Products compatibility
  • New Google Fonts – 1321 fonts available
  • Shortcode – Inline countdown [countdown_inline date=”12/30/2021 12:00:00″]
  • Custom Font – Unlimited number of fonts can be uploaded
  • Single Post – Custom CSS field for specified post
  • Single Portfolio project – Custom CSS field for specified project
  • Muffin Builder – Option to apply filters before builder content print ‘mfn_builder_items_show’
  • Action bar – Slogan – Parse inline shortcodes
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Wallet 2, Design 4
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Wallet 2, Design 4


  • Templates – Shop – Conditions – Exclude
  • Templates – Muffin Builder – Edit with Live Builder button – Wrong URL
  • Live Builder – Visual editor in column element – Visual/Text switch
  • Live Builder – Shortcodes Manager – Icon select – Modal closes Shortcodes Manager
  • Performance – Google Fonts – Local or disabled – Remove custom font request from editor styles
  • Responsive (768px – 959px) – Header style Classic – Menu button position
  • Elementor – One page – Active on scroll


  • Shop – Single product – Style: Default – Description tabs – Tab change transition

Version 25.1.4

New features

  • Live Builder – Column item – Option to use visual instead of code editor [ Live Builder > Settings > Column item editor ]
  • Live Builder – Open element edit panel when left click on element in Builder window
  • Shop – NEW badge for products – NEW badge text. Check feature →
  • Theme Options – Translate – Shop tab. Check feature →
  • Before After element – Option to set “Before” and “After” labels for each element
  • Sticky navigation arrows – Option to hide date in default style. Check feature →
  • Mobile menu – Style: Default – Close the menu after link click
  • Elementor widget – Countdown – Number font size
  • Elementor widget – Hover color – Border radius
  • Plugin: BeCustom – Option to hide Betheme survey in dashboard
  • Plugin: W3 Total Cache – Empty cache when Theme Options save
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Event 7, Baby Shop
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Event 7, Baby Shop


  • Shop – Checkout page – Unwanted transparency in select dropdown removed
  • Shop – Side Cart – Price update when some price plugins used
  • Shop – Quick view – Custom variation swatches – Hide default variation inputs
  • Shop – Plugin: Mix and Match Products – Quantity fields and some basic styles
  • Templates – Shop – Template for specified tag
  • Live Builder – New page with title added then saved as draft and edited with Live Builder – Unwanted title change
  • Live Builder – Edit with Muffin Live Builder link in the Admin Bar
  • Live Builder – Left panel resize handler position after resize
  • Muffin Builder – Before After element – Preview image overlay z-index
  • Login popup – Redirect to login page if form submitted without any data
  • My account – Login form – Missing form validation message
  • Pre-built websites – Set homepage to display the Home page instead of latest posts
  • Pre-built sections – Elements with field type “tabs” import – Content replaced with the “A” character
  • Option to hide WordPress Editor – Restored post title field
  • Mobile – Header style: Shop + Mobile menu style: Default
  • Header style: Transparent + Menu style: Highlight – Menu position
  • Header style: Creative – Action bar slogan and social icons position
  • Section style: Dark – More visible link color
  • White Label – Dashboard – Betheme survey removed
  • Removing builder content when creating a new page with Muffin Builder and clicking Live Builder button without refreshing the page
  • Search results page – “View product” instead of “Read more” text next to shop products
  • Search results page – Default options values when you update from older theme version
  • RTL – Blog slider, Clients slider, Portfolio slider & Shop slider elements – Title and arrows position
  • Contact Form 7 plugin – Form message position


  • Shop – Theme Options – Notice to install WooCommerce only if plugin is not installed or activated
  • Live Builder – Settings are now stored in database instead of cookie
  • Blog – Filter by author – Display only authors with posts


  • WPML compatibility – WPML config file – GDPR fields

Version 25.1.3

New features

  • Shop – Category page – Additional content field above and below products list
  • Live search as Builder element
  • Live search – Enter and Escape keys support, click outside box to close
  • Live search – Translation of some text. Check feature →
  • Search page – Layout options. Check feature →
  • Single Post options – Full width page or content
  • Single Portfolio options – Full width page or content
  • Option to hide WordPress Editor if you use only Muffin Builder. Check feature →
  • Fancy link shortcode – Option to select Google Font
  • Fancy link shortcode – Style: Icon below link
  • Highlight shortcode – Style: Underline
  • WPML plugin – Translate Everything compatibility
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Franchise, Cottage 3
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Franchise, Cottage 3


  • Shop – Quick view – Hide unvanted default variations
  • Shop – Quick view – Parse shortcodes
  • Shop – Single product template – Short description – Parse shortcodes
  • Shop slider element – Unwanted style tab removed
  • Shop – Checkout page – Stripe payment separator removed
  • Live Builder – Shop products – Duplicated layout options on font size change
  • Search – Search in shop products only – Sidebar position
  • Template: Single product – Product content element in full width section – Margin of inner elements
  • Header style: Shop – Main menu position when there is only one menu selected
  • Custom icons – Icomoon icon name including comma
  • Info box, Opening hours elements – Tabs shows even when all items removed


New features

  • SVG files upload. Check feature →
  • Side slide menu – Close the menu on One page after link click


  • Shop – Checkout – Payment method – PayPal
  • Shop – Checkout – “Procced to PayPal” button text if Paypal is selected as payment method
  • Shop – Cart – “Your cart is empty” message
  • Shop – Quick view – Variation select
  • Header style: Shop + Mega Menu style: Default
  • Builder – Empty section added – Minor PHP notice
  • – Custom icons – Upload path


  • HTML5 video – Native browser player – Preload attribute set to metadata

Version 25.1.2

New features

  • Fancy link shortcode – Font size attribute
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Agency 6, Diet Shop
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Agency 6, Diet Shop


  • Shop – Products list – Check if AJAX add to cart option is enabled in WooCommerce settings before adding to cart
  • Shop – Grouped product – Check in any product is selected before adding to cart
  • Shop – Products list – Items background color – Affects also Builder elements
  • Shop – Price filter widget – Slider – Range color
  • Shop – External/Affiliate product – Add to cart button text
  • Shop – Single product shortcode
  • Shop – Missing woocommerce_before_main_content hook
  • Blog & Portfolio – Posts list – Items background color – Affects also Builder elements
  • Image frame – Other than Modern overlay – Unwanted tooltip removed
  • Image element – Option to hide border
  • Mobile – Portfolio style: List
  • Theme Options – Remove shadows – Image frame mask
  • WPBakery Page Builder – Portfolio element – Lightbox
  • Child theme – Custom icons upload path


  • CSS in head – Better minify method

Version 25.1.1

New features

  • Muffin Builder – Column item – Option to use visual instead of code editor [ Muffin Builder > Settings > Column item editor ]


  • Muffin Builder – Builder content when update from very old Betheme version
  • Shop – Cart page – Cart totals – Shipping address position
  • Shop – Side cart: Disabled – Add to cart
  • Shop – Single product – Hide description tab if content is empty
  • Image Frame – Default mask color was set to #fff without opacity
  • Firefox browser – Shop – Side cart opens when browser Back button clicked
  • Iubenda Cookie Baner compatibility – Buttons


  • Live Builder – Visual item – Editor size and look



  • Shop – Product cart button – Button text – Default text instead of empty string
  • Shop – Widget cart – Update on add to cart action
  • Header style: Shop + Mega Menu style: Default – Menu position and width
  • User icon when Avatar Display is disabled
  • Login – Close login window on click outside the modal
  • GDPR Cookie Bar – z-index


  • Plugin: BeCustom – Visual Builder compatibility



  • Sticky header – Main menu + Side slide visibility
  • User icon when Default Avatar is set Blank
  • Search – Live Search without WooCommerce plugin

Version 25.1

New features

  • Search – Live Search. Check feature →
  • Header – Style: Shop. Check feature →
  • Shop – Quick Preview. Check feature →
  • Shop – Off-canvas sidebar
  • Shop – Bottom sticky menu on mobile. Check feature →
  • Shop – 2 products per row on mobile. Check feature →
  • Shop – Infinite load – Load products endlessly as you scroll down the page. Check feature →
  • Shop – NEW badge for products not older than xxx days. Check feature →
  • Shop – Layout switcher. Check feature →
  • Shop – Number of products per page. Check feature →
  • Shop – Active filters above products list. Check feature →
  • Shop – Product Breadcrumbs element
  • Shop – Ajax open side cart after adding the product to the cart
  • Image Frame – Modern Overlay. Check feature →
  • Customizable Alerts. Check feature →
  • Tooltip – Up, Bottom, Left & Right position
  • Performance – Load Google Fonts from CDN, Locally or disable completely. Check feature →
  • Performance – On/Off Font Awesome. Check feature →
  • Performance – On/Off Gutenberg Block Editor. Check feature →
  • Performance – On/Off WordPress Dashicons. Check feature →
  • Performance – On/Off WordPress Emoji. Check feature →
  • Performance – Header/Footer jQuery location. Check feature →
  • Page options – Full width page or content
  • Sidebar – Style: Simple – Without background and border. Check feature →
  • Hover color element – Border radius attribute
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Nursing Home, Default Store
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Nursing Home, Default Store


  • Login – Close login window on click outside the modal
  • Muffin Builder – Preview
  • Dynamic theme styles – PHP variable type warning
  • Shop – “Remove” text in the cart translatable


  • Wishlist – changed to subfolder + cookie name
  • Theme Options – Google fonts list loading

Version 25.0.4

New features

  • Muffin Builder – Option to reverse elements order on mobile
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Event 6, Dentist 4
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Event 6, Dentist 4


  • Shop – Variation Swatches – Attributes – Visible on the product page
  • Shop – Multiple products – Quantity input
  • Shop – Wishlist – Cookie unique name and path
  • Mobile – Menu style: Classic – Icons position
  • White Label – Muffin Builder – Introduction guide



  • Cache plugins compatibility



  • GDPR – Dynamic theme styles – PHP Warning
  • Shop – Single product – Hide description tab if content is empty
  • Blog – Single post – Author avatar – PHP Notice

Version 25.0.3

New features

  • GDPR Cookie Bar Check option →
  • Builders – Color field – HTML color names and CSS variables support
  • Blog – Single post – Option to hide featured images. Check option →
  • Portfolio – Single portfolio – Option to hide featured images. Check option →
  • Shop – Option to disable Custom Variation Swatches if you use external plugin. Check option →


  • Shop – Variation Swatches – Custom product attributes separated by “|”
  • Woo Builder – Single product – Duplicated product content
  • Muffin Builder + Classic Editor plugin – Accidentally post update by clicking the Enter key
  • Header Plain – Top bar right – Position
  • Countdown element – Unwanted bottom spacing


  • Translation Files – New translation strings

Version 25.0.2


  • Elementor – Widget Panel not loading


  • Popup Contact Form – Close modal when click outside modal

Version 25.0.1


  • Shop – Muffin Shop Attributes widget
  • PHP notice – Failed to send buffer of zlib output compression


  • Muffin Builder – Settings are now stored in database instead of cookie

Version 25.0

New features

  • Shop – Muffin WooBuilder – Backend & Fronted editor [Read more]
  • Shop – Custom Templates for Shop & Single Product with conditions [Read more]
  • Shop – Custom Variation Swatches – Select, color, image & label [Read more]
  • Shop – Drop-down Login form & User panel links [Check feature]
  • Shop – Wishlist [Check feature]
  • Shop – Side Cart [Check feature]
  • Shop – 16 Builder elements for WooCommerce [Read more]
  • Shop – 11 Product image gallery styles
  • Shop – Default Single Product style
  • Shop – Sale Badge styles – Star, label & percent
  • Shop – Muffin Shop Attributes widget [Check feature]
  • Builder – Wrap – Sticky wraps [Check feature]
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Business 4, Clothing Store
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Business 4, Clothing Store


  • Elementor 3.4 – Betheme elements – Icons


  • WPML compatibility – WPML config file


New features

  • Dashboard – Betheme survey – Be needs your opinion to make the theme better for YOU. Take survey

Version 24.0.3

New features

  • Single page import by copying pre-built website page URL [ Muffin Builder > Single page import icon ]
  • Infinite load for Blog & Portfolio – Load posts endlessly as you scroll down the page [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Blog/Portfolio > Infinite scroll ]
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Flower 2, Church 3
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Flower 2, Church 3


  • Muffin Builder – Column item – Shortcode manager – Share box
  • Muffin Builder + Classic Editor plugin – Column item – Shortcode manager – Unwanted scroll
  • WPBakery Page Builder – Be Popup shortcode


  • WordPress 5.8 – Block widgets compatibility

Version 24.0.2

New features

  • Custom Icons – Choose, upload and use exactly the icons you actually need [ Betheme > Icons ]
  • 3 Pre-built websites: eBook 3, Cottage 2, Consultant 2
  • 22 Elementor pre-built websites: Blogger 3, Cleaner 2, Honey, Biker 3, App 5, Print 3, SeaJourney, Factory 2, Webinar, Boxing, Taxi 2, Marathon, Video 3, Hosting 3, Spa 4, SEO 3, Lawyer 5, Transport 3, Insurance 3, eBook 3, Cottage 2, Consultant 2


  • WordPress 5.8 – Muffin Builder – Introduction guide – Overlay z-index
  • Live Builder – Pre-built sections – Unwanted duplication of sections
  • Live Builder – Site settings: Plain permalinks
  • Muffin Builder – Add item modal – Space key used in search field
  • Slider item – Style: Flat – Arrows background removed



  • Plugin: BeCustom – Theme Options compatibility


  • Betheme dashboard – Minor code cleanup



  • Elementor 3.3 – Pre-built websites – Fatal error while importing Elementor pre-built website


  • Article box item – CSS changed to flex for a better look

Version 24.0.1

New features

  • Plugin: BeCustom – Re-brand Be to your own product
  • Live Builder – Page Options
  • Live Builder – New page and draft support
  • Muffin Builder – New section – One click template insert
  • Muffin Builder – 54 New Pre-built sections
  • Header style: Overlay – Close with ESC key
  • WordPress 5.8 Compatibility – Tested with the Beta 2 version


  • Live Builder – Tabs field – HTML tag in live preview
  • Muffin Builder – Wrap divider – Prevent double click
  • Theme Options – Shadows – Include Accordion and Tabs items [ Theme Options > Global > Advanced > Options > Shadows ]
  • Theme Options – Prefefined Theme Skin – Lightbox close button
  • WPBakery Page Builder – Duplicated lightbox

Version 24.0

New features

  • The only such fast & intuitive Live Builder
  • View an element and customise it at the same time
  • Live responsive preview for desktop, table & mobile
  • 4 Pre-built websites: Surfing 2, Mechanic 7, Tea 4, Interior 6
  • 26 Elementor pre-built websites: Blogger 2, Car Wash 2, Paintball 2, Ice Cream 2, Halloween, Coach, Oculist 2, Driving 2, Plumber 2, Spa 5, Call Center 2, Party 2, Horse 2, 3D Print, Kindergarten 3, Repair 3, Language 3, Xmas 3, Eco 3, Fisher, Dance School 2, Eco Food, Surfing 2, Mechanic 7, Tea 4, Interior 6


  • Muffin Builder – Pre-built sections – Unique IDs
  • Muffin Builder + Classic Editor plugin – Item preview image width
  • Shop – Checkout – Order received – Address box styles
  • Elementor plugin – Site settings – Page Layout: Elementor – BeGallery widget


  • Muffin Builder – Element edit – Double click on element to edit

Version 23.0.4

New features

  • Muffin Builder – Wrap – Inline CSS field
  • Muffin Builder – Column – Preview – Table
  • FAQ item – Style: Toggle
  • 5 Pre-built websites: Finance 2, Consultant, Estate 3, Renovate 4, Loans 4
  • 5 Elementor pre-built websites: Steak 2, Wedding Planner, Band 4, Electric 2, City Hall


  • Muffin Builder – Section header labels – Title & ID
  • Muffin Builder – Element options – Switch fields default values
  • Muffin Builder – Pre-completed items OFF – Tabs filed
  • Muffin Builder – Shortcode manager – Icon shortcode – Color field
  • Muffin Builder – Settings – Time the cookie expires – Extended
  • Muffin Builder + Classic Editor plugin – Item preview image width
  • Theme Options – Option to disable digits animation in Counter [ Theme Options > Advanced > Options > Animate digits ]
  • Theme Options – Translate – Duplicated “Tags” field removed

Version 23.0.3

New features

  • Muffin Builder – Settings: Hover effects OFF – Add Section button always visible


  • Muffin Builder – Add item in wrap smaller than or equal to 1/2 – Item size label
  • Pricing item – Featured ON
  • Slider plugin item – Layer Slider – Sliders list
  • Under Construction page + Header Creative right – Right padding removed
  • Muffin Builder 3 & Theme Options 3 – White Label
  • PHP 8 – Theme Options – Dimensions field – Define default value as array


  • Theme Options – Sidebars – Field CSS class – Blocked by Adblock plugin


  • WPML 4.5 Compatibility – WPML config file

Version 23.0.2

New features

  • Muffin Builder – Custom classes – Show separate classes as pills
  • New Google Fonts – 1052 fonts available


  • Muffin Builder – Hover Effects OFF – Placeholder item icons
  • Theme Options – Logo – Height

Version 23.0.1

New features

  • Muffin Builder – Option to disable hover effects For those who prefer our previous version of the builder we’ve added an option to display item bars fixed [ Muffin Builder > Settings > Hover effects ]
  • Muffin Builder – Simple view – Item labels For those who prefer our previous version of the builder we’ve added item labels in Simple view [ Muffin Builder > Settings > Simple view ]
  • Option to disable built-in HTML5 video player and use native browser player [ Theme Options > Global > Advanced > Theme functions > HTML5 player ]


  • Muffin Builder – Back to top button restored
  • Muffin Builder – Muffin Builder – Item preview – Image max-width
  • Muffin Builder + Classic Editor plugin – Full-height editor – Unwanted scroll to top
  • Image and Video items – HTML resize – Width and height attribute


  • Preformance – CSS files combined and minified

Version 23.0

New features

  • Muffin Builder 3 with more intuitive UI
  • Instant access to Pre-Built sections
  • Builder revisions with easy backup restoration
  • Import & Export of content or single sections
  • Text Editor with code highlighter and shortcode manager
  • Improved section with tons of new features
  • Useful icon select with quick search & Font Awesome 5 included
  • Brand new look of Theme Options 3

Version 22.0.3

New features

  • Header sticky – Logo – Option to set auto width [ Theme Options > Global > Logo > Advanced > Sticky Logo | Width auto ]
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Coworking, Hemp
  • 7 Elementor pre-built websites: Interactive 2, Car Rental 2, Tutor, Swimming Pool, App 6, Coworking, Hemp


  • WPML – Image item – HTML resize – Width and height attribute



  • WooCommerce 5.2 – Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files

Version 22.0.2

New features

  • Elementor widget – Flat box – Option to use image instead of icon
  • 5 Pre-built websites: App 7, Grocery 2, AI, Baker 3, Pizza 5
  • 7 Elementor pre-built websites: IT Service 3, Tailor 3, Restaurant 5, Club 3, Security 3, Baker 3, Pizza 5


  • Header: Stack – Removed unwanted border in sticky and on mobile
  • WPML Media Translation – Image item – Image URL

Version 22.0.1

New features

  • 5 Pre-built websites: Agency 4, Corporation 2, Business 3, IT Service 5, Dietitian 3
  • 8 Elementor pre-built websites: Handyman 2, Psychologist 2, Mall, Food Truck, Rally Driver, Hotel 5, IT Service 5, Dietitian 3

Version 22.0

New features

  • WordPress 5.7 Compatibility – Tested with the Beta 3 version
  • 6 Pre-built websites: Detailing 4, Mechanic 6, Store 2, Clothing 2, Internet 3, Webmaster 2
  • 15 Elementor pre-built websites: Band 5, Cafe 3, Loans 3, Journey 2, Astrology, Wedding Services, Company 6, Pay 2, Copywriter 2, Wine 3, Restaurant 6, Product 5, Grocery, Internet 3, Webmaster 2


  • Offer Slider Thumb – Thumbnail
  • Fixed: Header – Cart icon + Header Builder plugin


  • Grayscale image – Now uses CSS instead of JS

Version 21.9.9

New features

  • WooCommerce 5.0 Compatibility – Tested with the RC3 version
  • 6 Pre-built websites: Course 2, Personal Trainer 2, Records 2, CV 2, History, Cleaner 3
  • 10 Elementor pre-built websites: Course, Medical Shop, Politics 2, Psychologist 3, Medical Shop 2, Lab 3, Craft Beer, Fire Brigade, History, Cleaner 3


  • Breadcrumbs – Last item link – Link prefix i.e. www
  • Portfolio style: Masonry Flat – Grid width
  • Shop – List layout – Show secondary product image on hover

Version 21.9.8

New features

  • 2 Pre-built websites: Barber 4, Funfair
  • 16 Elementor pre-built websites: Mining 2, Party 3, Massage 2, Training 2, ERP 2, Home 2, Barman 2, Artist 3, Developer 4, Data, Charity 3, Clinic 4, Model 3, Restaurant 7, Barber 4, Funfair


  • Blog – Masonry style + Load more option – Force Isotope reload
  • Sticky header – Logo – SVG logo width

Version 21.9.7

New features

  • 2 Pre-built websites: Industry 2, Farm 2
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Industry 2, Farm 2


  • Custom fonts + Custom button
  • Slider item – Show image alt text as caption for lightbox image

Version 21.9.6

New features

  • 2 Pre-built websites: Print 4, Photography 3
  • 10 Elementor pre-built websites: Event 5, Haidresser 3, Home 3, Bistro 4, Creative 4, Clinic 5, Computer Shop, Car Parts, Print 4, Photography 3


  • HTML select – Default WordPress arrow icon
  • WordPress 5.6 – Parallax – Translate3d
  • WordPress 5.6 – Retina logo – Height
  • WordPress 5.6 + Elementor – Stretch section – Element width


  • Portfolio – Project link – Disable details – Omit related projects

Version 21.9.5

New features

  • WordPress 5.6 Compatibility – Tested with the RC4 version
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Finance 4, Kindergarten 4
  • 10 Elementor pre-built websites: Finance 3, Travel 2, Ski 2, Media 2, Handyman 3, Pest Control, Corporation 3, Spa 6, Finance 4, Kindergarten 4

Version 21.9.4

New features

  • New Google Fonts – 1017 fonts available
  • Custom Layout – Header height
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Scooter Rental, Party 4
  • 13 Elementor pre-built websites: Firm 2, IT Service 4, Optics, Agency 5, GSM Service 2, Aromatherapy, Festival 2, Leasing, Factory 3, Portfolio 2, Landing 3, Scooter Rental, Party 4


  • Story box item – Hide image container if image is not selected
  • Mobile – How it works item – Item without image


  • Custom Layout – Header Minimalist If you used Header Minimalist please adjust new Header height option after update

Version 21.9.3

New features

  • WordPress 5.6 Compatibility – Tested with the RC3 version
  • PHP 8 Compatibility – Tested with the RC3 version
  • Pre-built website: Portfolio 2, Landing 3

Version 21.9.2

New features

  • Pre-built website: Wedding Band, Factory 3


  • Google Fonts – URL parameter – display=swap
  • Header Plain – Custom button – Action button height



  • Theme Options – Sidebars & Post Type | Disable

Version 21.9.1

New features

  • Theme Options – Header height [ Theme Options > Header & Subheader > Header > Height ]
  • Theme Options – Header height on mobile [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header > Header height ]
  • Theme Options – Subheader padding on mobile [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header > Subheader padding ]
  • Quick fact item – Heading & Title tag select (H1 – H6)
  • Pre-built website: Corporation 3, Spa 6


  • HTML Table in the Content – Table width
  • Slider Revolution – Module general options – CSS/jQuery


  • Theme Options – Header Minimalist If you used Header Minimalist please adjust new Header height option after update

Version 21.9

New features

  • Pre-built website: Handyman 3, Pest Control


  • Muffin Builder – Decimal with coma instead of dots on some hosting

Version 21.8.9

New features

  • Pre-built website: Ski 2, Media 2

Version 21.8.8

New features

  • Pre-built website: Car Parts, Travel 2

Version 21.8.7

New features

  • Pre-built website: Leasing, Computer Shop


  • Shop – Widget – Filter products by price – Slider handle size

Version 21.8.6

New features

  • Pre-built website: Aromatherapy, Festival 2


  • Shop – Photoswipe lightbox – Control buttons
  • Elementor Pro – Products widget – Product width


  • Open Graph description tag – If excerpt not set use page description


New features

  • Pre-built website: Agency 5, GSM Service 2



  • Elementor Compatibility

Version 21.8.5

New features

  • Elementor Be widgets – WPML Compatibility
  • Pre-built website: IT Service 4, Optics


  • Custom CSS & JS field + Disable syntax highlighting
  • Custom buttons + Magnific Popup – Close button size

Version 21.8.4

New features

  • Custom CSS & JS field – Syntax highlighter
  • Footer – Full width layout
  • Password protected post & page – Body class ‘password-protected’
  • Pre-built website: Finance 3, Firm 2


  • Blog Slider item – Style: Flat – Navigation arrows
  • Form – Input type submit – Font size
  • Contact form – Response message position
  • Pricing item – Button size
  • Search results page – Browser title bar title
  • Theme options – Radio image – 5th image position
  • Ukrainian Translation – File name

Version 21.8.3

New features

  • Custom buttons
  • Elementor pre-built website: CV 2
  • Pre-built website: Clinic 5


  • Blog – Single – Related posts – Minor PHP notice

Version 21.8.2

New features

  • Pre-built website: Bistro 4, Creative 4


  • Slider item & shortcode – Desktop mouse dragging
  • Muffin Builder – Go to top button
  • Blog style: Photo 2 – Image alignment

Version 21.8.1

New features

  • WooCommerce 4.4 Compatibility – Tested with the Beta1 version
  • Elementor pre-built website: Records 2
  • Pre-built website: Home 3


  • Mobile – Shop – Cart – Coupon input and button

Version 21.8

New features

  • WordPress 5.5 Compatibility – Tested with the RC1 version
  • Elementor pre-built website: Clothing 2
  • Pre-built website: Hairdresser 3


  • Color picker – Alpha channel (transparency) – Bar position
  • Contact form – Form border on form submit – Removed
  • Header: Modern + Sticky header – Top bar right border
  • Safari browser – Header: Modern – Top bar right border

Version 21.7.9

New features

  • Elementor pre-built website: Store 2
  • Pre-built website: Event 5


  • Blog – Single – Header: Transparent + Minimalist


New features

  • Elementor pre-built website: Mechanic 6
  • Pre-built website: Restaurant 7

Version 21.7.8

New features

  • Elementor pre-built website: Detailing 4
  • Pre-built website: Model 3


  • Portfolio – Single – WordPress Block Editor – Categories
  • Blog – Single – Header: Transparent + Header: Intro
  • Shop – Store notice – Bar position
  • Elementor – Portfolio page – Extra content – Redundant margin


  • Install Plugins – Misleading ‘type’ column removed

Version 21.7.7

New features

  • Elementor pre-built website: Personal Trainer 2
  • Pre-built website: Charity 3, Clinic 4


  • Elementor – Be Countdown – Date format

Version 21.7.6

New features

  • Toolset plugin compatibility
  • Portfolio – Single – WordPress Block Editor support
  • Google Fonts – URL parameter “swap” according to new guidelines
  • Header Builder plugin + One Page – Active on scroll
  • Elementor pre-built website: Business 3
  • Pre-built website: Developer 4, Data


  • Blog – Single – Header: Transparent + Minimalist – Header covering content
  • Elementor – Muffin Popup shortcode

Version 21.7.5

New features

  • Pre-built websites – Built-in database reset tool
  • Elementor pre-built website: Corporation 2
  • Pre-built website: Barman 2, Artist 3


New features

  • Elementor pre-built website: Agency 4
  • Pre-built website: Massage 2, Training 2

Version 21.7.4

New features

  • New Google Fonts – 991 fonts available
  • Elementor pre-built website: Agency 4
  • Pre-built website: Massage 2, Training 2


  • Counter inline shortcode – Unclosed HTML tag typo


  • Button shortcode – Onclick attribute – Removed for security reasons

Version 21.7.3

New features

  • Muffin Builder item – Shop
  • Elementor widget – Shop
  • Elementor pre-built website: Grocery 2, AI
  • Pre-built website: Mining 2, Party 3


  • Block editor – Gallery – Crop images
  • Elementor – Counter widget – Style: horizontal


  • Shop – Products – On sale product – Star hue depend on theme color

Version 21.7.2

New features

  • 3 Elementor widgets: Fancy divider, Feature list, Info box
  • Blog item – Option to hide the excerpt
  • Elementor pre-built website: Loans 4, App 7


  • Blog – Archives – Unwanted content of the first post
  • Elementor – Slider widgets – Pagination dots – Centered

Version 21.7.1

New features

  • 15 Elementor widgets: Accordion, Clients slider, FAQ, Gallery, Offer slider, Offer slider thumbs, Portfolio photo, Portfolio slider, Progress bars, Shop slider, Slider, Tabs, Testimonials, Testimonials list, Timeline
  • Elementor pre-built website: Estate 3, Renovate 4


  • Elementor – Duplicated lightbox instance
  • Portfolio Photo item – Hover – Border radius
  • Timeline item – Item width

Version 21.7

New features

  • Elementor Compatibility
  • 35 Elementor widgets: Article box, Before after, Blockquote, Blog, Blog news, Blog slider, Blog teaser, Call to action, Chart, Clients, Code, Contact box, Countdown, Counter, Fancy heading, Feature box, Flat box, Halper, Hover box, Hover color, How it works, Icon box, List, Opening hours, Our team, Photo box, Portfolio, Portfolio grid, Pricing item, Promo box, Quick fact, Sliding box, Story box, Trailer box, Zoom box
  • Elementor pre-built website: Finance 2, Consultant

Version 21.6.2

New features

  • Pre-built website: Craft Beer 2, Fire Brigade


  • Install Plugins – WPBakery Page Builder – Update action

Version 21.6.1

New features

  • Mobile – Main menu – Style: Classic – Clicking outside menu closes it
  • Pre-built website: Politics 2, Psychologist 3, Medical Shop 2, Lab 3


  • One Page – Sticky Header – Style: white/black – Active on scroll


  • Bundled plugins – Intrusive notices – Disabled if used as a bundled plugin


New features

  • Pre-built website: Course, Medical Shop

Version 21.6

New features

  • Blog – Category, Tag & Author Page – Filters – Active
  • Filters: Show Only Category – “All” button active by default
  • Mobile – Footer – Text align – Default or center [ Theme Options > Responsive > General > Footer | Text align ]
  • Pre-built website: Product 5, Grocery


  • Story Box item & shortcode – Content field – HTML link


New features

  • Pre-built website: Wine 3, Restaurant 6



  • WordPress 5.4 – Muffin Builder – Edit item popup covered by sidebar on small screen


New features

  • New Google Fonts – 986 fonts available
  • Pre-built website: Pay 2, Copywriter 2

Version 21.5.9

New features

  • Blog – Single – Facebook Open Graph object
  • Pre-built website: Wedding Services, Company 6

Version 21.5.8

New features

  • Static CSS – The static CSS file will be served instead of inline CSS This file is generated minified whenever you save Theme Options [ Theme Options > Advanced > Static CSS ]
  • Pre-built website: Journey 2, Astrology

Version 21.5.7

New features

  • Forms – Input, Select & Textarea – Border radius [ Theme Options > Colors > Forms > Border radius ]
  • Pre-built website: Cafe 3, Loans 3


New features

  • Pre-built website: Hotel 5, Band 5

Version 21.5.6

New features

  • Sticky sidebar [ Theme Options > Sidebars > General > Sticky ]
  • Header – Top Bar – Border bottom (optional) [ Theme Options > Colors > Header > Top Bar | border bottom ]
  • Shortcode – Counter Inline [counter_inline value=”500″]
  • New Google Fonts – 977 fonts available
  • Pre-built website: Food Truck, Rally Driver


  • Widget – Categories – Show post counts – Number position
  • Mobile – Contact Form 7 – Submit Button


New features

  • Pre-built website: Psychologist 2, Mall

Version 21.5.5

New features

  • Pre-built website: Security 3, Handyman 2


  • RTL – Feature box & Flat box item – Position & spacing

Version 21.5.4

New features

  • Muffin Builder – Section – Horizontal padding attribute Can be disabled in responsive [Theme Options > Responsive > Section | Horizontal padding]
  • Pre-built website: Restaurant 5, Club 3

Version 21.5.3

New features

  • Pre-built website: IT Service 3, Tailor 3


  • WooCommerce 3.9 – Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files

Version 21.5.2

New features

  • Divider item & shortcode – Style: Dots & ZigZag – Color attribute
  • Pre-built website: Swimming Pool, App 6

Version 21.5.1

New features

  • Pre-built website: Car Rental 2, Tutor

Version 21.5

New features

  • Muffin Builder – Change item size – Longpress support for fast resizing
  • Pre-built website: City Hall, Interactive 2


  • Muffin Builder – Mfn_Builder_Front class – Visibility of properties and methods


New features

  • Pre-built website: Band 4, Electric 2

Version 21.4.9

New features

  • Added: Social Icons – Nofollow link attribute (optional) [ Theme Options > Social > Link attributes ]
  • Pre-built website: Steak 2, Wedding Planner


  • Muffin Builder – Section – Empty HTML attributes removed
  • Header Split – Secondary menu – Duplicated menu item IDs
  • Slider plugin item – The same ID as a slider in the header
  • Mobile – Shop – Cart – Remove product button position


New features

  • Pre-built website: Dance School 2, Eco Food

Version 21.4.8

New features

  • Pre-built website: Eco 3, Fisher


  • Bullet list with icons – Icon position
  • HTML – Description list (dl dt dd) – First line border
  • RTL – Shop – Single Product – Product images slider & Sale icon


New features

  • Pre-built website: Language 3, Xmas 3

Version 21.4.7

New features

  • Social Icons – Snapchat
  • Pre-built website: Kindergarten 3, Repair 3


  • Hreflang Tag in Header – Blog & Portfolio – Category page link

Version 21.4.6

New features

  • Pre-built website: Horse 2, 3D Print


  • Firefox – Browser default style for images with empty src attibute

Version 21.4.5

New features

  • Chart item & shortcode – Color attribute for each of charts
  • Breadcrumbs – Portfolio – Single – Category parents in the path
  • Pre-built website: Call Center 2, Party 2

Version 21.4.4

New features

  • Blog – Archives – Single post title – Tag select (h2 – h6)
  • Blog item & shortcode – Single post title – Tag select (title_tag = “h2”)
  • Pre-built website: Plumber 2, Spa 5


  • WPML Plugin – Config file – Official version provided by WPML Team

Version 21.4.3

New features

  • WordPress 5.3 Compatibility – Tested with the RC2 version
  • Header Plain – Menu border color – Alpha
  • Pre-built website: Driving 2, Blogger 3


  • Buttons – Style: Round + Full Width – Box sizing

Version 21.4.2

New features

  • Blog item & shortcode – Style: Photo 2 (1 – 3 columns)
  • Pre-built website: Coach, Oculist 2

Version 21.4.1

New features

  • Pre-built website: Ice Cream 2, Halloween


  • WooCommerce 3.8 [Beta 1] – Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files

Version 21.4

New features

  • Divider item & shortcode – Line – Color attribute (color=””)
  • Pre-built website: Car Wash 2, Paintball

Version 21.3.9

New features

  • Pre-built website: Transport 3, Insurance 3


  • Isotope – Filter & sort magical layouts – 3.0.6
  • imagesLoaded – Detect when images have been loaded – 4.1.4

Version 21.3.8

New features

  • New Google Fonts – 959 fonts available
  • Pre-built website: SEO 3, Lawyer 5


  • Buttons – Style: Round – Back to top: Sticky – Position
  • Shop – Product shortcode – Pagination

Version 21.3.7

New features

  • Blog style: Photo 2 (1 – 3 columns)
  • Pre-built website: Hosting 3, Spa 4

Version 21.3.6

New features

  • Buttons – Style: Round
  • Pre-built website: Marathon, Video 3


  • Muffin Builder – Column Item – HTML tags changed (b -> strong, i -> em)

Version 21.3.5

New features

  • Progress Bars item & shortcode – Color attribute (color=””)
  • Pre-built website: Boxing, Taxi 2

Version 21.3.4

New features

  • Trailer Box item & shortcode – Image orientation select
  • Pre-built website: Factory 2, Webinar

Version 21.3.3

New features

  • Added: Header Creative & Side Slide – Action Bar slogan & contact details [ Theme Options > Menu & Action Bar > Action Bar ] – If you use Action Bar please set this option after update
  • Header Creative & Side Slide menu – Social Menu Top [ Appearance > Menus > Manage Locations > Social Menu Top ]
  • Pre-built website: Print 3, Sea Journey

Version 21.3.2

New features

  • Pre-built website: Biker 3, App 5


  • Safari browser – Muffin Builder – Image Gallery item
  • RTL – Action Bar – Social Menu position
  • RTL – Footer – Copyright area – Items position
  • RTL – Mobile – Header: Minimal – Items position


New features

  • Pre-built website: Cleaner 2, Honey

Version 21.3.1

New features

  • Pre-built website: Festival, eBook 2


  • Share Box – Style: Simple – LinkedIn share URL


  • WooCommerce 3.7 [Beta 1] – Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files

Version 21.3

New features

  • Pre-built website: Football 2, Garden 4


  • Section – Background position: Center top repeat-y
  • Revolution Slider plugin – Slider preview
  • WooCommerce Memberships plugin – Muffin Builder

Version 21.2.9

New features

  • Footer copyright area border color [ Theme Options > Colors > Footer > Copyright border ]
  • Pre-built website: Cottage, Architect 5


  • Pre-built websites – Revolution Slider demo import


  • Share & Social – Google+ – Service was shut down for consumers

Version 21.2.8

New features

  • Pre-built website: Catering 2, Company 5


  • RTL – Sliding Top – Icon position


  • Blog & Portfolio – Escaping Output to prevent unwanted results

Version 21.2.7

New features

  • Image item – Smooth scroll when link to ID (add class: scroll)
  • Pre-built website: Photography 2, DJ 2


  • Portfolio – Related – Order by & Order – The same as on the Portfolio page
  • Header Builder plugin – Remove theme header background image

Version 21.2.6

New features

  • Icon shortcode – Color attribute (color=””)
  • Pre-built website: Bar 3, Code 2


  • Header Builder plugin + One Page – Hash smooth navigation


  • Theme Registration and Updates – Secure connection via https only

Version 21.2.5

New features

  • Muffin Icons – Medium
  • Pre-built website: Event 4, Dentist 3


  • Google Fonts list – 916 fonts available

Version 21.2.4

New features

  • Pre-built website: Design 3, Sitter 2


  • Slider item – Removed redundant image shadow

Version 21.2.3

New features

  • Shop – Single Product – Rating click – Scroll to reviews tab and open it
  • Pre-built website: Psychologist, Photo 2


  • Blog – Filters – Filter by author – Show users with ‘contributor’ role


  • Forms – Input & Textarea – Slightly increased font size and font size

Version 21.2.2

New features

  • Icon Bar shortcode – Social style for Instagram color [icon_bar icon=”icon-instagram” social=”instagram”]
  • Pre-built website: Gym 3, Hotel 4


  • Pre-built websites – MailChimp plugin – Add plugin link

Version 21.2.1

New features

  • Theme Options – Remove shadows – HTML table
  • Pre-built website: Lab 2, Yoga 3


  • WPBakery Page Builder + One Page – Active on Scroll

Version 21.2

New features

  • Pre-built website: Mechanic 5, Pizza 4


  • WPML Plugin – Config file – Post options set to: translate

Version 21.1.9

New features

  • Pre-built website: Barber 3, Medic 3


  • Blog – Single – Related posts – Post image – Images only
  • Get in touch, Infobox, Opening hours + Equal Height of items in wrap
  • Timeline item – Links allowed in Title field
  • Mobile – Telephone numbers – Disable auto-formatting
  • Shop – Orders page – Search orders

Version 21.1.8

New features

  • Lightbox – YouTube nocookie [ link format: ]
  • Lightbox – YouTube – Short link [ link format: ]
  • Pre-built website: Transport 2, IT Service 2

Version 21.1.7

New features

  • Pre-built website: Yacht, Mechanic 4


  • JavaScript – Some inline scripts removed


  • WPML Plugin – Config file – Official version provided by WPML Team

Version 21.1.6

New features

  • Social Icons – Custom Social Icon – Title attribute [ Theme Options > Social > General > Custom | title ]
  • Pre-built website: Baker 2, Safari 2


  • Custom Post type related item – Category select
  • Blog Slider item – Style: Flat – Undesirable small arrow
  • Muffin Builder – Templates – Image Gallery item – Editing after import

Version 21.1.5

New features

  • Pre-built website: Mountain Guide, Hairdresser 2


  • Yoast SEO plugin – Title Separator: “|” – Share Box


  • Muffin Builder – Reduced number of database queries


  • WooCommerce 3.6 [RC1] – Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files

Version 21.1.4

New features

  • Pre-built website: Event 3, Extreme 2


  • Muffin Builder – Code improvement and class/file names adjustment

Version 21.1.3

New features

  • Pre-built website: Resort 2, Product 4


  • Muffin Builder – Code improvement and class/file names adjustment


  • Equal Height of Items in wrap – Hover Color item – Box size

Version 21.1.2

New features

  • Search results page – Sidebar position [ Theme Options > Sidebars > Search Page > Layout ]
  • Pre-built website: Dance School, Bistro 3


  • Style Simple + Dark – Chart item – Label & Icon color
  • Safari – Footer style: Sliding + Remove shadows – Footer visibility


  • Dynamic theme styles added via wp_add_inline_style() according to new requirements


  • Retina.js addon – Incompatible with recent WP version, please use plugin instead



  • Portfolio – Single – Muffin Builder disappeared after last update

Version 21.1.1

New features

  • Pre-built website: Polyglot, Science Centre


  • Retina.js


  • Post Types – Offer, Portfolio, Slide, Testimonial – Code improvement and class/file names adjustment
  • Layouts & Templates – Code improvement and class/file names adjustment


  • Function mfn_opts_show(), please use echo mfn_opts_get() with escaping

Version 21.1

New features

  • Pre-built website: Carpenter 4, Interior 5


  • Shop page – Sidebar position when no layout selected on Shop page
  • Muffin Builder – Edit Popup – Builder position

Version 21.0.9

New features

  • Pre-built website: Club 2, Company 4


  • Muffin Builder – Edit Popup – Unwanted parent scrollbar
  • Google Fonts – Multiple fonts with subset


  • Post Type – Clients – Code improvement and class/file names adjustment
  • Widgets – Code improvement and class/file names adjustment

Version 21.0.8

New features

  • Theme support for WordPress core features – Logo, Site icon Above features are used only if corresponding Theme Options fields are left blank
  • Pre-built website: Whiskey, Adventure 2


  • Sidebar – Show sidebar area only if there are any widgets inside
  • Google Fonts – Load all selected fonts via single HTTP request


  • Translation Files – New translation strings

Version 21.0.7

New features

  • Pre-built website: Organic, Product 3


  • Mobile Header Minimal: Menu Left + Side Slide Menu – Width different than default [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header ]
  • Our Team & Our Team List items – Some basic HTML tags allowed

Version 21.0.6

New features

  • Image Item – Option to disable all hover effects [ Theme Options > Global > Advanced > Hover Effects ]
  • Pre-built website: Architect 4, Moving 3


  • Admin panel – Main menu – Submenu visibility
  • Theme Options – First tab opened on fresh theme installation

Version 21.0.5

New features

  • WordPress 5.1 Compatibility – Tested with the Beta 2 version
  • New Google Fonts – 915 fonts available
  • Button item & shortcode – Some basic HTML tags allowed
  • Pre-built website: Tea 3, Electronics


  • Action Bar – Slogan – Links allowed
  • Blog – Filters: Tags – jQuery filtering
  • Sticky Header – Style: White


  • Some theme PHP constants are deprecated and will be removed soon (THEME_DIR, THEME_URI, THEME_NAME, THEME_VERSION, LIBS_DIR, LIBS_URI) Please check if you use these constants in your Child Theme

Version 21.0.4

New features

  • Pre-built website: Coaching 2, Hosting 2


  • Action Bar – Slogan – Some basic HTML tags allowed
  • Header – Action Button – Some basic HTML tags allowed
  • Muffin Builder: Builder to SEO – Do not strip some tags (a, H1-H6, img)


  • Minor code cleanup according to new Themeforest Requirements

Version 21.0.3

New features

  • Pre-built website: Healthy, Product 2


  • Minor code cleanup in many theme files


  • Dynamic CSS Styles – Escaping Output to prevent unwanted results

Version 21.0.2

New features

  • Pre-built website: Biker 2, Diet 2


  • Posts & Portfolio – Muffin Builder: Builder to SEO, Import/Export, Templates
  • Blog – Single Post – Comments – Reply: Cancel reply – Font size
  • Theme Options – Blog, Portfolio & Shop – Featured Image – Typo
  • JS scripts – Custom variables are passed using wp_localize_script()

Version 21.0.1

New features

  • Pre-built website: Carpenter 3, App 4


  • WordPress 5.0 – Custom Font uploader
  • Minor code cleanup

Version 21.0


  • Muffin Builder: Builder to SEO, Import/Export, Templates Tools now work with WordPress 5.0 without reloading the page

New features

  • Pre-built website: Manicure 2, Video 2


  • Muffin Builder – Unique ID – openssl_random_pseudo_bytes fallback
  • Firefox – Overlay Menu – Browser back button – Menu visibility
  • WooCommerce – Widget: Cart – View Cart button – Translation

Version 20.9.9

New features

  • Muffin Builder – Unique ID class for each section, wrap and item (currenty available for newly created or updated pages)
  • Pre-built website: Print 2, AdAgency 2


  • WP Block Editor + Muffin Builder – Back to top button
  • Quick Fact item – Number – Fractions
  • Blog – Comments – Edit comment link – Moved to default position


New features

  • Pre-built website: Wedding Photos, Pet


  • Muffin Builder – Minor code cleanup


  • Muffin Builder – Reduced amount of data on save


New features

  • WordPress 5.0 – Gallery block – Lightbox
  • Pre-built website: Catering, Restaurant 4


  • Tabs shortcode – Other shortcodes in tab content
  • Hreflang Tag in Header – Link to page


  • Muffin Builder items & shortcodes – Escaping Output


New features

  • Pre-built website: Logistics 2, Aeroclub


  • WordPress 5.0 Compatibility – Muffin Builder – Import & Templates


New features

  • Pre-built website: Kids, Cosmetics 2


  • Default button – Light icon color for dark button background
  • Shop Slider item – Title area height
  • Retina.js – Retina logo field enabled even if Retina.js enabled



  • Muffin Builder – Broken layout after item edit

Version 20.9.8

New features

  • WordPress 5.0 Compatibility – Tested with the Beta 3 version
  • Pre-built website: Beauty 4, ASG 2


  • HTML tags – Big, small – Font size
  • Transparent Top Bar with menu – Top bar right – Box shadow
  • Theme Options – Translate – Blog & Portfolio – Typo


New features

  • Layouts – Sticky Header style – The same as Top Bar Left background
  • Pre-built website: Wedding Dresses, Model 2


  • Call to action item – Icon alignment


  • WooCommerce 3.5.1 – Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files


New features

  • Pre-built website: Band 3, Spa 3


  • Hreflang Tag in Header – Uppercase country code
  • Image Frame – Style: Overlay – Image cut at the bottom


New features

  • Pre-built website: Renovate 3, Gun Range


  • Visual Composer – Frontend Editor – Tabs shortcode


  • Russian & Ukrainian Translation


New features

  • Responsive – Decrease Fonts – Affects letter spacing [ Theme Options > Responsive > General > Decrease Fonts ]
  • Pre-built website: Cakes, Tailor 2


  • CSS – Most of images replaced with CSS


New features

  • WooCommerce 3.5 compatibility – Tested with the RC1 version
  • Pre-built website: Agency 3, Car 2


  • Header Plain & Transparent: Top Bar – Background image


  • Header Transparent – Menu: Style – Compatibility fix
  • Removed: Nice Scroll & Smooth Scroll – Obsolete scroll plugins Default scroll offers the best scroll experience in modern browsers


New features

  • Pre-built website: School 2, Coffee 3


  • Map Basic – Iframe – Map centered in the column
  • iOS – Muffin Builder – Tabs item – Edit

Version 20.9.7

New features

  • WooCommerce 3.5 Compatibility – Tested with the Beta 1 version
  • Muffin Header Builder compatibility (beta version is coming soon)
  • Pre-built website: Internet 2, Burger 2


  • Theme Options – Typos


New features

  • Pre-built website: Clinic 3, Restaurant 3


New features

  • Widget: Muffin Recent Comments – Missing translation tag [ Translate > Blog & Portfolio > Commented on ]
  • Muffin Icons – Houzz
  • Pre-built website: Estate 2, Drone


New features

  • Pre-built website: Football, Builder 2


  • Layout: Full width – Wrapper – box-shadow removed
  • Pre-built websites – Default website – Image URL

Version 20.9.6

New features

  • Pre-built website: Beauty 3, Insurance 2


  • WooCommerce 3.4 – Single Product – Gallery Thumbnails


  • Pre-built websites – SSL support


New features

  • Pre-built website: Recipes 2, Interior 4


  • WPML – Language name added as a parameter + Search form


New features

  • Pre-built website: Lawyer 4, ERP


  • Muffin Menu widget – Submenus: Show on hover, always show active


New features

  • Pre-built website: Interior 3, Movie 2


  • Dark – Call to action – Title color
  • WPBakery Page Builder – Activation Notice – Disable if used as a bundled plugin
  • Plugin: Slider Pro – Image size


  • Deprecated: Nice Scroll & Smooth Scroll – Obsolete scroll plugins Default scroll offers the best scroll experience in modern browsers [ Theme Options > Addons & Plugins > Addons > Scroll ]


New features

  • Pre-built website: Vet 2, Navigation


New features

  • Pre-built website: Creative 3, Minimal 2


  • WPBakery Page Builder – Counter item – Style: Horizontal


New features

  • Pre-built website: Company 3, County


  • Mobile – Header Split + Mobile Header Minimal – Logo align
  • Shop – Widget: Product Search – Form width


New features

  • Pre-built website: Product, Band 2


  • Muffin Builder & Events Calendar Pro – Minor JS error
  • Before After item – Width on ultrawide screens
  • Button style: Stroke – Back to top button – Border color


New features

  • Header Plain – Menu: Hide Border between Items – Affects all header borders [ Theme Options > Menu & Action Bar > Menu > Options: Hide Border between Items ]
  • Pre-built website: Landing 2, Cryptocurrency


  • Portfolio – jQuery filtering + Disable details – Lightbox gallery – Current category
  • Muffin Builder – Wrap – Background position: Parallax
  • Dark – FAQ item – Border & icon color


New features

  • Pre-built website: Sportsman, Supplier


  • Feature List item – HTML special characters in inner shortcode title
  • WPML – Attachment attributes
  • Chrome – Section – Background position: Parallax & Fixed
  • IE 11 – Feature Box item


New features

  • Pre-built website: Kindergarten 2, Barman


  • Map Basic item – Blank space below map
  • Gallery widget – Image size
  • Muffin Builder – Section with multiple Wraps & Dividers – Wrap background image

Version 20.9.5

New features

  • Map Basic Item – Iframe Google Map (does not require Google Maps API key), Embed Google Map (show map by address or place name without precise coordinates)
  • Pre-built website: Gym 2, Coffee 2

Version 20.9.4

New features

  • Muffin Builder – Add Section as the first or the last section
  • Pre-built website: Garden 3, Eco 2


  • Comments Form – Cookies acceptance checkbox – Display inline

Version 20.9.3

New features

  • Pre-built website: Church 2, Fantasy


  • Header Top Bar – Background position


New features

  • Pre-built website: Security 2, Funeral Home

Version 20.9.2

New features

  • Header Top Bar & Header Creative – Background image [ Theme Options > Header & Subheader > Header > Top Bar background ]
  • Pre-built website: Repair 2, Event 2


  • Custom Fonts – Only one font file is required now (.woff or .ttf) [ Theme Options > Fonts > Custom ]


New features

  • WooCommerce 3.4 Compatibility – Tested with the Beta 2 version
  • Pre-built website: Company 2, Thriller


  • Blog, Portfolio & Shop – Single – Navigation arrows & Share box: Hide
  • Shop – Single Product – Add to cart button – Height


  • Image Item – Title attribute from image meta

Version 20.9.1

New features

  • Text selection color [ Theme Options > Colors > Content > Selection | color ]
  • Slider item – Link Target – Lightbox [ Slides > Edit > Slide Options > Target ]
  • Pre-built website: Architect 3, Simple 2


  • Gallery item in Content & Widget – Number of columns
  • Section Style: Full Width & Slider item – Style: Center Mode & Navigation: Hide arrows
  • Side Slide Menu – Action Button covered by first menu item
  • RTL – Shop – Single Product – Style: Modern


New features

  • Pre-built website: Accountant 3, Adventure


  • Post Classes – Show author class only if filter by author is enabled
  • Dark – Icon Bar inside List Item – Icon color
  • Header Creative – Transparent – Navigation: Sticky Arrows
  • Responsive – Side Slide Menu – Revolution Slider width on menu close
  • BeTheme Dashboard – Install Plugins – Bulk Install – Minor PHP Warning

Version 20.9

New features

  • Header Creative – Transparent [ Theme Options > Global > General > Transparent: Top Bar with Menu ] Please set the page background image if you want to use this option [ Theme Options > Global > General > Background > Image ]
  • Pre-built website: Tea 2, Universe


  • Header Plain – Sticky Header – Action Button – Height
  • Responsive – Mobile Header: Transparent – Action Button – Color


  • Theme Options – Significantly reduced memory usage


New features

  • Pre-built website: Mechanic 3, Hairdresser


  • Tabs Item – Protection against adding a tab shortcode inside another tab

Version 20.8.9

New features

  • Theme Options – Colors – Action Button [ Theme Options > Colors > Header > Action Button ] If you use Action Button please adjust colors after update
  • Pre-built website: Fitness 2, Actor


  • Header Plain + Mobile Minimal Header – Layout: Logo center
  • Style: Simple – Blog & Portfolio – Filters – Align
  • Share Box – Style: Simple – Twitter share URL


New features

  • Pre-built website: Dietitian 2, Clothing


  • RTL – Mobile – Header: Minimal + Menu Left + Menu: Side Slide


New features

  • Pre-built website: Bar 2, Resort


  • Blog & Portfolio – Filters – Content height
  • Responsive – Shop – Single Product – Product Thumbnails
  • Contact Form 7 – Submit Button – Font size

Version 20.8.8

New features

  • Pre-built website: Accountant 2, Museum 2


  • Header Magazine – Banner – z-index


  • Pre-built websites – WordPress Importer – Updated to version 0.6.4

Version 20.8.7

New features

  • Section, Wrap, Column – Background Color – Alpha channel (transparency)
  • Pre-built website: Farm, Decor 2

Version 20.8.6

New features

  • Theme Options – Colors – Back to Top button – Affects Popup Contact Form button [ Theme Options > Colors > Footer > Back to Top & Popup Contact Form ]
  • Pre-built website: Webdeveloper, Yoga 2


  • Muffin Builder – Import & Templates – If post is a draft, save it, do not publish


  • Translation Files – New translation strings
  • WooCommerce 3.3.2 – Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files

Version 20.8.5

New features

  • Section – Style – Checkboxes to select multiple values
  • Countdown Item & Shortcode – Option to hide seconds, minutes, hours
  • New Google Fonts – 857 fonts available
  • Pre-built website: Birthday, Lawyer 3


  • Blog & Portfolio – Lightbox: Show image Alt text as caption for lightbox image
  • Header: Below Slider & Revolution Slider 5.4.7 – Sticky Header
  • Style: Simple – Section Style: Dark – Countdown Item text color
  • Safari – Visual Composer – Hover Box – Back face visibility


  • Theme Options – Wider textarea field & some inputs replaced by textareas


New features

  • Pre-built website: Hotel 3, Eco Beef


  • WooCommerce 3.3.1 Compatibility – Pagination template

Version 20.8.4

New features

  • Countdown – More timezones and principal cities list
  • Pre-built website: Photography, App3


  • Blog & Portfolio – Share Box – Style: Classic
  • Header: Below Slider – Minimalist without header space
  • RTL – The Content direction

Version 20.8.3

New features

  • Footer – Option to hide entire footer [ Theme Options > Footer > Style > Hide Footer ]
  • Hreflang Tag in Header – The same as HTML lang code
  • Pre-built website: Car Wash, Robotics


  • Under Construction – Contact Form 7
  • Share Box shortcode
  • Layer Slider + Wrap: Move Up – z-index

Version 20.8.2

New features

  • System Status – Check if Home URL domain is the same as Site URL domain
  • Pre-built website: GSM Service, Snowpark


  • Admin Panel – Search Pages/Posts – Minor PHP notice
  • Header Fixed – Main Menu – 1st level – Description
  • Header Fixed + Action Bar – Hash Smooth Scroll (.scroll)
  • Plugin – The Events Calendar – Sidebar width


  • IE – Deprecated scripts removed

Version 20.8.1

New features

  • BeTheme Dashboard – Link to Betheme Licenses page
  • Pre-built website: Wanderer, Pizza 3


  • Section: Decoration Image + Wrap: Move Up – z-index
  • Style Simple + Dark – Opening Hours Item – Text color
  • Sidebar – Minor PHP notice
  • IE – Slider Item – Style: Carousel – Title – Line height


  • System Status – cURL – Check if server supports cURL

Version 20.8

New features

  • Social Icons – WhatsApp
  • Pre-built website: Winter, CV


  • Header Creative – Social icons – Color – The same as in other headers [ Theme Options > Colors > Action Bar > Social Icon ]
  • WooCommerce 3.2.6 – Shop page display – Show categories [ WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display: Shop page display ]


  • Brazilian Translation

Version 20.7.9

New features

  • Muffin Builder – Wrap – Move Up – Option to disable on tablet [ Theme Options > Responsive > General > Wrap | Move Up ]
  • Mobile – Column Item – Text Align select ( left, right, center, justify ) [ Item Options > Text Align | Mobile ]
  • Pre-built website: Company, Stylist

Version 20.7.8

New features

  • WooCommerce 3.3 Compatibility – Tested with the Beta 1 version
  • New Google Fonts – 848 fonts available
  • Pre-built website: Bistro 2

Version 20.7.7

New features

  • Theme button color – Highlighted button text color [ Theme Options > Colors > Content > Button theme | color ]
  • Pre-built website: Music 2, Language 2


  • Section style: Dark – Forms – Color options
  • Google Chrome – Muffin Builder – The ESC button closes any edit window in the builder


  • Translation Files – New translation strings



  • Shop – Default product sorting [ WooCommerce > Settings > Display > Default product sorting ]
  • IE11 – Image Frame – Style: Zoom – Hover effect

Version 20.7.6

New features

  • Muffin Builder – Wrap – Move Up – Option to disable on mobile [ Theme Options > Responsive > General > Wrap | Move Up ]
  • Pre-built website: Employment


  • Blog – Archives – Order by & Order – The same as on the Blog page

Version 20.7.5

New features

  • Forms – Input, Select & Textarea – Placeholder color [ Theme Options > Colors > Forms > Placeholder color ]
  • Muffin Builder – The ESC button closes any edit window in the builder
  • Pre-built website: Watchmaker, Pay


  • How it Works Item & Shortcode – Without background image
  • Section – Style: Equal Height of Wraps – Exclude divider
  • Section – Style: Equal Height of Items in wrap – Exclude divider
  • Google Chrome – Admin Bar enabled – Blank space below footer
  • Gravity Forms – Survey Add-On – Checkbox


  • Shop Slider – Less than 4 items – Show wider slides

Version 20.7.4

New features

  • Portfolio – Single – Screen Options: Custom Fields
  • Pre-built website: Animals 2, Artist 2


  • RTL – Theme Options


  • Map Item – Contact Box – Misleading arrow removed

Version 20.7.3

New features

  • Pre-built website: Personal trainer, Developer 3


  • Header Creative – Mobile Menu: Sticky – Window resize
  • Header Creative – Mobile – Sticky Logo | Remove max-height & padding



  • BeTheme Dashboard – Install Plugins – Premium bundled plugins list

Version 20.7.2

New features

  • Hover Color Item & Shortcode – Text Align select (left, right, center, justify) [ Item Options > Text Align ]


  • Style Simple – Shop – Alert – Duplicated icon
  • Responsive – Decrease Fonts – Sidebar: Widget Title
  • Visual Composer – Accordion – Sidebar Height
  • Visual Composer – Icon Box – Default icon: icon-lamp


  • Magnific Popup – Gallery – Counter – Text: 1 of 2 changed into 1 / 2
  • BeTheme Dashboard – Updates check

Version 20.7.1

New features

  • New Google Fonts – 846 fonts available
  • Pre-built website: Detailing 3, Carpenter 2, Internet


  • Slider Item & Shortcode – Style: Center mode – Slide with link
  • Error 404 page – Headings colors from Theme Options
  • Blog & Portfolio – Single – Format: Video – Fullscreen – Vertical alignment
  • PHP 7.2 Compatibility – Code using create_function() has been removed


  • Blog & Portfolio – Format: Video – Player – More native, less distracting look
  • Translation Files – New translation strings

Version 20.7

New features

  • WordPress 4.9 Compatibility – Tested with the Beta 3 version
  • Forms – Input, Select & Textarea – Border width [ Theme Options > Colors > Forms > Border width ]
  • Facebook Pixel code – Theme Options field [ Theme Options > SEO > Facebook | Pixel ]
  • Layouts – Show Layout ID on layouts list
  • Under Construction – Admin Bar notice
  • Pre-built website: Airport, Salmon


  • Blog & Portfolio – Single – Minor HTML code cleanup
  • WPML – Attachment attributes per language

Version 20.6.4

New features

  • Trailer Box – Item & Shortcode – Style: Plain ( style=”plain” ) [ Item Options > Advanced > Style ]
  • Pre-built website: Detailing 2, Drawing


  • Share Shortcode – Style: Simple

Version 20.6.3

New features

  • Portfolio – Post Meta – Option to hide each separately: Author, Date, Categories [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Portfolio > Options > Post Meta ]
  • Pre-built website: Mockup, Denim


  • Header Creative: Always Open – Social Icons
  • White Label & Third party plugins – Minor compatibility fix


  • Theme Options – Deprecated options page link removed

Version 20.6.2

New features

  • Single Post – Subheader Background Image [ Post Options > Media > Subheader | Image ]
  • Pre-built website: Meeting, Manicure


  • Gallery Item – Images re-selecting
  • Section – Decoration Image Top & Bottom – z-index
  • Install Plugins – Show link even if all plugins are activated und up-to-date
  • Google Chrome – Shop – Single product – jQuery UI Tabs


  • JS – Enqueue scripts – Minor code cleanup

Version 20.6.1

New features

  • Added: Mobile – Custom Main Menu [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header > Menu ]
  • WooCommerce 3.2 Compatibility – Tested with the RC version
  • Pre-built website: Meat, Vegetables


  • Blog – Category, Tag & Author Page – Filters
  • Lightbox – YouTube video – Last related screen removed
  • Header Creative – Social Icons – Click on the last icon
  • Widgets – Muffin Recent Posts – Minor PHP notice
  • Custom Post Types – Single – Unnecessary permalinks removed
  • WPML – Theme Options – Custom Menu – Show menus in current language only


  • Translation Files – New translation strings

Version 20.6

New features

  • Responsive – Side Slide Menu – Width select [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header > Side Slide | Width ]
  • Pre-built website: Cafe 2


  • Fixed: Share Box – Style: Simple & Shop – Single Product – Style: Modern


  • Shop – Single Product – Product Image – Deprecated option removed ( Since WooCommerce 3.0 new product gallery has been merged in to core )

Version 20.5.3

New features

  • WooCommerce 3.2 Compatibility – Tested with the Beta 2 version
  • Pre-built website: Tiles 2


  • Section – Style: Equal Height of Items in wrap – Pricing Item
  • WPML – Custom Language Switcher in Main Menu – Dropdown with Flags – Menu width [ WPML > Languages > Menu language switcher ]


  • Brazilian Translation

Version 20.5.2

New features

  • Slider Item & Shortcode – Option to hide navigation ( navigation=”hide” ) [ Item Options > Navigation > Hide ]
  • RTL – BeTheme Dashboard
  • RTL – Pre-built websites
  • Pre-built website: Hip-Hop


  • RTL – WooCommerce – Cart & Checkout pages
  • WPML – Blog & Portfolio – Single – Missing Translation Tag

Version 20.5.1

New features

  • Blog – Filters – jQuery filtering [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Blog > Filters | jQuery filtering ]
  • Pre-built website: Game


  • Front page displays latest posts – Breadcrumbs – Duplicated blog link removed
  • Front page displays latest posts – Filters

Version 20.5

New features

  • Image Item & Shortcode – Select image size from Settings > Media > Image sizes [ Item Options > Image | Size ]
  • Share Box – Style: Simple (without external scripts) [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > General > Share Box | Style ]
  • Pre-built website: Marina


  • White Label – Old Theme Options link removed


  • Deutsch Translation – Feature List Item title

Version 20.4.4

New features

  • Pre-built website: Clinic 2


  • Blog Item – Load More button – Post format: Video – Show videos


  • Blog Item – Load More button – Works even with pagination off


New features

  • Pre-built website: Assistance

Version 20.4.3

New features

  • New Google Fonts – 832 fonts available
  • Pre-built website: Sushi 2


  • Section: Full Screen & Full Width – Padding
  • Blog & Portfolio – Filters – Close button width
  • Timeline Item – HTML lists – Default style


  • System Status – PHP Time Limit – Do not show error if set to 0

Version 20.4.2

New features

  • Pre-built website: Repair


  • Muffin Builder – Blog & Portfolio items – Theme Options link
  • Pre-built websites – All Done screen – Theme Options link
  • Pre-built website: Space – Missing slider demo

Version 20.4.1

New features

  • Google Font shortcode – Inline attribute (inline=”1″)
  • Pre-built website: 3D


  • Gallery – Link to: Media file – Show image alt text as caption for lightbox image [ Theme Options > Addons & plugins > Addons > Lightbox > Options ]
  • Gallery – Item with Caption – Margin below image
  • Section style: Dark – Blockquote item & shortcode – Quote image & line
  • Dashboard – Useful links section – Theme Options link

Version 20.4

New features

  • Builder Item – Visual Editor – Add Media button
  • Pre-built website: Code


  • RTL – Header Split – Search Icon – Position
  • Dashboard – System Status – Uploads folder writable – Invalid name


  • Builder Item – Visual Editor – Visual/Text switch – Native WordPress look

Version 20.3

New features

  • Blog Page – Order by (date, title, rand) & Order (DESC, ASC) [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Blog > Order by / Order ]
  • Muffin Builder Items – Blog, Blog News, Blog Slider, Blog Teaser – Order by & Order [ Item Options > Order by / Order ]
  • Pre-built website: Spa 2


  • RTL – Visual Composer – Section: Stretch section

Version 20.2

New features

  • Open Graph Image Field (Facebook share image) Set globally for the whole site: [ Theme Options > SEO > Open Graph | Image ] or separately for each Single Post, Page, Portfolio: [ Post/Page Options (below Muffin Builder) > SEO > Open Graph | Image ]
  • Pre-built website: IT


  • Widgets – Muffin Recent Posts – Style: Blog News – Description padding


  • WooCommerce 3.1 – Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files

Version 20.1

New features

  • Muffin Builder Item – Image Gallery
  • Widgets – Muffin Recent Posts – Style: Blog News [ Widgets > Muffin Recent Posts > Style ]
  • Pre-built website: Upholsterer


  • Mobile – Header Creative + Mobile Header: Minimal [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header > Mobile options > Minimal ]
  • WooCommerce – Show Secondary product image on Hover – PHP Notice [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Shop > Images ]
  • WooCommerce – Show Secondary product image on Hover – Sold Out label [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Shop > Images ]
  • Pre-built websites – Website without Revolution Slider – PHP Notice
  • RTL – Muffin Builder Item – Helper

Version 20.0

New features

  • Smaller theme package – only 6 MB instead of 31 MB
  • 1-click theme updates – without additional plugins & earlier than on ThemeForest
  • Premium plugins updates – available as soon as new version is available on Codecanyon (plus time needed for compatibility tests)
  • Automatic Revolution Slider demo installation with pre-built websites
  • New pre-built websites – earlier than on ThemeForest
✲ Prices shown on the site are excluding taxes which at checkout will be calculated based on user's geolocation as per EU regulation.
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