Complianz Privacy Suite Premium (GDPR/CCPA) v7.0.4

Last Update: November 30, 2023
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Complianz Privacy Suite Premium is a plugin designed to ensure your website complies with GDPR, CCPA, DSGVO, and PIPEDA regulations. It features a conditional Cookie Notice and a customized Cookie Policy, all tailored to the findings of its integrated Cookie Scan.

Complianz Privacy Suite Premium Plugin Features

  • Records of Consent: Log and store user consents for auditing purposes.
  • Marketing: Streamlined features for lawful marketing practices.
  • Multiple Regions: Geo-targeting options for different legal jurisdictions.
  • Integrations: Seamless compatibility with other plugins and services.
  • Legal Pages: Automated generation of essential legal documents like Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
  • Cookie Notice: Customizable cookie notifications for users.
  • Cookiedatabase: Extensive database of cookies for more precise consent collection.
  • A/B Testing: Test different compliance strategies to optimize user experience.
  • Data Breach Reporting: Features to assist in reporting any data breaches.
  • Cookie Scan: Built-in scanner to identify and categorize cookies on your website.
  • Dashboard Analytics: In-depth analytics for monitoring consent and compliance metrics.
  • User Role Management: Different access levels based on user roles.
  • Language Support: Multi-language capabilities for global reach.
  • Conditional Logic: Apply different rules based on user behavior or region.
  • Manual Overrides: Ability for admins to manually adjust settings or consents.
  • Mobile Optimization: Fully responsive design for mobile compliance.
  • Audit Trail: Detailed logs to trace back actions related to compliance.
  • Export/Import Settings: Easily transfer compliance settings between sites.
= 7.0.4 =
* Fix: elementor integration
* Fix: additional notices only showing after save
* Improvement: INP performance optimisation

= 7.0.3 =
* New: consent mode
* New: Greenshift + YouTube integration
* Improvement: DNSMPI feedback on form
* Fix: Elementor popup blocked content not unlocking on refresh

= 7.0.2 =
* Fix: loading of cookie banner preview
* Fix: several bugs

= 7.0.1 =
* Fix: after clicking finish button banner settings not loaded correctly
* Fix: catch statistics selection not an array
* Fix: proof of consent button not always showing in records of consent
* Improvement: clear page links transient on post save
* Improvement: default WordPress media_enqueue slow, used an improved method

= 7.0.0 =
* October 18th, 2023
* New: Rework codebase to React Framework
* New: Hybrid cookie scan
* New: Menu-item 'Tools'
* New: Set cookies on root domain
* New: Search for plugins and services
* New: Statistics block on dashboard
* New: Onboarding
* Dropped temp dir from MPDF generation, props @piccart
* Improvement: use custom transient to lower number of database requests
* Translation fix for chunked react components
* Additional Consent Mode TCF integrated
* Added a filter to delete Records of Consent if older than X days
* E-mail obfuscation now uses the antispambot() function
* Consent area on a Twitter embed no longer links to Twitter
* Added translatable aria-label
* Respect DNT on opt-out policy

= 6.5.6 =
* October 4th, 2023
* Fix: translatable string in Canadian Privacy Statement
* Fix: do not enable purpose one by default on TCF cookie policy
* Fix: also clear localstorage & sessionstorage with cookie shredder
* Fix: With only Canada in opt out mode selected, the question 'will you self host Google Fonts' was not visible
* Improvement: setting a class on the parent div of a placeholder with height inherit resolves css issues on some themes, props @maxineblack
* Fix: compatibility with WP Rocket when some iframes are lazy loaded, but not all.

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* Fix: bug in get_rest_url usage

= 6.5.5 =
* September 13th, 2023
* Improvement: remove some restrictions on TCF banner configuration
* Improvement: updated AddToAny integration, as AddToAny now supports the WP Consent API, props @micropat
* Improvement: changed get_rest_url().path to get_rest_url(path), props @tnkrthemes
* Fix: %s in cookie policy UK

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* September 6th, 2023
* Fix: set manage consent tab setting back to the default because the 6.5.4 update inadvertently ran this TCF specific upgrade for all banner types.

= 6.5.4 =
* September 5th, 2023
* Improvement: upgrade MPDF version to 8.1.3
* Improvement: prefix 'request' to prevent conflicts with weglot
* Fix: bug in Divi Recaptcha integration
* Fix: Block Editor dropping styles when in unsynced mode
* Fix: Consent Mode moved to banner_loaded hook to ensure loading
* TCF GVL updates

= 6.5.3 =
* 08-08-2023
* Improvement: Tested up to WordPress 6.3
* Improvement: WP Maps integration update by Flippercode
* Improvement: Check if thumbnail Vimeo exist, props @boxonline
* Improvement: str_contains removal for low PHP 7 compatibility
* Improvement: YouTube PLaylist compatibility

= 6.5.2 =
* 11-07-2023
* Fix: catch missing $slug when another plugin drops the slug property
* Fix: auto enabling of auto updates for TCF, to ensure TCF compliance

= 6.5.1 =
* 10-07-2023
* Improvement: restore php 7.2 support in burst installer
* Improvement: catch server configurations not supporting webp
* Improvement: catch not existing file when generating webp
* Improvement: catch not existing $slug property in auto updates check
* Improvement: catch not existing ID in wordpress $post when checking for summary divs

= 6.4.9 =
* June 14th, 2023
* Fix: link to CSV export of Records of Consent not working
* Fix: WordPress 6.2 version moved the Privacy Policy function to a different file. Added fallback for older versions.
* Fix: The fix for the Classic Editor bug which removes summary/details html elements, caused an issue when the post content is empty.
* Improvement: if configuration by Complianz is set to false, the gtag id was added anyway, but empty.
* Improvement: strings in UK cookie policy translatable, which shouldn't be the case.
* Improvement: wrap unzip code of GEOIP database in try/catch

= 6.4.8 =
* Improvement: unhide pagination on data requests page.
* Improvement: Jersey and Guernsey included
* Improvement: move nonce check to earlier in the process
* Improvement: only show notice about duplicate statistics implementation if stats are actually used.
* Improvement: Easy Liveblogs integration
* Fix: Workaround for strange issue where the Classic Tiny MCE editor strips the summary/details tags from the unsynced legal documents html

= 6.4.7 =
* Security: CSRF fixed
* Fix: type=module support for scripts other than inline scripts
* Fix: new shortcode handling for consent area not working for some plugin shortcodes, split in two options: default, the old one, optionally the clientside version.

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* Fix: version mismatch

= 6.4.6 =
* Improvement: Divi integration updated.
* Improvement: aria label on blocked content container
* Fix: store locator map integration updated.
* Fix: placeholder url missing trailing slash

= 6.4.5 =
* Fix: catch not existing post_data if post structure is not following WordPress standards
* Fix: exclude bricks builder from cookie blocker
* Fix: region redirect menu issue for legal documents that apply worldwide.
* Improvement: wording and links in Canadian Cookie Policy
* Improvement: mailchimp woocommerce integration feature activation after consent
* Improvement: updated classic consent area to the same new structure as the new Gutenberg consent area
* Improvement: script type module support in cookie blocker
* Improvement: exclude cornerstone builder from cookieblocker
* Improvement: catch missing slug in TCF library

= 6.4.4 =
* New: Block Editor/gutenberg consent area. Create your own placeholder, and add your consent requiring html in the block editor.
* Fix: wrap data-service and data-category attribute in quotes to prevent issues with some characters, props @marcelbusch
* Fix: For some integrations, the disable placeholder settings wasn't respected
* Fix: cmplz_has_consent() should return false if Do Not Track is enabled
* Fix: added possibility to pass a service to dependency waterfall
* Fix: script center placeholder css field not hidden when placeholder option disabled
* Improvement: add aria-expanded and aria-control to allowed html
* Improvement: extended cookie scan
* Improvement: limit server side cookie header length by removing duplicates, and limiting the max number cookies to be unset server side, props @i4nd90
* Improvement: npm libraries update

= 6.4.3 =
* New: branding update
* Improvement: add exclude cookies filter
* Improvement: add support for parent/child themes, props @dominiccarrington
* Improvement: incorrect bold paragraphs in Privacy Statement for Children
* Improvement: clear blocked scripts cache on ajax save in script center
* Improvement: hubspot integration improved
* fix: cmplz-consent-area shortcode reload loop because of hardcoded marketing category, @matthiaswagner

= 6.4.2 =
* Security update: authenticated Stored XSS
* Fix: disable cookie banner option in wizard didn't load the complianz.js scripts, causing placeholders not to work when activated.
* Fix: After switching to unlinked status in a legal document, purpose paragraph got dropped
* Fix: not all categories within services showing in cookie policy overview
* Fix: isset check on get_field_type function, props @moxymore
* Fix: not translatable VAT ID string
* Fix: remove cmplz_ prefix on usprivacy cookie
* Fix: With Global Privacy Control or Do Not Track enabled, and the user accepting an embedded service, the service was blocked again after a pageload.
* Improvement: Privacy Statement (US), mergers & acquisitions paragrahp
* Improvement: allow custom directory for cookie banner css generation
* Improvement: catch open basedir restriction
* Improvement: catch not existing accept button during initial cookie scan (no banner active yet)
* Improvement: function cmplz_has_consent() in 'other' region returned false when no cookies present, while it should return true in that case.
* New: Buttonizer integration
* New: hCatpcha for WordPress

= 6.4.1 =
* Improvement: do not copy over async attribute to prevent issues re-initializing scripts in some setups
* Improvement: get_cookie() function performance, props @lucastello
* Improvement: add space behind contact details on policy
* Improvement: add our own 'manage_privacy' capability, as the wordpress core manage_privacy_options is not implemented consistently with other capabilities
* Improvement: catch not set array class-document.php 1820
* Improvement: hide blocked iframes until they're consented to, for better UX
* Improvement: PHP 8.2 compatibility
* Improvement: export datarequests on symlinked folder setups (BASE_PATH -> ABSPATH)
* Fix: links to processing agreement create page broken
* Fix: Divi Recaptcha support
* Fix: WP Go Maps Pro update
* Fix: cosmetic change: cmplz_functional should always be allow, props @jidwictut9
* Fix: when editing consent in unsynced mode in Gutenberg, content went missing because of automatically wrapping with divs by gutenberg and missing key props
* New: Agile Store Locator integration
* New: Omnisend Connect integration

= 6.4.0 =
* Fix: GPC & DNT in opt out regions not respected, props @ahegyes
* Improvement: conditional scroll into view on consent area shortcode, props @falkemediawy
* Improvement: MPDF update, props @sviluppomania
* Improvement: catch CURL errors because of local SSL issues, add to system status
* Improvement: return # for not existing page id in case of generated docs by complianz, but not actually generated
* Improvement: Fire load event in divi integration after consent

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* Fix: some scripts not executing properly because of copying data-service & data-category attributes props @sophiaknows, @hamil1
* Fix: new added query added to cookie block exclude to ensure Avada live builder works, props @franck_b, @markusand

= 6.3.9 =
* Improvement: Add classes to address details
* Improvement: auto installer for Really Simple SSL multisite compatible
* Improvement: sidebar notice TCF missing css
* Improvement: add filter to allow filtering data-request email recipient 'cmplz_datarequest_email'
* Improvement: translatable URLs in polylang
* New: Microsoft Ads/Microsoft Clarity integration

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* Fix: catch not set array key during upgrade

= 6.3.8 =
* Fix: translatable strings, props @bonaldi
* Fix: only allow saving script center
* Fix: error on multisite upgrade
* Fix: catch error when multiple fonts plugins are installed at the same time, props @rkwp
* Fix: catch missing menu for user roles without manage privacy capability, props @nicmare, @omniafausta
* Fix: error in multisite copy of settings to subsites
* Fix: load cookiebanner css on cookie policy, to ensure hiding of obsolete categories, props @troglos
* Fix: cookieshredder on setInterval instead of setTimeout, to ensure continuous cleaning, props @path0
* Fix: set a legal document transient if no Complianz shortcodes are used at all
* New: Adobe Typekit integration
* New: Divi Google Maps integration, props @satzundmore
* Improvement: move script sources to data attribute, to prevent Safari from preloading
* Improvement: consistency in use of capabilities, changed all caps to manage_privacy
* Improvement: Allow é in google maps address, props @nicmare
* Improvement: performance improvements, props @paaljoachim

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* Fix: hook to create database table for records of consent running too early, causing tables not to get created on new instances

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* Fix: keep cookiebanner html on cookiepolicy if TCF enabled

= 6.3.7 =
* Fix: Change legal document page name on generate, not only on update
* Fix: remove error_log in proof of consent
* Fix: prevent duplicate document status field when Terms & conditions is activated
* Fix: on multisite with TCF enabled, plugin incorrectly showed plugin as not auto updates enabled
* Fix: re-enable caching for cookie list when cookie shredder is enabled, props @mkarena
* Fix: uses_statistics function now also checks if vimeo is used, which is a service using statistics cookies
* Improvement: drop Mappress integration, as Mappress has implemented the integration on their end
* Improvement: Extended Google Fonts support
* Improvement: Explicitly let users enable the cookie banner and cookie blocker
* Improvement: allow for linebreak in blocked scripts, which fixes ExactMetrics integration
* Improvement: when checkbox is inserted in Gravity Forms, but the wizard is not completed yet, the privacy statement url will now be updated on the last step of the wizard
* WCAG: don't add cookie banner html to cookie policy page, to prevent duplicate id issues
* WCAG: add labels with screen-reader-text class instead of hiding them with display:none, props @sophieweb
* New: Uncode maps integration
* New: YotuWP integration

= 6.3.6 =
* Fix: prepare string from translation files when updating banner text, props @saggre

= 6.3.5 =
* Improvement: some optimizations to make the cookie shredder perform better
* Improvement: extend translation options for cookies that are not synced with cookiedatabase when using polylang
* Improvement: use custom thrive hook in certain custom thrive implementations
* Improvement: also copy 'owndomain' property when creating a cookie in a new language
* Improvement: regenerate proof of consent pdf on plugin update
* Improvement: do not offer checkbox on cookie policy for Google Fonts
* Improvement: extend Matomo Tag Manager integration
* Improvement: for created directories, set permissions default to 755
* Improvement: add filter cmplz_banner_html to manage consent area as well, to offer consistent editing of the html
* Improvement: also change banner status with custom revoke button on status change
* Improvement: prevent use of multisite plugin on single site installs, as the license field is only available on network level
* Improvement: clean up error message after manually uploading Geo Ip file
* New: Google Maps colibri integration
* New: WP Google Maps OpenLayers Integration
* New: Content Views Plugin integration to allow for ajax loaded content
* Fix: Disable A/B testing in an export, to prevent issues with the cookie banner
* Fix: Incorrect sorting of Proof of Consent files prevented them from showing up in the list

= 6.3.4 =
* Updated Google Maps Easy integration
* New: ActiveCampaign
* Improvement: force redirect in firefox to reload with full consent withdrawal, as firefox seems to cache loaded scripts
* Improvement: bundle integration activation notices
* Fix: update qTranslate integration to allow for banner fields with $field['text'] strings, props @sviluppomania
* Fix: cookie policy UK not replacing the link because of too many arguments in sprintf

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* Fix: catch empty array for cookie shredder functionality
* Fix: shortcode pattern for Gutenberg shortcode recognition didn't include first character

= 6.3.3 =
* Improvement: fallback for manage consent button, in case of upgrade issue
* Improvement: Auto Update setting in system status
* Improvement: conditionally offer link to create menu page
* Improvement: remove unnecessary translatable strings from policy UK and AU
* Improvement: remove unnecessary slash in matomo script
* Improvement: email obfuscation when line break in the email prevented reversal of email
* Improvement: block activation of plugin below php version 7.2
* Improvement: dynamically adjust banner text based on advertising settings
* Improvement: no script tags when there's no actual script to add for statistics
* New: WordPress store locator integration
* New: Presto Player integration
* Fix: changes in manage consent button option causing issue in AMP integration, props @tarbyonline
* Fix: document options in region redirect menu not correctly filtered
* Fix: prevent error in system status when wizard not started yet
* Fix: NOT EMPTY condition on imprint statement
* Fix: no javascript error report unless script debug enabled

= 6.3.2 =
* Improvement: Enable consent statistics without A/B testing
* Improvement: some small dashboard changes
* Improvement: Prevent duplicate cookies in consent per service array
* Improvement: caching improvements
* Improvement: sharing of data multicheckbox with "more options" button
* Improvement: stricter shortcode pattern for gutenberg prevents non intentional redirect to english version when shortcode contains custom class with 'us' string, props @sami54000
* Improvement: prevent empty sharing with other parties statements in privacy policy
* Improvement: stricter regex pattern for youtube in elementor, preventing issues when video is self hosted, props @hatchjaw
* Improvement: extend custom css examples
* Improvement: catch situation where user selects that social media are used, but does not select any social media
* Improvement: drop defer from matomo js, as it is deprecated in favor of async
* Fix: typo in cookie policy
* Fix: conflict with older geo ip library in GEO Ip Detect plugin
* Fix: numbering in TCF policy incorrect
* Fix: Woocommerce analytics integration icw Stripe, props @xbaeza
* Fix: string change: for placeholders, you can now use a DIV class or an ID
* Fix: glitch in cookie banner statistics when hovering
* Fix: npm library updates

= 6.3.1 =
* Improvement: Catch php 5.6 error for geo ip
* Improvement: space after missing p tag removed
* Improvement: Consent per Service banner reappearing when making changes in service consent on the cookie policy
* Improvement: Burst integration not compatible with caching/defer
* Improvement: option to override the region by passing a parameter in the URL.
* Improvement: UK legal docs text improvements

= 6.3.0 =
* Improvement: United States update
* Improvement: download Geo IP file zipped
* Improvement: added filter cmplz_detected_cookies to enable directly adding cookies to detection
* Improvement: add languages by qTranslate to languages list for cookie translations, props @pmoh
* Improvement: more options for the manage consent button
* Improvement: updated Brazilian contact information ANPD
* Improvement: date localization in cmplz_localize_date function props @leoay
* Improvement: preserve uppercase in service names
* Improvement: disable autoload for back-end options, lowering front-end memory usage
* Improvement: PHP 8.1 compatibility
* Improvement: Ghostery conflict in cookie banner editor
* Improvement: Skip statistics wizard step when no statistics selected
* Improvement: Drop AW script after switch from google-analytics to other statistics tool
* New: add div placeholder by id, not just class
* New: Twitch integration
* Fix: cmplz-revoke-link shortcode not working due to changed classes, props @rana-rene
* Fix: minification error due to minifier stripping of '%', props @wpjamg
* Fix: clear pdf generation tmp directory after usage, props @kernvy
* Fix: video shortcode integration compatibility with Bold Builder + primavera

= 6.2.4 =
* Improvement: Get ready for cookieless tracking in Burst Statistics/Analytics
* Improvement: shepherd css class
* Improvement: move ace to vendor dir, to prevent translation scan, props @tobifjellner
* Improvement: added tcf locales
* Improvement: No data requests notice if no datarequests available
* Improvement: Elementor video playlist integration
* Improvement: less option updates in integrations
* Improvement: new filter for compatibility with qTranslate
* Improvement: drop text/javascript from scripts, as it is default
* Improvement: no defer on inline scripts, props @Lofesa
* Improvement: back-end css improvements
* Fix: heading 'Third parties' showing when not required, because of missing condition

= 6.2.3 =
* Fix: missing document-grid.css for configuration without Complianz css

= 6.2.2 =
* Fix: name of datarequests setting not consistent

= 6.2.1 =
* Design update for the admin pages
* Fix: Download button for data breaches
* Fix: FitVids not activating on category_enabled hook, props @goretex34
* Fix: legacy data requests showing broken icon

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* language updates

= 6.2.0 =
* New: Beaver Builder Power Pack
* New: Superfly integration
* New: Switzerland supported
* Improvement: change A tag of close button in banner to div, for WCAG
* Improvement: add to blocklist
* Improvement: wp bakery front end editor exclude cookie banner
* Improvement: Consent mode
* Fix: Shepherd skipping some steps
* Fix: Generating Proof Of Consent with PHP 8 causing PHP error, props @ltglobal
* Improvement: Data request forms

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* Fix: usage of dropped constants in GTM4WP causing fatal error, props @shecky

= 6.1.6 =
* Fix: elementor fix for inline css, matching regex made more specific
* Fix: catch serialized string in PolyLang
* Fix: allow string translations in Polylang, except for purposes. Prevent syncing translatable strings across languages. props @bosendorfer
* New: WP adverts Google Maps integration, props @titusb
* New: Advanced Ads Integration
* Improvement: prevent weird Avada bug triggering save_post hook on front-end, causing issues with Woocommerce PayPal integration, causing order key stripped
* Improvement: elementor fix for inline css, matching regex made more specific
* Improvement: extend is_pagebuilder_preview function with more Elementor $_GET variables
* Improvement: change vimeo purpose to statistics, props @alfi_-1
* Improvement: Facebook Video Embed Elementor integration
* Improvement: Exclude WooCommerce products from scan, preventing large nr of not relevant cookies to get detected, props @dwnl
* Improvement: AMP default hidden in inline amp css
* Improvement: add support for legacy WordPress Video shortcode, still used in siteorigin pagebuilder, props @stclaus
* TCF: fix script error in opt out region

= 6.1.5 =
* Fix: 'NOT' condition not loading correctly, props @rickvanleeuwen
* TCF: per the new IAB guidelines, last updated date and created date should be the same, without hour and seconds.

= 6.1.4 =
* Fix: reCaptcha integration in combination with consent per service, props @esby
* Improvement: integration which fixes bug in Thrive theme which removes other plugin's inline css
* Improvement: legal update to imprint/impressum
* Improvement: adjustments to EU configuration to allow for Switzerland as region
* Improvement: add Burst Statistics to suggested plugins for privacy friendly statistics
* Fix: Burst Statistics integration could cause duplicate hits in some situations
* Fix: Placeholders for Elementor Facebook and Twitter widget, and allow for Consent Per Service
* Fix: Consent per service icw Elementor Youtube implementation
* Fix: US revoke statistics with forceEnableStats
* Fix: activeCampaign vgo undefined
* Improvement: Use category as fallback for service consent

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* Fix: drop Elementor Pro Cookie Banner support
* Fix: drop aria-checked=true for input type=checkbox, props @lofesa
* Improvement: improve caching mechanism to ensure that on even for persistent cached database queries, these get updated when necessary
* Fix: Uncaught TypeError: service is null when Elementor integration used in combination with Cookie Shredder/consent per service
* Improvement: new event for integrations 'cmplz_status_change_service'
* Improvement: when checking callback function, also check for prefix
* Improvement: user registration pro
* Fix: duplicate id in back-end radio field

= 6.1.3 =
* Fix: Consent Mode consenting to marketing when preferences was accepted
* Fix: Burst Statistics integration triggering twice

= 6.1.2 =
* New: Integration for Burst - Privacy Friendly Statistics
* Fix: localhost reference in default css, props @toxicum
* Fix: saving of category selection in integrations
* Fix: saving of border radius of 0 in cookie banner
* Fix: race condition in TCF
* Fix: Woocommerce Google Analytics - Enhanced Ecommerce integration
* Improvement: editable "I Agree" button for consent per service/Cookie Shredder
* Improvement: cache get and cache set on database queries on the cookie policy and cookie shredder, removing duplicate queries, props David
* Improvement: add duplicate banner option when A/B testing enabled
* Improvement: don't track records of consent for bots
* Improvement: automatically disable SSL verify if user server does not supports it
* Improvement: text in impressum regarding journalistic content.
* Improvement: TCF features incorrectly could be unchecked. Changed checkboxes to disabled, props Robert
* Improvement: transients replace with own transients

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* Fix: WP Rocket lazyload integration should not load when lazy load not enabled in wp rocket

= 6.1.1 =
* New: Matomo Tag Manager / WP Piwik
* Improvement: TCF default legitimate interest inactive
* Improvement: export banner settings option
* Improvement: remove space after empty text, causing unnecessary paragraphs
* Improvement: force auto updates for TCF
* Improvement: use close button with enter, props @benqwerty
* Improvement: limit banner image size to banner editor only, props @bkwineper
* Improvement: lazy load integration for WP Rocket and LazyLoader plugin, props @Lofesa
* Improvement: change divs in banner to spans, props @kbelimpassakis
* Improvement: move inline css to head, props @kbelimpassakis
* Improvement: lock css file on css generation in banner
* Improvement: clean up blocked scripts after activation, props @puregraphx
* Improvement: check if detected ip in geo ip is localhost or empty, if so, fall back to other method
* Improvement: run load_plugin_textdomain for Loco Translate compatibility props @peterforensys
* Fix: save/enable on integrations slider
* Fix: dismiss Elementor pro activated notice
* Fix: fixed accidentally re-activating deactivated services on sync

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* Improvement: Themify Integration
* Improvement: WP Adverts integration, props @titusb, @gwin
* Improvement: Thrive integration, props @spike05de
* Improvement: editable text for consent per service placeholder
* Fix: due to dropped jquery, some features for TCF cookie policy not working
* Fix: Due to change from google-analytics.js to gtag.js, anonymizeIp has changed to anonymize_ip, props @ccalislar35
* Fix: On sync, include services without cookies, even if completed

= 6.1.0 =
* New: CookieShredder
* CSS: simplify scrollbar in dashboard css
* CSS: drop overflow: auto on header
* CSS: drop min-width 300px below 350px
* CSS: set bottom banner to bottom on mobile as well
* CSS: padding on links in legal pages
* CSS: override theme flex property on buttons in banner
* CSS: override theme line height property on manage consent button
* CSS: set bottom corners to radius 0 on manage consent button
* Improvement: matomo cookieless tracking
* Improvement: hide not required fields if no documents are selected, props @paaljoachim
* Improvement: allow for time zone offset when saving consent in records of consent
* Improvement: keep categories in sync props @antonellon
* Improvement: Link to permalink settings when notice is shown
* Improvement: DNT feedback string improved
* Improvement: drop fieldname class from fields in settings page, to prevent conflicts
* Improvement: CloudFlare CFCustom geo ip option
* Improvement: new options for GEO ip
* Improvement: allow saving of empty script center blocks
* Improvement: on switch to TCF banner, regenerate the banner css
* Improvement: obfuscate email address also with css
* Improvement: remove condition on categories settings in cookie banner setting, to allow for manage consent area configuration in cookie policy
* Improvement: catch Tatsu pagebuilder preview
* Improvement: auto enable GEO ip if records of consent enabled
* Improvement: disable hide cookiebanner option on legal pages
* Improvement: added font size option
* Improvement: responsiveness wizard
* Improvement: cookiebanner required feedback
* Improvement: new option to disable width auto correction
* Improvement: ratio option for placeholders on openstreetmap
* Improvement: added Flexible Maps integration
* Improvement: Less conditions on german paragraph in impressum
* Improvement: drop title element from svg in banner, props @alexbosch
* Improvement: p elements on all paragraphs in legal documents
* Improvement: add toggle to hide the legal document links on the banner
* Fix: Novo Maps integration
* Fix: domains with 'type' in the url could not load the css file props @nimdaweb
* Fix: Hubspot integration
* Fix: catch not set enable dependency key
* Fix: preview cookiebanner not always correctly updated.
* Fix: paging in integrations
* Fix: remove title tag from close button. props @doubleyourbrand
* Fix: only reload on a deny action if marketing was accepted props @dasisdormax
* Fix: allow mappress en google maps enabled at the same time
* Fix: allow quotes in custom css
* Fix: export filtered dataset from Records of Consent
* Fix: in cmplz_fire_categories, declare event as local variable, fixing theme conflicts with global declared variables props @jrt341.
* Fix: fix revert to defaults for text_checkbox booleans @puregraphx

= 6.0.14 =
* Fix: z-index of tour on integrations page
* Fix: amp integration not using the new array structure yet
* Improvement: toggles on script center custom scripts
* Improvement: move TCF vendorlist to, and improve fallback mechanism
* Improvement: comment on manage consent button setting

= 6.0.13 =
* Improvement: auto enable migrate.js when upgrading from <6 to 6.0 and up

= 6.0.12 =
* Fix: allow for configuration which could cause empty buttons.
* Fix: anonymous statistics description toggle showing when field is disabled props @kaznim, @puregraphx.

= 6.0.11 =
* Fix: multiple regions in default css

= 6.0.10 =
* Improvement: when some updates were skipped, old varchar columns could cause row size too large issues, causing banner settings not to get saved.
* Improvement: if obsolete categories type 'hidden' still was in use, force override to 'view-preferences'
* Improvement: fallback to default css if custom generated css wasn't available due to file write permissions or skipped upgrade
* Fix: When text fields are empty, like the deny button, fallback to default value.

= 6.0.9 =
* Fix: detect duplicate upgrade in banner

= 6.0.8 =
* Fix: hidden category type enabled on wizard changes
* Fix: unescape texts in banner links

= 6.0.7 =
* CSS: to prevent theme css conflicts, reset values for: display block op label:after, summary, line-height buttons, margin on manage consent button, row reverse on buttons/bottom
* Fix: catch PHP 8.1 errors
* Improvement: catch not writable uploads folder
* Improvement: allow custom privacy statement and impressum documents on banner in free version
* Fix: auto adjust banner width code "walking"
* Fix: TCF for CCPA dismissed banner on pageload

= 6.0.6 =
* Improvement: fallback on small images in cookie banner
* Fix: enable blocked images after consent
* Fix: gap css improvements
* Improvement: auto install suppport
* Improvement: languages update
* Improvement: text change

= 6.0.5 =
* Fix: link for white listing documentation, props @scheinercc
* Fix: update Pixel your site integration to 6.0 structure
* Fix: elementor placeholder css
* Fix: add cmplz- prefix to position as class from banner
* Improvement: css for opt out improved
* Fix: duplicate function name in store locator integration
* Fix: custom 'other purpose' translatable
* Fix: fire categories event on page load to allow Consent Mode to initialize correctly
* Fix: TCF language detection not working for norwegian because of bokmal prefix
* Fix: Image upload fallback for very small images, default preview when no image selected
* Improvement: hide link if corresponding legal page was not created yet
* Improvement: company country in impressum
* Improvement: cache queries for front-end to prevent duplicate queries

= 6.0.4 =
* Improvement: add more info to system status
* Improvement: Gtag does not need anonymize ip, as this is the default
* Fix: soft cookie wall in combination with opt-out consent type causing banner not to show
* Improvement: gap property not supported in safari, summary arrows on samsung mobile
* Improvement: TCF/IAB json files vendorlist improvements
* Fix: set service as bodyclass
* Fix: handle css for anonymous/default stats on cookie policy correctly
* Fix: race condition when only statistics was enabled, caused by reload
* Improvement: Oxygen builder support

= 6.0.3 =
* Fix: Open StreetMaps / OSM plugin integration
* Fix: updated all statistics integrations

= 6.0.2 =
* Improvement: allow both consent per category and consent per service on the custom consent area shortcode
* Improvement: show summary of detected cookies instead of full list on the scan page
* Fix: WP Google Maps integration
* Fix: records of consent could track a duplicate hit if two requests were triggered at the same time

= 6.0.1 =
* Fix: statistics consent when the questions "do you want to ask consent for statistics" has been answered with yes
* Fix: cmplz-document class on body when soft cookie wall was enabled
* Fix: {url} links detected by automatic tools
* Fix: css fix: limit category classes to banner only
* Fix: separate cookies with same name and different services in cookie list (Facebook/Instagram)
* Improvement: drop h1 and h2 from banner to prevent styling issues with styles from overriding themes

= 6.0.0 =
* Improvement: new Script Center, with option to add dependencies and placeholders
* Improvement: complete rewrite of the cookiebanner code, faster, modular, easily customizable.
* Improvement: removed jquery as dependency from the cookiebanner javascript
* Fix: new array structure for cookiebanner settings causing error with translations.
* Fix: load tcf stub als first action on page
* Fix: catastrophic backtracking with regex on iframes that do not contain a URL, props @ajoah
* Improvement: auto consent for visits from bots

= =
* Fix: regex pattern in placeholder code should allow for linebreaks props @ajoah
* Fix: license check for TCF
* Improvement: changed order in ip number checks in GEO ip feature, to allow for some not standard hosting companies
* Fix: on multisite, when the settings "set cookies on root" is used, the rt prefix should not be used.
* Improvement: limit DPO question to EU and UK only
* Fix: obsolete paragraph in Brazilian privacy policy
* Fix: duplicate word "telephone" in Impressum
* Fix: after enabling region redirect, i.c.w. a general document like impressum, the notice about not all pages having been linked did not go away
* Improvement: some improvements on imprint regarding strings required in German.

= 5.5.2 =
* Fix: load google analytics also when banner is not required
* Improvement: when license is not activated, don't re-check on each pageload.

= 5.5.1 =
* Fix: auto update disabled for other plugins

= =
* Improvement: Animate task dismissal
* Fix: typo's in texts
* New translations
* Improvement: add "enable_tcf_support" variable to gtag.js

= 5.5.0 =
* New: Region Redirect option in settings
* New: Placeholder themes and customization options
* New: Google Consent Mode for Google Tag Manager and GTAG.js
* Improvement: Imprint labeling for legal form
* Improvement: Cookiedatabase optin to optout
* Improvement: prepare update notice for 6.0
* Improvement: new filter 'cmplz_cookiescan_post_types' for posttypes in cookiescan
* Improvement: sharing of data section from different regions merged
* Improvement: line break in legal documents after publish/checked date
* Fix: Terms & Conditions recommendation not showing in free version
* Fix: automatic redirect to English for native English docs
* TCF: enable TCF in Brazil, South Africa and Australia
* TCF: legal basis not checked when not used by any vendors.
* TCF: keep purposes with same id in sync when checked.
* TCF: Clear TC string if it was created over 365 days ago
* Fix: CSV download of records of consent not working in FireFox
* Fix: detection of WP Consent API support in wizard not showing correct result
* Fix: Imprint missing a paragraph due to condition

= =
* New: WP Store locator maps integration
* Improvement: some string changes
* Improvement: save feedback
* New: WCAG option on the admin
* New: cmplz_choice cookie also available without a/b testing or records of consent
* Fix: restore youtube-nocookie url to be recognized as URL for YouTube placeholders
* Fix: allow marketing cookies on accept deny, props @klous-1

= =
* Fix: anonymizeip double quote in gtag.js

= 5.4.0 =
* Improvement: separate object to legitimate interest in TCF
* New: new region: Brazil
* Improvement: merged EU and US Data Protection officer questions in wizard
* Improvement: some line breaks in privacy statements

= 5.3.1 =
* New: Meks Easy Maps
* Fix: keep cookie and service lists in sync across languages when new languages are added.
* Fix: auto update notice condition reversed
* Fix: on the root website of a multisite setup accept all did not enable statistics
* New: Avada integration

= =
* Fix: French translation causing fatal error

= 5.3.0 =
* Improvement: textual changes in cookie policy
* Improvement: save selected setting in localstorage for dropdowns in dashboard
* Improvement: change retention into expiration
* Improvement: better privacy policy link description for Complianz
* Improvement: privacy friendly analytics feedback in DE
* Improvement: samesite and secure cookies for Google Analytics and gtag.js
* Improvement: daily check for free translation files, and admin notice if free is not deleted
* Improvement: notice about conflicting cookie banner plugins
* Improvement: append banner to end of body element, to improve LCP
* Improvement: linkedin placeholder
* Fix: no integration notice when WP Google Maps active
* Fix: GTM categories not included in A/B tests
* Fix: extend core WP privacy annex
* Improvement: correct Elementor css causing styling issues on Complianz pages.
* New: Imprint
* Fix: initialize the __tcfapi() and postmessage functionality
* Improvement: several changes to the way TCF is handled
* Improvement: do not autoload class with class_exists check in cmplz_uses_gutenberg() function props @knomepasi

= =
* Improvement: new IAB TCF storage disclosure requirement regarding cookie refresh.
* Improvement: if vendor has only legitimate interest, legint checkbox on vendor level is disabled

= =
* Improvement: increase vendorlist download frequency

= 5.2.6 =
* Fix: upgrade SQL for 5.2.0 statistics upgrade.
* Fix: Sync services in multilanguage environment
* Improvement: prevent naming conflicts with custom posttypes when region redirecting by adding a prefix
* Fix: A/B testing on multisite DB column mismatch because of new rt_ cookie prefix
* Fix: consent area required a cookiename change on multisite environments because of rt_ cookie prefix

= =
* Fix: legitimate interests enabled by default in TC String

= 5.2.5 =
* Fix: placeholder detection used wrong key, resulting in default placeholder

= =
* data breach report dropdown

= 5.2.4 =
* minor bug fix

= 5.2.3 =
* Fix: text domain correction
* Fix: min-width upload button
* Fix: in subdirectory installations, the find_wordpress_basepath function could not find the wp installation, props @ianpegg
* Improvement: re-structured services detection
* Improvement: drop TGM integration
* Improvement: flags for multiple regions
* TCF/IAB: some changes to keep the banner and cookie policy compliant with the IAB requirements
* Improvement: enable auto updates

= =
* Fix: TCF prefix not retrieved

= =
* Translations update
* Fix: TCF in combination with opt out banner causes opt out banner to stay hidden due to css change improving CLS
* Fix: Cookie name change needed to get updated in the TCF integration

= =
* Translations update

= 5.2.2 =
* Fix: When choosing anonymous statistics from a not supported statistics type, the wizard forced configuration by Complianz.

= 5.2.1 =
* Fix: arguments error in notice

= 5.2.0 =
* New: TikTok integration
* New: South Africa POPIA support
* Fix: On multisite, root/main site cookies get different prefix, to prevent browser from getting confused about cookies on root and subpaths.
* Fix: Monsterinsights integration causing two pageviews
* Fix: Restore ajax loaded content blocker option, which was not following the setting's input
* Improvement: load TCF strings for the wizard also from the IAB/TCF files shipped with the plugin
* Improvement: set background color of TCF banner to same color as same dropdowns in cookie policy
* Improvement: reset padding bottom for iframes during blocked status where responsiveness is handled with a padding-bottom 56%.
* Improvement: CLS improvement for TCF.
* Fix: several small fixes in the Databreach wizard
* Improvement: Detect Google Maps integration, and show notice about possible solution
* Improvement: Disable ACF integration when any of the other Google Maps integrations is detected
* Improvement: make TCF banner buttons color editable
* Improvement: databreach wizard disclaimer
* Improvement: added fallback URL for TCF data

= 5.1.3 =
* Fix: CLS score fix caused TCF banner to re-appear after dismissing

= 5.1.2 =
* Fix: TCF CLS score
* Fix: dropshadow on TCF banner

= 5.1.1 =
* Fix: copy shortcode for multiple regions always selecting first shortcode
* Fix: translations for TCF not pulled in correctly in certain race conditions
* Fix: allow for German Ringel S in Google Maps addresses

= 5.1.0 =
* New: Privacy Act 1988 Australia
* Update: Privacy Statements US/Canada.
* Fix: miscelaneous cookies without information in another language defaulted to the wrong translation
* New: Pixel your site pro
* Improvement: changed "Analytical" to "statistical".
* Fix: terminology in US/CA documents "to citizens and legal permanent residents of" instead of "to citizens of"
* Fix: explicitly ask consent in some EU regions question restored

= 5.0.3 =
* Improvement: new purposes for EU/UK
* Fix: shepherd loop
* Improvement: switch consent area in cookie policies
* Fix: Elementor integration after reload
* New: Variation swatches for Woocommerce integration
* Fix: link to processing agreement in wizard
* Improvement: show "hide cookie banner" metabox only on public post types

= =
* Fix: css for summary/details on privacy policy updated

= 5.0.2 =
* Fix: Exclude RSS feed from cookie blocker.
* CSS: save button to primary on license
* Improvement: tips & tricks not translatable
* Fix: CSS styles for cookies shortcode
* Fix: since 5.0 UK could not set the categories type separately
* Fix: preview of categories in automatically hidden after timeout
* Improvement: option to set a default region for not selected regions.
* Fix: upgrade integrations notices to 5.0 style
* Improvement: when cookie banner isn't necessary, show "open" notice instead of "completed"
* Fix: on duplicate cookies cleanup, do not delete cookies when from different services
* Fix: Processing field for 'other' option, linked textfield wasn't shown when selected
* Fix: feedback on settings saved responsive and multilanguage proof
* Improvement: change varchar fields in cookiebanner table to text, to preven max rowsize warnings on some installations.
* Fix: warning about CMP files after deactivating TCF

= =
* Improvement: US Disclosed list not required
* Improvement: tooltips to flow "up"
* Fix: not possible to switch off box-shadow due to default setting and false comparison.

= =
* Fix: some banner fields not editable for TCF banner
* Fix: hyperlink color on accept button in opt-out banner not passed to front-end.
* Improvement: integrations enabled notice dismissed for upgraded users.
* Improvement: body status classes consistency improved by always using categories. Use of 'allow' and 'deny' is dropped
* Improvement: catch error on cookie retrieval in sandboxes iframe

= 5.0.1 =
* TCF CSS changes
* Translations update
* Changed enqueue scripts to enqueue inline scripts
* Elementor Ultimate Add on integration
* Improvement: load TCF files from plugin's server.

= 5.0.0 =
* New: Animations and more customizations on cookie banner
* New: Integrations for 10+ plugins and services
* Improvement: UX
* Improvement: WCAG on policies
* Improvement: Adjustments for CNIL
* Improvement: A/B Testing adjustments
* Improvement: Elementor integration improved
* New: WeGlot support
* Improvement: moved AMP blocker to AMP integration

= 4.9.13 =
* New: WP Video Lightbox integration
* New: Extended pixelyoursite to the Pro integration
* New: Easy Fancy Box integration
* Fix: Records of consent dynamic PDF search
* Fix: custom Tag Manager events translatable

= 4.9.12 =
* Legal: ending delimiter in clicky recognition regex

= 4.9.11 =
* Legal: Do Not Sell My Personal information form moved up to top of policy in accordance with recent changes
* Fix: Elementor integration firing init, causing issues with hamburger menu
* New: Clicky integration
* New: feedback for AMP/no javascript
* Fix: lanuage when requesting over rest-api with polylang
* Fix: When using Geo IP, and visiting the website from one of the supported regions, but that region is not selected, it incorrectly showed a banner.

= 4.9.10 =
* New: Novo Maps integration
* Improvement: pinterest blocklist extended
* Fix: not 100% in wizard because of CF7 notification, even when not applicable.
* Improvement: don't show update notification for Terms & Conditions using TGMPA

= 4.9.9 =
* Improvement: only show CF7 notice when recaptcha is active

= 4.9.8 =
* Improvement: Events Calendar integration
* Drop Contact Form 7 integration as of CF7 5.4, due to continuous breaking changes in CF7. Contact Form 7 should integrate with the WP Consent API instead.

= 4.9.7 =
* Improvement: cookie policy overview css for mobile
* Fix: Youtube in Elementor widget after Elementor update not blocking anymore

= 4.9.6 =
* Fix: Revoke on cookie policy with accept/deny banner
* Improvement: do not re-run marketing after consent
* Improvement: clear cookies after cookie policy id change. Resolves issues for WPML users with cookiepath issues
* Improvement: activate blocked images on consent
* Fix: prevent infinite loop in Canada region with certain configurations
* Improvement: limit number of requests by jquery error detection
* Improvement: compliance with new TCF requirements
* Improvement: Advanced Captcha reCaptcha updated to integrate with latest version
* Improvement: improved URL pattern in URL input field
* Improvement: changed Advanced Custom Fields detection from ACF to ACF_VERSION, as it seems another plugin or theme is using this same function/constant/class
* Improvement: improved method of keeping track of blocked content containers that were already set up, or activated.
* Improvement: TranslatePress compatibility
* Improvement: allow for space in Google Maps iframe embed URL
* Improvement: stricter matching for WooCommerce Google Analytics pro and WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration, preventing matching on other scripts

= =
* Fix: merge integration fix

= 4.9.5 =
* JetPack integration
* Fix: disabling of integrations not working properly after theme support was added.
* Fix: short code for custom consent area not activating due to changes in the jquery events.

= 4.9.4 =
* Fix: when configured with accept/deny, accept on blocked content container not working

= =
* Fix: prevent REST API requests from being cached

= 4.9.3 =
* Fix: not storing consent

= 4.9.2 =
* Improvement: Fn.resize shorthand is deprecated
* Improvement: pass language to ajax calls with two character language code
* New: records of consent
* New: Woocommerce Analytics Pro integration
* New: Citadello Directory integration
* Improvement: when new languages are added to a site (multilanguage setup) ensure each cookie is added in every new language
* Fix: on multisite environments cookies were set on language subdomains instead of root. This fix sets cookiepath to root for WPML and polylang

= 4.9.1 =
* Fix cookie path on sites where WordPress is installed in a subfolder

= =
* Translation updates

= =
* Fix: use get_rest_url() instead of site_url for rest api calls

= 4.9.0 =
* WCAG: Do Not Sell My Personal information form WCAG improvements
* WCAG: fix button accessibility and div for Contact Form 7. props @juliemoynat-tanaguru
* Improvement: set default checkbox style to slider
* Improvement: Recaptcha v2 for CF7 CSS for better placeholder look
* WCAG: fix category checkbox square accessibility. props @juliemoynat-tanaguru
* New: support for plugin "Invisible recaptcha for WordPress"
* New: option to disable monthly automatic cookie scan
* New: Volocation integration
* New: Set cookie path based on site url. This allows for sites in subfolders to place cookies on the subfolder URL only
* Fix: typo in css class
* New: Gravity Forms recaptcha integration
* New: Advanced noCaptcha & invisible captcha integration
* New: Added status change event to be able to hook into consent actions from the user. E.g. a reload on consent action for plugins with server side consent management.
* New: MonsterInsights Enhanced ECommerce integration
* New: Generate Press theme integration
* Fix: Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type. Due to browsers expecting a html document as source, using mp4 as src placeholder caused unexpected behaviour.
* Fix: duplicate statistics tracking on anonymous statistics accept action fix not merged correctly in previous update
* Improvement: new method of ip detection added
* Fix: some strings for Canadian policies not translatable
* Fix: revoke marketing cookies if statistics still enabled, on configurations with non anonymous statistics
* Fix: incorrectly track a/b testing even when a/b testing not enabled
* Fix: PDF generation for data breaches
* Improvement: more context for email on updating legal documents each 12 months in US configurations props @gfields108
* Improvement: resolve jQuery Migrate notice "Global events are undocumented and deprecated" props @m266
* Improvement: change front-end admin-ajax.php calls into rest-api calls
* Improvement: Visual Composer front end editing exclude from the Cookie Blocker
* Improvement: PHP 8 compatibility
* Improvement: IE compatibility
* New: Woocommerce analytics integration (free)

= 4.8.2 =
* Improvement: possibility to add both a marketing and an advertising cookies section
* Fix: prevent double firing of analytics icw native class on accept #926
* Improvement: impressum legal update.
* Improvement: fixed two edge cases: Impressum after region change to non EU, analytics script in script center when running analytics from Complianz

= 4.8.1 =
* Fix: Do Not Track & Global Privacy Control feedback in Cookie Policy
* Fix: Shares data test returning false positive because of inverted script center script condition, props Michael
* Fix: Tag Manager script was incorrectly added when Google Tag Manager for WordPress plugin was used, props @imkane
* Fix: PHP warning when classes to insert contain two spaces. props @jadorwin
* Improvement: Revoke cookie consent string changed into Manage Consent
* Improvement: add Post Status for legal documents
* Improvement: remove quotes in WP Google Maps string to prevent German quotes issues
* Improvement: jquery error detection, skip error on line 0 as false positive, prevent overwriting error
* New: Nudgify integration
* New: you can now disable the cookieblocker by adding ?cmplz_safe_mode=1 to the URL

= 4.8.0 =
* Improvement: include stats when in safe mode
* Improvement: CSS style for invisible checkboxes to make them readable by screen readers. props @juliemoynat-tanaguru
* Improvement: load TCF strings directly to prevent editing of required texts
* Improvement: Trust Pulse integration
* Fix: boolean comparison on 1 value for geo ip detection in javascript, causing the plugin to do an unnecessary call to the server.
* Fix: custom statistics script blocking
* Fix: exclude TCF 2.0 / IAB banner css from non GDPR regions
* Fix: allow for matching on relative URL's for script sources, props @onwk
* Fix: Canadian TCF integration was missing vendors overview on Cookie Policy
* Improvement: publisherCountryCode set for TCF
* Improvement: skip translation of cookie properties when Polylang is enabled, as Polylang can't handle different fieldname contexts
* Improvement: banner bottom edgeless theme responsiveness, props @tim
* Improvement: Podcast Player integration, props @vedathemes, @uiuiui7
* Improvement: consent mode Google
* Fix: Disable cookieblocker on AMP when AMP integration not enabled, props @jensminor
* Fix: ony one ID for the cookie policy overview div, props @frown
* Improvement: maximize cookie name length, to prevent display issues
* Improvement: don't show conversion percentage when A/B testing not enabled
* Fix: typo in text domain
* Fix: "Usage" translated with _x function with wrong arguments

= 4.7.7 =
* Improvement: Map Multi Marker integration
* Fix: proof of consent showing cookie descriptions in white because of new cookie policy css props @ollieuk
* Fix: cookie descriptions css causing white space at the bottom on some themes props @umutusu

= 4.7.6 =
* Fix: pass new cookies overview css also when only the cookies shortcode is used.
* Fix: saving of plugin integration settings
* Improvement: some themes overriding the white-space:normal for the blocked content button
* Improvement: don't show "hide cookie banner option when no slug is available
* Improvement: compatibility with native browser lazyload option loading="lazy"

= 4.7.5 =
* Improvement: force display none on video placeholder for themes that are overriding the display none
* Fix: wrong text-domain for a TCF string
* Improvement: cookie list responsive and better compact design
* Improvement: translation of TCF strings in back-end
* improvement: responsiveness for banner bottom with square category checkboxes
* Fix: TCF features not saved correctly
* Fix: statistics paragraph EU/UK cookie policy not taking into account consent differences for statistical cookies
* Fix: advertising section incorrectly in cookie policy showing when no ads are showing
* Improvement: WCAG for blocked content notice: changed clickable div into button

= 4.7.4 =
* Improvement: don't enqueue document css in Gutenberg editor when disabled
* Improvement: no cookie wall on cookie policy
* Improvement: responsiveness of TCF banner
* Improvement: upgrade translation files on activation rather then upgrade from free
* Improvement: stricter instagram detection, preventing false positives on hyperlinks
* Improvement: show feedback on missing jquery and on jquery errors on front-end
* Fix: TCF only loading correctly when GEO ip enabled
* Fix: safe data before loading fields, which could cause conditions not to be updated yet on next pageload
* Fix: set default for personalized ads, to prevent unfocusable document control
* Fix: pass language as parameter with ajax calls, to ensure WPML and polylang translation

= =
* Fix: roll back text/plain on statistics scripts

= 4.7.3 =
* CF 7 reCaptcha v2 fix
* Increase conditional jquery priority to limit chances of deregistering afterwards.
* Extend safe mode with script center features
* TCF implementation
* set custom statistics implementation default to plain so complianz can manage activation

= 4.7.2 =
* Improvement: prevent running of upgrade from free to premium more than once.
* Improvement: add option to flag first party marketing cookies with an integration
* Improvement: set tabindex to 0 for banner controls
* Improvement: limit access to hide banner option to users with manage_privacy capability
* Fix: Do Not Track signal not passed correctly when caching enabled
* Fix: legacy revoke button in US
* Fix: on configurations without marketing cookies "save preferences" was not functioning properly
* Fix: max banner width was implemented with min-width.

= =
* Fix: banner width adjustment not FireFox compatible

= 4.7.1 =
* Fix: legacy revoke button in opt out regions, revoking in manage consent tab in opt out regions
* Improvement: add option to exclude cookie banner from a page
* Improvement: keyboard accessibility of square and slider checkboxes on the banner for WCAG2
* Improvement: when no marketing categories are present, don't show the marketing category on the banner
* Improvement: consent area shortcode caching proof
* Improvement: only accept marketing on placeholder accept
* Improvement: drop obsolete setting cookie_warning_enabled
* Improvement: rename cookieconfig.js to complianz.js to prevent unnecessary blocking by all in one wp security
* Fix: edited some typos
* Improvement: better adjusting to long button texts in the banner
* Improvement: add data-nosnippet to banner div to discourage indexing by search engines
* Improvement: separate question to explicitly let users choose to block recaptcha
* Improvement: google site kit notification
* Fix: accept deny banner variation did not revoke anymore after accepting, then revoking.
* Fix: CAOS integration not working anymore
* Improvements on the consent area shortcode implementation

= =
* Fix: When "no document" was selected for a particular privacy document, a hash could be printed in the banner

= =
* Fix: Vimeo sunset of simple API v2, requiring update of placeholder/thumbnail download
* Fix: Canada getting incorrect privacy statement URL on banner

= =
* updated NL and BE languages were missing a %s placeholder, necessary for correct cookie policy

= 4.7.0 =
* Improvement: WCAG 2 compatibility
* Improvement: WP 5.5 permissions callback default true for public rest api calls
* New: Calendly integration
* New: Consent Shortcode to wrap your content manually cmplz-consent-area /cmplz-consent-area
* Improvement: string update
* Improvement: proof of consent remove unnecessary info
* Improvement: improved activation notice
* Improvement: added Gutenberg preview image
* Improvement: improved Google Maps placeholders
* Fix: placeholders update
* Fix: static Google Maps images integration not working correctly due to regex pattern
* Fix: AMP matching on facebook and facebook-like tag
* Fix: Processors missing agreement notice when option to use processors was disabled
* Fix: Google Ads integration could not be disabled
* Fix: cookiedomain feature could cause indexOf undefined error in specific congfigurations
* Fix: in some configurations not all generated proof of of consent document were displayed, because of duplicate indexes
* NPM package updates

= =
* Google Maps easy integration added
* Split last cookie sync into separate ajax call for better performance

= 4.6.10 =
* Fix: prevent page reload when user chooses functional only in category banner, when no other category has been selected.

= 4.6.9 =
* Fix: option to set cookies on optional domain on multisite was not checked correctly, causing cookies not to get set on some configurations

= 4.6.8 =
* Fix: run upgrade for banner width to prevent saving issues because bannerwidth still has odd number of pixels
* Fix: correctly load defaults so the banner has a fallback if the impressum title is not yet entered.
* Improvement: Syncing or adding used services won't enable integrations

= 4.6.7 =
* Improvement: read more link on double analytics implementation
* Fix: string "obsolete page" not translatable
* improvement: impressum title in cookie banner editable
* Improvement: remove "we do not use ... " statements from cookie policy
* Improvement: facebook for woocommerce integration
* Improvement: support for cross domain cookie consent on multisite
* Improvement: add noreferrer, noopener attributes to links on cookie policy
* Improvement: fix issue where Chrome bug causes blurred banner on uneven width sizes
* Improvement: fix broken Contact Form 7 integrations because of continuous changes to CF7

= 4.6.6 =
* New: Async script center option
* Fix: prevent CSS theme override in some themes on square checkbox
* Fix: prevent warning about rest-api by removing slash
* Fix: marketing level not firing correctly with Tag Manager
* Fix: when Do Not Sell My Personal Information is added, wrong link was highlighted as "upgrade" link
* Improvement: default banner width larger

= 4.6.5 =
* Fix: Tag Manager event not firing in new style checkboxes
* Improvement: catch error when uploads dir is not writable, for pdf creation
* Fix: Correctly replace banner labels in policy
* Fix: after 4.6.0 update script-center custom scripts not firing after consent
* Improvement: Simple Business Directory
* Improvement: dismiss soft cookie wall for categories below marketing
* Fix: manage consent paragraph not in correct paragraph for UK policy
* Improvement: additional css to prevent theme override of classic checkbox css
* Fix: don't show processing agreements notice if no privacy policy is generated by Complianz
* Fix: don't force banner width on top, bottom and fixed banners

= 4.6.4 =
* Improvement: Dismiss review notice with GET to prevent issues with dismissing
* Improvement: Rename updater class to prevent conflicts
* Improvement: Facebook / Twitter Smash Balloon integration added
* Fix: drop blocking of PayPal as third party

= 4.6.3 =
* Fix: load ACF Maps integration only when Google Maps is enqueued

= 4.6.2 =
* Fix: fallback for banner settings in case upgrade to new category banners didn't run successfully
* Fix: cmplz_set_cookie function called without expiration, causing a session expiration

= 4.6.1 =
* Fix: for the hidden categories banner, event was set too early, causing incorrect banner behaviour if UK used a different categories type.
* Fix: on opt-out only, preview didn't work because the gethovercolour function couldn't process an empty hex
* Fix: Contact form 7 recaptcha update patch
* Improvement: regex for double statistics implementation was not specific enough

= 4.6.0 =
* New: New Cookie banner variations with new checkbox options, accept all button, etc.
* Fix: revoke on legacy revoke button not revoking correctly
* Fix: in case of categories, paragraph text in cookie policy didn't match
* Improvement: updated EDD licensing code
* Improvement: vimeo with DNT=1 in the URL will not get blocked, as it's privacy friendly, non tracking.
* New: added Rate My Post integration
* New: added ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) integration for Google Maps

= 4.5.2 =
* Improvement: set cookie slug to default empty string to prevent conflict with de_DE plugin
* Fix: setCookie function at one point in code called without expiry, causing it to get set with session expiry

= 4.5.1 =
* Fix: User registration dependency
* Fix: consent management on UK policy not possible due to an incorrect condition
* Improvement: improve conditions and descriptions for selling data elements in legal documents and questions
* Improvement: jquery >3.x compatibility
* Improvement: Divi notice for Recaptcha
* Fix: correctly translate Complianz cookie retention
* Fix: some themes showing double checkboxes

= =
* Fix: in opt out the banner was dismissed after first pageload

= 4.5.0 =
* Improvement: convert region array when enabling or disabling geo ip setting
* Improvement: support for retrieval of second party cookies
* Improvement: dropped deprecated wp.editor in favor of wp.blockEditor in Gutenberg block, added panelrows.
* Improvement: manage consent by category on Cookie Policy
* SSL verify enabled for license verification
* javascript sanitization props pierrotevrard-idp
* Do not automatically enable a service integration after a cookiedatabase sync
* Get screencapture for youtube videoseries
* Catch not existing src in iframe in cmplzGetURLParam()
* Improvement: for the geo ip document redirect, redirect the "other" region to website's base region
* Fix: possible issue when custom editing the cookie policy content because of empty table cells.
* Fix: AMP plugin changed hooks, causing the integration not to work 100%
* Improvement: added AddToAny in the integrations list
* Fix: missing filter in integrations list props @orjhor
* Fix: language selecter services was called 'select {language} cookies';

= 4.4.2 =
* Improvement: pass type to Cookiedatabase: localstorage or cookie
* Fix: custom URL not saving
* Fix: {link} not replaced in new cookie template
* Fix: one function in TGMPA library not prefixed yet, causing conflicts with other libraries
* Fix: cookieFunction and collectedPersonalData sync across different languages props pierrotevrard-idp

= 4.4.1 =
* Fix: improve integration with WP Google Maps plugin
* Fix: template override feature from theme not working props xantek
* Fix: with line breaks in iframe element, props pierrotevrard
* Fix: iframe replacement issue with linebreaks props pierrotevrard
* Fix: purpose section not shown when privacy generation is enabled with UK only
* Improvement: Translatepress support
* Improvement: word "impressum" translatable

= 4.4.0 =
* Fix: OpenStreetMaps (OSM plugin) compatibility fix
* Fix: cookie blocker for ajax loaded content made conditional with a setting in the general settings
* Tweak: allow colon in URL field
* Updated libraries
* Added Impressum for Germany and Austria
* Tweak: optimization of cookiebanner database queries

= 4.3.5 =
* Fix: TGM compatibility fix
* Fix: when dismiss on scroll is used in the US in combination with the hide settings button, the settings button wasn't hidden immediately
* Fix: Improved blocked content activation on ajax loaded content
* Fix: Add try/catch for the strange situation that file_exists returns true while it's not there on wp engine.
* Fix: Mappres integration needed CSS update

= =
* Fix: when user country is not in regions list, an incorrect region was returned, resulting in a PHP warning

= 4.3.4 =
* Fix: Mailchimp for CF7 compatibility
* Tweak: hide license key
* Tweak: added filter to allow to manipulate script output
* Fix: embedded analytics script triggered before consent because regex didn't match the script after PHPcs changes
* Fix: condition on Cookie Policy text field caused field not to be shown when both CCPA and PIPEDA apply
* Tweak: renamed TGM library classes to prevent conflicts with incorrectly implemented TGM libary in some themes

= 4.3.3 =
* Fix: the "all" region was skipped in a region check

= 4.3.2 =
* Fix: autoredirect not working correctly after Canada update
* Improvement: make pages creation an explicit user action
* MPDF package update
* removed divs in legal documents, in favour of p tags.
* Improved jquery activation script for iframes for smoother loading of iframe
* Improved cookie delete option: it will now archive, so won't get added again on new scan
* Improved handling of ajax loaded content in Cookie Blocker (Ultimate Member)
* Fix translation of banner items for multiple language configurations
* Fix: WPML changed index in supported languages from language_code to code

= 4.3.1 =
* Tested for PHP 7.4 issues
* Fix: in add menu step, when no disclaimer was selected, menus were shown double

= 4.3.0 =
* New: Supports the WP Consent API (
* Fix: Type on legal document
* Tweak: filter to change the region dynamically

= 4.2.2 =
* Fix: don't fire cookie blocker when not needed.

= 4.2.1 =
* Fix: use filename sanitize function instead of sanitize_title() for proof of consent files
* Fix: Twitter placeholder string added incorrectly

= 4.2.0 =
* New: PIPEDA support (Canada)
* New: added option to disable all notices
* Tweak: CAOS integration improved
* Fix: remove limit on list of processing agreements
* Fix: bug when searching in Do Not Sell My Personal Information requests
* Fix: allow for private Vimeo video's, props @volkmar-kantor
* Tweak: added option to disable placeholders per plugin/service
* Tweak: Updated WCAG to v2.1
* Tweak: moved custom recaptcha css to integrations modules
* Tweak: added introduction tour
* Fix: user region and consenttype for not enabled regions should return "other", even when the user is from a supported region
* Tweak: made aria-label in cookie notice translatable
* Fix: check if array key exists in GTM4WP integration
* Fix: check existence of table before retrieving services
* Fix: IE11 support for blocked content notice, props @volkmar-kantor
* Tweak: Improved placeholder support for Twitter embed
* Fix: removed unintentional dot before not numbered paragraphs
* Fix: custom policy URL incorrectly caused a not 100% completeness

= 4.1.5 =
* Tweak: improved signature style on processing agreements
* Fix: proof of consent link not working when website title contained an ampersand
* Fix: duplicate function name in contact form 7/G1 Maps integration, and in GADWP and GTM4WP integration

= 4.1.4 =
* Fix: Google Analytics was not blocked correctly

= 4.1.3 =
* Fix: Google Tag Manager integration
* New: Google Tag Manager 4 WP integration
* Tweak: updated default banner colors
* Tweak: improved menu order and tab order on integrations page

= 4.1.2 =
* Tweak: When consent on anonymous statistics is enabled for Germany,  Hotjar anonymous version should also require consent
* Fix: add space in "web beacon"
* Tweak: No lazy loading for WP Rocket iframes
* Tweak: offer option to show link to for cookies and services
* Fix: database error on new install because cookies were checked before table was initialized on first activation.
* Tweak: Wp Forms recaptcha integration
* Tweak: Mappress integration
* Fix: placeholder activation for non iframes not working correctly
* Fix: typo in privacy policies
* Tweak: removed some obsolete statements in privacy policies
* Tweak: changed blocked content notice in "accept marketing cookies"
* Tweak: added OSM plugin open streetmaps support
* Fix: is_amp_endpoint function check
* Tweak: moved css to separate plugin integrations
* Tweak: JetPack twitter integration
* Tweak: improved notice when uploads folder not writable
* Tweak: improved non functional and functional cookies check
* Fix: cron was wrapped in logged in check, preventing the cron from running

= 4.1.1 =
* Fix: multiple regions not processed correctly by cmplz_has_region() function

= 4.1.0 =
* New: AMP support
* Tweak: offer option to ask opt-in for statistics in Germany
* Fix: dismiss on timeout not working
* Fix: revoke on cookie policy when GEO ip enabled, US only
* Fix: when no region was selected, a string with empty region could appear in the dashboard.
* Tweak: dismiss the upgrade notice even when no changes are detected.
* Tweak: improved review notice
* Tweak: remove "unknown privacy link"
* Tweak: no need to opt in to when no cookies
* Tweak: dedicated shortcode cmplz-cookies to enable users to inlude the cookies list only
* Tweak: adjusted accept all cookies notice in blocked content notice
* Tweak: improve activation of video scripts for smoother experience
* Tweak: drop notification on plugin updates. This function is already handled by the "new cookies" feature
* Tweak: removed double occurence of disqus
* Tweak: added dot behind every paragraph
* Tweak: improve region explanation to avoid confusion
* Tweak: added remove data on uninstall option
* Tweak: extend regex for iframe URL's to support brackets in URL's

= 4.0.5 =
* Add second party service
* Fix: privacy friendly settings got inverted for check if banner was needed for statistics only

= =
* roll back change of moment when placeholder classes are removed.

= 4.0.4 =
* opt in to

= 4.0.3 =
Fix: cookiedatabase sync not synchronizing third party services in multilingual environments
Improvement: improved error messages for sync

= 4.0.2 =
Fix: UK and US policies still used old cookie descriptions

= 4.0.1 =
Fix: banner saving when UK and EU both use categories

= 4.0.0 =
* Improvement: separate consenttype for UK
* Improvement: cookie information retrieved from

= 3.2.4 =
* Tweak: Matomo stats script updates
* Improved javascript array merging method

= 3.2.3 =
* Fix: missing retain data statement in privacy policy
* Fix: missing translation strings
* Fix: not registering strings from cookie translation for multilanguage environments

* Fix: changed placeholder.html in blocked iframe source to "about:blank"

= 3.2.2 =
* Improvement: added option to unlink and customize the legal documents
* Improvement: structure improvements to integrations code
* Fix: UK Cookie Policy URL not added to cookie notice
* Fix: Some questions not showing in wizard for UK region
* Improvement: added integration for GEO My WP members list
* Improvement: added Forminator integration
* Improvement: added Beehive integration

= 3.1.2 =
* Fix: incorrectly forcing en_US language

= 3.2.0 =
* Improvement: added shortcodes to document list on dashboard page
* Improvement: do not activate cookie banner before wizard has completed
* Improvement: added banner loaded jquery hook
* Improvement: The United Kingdom is now a separate region with specific cookie consent management
* Improvement: Script center is now embedded under 'Integrations'. A more flexible approach to blocking and enabling scripts, plugins and services
* Tweak: Tag Manager does not require a categorical approach of cookies
* Tweak: Feedback in dashboard has been improved when changing regions
* Tweak: Stylesheet updates

= 3.1.1 =
* Fix: document wrapped in double div
* Fix: PHP warning caused by empty list of proof of consent documents
* Fix: if upload directory does not have writing permissions, generating the PDF files could cause an error

= 3.1.0 =
* Improvement: proof of consent page, which works as consent registration on settings change
* Improvement: added script dependency array, to enable scripts to fire in a certain order
* Improvement: extended placeholder support for non-iframes
* Improvement: added soft Cookie Wall

= 3.0.11 =
* Improvement: pixel caffeine support
* Fix: version stripping second digit for upgrade check

= 3.0.10 =
* Fix: on saving of settings, when Contact Form 7 is integrated using consent box, mail settings are reset
* Fix: Avia front end pagebuilder getting blocked by cookie blocker
* Fix: Lawfull => lawful
* Improvement: added custom jquery event to hook into cookie consent events
* Fix: set Google Analytics as not functional
* Fix: duplicate advertising cookies settings in US cookie policy
* Improvement: added PayPal cookies
* Improvement: added cc-revoke example
* Improvement: added helptext to explain email addresses are ofuscated
* Improvement: sanitizing of hex color in custom css
* Improvement: WP Google Maps integration
* Improvement: moved do not track me integration to filterable array
* Improvement: comma separated ip's supported in GEO ip
* Improvement: prevent policies from being generated when not activated in settings
* Improvement: pixelyoursite plugin support
* Improvement: notifications when cookie blocker is enabled, to make sure users understand the implications
* Improvement: dropped youronlinechoices as suggested service

= 3.0.9 =
* Improvement: change revoke button in cookie policy to button element
* Improvement: for Tag Manager, a suggestion to set up personalized ads

= 3.0.8 =
* Improvement: add option to configure your own cookie policy URL
* Fix: creating legal document page when none is available after region switch
* Improvement: W3C validator compatibility for documents
* Fix: javascript pattern not matching correctly, causing both text/plain and text/javascript scripts.
* Improvement: recommended action on Google Fonts
* Fix: Pass font color to cc-category class
* Fix: allow for content in iframes tags in regex pattern
* Fix: A/B tracking still in progress notice when only one banner left
* Fix: hide comment checkbox when WP personal data storage for comments is disabled
* Fix: hide security measures question when privacy policy not selected
* Improvement: more info on personalized ads configuration with Tag Manager

= 3.0.7 =
* Tweak: remove blocking of custom Google implementations, as it is not yet possible to reactivate them

= 3.0.6 =
* Fix: new regex did not exclude cmplz-native scripts from cookie blocker

= 3.0.5 =
* Fix: saving when saved data is not an array
* Fix: prevent force category for Tag Manager after switching back to GA
* Improvement: allow for Youtube video series URL
* Fix: several improvements for US documents
* Fix: table remove on plugin deletion
* Improvement: when marketing level category is selected, statistics category should not get consent
* Improvement: not scrolling to top when accepting

= 3.0.4 =
* Fix: expiry days not passed to cookie banner

= 3.0.3 =
* Fix: add href to accept button on cookie banner
* Improvement: cmplz-accept-link text="accept cookies" shortcode
* Fix: Cookie policy advertising and statistics cookies settings fix
* Fix: Not saving unchecked checkbox custom document css
* Improvement: Hide filter selects when a/b testing not enabled
* Fix: Privacy statement for eu notice when using US only
* Fix: If page is deleted, stored cookiepage url could be empty
* Fix: When switching settings for advertising cookies, output might show both advertising and non-advertising paragraph
* Fix: No cookie banner mention in cookie policy when no banner is needed
* Fix: Cookie blocker was not activated when only statistics required a cookie warning
* Fix: selecting no thirdparty services or cookies could lead to double activation of statistics
* Fix: Selecting US as target region in some cases did not fire the default consent which is allowed for US privacy regulations

= 3.0.2 =
* Fix: Gravity forms checkbox not generated correctly
* Fix: Brand color not updating in cookiebanner
* Fix: US Cookie policy not showing correct purposes
* Fix: Incomplete cookie causing not reaching 100% without notice
* Fix: Enabling TM categories
* Fix: Elementor forcing lineheight of 0 in embeds

= 3.0.1 =
* Fix: hook for DB upgrade moved to an earlier one.

= 3.0.0 =
* Fix: removed google plus integration, as it's discontinued
* Fix: prevent saving from document URL's on autosave and revisions
* Fix: moved linkedin from script blocked list to async loaded list
* Fix: default region is now one of the selected regions in the wizard.
* Fix: when localstorage is empty, empty array could cause PHP error during cookie scan
* Fix: excluded elementor_font post_type from scan
* Fix: As elementor uses the classic shortcodes in Gutenberg, an exception should be made for Elementor when inserting default pages
* Improvement: completely rewritten video blocking and placeholder code, which should reduce possible issues
* Improvement: added HappyForms integration to enable recaptcha initialization.
* Improvement: hide nag notices from other plugins on Complianz pages.
* Improvement: dropped hook on save_post and insert_post which triggered new scan.
* Improvement: added option to stop scanning every week with define('CMPLZ_DO_NOT_SCAN');
* Improvement: added warning when a cookie is not completely filled out
* Improvement: extended support for different types of IP detection on servers
* Improvement: moved string translation support for polylang and WPML to core
* Improvement: Added option to disable adding placeholder HTML to video's
* Improvement: Added plural for Social Media statement in Cookie Policy
* Improvement: Added exception for Non Personalized Ads in advertisement section in Wizard and in Cookie Policy
* Improvement: Added escaping to outputted javascript, all scripts moved to templates
* Improvement: Moved cookie banner settings to separate table and object
* Improvement: limit ajax requests to a/b testing and multiple regions

= 2.1.8 =
* Tweak: improve escaping of css in document html output
* Tweak: improved Elementor and Gutenberg compatibility for youtube video activation after consent is given

= 2.1.6 =
* Fix: responsive video adjustments
* Fix: z index for blocked content text too high, causing it to float over the banner

= 2.1.5 =
* Feature: WP Forms integration
* Feature: Dailymotion placeholder support
* Improvement: prevent activation for PHP <5.6 and WP < 4.6
* Improvement: clean up placeholder folder every month
* Improvement: regex did not recognize google maps URL because of exclamation mark usage
* Improvement: higher quality placeholder image
* Improvement: when Tag Manager is selected, categories is enabled. To make this more explicit help text is added and the button disabled.
* Improvement: when saving settings in the cookie warning settings, we now maintain the region selection state
* Improvement: download video placeholders to own site to make sure Youtube and vimeo cannot track the users
* Improvement: placeholder img aspect ratio is used to resize the placeholder container div
* Fix: several css styling issues for the center theme with categories: color inheritance of label, display
* Fix: css styling for border with edgeless theme
* Fix: when user states no cookies are used, even if the scan detects them, no cookie banner will be shown, as per the user's wishes.
* Fix: FitVids compatibility for fluid video display
* Fix: empty locales array for cookie cache could cause PHP warning

= 2.1.4 =
* Fix: incorrect PHP opening causing input fields malform on some setups

= 2.1.3 =
* Tweak: option to save A/B testing reports
* Tweak: Purpose description for EU not needed in all situations
* Tweak: Split US and EU cookie banner text, to be configured separately
* Tweak: created a setting to configure blocked content text
* Tweak: Changed check on WP_DEBUG to SCRIPT_DEBUG for scripts
* Tweak: added placeholder to blocked iframes to prevent reloading to homepage
* Fix: In US cookie policy, "we ask consent for statistics" is removed
* Fix: In EU cookie policy, "we ask consent for statistics" is shown conditionally, based on anonymization settings of the statistics tool
* Tweak: added upgrade links
* Fix: empty localstorage and cookie array causing an warning
* Tweak: close button on modal help windows
* Fix: when choosing to configure your statistics yourself instead of matomo/analytics/tagmanager, a warning kept showing in the dashboard.
* Tweak: accept button not fitting in banner when using a very long decline text
* Fix: for paragraphs with both a field condition and a callback condition, the code did not enforce both conditions
* Fix: clang redirect to en locale not adjusted for Gutenberg block recognition
* Fix: if region is not selected, cookiebanner won't show for that region anymore

* Fix: extra line break in readme causing readme not to get parsed correctly

= 2.1.1 =
* Fix: allow reinitialisation of recaptcha v3 in Contact Form 7
* Tweak: prevent dns prefetch for blocked URL's
* Tweak: option to dismiss on scroll or dismiss on timeout
* Tweak: option to share more details on the automated processing
* Tweak: added secure flag to cookie set function when url is https

= 2.1.0 =
* Tweak: Gutenberg blocks from Complianz Privacy Suite
* Tweak: integration with

= 2.0.9 =
* Tweak: allow users to keep their own, custom statistics tracking
* Fix: Revoke button text not defined with US only setup
* Tweak: Do Not Track now optional
* Tweak: Do No Track is not used in the percentage calculation anymore
* Tweak: new modal tooltips

= 2.0.8 =
* Fix: remaining time calculation bug
* Fix: privacy statement url to own site in cookie policy not generated correctly
* Tweak: support youtube and vimeo placeholders
* Tweak: uninstall not removing all data. This can be done explicitly in the settings as of now.
* Fix: custom strings not translated properly

= 2.0.7 =
* Translation update

= 2.0.6 =
* Tweak: added some new cookies to the database
* Tweak: changed site_url into home_url in the documents output
* Tweak: add support for blocking of instagram cookies
* Tweak: dropped pattern restriction on phonenumbers, as there are too many local differences.
* Fix: third party privacy statements not inserted in cookie policy
* Tweak: less strict policies for websites who do not target California
* Fix: privacy policy URL's not showing in cookie policy

= 2.0.5 =
* Tweak: changed site_url into home_url in the documents output
* Tweak: added support for partial matches on cookies with the dynamic part in the middle of the string
* Tweak: added some new cookies to the database
* Tweak: ajax call for user data only on first visit

= 2.0.4 =
* Fix: Cookie blocker inserting class within escaped strings.

= 2.0.3 =
* Moved geoip database file outside plugin, as custom extension .mmdb from MaxMind was causing update issues by servers not deleting this file.

= 2.0.2 =
* Fix: Tag manager events not firing outside selected regions
* Tweak: set default region after upgrade from pre-2.0 version
* Fix: showing empty privacy link in US cookie banner
* Fix: count nr of forms, when forms option empty throwing an error.
* Tweak: split checked docs date from edited docs date

= 2.0.1 =
* Tweak: first reported cookies added to the cookie database
* Tweak: Set a default target region if not existing yet.

= 2.0.0 =
* Tested up to WP 5.0
* Tweak: updated Geo IP database to latest
* Tweak: Document styling als used in PDF's and post view.
* Tweak: Dropped Youtube "nocookie" support, Youtube places cookies after first interaction, without consent
* Tweak: feedback on active adblockers or anonymous window during scan
* Tweak: user locking of the wizard, preventing multiple users from editing the wizard at the same time
* Tweak: improvements in visual feedback on validation
* Tweak: user interface design
* Fix: bug in dataleak email sending
* Feature: reporting of unrecognized cookies
* Feature: option to export and import options
* Feature: reset to factory defaults: clear all settings
* Feature: Select both US and EU as target region
* Feature: CaCPA support
* Feature: US privacy statement
* Feature: Do Not Sell My Personal Information page
* Feature: Do Not Sell My Personal Information opt out form & dashboard
* Feature: US Processor agreement wizard
* Feature: US Security Breach notification wizard
* Feature: US dedicated cookie warning
* Feature: COPPA childrent's privacy statement

= 1.2.6 =
* Fix: missing space in privacy statement, incorrect reference to cookie statement

= 1.2.5 =
* Tweak: added monsterinsights integration
* Fix: Privacy Policy did not show the correct paragraph on sharing with other parties

= 1.2.4 =
* Tweak: added a hide revoke button option in the settings
* Tweak: moved statistics script to overridable templates, and included them using action hooks, to make overriding more easy.
* Fix: cookie policy text was not 100% matched when the categories option was selected for the banner.
* Fix: tracking of statistics added new user when the status was not changed.
* Fix: center revoke button not in same style as other revoke buttons

= 1.2.3 =
* Fix: centered banner introduction caused the revoke button to show very large for top position banners.

= 1.2.2 =
* Fix: when no social media was found, this could result in an error on showing the scan results

= 1.2.1 =
* Tweak: show social media and third party services from actual detected list, not from wizard.
* Tweak: calculation of best performer without no_warning status
* Fix: no_choice status not tracked

= 1.2.0 =
* Fix: deleted cookies were added again on the next scan
* Tweak: script center added below menu for fast editing
* Tweak: AB testing
* Tweak: Added new banner position: centered
* Tweak: Added categories in cookies
* Tweak: Added new template: minimal

= 1.1.11 =
* Fix: cookie warning with geo ip and caching cached a user requirement, while the site requirement needs to be cached.
* Tweak: email obfuscation in legal documents
* Tweak: cookie warning a/b testing

= 1.1.10 =
* Fix: statistics should also be loaded when do not track is enabled
* Fix: moved cookie policy change date to separate variable
* Tweak: improved security of cookie enabling script

= 1.1.9 =
* Fix: empty contact key in saving data
* Tweak: overlay over dashboard when wizard is not completed yet, to force using wizard
* Fix: compile_statistics_more_info usage in privacy policy
* Tweak: brand color not required anymore
* Tweak: full integration of Matomo in Complianz GDPR

= 1.1.8 =
* Fix WPML/polylang translation bug

= 1.1.7 =
* Fix: count of warnings bug in wizard completed percentage

= 1.1.6 =
* Added statistics for cookie warnings
* Added Google Fonts and ReCaptcha to third party list
* Tweaked Cookie Policy
* Improved geoip for cached websites
* Added custom CSS option and advanced editing options to cookie banner

= 1.1.5 =
* Tweak: cookie changes not adding +one nags, only in the dashboard
* Tweak: custom plugin texts moved to addendum

= 1.1.4 =s
* Fix: complete rework of third party cookie blocker, dropped domDocument in favor of regex

= 1.1.3 =
* Tweak: use accept text in cookie policy

= 1.1.2 =
* Tweak: added css styles for legal documents
* Tweak: added option to add consent box to CF 7 and Gravity forms
* Fix: several bugfixes
* Tweak: improved feedback on dataleak report
* Tweak: added emailing capability for dataleak reports
* Tweak: added push down style to cookie warning
* Tweak: added Sumo to third party blocked scripts

= 1.1.1 =
* Tweak: updates wizard complete texts
* Tweak: updated known cookies list

= 1.1.0 =
* new dashboard
* added check if consent checkbox is needed on forms
* integrated wp erase personal data and wp export data
* phone numbers not required anymore
* added a < PHP 5.6 warning
* improved dataleaks and dataprocessing

= 1.0.9 =
* Fix: change of textdomain
* Fix: output escaping of html strings
* Fix: scan freezing when http URL's loaded over https.

= 1.0.8 =
* Fix: cookieblocker removed script in incorrect way, causing a php error
* Tweak: set page as processed before the request is made during scan
* Fix: pre 4.9.6 version of wp could not show admin pages due to privacy capability not existing

= 1.0.7 =
* Tweak: complete block of third party scripts until user as accepted.
* Tweak: respect Do Not Track setting in browsers

= 1.0.6 =
* Tweak: added menu selection as option in the wizard

= 1.0.5 =
* Tweak: Improved plugins privacy policy additions: making it editable
* Tweak: hide settings popup for cookie warning on mobile, with revoke link in cookie policy
* Tweak: improved dismiss and revoke functionality
* Fix: some bugs in dataleak decision tree

= 1.0.4 =
* Added scan for social media widgets and buttons

= 1.0.3 =
* Fix: retention period not correctly shown in privacy statement

= 1.0.2 =
* optimized cookie scan

= 1.0.1 =
* Translation fixes

= 1.0.0 =
✲ Prices shown on the site are excluding taxes which at checkout will be calculated based on user's geolocation as per EU regulation.
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