Duplicator Pro v4.5.14.2 – WordPress Backup and Migration Plugin

Last Update: November 15, 2023
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Duplicator Pro stands as the top choice for WordPress migration, guiding you through each step to effortlessly transfer your website. You’ll be amazed at the time you save during the WP migration process, as it lets you clone a WordPress site without the need for initial WordPress installation. With Duplicator Pro, everything is handled for you!

Duplicator Pro WordPress Plugin Features

  • Multisite Support
  • Large Database Support
  • Backup Limits
  • Filter Data
  • Auto Database Creation
  • Easy Plugin Updates
  • Email Notifications
  • Large Site Support
  • Database File
  • Advanced Options

Version – November 15th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+
WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater
Tested up to: 6.4


  • [FIX] Fixed a problem where if you bypassed the plugin from very old versions the templates could be corrupted.
  • [FIX] Fixed a warning related to email summaries when updating settings.
  • [FIX] Implemented hardening for the plugin recommended by Dmitrii Ignatyev from Cleantalk
  • [FIX] Fix mysql 5.5 error on table update

Version 4.5.14 – November 8th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+
WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater
Tested up to: 6.4


  • [NEW] Added restore backup feature
  • [NEW] Backups list: Added status, age and note columns
  • [NEW] Backups list: Added screen opinions columns
  • [NEW] New Backup status icons
  • [UPD] Now, after restoring a backup, the backups created after the restored backup are displayed.
  • [UPD] Updated plugin icons
  • [UPD] Improved Disaster Recovery UI
  • [UPD] Now the functional buttons to copy the Disaster Recovery link or download the HTML launcher are more accessible
  • [UPD] Reset settings action improved
  • [UPD] Added a warning when abandoning unsaved changes in schedule, storage, brand and template forms.
  • [UPD] Updated storage icons for Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive.
  • [UPD] Now you can restore a backup with filtered files and/or database without limitation. Limitations remain for disaster recovery, which can only be set up with a full backup.
  • [UPD] Optimized the logic that updates the state of packets improving the performance.
  • [FIX] Display non-default local storages in package details transfer screen
  • [FIX] Fixed the time field in schedules that was not updating correctly in some cases
  • [FIX] Fixed PHP version check error on display message


  • [UPD] Now validation warnings on components also appear in classic installation
  • [UPD] Fewer validation and table overwriting warnings appear when restoring a partial backup.
  • [FIX] Fixed bug related to subsite mapping wrongly being displayed

Version – October 30th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+
WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater
Tested up to: 6.4


  • [UPD] WordPress 6.4 Compatability

Version – October 10th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+
WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater
Tested up to: 6.3.1


  • [UPD] Updated License Messaging
  • [FIX] Fixed a problem with initialization settings at plugin startup in some borderline cases.

Version – September 26th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.3.1 Plugin: 

  • [UPD] Default the summary email is sent only to one email, the “Administration Email Address” option email
  • [FIX] Fixed an update problem in the case of websites with a large number of users.
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue where in some cases it was not possible to remove all roles from capabilities

Version 4.5.13 – September 19th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.3.1 Plugin:

  • [NEW] Only change the WP table prefix case on case insensitive installations
  • [NEW] Allow importing renamed archives
  • [NEW] Added support for Google Cloud storage
  • [NEW] Added support for Cloudflare R2 storage
  • [NEW] Added support for Wasabi storage
  • [NEW] Added support for Dream Objects storage
  • [NEW] Added support for Digital Ocean Spaces storage
  • [NEW] Added support for Vultr
  • [NEW] Added option to receive email summaries about backups
  • [UPD] Updated phpseclib lib at version 2.0.44
  • [UPD] Updated Requests lib at version 2.0.7
  • [UPD] Improved license version cache handling
  • [UPD] Improved storages management
  • [UPD] Improved storages test function and also enabled for default storage
  • [UPD] Improved management of the import/export settings function
  • [UPD] Admin pages UI cleanup
  • [UPD] Preventing other plugin’s notices to be displayed on Duplicator pages.
  • [UPD] It is now possible to create storage even if the folder exists in case it contains only packages and no other items outside the backup
  • [UPD] Now if a local storage is deleted, the folder is also removed.
  • [FIX] Fixed the handling of many boundary cases in storage classes and improved stability
  • [FIX] Plugin Auto-update fixed
  • [FIX] Fixed File Filters checkbox state for templates created on older versions.


  • [NEW] Added handling and validation for installing tables with same name but different cases on case insensitive databases
  • [UPD] Added version and help information links to import installer header
  • [UPD] Skip step 2 and step 3 of advanced install if the “Extract Only Files” option is selected

Version – July 26th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.2.2

  • [UPD] Improve package components.
  • [UPD] Updated in plugin messaging.
  • [UPD] Improved installer subsite mapping layout.

Version 4.5.12 – June 21st, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.2.2 Plugin:

  • [NEW] Package components feature.
  • [NEW] Media only backup
  • [NEW] Filter to only include active plugins/themes in the package
  • [NEW] Implemented remote notification system
  • [UPD] Added new Duplicator logo
  • [UPD] Added memory check required by mysqldump
  • [UPD] Improve feedback on license activation/deactivation failure
  • [UPD] Improved admin messages layout
  • [UPD] Logging appropriate error message when partition for temp files is full during S3 storage transfer.
  • [UPD] Updated snapcreek.com references with appropriate duplicator.com URLs.
  • [FIX] Fixed all translation strings functions text domains
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue where with PHP 7.x it was not possible to update some settings
  • [FIX] General checking of storages. Applied small fixes regarding logged messages and a few code improvements
  • [FIX] Applied stripslashes on fields where it was needed.
  • [FIX] Fixed issue on granular capabilities on WordPress < 4.3


  • [NEW] Only file extractor mode
  • [UPD] Now the Keep original file time option is also working for the DUP archive as for ZIP Archive

Version – May 17th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.2.1 Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Fixed a problem with reading global entities in some databases.
  • [FIX]: Security hardening
  • [FIX]: Improved capabilities update

Version 4.5.11 – May 8th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.2 Plugin:

  • [NEW] Granular Duplicator capabilities
  • [NEW] Added license auto activation logic (Ready for LITE One Click Upgrade)
  • [UPD] Removed Library ForceUTF8.
  • [UPD] Made FTP working as storage with cURL option enabled.
  • [UPD] Improved license info only interface
  • [UPD] Updated external Blog reference URLs
  • [UPD] Improved daily actions cleanup logic
  • [UPD] Improved license activation feedback in case of error.
  • [UPD] Updated for WordPress 6.2.
  • [UPD] Updated PHPSECLIB to version 2.0.42
  • [FIX] Fixed issue related to false detection of the request action
  • [FIX] Improved labels of some settings.
  • [FIX] Improved to sanitization of some inputs in the admin
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue where when importing settings the license visibility password was being reset
  • [FIX]: Fixed in problem where in some cases the package creation log was being deleted by mistake


  • [UPD] Improved multisite custom URL mapping interface feedbacks
  • [FIX] Fixed a bad link to FAQ.
  • [FIX] Cursor is not a pointer any more in the whole validation section, only at the test title part.
  • [FIX] Fixed switching between “Basic” and “cPanel” options when command is issued from within a validation test.
  • [FIX] Fix delete item problem on multisite custom URL mapping interface
  • [FIX]: Fix update options problem on install site in a multisite

Version 4.5.10 – March 8th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.1.1 Overview: Contains a new dashboard widget along with several small fixes and updates. Plugin:

  • [NEW] Added new Dashboard widget
  • [NEW] Added the ability to set a custom recovery folder. Useful for some hosting that blocks PHP scripts in wp-content
  • [NEW] Reflecting currently chosen license visibility mode in UI whenever possible.
  • [UPD] License action buttons (“Deactivate” and “Clear”) are visible now in all license visibility modes.
  • [UPD] Removed Unicode name scan check, improved scan performance
  • [UPD] Disable google recaptcha plugins during installation
  • [UPD] DupArchive content encryption and the archive password security keys are changed to SHA256 hash
  • [UPD]: Improved uninstall logic
  • [UPD] Updated phpseclib to version 2.0.41
  • [FIX] Fixed String translation.
  • [FIX] Removed warnings in bridge mode import with packages created with the mysqldump
  • [FIX]: Fixed uninstall conflict with LITE version
  • [FIX]: Fix PHP warning on license object
  • [FIX]: Fix PHP 8.2 warnings
  • [FIX]: Fix debug page problem


  • [UPD] Update multisite custom mapping interface
  • [FIX]: Fix PHP 8.2 warnings

Version – January 1st, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.1.1 Plugin:

  • [UPD] Restructured license system

Version 4.5.9 – December 18th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.1.1 Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Added additional checks for the presence of recommended security plugins during site scan.
  • [UPD]: Now possible to import archive from a GDrive link. Archive file’s access must be changed to “Anyone with the link” at Google Drive.
  • [UPD]: Added phpseclib as part of the external dependencies
  • [UPD]: Moved ForceUTF8 lib to composer, used php scoper on it, implemented unit tests for functions of the lib that are used by our plugin.
  • [UPD]: Add link to Manage Recovery Points.
  • [UPD]: Wrong offset in Dropbox transfer will be fixed automatically when possible.
  • [UPD]: Improved user feedback in function for checking password of encrypted archive, for shell unzip method.
  • [UPD]: Improved wording of scanner error message
  • [UPD]: Added import cloud link support for OneDrive.
  • [UPD]: Implemented retrials for chunking requests, import from link feature.
  • [FIX]: Transferring packages to a local storages was bringing errors. Hide local storages in transfer list to avoid error.
  • [FIX]: Fixed the problem with deletion of older packages for Google Cloud S3 when root folder ‘/’ is used as storage folder.
  • [FIX]: Storages was getting complicated responses on feedback. Change feedback and storage test places so all test will work.
  • [FIX]: error_log function were undefined. Add additional check on error_log function.
  • [FIX]: Preserving cookies in session between consecutive requests for import from link feature. This is required GDrive download.
  • [FIX]: Fix package creation problem on PHP 8.1
  • [FIX]: Removed closing then immediately opening php tags after the header comment in the installer.php file
  • [FIX]: Fixed a problem where defines WP_PLUGIN_DIR and WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR were being added in the wp-config when not needed.
  • [FIX]: Fixed a few bugs regarding “Import from link” feature and its remote download.
  • [FIX]: Fixed test connection for GDrive for case when storage folder is empty.


  • [NEW]: Setting “Extraction Mode” to manual extract by default if a manual extract is detected.
  • [UPD]: MySQL failure notice type updated
  • [UPD]: Sites with file filters are considered now as importable sites
  • [FIX]: Fixed scenario when wp config sample should be used
  • [FIX]: It is now possible to continue installation after manual extraction of encrypted even if ZipArchive and shell zip/unzip are not installed.
  • [FIX]: Fixed problem when wp-config.php was missing
  • [FIX]: Disabled advanced file time parameter for DupArchive
  • [FIX]: Removed closing then immediately opening php tags after the header comment in the installer.php file
  • [FIX]: Updated logic for providing correct admin login url at the last install step, even for cases when login url changed by security plugin
  • [FIX]: Fixed an issue that generated package creation failure with old templates
  • [FIX]: Fixed problem with getting details about package transferred to storage (Remote Storage Locations dialog)

Version – November 23rd, 2022

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.1.1 Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Improved installer bridge code

Version – November 21st, 2022

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.1.1 Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Added logic to allow installs on GoDaddy Managed accounts
  • [FIX]: Escaped mysqldump custom command to harden input data (thanks Adel Bouaricha)

Version – November 9th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.1 Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Fixed saving to secondary local storage

Version 4.5.8 – October 30th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.0.3 Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Implemented chunking system for local storage
  • [UPD]: Removed the “skip archive validation” checkbox from Dropbox endpoint
  • [UPD]: Add additional testing to path added by user
  • [FIX]: fixed bug related to dropbox getting stuck on hash validation


  • [NEW]: Added an option for skipping the source path replacement
  • [NEW]: Show detailed error message in case of PHP incompatibility after install.
  • [UPD]: Added the validation of WP config database constants and auto switch with a warning to a sample wp config in case if they do not exist
  • [UPD]: The Site title can now be set in Basic Mode as well
  • [UPD]: Improved layout to match updated help and visually sync with the Lite version
  • [FIX]: Fixed an error in case the default charset is invalid

Version 4.5.7 – September 19th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.0.2 Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Updated the message in case of removed recovery point
  • [UPD]: Improved error detection during setting recovery point
  • [UPD]: Improved checking of required functions and classes in requirements section, just before package creation
  • [UPD]: Updated the German translation
  • [UPD]: Fixed template save button being disabled
  • [FIX]: Miscellaneous internal fixes and improvements
  • [FIX]: Fixed the local storage export file warnings due to a missing SQL file


  • [NEW] Added new validation test called “PHP Functions and Classes”
  • [FIX]: Miscellaneous internal fixes and improvements

Version 4.5.6 – August 30th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.0.1 Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Enhanced the imported package information under package details
  • [UPD]: Fixed invalid state error when wrong auth code is entered for OneDrive
  • [UPD]: Update Tippy to latest version and refactor tooltip related event handlers that were reported as deprecated by jQuery Migrator.
  • [UPD]: Removing old constant DUP_SECURE_KEY from wp-config if new one is prepared/exists.
  • [UPD]: Added a quick fix to remove installer files when scheduled build fails
  • [UPD]: Updated api client for Google Drive, since Google will no longer support the “out of band” flow.
  • [UPD]: Removed the usage of shell_exec and instead using exec.
  • [FIX]: Added checks to prevent creating local storages inside core WordPress directories.
  • [FIX]: Added checks to prevent creating more than one local storage in the same folder.
  • [FIX]: Exception class name is displayed in the “test s3connection” dialog for S3 remote storage configuration.
  • [FIX]: Skip disk checks if PHP disk functions are not available
  • [FIX]: Compatibility with Google Cloud in S3 mode fixed
  • [FIX]: Fixed OneDrive notices that were appearing after authorization of personal OneDrive storage.
  • [FIX]: Clearing the output buffers before ending the buffering output
  • [FIX]: fixed timezone and server time strings in the “Tools” screen
  • [FIX]: Now possible to create multiple Google Drive storages for the same account


  • [NEW]: Now importing a site to a multisite also handles installations with multiple domains
  • [UPD]: Removed the usage of shell_exec and instead using exec.
  • [FIX]: Fixed bug related to upload url not being correctly replaced in some cases when doing a subsite standalone install with SSL enabled
  • [FIX]: Clearing the output buffers before ending the buffering output

Version – July 31st, 2022

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.0.1 Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Fixed bugs related to SFTP transfers that were introduced in v4.5.5

Version – July 24th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.0.1 Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Fixed blank screen after exceeding max build time

Version 4.5.5 – July 18th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.0.1 Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Split and adapted form tables for 3 different kinds of S3 providers, including one specialized for Backblaze.
  • [UPD]: Improve recovery point UI with help icons
  • [UPD]: Added a feature to remove unused plugins and themes
  • [UPD]: Improved handling of installer file name and filters applied to it in the code
  • [UPD]: Removed usage of DUP_PRO_RestoreOnly_Package class
  • [UPD]: Improve scanner message for mixed-case DB tables names
  • [UPD]: Improved scheduled build email with additional information about the package
  • [UPD]: “Save Brand” button disabled except when it is needed.
  • [UPD]: Disable notice that recommends Duparchive on a new site
  • [UPD]: Exposed real region values in UI for Amazon S3 Direct storage, next to the human readable strings
  • [UPD]: Added a specific error message for cases where the archive package file is missing
  • [UPD]: Updated phpseclib to the latest version
  • [UPD]: Make multisite tab (build step 1) visible for all license types, but only enabled for Business and Gold
  • [UPD]: The tmp folder will be emptied every 24 hours
  • [FIX]: Eliminated image overflow problem in branding preview
  • [FIX]: Fixed strings referring to Amazon S3


  • [NEW]: Added a feature to remove users without permissions
  • [UPD] Showing correct message on AJAX error with status code and appropriate documentation link
  • [UPD]: Improved the Cleanup Labels in the Advanced Installer
  • [UPD]: Added an explanation to help for the Cleanup options
  • [UPD]: Prevent click of browser backward and forward buttons
  • [UPD]: Introduced a new archive check for manual extracts
  • [UPD]: Encapsulated the check for manual extracts case and installation directory existence
  • [FIX]: Fixed invalid charset and collate replace bug
  • [FIX]: Fixed the missing getSuperAdminsUserIds method in DUPX_MU
  • [FIX]: Create new tables option not to trigger the count of affected tables
  • [FIX]: Fixed a bug that was preventing the installer to work if “Create Database” is selected in the first step

Version 4.5.4 – June 14th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.0.1 Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Storage keys/pass for S3/FTP/SFTP are not rendered in HTML, the values to be retained on the server
  • [UPD]: Make link to FAQ for Max Build Time quick fix open in new window
  • [UPD]: Updated Save button for Schedules, Storages and Templates to be disabled by default
  • [UPD]: Improved feedback messages for “Test S3 Connection” so users can identify connection problems more accurately
  • [UPD]: Enhanced mysqldump error message
  • [FIX]: Improved Multisite message for package scan at “Personal” license level
  • [FIX]: Fixed an issue with symbolic link inserted in a local storage and not automatically filtered when creating the package
  • [FIX]: Fixed timeout problem on same servers for import/recovery package prepare
  • [FIX]: Fixed a problem in the rename of the installer.php file after installation
  • [FIX]: Eliminated image overflow problem in branding preview
  • [FIX]: Tables with no WP prefix are correctly filtered when the filter is set in a template
  • [FIX]: DupArchive compression setting is not switched on automatically anymore with PHP < 7.0


  • [UPD]: Improved GTID mode detection in installer validation
  • [UPD]: Improved performance on AddonSites search
  • [UPD]: Improve the installer database action names in step 1
  • [FIX]: Fixed path handling in case of modifying ABSPATH starting from a site with standard configuration
  • [FIX]: Add a check to prevent trying to delete the duplicator_pro_packages table if it was filtered out from the archive

Version – June 8th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.0 Plugin:

  • [FIX] Removed clearing of update_plugins transient since occasionally caused problems with other plugins/themes
  • [FIX] Better error handling when .htaccess not permitted to be created
  • [FIX] Addressed problem when migrating NinjaForms

Version – May 29th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.0 Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Update tested version and core file list to WordPress 6.0
  • [FIX]: Fixed a problem in package creation in case the root path is /
  • [FIX]: Fixed an error in case the phpinfo function is disabled

Version 4.5.3 – May 23th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.9.3 Plugin:

  • Plugin [NEW]: Archive password encryption, improved support for AES-256 encryption on the archive.zip/daf file
  • Plugin [NEW]: Auto updates for the plugin are now available Updated EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater to version 1.9.1
  • Plugin [NEW]: Added functionality to download packages saved at non-default local storage from the front-end
  • Plugin [NEW]: Added link for downloading the installer file in the “Package File Links” dialog box in the package’s details page
  • Plugin [NEW]: Added automated installer cleanup options in Settings ❯ Packages Tab ❯ Cleanup Modes (Email Notice and Auto Cleanup)
  • Plugin [UPD]: Minimum version required PHP 5.6.20
  • Plugin [UPD]: Removed the old CRON library and setting so that the schedule library only uses the new one
  • Plugin [UPD]: Improve the content and layout of the Duplicator Pro Tutorial
  • Plugin [UPD]: Update the Templates and edit UI to be closely correlated to the create package UI
  • Plugin [UPD]: Improved import fail message
  • Plugin [UPD]: Updated Duplicator Pro define auth key name
  • Plugin [FIX]: Improved time zone handling for scheduled builds
  • Plugin [FIX]: Eliminated image overflow problem in branding preview
  • Plugin [FIX]: Fixed a problem with reading the list of MySQL enabled engines
  • Plugin [FIX]: Improved storage information handling
  • Plugin [FIX]: Fixed error on WP-CLI plugin activation
  • Plugin [FIX]: Fixed a problem in the creation of the package with the mysqldump in some configurations of the DBHOST
  • Plugin [FIX]: Installer can be downloaded and package transferred when the package is created on WPEngine or Cloudways hosting


  • Installer [NEW]: Archive password encryption
  • Installer [FIX]: Fixed problem of interference of .htaccess from dup-installer folder with the installer
  • Installer [FIX]: Fixed toggle password on the new admin password field

Version 4.5.2 – April 19th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.9.3 Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Plugin Hooks now available for developers.
  • [NEW]: Added option to automatically filter files with invalid encoded names
  • [UPD]: Improved form to use relative URLs in action
  • [UPD]: Minor installer UI improvement including improving the tutorial
  • [UPD]: Removed SSL Verify setting from the Settings ❯ Packages ❯ Advanced UI
  • [FIX]: Fixed wp-content quick link in templates
  • [FIX]: Fixed wrong calculation of time for scheduled backups related to Daylight Saving Time
  • [FIX]: Fixed problem with Backblaze related to object-level ACLs
  • [FIX]: Fixed bug related to having multiple creation queries for MySQL Procedures and Functions
  • [FIX]: Fixed an issue in the DupArchive that occasionally caused validation to fail
  • [FIX]: Fixed bug in Cron expression library that prevented a schedule from saving when: Monthly (any day) of every 12 months was set
  • [FIX]: Improve wording on Step 1 filters


  • [NEW]: Added option to set SQL connection flags in wp-config

Version 4.5.1 – March 15th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.9.3 Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Encryption key is now stored in wp-config.php instead of dynamically determined
  • [UPD]: The Cron Expression is now the recommended and default parser
  • [UPD]: Improved UI dialog for FTP/SFTP connection tests and overall feedback and status
  • [FIX]: Show single quick fix when build time exceeds max build time
  • [FIX]: Fixed a problem in the creation of the package when the wp-config was in the parent folder in spite of ABSPATH


  • [NEW]: Improve Bitnami support
  • [UPD]: In case the wp-config does not have write permissions the wordpress prefix is updated correctly
  • [UPD]: Improved validation test for new table names that exceed 64 chars, for cases when importing site(s) into multisite
  • [UPD]: Improve the database confirmation dialog to show for an empty database
  • [FIX]: Removed the htaccess from the dup-installer folder that could cause problems in some cases

Version 4.5.0 – February 21st, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.9 Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Import package with URL. Allows server-to-server package transfer – No need to download a package to your desktop machine!
  • [NEW]: Server-to-server Dropbox import support added
  • [NEW]: Added a new option that allows you to set a custom path for importable packages
  • [NEW]: Improved UX when storages associated with schedules are deleted
  • [NEW]: Added bulk activate and deactivate options for schedules
  • [NEW]: Manual transfer screen updated to include quick copy links for hashed files
  • [UPD]: disable S3 storage if any curl_multi_* function is disabled
  • [FIX]: Not showing the activation notice for plugins which are already activated once
  • [FIX]: Fixed bug related to the basic auth quick fix notification not being displayed
  • [FIX]: fixed filter_var bug with PHP versions less than v5.4.8
  • [FIX]: Validation performed on filters only in case when they are ON


  • [NEW]: Added validation message notifying the user about having multiple WP installations on the same database
  • [NEW]: Added support for SSL connections to remote mysql servers
  • [NEW]: Check if index.html exists on destination site and, if it does, displays a warning in the final report
  • [UPD]: Reorganized database parameters in advanced mode
  • [UPD]: Removed non-braking spaces option
  • [UPD]: In “Backup and Rename Existing Tables” action, if limit of 64 chars in table name is exceeded, made sure that new table name is unique
  • [NEW]: Added new validation test in ‘Classic install’ which tests if limit of 64 chars in table name is exceeded by adding prefix
  • [FIX]: Fixed bug where paths with no write permission are not being displayed
  • [FIX]: Fixed timeout error that was happening on some hosts when exec command hangs
  • [FIX]: fixed PROCS, VIEWS and FUNCTIONS creation bug for older versions of PHP
  • [FIX]: Copy Recovery URL button now works in import installer

Version – February 4th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.9 Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Fixed problem that prevented sites with expired certificates from importing.


  • [FIX]: Fixed problem with serialized objects getting corrupted when they had non-breaking spaces between strings.

Version – February 1st, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.9 Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Fixed SFTP data storage
  • [FIX]: Enhanced import logic to account for case when hosting prevents PHP files from being executed inside wp-content
  • [FIX]: Added preliminary check when setting up the Recovery Point to make sure recovery is possible.

Version 4.0.6 – January 10th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.9 Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Added option that allows to exclude all tables that do not have the prefix of the current wordpress installation
  • [NEW]: Added option that allows to exclude all tables that belong to deleted sites in a multisite installation
  • [NEW]: Bulk subsite import in multisite
  • [UPD]: Updated error messages that appears if a user tries to activate Duplicator Pro plugin while Lite version is active
  • [UPD]: Symlinks for main WordPress folders (wp-content, plugins …) managed as normal folders in case they are children of home path
  • [UPD]: Added schedule name to scheduled package built emails
  • [UPD]: Improved the accessibility of the packages screen and the overall build process
  • [UPD]: Writing better description in log when installer files present during (scheduled) build
  • [FIX]: Now backup-dup-pro folder is correctly filtered automatically even if wp-content is a symlink
  • [FIX]: Safe mode docs and settings are now properly set to Enabled/Disabled
  • [FIX]: Removed unnecessary check in EDD client
  • [FIX]: Third party backup folders are again filtered and not included in packages by default
  • [FIX]: Fixed bug in the startup of the Drag and Drop installation that in some rare cases was not executed correctly
  • [FIX]: Fixed recovery point bug that would timeout at startup when working on large sites on slow hosting
  • [FIX]: Fixed DupArchive timeout bug when working with large databases


  • [NEW]: Bulk subsite import in multisite
  • [UPD]: Added validation test for REST API
  • [UPD]: Improved the database cleanup transients function which could timeout in large sites
  • [UPD]: Improved performance of the boot startup with the DupArchive
  • [UPD]: Now you can import non-complete packages into a multisite
  • [FIX]: Removed all the visible references to Duplicator in a branded installer
  • [FIX]: Removed some checks of the REST calls that caused the installation to fail in case of self signed certificate
  • [FIX]: iThemes Security and Easy HTTPS Redirection plugins automatically deactivated during installation
  • [FIX]: Fixed recovery package age in validation
  • [FIX]: chunked the table prefix replace regex to work with large number of tables
  • [FIX]: SAPI check now catches SAPI: apache2handler

Version – November 24th, 2021

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.8.2 Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Removed auto switch of client side kickoff when package determined stuck
  • [FIX]: Increasing time required that determines when a package is stuck – increases build reliability especially on slower systems

Version – November 22nd, 2021

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.8.2 Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Updated certificate for SSL requests


  • [UPD]: Updated certificate for SSL requests (Out of date certificates affected imports on some machines)

Version – November 8th, 2021

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.8.2 Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Fixed a warning message that appeared in case other plugins generated an unexpected output


  • [NEW]: Implemented ZipArchive throttling
  • [NEW]: Added HTTP headers disabling caching during install
  • [FIX]: Charset and collate replace bug fixed
  • [FIX]: Fixed a bug when trying to duplicate a site in the same multisite
  • [FIX]: Automatically setting ZipArchive throttling for Siteground
  • [FIX]: Chunked the table prefix replace regex to work with large number of tables
  • [UPD]: Require site that is importing a package to run a version of Pro at or greater than the version that created the package
  • [UPD]: Improved instructions for manually removing the maintenance file generated by the installer.

Version 4.0.5 – October 18th, 2021

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.9 Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Plugin now capable of importing Duplicator Lite packages
  • [UPD]: Reduced queries executed in the frontend for better optimization
  • [UPD]: Improve the schedule ‘Run Now’ icon on the main packages page
  • [UPD]: Fix manual transfer status with OneDrive and improve UI workflow
  • [FIX]: Fixed the dead lock that occurred in some rare cases
  • [FIX]: Fixed autoselection of cPanel tab, when the ‘Auto Select cPanel’ checkbox for the Template is checked
  • [FIX]: Fixed an issue with the installer starting to import if loading a package after a migration
  • [FIX]: added check to make sure we are deleting the installer file at cleanup
  • [FIX]: Fixed autoselection of cPanel tab


  • [NEW]: Standalone → Multisite subsite feature officially released
  • [NEW]: Advanced user import for multisite subsite installs (standalone and subsite sources)
  • [NEW]: Added next step and final report notices for config files in main folders
  • [NEW]: Added validation test and automatic search and replace for invalid MySQL engines
  • [NEW]: User mode added
  • [UPD]: Keep user now work on multisite
  • [UPD]: Improve wording for SHOW VARIABLE Validation check
  • [FIX]: Fixed multisite subsite import issue where Duplicator was activated both at the network level and subsite level

Version – September 8th, 2021

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.8.1 Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Added new streaming/fopen mode for Google Drive. Helps machines getting timeouts using cURL.
  • [FIX]: Addressed PHP 8 incompatibility with S3 functionality


  • [NEW]: Require user enter archive name on overwrites when default installer name used with no password (Enhances Security)
  • [NEW]: Change default and show notice in case FORCE_ADMIN_SSL config is set and package is being installed with no SSL
  • [FIX]: Fixed a problem on serialized strings that contained objects with properties with serialized strings

Version 4.0.4 – August 16th, 2021

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.8 Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Caches of many plugins are purged after a migration.
  • [NEW]: New scanner check for PHP 64-bit architecture for 2GB notices
  • [NEW]: Added outbound IP address to tools section
  • [NEW]: Added ability to run any package listed as recovery point directly in the package list
  • [NEW]: Added the possibility to download the recovery launcher
  • [NEW]: Now Duplicator PRO cannot be activated if LITE is active
  • [UPD]: Improved ZIP archive single and multi-threaded mode package creation speed
  • [UPD]: Improved message shown when storage endpoint can’t be read
  • [UPD]: Changed coloring of delete package import message
  • [UPD]: Additional polish and cleanup of license messages
  • [UPD]: Improve Package Details Error notice message
  • [UPD]: Removed old webfont files and references
  • [UPD]: Improve help and enhance the visibility of the Import UI Screens
  • [UPD]: Fixed ‘use current’ quick link in installer section of first page of build
  • [UPD]: Updated recovery feature UI on package list page
  • [UPD]: Updated filter selection UI on tables to work on large number of tables (10K tables tested).
  • [UPD]: Updated the parsely library to version 2.9.2
  • [UPD]: Updated the duplicator_pro_entities table to handle larger serialized objects
  • [UPD]: Updated for WordPress 5.8
  • [FIX]: No longer removing corrupt tables from list of tables available for filtering on build step 1
  • [FIX]: Fixed tables filter with hight number of tables selected
  • [FIX]: Updated the list of filtered tables in the package details (previously they were not displayed)
  • [FIX]: Added logic to show quick fix when ZipArchive failed in various places
  • [FIX]: Copying a template to another template, in some cases the source template ID was not handled correctly
  • [FIX]: Send email when schedule errors out due to requirements failing


  • [NEW]: Hooks system added installer
  • [NEW]: added option that allows one to remove definer statements from create queries
  • [NEW]: Subsite to multisite overwrite function enabled
  • [NEW]: Addon system implemented installer
  • [NEW]: Remove only media option added
  • [NEW]: Validation test added that shows a list tables that are affected by the database action.
  • [UPD]: Updated UI elements when no triggers present
  • [UPD]: Improved restore backup mode installer selection
  • [UPD]: Removed old webfont files and references
  • [UPD]: Now the new URL is editable only in advanced mode
  • [UPD]: Improved bulk DELETE and UPDATE queries by chunking them
  • [FIX]: Ignore cPanel pre-fills from package creation step 1 in case of an import install
  • [FIX]: Fixed the selection of tables to be extracted in advanced mode with large number of tables
  • [FIX]: Fixed bug with tables that are removed in import validation when import option of subsite enabled Patch

Release Date: 2021-7-3

Plugin [UPD]: Enhanced Security for installer name handling Patch

Release Date: 2021-6-29

Plugin [FIX]: Fixed bug with schedules not starting on time


Release Date: 2021-6-13 PHP Version: 5.3.8 or higher
WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.8

Overview: The 4.0.3 release was a culmination of many bug fixes through-out the application including many log improvements. The major new features included importing a sub site in network new subsite and the ability to install single site on existing network which is part of our overall multisite support initiative.

PLUGIN [NEW]: Removed Installer name with hash notice [NEW]: Added integrity check to make sure main installer files and folders exist in the archive [NEW]: Added a notice at step 2 of the building process under “System” that checks the PHP memory limit [NEW]: Beta features page added [NEW]: Beta feature MU import checkbox added [UPD]: Added logic to validation stage 1 of the DB PHP dump to make sure that all tables were created [UPD]: Improved interface of configuration files options [UPD]: Improve package storage popup storages list [UPD]: Added a check to build scan process when SQL FUNCTIONS are present [UPD]: Improved invalid license notice and removed “Rejected” image [UPD]: Improved Drag and Drop import error message in case ZipArchive module is not present [UPD]: Improved scan file writes error checking [UPD]: Improve package log [UPD]: Update import subsite from a network to another network [UPD]: Improved quick fix and failed schedules notice. Added dismiss button [UPD]: Now considering the ‘best’ license between importer and installer when running a D&D import [FIX]: Installer backup file renamed after extraction for import and recovery in case extension not set to .php [FIX]: Package storage color indication was wrong in a few cases [FIX]: Corrected header type when downloading migration export file [FIX]: Package can’t be built in the Windows IIS Server.Plugin [FIX]: Fixed bug causing auto filters not being displayed on the scan page [FIX]: Prevent package creation error on cleanup phase after package creation [FIX]: Fixed settings property of null error when user settings are missing from the DB [FIX]: Only allow import if import capability present [FIX]: Trace View log link wasn’t working [FIX]: fixed bug where “Network Site Filters” warning would always be shown at scan [FIX]: Trace View log link on trace log page click didn’t refresh the log page [FIX]: Import functions work correctly with import capability [FIX]: Improved Activate Plugins notice [FIX]: Fixed activate plugin notification bug INSTALLER [NEW]: Added validation item that checks if the DB user has resource restrictions (queries/connections/updates per hour) [NEW]: Import sub site in network new subsite [NEW]: Added install single site on existing network [NEW]: Disable all subsite import installation types in case Duplicator version is less than 4.0.3 [NEW]: Added handling of SQL FUNCTIONS [NEW]: Added validation test to the installer that checks for PHP memory limit [NEW]: Added net database action “Connect and remove only existing tables” [NEW]: Overviews added for all installation types [UPD]: Improved standalone migration file handling logic, only files belonging to subsite are extracted into the right destination [UPD]: Improve installer option help [UPD]: Improved DupArchive extraction error checking [UPD]: Moved blog title selection from step 2 to step 1 [UPD]: Moved keep users option from step 2 to step 1 [UPD]: Now the available admin users are correctly updated according to the site you want to overwrite in the network [FIX]: Now replacing only contents of tables that have a string column (not considering set and enum [FIX]: Fixed skip query regex in case of standalone installation with mysqldump [FIX]: Updated functions that remove www from domains [FIX]: fixed view already exists error on site overwrite [FIX]: proc/view/func already exists Patch

Release Date: 2021-5-12

Plugin [FIX]: Improved PHPDump chunk in case of servers with very slow disk writes Patch

Release Date: 2021-4-28

PLUGIN [NEW]: Flywheel manage hosting support added [UPD]: Optimized php dump (multithreaded mode) [UPD]: Updated plugin for WordPress 5.7 [FIX]: Fix temp folder cleanup on package creation [FIX]: Make the wider import package progress bar in WordPress 5.7 [FIX]: Purge SFTP storage packages [FIX]: Removed SFTP mcrypt_* function warnings that caused log problems on PHP 7.1 INSTALLER [UPD]: Transient cleanup function optimized [UPD]: “Run all CREATE queries at once” option disabled if # tables in source site > 200 [UPD]: highlighting on final report tables removed [FIX]: Now the value of the table wp_site after a multisite migration is correctly updated [FIX]: Check if is_executable exists before using it [FIX]: Improved custom upload path validation [FIX]: Fixed problem with migrating super admins during a standalone migration [FIX]: Fixed filter table management on installer advanced mode with many tables (300 >) [FIX]: Fix db connection on create new database


Release Date: 2021-2-7 PHP Version: 5.3.8 or higher
WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 5.6

PLUGIN [NEW]: Added TRIGGER detection to the scanner [UPD]: Add template recoverable check and layout on template edit and template list [UPD]: Add schedule recoverable check and layout on schedule edit and schedule list [UPD]: Allow import of multisite packages that have even one subsite with no filtered tables and paths [UPD]: Display in scanner which subsites won’t be importable in the “Network” section [UPD]: List of main URLs of current installation added to diagnostics [UPD]: Duplicator messages are now displayed only if user has export capabilities [UPD]: Added sensitivity markers to package share links box [UPD]: Allow import of multisite packages that have even one subsite with no filtered tables and paths [UPD]: Display in scanner which subsites won’t be importable in the “Network” section [FIX]: Fixed the package creation in case of a multisite installation that has the upload folder as blogs.dir [FIX]: Fixed a problem with scheduled packages where email not sent when database capture problem encountered [FIX]: Now if a schedule fails in a multisite installation the message is correctly displayed [FIX]: Fixed display of filtered tables and paths belonging to a subsite in the scanner [FIX]: Fixed storage of original file function after migration [FIX]: Copy template functionality bug fixed INSTALLER [NEW]: Added Validation item for TRIGGERS and copy-to-clipboard button [NEW]: Add option “extract only media file and plugins and themes that don’t already exist” [UPD]: In import disable Multisite install and install of those subsites which have filtered tables [UPD]: In import disable Multisite install and install of those subsites which have filtered tables [UPD]: In recovery mode, show soft warning instead of a hard when one doesn’t have permissions to config files. [FIX]: Fixed the permissions check on “other” configuration files was wrong (php.ini user.ini web config) [FIX]: Fixed the check on configuration files in case the file’s owner is not the same as PHP user [FIX]: If the installer cannot manage a configuration file (wp-config, htaccess …) it continues without modifying the file. [FIX]: Fix installation if home path ise equal at home path [FIX]: Now CACHEHOMEPATH is correctly updated in the wp-config.php with the final slash [FIX]: Status of the archive in the information is displayed correctly [FIX]: Fixed several capitalization and wording issues [FIX]: Redundant option on subsite to standalone migration works properly

Release Date: 2020-12-21 WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater PHP Version: 5.3.8 or higher

FIXES -Plugin: PHP 8.0 fixes -Plugin: Fixed bug with cancellation of package build -Installer: PHP 8.0 Fixes -Installer: Fixed file permissions problem with duparchive

Release Date: 2020-11-28 WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater PHP Version: 5.3.8 or higher

FIXES -Plugin: Fixed problem involving capturing tables with compound keys


Release Date: 2020-11-23 WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater PHP Version: 5.3.8 or higher

NEW -Plugin: Advanced mode added to import option -Plugin: Greatly improved efficiency of handling large databases -Plugin: Migration status updated to include filtered tables -Plugin: Replaced deprecated qtip library with popper -Plugin: Added PHP version to scanner -Plugin: Added option for SQL file split for more reliable chunking -Plugin: Settings > Storage options split out into separate tabs -Installer: Reworked permissions file checking -Installer: Greatly improved efficiency of handling large databases -Installer: Overhauled charset/collation system and made much more robust -Installer: Added options allowing one to delete existing files on site overwrite FIXED -Plugin: Uninstall works with delete options -Plugin: Handling bad tokens better -Plugin: Reworked how Duplicator Pro related options are removed on uninstall -Plugin: Tweaked Google client code to prevent warnings on PHP 7.4 -Plugin: Improved validation checks -Plugin: Improved validation message regarding managed hosting presence -Plugin: Auto disable the One Click SSL plugin when not installing to https -Plugin: Quick fix formatting fixed -Plugin: Fixed handling of DUPLICATOR_PRO_PLUGIN_PATH on Windows machines -Plugin: Improved package log to include transfer -Plugin: Quickfix message for scheduled build timeouts fixed -Plugin: Better notification about lack of export capability -Plugin: Scrubbed default storage folder name for storages -Installer: Removed SQL Invoker/Definer settings for recovery installs -Installer: Improved foreign key management when clearing/backing up database tables -Installer: Import > Archive namecheck improved -Installer: Improved management of special defines in wp-config.php -Installer: Improved wording in Wordfence notification message -Installer: Improved table case validation test -Installer: Fixed home path replacement bug when wp-content outside of home path -Installer: Reworked permission file check for installer validation -Installer: Improved permissions setting so it is included in chunking -Installer: Rewrite of collation/charset determination logic -Installer: Handling of installing packages from sites that were on root improved -Installer: Fixed removal of inactive plugins and themes for subsite->standalone -Installer: Explicitely handle lack of tokenizer

Release Date: 2020-9-28 WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater PHP Version: 5.3.8 or higher

NEW -Plugin: Import menu moved to main menu area. See this article for a description of the Drag and Drop import process. FIXED -Plugin: Added ‘notablespaces’ flag for mysqldump builds – addresses permission problem with some MYSQLDump versions -Plugin: Removed bad reference to Duplicator Lite code that impacted some systems using non-default color scheme -Plugin: Improved help for Recovery Point and Drag and Drop import screens -Plugin: Moved temporary import directory to subdirectory in backups-dup-pro -Plugin: Fixed check for non-importable package -Installer: Logging improved


Release Date: 2020-9-9 WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater PHP Version: 5.3.8 or higher

NEW -Plugin: Drag and Drop installation of packages now supported (Tools > Import). See this article for a description of the process. -Plugin: Recovery Point support. Provide protection against mistakes and bad updates. See this article or the help at top of Tools > Recovery for full explanation. -Plugin: Improved support for managed hosts: WordPress.com, WPEngine, GoDaddy Managed, Liquid Web Managed, and Pantheon -Plugin: New FTP option to use cURL. Helps with FTP servers that don’t support REST (Storage > FTP > cURL) -Plugin: New SFTP option to send all in one PHP process time (Storage > SFTP > Chunking Disable) -Plugin: Overhauled package validation system -Installer: New “Basic” mode added. Only two steps! -Installer: Backup mode auto detected (URL replacement skipped when URL and path remain the same) -Installer: New validation system – one validation for general and database checks. FIXED -Plugin: Fixed SFTP test button bug -Plugin: Fixed DbDelta on plugin update -Plugin: Fix shell exec detect function -Installer: Fix update definer on store procedure creation -Installer: Improved installer and engine parameters (File extraction and Database install) -Installer: Moved database params connection at the beginning of the installer vefore the validation -Installer: Added and improved validations checks -Installer: Improve validation feedback -Installer: Improved open base_dir check -Installer: improve store procedures and database views managment

Release Date: 2020-8-23 WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater PHP Version: 5.2.17 or higher

FIXED –Plugin: Improved security when saving storage entities -Plugin: Fixed mysqldump execution problem for v5.7.31+ of MySQL [2020-8-5]

FIXED -Plugin: WPConfigTransformer renamed -Plugin: users.ini retention skipped properly -Plugin: Fix for edge case issue with MySQLDump -Plugin: SFTP send file test works -Plugin: Dropbox send file test improved -Plugin: Fix for multisite edge case [2020-6-2]

FIXED -Plugin: Storage test on non-Amazon servers fixed -Plugin: Removed code giving warning for use of ‘self’ on older PHP versions -Installer: Removed fetch_all dependency causing errors on some machines -Installer: Auto deactivating WP Rocket due to problems when migrating that plugin -Installer: Fixed bug with charset and collation being set to empty if unrelated test fails

3.8.9 [2020-5-19]

NEW -Plugin: Added ability to include hash in default installer name for improved security -Plugin: Improve performance on frontend -Installer: Reset password for admin users -Installer: Option to keep existing users during overwrite installation -Installer: Added Installer notices for custom paths FIXED -Plugin: Fixed ability to detect recursive links -Plugin: Fixed bug with subsite->standalone migration -Plugin: Improved logging -Plugin: Fixed bug in retrieving package status -Plugin: Autodetect Apache Auth User -Plugin: Managed situation where wp-config.php is in parent of home path -Plugin: Improved database query efficiency -Plugin: Improved compatibility with WPEngine -Plugin: Improved logic to determing default charset and collation -Plugin: Fixed but with OneDrive uploading -Plugin: Fixed bug for foreign keys in database -Plugin: Fixed bug for case insensitive tables -Installer: Fixed permissions bug -Installer: Auto disable Woocommerce Admin plugin -Installer: Improved detection of installer/archive mismatch -Installer: Improved compatibility with managed WordPress servers -Installer: Improve managment of config files (wpconfig, htaccess, webconfig, php.ini, user.ini) -Installer: Add new wp-config settings -Installer: Add new wordpress tests for warnings and fatal errors (frontend, backend) at the end of install [2020-4-20]

FIXED –Installer: Security hardening -Installer: Fixed issue with incompatibility with NGINX -Installer: Fixed issue with WordPress boolean parameters -Installer: Fix to address rare SQL query failures in some circumstances -Installer: Updated fonts -Installer: Fix when installing on nginx reverse proxy configuration

3.8.8 [2020-3-23]

NEW -Plugin: Plugin activation message after install now dismissable -Installer: Option to insert database without clearing first. Allows multiple WordPress installs on one database when prefix changed. FIXED -Plugin: Improved MySQL error detection -Plugin: Fixed error caused when permissions of backups folder changed -Installer: When doing subsite to standalone, only standalone site’s tables displayed in scan table selection box -Installer: Added auto update of rewrite rules after install -Installer: Improved engine search/replace ability to better handle more obscure search values -Installer: Overhauled to adhere to MVC pattern + views templating (required for upcoming features) -Installer: Improved DupArchive extraction error messages [2020-2-12]

NEW -Installer: Step 3 install chunking on by default FIXED –Plugin: Security fix -Plugin: Fixed bug involving email not being sent for failed scheduled builds under certain conditions -Plugin: Fix so Scan handles file/folder names that are ‘0’ -Plugin: Schedule copy bug fixed -Plugin: Home path bug on OVH hosts

3.8.7 [2020-1-13]

NEW -Plugin: Support for managed hosts and many other systems that have non-standard directory configurations -Plugin: htaccess name hashed in archive -Plugin: Better support WPEngine FIXED -Plugin: Table prefix rename -Plugin: OneDrive access scope option added and size parameter fixed -Plugin: Support for when homepath/abspath different from standard sitution -Plugin: Bug fix admin-ajax.php causing 400 -Plugin: Trace log off button fixed -Plugin: Fix for MySQL compatibility mode -Plugin: Bugfix for automatic plugin activation -Plugin: Google transfer improvements -Plugin: OneDrive transfer improvements -Plugin: Dropbox test button fix -Installer: Retaining htaccess option fixed -Installer Managed Liquid Web fix -Installer: cPanel functionality fixed -Installer: .htaccess filename hashed -Installer: Jetpack auto renamed -Installer: Collation fallback fix [2019-11-24]

FIXED -Plugin: Fixed installer/package download link handling. -Installer: Non-standard port fix. -Installer: Fixed handling of WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE -Installer: Fixed handling of WP_DEBUG_LOG. [2019-11-13]

NEW -Installer: More parameters supported in installer -Installer: Improvement in UI organization of installer -Installer: Lots of structural improvements for better support for managed hosting and non-standard WordPress installs -Installer: New option to base wp-config.php on newly installed site on wp-config-sample.php FIXES -Plugin: UI tweaks needed for WordPress 5.3 -Plugin: Proper error message when building package > 2.1GB on a 32-bit PHP system -Plugin: OneDrive fix -Plugin: Legacy collation and charset fallback logic improved -Plugin: Added detection for ability to capture stored procedures -Installer: Fix for multisite install when domain contains more than 3 parts -Installer: Fixed bug where archive would sometimes not be deleted after install -Installer: Proper error message when attempting to install on a 5.2-based system

3.8.6 [2019-11-11]

3.8.6 Pulled due to newly introduced bug. [2019-10-6]

FIXES -Installer: Amount logged from database operations reduced -Installer: Empty search/replace strings properly handled -Installer: WP Bakery plugin can be activated in the event auto-deactivation causes problems for other plugins

3.8.5 [2019-9-23]

NEW -Plugin/Installer: Support for Liquid Wed Managed WordPress hosting -Plugin: Improvement in Quick filter design and usability -Plugin: Option to unhook javascript from other plugins in admin to prevent conflicts -Plugin: Update OneDrive library to use Graph API instead of older Live SDK -Installer: Highlighting differences in name of archive when wrong archive used -Installer: Added new managed wp-config.php defines on step 3 -Installer: Improved plugin selector interface -Installer: New files folder added to contain configuration files from original website FIXES -Plugin: Fixed DupArchive package getting stuck at 65% -Plugin: Improved DB Validation -Plugin: A Package download button is disabled in HomeStead -Plugin: Misc multisite to standalone issues -Plugin: Fixed table doesn’t exist error -Plugin: GoogleDrive test failed in certain machines -Plugin: ZipArchive Package mode produces erroneous package in the HomeStead Environment -Plugin: Onedrive not purging packages when installer has non standard name -Plugin: Display correct error message for memory error on package creation -Plugin: Fixed timezone related issue – Third Party plugin conflict -Plugin: Reworked recursive adding of directories for installer files in ziparchive mode -Plugin: Fixed Ui stickiness issue on Packages Detail Page -Plugin: Fixed fatal error on PHP 5.2.9 -Plugin: Archive creation time reset to back to local -Plugin: Database logging fix -Plugin: Excluding some sites on mu packages created with php sql mode creates bad sql file -Installer: Overhauled Installer internal design to enable upcoming features -Installer: WPBakey page builder auto deactivated after migration to prevent post-migration issue -Installer: Popup Maker plugin auto deactivated to prevent post-migration issue -Installer: WP Force SSL plugin auto deactivated to prevent post-imgration issue [2019-7-23]

FIXES -Plugin: Fix for OneDrive Business token expiring in 90 days -Plugin: Excluding .opcache folder when building package -Plugin: Host throttle timing fix -Installer: Fixed bug where WP_Debug and other wp-config.php values auto turned-on

3.8.4 [2019-7-15]

NEW -Plugin: Comments now supported on filters -Plugin: Added confirm checkbox on scan warnings -Plugin: DupArchive auto-selected when on GoDaddy -Plugin: Option to clear all packages and settings on uninstall FIXES -Plugin: Memory improvements -Plugin: Encryption of storage, other fields in secure global now optional, based on a setting -Plugin: Chunking My SQL Dump on package build and installer -Plugin: Delete default local file delete logic rewritten (delete_default_local_files) -Plugin: Changed to only to allow network activation when running on multisite -Plugin: Orphaned package files changed -Plugin: Many changes made to package entity -Plugin: Fixed bug involving database password setting in config -Plugin: Out-of-the box support for WPEngine -Plugin: Fix to FTP transfer -Plugin: Obscure database connection data in lightbox -Plugin: Build button disabled when package in canceling state -Plugin: Ability to copy from current manual package configuration to template -Plugin: When database only package created, show nothing to filter on build -Plugin: Fix to Google Drive/FTP test and Google sending -Plugin: Throttle logic/values changed -Plugin: mysql dump size option in package creation -Plugin: duplicator force network activation if is wpmu installation -Plugin: fixed subsite filter bug on wpmu installation -Plugin: Imrove LOG in package creation -Plugin: fix bug when much table are excluded in package creation -Plugin: Plugin: clear all package button added -Plugin: Multisite table filter fixed -Installer: Styling fixes -Installer: Normalize domain when www used -Installer: Config transformer fix that affected JavaScript? -Installer: Tweaks to dawn status handling -Installer: Improved logging -Installer: Max serialized object length now an input option -Installer: Local by flywheel/ Ngrok URL fix -Installer: New favicon -Installer: Reduced size by moving out crypt stuff -Installer: Hide passwords with show/hide button -Installer: Fixed problem involving non writeable files -Installer: UI change related to GTID check -Installer: Setting file permissions logic changed -Installer: WP_CONTENT_URL update in wp-config.php bug fix -Installer: no permission file check don’t block the installer -Instalelr: normalized www and non www old url -Installer: now db chunking is enabled for mysql dump packages -Installer: improve php notice log in bootstrap -Installer: fixed plugin and themer remove when deactivated and remove rendundant option is enable. -Installer: fix SO 32bit check [2019-6-10]

NEW -Installer: Defaulting to SQL Chunking. [2019-5-23]

FIXES -Plugin: Fixed settings being reset. IMPORTANT: If you had previously upgraded to, please review your settings (Schedule > Build email settings in particular). [2019-5-20]

FIXES -Plugin: Fixed setting of lock type on install -Plugin: Fixed package creation in InstantWP -Plugin: Including addhandler lines in generated htaccess when present in old htaccess -Plugin: Using longtext instead of blob type for package field -Installer: Blogs table update in multisite -Installer: improved error handling [2019-5-19]

VERSION REMOVED Serious bug appeared on some machines so withdrew this version.

3.8.3 [2019-5-5]

NEW -Plugin: When clientside kickoff checked, mysqldump->checked if available,set to duparchive if ziparchive checked -Installer: S3 chunking mode option added -Installer: File notices report improved -Installer: Diff of .htaccess and wp-config.php shown on final migration report FIXES -Plugin: Global limits and optimize tree on scan -Plugin: Show proper error when FTP support not enabled in PHP -Plugin: Fontawesome tweaks -Plugin: Fixed bug involving storing directories with unicode characters when using ZipArchive -Installer: Errors shown when someone wrong with wp-config.php transformer -Installer: Serialization warning notices shown on step 4 -Installer: UTF-8 database passwords now supported -Installer: Store CSRF token in encrypted cookie -Installer: Fixed warning that popped up when dropping tables -Installer: More information added to log -Installer: On subsite->standalone removed multisite related defines in wp-config.php -Installer: URL replacement engine fix -Installer: Fixed invalid request made on step 1 when 2 installers executed -Installer: Fixed issue with database password bug with escaped double quotes -Installer: Lightbox for help log fixed -Installer: Fixed access denied database exception [2019-4-27]

FIXES -Plugin: Fixed trace log when remote port not set -Installer: Fixed bug involving database passwords with quotes or utf8 characters -Installer: Tweaks to some UI elements using Fontawesome 5 [2019-4-17]

FIXES -Plugin: Fixed issue where site migrated from HTTP->HTTPS sites couldn’t kick off package build -Plugin: Fixed error that popped up with PHP 5.3 when notice needed to be displayed -Plugin: Fixed FTP file size check for large files -Installer: Fixed legacy collation fallback errors -Installer: Adjusted/fixed row count warning -Installer: Fixed problem restoring sites when ZipArchive not enabled -Installer: Fixed issue where transferring from Step 4 went to forbidden page -Installer: Fixed problem where packages created on wordpress.com couldn’t be installed properly -Installer: Can change url of main site in multisite mapping

3.8.2 [2019-3-25]

NEW -Plugin: Upgraded to Font Awesome v5 -Plugin: Can now skip warning scan on package creation (Settings > Packages > Advanced Settings) FIXES -Plugin: Scan logic improved -Plugin: CSS for status in schedule list fixed -Plugin: EXE: SQL chunking code improved -Plugin: Minor fix to profiling code -Plugin: Fixed HTML tags showing up on Scan > WordPress warn when running personal -Plugin: Added missing exception class to google library -Plugin: Installer step 2 javascript errors fixed -Plugin: New features button javascript fix -Plugin: Added localizable strings -Plugin: Fixed warning notices showing when some users created package -Plugin: Serialization fix related to how All In One Security and Firewall plugin stores data -Plugin: New search/replace mapping engine implemented for multisite -Plugin: Better input validation on package creation -Plugin: Fixed memory setting issue under windows (test full end to end using php 5.4) -Plugin: Snaplib prefixes added -Plugin: Security added to dropbox, google drive, onedrive s3, sftp -Installer: Fixed mapping mode when mapping main subdir to a subdir with an extra dir (e.g. test.local/t) -Installer: Step 3 MySQLi query check -Installer: Mac reformatted archive support -Installer: Archives over 2.1GB on windows show proper error message that we can’t extract them -Installer: Multisite subdomain migration overhauled -Installer: Fixed processing of wp-config.php files without newline characters [2019-2-23]

NEW – Installer: Added checkbox for swapping email domain FIXES – Misc small fixes [2019-2-23]

FIXES – Plugin: Fix for scan issues showing up on a few machines – Installer: Fixed security issues with package processing (Thanks Marco at segfault.it) – Installer: Removal of extra table present introduced in WordPRess 5.1 (applies to Multisite subsite->standalone) [2019-2-17]

FIXES – Plugin: Removed plugin.ini from dup-installer directory. Was creating problems on a small number of machines – Plugin: Fixed JSON encoding on scan that caused issue on a few machines – Installer: Minor fix in wp-config.php processing

3.8.1 [2019-2-10]

NEW – Plugin: Enhanced quick filter controls FIXES – Plugin: Missing validation on TLS connections fix (affects Google Drive, OneDrive, S3, Dropbox) – Plugin: Fixed edge case fatal installer error – Plugin: Copy link added to schedules, templates and storage entities – Plugin: Quick fix popups more apparent – Plugin: Installer file cleanup improved – Plugin: SQL Locks now default – Plugin: Small FTP fix – Installer: Errors now logged to dup-installer/error_log.txt – Installer: Improved exception handling – Installer: Improvements to config transformer – Installer: Proper error handling if folder named ‘:’ exists – Installer: Improvements to update engine – Installer: Installer no longer checking permission for all files/folders when db overwrite occurs – Installer: Efficiency, no longer doing search/replace on other subsites when doing subsite->standalone [2019-1-27]

FIXES – Installer: Fixed Quick filter not working properly on some machines – Installer: Fixed Scan erroring out on some machines – Installer: Fixed improper behavior when downloading installer [2019-1-17]

FIXES – Installer: Fixed debug flag getting turned on when site migrated – Installer: Fixed problem migrating a multisite when NOBLOGREDIRECT defined in wp-config – Installer: Fixes covering an SFTP edge case

3.8.0 [2019-1-8]

NEW – Plugin: Wasabi and Digital Ocean storage support (Set region URL on an S3 endpoint) – Plugin: S3 chunk size now configurable – Plugin: Non-standard locations of wp-config.php and wp-content supported – Installer: Ability to change almost all settings in wp-config.php FIXES – Installer: No longer removing default theme when migrate only active themes and plugins shown – Installer: WPCACHEHOME path should be replaced if keep cache home path ticket – Installer: SQL insertion made more memory efficient – Installer: Fix for wp-config.php constants not getting replaced properly on windows – Installer: Setting system into maintenance mode when installing – Installer: Cookie domain restricted to installer domain – Installer: Fixed edge case issue related to installing a package from SSL site to a non-SSL site – Installer: Resetting lock type when installing on new server – Installer: Migrate only active themes and plugins fixed for overwrite mode – Installer: Replacing WP_SITEURL and WP_HOME in wp-config.php with values from database – Installer: Large package support for 32 bit PHP systems that have manually extracted on Windows or Mac – Installer: Help icons fixed – Installer: Fixed search/replace engine bugs – Plugin: Security holes patched – Plugin: Deleted storages no longer cause schedule to fail – Plugin: Fixed bug preventing build when all db tables excluded – Plugin: No longer allow setting secondary local storage to wp-content, uploads, or wp-admin because of filtering issue – Plugin: Shell exec zip fixed for Mac – Plugin: OneDrive fix for PHP 7.1 when curl_setopt_array() not defined – Plugin: Importing settings when OneDrive Business fixed – Plugin: Improvements to quick filter operation – Plugin: Options to allow for deletion of tables and packages on uninstall – Plugin: Root directory no longer selectable on quick fillters – Plugin: Oneclick download fixed in MAMP Safari – Plugin: Transients deleted in multithreaded db install – Plugin: Dropbox timeout increased – Plugin: Schedules now showing requirements failed error – Plugin: Master subsite -> standalone fixed – Plugin: Fixed build issue caused by caching on some servers – Plugin: Package list page more memory efficient – Plugin: Symbolic links now getting correctly filtered when added to filtered directories box [2018-12-17]

FIXES – Installer: Search/replace engine timeout fix – Installer: Manual extract install fixed – Installer: Recalculate the lock type on install – directly addresses problems migrating to LiteSpeed servers – Installer: Fix for machines that don’t define the REQUEST_URI server variable – Installer: Cleanup routines on db install – Installer: Really simple ssl disabled on install – Installer: Partial revamping of replacement engine – Plugin: Dropbox timeout fix – Plugin: Import onedrive business settings fixed

3.7.9 [2018-11-27]

FIXES – Installer: Overwrite on nginx fix (directories that begin with .) – Installer: Update engine improvement for https and other – Installer: Extractor works even when warning present – Installer: When fail and go back % will resume properly – Installer: Proper reporting of permissions problems in overwrite mode – Plugin: Renamed/trimmed third party storage libraries to decrease plugin size and eliminate conflicts with other plugins – Plugin: Fixed brand links on multisite – Plugin: Build percentage improved during database capture step – Plugin: New fields for wp admin/network admin – Plugin: Subsite->standalone correct site name – Plugin: Database percentage on package build – Plugin: Cache directory auto filtered – Plugin: Init table logic made more standard – Plugin: Multisite blogname named properly – Plugin: OneDrive business bug fixed [2018-11-15]

FIXES – Plugin: Fixed file/sql lock check [2018-11-2]

FIXES – Plugin: Improvement to build efficiency

3.7.8 [2018-10-29]

FIXES – Installer: Fix when installing on NGINX https – Installer: Database update engine fix – Installer: Database passwords fix – Plugin: Defaulting to PHP multithreaded for database creation – Plugin: Copy Installer log to backups-dup-pro/installer on cleanup – Plugin: Define sanitize functions for compatibility with pre 4.7 WordPress – Plugin: Extra validation of s3 transfer – Plugin: Added validation to php mulithreaded database

3.7.7 [2018-10-15]

FIXES – Installer: Many security fixes: Escaping, sanitizing, addition of nonces – Plugin: Fix to MySQL generation when capitalization used in table names – Plugin: Many security fixes: Escaping, sanitizing, addition of nonces – Plugin: Proper hiding of license key [2018-9-15]

FIXES – Plugin: Improved cleanup of leftover installer files

3.7.6 [2018-9-11]

FIXES – Installer: ZipArchive chunking speed improvement – Installer: Fix when overwriting sites with read-only files – Installer: Improved wording on step 4 to more strenuously recommend one clean up installer files after install – Plugin: JavaScript fix on Settings > Packages > Advanced – Plugin: Ensure old style SQL generated by server uses ‘ENGINE=’ rather than ‘TYPE=’ – Plugin: Proper size warning for packages > 2.1 GB on 32 bit PHP systems – Plugin: Misc. minor fixes NEW – Installer: Defaults to ZipArchive chunking for zip-based packages – Plugin/Installer: Password hashing [2018-9-4]

FIXES – Plugin: Renabled features from 3.7.5 that were temporarily removed in [2018-8-29]

FIXES – Plugin: Fixed scan error that was popping up on some machines

3.7.5 [2018-8-27]

FIXES – Installer: Network Admin added to all sites on multisite – Plugin: PHP Multithreaded DB mode fix – Plugin: Cleaning up tables when migrating a multisite subsite->standalone – Plugin: Chunking scanner mode added (experimental) – Plugin: Removal of anonymous functions NEW – Installer: Multisite subsite->standalone new option to only include active plugins/themes in new site – Plugin: Drag and Drop functionality improved and promoted to Beta – Plugin: Dropbox, (S)FTP, S3, Google Drive, OneDrive connectivity tests improved [2018-8-9]

FIXES – Installer: Fixed issue that prevented permissions changes from occurring – Installer: ZipArchive Chunking extraction issue fixed that prevented package builds on newly installed site. – Plugin: Fix for edge case that caused PHP Multithreaded to be database engine when MySQLDump was chosen

3.7.4 [2018-7-25]

FIXES – Installer: Fixes for edge case replace path params on step 3 (i.e. /www/ path) – Installer: New scan file format – Installer: New file structure for improved security – Plugin: OneDrive test button logic improved – Plugin: Fixed issue when reauthozing a OneDrive Business endpoint as Personal NEW – Installer: Warn on install in a subdirectory of a Wordfence-equipped site – Installer: Auto-disable Really Simple SSL when installing to http location – Installer: New option to regenerate keys and salts of installed site (Freelancer/Business/Gold) – Installer: Large archive file check for 32 bit PHP – Plugin: Option to purge plugin records when local packages removed [2018-7-21]

FIXES – Plugin: Preventing errors displaying when mysql paths not present – Plugin: Fixed schedule archive mode bug – Plugin: Fixed upgrade bug that would clear auth password – Installer: Fixed Multisite subdomain install timeouts [2018-6-22]

FIXES – Plugin: Fixed installer load failure when installing multisite on PHP 5.2

3.7.3 [2018-6-18]

NEW – Installer: New notice checks on step 1 (Archieve Installed, Overwrite mode, Database Only). FIXES – Plugin: Fix for FTP path issue. – Plugin: Multisite subdomain fixed when including domains other than the main domain. – Plugin: Improved package verification for OneDrive, S3, and Dropbox.

3.7.2 [2018-5-30]

NEW – Plugin: Generated SQL now uses bulk inserts which improves installation speed. FIXES – Installer: Fix applied to properly handle recursive objects. – Plugin: Auto setting of AJAX setting upon install. [2018-5-21]

FIXES – Plugin: Fixed bug preventing systems running PHP 5.5 and below from creating a storage endpoint. [2018-5-8]

FIXES – Plugin: Fixed bug introduced in 3.7.1 that was preventing schedules from properly running in certain configurations.

3.7.1 [2018-4-30]

NEW – Plugin: OneDrive for Business support added. – Plugin: Combined build engine into a single setting. Previously was one entry for manual and one for schedule. – Installer: Now supports “SQL Streaming” which helps installer process very large databases. FIXES – Plugin: Bug fixed in PHP chunking mode that would appear on CPU limited machines. – Installer: Bug fixed involving errors restoring stored procs using different account than used in source database. [2018-4-23]

FIXES – Installer: Fixed issue where the update engine wasn’t working properly in certain rare scenarios.

3.7.0 [2018-3-26]

NEW – Plugin: Added OneDrive support – Plugin: Templates menu has been moved to be a tab of the Tools menu FIXES – Installer: Fixed installer hang issue due to API changes in PHP 7.2 – Plugin: Changed a few items to prevent warnings on PHP 7.2 – Plugin: Decreased default worker time to 14 seconds to increase package engine reliability

3.6.1 [2018-3-14]

FIXES – Plugin: Access to One Drive now restricted to apps folder. Upon upgrade, packages will be stored to /apps/ instead of /. – Plugin: Additional help links for new users – Plugin: Schedules now support branding – Plugin: Dropbox error handling improved. Ensure reliability of archive when communication problems to Dropbox server. [2018-3-3]

FIXES – Plugin: Fixed bug introduced in 3.6.0 that caused some client side kickoff builds to cancel

3.6.0 [2018-3-1]

NEW – Plugin: OneDrive Support! (Beta) – Plugin: SFTP Support moved out of Beta. – Plugin: New PHP DB chunking option. Helps with large databases and restricted hosts. FIXES – Plugin: Made package building more efficient/less load on system. – Installer: Security patch for XSS script on step 4 – only when installer is present [2018-2-19]

FIXES – Installer: Fixed ‘blank page’ bug that was showing up on a small number of servers

3.5.8 [2018-2-13]

NEW – Plugin: SFTP functionality added (Beta) – Plugin: Error Log viewing added (Tools > Diagnostics) – Plugin: License ‘Clear Key’ button for sites setup on localhost. FIXES – Plugin: Diagnostics setting for showing location of PHP error log. – Plugin: Fixed multisite detection that was not working on a small number of machines – Plugin: Javascript fix – ‘let’ replaced with ‘var’ – Plugin: Help system fixed – Plugin: Shell Zip temp cleanup fix – Installer: Multisite plugins properly show – Installer: Fixed detection of https protocol – Installer: Collation Bug fixed – Installer: Fixed multisite generation detection bug – Installer: Manual SQL execution bug fixed [2018-1-23]

FIXES – Plugin: Fixed bug that caused scheduled builds to stop when Client Side Kickoff was turned on.

3.5.7 [2018-1-16]

NEW – Installer: Quick Site Overwrite. Quickly install over an existing with old database info. No need to create a new database! – Plugin: Database only label for package creation notification – Plugin: Auto-fix configuration items when problem detected FIXES – Plugin: Converted older style dialogs to newer style. [2018-1-9]

FIXES – Installer: Fixed bug involving database installation hanging on a small number of machines

3.5.6 [2018-1-8]

FIXES – Plugin: General UI formatting issues NEW – Plugin: Installer branding for Freelancer and above – Plugin: Packages new features notification button

3.5.5 [2017-12-26]

FIXES – Installer: Patch for IIS server variables missing in $_SERVER – Installer: Fixed back link to step 1 on step 4 caused archive not found message – Installer: Deactivated full search mode by default for speed increase – Plugin: Alpha Drag and Drop Package Installer (To Enable: Settings > Feature Profiles > Alpha. To Use: Tools > Import) – Plugin: Added hourly schedules (Freelancer/Business/Gold) – Plugin: DupArchive notification on install – Plugin: Fixed “Fatal error: Call to undefined function phpdefined() in …” due to file formatting – Plugin: Popup Dialog issue with tb_window size conflicts with certain themes. – Plugin: Installing .htaccess in archive as htaccess.orig to prevent installation issues on some machines [2017-12-15]

FIXES – Plugin: Fixed URL swapping issue experienced on small number of servers [2017-11-30]

FIXES – Plugin: Fixed php file formatting that caused problems on a small number of servers

3.5.4 [2017-11-20]

FIXES – Plugin: Packages screen improved remote storage feedback on button and dialog – Plugin: Packages screen now shows correct build status when building Shell Zip archives – Plugin: Improved DupArchive error handling – Installer: Bootloader was outputing extra unused JSON content which is now removed

3.5.3 [2017-11-4]

NEW – Plugin: Added filtering of multisite subsites – Plugin: Settings > General > Visal Profiles subtab section for various states of development – Plugin: Packages screen has improved packages column button menus for improved navigation – Plugin: Split build engine settings between scheduled builds and manual builds – Alpha: New alpha features see Settings > General & gt; Feature Profiles FIXES – Plugin: Settings > Migrate Settings > Export has improved error handling for bad data. – Plugin: Scanner quick filter bug with build button remaining disabled after no filter applied. – Plugin: WordPress 4.8.3 bug when using PHP SQL mode. Recommended esc_sql patch applied. – Plugin: Lock type autodetection fixed.

3.5.2 [2017-10-18]

NEW – Plugin: Creating a package has improved help links for when ZipArchive is not installed – Plugin: Standardized WordPress notice message boxes – Plugin: Scanner new read check for unreadable files and recursive sym-links – Plugin: DupArchive ‘installer extractor’ added in ‘tools’ directory. Allows one to extract installer directly from .daf file – Installer: New safe mode option available on step 1 to help with problem installs FIXES – Plugin: Screen Opts on Packages screen only shows up on main packages screen – Plugin: Scanner now detects and skips recursive sym-links – Plugin: DupArchive download link fixed – Installer: Duplicate key insertion bug fixed for Multisite subsite->standalone installs – Installer: Duparchive read lock fix

3.5.1 [2017-9-29]

NEW – Installer: Has enhance update engine to work with unkeyed table schemas – Packages: Packages screen notice when default max stores is above total count – Packages: Scanner improved to check for filters setup on core wp paths such as wp-admin, wp-content etc. FIXES – Plugin: Improved tools layout support and logs are now under diagnostics tab as sub-tabs – Packages: Introduced lock type detection – Packages: Improved mysqldump detection – Multisite: Fixed support for sites originally created pre-WordPress 3.5 – Installer: Word boundary fix for domain names with exact same root path – Installer: Bootstrap will continue with manually ex traced and missing archive file – Installer: cPanel bug with logins not being able to connect – Installer: Unkeyed database tables now properly processed – Installer: Database tables with alphanumeric keys now properly processed – Installer: Improved collation support

3.5.0 [2017-9-4]

NEW – DupArchive package engine taken out of beta (good for large sites and restricted hosts) – Quick filters added for Addon sites – Installer warning notice for PHP 5.2 – Package archive database filters improved notice for core WP tables FIXES – Installer database only mode should skip wp-config detection – Installer archive.cfg should filter exclude table collation list and empty values – Package archive database filters improved notice for core WP tables – Multisite instructions tab re-added to package build screen after being accidentally removed

3.4.9 (2017-8-23)

– New: Packages paging option for navigation and new screen options pull-down – New: Detection of bad db user rights at plugin install time – Fix: Package scan failure with DB comments that have invalid serialized data – Fix: Package scan warning with open base dir enabled hides file_exist warning – Fix: Installer terms section is now a dialog to simplify UI – Fix: Installer validation no longer does a required check on PHP safe mode – Fix: Scanner WordPress version check is 4.6 or better – Fix: Improved settings > packages page layout – Fix: Licence key check for md5 on client side – Fix: Security patch for browse directory index.php checks & WP called runtime

3.4.8 (2017-8-5)

– New: Installer use protocol relative url replacement ‘//’ vs strict ‘http’ only setting – Fix: Installer fix for **ERROR** database error write ‘Invalid default value…’ in PHP build mode – Fix: Package scanner improved for database notices section – Fix: Packages not saving correctly on some windows servers – Fix: Packages create new setup-1 screen only shows requirements issues when needed – Fix: Drop support for deprecated FORCE_SSL_LOGIN setting in wp-config.php – Fix: Packages improved remove packages dialog message – Fix: Installer step 1 permissions on files/dirs auto checked – Fix: Installer Custom Search/Replace tweak to handle edge-case scenarios – Fix: DupArchive improvements

3.4.7 (2017-7-11)

– Fix: Archive DB Only with Shellexec setting – Fix: Dynamic defines in wp-config are not updated – Fix: Support for WP_TEMP_DIR in wp-config – Fix: Package scanner prevent dirs from being checked on quick filters – Fix: UTF-8 Scanner fix – Fix: DupArchive installer solidification – Fix: Package names when built by schedule standardized – Fix: Tweaks to FTP purging logic (2017-6-27)

– Fix: Fixed bug that prevented scan from progressing on some sites that had files with non-English character filenames

3.4.6 (2017-6-21)

– Fix: Small DupArchive fixes – New: Quick filters added for easy filtering of large files – New: Admin message shown when schedule has failed – New: Small UI tweaks

3.4.5 (2017-6-8)

– Fix: Addressed bug in FTP purge logic – Fix: Auto-switching JSON modes when detect current server doesn’t support PHP JSON – New: Added button to reset settings to defaults

3.4.4 (2017-6-3)

– Fix: Now receive email when scheduled builds time out – Fix: Fixed Dropbox API v1 to v2 upgrade for some systems – Fix: Archive size calculation in installer – Fix: Small fixes in DupArchive (Beta) archive engine – Fix: Error messages in log when activating

3.4.3 (2017-5-30)

– New: Package Build – ZipArchive single-thread scanner performance by 10%/Linux 30%/Windows – New: Package Build – ZipArchive single-thread build performance by 10%/Linux 25%/Windows – New: Package Build – ZipArchive enable file validation mode – New: Tools logging trace UI improvements – New: Installer – simplified step 4 options and improved notifications – New: Archive only the Database mode for package build and installer – Fix: Installer timeout issue with SELECT DATABASE calls on some hosts – Fix: Installer database version detection issue on some hosts – Fix: Miscellaneous code efficiency improvements (2017-5-23)

– Fix: Set S3 authentication to v4 to account for recent changes made by Amazon

3.4.2 (2017-5-2)

– Fix: Installer shows a quick warning message if a root filter is applied to an archive – Fix: .htaccess laid down for older style multisites now correct – Fix: Package creation requirements for servers that don’t allow dbuser “SHOW VARIABLES” support – Fix: Hardened the security for the file names that are generated as part of the package set – Fix: Sites installed on root can now properly build package – New: Installer Extended URL Replace Searches multiple protocols: ‘//’, ‘http’, ‘https’ – New: Updated software update client

3.4.1 (2017-4-3)

– New: Installer UI font and font face cleanup for improved read-ability – New: Installer bootstrap improved archive name and download detection – New: Installer separated archive extraction into step 1 to improve stability and decrease timeouts on budget hosts – New: Installer separated database install into step 2 to make room for integrity checker – New: Installer improved help docs and layout/navigation – New: Installer new PHP timeout notice for larger packages with short timeout constraints on budget hosts – Fix: Security patch that exposes an XSS exploit – Fix: Package remove dialog on some systems did not respond properly and allow package to be removed – Fix: Installer dynamic date links added to force browser cache to refresh – Fix: Installer improved installer-log.txt reporting and cleanup – Fix: Installer prevent duplicator-pro from be deactivated at install-time to support security cleanup (2017-3-20)

– Fix: Fixed bug introduced in 3.4.0 that caused “headers already sent” warnings or errors on some server configurations

3.4.0 (2017-3-20)

– New: Installer layout improved and updated workflow – New: Updated Dropbox library to use Dropbox API v2 – Fix: Fixed bug with uninstall that prevented full uninstall when license key password present

3.3.6 (2017-3-16)

– New: Added ability to enable/disable ZipArchive Compression on PHP 7+ systems – Fix: Simplified package installer pre-filled values – Fix: Added missing Amazon S3 regions (2017-3-6)

– Fix: Addressed conflicts that can arise between Duplicator Pro and other plugins that use the Google API. – Fix: Fixed issue that popped up when restoring certain multisite installations.

3.3.5 (2017-3-8)

– Fix: Updated Google API library to prevent conflicts with other plugins that use the library – Fix: Package and Installer refactor for PSR-2 standard 25% coverage – Fix: Improved mysql version detection in admin and installer

3.3.4 (2017-2-21)

– New: Packages screen: integrated wp help tab in right corner – New: Packages screen: improved packages delete action dialog popup message – New: Packages screen: column date format has 8 new format types – New: Improved debug tracing support

3.3.3 (2017-2-14)

– New: Package Scanner PHP warn for 5.2 detection – New: Package Scanner Multisite detection and notices – New: Package Scanner help icons for better details on size info – New: Improved details on licensing tab – Fix: Scheduled build properly fails when AJAX blocked – Fix: Improved support for non-UTF8 filenames (2017-2-3)

– Fix: Installer cPanel Bug with step 2 not updating

3.3.2 (2017-2-2)

– New: Packages UI column date format visibility option – New: Installer log checks for large database.sql files – New: Installer confirm dialog step 1 replace JS confirm – New: Installer support for current and original timestamps on files and directories under advanced options – Fix: Rename “mysql_” to prevent PHP 7 upgrade scanners from showing warnings – Fix: Improved organization of Settings > Packages screen

3.3.1 (2017-1-21)

– Fix: Addressed Multisite subsite->standalone site bug – Fix: Addressed orphaned file logic bug (2017-1-13)

– New: Install a Multisite subsite as a standalone site with Business/Gold license. License upgrade available from Dashboard. – Fix: Addressed missing files in Google library – Fix: Got away from using DirectoryIterator since it caused problems on some older systems – Fix: Removed debug text shown on packages screen introduced in 3.3.0

3.2.2 (2016-12-23)

– New: UI consolidation and alignment with Lite – Fix: Permissions issues with installer – Fix: DbDelta query update for creating packages table

3.2.1 (2016-12-20)

– New: Installer MySQL mode to support setting modes at install time – New: Installer UI improvements – New: Added scanner check for Add On WordPress sites – New: Minor checks to help resolve problems building – Fix: Harden security when copying web server config files

3.2.0 (2016-12-9)

-New: Added ability to import/export plugin settings (Settings > Tools > Data) -Fix: Fixed Installer redirect and permissions issues -Fix: Removed license key on Tools > Diagnostics tab when hiding key on Licensing tab -Fix: Small UI improvements

3.1.1 (2016-11-28)

-New: Added ability to hide license key. -New: Added ‘clear’ option to build error notification box. -Fix: Addressed problem of loading installer on machines that didn’t have timezone set.

3.1.0 (2016-11-19)

-New: Overhauled installer. Users shouldn’t notice a difference in operation but allows us to add upcoming features more easily.

3.0.17 (2016-10-04)

-Fix: FTP transfer made more robust against timing problems -Fix: Extra validity checks added for FTP transfer -Fix: License problems reported more accurately

3.0.16 (2016-09-06)

-New: Added ability to turn off compression on Shell Exec Zip for faster building (also more reliable on certain servers) -New: Extra warnings added to scan -Fix: Root filter will no longer add files from root (bug introduced in 3.0.15.x) -Fix: Logic to clean up orphans left behind by cancelled packages without default storage -Fix: ZipArchive Single Threaded mode build timeout now works (2016-08-22)

-Fix: Fixed bug present when root path was in filter for ZipArchive engine (was including too many files) (2016-08-09)

-Fix: Addressed bug with activation that caused problems on admin dashboard for some people

3.0.15 (2016-08-08)

-New: Full file listing now present in archives (dp.json file) -Fix: Improved support for non-ASCII characters in filenames when using ZipArchive -Fix: Ability to filter directory links -Fix: Improved Scan speed when using directory filters -Fix: Preventing multiple fix recommendations from appearing when configuration not correct

3.0.14 (2016-07-26)

– New: Slight tweaks to installer UI – Fix: Packages created by schedules now include version information – Fix: Clearing/backing up .user.ini on restore to prevent problems with WordFence (2016-07-14)

– Change: Tweaked logic to prevent WordFence from throwing a false positive in their malware scan. – New: Added clock to packages screen (2016-07-07)

– Fix: Fixed bug that prevented schedules and storage endpoints from properly saving

3.0.13 (2016-07-05)

– New: Displays recommended fixes when build fails due to misconfiguration – Fix: Made ZipArchive engine more robust – Fix: Serialization fix for plugins storing certain JSON structures Details

3.0.12 (2016-06-16)

– New: Package age now shown in details – New: Auto-delete of settings and packages unchecked by default – New: Installer full-text search enabled by default – Fix: Archive consistency checks improved – Fix: Amazon S3 multipart check fixed Details

3.0.11 (2016-06-10)

– Fix: Improved build integrity check for archive file – Fix: Small PHP 7 compatibility fixes – Fix: Multisite notice messages corrected – Fix: Installer will now search and update url encoded strings – New: Flag to skip IIS and .htaccess file updates for advanced users Details

3.0.10 (2016-06-01)

-New: Small improvements to Installer UI. -Fix: Fixed filtering bug with Shell Exec Zip engine. -Fix: Improved ZipArchive engine logic so will work more reliably on more server types. -Fix: Changed admin bar alerts to account for license status. Details

3.0.9 (2016-05-20)

-Fix: Fixed scan bug involving Non-ASCII filenames. -Fix: Minor UI bugs addressed. Details

3.0.8 (2016-05-16)

-Fix: Files with UTF8 filenames properly included in archive. -Fix: License notice icon corrected. -Fix: Added warning for UTF8 database connection strings entered in installer. -Fix: Properly defaulting Max Worker Time for servers that have max_execution_time set to 0 or -1. Details

3.0.7 (2016-05-10)

-New: Final installer screen easier to use -New: All filters now viewable from package details. -New: Added single threaded ZipArchive build mode for servers that don’t run existing engines properly. -Fix: Installer now properly executes when server doesn’t have token_get_all() available. -Fix: Several small bug fixes. Details

3.0.6 (2016-05-04)

-New: Installer allows one to override cPanel prefix. -New: Installer no longer requires saving permalinks. -New: Better serialization error message. -New: Package now includes version information. -Fix: Installer now properly sets WP_CONTENT_DIR and WP_CONTENT_URL.

3.0.5 (2016-04-25)

-New: Installer option to manually import SQL script to avoid timeouts with large databases. -New: Installer option to rewrite permissions on files/directories. -Fix: Several bugs with multisite sub-directory mode addressed. -Fix: Shellexec stability improvement related to unreable directories. (2016-04-23)

-Fix: Fixed line feeds on class.enhanced.plugin.updater.php which were problematic for some hosts

3.0.4 (2016-04-21)

-New: Added backup paths from other plugins to avoid the ‘backing up other backups’ problem -Fix: Update checks to snapcreek.com now cached so lower traffic from your site to snapcreek.com -Fix: Changed logic in detail.php to avoid false positive in Malware Detect

3.0.3 (2016-04-13)

-New: Share your local package links (archive, installer, log, sql) button in package details -New: More database compatibility options -Fix: Improved license page -Fix: Changed default package naming scheme -Fix: Removed false malware scan detection

3.0.2 (2016-04-09)

-Fix: Upgraded plugin update logic so doesn’t hit snapcreek.com nearly as often -Fix: Code cleanup

3.0.1 (2016-04-07)

-Fix: FTP storage endpoint test button was not working on some servers -Fix: Installer loopback over HTTPS wasn’t working on some servers -Fix: Installer varible names in constant strings for wp-config.php Double pathing issues -Fix: Installer improved write access to wp-config if permissions did not enatail it. -New: Better installer help -New: Better error logging -New: Improve verbiage related to filters -New: Changed Filename warning and site size scanner warning thresholds (2016-03-17)

-Fix: Loosened validation on database and user names in installer

3.0.0 (2016-03-16)

  • Major Installer Update
    • New internal API
    • New password protect screen
    • New cPanel Integration Login and database views
    • New System Scan Screen
    • Updated Help
    • Update ParselyJS to 2.3.5
    • CDN defaults to off
  • Plugin Changes
    • New cPanel installer settings
    • Updated template view for create package screen
    • Updated parsely JS to 2.3.5
    • New time entry on packages screen
    • Minor UI cleanup
    • Details update for cPanel settings
    • Several small bug fixes

2.0.12 (2016-02-27)

-Fix: Minor tweaks to licensing logic -Fix: Prevent change ownership warning from echoing to screen

2.0.11 (2016-02-12)

-Fix: Fixed Dropbox resume on failure problem -Fix: Conflict between clientside kickoff and blocked AJAX detection -Fix: Fixed FTP file limit problem encountered on some servers -Fix: Fixed CRSF vulnerabilities

2.0.11 (2016-02-12)

-Fix: Fixed Dropbox resume on failure problem -Fix: Conflict between clientside kickoff and blocked AJAX detection -Fix: Fixed FTP file limit problem encountered on some servers -Fix: Fixed CRSF vulnerabilities

2.0.10 (2016-01-27)

-Fix: S3 Storage folder now saves properly -Fix: Packge screen formatting when processing error present -Fix: Better error messaging on a couple common problems -Fix: Amazon Web Services directory moved in package to fix Windows Update problem (2016-01-21)

– Fix: Amazon file transfer cleanup logic.

2.0.9 (2016-01-19)

– Fix: Amazon library caused activation failure in rare instances. – Fix: Eliminated javascript queuing error that was showing up in server log.

2.0.8 (2016-01-13)

– New: Amazon S3 Support! – Fix: Multisite bug countered in edge case configuration – Fix: File cleanup error message on some servers

2.0.7 (2015-12-14)

– New: Ability to set limits for default package storage – New: Option to clean up old package files from previous installs – Fix: Not including secondary storage directories in build of current package (Shell Exec Zip engine)

2.0.6 (2015-12-9)

– New: Multisite network support

2.0.5 (2015-12-7)

– New: Tab on package details that lets you transfer packages after they’ve been built – Fix: Much more efficient package checking logic (2015-11-30)

– New: Package details screen – New: Email address to send build results. If empty will send to admin email as it does in previous versions. – New: Setting to allow installer name change. Helps with servers that prevent writing of .php files (WPEngine is one) – New: Added JSON encoding setting. Helps on hosts that give problems with call to json_encode. – Fix: Addressed problem with archive validation.

2.0.3 (2015-11-12)

– New: Added custom search and replace to installer – Fix: Minor UI fixes

2.0.2 (2015-11-3)

– New: Added more ZipArchive options to help with lower-end hosts – New: Split up settings into multiple sections – Fix: Changed license caching period – Fix: Minor aesthetic fixes

2.0.1 (2015-10-19)

– New: Added ability to select ZipArchive or ShellExec for installer unzip – Fix: Speed improvement when using Client-side kickoff – Fix: Minor visual tweaks

2.0.0 (2015-09-26)

– New: Google Drive Support! (Requires PHP 5.3.2 or above) – New: Installer clears schedule and storage tables by default. Avoids multiple site complications – Fix: Check for empty scan file (2015-09-17)

– Fix: Fixed package validation bug present for servers without ‘zipinfo’ command

1.0.18 (2015-09-16)

– Fix: Fixed file filter implementation for Shell Exec Zip built packages – Fix: Small UI tweaks (2015-09-14)

– Fix: Address requirements alert bug introduced in v1.0.17 IMPORTANT: If you receive a reserved file warning after upgrade: Click link to clean them out otherwise scheduled builds will fail!

1.0.17 (2015-09-13)

– New: Added warning and removal logic for files left around by installer.php – Fix: Allow packages to properly build on hosts that block localhost (Heart Internet, others) – Fix: Improved package screen so properly fits on smaller displays – Fix: Added support for moving a site running a later version of MySQL (5.5.3+) to a site running an older version (< 5.5.3) – Fix: License registration could get blocked for certain WordPress configurations – Fix: Removed need to have innodb installed on database server

1.0.16 (2015-08-31)

– Fix: Installer handles packages with spaces in their names properly – Fix: Performance and reliability improvements

1.0.15 (2015-08-24)

– Fix: Default to file lock instead of SQL lock on plugin install (SQL lock doesn’t work well on GoDaddy). – Fix: Shell exec zip engine speed improvement. – Fix: ZipArchive/Shell exec engine auto-choose method fixed. – Fix: Properly reporting error when scan file can’t be read (affects Windows systems containing files with non-English characters). – Fix: Improved package error reporting.

1.0.14 (2015-08-20)

– New: File filters. Omit files from archive on a file-by-file basis. – New: Shell Exec Zip status on Tools/Diagnostics page. – Fix: Ensure ZipArchive auto selected when Shell Exec not present.

1.0.13 (2015-07-28)

– Fix: cURL Dropbox support for greater compatibility across different server configurations. – Fix: Changed all references from duplicatorpro.com to snapcreek.com. (2015-07-25)

– Fix: Addressed a license caching bug. – Fix: Removed need for ZipArchive when Shellexec archive engine selected. – New: Update server changed from duplicatorpro.com to snapcreek.com (2015-07-2)

– Fix: Addressed Dropbox bug introduced in 1.0.11. – Fix: Fixed querying of jquery UI so it won’t conflict with other plugins.

1.0.11 (2015-06-29)

– New: Shell-exec package engine auto-selected when plugin is first installed. For existing installs, we recommend you change from ZipArchive->Shell Exec on General/settings page for faster builds (if server supports it) – Fix: Issue with uploading to some FTP servers fixed. – Fix: Better package validation – Fix: Removed cURL dependency for Dropbox transfer.

1.0.10 (2015-06-21)

– New: Storage and schedules restoration now an installer option – New: SQL lock default locking mechanism for new installs – Fix: Long-named installer scripts when performing file cleanup from installer – Fix: Refreshing scan page no longer zeroes out package creation parameters

1.0.9 (2015-06-14)

– Fix: License state caching fixed – Fix: Unreadable directories just a warning now not a fatal error – Fix: File counts no longer include filtered directories

1.0.8 (2015-06-10)

– Fix: Added new locking mechanism (SQL Lock) to allow for operation on hosts that use Network File System. – Fix: % build progress increases for Shellexec zip option – Fix: Fixed archive file counts (2015-06-03)

– Fix: Fixed bug with PHP 5.2 installs – Fix: Fixed periodic license activation bug (2015-06-02)

– Fix: Addressed scan directory bug

1.0.7 (2015-06-01)

– New: Faster, more reliable zip package engine option (see ‘shell_exec on general settings) – New: Warning added to scanner for non-standard characters – New: Improved FTP password confirmation – Fix: Improved scan speed (2015-05-23)

– Fix: Improved package validation – Fix: Improved scan speed

1.0.5 (2015-05-16)

– New: Option to decrease server load – New: Support for sites with basic authentication – New: Ability to specify admin ajax url for sites that block standard url. – New: More detail on SQL mode used to create package – Fix: Much more robust system for removal of rogue pacakges – Fix: Improved build alert email detail

1.0.4 (2015-05-07)

– New: Improved scan interface – New: Create storage link added to new package screen – New: Non-default local storage now includes max packages to retain – New: FTP directories auto-created – Fix: Package time creation now displays local time

1.0.3 (2015-04-29)

– New: Package list UI shows many more details of package creation – New: Dropbox and FTP storage endpoints include site path – New: “Max Build Time” setting for runaway build protection – New: Warning when max worker time set too high. – Fix: Download of large packages works on boxes without requiring adjustment to PHP download size – Fix: Ability to select admin ajax protocol. Avoids problems with certain firewalls and https configurations. – Fix: Better cleanup of temporary directory

1.0.2 (2015-04-20)

– New: Send admin email after scheduled build – New: Database mode defaults to mysql dump (faster) – Fix: Dropbox authentication problem addressed – Fix: Uninstall now deactivates license – Fix: Security check for package deletion with prepare statement

1.0.1 (2015-04-04)

– New: Activation message for licensing enabled – New: Improved debug support – Fix: Removed dependency on bcdiv() for better server compatibility – Fix: Corrected directory filter bug – Fix: Small bug fixes/cleanup

1.0.0 (2015-03-30)

-Initial Release


WordPress Trunk | Third Party Stability Test

Version 1.5.6 – September 19th, 2023

WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.3.1 PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [NEW] Implemented email summary feature.
  • [UPD] After a package is built, improved “How to” UI
  • [UPD] During the backup build Scan stage, no confirmation is required anymore when notices are displayed for scanned items.
  • [UPD] Implemented validation for installing tables with duplicate case sensitive names on case insensitive database
  • [UPD] Preventing other plugin’s notices to be displayed on Duplicator pages
  • [FIX] Fixed errors on php 5.3

Version – July 22nd, 2023

WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.2.2 PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin

  • [UPD]: Latest Version of WordPress Compatibility
  • [UPD]: Update snap lib/ fix bulk cleanup

Version 1.5.5 – June 22nd, 2023

WordPress Version: 4.0 or greater Tested up to: 6.2.2 PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin

  • [NEW]: Implemented remote notification system
  • [UPD] Added memory check required by mysqldump
  • [FIX] Fixed the dup archive download that was blocked in some hosting configurations.
  • [FIX] Improved settings input UI
  • [FIX] Fixed install issue related to configuration files (.user.ini, php.ini, e.t.c.) not being filtered from the archive root.
  • [FIX] Fixed PHP 8.2 warnings


  • [UPD] Now the Keep original file time option is also working for the DUP archive as for ZIP Archive

Version 1.5.4 – May 8th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Updated for WordPress 6.2
  • [FIX]: Fixed a redirect problem on the welcome page that was happening improperly in some cases.

Version 1.5.3 – March 16th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Overview: Contains a new dashboard widget along with several small fixes and updates. Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Added Dashboard Widget
  • [NEW]: Product Education
  • [FIX]: Fixed uninstall conflict with PRO version
  • [FIX]: Fix PHP 8.2 warnings


  • [NEW]: Product Education
  • [NEW]: Added validation message about Pro handling big packages better in the installer
  • [UPD]: Disable google reCaptcha plugins during installation
  • [FIX]: Fix PHP 8.2 warnings

Version – February 1st, 2023

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Not being able to delete plugin due to class conflict.

Version 1.5.2 – January 26th, 2023

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [NEW]: Added Review CTA banner
  • [UPD]: Improved review links
  • [FIX]: Fixed unistall conflict with PRO version
  • [FIX]: Improved options cleanup on plugin uninstall

Version 1.5.1 – November 16th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Updated Duplicator for wordpress 6.1
  • [FIX]: Escaped mysqldump custom command to harden input data (thanks Adel Bouaricha)
  • [FIX]: Fixed a problem with reading the list of MySQL enabled engines


  • [NEW]: Added an option for skipping the source path replacement
  • [NEW]: Show error message for PHP incompatibility after install if the source site had code using create_function
  • [NEW]: Setting “Extraction Mode” to manual extract by default if a manual extraction is detected
  • [UPD]: On install advanced mode disable the original option if .daf file was used
  • [FIX]: Fixed a problem with undefined collation substitution in the database
  • [FIX]: Fixed an error in case the default charset is invalid
  • [FIX]: Removed closing then immediately opening php tags after the header comment in the installer.php file
  • [FIX]: Updated for correct admin login url on last installation step, for cases when login url is changed by a plugin

Version 1.5.0 – August 28th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Fixed timezone and server time strings in the “Tools” screen
  • [FIX]: Fixed bug related to storage path changing when trace log is enabled
  • [FIX]: Fix package active after restoring a backup
  • [UPT]: Improved the icons and wording around the installer save as file name check
  • [UPT]: Improved the packages detail screen better represent the logic that downloads files


  • [NEW]: Basic mode is now enabled with a two-step process (vs 4 step advanced process)
  • [NEW]: Step 1 – New Database Action – Backup Existing Tables
  • [NEW]: Step 1 – New Database Action – Skip Database Extraction
  • [NEW]: Step 1 – Advanced – New Server Throttling and Chunking for Zip Formats
  • [NEW]: Step 1 – Advanced – New Database Processing Chunking mode
  • [UPT]: Step 1 – Advanced – Improve the Configuration files setup options
  • [UPT]: Step 1 – Validation checks improved to support more scenarios
  • [UPT]: Step 1 – Install Confirmation improved notice for existing database tables
  • [NEW]: Step 2 – Include/Exclude database tables and new UI interface
  • [NEW]: Step 3 – New features for WordPress Admin Accounts
  • [NEW]: Step 3 – New interface for plugin setup and wp-config files
  • [UPT]: Step 4 (2 Basic) – Improved validation checks when processing is completed
  • [UPT]: The help system has been improved to better cover all features

Version – August 15th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Update plugin fatal error edge case on some machines. [source 1]
  • [UPD:] Improve plugin removal cleanup
  • [UPD:] Improve installer file storage access

Version – August 3rd, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Minor security tweaks for some edge cases.

Version 1.4.7 – June 27th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [UPD]: On the build step 1 setup section, fix expand/collapse icon to better alignment.
  • [UPD]: Improve the installer options quick link description area when a build is completed.


  • [UPD]: Remove server path info on the server details information popup window.
  • [UPD]: Improve cleanup process and fix installer link showing in output with query string.

Version 1.4.6 – May 19th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Improve wording on build step 3 for how to start the install process
  • [UPD]: Scanner ‘Migration Status’ moved from Archive area to Setup area
  • [UPD]: Improve archive filter tips to have better separation and spacing
  • [FIX]: Build step 2 scanner sub “upload” folders are not checkable


  • [UPD]: Improve messaging for managed hosting platforms that only support the Pro product

Version 1.4.5 – April 13th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Improve plugin icons to better reflect the most recent updates
  • [UPD]: Improve plugin layouts on package build forms and on package details
  • [UPD]: Improve package details screen in-sync with Pro version
  • [UPD]: Removed database.sql visibility in backup directory and from download on details screen
  • [UPD]: Improve the build interrupt screen to better handle additional scenarios beyond server timeouts
  • [UPD]: Improve support for PHP 8.1 by removing various warnings and notices from the error log


  • [UPD]: Improve the table database collation support to better detect cross compatibility collations issues. [source 1] [source 2]
  • [UPD]: Improve support for PHP 8.1 by removing various warnings and notices from the error log

Version 1.4.4 – February 1st, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Duplicator logo and favicon from blue to red
  • [FIX]: Single quote in user’s folder path was causing javascript error in console [source]
  • [NEW]: On Build Status screen new option to show installer name and improved layout of screen


  • [UPD]: Improve archive not found message in the installer boot-loader screen
  • [UPD]: Updated the wordings and added helper text for ‘Config Files’ option under ‘Advanced’ settings on step 1 [source
  • [UPD]: Fixing legacy references for log() static call $this instead of “self::”
  • [UPD]: Improve messaging and workflow of safe mode settings and content
  • [UPD]: Improve visual layout to more closely stay in sync with the Pro version.
  • [UPD]: Improve support for PHP version 8.1.1.

Version 1.4.3 – September 8th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [FIX]: Scanner bug if $check var is not a valid boolean type
  • [FIX]: Warning: for function ‘duplicator_global_scripts’ not found
  • [UPD]: Changed Tools ❯ Diagnostics to “General” to match Pro version
  • [UPD]: Improve installer help links on build status
  • [UPD]: Notices for no-support on Duplicator Lite multisite
  • [UPD]: Removed old font-awesome web-font files and references for legacy browsers
  • [UPD]: Changed UTM content of various links and fixed some broken ones


  • [UPD]: Removed old font-awesome web-font files and references for legacy browsers
  • [UPD]: Step 1 & 2 Validation section at bottom to match Pro setup
  • [UPD]: Archive file name input on installer screen for non localhost installs

Version 1.4.2 – July 7th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Improve filesize checks that return filesize stat warnings
  • [UPD]: Warning on packages page if trace logging is enabled, with notice to turn off
  • [UPD]: Add support for some PHP-8 hosts that do not support shell_exec
  • [UPD]: Harden the installer rename process when the normal installer file is present
  • [FIX]: Issues in some PHP versions with paths replaced relative path includes with absolute paths
  • [FIX]: Layout of file cleanup notice properly shows under page header title


  • [UPD]: Wording and layout improvements in various steps
  • [UPD]: Harden installer.php rename logic for general installer name.

Version 1.4.1 – May 26th, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [UPD]: Both Lite and Pro plugins cannot be active at same time messages
  • [UPD]: Improve wording for PHP 5.2 notice and Settings CSS JSS Hooks
  • [UPD]: Added a check to build scan process when SQL FUNCTIONS are present
  • [BUG]: Download archive on some hosts having issues. Using content_url() WP_CONTENT_URL to get url
  • [BUG]: Added default value to DUP_Log::error detail argument to fix php log errors [source].


  • [NEW]: Added better handling of SQL FUNCTIONS
  • [UPD]: Improved CSRF error handling
  • [UPD]: Updated to Handlebars 4.7.7 on both plugin and installer

Version 1.4.0 – March 2nd, 2022

PHP Version: 5.3.8+ Plugin:

  • [BUG] On some setups eval in JS causes issues (eval removed).
  • [UPD] Additional improvements for PHP 8 support
  • [UPD] Packages view ‘Installer name’ setting link moved to lock icon
  • [NEW] Notice: PHP version check minimum PHP 5.3.8
  • [NEW] Notice: future warning that LITE and PRO cannot be activated at same time
  • [NEW] Notice: For MU usage plugin must be installed at network not sub-site.
  • [NEW] Notice: Show admin alert when export capability isn’t present
  • [NEW] Add MySQL TRIGGER management on PHP dump and installer checks


  • [BUG] On some setups eval in JS causes issues (eval removed).
  • [BUG] Collation fallback not working correctly.
  • [BUG] Replace host in DEFINER statement to %in case of remote hosts
  • [NEW] Managed host detection conflict detection
  • [NEW] Site Overwrite support for existing WP sites
  • [NEW] Add option to remove DEFINER from PROCEDUREs

Release Date: 2020-12-15 PHP Version: 5.2.17 or higher

FIXES – PHP 8 support updates


Release Date: 2020-11-16 PHP Version: 5.2.17 or higher

FIXES – Plugin: When MySQLDump fails display message on host interrupt screen recommending they switch to PHP mode – Plugin: Set place holders for Predefine charset and collation to be stored in the installer. – Plugin: Improve Ajax error message when ajax calls are restricted – Plugin: Packages page warning in snaplib array_key_first() expects parameter 1 to be array. – Plugin: On deletion of a package from the UI, the archive DAF file is now properly removed – Plugin: On creation of a package the file package_name_[HASH]_wp-config.txt is not longer created. – Installer: Unable to remove table from database error during install submitted issue – Installer: Add Wordfence Validation test


Release Date: 2020-9-21 PHP Version: 5.2.17 or higher

FIXES – Plugin: Mysqldump error display with chars limits – Plugin: Mysqldump Add –no-tablespaces flag to command – Plugin: Refactor to rename wpconfigtransformer class – Plugin: Update wp core file for wp 5.5 – Installer: Step 2 Optional notice fail changed the “Warn” word instead of the “Fail” word – Installer: Fix reference to JSON_FORCE_OBJECT in Duparchive expand (5.2 can’t build DupArchive)


Release Date: 2020-6-22 PHP Version: 5.2.17 or higher

FIXES – Plugin: 500 MB Limit under div can’t be toggled smoothly – Plugin: Update API based downloading – Plugin: New Storage setting to support wp-content – Plugin: Some settings incorrectly detects shell_exec – Plugin: Scanner validate mysqli real escape string on package scan – Installer: Issues with ‘Next’ button on some systems with ssl – Installer: Database host with schema problem – Installer: Database write error with permissions to DEFINER clause


Release Date: 2020-5-16 PHP Version: 5.2.17 or higher

FIXES – Plugin: Notice Fix for Use of undefined constant *_SCAN_TIMEOUT – Plugin: Fatal Error on edge case setups for array_key_first function support – Plugin: Updated API based downloading


Release Date: 2020-5-5 PHP Version: 5.2.17 or higher

FIXES – Plugin: Fix for Warn $testStatus value showing as error in UI – Plugin: Fix DupArchive engine to add failure when fopen returns null – Plugin: Move procedure privileges scan result to Database section – Plugin: Write in log last sql file lines if mysqldump fail – Plugin: Include wp-content/bps-backup folder into the global folder filter list – Installer: Add support for hashed installer name – Installer: Console error while downloading a installer log – Installer: jQuery loading issues on some systems, links are now external


Release Date: 2020-4-20 PHP Version: 5.2.17 or higher

FIXES – Plugin: Fix for requirements failing – Plugin: Improve wording for User Role Editor Plugin integration – Plugin: Packages > Details share dialog removed installer link – Plugin: Improve MU no support message on scanner step 2 – Plugin: Package can’t be created in the WPEngine updated – Plugin: Plugins moved Manage link to end and changed to “Upgrade to Pro” – Plugin: Improve log for requirements function – Plugin: SQL Error Log on packages page – Installer: Fix bug on serialise engine for nested arrays – Installer: Replace request PHP_SELF with SCRIPT_NAME – Installer: Harden installer security checks – Installer: If the package hash and archive file name doesn’t match error, display error in installer


[2020-02-12] FIXES – Plugin: Security patch. Please update as soon as possible! – Installer: Improve serialize engine replace


[2020-02-08] FIXES – Plugin: Shared package and installer link is not working when the user is not logged in. – Plugin: Display review notice after making 5 successful package created – Plugin: Set the filter opcache by default – Plugin: Apply fix notices for php 7.4 – Plugin: HOMEPATH and ABSPATH are different in typical situation – Plugin: MySQLDump path issues and detection on some systems – Installer: Add .htaccess file like .htaccess__[HASH] in the archive – Installer: Fix double replace on relative path – Installer: Auto-complete set to off to all forms


[2019-11-15] FIXES – Plugin: Large site build problems due to 32 bit not being reported properly – Plugin: Main menu color update to support theme colors better – Plugin: Plugin: Display error where user has insufficient privileges to SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE – Plugin: Address UI issues caused by WordPress 5.3 css updates – Plugin: Daf link issue when trying to download the file – Plugin: Legacy logic for can’t create a package if the file root/database.sql exist – Plugin: Not throwing error If table query fails – Installer: Installer not downloading when using the link from package details page on some hosts


[2019-9-11] FIXES – Plugin: Remove Google plus social icon – Plugin: Translation Language file updates – Plugin: Display a correct error message for memory error on package creation – Plugin: Timezone related issue – Third Party plugin conflict – Plugin: Fix Packages Detail Page – Make expanders sticky again – Plugin: Won’t make full Archive on some hosts – Plugin: Fix permission of wp_snapshot dir on upgrade – Installer: 64-bit OS too large for 64-bit PHP – Installer: Port Lite design pattern in Other parts of the LITE – Installer: Increase timeout to 900 make empty username and pass of the s3 of installation


[2019-8-30] FIXES – All: Synchronize snaplib from lite and pro – Plugin: Remove error word from the “Database Table row count validation error – Plugin: Archive Creation Time is shown wrong – Plugin: Provide option to unhook third party JS and CSS from Duplicator admin pages – Plugin: Improve DB Validation – Plugin: A Package download button is disabled in HomeStead – Plugin: Notice: Undefined index: version in duplicator\classes\class.settings.php on line 28 – Plugin: Backup Failed – Table doesn’t exist – Plugin: After migration warnings – Plugin: Temporarily Disable Questionnaire – Plugin: ZipArchive Package mode produces erroneous package in the HomeStead Environment – Installer: Option in wp configuration transformer get val fixed – Installer: JSON callback fix for php 5.2 – Installer: Add comment for DUPX_CSRF – Installer: WPBakey page builder issue after migration – Installer: getWpConfigTransformer init fix


[2019-7-13] NEW – Installer: Highlight differences in name of archive when wrong archive used FIXES – Plugin: Issue with PHP 5.2 install and admin loading issues – Installer: Archive not found message in step 1 – Installer: Fix php notice and get option fatal error in installer – Installer: Step 3 pro reference cleanup – Installer: Add static at dupx packages functions


[2019-7-7] NEW – Plugin: Detect WP Engine hosting and change the installer name – Plugin: Auto select duparchive when installed on GoDaddy – Plugin: Change Package field type change from MEDIUMBLOB to LONGTEXT – Installer: Highlight differences in name of archive when wrong archive used FIXES – Plugin: Improve deletion logic to delete all files prefixed with name hash – Plugin: Detect WP Engine hosting and its compatible changes – Plugin: Remove tracking of the ‘temporarily deactivating’ reason – Plugin: Memory problem on zip archive – Plugin: Bug An erroneous package can’t be deleted issue – Plugin: Remove dtoken.php references – Plugin: Make build % work to the tenth of a percent – Plugin: Clean package object before save – Installer: DupArchive error don’t display properly – Installer: Does not work with the ngrok URL – Installer: Saved password create the issue in the installer step 3 – Installer: Installer console error with 404 and favicon – Installer: The wpconfgitransformer get_value and escape strings fixed – Installer: Extractor log improved, installer log improvements – Installer: Mac safari console error – Installer: Improve chmod permission – Installer: When ziparchive and shellzip not available, auto select DupArchive for build – Installer: Max size archive check fixed – Installer: Cleanup for entry into wp-config.php for define(‘DB_USER… [credit] – Installer: WPEngine DupArchive is not working


[2019-5-20] NEW – Plugin: New icon/logo setup – Plugin: Move wp-json encode pretty print in snap lib and align snap lib with pro – Plugin: Hide all input passwords with show/hide button also on installer – Installer: New requirements check for global transaction identifier GTID consistency issue FIXES – Plugin: Package creation is not working in a InstantWP – Plugin: Backup improvement for certain environments – Plugin: Improve memory management – Plugin: Package wp config file deletion on the deletion of the plugin – Installer: Improve size of installer – Installer: Various fixes for wp config transformer – Installer: DupArchive die main installer problem and dawn.php ajax call – Installer: Message update for zip extraction – Installer: wp-config.txt not removed on package deletion


[2019-5-2] NEW – Plugin: Deactivation feedback form on uninstall – Plugin: New onlydb scan report layout – Plugin: New font awesome 5 update – Installer: Improve log start info – Installer: Lightbox for installer-log.txt and wp-config compare – Installer: Notices added to log improved for files extractor FIXES – Plugin: Improve reset packaged button to work on broken status – Plugin: Zip Archive is taking backup of only db – Plugin: Snaplib sync issues resolved – Plugin: Duplicate database row listing – Installer: Memory Issues when setting directly – Installer: Define custom _wp_json_sanity_check – Installer: Improve notification from file extractor errors – Installer: Database pass escape function added unicode chars to support ‘{$’ sequence escaped – Installer: CSRF crypt solve issues – Installer: utf8_decode fallback function – Installer: Post install leads to Forbidden page – Installer: Bootstrap function to insert in all php file executed directly – Installer: DB connection error check and log improved – Installer: An invalid request was made to “step1”


[2019-3-16] NEW – Plugin: enable create new button on build package completed – Plugin: Json package files with pretty print mode – Plugin: Uniform dbinfo like to be consistent with pro – Installer: Update email domains on step 3 of installer option. – Installer: Help layout improved – Installer: Step 4 UI formatting FIXES – Plugin: Updates to snaplib library – Plugin: Introduce language folder for testing how to better improve language updates – Plugin: Core tables added to support WordPress 5.1 – Plugin: Verify db install by row count – Installer: Improve bootloader support for updating htaccess with apache modules check – Installer: DupArchive “already installed” checking flow change – Installer: Extractor bugfix log improved if dup-folder not found continue with subfolder empty – Installer: Transformer update regex bugfix – Installer: Step 1 Display low disk space warning message – Installer: Step 1 On some systems the installer is stuck on this step – Installer: Step 1 503 Service Unavailable after – Installer: Step 2 option “Apply Legacy Collation Fallback” working again. – Installer: Step 4 wp-confg exception critical error report added – Installer: Step 4 Improve notice messages and final report


[2019-2-23] NEW – Plugin: New help icon for package running reset instructions FIXES – Plugin: Improve log file cleanup to also remove log1 files – Installer: Fixed security issues with package processing (Thanks Marco at segfault.it) – Installer: Complex DB pass is not working in installer


[2019-2-20] NEW – Plugin: Add integrity check at build time for zip archive format – Installer: In dup-installer dir ini_set to override PHP default settings and create new php.ini or .htaccess according to PHP server – Installer: Permission chmod options on files and directories disabled if the server is Windows – Installer: Installer extractor for MAC safari double embeded folder support now automatic see faq – Installer: Increased php max memory limit to better support hosts that already have high memory usage. FIXES – Plugin: Installer not downloading properly on some servers – Plugin: Support to convert relative path of link to absolute paths during build – Plugin: Regex Update for validation classes – Plugin: Error during scanning process – utf8 error loop – Installer: Improve installer cleanup and add retry logic should the first attempts not remove files – Installer: PHP Fatal Error Message: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function options – Installer: Improve bootloader message for Windows 32 bit 2GB limit. – Installer: Detect when zip archive doesn’t have dup-installer dir in it when installing – Installer: Support for manual extraction on installer bootstrap – Installer: Prevent error with too big serialize object – Installer: Instanceof mysqli_result check added – Installer: Remove dup-installer php.ini from install – Installer: Error establishing a database connection and Normalize the newline to prevent an issue coming from OSX


[2019-01-16] NEW – Plugin: Detect for non standard WordPress configuration and properly construct package. – Plugin: Prevent installation if wp-config.php is outer of root folder – Plugin: Added reset button for incomplete packages – Plugin: Auto filter backwpup backup storage folder from package – Installer: Warn a user if a user migrating from PHP 5.x to PHP 7.0+ – Installer: Log all errors and notices in the dup-installer – Installer: Replace domain name of email address – Installer: Intercepted and managed exceptions in the bootstrap installer FIXES – Plugin: Fixed Step 1 reset button – Plugin: Archive config dbInfo property should not be null – Plugin: Remove temp zip files on unistall in wp-shanpshots – Installer: Fixed loop construct in wp_kses_bad_protocol_once2 – Installer: Improved mysqli connection – Installer: Fixed various PHP warnings foreach, filestat, mysqli_* – Installer: Safe columns added in installer sql queries – Installer: Intercept all exceptions in main file – Installer: Improve installer exception page and log – Installer: Do not generate exception if wp-config does not exist – Installer: Missing validation on tls connections – Installer: All installer notice should be cleared – Installer: Prevent error on db select and intercept exception


[2018-12-30] FIXES – Plugin: Prevent multiple build runs at same time with UI feedback. – Plugin: Update regex validator for path on windows to be less restrictive. – Plugin: Remove un-needed calls to DUP_PRO variables. – Plugin: Domain check on step 1 installer db host less restrictive. – Plugin: Improved file permission changes to restore to original permission sets. – Plugin: Root directory is no longer selected from the quick filters on step 2 scanner. – Plugin: Quick Filter checkbox notice message when checked but not applied. – Plugin: Removed ‘FilesystemIterator’ class to still allow support for PHP 5.2. – Plugin: Improve symlink and filter checks. – Plugin: Improve cleanup to support daf files and installer log cleanup. – Plugin: popen enable check updated to support php ini better – Installer: Fixed code reference for setCharset referencing bad variable call. – Installer: Auto disable “Really Simple SSL” and “Simple Google reCAPTCHA” at install time to avoid login issues. – Installer: Cookie domain should be restricted to installer domain and path. – Installer: General Multisite cleanup. – Installer: Improve dup-installer directory check. – Installer: Improve wp config wp siteurl and wp home check. – Installer: Improve locate placement anchor logic for wp-config.php


[2018-12-17] NEW – Plugin: New DupArchive Engine for improved package creation on budget hosts with packages under 500MB – Plugin: Improved checks for package removal from packages screen – Plugin: Various performance and general bug cleanup – Installer: Permissions Options (Step 1) Users now have the option to setup the file permissions. – Installer: Shell Exe Option (Step 1) The option to extract a .zip file using shell exec is now available. – Installer: Config Files (Step 1) Users can prevent the .htaccess and web.config files from getting updated. – Installer: View/Procs Support (Step 2) The option to support view and store procedure creation is now available. – Installer: Cleanup (Step 4) A new option to remove the installer files when you login to the new sites admin pages. – General Improvements Many other general fixes and improvements.


[2018-10-19] FIXES – Plugin: Back-wards compatibility for pre 4.7 WP versions on sanitize_text_fields – Plugin: Improved redirect for invalid nounce parameters – Plugin: Minor formatting cleanup on scanner page [2018-10-17]


NEW – Plugin: Improved nounce checks across all form posts – Plugin: Improved variable binding and database escape checks – Plugin: Improve check_ajax_refer with esc_js calls – Plugin: Remove archive file from remove file button click action – Installer: Improve sanitization and escaping – Installer: Improve CSFR checks and validation FIXES – Plugin: JS Bug with Firefox not properly reading the log file [2018-9-24]


FIXES – Installer: Archive not found improved feedback messages – Installer: Archive size mis-match improve feedback messages – Installer: Various fixes for name hashes and archive name on step 1 [2018-9-20]


FIXES – Plugin: Improve the installer file cleanup messages – Installer: Improve installer file name hashes – Installer: Improve help messages

1.2.44 [2018-9-14]

FIXES – Plugin: Improved uninstall process for table removal – Installer: Server details dialog link merged into version info in top navigation – Installer: Step 4 improved install file cleanup message for removing files – Installer: General messaging cleanup through the various screens

1.2.42 [2018-8-24]

NEW – Installer: Password feature for accessing the installer.php FIXES – Plugin: Fix for mysqldump with open_basedir enabled – Plugin: Update parsley lib to 2.3.5 – Plugin: Updates to about section – Installer: Improve messages for database connection issues – Installer: Improve messages on Step 4 for file cleanup – Installer: Security updates for form inputs.

Note: This is only an issue if installer files are left on the server. As we have always recommended, users should remove all installer files when completed by logging into the WordPress admin and following the remove prompts! Reported by Synacktiv.

1.2.40 [2018-6-06]

NEW – Plugin: New link for Beta 1.3 download on build interrupt screen – General: A few wording updates

1.2.38 [2018-5-19]

FIXES – Plugin: Made the mailing list form at Duplicator > Settings > About page GDPR-compliant.

1.2.36 [2018-4-24]

FIXES – Installer: Fix in for php 5.2 bug – Installer: Help link updates – Installer: The folder ‘__MACOSX’ removed from bad file format on archives – Plugin: Fix for PHP 7 warning issues on in_array function – Plugin: Improved messaging for users

1.2.34 [2018-03-01]

NEW – Plugin: Scanner has ‘Read Checks’ for unreadable files and symlinks FIXES – Plugin: Fixes for PHP 7.2 specific code and support for deprecated create_function method . – Plugin: Diagnostics setting for showing location of PHP error log. – Plugin: Mysqldump path not getting detected on some cpanel hosts – Installer: Security patch for XSS script on step 4 – severity low and only when installer is present

1.2.32 [2018-01-10]

NEW – Plugin: New integrated help drop-down for improved usability – Plugin: Database only label for package creation notification FIXES – Plugin: Popup Dialog issue with tb_window size conflicts with certain themes. – Installer: Patch for IIS server variables missing in $_SERVER – Installer: Fixed back link to step 1 on step 4 caused archive not found message – Installer: Improved collation fall-back logging output

1.2.30 [2017-11-13]

FIXES – Plugin: Improved the build status screen to be easier to read – Fix: XSS security patch in the installer.php file. Resourced By Ricardo Sanchez

1.2.28 [2017-11-05]

NEW – Plugin: Standardized WordPress notice message boxes – Plugin: Tools Cleanup tab has been merged to Diagnostics > Information – Plugin: Scanner has add-on site detection built in for recommended filter – Installer: New safe mode option on step 1 Basic/Advanced – Installer: Improved installer logging for unkeyed schemas FIXES – Installer: Unkeyed table schemas that have no data in where clause ignored – Plugin: Packages step 1 required check on root path is now a warn test – Plugin: Date time to sync with WP standard – Plugin: WordPress 4.8.3 bug when using PHP SQL mode. Recommended esc_sql patch applied.

1.2.26 [2017-10-7]

NEW – Scanner: WordPress core file/path checks notices and uncompress label – Plugin: Diagnostics tab reordered with logs and support – Plugin: New settings license tab – Installer: Update engine supports legacy collation fallback check option FIXES – Package: mysqldump build to support ‘!’ character on windows – Installer: skips database ‘views’ when dropping on install – Installer: Update engine supports alpha numeric key updates – Installer: Update engine supports unkeyed schemas

1.2.24 [2017-9-9]

– Fix: support to account for undefined function sanitize_textarea_field pre WP 4.7 installs – Fix: Issue with wp_nonce_field refer field on small sub-set of hosts causing 403 forbidden – Fix: Installer word boundary, raw protocol replace fixes (fixed in 1.2.16 but re-introduced in 1.2.18)

1.2.22 [2017-9-2]

– New: Beta flag removed for archive only the database option – New: Package archive database filters improved notice for core WP tables – New: Package directory and file counts on archive file filters – Fix: Moved help to a more open position on the packages screen – Fix: At plugin install mysqldump is now the default option if available – Fix: XSS security patch expos-able only to admin users. Thanks to NCC Group for alerting us.

1.2.20 (2017-8-25)

– Fix: Package scan failure with DB comments that have invalid serialized data – Fix: Package scan warning with open base dir enabled hides file_exist warning – Fix: Package scanner visual fix on badges with longer language types – Fix: Installer terms section is now a dialog to simplify UI – Fix: Installer validation no longer does a required check on PHP safe mode – Fix: Scanner WordPress version check is 4.7 or better – New: Installer detection for partially downloaded archive files – New: Package build status has “One Click Download” link – New: Installer notice for PHP 5.2 and no technical support except for PHP 5.3+

1.2.18 (2017-8-9)

– New: Packages workflow for 2-Part installer setup – New: Installer full spectrum search http, https, and raw “//” update and replace – Fix: Installer removed protocol relative check-box as option now fully integrated – Fix: Improve feedback form capture

1.2.16 (2017-7-29)

– Fix: Installer word boundary fix for domain names with exact same root path – Fix: Installer wp-config fix for WP_CONTENT_URL with exact same root path – Fix: Removal of legacy installer advanced setting set from the WP admin – Fix: Scanner showing notice for database name upper case – New: Feedback view quick links

1.2.14 (2017-7-24)

– Fix: Drop support for deprecated FORCE_SSL_LOGIN setting in wp-config.php – Fix: General spelling fixes – Fix: Installer step 4 general notices for WP constants lighted check – New: Installer has cPanel detection with easy access link – New: Installer enable extended URL replace checked by default – New: Packages quick guide link on empty package screen

1.2.12 (2017-7-18)

– Fix: Installer fix for **ERROR** database error write ‘Invalid default value…’ in PHP build mode – Fix: Package scanner improved for database notices section – Fix: Packages not saving correctly on some windows servers – Fix: Packages create new setup-1 screen only shows requirements issues when needed – Fix: Moved About and Help links to tabs on Settings and Tools pages

1.2.10 (2017-7-10)

– Fix: Support for WP_TEMP_DIR in wp-config – Fix: Improvements to tools > scan validator – New: Handlebars libs updated to 4.0.10 – New: Package file filters – New: Support for smart filters – New: Scanner UI update – New: Scanner UI size checks in-line apply filters – New: Scanner UI name checks in-line apply filters – New: Installer: Support for skipping config file (htaccess, web.config) updates

1.2.8 (2017-5-20)

– Fix: Root filter did not exclude root files properly reworked – New: Installer archive structure format detection – New: Improved package scanner performance by 10% – New: Export only database to archive mode – New: Installer automatically saves perma-links – New: Installer step 4 simplified login and cleanup

1.2.6 (2017-4-26)

– Fix: Installer log target links share one tab – Fix: Installer date time warning issues without timezone set on server – Fix: Package creation requirements for servers that don’t allow dbuser “SHOW VARIABLES” support – Fix: Packages make hash random_bytes failure on some Windows setups – Fix: Scanner unreadable files on PHP 5.2 causes 500 internal response – Fix: Fixed web.config not copying blank web.config and improved message – New: Installer extended URL replace (Step 3) searches multiple protocols: ‘//’, ‘http’, ‘https’ – New: Installer wpconfig support for additional parameters such as WP_CONTENT_URL – New: installer ui layout improved for additional simplicity

1.2.4 (2017-4-8)

– Fix: FTP clients that insert double spaces in the file causes the installer to have parse error – Fix: Hardened the security for the file names that are generated as part of the package set – New: Improved the logs output for the installer

1.2.2 (2017-4-4)

– Fix: Package remove dialog on some systems did not respond properly issue with uniqid – New: Installer dynamic date links added to force browser cache to refresh – New: Installer UI polish for improved read-ability – New: Font Awesome 4.7 update – New: Update tabs in settings area to better integrate with help docs

1.2.0 (2017-3-24)

– Fix: Package details screen build mode wording cleanup – Fix: Simplified package installer pre-filled values – Fix: Root filter did not exclude root files – Fix: Installer database.sql is no longer removed on step 3 – Fix: XSS security patch that is expos-able, only if the user is logged into the wp-admin – New: Installer improved layout – New: Installer separated archive extraction into step 1 to improve stability – New: Installer separated database install into step 2 to make room for integrity checker – New: Installer improved help docs and layout – New: Installer new layout for requirements and notices

1.1.34 (2017-02-25)

– New: Package and Installer refactor for PSR-2 standard 60% coverage – Fix: Improve mysql version detection in admin and installer – Fix: Mulitple package deletion issue when using Windows

1.1.32 (2017-02-18)

– New: Package Scanner PHP warn for 5.2 detection – New: Package Scanner Multisite detection and notices – New: Package Scanner help icons for better details on size info – New: Removed all JS alert and confirm for thickbox alternative popup messages – New: Packages screen: column date format has 8 new format types

1.1.30 (2017-2-2)

– New: Packages UI column date format visibility option – New: Installer log checks for large database.sql files – New: Installer confirm dialog step 1 replace JS confirm – New: Installer support for current and original timestamps on files and directories under advanced opts – Fix: Installer UI cleanup on step 1 screen consolidated warnings/notices – Fix: Rename “mysql_” to prevent PHP 7 upgrade scanners from showing warnings

1.1.28 (2017-01-19)

– New: UI consolidation and alignment with Pro – New: Internal controller interface for system testing – New: Updated scan validation tool to use Ajax – New: Handlbars JS lib integration

1.1.26 (2016-12-18)

– New: Link updates and UI improvements for installer – New: Support and test hardening for WP 4.7 – Fix: Harden security when copying web server config files

1.1.24 (2016-11-29)

– Fix: Package Scanner PHP 5.2 error with array_replace – Fix: Moving links from lifeinthegrid.com to snapcreek.com – New: Tools diagnostics scan validator utility for symlink detection

1.1.22 (2016-11-22)

– Fix: Plugin activation and dbDelta compatibility errors – Fix: Package Scanner issues Warning: array_count_values(): Can only count STRING and INTEGER values! – Fix: Package Scanner issues with symlinks causing scanner to timeout via recursion

1.1.20 (2016-10-30)

– New: Packages create new link at end of build – New: Installer advanced option support for mysql_mode with Default, Disable and Custom settings – Fix: Installer wp-config.php var PATH_CURRENT_SITE trailing slashes were getting reset – Fix: Installer prevent wp-config.php file from writing zero byte file if not found in archive.zip – Fix: Installer deploy errors report color code to green/red fixed – Fix: Installer improved logging for unreadable files and directories during zipping

1.1.18 (2016-10-9)

– New: Requirements check changed “Permission” to “Required Paths” to skip force check on root path – New: Improved checks for sql_mode and issues with NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION – Fix: UI issue with WPML plugin – Fix: UI fix on logging page – Fix: Improved scanner validation message to continue on warnings – Fix: Removed Perks and associated product links

1.1.16 (2016-8-18)

– Fix: Prevent scanner from returning blank screen on bad scans – Fix: Display fix for top buttons on minimized screens – Fix: Improved primary key check for installer during step 2 – Fix: Installer test connection ‘This Server:’ improved feedback status – Fix: Added backing of up of .user.ini.bak for Wordfence support – Fix: Installer requirements cleanup and removed @ suppression when loading database file – New: Improved support for wp-config.php outside of root directory with define override

1.1.14 (2016-7-05)

– Fix: Installer improved search and replace items for update engine – Fix: Color adjustment for MySQL version comparison on test connection – New: Font Awesome 4.6 update – New: Perks and deals page

1.1.12 (2016-6-20)

– Fix: Installer issue on MAC with step1 confirm checkbox not checkable – New: Installer database compatibility checks for versions

1.1.10 (2016-06-10)

– Fix: Installer now searches on url encoded strings and will search and update values – Fix: Language Strings for cleanup screen – Fix: Validated notice message are gone in installer – New: Improved Scanner to support table name case, size and row detection

1.1.8 (2016-5-31)

– Fix: Removed legacy localization with https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/duplicator – Fix: Allow archiving of unicode files – Fix: Warning for invalid directory handle in function get_zip_files – Fix: Config file wp-config.php fix for DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE parse update – Fix: Installer — check if wp-config.php exists – Fix: Installer — update step2 process only cells with direct matches (20% performance increase) – New: Installer — Message detection for non-ascii db connection string inputs – New: Installer — Parsley lib updated to 2.3.5

1.1.6 (2016-3-27)

– Fix: For notice message in package view. – Fix: Cleaner visual layout for package create new screen – Fix: Installer checks for writable wp-config.php before updating – Fix: Installer handles variable named constants for WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL

1.1.4 (2016-2-09)

– Fix: Security patch for CSRF by RatioSec. – New: Details for version info on PHP, WP and Database.

1.1.2 (2016-1-28)

– New: Separate Details page to provide more package details. – New: Update to font-awesome 4.5. – Fix: Delete reserved files cleanup message is more clear. – Fix: Language files were broken with last release

1.1.0 (2015-12-9)

Pulling Beta Status: After 4 years in beta moving to a 1.x status. Moving from 0.5.34 to 1.1 Why the large jump in versions? Many authors just start out at 1.0 when releasing a plugin. In order to not give brand new users an impression that the plugin just came out we have adjusted it to a 1.1 release. – New: JSON link in scanner for quick viewing – New: Compatibility mode for mysqldump options – Update: Error log cleanup code forum thread – Update: F5 Refresh on scanner page caused lose of form data – Update: language file slug from ‘wpduplicator’ to ‘duplicator’ per wp-team – Update: Improve build status message – Update: Product logo and new svg logo integration – Update: Visual fixes for WorpPress 4.4 – Fix: Scan Warning: array_count_values(): Can only count STRING and INTEGER – Fix: Windows XP issues with glob(*.zip) on installer added secondary check

0.5.34 (2015-11-1)

– Update: New Encoding lib added for better “Name Checks” on scanner – Update: Removed legacy code for reported security check for code that was never called. – Update: PHP version check from 5.2.17 to 5.2.9.

0.5.32 (2015-10-11)

– Update: Improved checks for shell_exec support – Update: Refactor work on reserved file checks – Fix: DB-encoding lost when reconnecting after error git merge

0.5.30 (2015-9-7)

– Fix: installer listed wrong version was showing 0.5.26 (updated define.php) – Update: Improved required file checking on database.sql file – Update: Global warning for any reserved file – Update: Improve readability of Duplicator error log results

0.5.28 (2015-8-18)

– Update: Security patch for authenticated administrators that can inject html/js code (XSS)

0.5.26 (2015-8-15)

– New: Scanner warnings checkbox to continue build – New: Tools > Diagnostics > Shell Exec Check – New: Scanner ‘Archive Details’ includes WP Root Path

0.5.24 (2015-6-30)

– Update: Removed support for RecursiveDirectoryIterator – Update: French translation updated – Update: Scanner improved support for utf8 named files/folders – Update: Added nonce security checks to admin forms – Fix: Scanner will skip unreadable directories – Fix: Scanner will apply utf8_encode to Name Check warnings – Fix: CSS conflict with Fast Secure Contact Form plugin

0.5.22 (2015-5-23)

– Update: Minor fix for PHP notices on some systems

0.5.20 (2015-5-23)

– New: New language (fr_IR) file by Moslem, Fallah Niat – New: Improved Scanner Interface line by line item checks – New: Installer Dbport as optional stand-alone parameter – Update: MySQLi moved to scanner, no longer a requirement check – Update: German lang files

0.5.18 (2015-05-01)

– New: Storage indicator for base storage path – New: Updated French language files – Fix: CSS conflicts with core admin pages – Update: Notes button for more flush package view – Update: Improved FAQ integration – Update: Minor code cleanup

0.5.16 (2015-04-09)

– Fix: Security check for package deletion with prepare statement – Fix: Diagnostics link on Scan page was moved to new location

0.5.14 (2015-04-08)

– New: Simplified package layout (removed tabs) – New: Updated menu with gopro page link – Fix: PHP header bug using HTML instead of HTTP – Fix: header notices conform to WP standard – Fix: Directory filter for “/path/abc” would also exclude “/path/abc123” – Update: Requirement check for mb_strlen – Update: Modified ‘read’ perms to ‘manager’ for help/about links

0.5.12 (2015-01-12)

– New: Package Query Limit for phpDump – New: Memory Footprint for package log file – New: Package includes SQL timezone and timestamp markers – Update: Installer remove call to troubleshoot dialog window – Update: Improve Settings class for default values – Fix: Installer overflow for larger message warnings – Fix: Package ‘.’ dot in filter name not saving

0.5.10 (2014-12-26)

– New: Integration with User Role Editor Free and Professional see settings menu – New: Integrity validation for completed SQL files – Update: Plugin to jQuery UI 1.11.2 – Update: Installer updated to jQuery 2.1.3 – Update: Installer updated to jQuery UI 1.11.2 – Update: Installer uses only required jQuery UI elements for lighter footprint – Update: Installer improved to log installer visual errors to install-log.txt – Update: Directory scan check for names ending with period (Windows incompatible) – Fix: Better notices for package cache directory checking – Fix: Support for systems that don’t support GLOB_BRACE – Fix: Security issue with privilege escalation courtesy of: security.szurek.pl – Fix: Uncaught ‘Unable to zip directory’ warning on root folder in log file

0.5.8 (2014-9-17)

– New: Support for JSON encoded URL and path strings – Update: Better organized package requirements layout – Update: Separate Help and About pages – Update: Package permission checks now checks for opendir – Fix: Installer password check for html special characters – Fix: Installer memory leak for large database update routine

0.5.6 (2014-7-09)

– New: Scan report > Shows new view toggle menu of filters – New: Scan report > Checks for WordPress version support – New: Scan report > Shows cache directory size – New: Scan report > Performs core file check – New: Installer > new installer-backup.php file is added to archive – New: Settings > new option to exclude .htaccess file from storage directory (wp-snapshots) – Update: File filter extensions auto removes ‘.’ and spaces – Update: Improved performance for Archive Flush setting – Update: Installer > UI display improvements – Update: Better security for installer build files – Update: Font Awesome to 4.1

0.5.4 (2014-6-05)

– New: Scan report is generated to help speed up build process – New: French translation addded – Fix: Notice warning was throwing warning when plugin was deactivated – Fix: DBDelta function only called when version is changed – Fix: Runtime Error with DirectoryIterator on Scanner – Fix: Other minor adjustments and fixes – Update: Web server check is no longer a requirement, just a scanner check – Update: Improved UI display for excluding database tables

0.5.2 (2014-2-16)

– New: Add a new default name icon – New: Reset button for all package settings – Fix: Column list fix for tables with only int types – Fix: Research SQL key words are escaped for column names – Fix: Added warning suppression on scanner to – Fix: Check for directories that have only space for a name – Fix: WP 3.7 and below with PHP 5.2.17 has issues with a “.” in package name – Update: Added https for CDN library calls – Update: Uninstall cleans up all settings if enabled


– Fix: Scanner bug with excluded files – Fix: Installer bug with database updates – Fix: Installer report stats fix


– New: Package PreScan wizard to isolate issues before build – New: Package Table exclusion before build – New: Settings options reset and cleanup – New: Mysqldump output enabled for some servers – New: Basic MU (multi-site) support – Update: Permission check to show script owner – Update: Rewrote all the admin logic to be more OO centric – Update: Archive rename from “[Hash]_[Name]_package.zip” to “[Name]_[Hash]_archive.zip” – Fix: Installer resets htaccess on step one – Fix: UI Overlay bug – Fix: Version for css style check

0.4.6 Beta

– Update: Installer jQuery v1.10.2 – Update: Installer jQuery UI and CSS v1.10.3 – Update: Installer Knockout v2.2.1 – Fix: Package interface display issue with legacy packages 0.4.4 and below

0.4.5 Beta – Security Patch

– New: User can keep detailed notes for every package – New: Log files are all retained for history – New: Tracking of successful package counts – Updated: cache folder check for all cache plugins – Updated: chmod check for .htaccess at install time – Updated: Error handling to show in UI with details vs empty package screen – Fix: Files without file extensions where not being included in the package – Fix: MySQL Null types are now set directly as null types – Fix: IsReadable check added before folders/files when added to ZipArchive – Fix: Other minor tweaks and bug fixes – Security: Security check by http://htbridge.com/advisory/HTB23162

0.4.4 Beta

– Added: Support for SSL Admin and Login in wp-config – Added: Support for Cache and Cache Path in wp-config – Updated: Safe Mode check to be very verbose – Fix: Hardened the auto download of the installer file – Fix: Errors with symbolic links when creating a package – Fix: Additional quote checks inside options settings – Fix: Other minor tweaks and bug fixes

0.4.3 Beta

– Added: Installer – Support for MySQL port numbers – Added: Installer – Step 2 option for new WP Admin account – Added: Installer – Better support for JSON responses – Added: System Status Dialog – Checks for required PHP functions – Added: System Status Dialog – SYS-101 now allows file removal button – Update: Zip recursion logic to use directory iterator for speed – Update: Consolidated About and Support pages to be shorter – Update: Code base rework phase 1 of 2 complete for future features – Fix: Moved Update order of ‘home’ & ‘siteurl’ in opts table to avoid appended data – Fix: Other minor tweaks and bug fixes

0.4.2 Beta

– Update: Improved logging on package output – Update: Removed memory settings from UI and placed logic internal – Update: Improved SQL foreign key check validation – Fix: Bug with exclude directory filter path – Fix: Hide notices and warnings on invalid checks and extraction – Fix: Installer title field has addslashes check added – Fix: Other minor tweaks and bug fixes

0.4.1 Beta

– Fixed: Issues with WordPress 3.5 and jQuery

0.4.0 Beta = Security Patch

– New: Installer Serialization Engine – New: Installer Wizard Screens – New: Installer table selection and plugin selection – New: Installer Quick Help Dialog – New: Installer system checks – Security: Fixed issue with file requests

0.3.2 Beta/

– Added: Improved support for larger tables during package creation – Added: Improved checking on migration of database.sql to installer-data.sql – Added: All about page to help spread the word about the plugin – Added: Uninstall routine to remove snapshot folder when plugin is deleted – Added: German language support, thanks to Hans-M. Herbrand – Fixed: MySQLi character set for unicode characters – Fixed: Settings are now saved when updating plugin versions – Fixed: Installer warning for installer-log.txt permissions on some system – Updated: File read check validation when zipping a package

0.3.1 Beta = Security Patch

Added: Installer and package are now bound together as a true package set Added: File extensions exclusion list Added: Show Download Links Dialog Added: Delete all installer files on install page Updated: Create Package Dialog to include directory scan Security: Important Security model update for package sets Fixed: Notice Warnings

0.3.0 Beta

– Added: Created separate log file for better log reporting – Added: System validation screen before creating a package – Added: Better system error validation – Added: Now using direct compression for 33% faster packing times – Added: Base64 encoded string detection – Added: Added no follow to installer for search robots – Added: Direct compression for 20% faster installer times – Updated: Removed support for mysql extension for the newer mysqli

0.2.9 Beta

– Added: Check to create installer if file is removed – Added: Localization for Hebrew in WordPress admin area – Added: Added mysql charset for international support – Added: Chmod 755 on wp-root folder, for permission denied issues – Fixed: Chmod for files directory to update installer – Fixed: Options page localization fixed

0.2.8 Beta

– Added: Localization support for the plugin admin – Added: 404 message to index in wp-snapshots folder – Added: Improved Warnings for non technical users – Added: Better display support for firefox – Fixed: Timeout issues for jQuery Ajax Requests – Fixed: Download link for package and installer when not in WP root – Removed: Processing display timer from installer

0.2.7 Beta

– Added: Database record check for post install – Added: Package Detail information via ID link – Added: Security token to end of package file name – Added: Uninstall routine to remove table and options settings – Fixed: Permission denied exception for children in RecursiveDirectoryIterator – Fixed: PHP Notices in the options dialog – Fixed: Directory size calculation for windows style paths – Fixed: Firefox UI bug with enabled fields

0.2.6 Beta

– Added: Message for ZipArchive Close when disk quota is full – Added: UTF-8 support on installer for uni-code data see: “SET NAMES ‘utf8’ – Added: Unique names to installer functions to avoid possible function name conflicts – Added: Support for color blindness, and open_base_dir check – Fixed: String serialized object with “;”” embedded semicolon double quote – Fixed: Prevention of double click on create package button – Fixed: Snapshot directory to attempt correct permission settings

0.2.5 Beta

– Added: Self reference check for reserved file names within the package (archive) – Added: Installer has mysql wait timeout support for longer session handles – Added: Package creation has mysql wait timeout support for longer session handles – Added: Additional logging around the ZipArchive close routine – Added: File count limit around ZipArchive open/close handles – Fixed: Installer bound to a package perception in the UI. – Fixed: No access message for non WordPress admin accounts – Fixed: Permission on snapshop folder to 755 on install

0.2.4 Beta

– Added: Detailed table logging during creation – Added: Support for memory blocks up to 1GB – Added: jQuery support from internal WordPress – Added: Manual package extraction on installer (kudos to Aaron Crawford) – Added: At install time packages are not deleted unless requested – Added: At install time new external install-log.txt file – Added: Added wp_usermeta to the serialization cleans list – Fixed: Several notices and warnings in both creation and installer interfaces – Fixed: Support for serialized data with newlines – Fixed: Several minor bugs submitted as help tickets

0.2.3 Beta

– Added: Additional error checking – Fixed: Logging failed attempt to create database entry record – Fixed: Compression check for ZipArchive class – Fixed: Notices Undefined variable check in installer.php – Fixed: Issue on some system where wp-snapshots/index.php was created as a file – Fixed: Changed jQuery calls from $ to jQuery

0.2.2 Beta

– Added: “Disable SSL Admin” if enabled. New installer option – Fixed: Nonbreaking space character validation for Linux to Windows

0.2.1 Beta

– Added: New output for complete log on installer – Added: Improved Database Character Validation – Added: Include version # in the logging output

0.2.0 Beta

– Added: Improved error handling around RecursiveDirectoryIterator – Added: Support for SQL character encode versions – Added: ‘Perform Character Validation’ attempts to replace invalid characters – Fixed: SSL Support for downloading installer and package – Fixed: Retain Permissions with 755 on Directories and 644 on files – Fixed: Better regular expressions for wp-config replacement parameters – Fixed: Better notice message on install screen

0.1.0 Beta

First Beta release of the Duplicator Plugin. Many thanks go out to Gaurav Aggarwal for starting the Backup and Move Plugin. This project is a fork of the original Backup and Move Plugin authored by Gaurav Aggarwal

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