Hummingbird Pro v3.7.2 – WordPress Performance Plugin

Last Update: January 17, 2024
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Hummingbird Pro reigns as the sovereign of WordPress optimization, diligently scanning through your site to uncover innovative methods for achieving lightning-fast loading speeds.

Hummingbird Pro WordPress Plugin Features

  • Performance Report
  • Hummingbird scans your site and makes recommendations for improving performance.Asset Optimization
  • Minify, combine, optimise and position files to improve page speed.
  • Gzip Compression
  • Compress HTML, JavaScript, and Style Sheets to reduces site load time.
  • Complete Cache Suite
  • Speed up page load times with full-page, browser, RSS and Gravatar cache.
  • Cloudflare Cache-Control
  • Hummingbird includes quick controls for managing Cloudflare Browser Cache.
  • Hosted File Optimization
  • Use WPMU DEV’s secure and hyper fast CDN for faster performance.
  • Image Optimization
  • Smush Pro integration lets you resize, compress and optimize all your images.
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Monitor your website’s response time and know when you experience downtime.
  • Hub Security Manager
  • Monitor security issues, updates and backups for all your sites from the Hub.
= 3.7.2 ( 2024-01-16 ) =
- New: Use static IPs for Critical CSS service
- Improvement: Ignore missing CSS files when generating Critical CSS
- Fix: Avoid calling the Critical CSS service too frequently

= 3.7.1 ( 2023-12-20 ) =
- Improvement: Stability improvements

= 3.7.0 ( 2023-12-06 ) =
- Fix: Critical CSS and Delay JS causing validation errors with AMP
- Fix: Compatibility warning with PHP 8.3
- Improvement: Better analytics

= 3.6.1 ( 2023-11-06 ) =
- Fix: Minify module generating CSS file with HTML inside, when source CSS file not found

= 3.6.0 ( 2023-10-03 ) =
- New: Generate Critical CSS for your pages to address render-blocking resource warnings and eliminate unused CSS
- Improvement: Add comments for all translation strings that have placeholders in them
- Improvement: Set minimum required PHP version to 7.4
- Fix: PHP errors and warnings
- Fix: Asset Optimization doesn't save settings on Manual Mode
- Fix: Delay JS conflict with Hub Client

= 3.5.0 ( 2023-06-21 ) =
- New: Delay JS - Delay the execution of scripts to prioritize page rendering
- Improvement: PHP 8.2 Compatibility
- Fix: Accessibility Improvements
- Fix: Security audit and improvements
- Fix: Filter panel overlaps result while scrolling down on Asset Optimization page
- Fix: Asset Optimization doesn't save manual settings in some situations
- Fix: Minor improvements in code and copy

= 3.4.7 ( 2023-06-13 ) =
- Improvement: Performance improvements

= 3.4.6 ( 2023-04-17 ) =
- Improvement: Switch from React development build to production build
- Fix: Asset Optimization stats showing NaN on non-English sites
- Fix: HB CDN automatically excluding two files from Themeco Pro theme
- Fix: Hummingbird performance test results accordion not opening
- Fix: Whitelabel issue with "What's New" modal
- Fix: Minor compatibility issues with PHP 8.2

= 3.4.5 ( 2023-03-24 ) =
- Fix: Incorrect post types getting deleted

= 3.4.4 ( 2023-03-15 ) =
- Improvement: Minor bug fixes and improvements

= 3.4.3 ( 2023-02-23 ) =
- Fix: Security fix

= 3.4.2 ( 2023-02-16 ) =
- Fix: JS error in configs

= 3.4.1 ( 2023-02-16 ) =
- Improvement: Security hardening
- Fix: Issue when upgrading from version 2.7.3

= 3.4.0 ( 2022-11-28 ) =
- New: Asset optimization safe mode
- New: React-based asset optimization module
- New: Compatibility module with WPMU DEV hosting FastCGI feature
- New: Map generated filenames to actual filenames on Manual Asset Optimisation
- New: Replace Google fonts with Bunny fonts for GDPR compliance
- Fix: Performance module showing older version of the report after scan
- Fix: Page cache preloader icon
- Fix: Uptime compatibility with WPMU DEV free Hub
- Fix: Smush activation links on MU
- Fix: Dashboard Asset Optimization Stats are different from the AO Summary Details
- Fix: Miscellaneous PHP warnings and errors

= 3.3.7 ( 2022-11-17 ) =

- Improvement: Code and compatibility improvements

= 3.3.6 ( 2022-11-01 ) =

- Enhance: Security hardening
- Enhance: WP 6.1 compatibility

= 3.3.5 ( 2022-10-04 ) =

- Enhance: Membership status check

= 3.3.4 ( 2022-06-16 ) =

- Enhance: Split out JavaScript libraries into smaller files
- Enhance: Reports compatibility with Defender masking feature
- Enhance: Cleanup on uninstall on network installs
- Enhance: Page cache compatibility with Defender security headers
- Fix: Usage tracking option on network installs
- Fix: Setup module logic on plugin activation
- Fix: Inline limits in asset optimization
- Fix: Weekly performance report sometimes sent out twice
- Fix: Settings link on Plugins page
- Fix: Comment on-click lazy loading
- Fix: Translation link URL
- Fix: Tooltip showing by default on 'Checking files' asset optimization modal
- Fix: Redis module not always being able to write to wp-config.php file
- Fix: Skip onboarding wizard if a config has been applied
- Fix: Rename "Basic" config to "Default"
- Fix: Tutorials scripts loading on all pages

= 3.3.3 ( 2022-05-12 ) =

- New: Set the number of comments to preload in lazy loading module
- Enhance: Clean up after uninstalling on multisite
- Enhance: Remove duplicate 'wphb_page_cache_cleared' action in favour of 'wphb_clear_cache_url'
- Enhance: Sanitize input fields in Configs module
- Enhance: Compatibility with Weglot plugin
- Fix: PHP undefined array key warnings
- Fix: Fatal error when clearing cache in certain conditions
- Fix: Toggling Uptime from WPMU DEV hub
- Fix: Clear cache button not white labeled
- Fix: Onboarding setup wizard summary layout
- Fix: Onboarding setup wizard tracking option on multisite
- Fix: Smush upsell block logic
- Fix: Tutorials on dashboard page cannot be hidden
- Fix: Duplicate users in notifications modal
- Fix: Errors when offloading ES6 modules with import statements to CDN
- Fix: Clear cache button (admin bar) logic on network installs
- Fix: Cloudflare zone selector not working
- Fix: High contrast notice in comments lazy load module
- Fix: Lazy loading WooCommerce reviews

= 3.3.2 ( 2022-03-14 ) =

- Fix: XSS vulnerability

= 3.3.1 ( 2022-02-24 ) =

- New: Onboarding setup wizard
- Enhance: Support for WPMU DEV Hub
- Enhance: Add a unique salt when enabling Redis integration
- Enhance: "How does it work" section in asset optimization module
- Fix: Incorrect detection of Cloudflare APO status
- Fix: Missing action buttons on Integrations page in sub sites
- Fix: Page cache not clearing when caching is disabled on subsites
- Fix: Duplicate ID elements on dashboard page
- Fix: Inability to auto start asset optimization scan from dashboard page on free version
- Fix: Remove global configs from network subsites
- Fix: An invalid form control with name='cloudflare-email' is not focusable error
- Fix: Documentation link in Notifications module
- Fix: Translation strings
- Fix: Styles for Select2 textarea elements

= 3.3.0 ( 2022-01-11 ) =

- New: Font optimization is now part of automatic asset optimization mode
- New: Notification email designs
- New: Plugin icon
- Enhance: Add file size limits for inlining assets in asset optimization module
- Enhance: Status of assets in asset optimization module
- Enhance: Updating of exclusion list in asset optimization UI
- Enhance: Page types exclusions in page caching
- Enhance: PHP 8.1 compatibility
- Fix: Clearing page cache on subsites in a network sub-directory installs
- Fix: Page caching module not showing for site admins
- Fix: Browser caching module not showing on subsites with Cloudflare integration
- Fix: Cached files counter when purging cache
- Fix: Infinite loop with orphaned assets when page cache integrations are enabled
- Fix: Cases when asset optimization breaks CSS with background SVG images
- Fix: Asset optimization auto selecting files in auto mode
- Fix: Cloudflare integration when a site is installed in a sub-folder
- Fix: Missing notification modules and translations
- Fix: Errors when purging Varnish cache
- Fix: Fatal error when scheduling database reports
- Fix: Fatal error with WP Ultimo 2.x

= 3.2.1 ( 2021-11-24 ) =

- Fix: Sync issues with WPMU DEV Hub

= 3.2.0 ( 2021-11-24 ) =

- New: Notifications module and dashboard widget
- New: Performance reports for subsites
- New: Database cleanup reports
- New: Page cache integration with WP Ultimo plugin
- New: Browser caching set up wizard
- Enhance: Simplify and improve browser caching setup
- Enhance: Allow changing file location for asset optimization in multisite
- Fix: PHP warnings when syncing settings with Hub
- Fix: Parse warning in DOM when using font optimization

= 3.1.4 ( 2021-11-04 ) =

- Enhance: White labeling support
- Fix: Double notices on Dashboard page
- Fix: Translation strings

= 3.1.3 ( 2021-11-01 ) =

- Enhance: Minor performance improvements

= 3.1.2 ( 2021-10-19 ) =

- New: Option to hide average response time from Uptime reports
- Enhance: Database cleanup drafts processing - drafts are now moved to trash instead of removed completely
- Enhance: Asset optimization processing - to prevent infinite processing loops, assets that use timestamps for versions will no longer be tracked
- Enhance: Asset optimization purging orphaned data entries
- Enhance: LiteSpeed server browser cache instructions
- Enhance: Compatibility with WPMU DEV hosting FastCGI
- Fix: Asset version changes not triggering asset optimization updates
- Fix: Page cache not clearing out cache when menu is updated
- Fix: Page cache not working on a page/post if the slug is 'mobile'
- Fix: PHP undefined offset warnings
- Fix: Hidden CPTs clearing out page cache
- Fix: Configs not working for subsite admins
- Fix: PHP warnings on Dashboard page when Smush was previously installed and removed
- Fix: Performance optimization guide link

= 3.1.1 ( 2021-09-07 ) =

- New: Import/export of asset optimization settings on network subsites
- Enhance: Page caching warnings and errors
- Enhance: Compatibility with PHP 8.1
- Fix: PHP warning in Asset Optimization module
- Fix: Error with [object Object] in Gzip module
- Fix: Page cache status when disabling the plugin on the network
- Fix: Preload key requests audit in performance test
- Fix: Performance scans not always starting in Firefox
- Fix: Cloudflare integration not detecting mapped domains on subsites
- Fix: Cloudflare modal not properly closing
- Fix: Overlapping tooltips on Asset optimization page

= 3.1.0 ( 2021-07-20 ) =

- New: Asset optimization preload option
- New: Asset optimization async option for external assets
- New: Add prefix to Redis cache via the WP_REDIS_SALT define (possible to store cache for multiple sites in a single database)
- New: DNS prefetch for asset optimization CDN
- New: Filter relevant audits in the performance test
- New: Connect to Cloudflare via API token
- Enhance: Allow setting crossorigin attribute for preconnect resources
- Enhance: Performance test score metrics weights (inline with latest Lighthouse changes)
- Enhance: Performance test tooltips
- Enhance: Make sure logging is active only when both WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG are set
- Enhance: Set the cache by device type option in Cloudflare APO for new installs
- Enhance: White labeling support
- Enhance: Processing of configs from other plugins
- Fix: Do not preconnect to Google fonts servers if no fonts are being optimized
- Fix: Broken purchase link in Cloudflare APO integration
- Fix: Page cache module not always showing on subsites
- Fix: Redis not connecting to external servers via hostname
- Fix: PHP warnings for undefined index original_size
- Fix: PHP warnings when doing performance scans from Dashboard
- Fix: PHP warnings array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array
- Fix: Saving/applying settings via configs for Page Caching module on network installs

= 3.0.1 ( 2021-06-17 ) =

- New: Configs
- New: Define for controlling Redis exclusion groups
- New: Allow adding admin bar shortcuts for purging various caches
- Enhance: Move admin bar cache controls settings to the Settings - General page
- Enhance: Performance test informative audits UI
- Fix: Dashboard and Gzip compression module layout issues on mobile devices
- Fix: White pages when page cache is removed without header files
- Fix: Asset optimization empty debug link on subsites
- Fix: Documentation links
- Fix: Skip performance test button styles
- Fix: Skipping performance tests on subsites

= 3.0.0 ( 2021-05-19 ) =

- New: Performance reports (synced with latest Lighthouse API)
- New: Cloudflare automatic platform optimization (APO) integration
- New: Cloudflare integration for subsites
- New: Asset optimization font preloading
- New: Allow customizing page cache file names with a wphb_cache_* cookie
- New: Preconnect option
- Enhance: Asset optimization asset action tooltips
- Enhance: UX in Redis integration
- Enhance: Asset optimization and page cache compatibility
- Fix: Asset optimization settings reset
- Fix: Asset optimization UI inconsistencies
- Fix: Clear cache notice on network subsites
- Fix: Select element styles on reporting screens
- Fix: Overwriting network admin settings in advanced tools
- Fix: Page cache clearing taking too long during post edit
- Fix: Cloudflare browser caching settings not syncing with Hub
✲ Prices shown on the site are excluding taxes which at checkout will be calculated based on user's geolocation as per EU regulation.
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