JetAppointment efficiently handles services, appointments, and events on an hourly basis. Easily configure days off, incorporate buffer time, and utilize a range of Woo payment systems to streamline your scheduling and payment processes.
Jet Appointment WordPress Plugin Features
- Appointment layouts
Display the appointments as a self-explanatory listing. Use the Listing Grid and Dynamic Field widgets to output the essential details. - Smart notifications
Set up the requested notification types like Insert appointment, Redirect to Page, Send Email, etc. to ensure the services are booked smoothly. - Custom templates
Tune the front-end display of the available providers and services by creating and applying templates to the Provider/Service fields. - 12 custom field types
Mix and match the field types to make each booking as informative as possible. - Single-page booking
Let the clients book the services they need right from the Provider’s single page. - Page breakers
Use this option to separate the Form blocks on the Appointments page.
## 2.0.5 * ADD: Allow to group appoinments by days in the appointments list in admin area; * FIX: Correctly process capacity setting when adding an appointment from the admin area; * FIX: 'Add to Google calendar' link in WooCommerce order details; * FIX: Date format option for macros in workflows; * FIX: PHP error in custom provider template when there is no Elementor at website. ## 2.0.4 * UPD: Translation files; * FIX: Limited range from current date option behavior; * FIX: Correctly handle time limits on mobile timepicker; * FIX: Avoid errors in appointments dashboard in some cases; * FIX: Slot do not became available after cancelling appointment. ## 2.0.3 * UPD: Minor improvements in the Apoinmetns list UI/UX; * FIX: Custom schedule overriding logic; * FIX: Timepicker does not show already booked time. ## 2.0.2 * ADD: Allow to export appointments; * ADD: Macros `Custom DB Column Value` to get the data from custom DB columns in Workflows; * UPD: Compatibility with new WooCommerce REST API checkout; * FIX: Minor Workflows UI bugs; * FIX: Service meta macros inside Workflows. ## 2.0.1 * UPD: Allow to set user_name column value from front-end form; * FIX: Avoid incorrect date calculations for some timezones; * FIX: Duplicating form field for date selection in the JetPopup; * FIX: Available slot calculation when system time not matching webiste timezone; * FIX: Appointments table creation for some cases. ## 2.0.0 * ADD: Workflows functionality; * ADD: Zoom integration; * ADD: Timezones picker for the front-end appointments calendar UI; * ADD: Public actions functionality (confirm and cancel appoinments by URL); * ADD: Allow to override day schedule with Working Days settings; * UPD: Admin UI improvements; * FIX: SQL errors on MySQL 8.0 or higher; * FIX: Allow to set 0 into service price. ## 1.6.10 * ADD: Allow to automatically change appointemnts status by Cron; * ADD: Allow two-way synchronization for WC Orders and appointments; * ADD: Allow to limit allowed for appointment days range; * FIX: Adding appointments from admin area; * FIX: Elemenotr Popup compatibility * FIX: Providers ans Services switch when custom template is used. ## 1.6.9 * FIX: try to create DB tables only if not exists; * FIX: days off checking; * FIX: correctly process float values for slots; * FIX: prevent PHP errors; * FIX: correctly refresh services and providers list. ## 1.6.8 * ADD: Duration step in time picker settings ## 1.6.7 * FIX: Display appointments on the calendar * FIX: Option "Availability check by" ## 1.6.6 * FIX: UTC time ## 1.6.5 * FIX: Choice of service ## 1.6.4 * FIX: Form style * FIX: Choice of provider ## 1.6.3 * FIX: Loading form in ajax pop up * ADD: Macro processing for Gutenberg. Example: \<!-- JFB_FIELD::date --\> ## 1.6.2 * FIX: Meta `_app_price` ## 1.6.1 * FIX: Manage Capacity ## 1.6.0 * ADD: Added new schedule type - Repeating appointment * ADD: Added new schedule type - Time Picker appointment * ADD: New appointment price settings for providers and services * FIX: Fixed multi booking ## 1.5.8 * FIX: Dynamic Link - Add booking to Google calendar * FIX: Appointment status if integration with woocommerce is enabled ## 1.5.7 * FIX: Date slots in admin panel ## 1.5.6 * FIX: Labels of statuses in the admin panel ## 1.5.5 * ADD: Compatibility with JetFormBuilder * FIX: Saving global settings * FIX: Empty days of weeks in the schedule * FIX: The price from the calculator field is transferred to the WooCommerce prices * FIX: Fixed a bug with booking different times with the same provider ## 1.5.1 * FIX: Time slots compatibility with php 7.1 ## 1.5.0 * ADD: Multi booking * ADD: Provider price * UPD: Integration with woocommerce * UPD: Notifications `Send Email` and `Call a Webhook` ## 1.4.0 * UPD: Admin panel for appointments * ADD: Ability to edit and add appointments from the admin panel * ADD: New views of appointments calendar and timeline. * ADD: Filter for searching and sorting appointments in the admin panel ## 1.3.3 * FIX: Webhook date data ## 1.3.2 * FIX: Fixed appointment if option "Manage Capacity" is enabled ## 1.3.1 * FIX: Custom Schedule in services and providers ## 1.3.0 * ADD: Plugin settings have been moved to the Crocoblock dashboard * ADD: Added the Slot Duration, Buffer Before Slot, Buffer After Slot of service and provider in the listing settings * FIX: Display the name of service and provider in the admin panel if the service service or provider is private or with a password. ## 1.2.6 * ADD: New macros: `%service_link%` `%provider_link%` `%appointment_start%` `%appointment_end%` * UPD: Timing control for options: Duration, Buffer Time Before Slot, Buffer Time After Slot * UPD: If the date is fully booked, the `.jet-apb-calendar-date-disabled` class is added to it ## 1.2.5 * UPD: Change edit permissions ## 1.2.4 * FIX: Booking time error in WC details ## 1.2.3 * UPD: Added localization file ## 1.2.2 * FIX: WC product creation ## 1.2.1 * FIX: Saving custom schedule settings in services without a selected provider. ## 1.2.0 * ADD: Added the ability to select the period of working days and days off; * ADD: Added Custom Schedule for single services and providers; * ADD: Allow to add appointments details to WooCommerce orders; * ADD: Added new macros for form email notification %service_title%, %provider_title%; * ADD: Allow ability for users to add a appointment to their calendar; * FIX: Fixed minor bugs. ## 1.1.1 * UPD: allow to correctly render appointment form on Ajax; * UPD: allow to manage DB columns; * FIX: disable next page button if time slot not selected in the calendar; * FIX: providers REST API endpoint. ## 1.1.0 * ADD: Allow toi showcase appointments with Listing Grid widget; * ADD: Services capacity management; * ADD: Allow to set custom labels for week days and months; * ADD: Booking details to WooCommerce order e-mails; * UPD: Allow to change time format in the calendar slots; * UPD: Allow to use custom templates for providers select; * UPD: Allow to correctly use radio field as services select; * FIX: Appointment date format for e-mail; ## 1.0.0 * Initial release