JetProductGallery v2.1.13.2 – WordPress Gallery Plugin

Last Update: October 13, 2023
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JetProductGallery: Craft stunning WooCommerce product galleries with dynamic image display. Features include image zoom and a variety of viewing options. Available as a standalone plugin or within a bundle.

JetProductGallery Elementor Plugin Features

  • Fit for displaying product galleries
  • Supports product video overviews
  • Great for creating product image sliders
  • Classy looking Gallery Slider
  • Scroll down to see more
  • Awesome layout with Galley Modern
  • Spectacular grid to view products
## [](
* Fixed: Security issue.

# ChangeLog
## [](
* Updated: JetDashboard 2.1.4;

## [2.1.13](
* Added: Gallery blocks description;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget variation switch with no video on first place;
* Fixed: Elementor Page Transition lightbox issue;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget pagination thumbnail vertical view with loop option;
* Fixed: PHP 8.2 deprecation errors.

## [2.1.12](
* Fixed: JS errors in Elementor Pro editor view;
* Fixed: Video autoplay on IOS devices.

## [2.1.11](
* Added: Elementor 3.10 compatibility with custom size unit;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget image cropping;

## [2.1.10](
* Updated: New JS init for Gutenberg views;
* Updated: JetDashboard 2.0.10;
* Fixed: Thumbnails pagination display in some cases;
* Fixed: Additions minor issues.

## [2.1.9](
* Updated: Widgets and blocks rendering;
* Updated: Vertical slider functionality;
* Updated: Widgets and blocks controls;
* Updated: Script optimization;
* Updated: Self-hosted video autoplay option;
* Updated: Galleries templates;
* Fixed: Thumbnails pagination duplication with loop option and slides count less than slides per view;
* Fixed: Slider equal height;
* Fixed: Some styles for video;

## [2.1.8](
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget thumbnails desktop visible items count.

## [2.1.7](
* Added: `jet-gallery/render/variation-images` hook for custom product variation data;
* Added: `jet-gallery/render/image-attr` hook for custom images attributes;
* Updated: Method for getting images HTML;
* Updated: Dynamic bullets functionality;
* Tweak: Gallery Slider widget script;
* Fixed: Centered mod space between slides.

## [2.1.6](
* Fixed: Variation script only for galleries with proper data attribute;
* Fixed: Compatibility with Elementor 3.7.

## [2.1.5](
* Fixed: Handling Elementor breakpoints for Swiper slider;
* Fixed: Minor controls issues.

## [2.1.4](
* Fixed: Main slider image after variation change in Single Product template.

## [2.1.3](
* Added: Mute option for videos;
* Tweak: Self hosted video print method;
* Tweak: Plugin naming;
* Updated: JetDashboard 2.0.9;
* Fixed: Fraction and progress pagination reverse loop sliding values;
* Fixed: Elementor global styles applying in Self hosted video player;
* Fixed: Self hosted video in popup;
* Fixed: Minor bugs.

## [2.1.2](
* Fixed: Navigation functionality in Gallery Slider widget;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget image width;
* Fixed: Featured image display in Gallery Slider widget with different transition types;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider thumbnails alignment.

## [2.1.1](
* Added: New controller pagination types;
* Updated: Widgets styles;
* Fixed: Self-hosted video autoplay and loop functionality;
* Fixed: Photoswipe gallery trigger position;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider rendering with fade animation.

## [2.1.0](
* Added: Gutenberg integration;
* Updated: Widgets templates;
* Updated: Zoom functionality for all gallery sources;
* Fixed: Minor bugs.

## [2.0.5](
* Updated: Self hosted video in Gallery Slider widget handling;
* Fixed: Thumbnails pagination display conditions;
* Fixed: Default slider values.

## [2.0.4](
* Added: Photoswipe gallery image trigger type;
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget appearance;
* Fixed: Self-hosted video height in the vertical slider.

## [2.0.3](
* Added: Compatibility with Elementor Custom Breakpoint;
* Fixed: Thumbnail pagination with disabled featured image in Gallery Slider widget;
* Fixed: Horizontal slider fade & flip transitions with different images sizes.

## [2.0.2](
* Added: additional aspect ratio;
* Added: Placeholder handling for different types of gallery sources;
* Fixed: Variation functionality with single Gallery Slider widget with loop option;
* Fixed: Gallery Grid widget breakpoints styles;
* Fixed: Critical error when elementor deactivated.

## [2.0.1](
* Fixed: Gallery Slider widget thumbnail pagination.

## [2.0.0](
* Added: Ability to display gallery from various sources;
* Added: Controls for handling video in different type of gallery source;
* Added: Dynamic tags functionality;
* Update: Refactor gallery render code;
* Update: Register widgets category;
* Fixed: Vimeo & Youtube fullscreen video in Gallery Slider widget;
* Fixed: Photoswipe functionality in Gallery Slider widget with loop option;
* Fixed: Anchor Gallery widget bullets functionality when video on first place and empty featured image;
* Fixed: Self hosted video play functionality.

## [1.3.1](
* Update: JetDashboard 2.0.8;
* Fixed: Minor bugs.

## [1.3.0](
* Added: Option to hide featured image from widgets;
* Added: Separate display control for thumbnails pagination slider;
* Added: Transition effect for Gallery Slider widget;
* Added: Elementor require version warning;
* Tweak: Gallery Slider widget thumbnail slider cursor pointer;
* Fixed: Slider thumbnails pagination default responsive display;
* Fixed: self hosted video view in gallery slider.

## [1.2.3](
* Added: Horizontal alignment control for thumbnails;
* Added: Pagination indent controls;
* Tweak: Vertical Gallery Slider;
* Tweak: Photoswipe gallery with infinite loop;
* Tweak: Video with infinite loop;
* Fixed: Minor bugs.

## [1.2.2](
* Fixed: Slider without pagination.

## [1.2.1](
* Added: Compatibility for Swiper JS Library with Elementor Improved Asset Loading;
* Tweak: Gallery Slider widget;
* Fixed: Minor bugs.

## [1.2.0](
* Update: Slick to Swiper slider;
* Fixed: Undefined `$play_button_html` variable;
* Fixed: Elementor Image Lightbox after variation changes;
* Fixed: Grid style conflict.

## [1.1.9](
* Update: JetDashboard 2.0.5;
* Fixed: Wrong image proportion.

## [1.1.8](
* Update: JetDashboard 2.0.4;
* Fixed: Minor bugs.

## [1.1.7](
* Update: better anchor gallery compatibility with quick view popup;
* Fixed: Gallery slider thumbnail navigation image size after variation pick;
* Fixed: required plugin notification;
* Fixed: Photoswipe gallery index when video goes first.

## [1.1.6](
* Added: Slider sensitivity control for Products Gallery Slider widget;
* Added: option for positioning of video at first place;
* Update: Jet Dashboard module to 2.0.2;
* Fixed: variation image when featured image absence;
* Fixed: Pagination visibility when only one image exist.

## [1.1.5](
* Added: Better RTL compatibility;
* Added: Equal slides height in the Gallery Slider widget;
* Added: Controls for thumbnails navigation arrow position;
* Update: Jet Dashboard module to 1.0.14;
* Update: Thumbnail pagination visible items count in the Gallery Slider widget;
* Fixed: Image/Icon Size styles applying;
* Fixed: Photoswipe gallery close on scroll;
* Fixed: Gallery Anchor Navigation widget image overflow.

## [1.1.4](
* Fixed: Undefined infinite loop variable issue;
* Fixed: Photoswipe styles in quick view popups.

## [1.1.3](
* Update: Jet Dashboard module to 1.0.10;
* Update: Tested with the 4.0.0 version of WooCommerce;
* Fixed: Minor bugs.

## [1.1.2](
* Fixed: Prevent PHP errors after plugin activation.

## [1.1.1](
* Added: Zoom magnify option;
* Fixed: Minor bugs.

## [1.1.0](
* Added: Ability to position image in Gallery Slider widget;
* Added: Compatibility with new Icons control;
* Added: Slider Syncing to the Gallery Slider Widget;
* Added: Jet Dashboard;
* Fixed: Minor bugs.

## [1.0.3](
* Added: Need helps links to widgets;
* Added: Infinite loop option for Gallery Slider widget;
* Added: Styling controls for Gallery lightbox;
* Fixed: rtl compatibility.

## [1.0.2](
* Fixed: Updater.

## [1.0.1](
* Added: Slider widget compatibility with OceanWP Theme;
* Added: RU localization files;
* Added: WooCommerce variation swatches compatibility.
* Fixed: Minor bugs;

## [1.0.0](
* Fixed: Minor bugs.

## [1.0.0-beta](
* Beta release.
✲ Prices shown on the site are excluding taxes which at checkout will be calculated based on user's geolocation as per EU regulation.
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