JetSearch for Elementor brings you the swiftest AJAX search functionality, allowing you to search within custom post types, taxonomies, default tags, and categories. Take control of how the search results are presented and manage them with ease.
Jet Search WordPress Plugin Features
- Work faster with AJAX
The search results are loading faster than ever with AJAX-based JetSearch widget. - Narrow down the search results
Search within any custom post type, any taxonomy, default tags, and categories. - Arrange the results by relevance
Make the most important results show up as the first ones when the visitors add search request. - Customize results preview
Manage the way the results are displayed, applying advanced stylization settings. - Showcase post thumbnails
- Determine text content length
- Use pagination to view the results
# 3.2.1 * FIX: accessibility in the widgets. # * ADD: Check for the presence of sessions table in the database; * ADD: Disable token clearing when the session usage option is turned off. # 3.2.0 * ADD: Bricks Builder сompatibility; * ADD: Added a new validation mechanism for adding new suggestions via the Search Suggestions widget; * FIX: rest api urls; * FIX: Search in taxonomy terms issue; * FIX: minor issues. # * FIX: js issue. # 3.1.3 * FIX: compatibility with Polylang/WPML; * FIX: Fixed the issue for searching by category and terms; * FIX: security issue; * FIX: minor issues. # * FIX: security issue. # 3.1.2 * FIX: Ajax Search blocks issue with custom fields; * ADD: `Session usage settings` setting for Suggestions to resolve caching issues * ADD: `jet-ajax-search/form/post-types` filter hook * FIX: Ajax Search incorrect notifications issue * UPD: JetDashboard Module to v2.1.4 # 3.1.1 * FIX: [Crocoblock/suggestions#6933](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/6933); * FIX: Include / Exclude terms issue * ADD: `Is Products Search` option in the Search Suggestions Widget * FIX: minor issues # 3.1.0 * ADD: Search suggestions widget; * ADD: Search suggestions admin UI; * FIX: Better sanitizeing custom callbacks before execute; * FIX: Showing results by post type; * FIX: Markup issue with enabled highlight; * FIX: Search with products archive. # 3.0.3 * ADD: `jet-search/ajax-search/query-args` filter hook * ADD: `jet-search/template/pre-get-content` filter hook * ADD: `jet-search/template/pre-get-meta-field` filter hook * ADD: `Minimal Quantity of Symbols for Search` option * ADD: `jet-ajax-search/show-results` trigger on search AJAX request success * FIX: minor issues # 3.0.2 * ADD: [Crocoblock/suggestions#5712](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/5712); * ADD: [Crocoblock/suggestions#5742](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/5742); * FIX: issues with the `Search in taxonomy terms` option; * FIX: compatibility with Elementor 3.7. * FIX: minor issues # 3.0.1 * UPD: Allow to disable submitting the search form on Enter click. ## 3.0.0 * ADD: Blocks Editor integration; * ADD: Allow to search in taxonomy terms (include into results posts wich has terms with search query); * ADD: Crocoblock/suggestions#4631; * ADD: Allow to highlight search query in the search results; * FIX: Navigation Arrows in Ajax Search withg Blocksy theme; * FIX: Deprecated notice for Elementor editor; * FIX: Items are duplicated in listing grid on search result page. ## 2.2.0 - 14.06.2022 * ADD: Blocks Editor integration; * ADD: Allow to search in taxonomy terms (include into results posts wich has terms with search query); * ADD: [Crocoblock/suggestions#4631](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/4631); * ADD: Allow to highlight search query in the search results; * FIX: Navigation Arrows in Ajax Search withg Blocksy theme; * FIX: Deprecated notice for Elementor editor; * FIX: Items are duplicated in listing grid on search result page. ## [2.1.17](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.17) - 14.04.2022 * Added: [Crocoblock/suggestions#5090](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/5090) * Added: [Crocoblock/suggestions#4886](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/4886) ## [2.1.16](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.16) - 23.03.2022 * Fixed: elementor 3.6 compatibility ## [2.1.15](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.15) - 24.12.2021 * Added: [Crocoblock/suggestions#3034](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/3034) * Fixed: minor issues ## [2.1.14](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.14) - 30.07.2021 * Fixed: compatibility with JetMenu on search result page ## [2.1.13](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.13) - 27.07.2021 * Added: better compatibility with JetSmartFilters * Added: better compatibility with JetEngine * Added: better compatibility with Polylang * Fixed: showing search result on products search result page ## [2.1.12](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.12) - 17.06.2021 * Fixed: prevent php notice ## [2.1.11](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.11) - 28.04.2021 * Fixed: prevent php notice ## [2.1.10](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.10) - 22.04.2021 * Added: better compatibility with JetEngine * Added: Elementor compatibility tag * Added: [Crocoblock/suggestions#1611](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/1611) * Added: multiple improvements * Updated: JetDashboard Module to v2.0.8 * Fixed: Various issue ## [2.1.9](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.9) - 13.11.2020 * Added: multiple improvements * Updated: JetDashboard Module to v2.0.4 * Fixed: init session ## [2.1.8](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.8) - 01.09.2020 * Added: better compatibility with JetSmartFilters on the search result page ## [2.1.7](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.7) - 27.07.2020 * Added: multiple improvements * Update: JetDashboard Module to v1.1.0 * Fixed: search by the current query ## [2.1.6](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.6) - 13.05.2020 * Added: `jet-search/get-locate-template` filter hook * Added: multiple improvements and bug fixes ## [2.1.5](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.5) - 19.03.2020 * Added: `Serach by the current query` option * Added: `Sentence Search` option * Added: `Thumbnail Placeholder` option * Added: multiple improvements and bug fixes * Updated: optimized script dependencies ## [2.1.4](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.4) - 12.03.2020 * Added: support for Font Awesome 5 and SVG icons * Added: multiple improvements ## [2.1.3](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.3) - 24.02.2020 * Added: better compatibility with WooCommerce Multilingual plugin * Added: multiple improvements ## [2.1.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.2) - 21.02.2020 * Update: Jet-Dashboard Module to v1.0.10 * Added: multiple improvements * Fixed: compatibility with Elementor 2.9 ## [2.1.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.1) - 15.01.2020 * Update: Jet-Dashboard Module to v1.0.9 * Added: multiple improvements ## [2.1.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.1.0) - 02.12.2019 * Added: Jet Dashboard ## [2.0.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.0.2) - 21.11.2019 * Added: FA5 compatibility * Fixed: Various issue ## [2.0.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.0.1) - 16.10.2019 * Added: filter hook 'jet-search/ajax-search/meta_callbacks' to the Custom fields meta callbacks * Added: `get_the_title` callback to the Custom fields meta callbacks ## [2.0.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/2.0.0) - 01.08.2019 * Added: include/exclude controls for terms and posts * Added: the ability to display custom fields in the result area * Added: the ability to search in custom fields * Added: `Post Content Source` control * Added: responsive control to the `Number of posts on one search page` control * Added: dummy data * Added: multiple performance improvements and bug fixes ## [1.1.4](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/1.1.4) - 04.06.2019 * Update: categories select arguments ( add 'orderby' => 'name' ) * Fixed: compatibility with Product Search Page created with Elementor Pro * Fixed: minor css issue ## [1.1.3](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/1.1.3) - 26.04.2019 * Added: `Custom Width` and `Custom Position` controls for the Result Area Panel * Added: `Vertical Align` control for the Submit Button * Added: filter `jet-search/ajax-search/custom-post-data` ## [1.1.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/1.1.2) - 02.04.2019 * Added: `Placeholder Typography` control in the Ajax Search Widget * Fixed: ajax error ## [1.1.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/1.1.1) - 27.03.2019 * Fixed: minor issues ## [1.1.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/1.1.0) - 20.03.2019 * Added: `Product Price` and `Product Rating` settings in the Ajax Search Widget * Added: compatibility with Woo Search Result Page * Added: better compatibility with Polylang * Added: filter `jet-search/ajax-search/categories-select/args` for passed arguments to `wp_dropdown_categories` * Added: Brazilian translations * Added: multiple performance improvements and bug fixes ## [1.0.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/1.0.1) * Fixed: minor issue bugs. ## [1.0.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-search/releases/tag/1.0.0) * Init