JetSmartFilters v3.2.6 – Advanced Filters Plugin for Elementor

Last Update: December 18, 2023
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JetSmartFilters: Simplify search and filtering with AJAX for custom posts, terms, and WooCommerce items. The go-to plugin for WordPress and Elementor to optimize search and filtering functions.

JetSmartFilters WordPress Plugin Features

  • 9 types of filters
  • AJAX method for better speed
  • Filter for products or custom post types
  • Ability to add several filters at once
## 3.2.6
* FIX: Indexer with _tax_query key in Query Variable
* FIX: redirect for Product grid with Apply type -> Ajax
* FIX: re-init nested Bricks widgets after filtering; the subscription method has been changed
* FIX: Mixed type URL on page reload if 'hc' occurs
* FIX: Active Filters / Active tags if number value
* FIX: indexer with Data Source -> Custom Fields filter

## 3.2.5
* FIX: fatal error when WPML CMS is disable but WPML string translation is enable
* FIX: Select filter Get Choices From Field Data from WooCommerce Product Data meta box
* FIX: sorting from customizer is reset when use filter and Listing Grid
* FIX: JetEngin listing grid custom styles on load more
* FIX: Bricks. filtration on search result page
* FIX: Bricks. Accordion doesn't work after filtering

## 3.2.4
* ADD: sorting filter WPML support
* ADD: .gitattributes
* UPD: optimization for product indexing
* FIX: range filter input decimal numbers
* FIX: additional filters with URL params
* FIX: ePro loop load more with styles
* FIX: Active filters value Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
* FIX: booking listing & indexer

## 3.2.3
* UPD: cherry-x-vue-ui
* FIX: eProo loop custom post types & draft posts with current query
* FIX: ePro Posts excerpt + filters
* FIX: rewrite permalink rule for custom structure post_id

* FIX: Security issue.

## 3.2.2
* FIX: ePro Loop indexer
* FIX: rating filter on page reload
* FIX: added filter bricks/query/force_run
* FIX: moved the location of the filter `bricks/query/no_results_content` before rendering

## 3.2.1
* ADD: block editor additional providers
* ADD: range filter Inputs thousands and decimal separators
* ADD: allow disabling apply button in the Search filter
* ADD: ePro loop "No Result Text" option
* UPD: allow to register custom query variables for different request types
* UPD: allow to rewrite default query for provider and query ID pair
* UPD: ePro loop default query
* UPD: jetDashboard framework
* FIX: changing duplicated filters on change
* FIX: ePro loop + predefined filters
* FIX: date range/period RTL datepicker arrows
* FIX: comparison operator with decimal numbers
* FIX: visual filter img alt
* FIX: date filter if date 1970-1-1
* FIX: ePro loop alternate template static item position
* FIX: admin multilingual custom flag
* FIX: hierarchical select filter shows empty options
* FIX: bricks showing and hiding the load more button after filtering

## 3.2.0
* ADD: Elementor Pro Loop Grid provider
* ADD: admin multilingual support
* ADD: additional settings dropdown N selected
* ADD: date period filter Min/Max Dates operations
* ADD: 'Comparison type' option for 'Comparison operator'
* ADD: process shortcodes in 'URL with filtered value' dynamic tag
* UPD: checkbox filter with dropdown update selected items on input change, not on filter change
* UPD: not include children for 'Intersection' relational operator
* UPD: filter each query type key after indexing
* UPD: JetDashboard module
* FIX: admin dropdown outside click
* FIX: custom fields JetEngine WPML string translation
* FIX: current WP Query & Indexer compatibility
* FIX: hierarchical filter with additional providers
* FIX: ePro Posts returns "0.66" value instead blank list for 0 results
* FIX: elementor popup with filters
* FIX: elementor popup with "Improved Asset Loading" option
* FIX: click Back button after applying filters with a redirect
* FIX: visual filter when dragging item changes image
* FIX: fatal error in dynamic tag when filter is deleted
* FIX: ePro Portfolio masonry

## 3.1.2
* ADD: process shortcodes in 'URL with filtered value' dynamic tag
* FIX: apply filter 'jet-smart-filters/render_filter_template/filter_id' for all filters
* FIX: current WP Query & Indexer compatibility
* FIX: date period filter period type "DAY"
* FIX: prevent php notices on php 8.2
* FIX: add filter Id to filter uniqueKey
* FIX: update duplicated hierarchical filter on reload
* FIX: fixed radio filter direction control in Bricks
* UPD: prevent from registering DOING_AJAX constant on non-admin-ajax referrers

## 3.1.1
* UPD: redesigned initialization of filters on the frontend
* ADD: pagination load more
* ADD: fieldset legends & aria-labels
* ADD: don't send ajax request if page hasn't provider
* ADD: filter 'jet-smart-filters/service/filter/serialized-keys'
* ADD: reinitFilters global method
* FIX: sitepath for url aliases
* FIX: URL aliases settings RTL
* FIX: fatal when Bricks query loop ("Is filterable" checked) in listing grid item

## 3.1.0
* ADD: Allow to replace selected parts of the filtered URLs with any alias words you want;
* ADD: Bricks Query Loop provider;
* ADD: PHP 8.2 compatibility;
* UPD: Improve security checks for edit filters settings requests;
* UPD: Visual filter dropdown select for taxonomies and posts data source;
* FIX: Exclude/include data source posts list;
* FIX: Admin filters list pagination;
* FIX: Keep third party URL params on filters clear;
* FIX: JetEngine Calendar and filters compatibility;
* FIX: Fatal error for when accessing admin area for non-admins users.

## 3.0.4
* ADD: Bricks builder compatibility;
* UPD: Filters builder icons;
* UPD: jet dashboard to 2.0.4;
* FIX: Ensure correct provider set from request;
* FIX: compatibility with JetWooBuilder 2.1.2;
* FIX: Visibility of classic admin editor fields in some cases.

## 3.0.3
* ADD: Filter Date Period dates limit
* ADD: indexer counter prefix/suffix & position style
* FIX: refactoring Active filter & Active tag filters
* FIX: elementor pro v3.9.0 popup
* FIX: ignore disabled filters on set data
* FIX: additional providers
* UPD: renamed url prefix from 'jet-smart-filters' to 'jsf'

## 3.0.2
* ADD: admin ability to open a filter from the list in a new tab
* ADD: pagination filter autoscroll option
* FIX: apply all hierarchical selects on redirect
* FIX: checkbox, radio & visual filter RTL
* FIX: active filters, active tag filters duplicate results after mixed url opening
* FIX: ePro Archive Posts taxonomy with multiple post types
* FIX: elementor responsive with url parameters
* FIX: additional settings placeholders translation
* FIX: adding tabindex attr

## 3.0.1
* ADD: admin RTL
* ADD: admin select search field for options
* ADD: admin advanced input for custom query var
* UPD: admin color-image icon
* FIX: admin exclude or include items on options changing
* FIX: admin media control SVG
* ADD: accessibility tabindex
* ADD: 'jet-smart-filters/inited' document event
* ADD: JS trigger before filters initialization
* ADD: allow to use tax query with different sources
* UPD: change icons
* UPD: tax query and new dynamic min/max callbacks
* FIX: prevent notices when Color Image options generated dynamically
* FIX: compatibility with custom options

## 3.0.0
Admin interface changes. Redesigned into single page application.

* FIX: prevent php notices after installation template by wizard
* FIX: prevent php notices on calendar request
* FIX: allow to correctly extend Jet_Smart_Filters_Hierarchy class
* FIX: woocommerce-archive hide out of stock items from the catalog on page reload
* FIX: date period editor block error (air-datepicker script)

## 2.3.14
* ADD: Query ID setting for blocks
* ADD: 'jet-smart-filters/query/request' to filter request before parsing query arguments
* FIX: Compatibility with Elementor 3.7
* FIX: Blocks editor and Listing Grid 'is_archive_template' option compatibility
* FIX: Merge default with current query args on ajax indexing
* FIX: Correctly pull dynamic min/max from meta values for range filter on terms archive pages
* FIX: Select filter. Don't add select_disabled_color control if the indexer is disabled
* FIX: JetEngine Calendar compatibility
* UPD: For indexer SQL query removed space between parenthesis and value. This causes an error for some clients
* UPD: Unchecked group items for intersection relational operator

## 2.3.13
* ADD: JetWooBuilder 2.0.0 version compatibility
* FIX: Blocks styles
* FIX: multi language without multi currency
* FIX: filter name Check Range > Check Range Filter

## 2.3.12
* ADD: reindex indexer DB table on plugin activate and update
* UPD: template parses special characters
* FIX: Permalink rewrite rules
* FIX: range filter with popup
* FIX: WPML WooCommerce multi currency price
* FIX: Date Range Filter datepicker current day
* FIX: Search filter RTL
* FIX: filter date period rtl scroll
* FIX: gutenberg console error
* FIX: indexer with current query args
* FIX: maps listing for Borlabs Cookies plugin
* FIX: additional filter settings input clears the 'X'
* FIX: show widget icon in elementor editor if filter not selected
* FIX: additional filter style search remove horizontal offset RTL
* FIX: additional filter style search remove horizontal offset RTL
* FIX: Checkbox styles for block editor

## 2.3.11
* UPD: replaced deprecated method _register_controls to register_controls
* FIX: CheckBoxes additional settings dropdown
* FIX: Search filter spinner spins infinitely on submission with 'AJAX on typing'
* FIX: ePro widgets after filtration
* FIX: duplication of sublevels of a hierarchical select
* FIX: woocommerce shortcode attribute on page reload
* FIX: check hierarchy current page
* FIX: Radio filter with motion effects sticky
* FIX: Date range filter query & placeholder on redirect
* FIX: Date period filter for popup
* FIX: Select filter alignment style
* FIX: EPro Posts skin 'Full Content' settings

## 2.3.10
* ADD: elementor pro popup support
* FIX: jet-woo-products-grid/list Use Current Query option on archive page
* FIX: air-datepicker conflict
* FIX: taxanomies parent terms indexer
* FIX: compatibility with Elementor Pro 3.6
* UPD: jet-elementor-extension framework

## 2.3.9
* ADD: Custom Query Variable option for taxonomies source
* ADD: `URL with filtered value` dynamic tag
* UPD: Better JetEngine compatibility
* FIX: Select filter style options
* FIX: WPML tax sub terms indexer
* FIX: Filter label notice

## 2.3.8
* ADD: allow to filter indexer data before writing into DB
* UPD: setIndexedData updating result manually
* FIX: grammatical error correction from HoriSontal to HoriZontal
* FIX: clear range filter input
* FIX: hierarchical chain
* FIX: sanitize widgets settings before passing for rendering
* FIX: indexer with duplicates

## 2.3.7
* ADD: indexer on get filters data request sql SET SESSION group_concat_max_len
* ADD: check is indexer enabled on 'index_filters' method

## 2.3.6
* SYS: renamed indexer method

## 2.3.5
* FIX: JetEngine with Use Custom Query on AJAX compatibility
* FIX: JetEngine lazy load compatibility

## 2.3.4
* FIX: Indexer for custom database table prefix

## 2.3.3
* UPD: Indexer refactoring
* ADD: Auto re-indexing option
* FIX: Alphabet filter
* FIX: Duplicate labels in the filter widget when displaying multiple filters
* FIX: Date Range with one blank field
* FIX: Date Period day type
* FIX: Rating filter clear
* FIX: Check Range filter if item max value 0
* FIX: Range filter if item max value 0
* FIX: Range filter with negatives values
* FIX: elementor editor icons from fa to eicon
* FIX: guten blocks in widgets areas error on refresh
* FIX: remove console.log

## 2.3.2
* ADD: multi sorting
* ADD: Sorting filter Reset Field Appearance control
* FIX: url with additional filters
* FIX: apply button filter for gutenberg
* FIX: Alphabet filter
* FIX: Date period filter events duplication
* FIX: Active tag filter visibility for Hello Elementor theme
* FIX: guten get_editor_script_depends
* FIX: Radio All option label when Group terms by parents
* FIX: Date Range with page reload in Safari
* FIX: hierarchical chaining for identical taxonomies
* FIX: Range filter WooCommerce min/max prices with gets params
* FIX: Hierarchical label
* FIX: jet-engine-calendar current request query

## 2.3.1
* ADD: Query Builder settings to store for JetWooBuilder Product Grid/List providers;
* FIX: Custom query arguments for Product List provider.

## 2.3.0
* ADD: Alphabet filter
* ADD: Multiple query variable separated by comma
* ADD: Radio, Visual, CheckRange filters add additional settings
* ADD: CCT Data Source
* FIX: Additional filter settings dropdown without search
* FIX: range input slider
* FIX: relation AND between filters with the same taxonomy
* FIX: elementor pro Archive Products customizer default product sorting options

## 2.2.3
* ADD: compatibility with new jetEngine features
* UPD: pagination filter provider top offset change max to 999
* UPD: pagination filter items gap
* UPD: checkbox decorator offsets
* FIX: Products cat & tag default taxonomy
* FIX: elementor Scheme_Typography

## 2.2.2
* UPD: Range Filter
* FIX: Grouped Filters styles
* FIX: Minor bugs

## 2.2.1
* UPD: Allow to rewrite indexer query args
* UPD: Rolled back hide elementor widget container if all items are hidden by indexer
* FIX: JetEngine glossaries compatibility
* FIX: Avoid letter-casing related errors when checking if DB table is exists
* FIX: ePro archive products default query
* FIX: ePro Archive Products sorting on page reload if sorting presets are set in the customizer
* FIX: Products loop

## 2.2.0
* ADD: URL Structure Settings (Plain/Permalink)
* ADD: JetTabs ajax load template compatibility
* ADD: Hamburger Panel ajax load template compatibility
* ADD: Hide elementor widget container if all items are hidden by indexer
* ADD: Date period datepicker button text
* ADD: ePro Posts skin full content support
* FIX: Visual filter options list value
* FIX: Checkbox filter MORE/LESS ignore the item if it was hidden by the indexer as empty
* FIX: remove strip slashes on searching
* FIX: check current control on ajax redirect
* FIX: avoid PHP notices
* FIX: bugs fixing

## 2.1.1
* ADD: Hide filter label if all items is hidden
* ADD: Localized data extra_props
* FIX: Filter select grouped filters styles
* FIX: Date period format placeholder
* FIX: Hierarchy filter with single tax
* FIX: Visual filter image empty error
* FIX: EPro Archive Products add tax_query to store query

## 2.1.0
* ADD: New filter Date Period
* ADD: Checkboxes Additional Settings:
	* Search
	* More/Less
	* Dropdown
	* Scroll
* ADD: Radio
	* Ability to add options all
	* Ability to deselect radio buttons
* ADD: Added the ability to change styles in Gutenberg ( **required plugin Jet Style Manager** )

Widgets that support styles: * Active Filters * Active Tags * Apply Button * Checkboxes * Check Range * Date Period * Date Range * Pagination * Radio * Range * Rating * Remove Filters * Search * Select * Sorting * Visual ## 2.0.6 * FIX: WordPress 5.6 compatibility ## 2.0.5 * UPD: jet dashboard to 2.0.4 * FIX: bugs fixing ## 2.0.4 * ADD: hide Elementor widgets: active filters, active tags and remove filters if not active * ADD: hierarchical filter preloader class * UPD: change indexer DB columns format * UPD: jet dashboard to 2.0.0 * FIX: minor bugs ## 2.0.3 * ADD: JetWooBuilder 1.7.0 compatibility * ADD: compatibility with upcoming jet-engine listing * FIX: epro-archive widget for products posts ## 2.0.2 * ADD: 'Get from query meta key' callback for range filter * UPD: wrapper action for jet-engine provider * FIX: hierarchy filter with single taxonomy * FIX: process listing grid with nested listing grid * FIX: epro-archive widget default query tags and custom taxonomy ## 2.0.1 * ADD: jet-dashboard * ADD: date format for date-range filter * ADD: ajax content hooks for epro-products widget * FIX: clearing select filter when returning to the filter page * FIX: minor bugs ## 2.0.0 * ADD: added filter blocks for gutenberg * FIX: ignoring a hidden filter in a general query * FIX: range active items prefix and suffix * FIX: hide active filter styles while there are no active filters * FIX: indexer hide/disable items with disabled counter * FIX: minor bugs ## 1.8.4 * ADD: additional providers repeater with provider and queryID * ADD: ability to set negative values for range filter * ADD: merge same query keys for filters with Exclude/Include option * FIX: ePro Posts 'Open in new window' option * FIX: clearing meta_query date on redirect * FIX: term_taxonomy_id from term_id for hierarchy filter * FIX: don't show the counter when the option is turned off while the indexer is on * FIX: fix for duplicate pagination filters ## 1.8.3 * FIX: hierarchical select; * FIX: indexer data key for manual input data source; * FIX: pagination for Pro Product with query_id; ## 1.8.2 * ADD: allow using numbers in "query id" fields; * FIX: hierarchical filters workflow with additional providers; * FIX: filters workflow with the products loop widget; * FIX: hide filters items in the Safari browser; * FIX: minor bugs; ## 1.8.1 * FIX: redirect path url; * FIX: provider widget query ID; * FIX: reset field appearance; ## 1.8.0 * UPD: front-end code refactoring; * ADD: allow to choose additional provider for filters; * ADD: show empty terms for checkboxes, select, radio and visual filters; ## 1.7.2 * ADD: compatibility the Indexer with WPML plugin; * FIX: applying Indexer functionality for page reload filters; * FIX: compatibility the Indexer with JetPopup plugin; * FIX: Checkbox, Check Range, Radio filters horizontal layout style controls; * FIX: hierarchy levels options list on redirect; * FIX: various minor fixes. ## 1.7.1 * ADD: Allow to get options for select, radio and checkboxes from custom field data (for JetEngine or ACF); * FIX: Various fixes. ## 1.7.0 * ADD: Sorting widget; * ADD: Support for Elementor Pro Portfolio widget; * ADD: comparison operator for select and radio filters; * ADD: Search Filter widget add apply on typing option; * ADD: Relational operator for checkbox filter; * ADD: Active Tags filter; * ADD: New aply type for filters; * UPD: Style options for checkbox, check range, radio, visual filters; * FIX: Minor bugs. ## 1.6.2 * FIX: grouped filters styles * FIX: better JetEngine compatibility * FIX: hide grouped filters when indexer empty ## 1.6.1 * UPD: grouped filters styles * FIX: various fixes ## 1.6.0 * ADD: allow to make redirect from filters to results page * ADD: Hiearachical filters * FIX: Various fixes ## 1.5.1 * FIX: Default query args in jet woo products grid widget ## 1.5.0 * ADD: Indexer functionality for checkboxes, check range, select, visual and radio filter types * UPD: Hide remove all filters button if no active filters * UPD: Filters Icons * FIX: Various fixes ## 1.4.2 * FIX: Hot Fixes ## 1.4.1 * ADD: Need helps links to widgets * ADD: Placeholders for inputs in Date Range Filter ## 1.4.0 * ADD: Visual filter * ADD: Include/Exclude functionality * ADD: Remove all filters button widget * ADD: Inline layout options for radio, checkboxes, check-range filters * ADD: Better compatibility with WPML and WooCommerce Multilingual plugins * ADD: %woocommerce_currency_symbol% macros for range filter prefix and suffix options; * FIX: Various fixes. * ADD: Changelog; ## 1.3.2 * ADD: Compatibility with checkbox meta field created with Jet Engine -; * FIX: Merge default query args with current query args; ## 1.3.1 * ADD: Compatibility with WooCommerce Multilingual plugin; * FIX: Bug with woocommerce archive provider in astra theme; * FIX: Issue CrocoBlock/suggestions#186; * FIX: Merging query args with default query args; * UPD: Compatibility with JetEngine 1.4.0; * FIX: Various fixes. ## 1.3.0 * ADD: Rating widget; * ADD: Support for Elementor Pro Products widget; * ADD: Support for Elementor Pro Archive Products widget; * ADD: Apply search filter on enter press action * FIX: Various fixes. ## 1.2.1 * ADD: Allow to filter query before filters applied; * UPD: Better Compatibility with Elementor Pro; * FIX: Templates select for JetWooBuilder widgets; * FIX: Various fixes. ## 1.2.0 * ADD: Separate widget for Apply button; * ADD: Support for Elementor Pro Posts widget; * ADD: Support for Elementor Pro Archive widget; * UPD: New options for Pagination widget; * FIX: Various fixes. ## * FIX: Large numbers comparing ## 1.1.0 * ADD: RU localization; * ADD: allow to edit or disable prev/next controls in Pagination widget; * ADD: allow to set step, number format and suffix for range and check range filters; * UPD: allow to search by meta field in search filter; * UPD: run Elementor ready triggers after apply filters; * UPD: allow to filter same query variable by multiple filters. ## 1.0.0 * Initial release
✲ Prices shown on the site are excluding taxes which at checkout will be calculated based on user's geolocation as per EU regulation.
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