JetWooBuilder is an essential addon that enables the creation of comprehensive WooCommerce product pages using Elementor. It allows you to craft templates and generate a wealth of appealing WooCommerce content through its diverse range of widgets.
Jet Woo Builder WordPress Plugin Features
## [](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/ * Fixed: Minor fixes. ## [](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/ * Fixed: Security issue. ## [](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/ * Updated: JetDashboard to 2.1.4. ## [2.1.7](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.1.7.zip) * Fixed: Wishlist, Compare, Quick view buttons click with clickable item functionality ([#6887](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/6887)); * Fixed: Single Add to Cart Button widget issues; * Fixed: Single Sale Badge widget default styles; * Fixed: Styles enqueue. ## [](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/ Fixed: Change archive items render method for Elementor to avoid errors in the editor ([#7003](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/7003)). ## [2.1.6](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.1.6.zip) * Added: Vertical position for Categories Grid widget count element in Preset 1 ([#6347](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/6347)); * Added: Custom size controls for Single Sale Badge widget ([#6696](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/6696)); * Added: Additional price style controls for Product Grid/List widgets ([#6786](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/6786)); * Tweak: Custom taxonomy template settings display for different object types; * Tweak: Styles enqueue; * Tweak: Admin notices; * Fixed: Fixed: Display empty cart page without Empty Cart Message widget ([#6669](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/6669)); * Fixed: Single Add to Cart quantity selector view for last product ([#6949](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/6949)); * Fixed: Dynamic tags in Archive Category item template; * Fixed: some Blocksy theme compatibility; * Fixed: PHP 8.1+ compatibility issues. ## [2.1.5](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.1.5.zip) * Added: `Exclude by ID` control for Show All query in Categories Grid widget; * Added: My Account Details widget Fieldset element margin control; * Updated: WooCommerce templates; * Tweak: Better Kava theme compatibility; * Fixed: Exclude taxonomies functionality in Taxonomy Tiles widget; * Fixed: PHP 8.2 deprecation errors. ## [2.1.4](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.1.4.zip) * Added: Integration with Woocommerce High-Performance Order Storage; * Added: Linked products query type for Elementor Single Product template; * Added: Elementor 3.10 compatibility with custom size unit; * Fixed: Disabled carousel arrow appearance [#6496](https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/6496); ## [2.1.3](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.1.3.zip) * Added: `jet-woo-builder/post-type/args` hook for JetWooBuilder post types `$args` manipulation; * Updated: Speed of automatic AJAX cart update; * Updated: Carousel dynamic bullets transition; * Updated: Better Astra theme compatibility; * Tweak: Better WPML compatibility; * Fixed: Carousel dynamic bullets appearance; * Fixed: Wrong grid display when use archive items template on products archive page; * Fixed: Products widgets display inside JetEngine listing item. ## [](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.1.2.zip) * Fixed: Products widgets permalink issue; * Fixed: Minor styles issue; ## [2.1.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.1.2.zip) * Added: Product Variation query for Products Grid/List widgets; * Added: Controls for vertical position for badges in Products Grid/List widgets; * Updated: Shortcode functionality refactor and restructuring; * Updated: Editor control UX; * Updated: JetDashboard to 2.0.10; * Fixed: Checkout Order Review widget spacing issues; * Fixed: Blocksy theme compatibility; ## [2.1.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.1.1.zip) * Added: Better compatibility with JetProductGallery; * Added: `jet-woo-builder/woocommerce/billing-fields` and `jet-woo-builder/woocommerce/shipping-fields` for checkout fields editor compatibility with third-party plugins; * Added: box-shadow control for form fields in some widgets; * Updated: WC rewritten templates; * Updated: Billing Form widget selectors; * Fixed: JetSmartFilter pagination functionality with widgets that use JetEngine custom query; * Fixed: Some UI editor issues; * Fixed: Empty sale flash on the grouped product when macros used; ## [2.1.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.1.0.zip) * Added: Product not found message templates in Products Grid/List widgets; * Added: Dynamic tags functionality for not found message and Query ID controls in Products Grid/List widgets; * Added: Line Wrap control for some widgets titles; * Added: JS trigger `jet-woo-builder-swiper-initialized` after Swiper slider init; * Added: Archive items clickable item functionality; * Added: Badges to Products List widget; * Added: Dynamic bullets functionality for the carousel; * Added: Single Add to Cart widget view cart link; * Updated: WPML widgets translatable nodes; * Updated: Single Rating widget; * Updated: Categories Grid widget; * Updated: WC templates; * Fixed: WC notice after single ajax add to cart; * Fixed: Cart table widget actions row display; * Fixed: Slides per group bug in the carousel; * Fixed: Single form stars rating display in the editor; * Fixed: Price styles in Products Grid widget; * Fixed: Wishlist custom template option wrong index; * Fixed: WC query after template switching; * Fixed: Template type check with active Elementor Pro; * Fixed: Elementor Pro Custom fonts with Archive items templates; * Fixed: JetEngine compatibility error; ## [2.0.5](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.0.5.zip) * Updated: Allow accessing JetWooBuilder JS object from the global scope; * Tweak: Better WPML compatibility; * Tweak: Better Astra theme compatibility; * Fixed: Empty favourites query; * Fixed: My account controls ID conflict; * Fixed: Product variation metadata output in Cart Table widget; ## [2.0.4](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.0.4.zip) * Added: Favourites query type for Product Grid/List widgets; * Added: New query type Stock Status for Products Grid/List widgets; * Tweak: Custom stock status functionality in Products Grid/List widgets; * Fixed: Custom taxonomy template functionality works separately from shop template functionality; * Fixed: Ajax add to cart spinner styles; * Fixed: Carousel render with overflow option; ## [2.0.3](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.0.3.zip) * Fixed: Products Grid badges align; * Fixed: Archive Rating widget missing global `$product` variable; * Fixed: Compatibility with Elementor 3.7; * Fixed: Additional minor bugs; ## [2.0.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.0.2.zip) * Fixed: Products Grid widget box-shadow controls visibility; ## [2.0.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.0.1.zip) * Added: `jet-woo-builder/widgets/archive/pre-product-price` hook to rewrite archive product price output; * Fixed: Themes compatibilities issues; * Fixed: Variation product single AJAX add to cart; * Fixed: Carousels pagination styles section visibility; * Fixed: Display Archive widgets in JetEngine listing; ## [2.0.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/2.0.0.zip) * Added: Woo Page Builder template tabs; * Added: WooCommerce placeholder image handling in widgets; * Added: Single Rating widget reviews link captions; * Added: Style & Advanced tabs to custom templates in Elementor editor; * Added: Single Template Elementor editor settings; * Added: Style controls for Single Tabs widget; * Added: Empty rating functionality in Products Grid/List widgets; * Added: Products List & Categories Grid widgets clickable item functionality; * Added: Products List widget content elements align controls; * Added: Manual selection of categories in Categories Grid widget; * Added: Archive items templates editor canvas view; * Added: Responsiveness in checkout forms; * Added: WooCommerce action widget; * Added: Dynamic & macros functionalities for IDs fields in Products List/Grid widgets; * Updated: Better JetEngine compatibility; * Updated: Better Elementor 3.6 compatibility; * Updated: Widgets controls and templates; * Updated: Better Blocksy theme compatibility; * Updated: JetDashboard to 2.0.9; * Tweak: Widget accessibility for different template types; * Tweak: Single Add to Cart widget styles; * Tweak: Single Images widget; * Tweak: Single Meta widget; * Tweak: Refactor and restructure compatibility, integration, components and predesigned files and folders; * Fixed: Cart Table widget thumbnail width; * Fixed: Quick view popup with OceanWP theme. ## [1.12.4](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.12.4.zip) * Added: Products Grid&List compatibility with `woocommerce_product_is_visible` hook; * Tweak: Remove button color styles in Cart Table widget; * Fixed: Archive items equal column height. ## [1.12.3](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.12.3.zip) * Dev: `jet-woo-builder/documents/is-document-type` hook for checking document type; * Dev: `jet-woo-builder/integration/register-widgets` hook for widget registration; * Fixed: Editor widgets rendering. * Fixed: Astra theme checkout page compatibility. ## [1.12.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.12.2.zip) * Tweak: WooCommerce templates versions; * Fixed: Frontend carousel rendering with slide overflow; * Fixed: Minor bugs. ## [1.12.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.12.1.zip) * Added: Cart Table widget auto update functionality; * Tweak: Products List/Grid & Single Product AJAX add to cart styles; * Tweak: Purchase Popup functionality; * Fixed: Cart & Checkout elements float styles; * Fixed: Close quick view popup after adding product to cart; * Fixed: Carousel rtl issue; * Fixed: Elementor templates export compatibility with new Export/Import functionality; * Fixed: Update cart button mobile visibility. ## [1.12.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.12.0.zip) * Added: Cart Table widget auto update functionality; * Added: Separate box sizes controls for Carousel Dots; * Added: Minimum touchmove velocity control for Carousels; * Added: Simulation switching control for Carousels; * Added: Carousels slide overflow and space between functionalities; * Added: Export/Import templates; * Updated: Cart, Checkout, My Account and Thank You templates widgets; * Updated: WooCommerce templates; * Updated: Body classes and wrappers for custom templates in Elementor editor; * Updated: Assets and Templates folders structure; * Updated: Admin templates; * Updated: Carousels styles & styles controls; * Tweak: Templates styles; * Tweak: Quantity input script handling; * Tweak: Templates switcher script handling; * Tweak: Product thumbnails attributes implementation; * Fixed: Checkout forms rtl compatibility; * Fixed: Thumbnail effect in Wishlist archive product card; * Fixed: Integrated themes compatibility; * Fixed: Elementor db update critical error; * Fixed: Thumbnails tablet & mobile visibility in Cart Table widget; * Fixed: Billing and Shipping Forms widgets address fields require property; * Fixed: SVG icons colors in carousels controls. ## [1.11.4](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.11.4.zip) * Updated: Better Blocksy theme compatibility; * Fixed: Carousel issue; * Fixed: Custom Query widgets compatibility with JetSmartFilters indexer; * Fixed: Some additional bugs. ## [1.11.3](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.11.3.zip) * Fixed: Minor bugs. ## [1.11.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.11.2.zip) * Fixed: Archive Template inside wishlist widget; * Fixed: Reset Archive Template object; * Fixed: Some additional bugs. ## [1.11.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.11.1.zip) * Fixed: Single Images widget width control units. ## [1.11.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.11.0.zip) * Added: Custom labels visibility controls for Shipping Form and Empty Cart Message widgets; * Added: Proper WooCommerce classes to editor templates; * Added: Possibility to choose the icon for Cart Table remove button; * Added: Bestsellers query to Products Grid/List widgets; * Updated: Single Images widget; * Updated: Default WooCommerce templates styles; * Updated: Better WPML compatibility; * Tweak: `get_product_thumbnail()`; * Tweak: Carousels pagination styles; * Tweak: Cart Totals widget; * Fixed: Conflict between Shipping Form widget heading styles and Elementor Global styles; * Fixed: Carousel columns styles; * Fixed: `$wp_query->queried_object` in archive card templates; * Fixed: Product Grid clickable item compatibility with JetEngine Query Builder; * Fixed: Checkout forms custom address fields classes. ## [1.10.5](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.10.5.zip) * Added: Blocksy theme integration; * Updated: Single Product widgets templates; * Updated: Quantity input form; * Updated: JetAdminBar 1.0.2; * Tweak: Output on not found message in Products Grid/List widgets; * Tweak: Cart table coupon form; * Fixed: Cart tables width; * Fixed: Custom query functionality without JetSmartFilters; * Fixed: Columns for the carousel in the editor; * Fixed: Elementor Motion Effect with archive card templates. ## [1.10.4](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.10.4.zip) * Added: Alignment for Single Add to Cart Widget & hidden input styles; * Tweak: Products Grid/List widgets button template Archive/Single Add to Cart widgets open popup after add to cart functionality; * Tweak: Cart Totals & Table widgets; * Tweak: Price styling; * Tweak: Cart Cross Sell widgets styling controls; * Fixed: Editor document type; * Fixed: Product content template; * Fixed: Grid styles. ## [1.10.3](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.10.3.zip) * Added: Compatibility with Elementor Custom Breakpoint; * Added: Link colors controls for Checkout Order Review widget cells; * Added: Template layout applied in Elementor editor; * Tweak: Checkout Additional Form widget label field handling; * Tweak: Single Images widget thumbnail padding controls; * Tweak: Cart Totals & Checkout order Review widgets border styles; * Fixed: Variation select display in Safari browser; * Fixed: Checkout field manager classes. ## [1.10.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.10.2.zip) * Fixed: Product Grid/List Query conditions. ## [1.10.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.10.1.zip) * Updated: Cross-sell query in Products Grid/List widgets in Cart template; * Fixed: Default addresses in Checkout templates forms; * Fixed: Archive Product image & title permalinks in JetEngine listing with WC Product Query; * Fixed: Cart Totals Widget mobile heading styles; * Fixed: Empty cart template container width. ## [1.10.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.10.0.zip) * Added: Custom field functionality to Cart Table widget; * Added: Fields manager for Checkout Billing & Shipping forms; * Added: JetAdminBar module; * Updated: Billing & Shipping forms widgets templates; * Updated: JetElementorExtension module to 1.0.5; * Fixed: Grid widgets breakpoints styles; * Fixed: Cart table template part; * Fixed: Quick view popup closing after a product added to cart. ## [1.9.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.9.2.zip) * Added: Stock Status order to Products Grid/List widgets; * Added: Currency sign separate style controls in Checkout Order Review widget; * Tweak: Products Grid widget sale badge styles; * Tweak: Products Grid widget clickable item functionality; * Fixed: WooCommerce default product sorting after template switching; * Fixed: Dynamic tags bg for builder pages; * Fixed: Single Tab widget hover & active colors; * Fixed: Default thank you page template functionality; * Fixed: `the_content()` not found when product edited with elementor; * Fixed: Single Add to Cart widget quantity input positioning. ## [1.9.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.9.1.zip) * Fixed: elementor-preview template; * Fixed: Astra theme woocommerce container width; ## [1.9.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.9.0.zip) * Added: Compatibility with JetEngine Query Builder query in Products List/Grid widgets; * Added: Controls for templates layout; * Added: Products List widget compatibility with `woocommerce_hide_out_of_stock_items` option; * Added: Cells width controls for Single Attribute widget; * Updated: Register widgets category; * Updated: Theme integration styles; * Updated: Optimize theme integration files; * Updated: Refactor WooCommerce part templates code; * Tweak: Single Product template type; * Tweak: Layout switcher ajax request; * Fixed: WooCommerce pages container styles; * Fixed: Cart popup opening; * Fixed: JetEngine dynamic tags for archive cards; * Fixed: Archive Products widgets compatibility with listing grid that uses WC_Product_Query. ## [1.8.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.8.2.zip) * Updated: Better rtl compatibility; * Fixed: Single AJAX add to cart; * Fixed: Single Image widget display on different themes; * Fixed: Global styles with Categories Grid widget title; * Fixed: Products archive pages dynamic tags functionality. ## [1.8.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.8.1.zip) * Added: Hooks for handling products grid/list widgets not found messages (`jet-woo-builder/shortcodes/jet-woo-products-list/not-found-message`, `jet-woo-builder/shortcodes/jet-woo-products/not-found-message`); * Added: Hooks for handling Categories grid widget output `jet-woo-builder/shortcodes/jet-woo-categories/categories-list`; * Added: Controls for Open links in the new window for some widgets; * Added: Product Grid widget item clickable; * Added: Separate style controls for currency sign in Cart Table and Cart Totals widgets; * Tweak: Single Add to Cart widget; * Tweak: Single Tabs widget; * Tweak: Cart Return to Shop widget; * Tweak: Single AJAX add to cart; * Tweak: Checkout Coupon Form widget; * Fixed: Global link styles compatibility with products widgets titles; * Fixed: SVG icon size in carousel arrows; * Fixed: Background dynamic tags functionality in quick view popup. ## [1.8.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.8.0.zip) * Added: Advanced icon controls for carousel functionality; * Added: Options to control categories and tags count in products widgets; * Added: Free Mode for carousels; * Added: Trim title tooltip; * Added: Trim title functionality to Categories Grid and Archive Category Title widgets; * Added: Carousel disabled arrow style controls; * Added: Admin notice about required elementor version; * Added: Specific prev/next carousel arrows style controls; * Added: Align controls for Single Image widget thumbnails; * Added: Button width control for Checkout Payment widget button; * Added: WooCommerce style warning for some widgets; * Updated: WooCommerce templates; * Tweak: Quick view popup close after the product added to cart; * Tweak: Checkout Additional Form widget; * Tweak: Lazy load compatibility; * Tweak: Single Ajax add to cart; * Fixed: Variations of products as individual products on shopping page; * Fixed: Deprecated Elementor\Scheme_Color and Elementor\Scheme_Typography; * Fixed: `woocommerce_thankyou` action; * Fixed: Grouped product input quantity can't be 0; * Fixed: Templates preview redirection for non login users; * Fixed: Product Pagination widget styles; * Fixed: Behaviour when archive items template has compare or wishlist widgets with disabled functionality. ## [1.7.12](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.12.zip) * Added: Custom Template Inline CSS option; * Added: My Account edit-addresses & view-order endpoints style controls; * Added: Additional output validation for some widgets; * Updated: JetDashboard 2.0.8; * Updated: WooCommerce templates; * Tweak: Categories Grid widget title hover control; * Fixed: display of Archive Products Item templates; * Fixed: Categories Grid widget equal column height; * Fixed: Cart popup in product grid carousel; * Fixed: Generatepress Theme input quantity buttons; * Fixed: Sale badge macros preview error; ## [1.7.11](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.11.zip) * Fixed: Template switcher functionality. ## [1.7.10](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.10.zip) * Tweak: Single review widget template; * Tweak: Individual custom template form products custom taxonomies; * Tweak: Astra Pro quantity buttons; * Fixed: Waring in listing template if not connected with WooCommerce; * Fixed: Slider column padding; * Fixed: Application of different templates archive cards on one page; * Fixed: Listing grid product thumbnail effect; * Fixed: Cart table widget in elementor when cart is empty; * Fixed: Behaviour when show last order with all user information while preview template. ## [1.7.9](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.9.zip) * Tweak: Listing source; * Fixed: Compatibility with Kava theme woocommerce module; * Fixed: External/Affiliate product functionality with Single Ajax add to cart. ## [1.7.8](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.8.zip) * Fixed: Elementor 3.1.2 compatibility issue. ## [1.7.7](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.7.zip) * Added: Equal column height in category and product archive templates; * Added: Compatibility for Swiper JS Library with Elementor Improved Asset Loading; * Added: Custom Archive item template selection in Products Loop widget; * Added: Getting a list of templates in controls through ajax in Products Loop widget; * Added: Controls for enabling links on title and thumbnails; * Tweak: Overridden woocommerce templates versions; * Tweak: Template Switcher on products loop display mode; * Tweak: Quick view popup styles and scripts; * Fixed: Astra Pro quantity buttons; * Fixed: Swiper slider fade effect. ## [1.7.6](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.6.zip) * Added: JupiterX theme integration; * Added: Mobile hover on touch controller; * Tweak: Cart Table widget cell width responsive control; * Fixed: Single Image widget vertical layout navigation thumbnails; * Fixed: Notice duplication on checkout page; * Fixed: Cart Popup in Safari browser. ## [1.7.5](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.5.zip) * Added: Archive Product & Category items widgets to JetEngine Listing Items; * Added: ID and modified orderby in Products Grid/List widgets; * Added: Helps url to new templates widgets; * Updated: Thank You page template logic; * Updated: Number of Products Grid widget columns; * Updated: String translation; * Tweak: Global widgets stock status; * Tweak: Single Rating widget showing star section; * Tweak: Text trim controls; * Tweak: Replaces deprecated jQuery.fn.click( handler ) with jQuery.fn.on( 'click', handler ) and jQuery.fn.click() with jQuery.fn.trigger( 'click' ); * Fixed: Products Ordering widget dropdown icon; * Fixed: `%numeric_sale%` macros for variable products; * Fixed: Applying quantity input on adjacent widgets; * Fixed: Cart template notice duplication. ## [1.7.4](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.4.zip) * Added: My Account page endpoint templates; * Added: Kava Theme compatibility with default ajax add to cart styles in Products Grid/List; * Added: `update_db_1_7_4` callback in the DB_Upgrader; * Added: My Account Content widget; * Updated: JetDashboard 2.0.6; * Updated: String translation; * Tweak: Theme integration styles; * Fixed: Carousels rtl; * Fixed: Default Woocommerce products sorting query after template switching in Products Loop widget; * Fixed: Default ajax add to cart styles in Products Grid/List Widgets; * Fixed: Public received order page. ## [1.7.3](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.3.zip) * Added: Product title trim functionality; * Added: Query id control in Products Grid/List widgets; * Added: Product Thumb Effect additional settings; * Added: JetCompareWishlist integration for wishlist product card; * Added: Product quantity input to Products Add to Cart buttons; * Added: Mobile hover on touch Products Grid & Categories Grid widgets; * Tweak: Product SKU check; * Updated: String translation; * Updated: JetDashboard 2.0.5; * Fixed: Dynamic tags functionality; * Fixed: Product quick view with Yoast SEO; * Fixed: Variation product add to card when options not selected; * Fixed: `%numeric_sale%` macros output; * Fixed: Widgets functionality after template switching in Products Loop Widget; * Fixed: Display correct template after switching in settings; * Fixed: Cart table widget styles. ## [1.7.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.2.zip) * Added: Archive product card SKU widget; * Added: Categories grid queryby current subcategories; * Added: Ability to show products filtered by custom taxonomy in products grid/list widgets; * Added: My account page notifications; * Updated: Quick view scripts and styles enqueue; * Fixed: Quick view compatibility with JetEngine meta fields; * Fixed: Archiver card title styles; * Fixed: Dynamic styles for archives card template. ## [1.7.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.1.zip) * Added: Product visibility control to Products Grid/List widgets; * Added: Products Grid/List widgets orderby title; * Added: Polylang compatibility; * Added: Content controls for Woocommerce default pages builder widgets; * Added: Getting a list of templates in controls through ajax; * Added: `update_db_1_7_1` callback in the DB_Upgrader; * Updated: Widgets translation; * Updated: Jet-Dashboard module to 2.0.2; * Updated: ajax single add to cart functionality; * Updated: Naming; * Fixed: Editor icons; * Fixed: Archive product card saving template error; * Fixed: displaying the metafield after product loop; * Fixed: Endpoints for edit-address/billing and edit-address/shipping; ## [1.7.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.7.0.zip) * Added: Woocommerce default pages builder - https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/498; * Added: Layout switcher - https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/565; * Added: Jet Woo Templates Active condition and Type admin columns; * Added: Single ajax add to cart quick view popup compatibility; * Added: Quick view btn compatibility; * Added: Better lazy load compatibility; * Added: SKU orderby option to Products Grid/List widgets; * Added: Execute products by category to Products Grid/List widgets; * Updated: Rename single ajax add to cart action & move handler to ajax-handler class; * Updated: Editor icons; * Updated: Elementor 3.0+ global styles compatibility; * Updated: .pot file; * Updated: Jet-Dashboard module to 1.1.0; * Fixed: JetPopup error in Single Add To Cart widget; * Fixed: Single product ajax add to cart when variations of product not selected; * Fixed: Swiper carousel display after ajax load. ## [1.6.6](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.6.6.zip) * Fixed: Critical error while create Elementor templates. ## [1.6.5](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.6.5.zip) * Added: Better RTL compatibility; * Added: Full width single product Template Type; * Added: Exclude products by id control for Query by All option in the Products Grid / List widgets; * Added: Single Image widget navigation vertical layout; * Added: Menu order to the Categories Grid widget; * Updated: Jet-Dashboard module to 1.0.14; * Updated: Products Grid / List widgets query control; * Updated: Global widgets controls consistent naming; * Updated: Moved the Jet Woo Templates to the JetPlugins menu page; * Fixed: Hidden products showed in Products Grid / List widgets; * Fixed: Admin notice missing Woocommerce plugin; ## [1.6.4](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.6.4.zip) * Added: Single product AJAX add to cart functionality; * Added: Option to display custom popup after adding product to cart for Single Add to Cart Button widget; * Added: Products Grid/List widgets compatibility with default woocommerce filters; * Updated: The number of Category grid widget columns; * Fixed: Product excerpt function critical error; * Fixed: Multiple photoswipe galleries open in quick view popup; * Fixed: Single Image widget styles in quick view popup; * Fixed: Carousel Vertical layout dots navigation position; * Fixed: Display vertical carousel layout when count of items less than slides. ## [1.6.3](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.6.3.zip) * Added: Box Shadow hover mode for all global widgets with smooth transition; * Added: Product Thumbnail box shadow hover mode to the global products widget; * Added: Add to cart variation functionality in quick view popup on the Single Product Page; * Added: Global Products widgets Sort Order; * Fixed: Preview Single product template; * Fixed: Arrow visibility when overflow container; * Fixed: Prevent Shop Template infinite content duplication on Elementor preview page; * Fixed: Dots box margin control styles. ## [1.6.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.6.2.zip) * Added: Compatibility with new Elementor Swiper wrapper parameter; * Added: Center mode for carousels; * Update: Tested with the 4.0.0 version of WooCommerce; * Fixed: Single Image widget transparency in editor; * Fixed: Products Navigation widget default styles; * Fixed: Products Loop widget column width in Safari browser. ## [1.6.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.6.1.zip) * Added: Vertical direction for carousel; * Added: Sale badge functionality description; * Added: Carousels rtl compatibility; * Update: Replaced slick slider to swiper slider; * Update: Jet-Dashboard module to 1.0.10 * Fixed: compatibility with Elementor 2.9 * Fixed: Minor fixes. ## [1.6.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.6.0.zip) * Added: Compatibility with Font Awesome 5 and new Icons control; * Added: Control for customizing Heading Tags widgets; * Added: Control switcher for display empty rating in widgets; * Fixed: Minor fixes. ## [1.5.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.5.1.zip) * Added: Jet Dashboard; ## [1.5.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.5.0.zip) * Added: Stock status label for Products Grid widget; * Added: Option to order products by Menu Order; * Added: Custom templates for individual Woocommerce taxonomy; * Added: Single Image widget Main Image Controls section description; * Updated: Templates setting page titles and descriptions; * Fixed: Archive & Category Templates widgets Help Links url; * Fixed: Display Single Rating widget when zero reviews is set; * Fixed: Archive Products template generating JSON; * Fixed: Template creation form elements styles. ## [1.4.3](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.4.3.zip) * Added: Option to display custom popup after adding product to cart - https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/548; * Added: Use Current Query option for the Products List widget; * Added: Link for Products List widget Featured image - https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/661; * Updated : Single Image widget styles - https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/583; * Fixed: Products shortcode query; * Fixed: Prevent php error on update DB; * Fixed: Product Thumbnails Effect compatibility with third-party lazy-loading plugins - https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/641. ## [1.4.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.4.2.zip) * Added: Need helps links to widgets; * Added: Better wpml translation compatibility; * Fixed: WooCommerce catalog ordering for Products Grid widget; * Fixed: Quick View popup styles; * Fixed: Minor fixes; * Fixed: Elementor 2.7.0 compatibility. ## [](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/ * Fixed: Prevent php error. ## [1.4.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.4.1.zip) * Updated: Widgets registration conditions; * Fixed: QuickView functionality for products list; * Fixed: QuickView on single product page; * Fixed: Columns number control for archive product and category templates; * Fixed: Catalog ordering for products grid widget. ## [1.4.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.4.0.zip) * Added: Better Astra theme compatibility; * Added: %percentage_sale% , %numeric_sale% macros for sale badges - https://github.com/CrocoBlock/suggestions/issues/47; * Added: Sku product output in product list and product grid widgets - https://github.com/CrocoBlock/suggestions/issues/46; * Added: Option that allow trim title by characters count in products title - https://github.com/CrocoBlock/suggestions/issues/62; * Updated: Widgets registration conditions; * Updated: Optimize and refactor code; * Updated: Compatibility with Jet Popups; * Fixed: Archive thumbnails width in Internet Explorer ; * Fixed: Minor fixes. ## [1.3.9](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.3.9.zip) * Added: Compatibility archive widgets with WooCommerce 3.6.0; * Added: Better compatibility with Jet Popups; * Fixed: Minor fixes. ## [1.3.8](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.3.8.zip) * Updated: Optimize widget registration; * Fixed: Issue with loading empty archive template; * Fixed: Problems with preview products and categories when elementor render method is set. ## [1.3.7](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.3.7.zip) * Added: better smart filters compatibility; * Added: Add better Jet Woo widgets Ocean WP theme compatibility; * Added: Global query on shop page for products grid widget; * Fixed: Minor fixes. ## [1.3.6](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.3.6.zip) * Added: Jet Compare Wishlist compatibility; * Added: Query options for archive page in products grid widget; * Fixed: Minor fixes. ## [1.3.5](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.3.5.zip) * Added: Products Grid widget presets; * Added: Compatibility with WPML String Translation plugin; * Updated: allow to render archive with default Elementor callbacks; * Fixed: processing categories; * Fixed: compatibility with WooCommerce Booking plugin; * Fixed: compatibility with WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin; * Fixed: Minor fixes. ## [1.3.4](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.3.4.zip) * Updated: increased the possible number of displayed elements in the products grid, categories grid, products list widgets; * Fixed: equal column height in slick slider; * Fixed: Minor fixes. ## [1.3.3](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.3.3.zip) * Updated: Better compatibility with upcoming JetSmartFilters plugin; * Fixed: Minor fixes. ## [1.3.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.3.2.zip) * Added: Compatibility with upcoming JetSmartFilters plugin; * Fixed: Minor fixes. ## [1.3.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.3.1.zip) * Fixed: Minor fixes; ## [1.3.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.3.0.zip) * Added: Category products page templates functionality; * Added: Shop page templates functionality; * Added: Rating icon option in single product rating and archive product rating widgets; * Fixed: Query for categories and tags in products grid and products list widgets; * Fixed: Compatibility with Astra and OceanWp themes. ## [1.2.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.2.0.zip) * Added: Archive products page templates functionality; * Added: Products query by related, up sells and cross sells products option in products grid and products list widgets; * Added: Products add to cart default loader styles option; * Added: Related, up sells, cross sells products per page option. ## [1.1.1](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.1.1.zip) * Added: Words count option in products grid and product list widgets; * Added: Products query by recently viewed products option in products grid and products list widgets. ## [1.1.0](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.1.0.zip) * Added: Products Grid Widget; * Added: Products List Widget; * Added: Categories Grid Widget; * Added: Taxonomy Tiles. ## [1.0.2](https://github.com/ZemezLab/jet-woo-builder/archive/1.0.2.zip) * Added: Ability to create templates based on pre-designed layouts.