Ninja Tables Pro stands as the top-selling WordPress table builder plugin, renowned for its user-friendly interface, straightforward settings, and visually appealing front-end design. This powerful plugin offers an intuitive platform to create and customize tables seamlessly, ensuring a compelling and engaging presentation for your website.
Ninja Tables Pro WordPress Plugin Features
- Add Media to Tables Cells
- Unlimited Colors in Your Tables
- Connect Google Sheets
- Drag and Drop Data Sorting
- Export-Import CSV
- Advanced Customization Features
- WooCommerce Integration
- Advanced Date Sorting
- WP Posts
- Add CSS Class
- Conditional Column Formating
- Transform Value
- Custom Filter UI
- Advanced Data Filtering
- Connect WP Fluent Form
- Set Max Width for Columns
- Text Alignment
- Colspan/Cell Merging Feature
- Use Shortcode in your table cell
= 5.0.5 (Date: December 19, 2023) = * Fixes: European number range filter issue with the use of transform value * Fixes: Fixes external source pdf file download issue * Fixes: Fixes text input strict mode filter for latin characters * Fixes: Fixes transform value & specific row colors issue in print * Fixes: Fixes CSV/JSON export unauthorized access issue = 5.0.4 (Date: October 04, 2023) = * Fixes table colors issue = 5.0.3 (Date: Sep 26, 2023) = * Adds Searchable Gutenberg block for add tables shortcode * Adds Php 8x support * Fixes Vue version conflict with other plugins * Fixes Excel formula checkbox check & uncheck issue * Fixes Fullwidth searcher issue on mobile device * Fixes: Table caption update issue * Fixes CSS appearance issue in accordion * Fixes Force downloaded third party file from any url * Fixes Multi-select dropdown filter last item disappear issue on mobile * Fixes Drag and drop tables preview and margin issue * Improves drag & drop table progress bar percentage * Improves drag & drop table column width increase 500 to 1000 = 5.0.2 (Date: June 15, 2023) = * Added a dismissible option in the admin area for all notices * Fixes double slash issue form url * Fixes collapse expand issue for frontend editing in responsive breakpoint mode = 5.0.1 (Date: June 12, 2023) = * Added cross sign for delete notice * Fixes sorting icon color issue = 5.0.0 (Date: June 08, 2023) = * Added current user post option for wp post table * Added custom css & js for drag & drop table * Fixes Multi select number range filter issue * Fixes property box design isue for wp post table * Fixes accessibility issue for pagination * Fixes media button issue for many themes & plugins * Fixes sticky header issue * Fixes strict mode custom filter issue for checkbox, radio * Fixes font loading issue * Improves frontend editing input field validation * Improves drag and drop table content editing * Update plugin framework * Update latest moment js library = 4.3.5 (Date: April 20, 2023) = * Fixes CSRF issue * Fixes XSS issue = 4.3.4 (Date: February 08, 2023) = * Fixes strict mode custom filter issue * Fixes table sorting by date & time issue * Fixes transform value escape date decimal(.) format issue * Fixes external SQL query update issue * Fixes image uploading issue for some themes * Fixes filter selects issue * Fixes drag and drop table shortcode issue for classic editor * Fixes pointer issue * Added a sorting option in the admin dashboard * Added a few strings in the translation file = 4.3.3 (Date: December 22, 2022) = * Fixes chunk filter loading issue * Added custom filter for escape 0 from google-sheets * Added woocommerce default value selection * Fixes gt and lt issue for fraction * Fixes hide_default_filter issue * Added clear all for dropdown multi select filter * Fixes tag, taxonomy filters for wp-post provider * Fixes empty row responsive breakpoints issue * Updated docs link from wpmanageninja to ninjatables * Fixes parse comma-separated number strict mode issue * Fixes dropdown filter options case-sensitive Issue * Fixes multiple number range filters issue * Fixes print dialog closing issue * Added chinese simplified(zh_CN) language * Added edit button in frontend for drag & drop table * Added un-save data detector for drag & drop table * Increase table container max height for drag & drop table = 4.3.2 (Date: October 19, 2022) = * Fixes frontend loader notice issue * Added phpcs * Improves data sanitization = 4.3.1 (Date: October 13, 2022) = * Fixes responsive issue for drag & drop table * Added global importer for drag & drop table = 4.3.0 (Date: October 12, 2022) = * Fixes sticky header issue * Fixes woocommerce custom product variations issue * Update table id integer to big integer * Added table column highlighter * Added responsive view by column * Improved UI/UX = 4.2.3 (Date: August 10, 2022) = * Improves NinjaTableClass.php = 4.2.2 (Date: August 10, 2022) = * Fixes an error for gravity forms * Update readme file = 4.2.1 (Date: August 8, 2022) = * Fixes array_combine issue for google sheets * Fixes php 8 required parameter deprecated notice * Fixes woocommerce product stock status issue * Fixes custom filter select gt & lt number * Fixes frontend editing apply & add new popup issue * Fixes file loading issue * Added download attribute in button * Added filter_selects multiple value for same filter * Added google-csv, csv & fluent-form chunk loader * Added th class in responsive breakpoint * Added fluentform payment details * Updated plugin docs help documentation = 4.2.0 Date: June 22, 2022) = * Fixes google translator pagination issue * Added frontend data loader rendering setting * Fixes a print issue * Updated plugin docs help documentation * Adds drag and drop table builder = 4.1.14 Date: March 21, 2022) = * Fix CSS Output issues = 4.1.13 Date: March 18, 2022) = * Fix Data sanitization and esc_* functions * Support for Raw HTMLs in table cells = 4.1.12 (Date: March 11, 2022) = * Fix Data _esc issues * UI improvements = 4.1.11 (Date: February 01, 2022) = * Adds global font style * Fixes number range filter reset issue * Improves frontend editing sanitization = 4.1.9 (Date: January 27, 2022) = * Improves data sanitization = 4.1.8 (Date: January 27, 2022) = * Adds no follow option * Adds font customization * Adds time format option in date field * Fixes Ace library issue * Fixes CSV library issue * Improves data sanitization * Improves Admin UI = 4.1.7 (Date: September 17, 2021) = * Added woocommerce product variations * Fixes date & date range filter manual input date search issue * Fixes progressive filter filter_selects * Fixes category post filter issue * Fixes filter shortcode for AND logical operator and phrase filter = 4.1.6 (Date: Jun 28, 2021) = * Fixes CSV export & Print issue in frontend * Fixes transform value reference shortcode * Fixes filter table data print issue in frontend * Fixes advance shortcode filters for filter_selects in frontend * Fixes searcher flick issue in frontend * Fixes large data loading table hide issue in frontend * Fixes custom filter checkbox & select strict mode issue in frontend * Fixes custom filter issue for special character in frontend * Fixes custom filter number range input value issue in frontend * Fixes custom filter manual data multiselect table hide issue in mobile device * Fixes special character sorting issue = 4.1.5 (Date: Feb 18, 2021) = * Fixes value transformation in admin page. = 4.1.4 (Date: Feb 16, 2021) = * Fixes AJAX data loading for public nonce issue. = 4.1.3 (Date: Feb 13, 2021) = * Adds transformed value sorting & filtering. * Improves formula support for European numbers. * Fixes exact match filtering for multi-select. = 4.1.2 (Date: Feb 08, 2021) = * Fixes calculation for European formatted numbers. * Fixes frontend CSV export issue for accented characters. * Fixes TablePress import order. * Fixes elementor popup. * Fixes WP latest jQuery update issues. = 4.1.1 (Date: Nov 21, 2020) = * Fixes Google Sheets data fetching issue. * Fixes frontend pagination issue. * Fixes frontend data transformation issue. = 4.1.0 (Date: Nov 18, 2020) = * Adds default diacritics filter support. * Fixes for diacritics sorting. * Fixes transform value on frontend. * Fixes Google Sheets integration. = 4.0.2 (Date: Sep 14, 2020) = * Fixes client side value transformation module. = 4.0.1 (Date: Sep 14, 2020) = * Fixes transform value bug for Excel formula. * Fixes regular search bugs for string value. * Fixes Semantic UI table's footer radius style. * Improves value transformation module. = 4.0.0 (Date: Sep 12, 2020) = * Adds special characters (diacritics) search. * Adds Ninja Charts for data visualization. * Fixes sticky header issue. * Fixes table design issues. * Fixes sorting issues on export. * Fixes preload key request for custom fonts. * Fixes table filter for multiple instances on a page. * Fixes SQL table bugs. * Fixes pagination issues. * Fixes remote CSV title issue. * Fixes custom filters on Firefox. * Fixes custom filters design issues. * Fixes multi-select issues on Firefox. * Fixes minor bugs and improves overall performance. = 3.5.12 (Date: Apr 07, 2020) = * Fixes shortcode defaults bug. = 3.5.11 (Date: Mar 23, 2020) = * Adds all tables sorting. * Adds Jetpack lazy image compatibility. * Adds Fluent Form meta fields to display. * Adds cart and checkout button customization. * Adds batch insert for CSV to avoid PHP memory issue. * Adds filters and search to be included in the Print page. * Adds removing image options in both backend and frontend. * Adds all chunk data loaded hooks for frontend ('ninja_table_all_chunk_loaded''). * Fixes Safari ellipsis bug. * Fixes custom CSS duplication. * Fixes iPhone table width bug. * Fixes inline edit caching bug. * Fixes frontend editing focus bug. * Fixes Fluent Forms entry fetcher bug. * Fixes global appearance settings bug. * Fixes stackables for the latest jQuery. * Fixes Fluent Form provider variable bug. * Fixes conditional matching issues for sorting. * Fixes Google CSV no results error, filter "ninja_tables_remote_csv_timeout". = 3.5.10 (Date: Dec 27, 2019) = * Fixes stackable tables on different devices. * Fixes stackable tables tbody color issues. * Fixes CSV import table bug. = 3.5.9 (Date: Dec 26, 2019) = * Renders styles ahead of table load. * Improves page speed issues. * Adds meta query filters. * Improves print to allow customized styles. * Improves front end editing. * Fixes import & export issues. * Fixes Non-ASCII characters from Google Sheet issues. * Fixes possible browser rendering issues. * Fixes table duplicate issues. * Fixes stackable tables to expand all issues. * Fixes iOS rendering issues. * Fixes custom filter loading issues. * Fixes colored table with stackables issues. * Fixes sticky header background issue. = 3.5.8 (Date: Nov 09, 2019) = * Adds plain text export support for CSV. * Adds Non-ASCII characters support for label filtering. * Adds dynamic table ID placeholder for custom CSS. * Fixed Stackable table frontend editing bug. * Fixed WooCommerce custom Buy Now button text. * Fixed missing transform value rendering bug. * Fixed sticky header bug. * Fixed stackable table print issue. * Fixed rowspan bug for paginated data. = 3.5.7 (Date: Aug 28, 2019) = * All Accessibility Issues fixed so far (y) * Filtering issue fixed for number range * Date format bug fixed * Spinner effect improved * PHP warning fixed * Added filter and improvements * Number data type UX improved = 3.5.5 (Date: June 20, 2019) = * Overall Improvement for editing screen * Added inline editing for select fields * Data type issues fix * Improved filter * Added table edit link from frontend = 3.5.2 (Date: July 13, 2019) = * Security Fixes * Improve Table Rendering * Added Inline editing = 3.5.0 (Date: July 10, 2019) = * Shortcode issue fixed on Ajax Data Table Rendering * WCAG AA Compatibility issue fixed * Fix issues for non-english languages * Fix scroll to top issue * Fix filtering issue * Improvements in Backend and data rendering = 3.4.5 (Date: June 01, 2019) = * Fix issue for csv export for backend * Integrity issue resolved * Expand issue resolved for stacks table * Remove all cache option added * Shortcode rendering issue resolved =3.4.3 ( Date: May 27, 2019 ) = * Fix Shortcode rendering issue * Added few UI changes = 3.4.0 ( Date: May 24, 2019 ) = * Improved some design issues. * Added more filters for searching the data * Improve Multi-site support (100% support now) * Internal code improvement = 3.3.3 ( Date: April 08, 2019 ) = * Fix default filter issue. * Fix issue for search and transform value * Fix date rendering issue. * Improve performance = 3.3.0 ( Date: March 21, 2019 ) = * Improved table config and make it hookable * improve asset loading * Now the table comply with WCAG 2.1 AA * Added entry result counter * Fix caption for table * Overall performance improvement = 3.2.4 ( Date: January 25, 2019 ) = * Fix bug for Data sorting issues * Improve overall performance = 3.2.3 ( Date: January 19, 2019 ) = * Fix bug for data export-import json * Improve Frontend Rendering * Improve Data Sorting Issues = 3.2.0 ( Date: January 16, 2019 ) = * Fix Using Icon Markup in HTML Field * Improved Table Import Export Feature * Added Global JS error handling. Now Ninja Tables will be initialized if other plugins throw JS errors on the front end. * Added Advanced Css Classes for Table rows to styling. * Improve overall Admin UI * Added Performance improvement to load lots of data on frontend = 3.1.0 ( Date: December 24, 2018 ) = * Added Stackable Table UI * Added Default Table Configuration Option * Fix Intro Screen * Improve Table UI * Improve overall Admin UI * Editor Link bug fix for latest version of WordPress = 3.0.6 ( Date: November 28, 2018 ) = * Fix WP FluentForm Integration * Improve Other Improvements = 3.0.5 ( Date: November 26, 2018 ) = * Improve WP Fluent Form integration * Fix CSV upload bug * Date Sorting bug fix * Fix Alignment Issue for table headers * Internal Improvements * Add Gutenberg Support ( Dedicated Gutenberg Table Block Added ) = 3.0.0 ( Date: November 19, 2018 ) = * This is a major version release but it works with previous versions. Feel free to upgrade this version from any previous version * Fix issue for pagination and sorting settings save issue * Added WP Fluent Form integration (this is a big feature). * Add table UI bug fixes. * Added more styling and table design options. * We have worked over 1 month (200+ hours | 2 developers) to brigh this version, we hope you will enjoy the features. = 2.4.1 ( Date: October 08, 2018 ) = * Fix Table Search Dropdown UI issue for some theme * Make color picker more useful * Few UI and UX bug fix * Update Nag bug fix = 2.4.0 ( Date: October 05, 2018 ) = * Added Multisite Compatibility * Added Feature custom Filters * Optimize for large amount of Data Tables * Now You can add column from Table Rows Screen * Sorting Bug fixed for undefined values * Typo Fixed * Estimated Work hour for this release: 120 Human hours * Estimated Coffee consumed: 103 (Thanks to Chanchal) = 2.3.4 ( Date: August 11, 2018 ) = * Fix Sorting Issue * Added Design Suggestion on Table Design Tab * Fix Table Demo Preview for Non-Admin Users = 2.3.3 ( Date: August 09, 2018 ) = * Fix bug for date type columns = 2.3.0 ( Date: August 02, 2018 ) = * Fixed bug for rendering multiple table in a single page * Fix bug for column width and header text alignment * Fix bug for table not rendering issue = 2.2.6 ( Date: August 01, 2018 ) = * It's a big update with lots of improvement * Added Design studio for table to colorize tables visually. Now you can change settings and see instance preview * Re-Arrange Table Config Components to make things easier. * Added Duplicate Row Features ( We know you wanted this ) * You can change column configuration from table rows tab now * Added feature to import table from "Ultimate Tables" * Added feature to import table from "Data Tables Generator by Supsystic" * Added Permission for User Role based. You can assign a custom role now. * Fix few css bug for table cell text wrap issues ( Thanks to our users to report it ) = 2.1.1 ( Date: April 28, 2018 ) = * Fix Table sorting for HTML Elements * Added more customization Options on Advanced Settings * Added Select-Options for data = 2.1.0 ( Date: April 24, 2018 ) = * Fix Table sorting issues * Better Table Rendering = 2.0.9 (Date: 04-16-2018 ) = * Added Shortcode support to table cells * Add Support for colspan feature to table header * Added Custom Color Alpha * Add feature to make table cells as vertical center = 2.0.8 (Date: 04-13-2018 ) = * Added Table Styling for header element * Date and Html sorting bug fix * Added Cell-Merging Feature for Pro Version * Added Legacy Table Support = 2.0.4 (Date: 04-12-2018 ) = * Date Field Support * Iframe support on table cell * HTML sorting support * Improved CSV upload * Import From Table Press Bug Fix = 2.0.3 ( Date: 04-09-2018 ) = * Enhanced Support Non-Unicode Language for CSV import * Overall improvement for admin panel UI = 1.9.9 ( Date: 04-01-2018 ) = * Non-Unicode Language Support for import * Table Description update fix * Fix for TablePress Plugin = 1.9.8 ( Date: 03-31-2018 ) = * Edit Support for restricted column ID = 1.9.7 ( Date: 03-31-2018 ) = * Added RTL Support * CSS Fix for Safari * Table sorting bug fix * Improved table data caching = 1.9.5 ( Date: 03-21-2018 ) = * Added Caching Mechanism to load the table data faster * Make the custom table mariadb compitable * Added Table Data Filter by shortcode * Fix csv and json data import bug * Remove Conflicts with elementor = 1.9.0 = * Upgraded the admin panel slick. * More add-on compatible. * Added unlimited color schema generator with add on. * Added media upload with add on in table cells. = 1.8.4 = * Fix conflicts with jetpack notification components = 1.8.3 = * Fix table sorting by column values = 1.8.2 = * Fix html elements loading * Improve html element vuejs component = 1.8.0 = * Added WordPress Native HTML editor to the table. * Added Number Type Table Column. * Sorting table data by column. * Number type Sorting added. * Added Live Preview, Now users can preview Demo = 1.5.0 = * Added tinymce button to insert shortcode = 1.3.0 = * Added shortcodes support in table cells = 1.2.0 = * Improve speed * Support for WP latest version = 1.1.3 = * Improve TablePress Import * Add Support for older WP versions = 1.1.0 = * Added contextual Tutorial link. * Improve TablePress Import UX. * Refactor how footables render in frontend js. * Overall UX improvement. = 1.0 = * Init First version