Piotnet Forms Pro is a fast, lightweight, and highly customizable WordPress form builder. With a minimal 11KB CSS and JS load, this plugin offers powerful features like conditional logic, calculated fields, and repeater fields, as well as numerous integrations. Go beyond fixed templates and create the form you’ve always envisioned with our modern, adaptable templates.
Piotnet Forms Pro WordPress Plugin Features
- Booking Appointment
- Coupon Code Field
- Distance Calculation
- Highly Customizable Style
- Image Select Field
- Integrations
- Range Slider Field
- Input Mask
- Preview Submission
- Date calculated
- Calculated Fields Form
- Address Autocomplete
- Paypal, Stripe, Woocommerce
- Signature Field
- Register, Login, Edit Profile
- Landing Page Builder
- reCAPTCHA v3
- Remote Request
- Conditional Logic
- Submit, Edit Post
- Repeater Fields Multi Level
2.1.10 (2023/09/29)
- Fixed: Max length option error in the Number field.
- Fixed: Issue with the Acceptance field not recognizing Checkbox/Radio Button Replacement style.
- Added: Display images in the Images Select Field within Forms Preview Submission.
2.1.9 (2023/09/05)
- Update: Implemented changes to accommodate the new Stripe payment API. Resolved conflicts that arose between new Stripe accounts and Piotnet forms.
- Updated: Adapted to changes as Sendinblue transitions to Brevo.
- Added: Update contact function for Sendinblue (Brevo)
- Added: Sending message to multi recipients in Twilio Whatsapp integration
2.1.8 (2023/08/11)
- Updated type button
- Fixed issue with PDF custom font not functioning
- Updated Moolie payment
- Fixed issue where PDF did not receive values from calculated field
2.1.7 (2023/07/17)
- Fixed: Conflict with Oxygen where forms could not be saved after editing.
- Fixed: JavaScript error that occurred when choosing Button/Button with Icon style for the Checkbox field.
2.1.6 (2023/07/13)
- New controls added: Mimimum files for file upload field
- Fixed: Lack of Form ID when use Next/Previous Multi Step Form for Button
- Fixed: Emty $content when using with Bricks
- Fixed: Field duplicated when using with Avanda theme
- Fixed: Date format error that occurred when using the booking form
- 2.1.5 (2023/06/18)
- Fixed: Forms Editor disabled in used with Bricks themes
- Fixed: Image upload field error when forms only have this field
- Optimized: Admin.min.js and admin.min.css will no longer load by default in the Dashboard
2.1.4 (2023/05/29)
- Fixed: Google Tag Manager not working
- Fixed: Icon button not displaying properly
- Fixed: Reset Ranger Slider after submitting forms
- Optimized: Add “Check existing email address” in Form Database
- Optimized: Add shortcode for Conditional Logic “set value”
- Optimized: Adjust the maximum ID list for “activecampaign”
- Optimized: Add Custom In-line Classes applied to container in Submit Button
2.1.3 (2023/05/13)
- Fixed: Redirect action not working
- Fixed: Upload File error not working with WooCommerce Checkout
- Fixed: “Add Meta Order Item” error when using WooCommerce Checkout vs Multi-step form
- Fixed: Maximum Upload File not working
- Optimized: Add “Text Align” for PDF Generator
- Optimized: Restrict CSS and JS Loading of Piotnet Forms
2.1.2 (2023/04/28)
- Fixed: A Conflict vs Avada Theme
- Fixed: “Get List ID” error in Twilio SendGrid integration
- Fixed: Decimal and Separator Character error in Calculated field
- Fixed: Input Mask not working in Elementor PopUp
- Fixed: Tel Field conflicts vs Astra Theme
- Fixed: Tel Field not working in Elementor PopUp
- Optimized: Add Confirmation Button when deleting a post (Frontend Submission)
2.1.1 (2023/04/12)
- Fixed: Multistep form error after submitting a form
- Fixed: Form ID “Null” error
- Optimized: Add Control Title Step Color in Multistep Form
- Optimized: Add Required Notification Message for some field types
2.1.0 (2023/03/22)
- Fixed: PHP 8.0 error
- Optimized: Update PDF Generator controls
- Optimized: Address autocomplete field to multiple countries
- Optimized: Add quantity limitation for Upload file type
2.0.27 (2023/02/24)
- Fixed: Select Autocomplete not working on Firefox and Edge
- Optimized: Add “Quantity option” for WooCommerce Checkout
- Optimized: Support ACF and Metabox Group Subfields
2.0.26 (2023/02/15)
- Fixed: WooCommerce dynamic pricing in the mini card
- Fixed: Stripe + Register actions error.
2.0.25 (2023/02/08)
- Fixed: Register and Update User error with Metabox Image Custom Field
- Fixed: Form_ID issue in Multi-step form
- Fixed: Upload file and Stripe payment error
- Fixed: PHP 8 error
- Optimized: Add “Select autocomplete” in the Term Select type
2.0.24 (2023/01/17)
- Fixed: Twilio SendGrid not working in the Multistep form
- Fixed: Remote IP in Dynamic Field Values
- Fixed: Conditional Logic not working with Image Select field type.
- Fixed: Copy Field Shortcode
- Optimized: Spam preventing the possibility of reCaptcha
- Optimized: Dynamic pricing Elementor in menu cart (mini card)
- Optimized: Add custom font
2.0.23 (2022/12/25)
- Fixed: Upload file field not working on WooCommerce Checkout
- Fixed: Piotnet Forms conflicts Nav Menu of Bricks Builder
- Optimized: Implement “Step option” in the Number field
- Added: a JS hook after submitting successfully.
2.0.22 (2022/12/08)
- Fixed: SendGrid Custom Field issue
- Fixed: “Submit Post” issue with Metabox, JetEngine Repeater field
- Optimized: Add a notification option for Mollie Payment
- Optimized: Add new filter: piotnetforms/form_builder/validate_pre_submit_form
2.0.21 (2022/11/30)
- Fixed: Conditional Logic works incorrectly with Radio Checkbox.
- Fixed: CSS text-align issue for the HTML field.
- Fixed: The Booking form not working when duplicating a form.
2.0.20 (2022/11/25)
- Fixed: Calculated field issue.
- Fixed: Piotnet Forms conflicts Zion Builder.
- Fixed: Debounce Live Preview.
- Optimized: Add the “receipt email” in Stripe payment.
2.0.19 (2022/11/09)
- Fixed: Conditional Logic not working versus Checkbox field in complicated setup.
- Fixed: Focus styles not working on Form Settings
- Fixed: Label Animation with Textarea field.
- Fixed: Revise JSON.pase file for Range Slider Field
2.0.18 (2022/10/31)
- Fixed: Getresponse dayOfCycle error.
- Fixed: “Send data by Label” function error.
2.0.17 (2022/10/24)
- Fixed: Required field not working on WooCommerce Checkout
- Fixed: Color of Typography errors in PDF Generator.
- Added: Current user information to Dynamic tags.
2.0.16 (2022/10/11)
- Fixed: Undefined index placeholder.
- Fixed: “Image Select” not working on Popup Elementor.
- Fixed: A PDF Generator error.
2.0.15 (2022/09/26)
- Fixed: The alignment of Submit button not working when applying Conditional Logic.
- Fixed: The address autocomplete field not working properly in the repeater section.
- Optimized: PayPal once time & PayPal subscription not working simultaneously on Editor.
- Optimized: Charge Amount element in Stripe Payment.
2.0.14 (2022/09/16)
- Fixed: An issue when putting {{post_title}} in Email Subject.
- Fixed: Filling Values in Repeater is not correct in “Edit Post”.
- Optimized: Allowance files in “Upload files”.
- Added: Responsive Feature in Advanced Tabs.
- Added: Scroll the Required Multistep form (Image Select/Image Upload Field Type)
- Added: Dynamic Tags – CSS Variables.
2.0.13 (2022/09/09)
- Fixed: An issue with the color of PDF Generator.
- Fixed: Conditional Logic feature not working with Required fields.
2.0.12 (2022/08/27)
- Fixed: Tiny MCE not working with Bricks or Oxygen.
- Removed: Required minimum version of PHP 7.1
2.0.11 (2022/08/23)
- Fixed: Dropdown icon conflicts with Bricks theme
- Fixed: Cannot drag & drop widget (conflict with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons & Extra Options Premium)
- Added: Min length of characters/words for a Textarea Field.
- Added: Padding for Dynamic Tags for email.
- Optimized: Editor Loading Speed on the low-resource server.
2.0.10 (2022/08/11)
- Fixed: Conflict Issue with Elementor 3.7.0
- Fixed: An issue with authenticating Google Sheets.
- Optimized: Update the new HubSpot API method.
2.0.9 (2022/08/04)
- Fixed: Stripe not loading correctly in Firefox.
- Fixed: PayPal Subscription token.
- Fixed: Dropdown icon issue of the Select field.
- Fixed: Widget Spacer not working on the frontend.
- Fixed: Image/Upload file field issue
- Fixed: Undefined offset error of Range Slider.
- Added: JSON format for options of Range Slider.
- Added: An option to hide the “Submit Button” after submitting success.
- Optimized: Conditional Logic and Calculated field on complex forms.
2.0.8 (2022/07/25)
- Fixed: PayPal + Conditional Logic issue.
- Fixed: Cannot render widgets with null data
- Fixed: Select Image in Multi-step forms issue.
- Fixed: Date field conflicts with Hello Elementor theme.
- Added: Post Titles + Post IDs in Dynamic Tags
- Added: PayPal Subscription for Multi-step forms.
- Optimized: The error handling for Stripe Subscription.
- Optimized: JS and CSS.
2.0.7 (2022/07/13)
- Fixed: Conditional Logic not working properly with the Radio field.
- Fixed: Dynamic Tags post_terms “link:true” not working.
- Fixed: Forms keep saving database and turn on popup even when registering a fail
- Fixed: The colors code in PDF.
- Fixed: Date Range function not working properly.
- Added: Post_Id short code of “Submit Post”.
- Added: Scroll required files (Image select, Image upload).
- Optimized: Check IP Address for International Tel field.
- Optimized: Change dropdown Menu on Admin bar with Editor permission.
- Optimized: Loading Speed Improvement – JS and CSS (only 42 KB)
2.0.6 (2022/07/06)
- Fixed: Form Database issue
- Optimized: Stripe Payment core
2.0.4 (2022/07/05)
- Fixed: International prefixed – has a glitch on a left-to-right script.
- Fixed: An issue with Image alignment on the image select field.
- Fixed: Align function not working if applying for Flexbox (Image Select).
- Fixed: Dynamic field values not working properly with WooCommerce.
- Fixed: Labels in the CSV file disappear when combining Repeater and other fields (Form Database).
- Fixed: duplicate Submit Action inside Oxygen modal.
- Added: The Select2 option for the Terms Select field.
- Optimized: Detect default countries for International Telephone Input.
- Optimized: Update Stripe library to version 8.9.0.
- Optimized: Only Admin permission can access the Settings plugin page.
- Optimized: Change the Password type for API key fields on the Settings plugin page.
2.0.3 (2022/06/30)
- Integration with ACF relationship fields.
- Hide Piotnetforms post type from the front end.
- Fixed: access permission of CSS assets.
- Fixed: jQuery Mask Input conflict with Rank Math SEO plugin.
2.0.2 (2022/06/24)
- Added: option Subscribe to Beta updates to Plugin setting page.
- Fixed: Signature field doesn’t work on Mobile.
- Fixed: Flatpickr control in Editor doesn’t work.
2.0.1 (2022/06/20)
- New: Confirm field.
- Fixed: an issue in Editor.
- Fixed: Twilio Sendgrid renders incorrect data
- Set delay for change event of Mini Colors Input in Editor.
2.0.0 (2022/06/20)
- Piotnet Forms 2.0 official release. Read more details here.
2.0.0-beta6 (2022/06/17)
- Added: a zoom-out icon to the Editor.
- Added: Label for Custom Field Item on Submit Post Section.
- Added: Dynamic fields for Google Calendar settings.
- Added: Error handling when Save form.
- Optimize and Fixed: bugs in Navigator.
- Fixed: disappear Save button when editing Form Setting.
- Fixed: Checkbox field of JetEngine does not work with the Edit Post.
- Fixed: edit post with Repeater.
- Fixed: WooCommerce Checkout page not working on the first load.
- Fixed: Summary field setting in Google Calendar issue.
2.0.0-beta5 (2022/06/14)
- Fixed: Set child for Column in Navigator.
- The updated text content of widgets in Navigator.
2.0.0-beta4 (2022/06/14)
- New enhancement for Navigator in Editor.
- Support limit multiple selections of the Checkbox Field.
- Fixed: The International Tel Field does not work on Repeater.
- Fixed: Send raw shortcode when the field is empty in Google Sheets.
- Fixed: Submit form doesn’t show a message when creating the checkbox or radio field for the first time.
- Fixed: requires date Flatpickr option.
- Fixed: editor width when WordPress sidebar is collapsed.
2.0.0-beta3 (2022/06/04)
- Optimize drag and drop widgets in Editor.
- Added: term id into the dynamic tag.
- Added: Modern Style for File Upload.
- Navigator in Editor is resizable.
- Optimized: the check license plugin.
- Fixed: repeater value when editing Post.
- Reset the modern upload field after sending form data.
- Fixed: Date field style and Placeholder missing.
- Fixed: form tag.
- Fixed: File Upload not added: a new line when sending URL in Email.
- Fixed: The “Attach files to email, do not upload to upload folder” feature not working with the Image Upload field.
2.0.0-beta2 (2022/05/27)
- Added: attach PDF option for the Multi-step form.
- Added: Contains condition for Submit button.
- Update PayPal subscription.
- Fixed: International Telephone Input does not show flags
- Fixed: Warning: Attempt to read property “post_type” for bricks theme.
- Fixed: An issue with the user meta key in Register.
- Fixed: Required alert in the Multi-step form.
2.0.0-beta1 (2022/05/23)
- Piotnet Forms 2.0 opens the first beta. Read more details here.
1.2.16 (2022/05/21)
- Added: min length option for Tel field.
- Added: members to the Constant Contact list.
- Fixed: an issue of Select Autocomplete Field in the Multistep Form.
1.2.15 (2022/05/15)
- Fixed: requires a select autocomplete field when using conditional logic.
- Fixed: condition logic issues.
1.2.14 (2022/05/09)
- Fixed: Flatpickr doesn’t work in Multi-Step form.
1.2.13 (2022/05/09)
- Fixed: a condition logic issue for Select multiple field.
- Fixed: bug International Telephone Input does not show flags and remove an error of intlTelInput in the console tab.
1.2.12 (2022/05/06)
- Added: International Telephone Input with Flags and Dial Codes.
- Update Constant Contact API.
- Fixed: Flatpickr doesn’t work in Multi-Step form.
- Fixed: a conditional issue.
1.2.11 (2022/04/27)
- Added: Show/hide Progress bar option for Multistep Form.
- Updated: Address field required for Mailchimp API.
- Fixed: condition checked and unchecked.
- Fixed: bcc and cc in email/email2.
1.2.10 (2022/04/24)
- Added: option to attach PDF file to the email.
- Fixed: conflict with Vj WP Import Export plugin.
1.2.9 (2022/04/19)
- Update ConstantContact authorization URL.
- Fixed: newline error in PDF text area fields.
1.2.8 (2022/04/08)
- Fixed: license system conflicts with WPML plugin.
1.2.7 (2022/04/07)
- Fixed: Calculated field calculate the incorrect value with a decimal symbol.
- Fixed: can’t clear the value of Select control in Editor.
1.2.6 (2022/04/06)
- Fixed: license system conflicts with WPML plugin.
- Fixed: an issue of Textarea with a newline in Live Preview mode.
- Fixed: using default font incorrectly.
1.2.5 (2022/03/31)
- Fixed: when using Remove empty field then Export database incorrect.
- Fixed: using default font incorrectly.
- Fixed: conflict CSS with Divi plugin.
1.2.4 (2022/03/26)
- Fixed: The license gets an incorrect expired date with old PHP versions.
- Fixed: The dropdown of the Select field is shown on the Image select.
- Fixed: Form Entries not counting correctly the form submissions.
1.2.3 (2022/03/21)
- Fixed: The Signature field doesn’t work with conditional logic.
- Fixed: An issue when deleting the image of the Image Select field.
1.2.2 (2022/03/18)
- Tweak: Change font default to inherit.
- Fixed: The TinyMCE format doesn’t show in Submit post.
- Fixed: The dropdown doesn’t show in the Select field.
1.2.1 (2022/03/08)
- Added: dynamic tags for Remote IP.
- Added: image preview for the image field.
- Tweak: Update preview label option for Select, Checkbox, and Radio field.
- Tweak: Update post_author for Submit Post when using with Register.
- Fixed: Check to update new version plugin.
- Fixed: Dropdown select CSS.
- Fixed: The date field not working when using Flatpickr custom option in the repeater.
1.2.0 (2022/03/07)
- The new license dashboard (experiment) is out now. Now you can manage your activated websites at here.
1.1.26 (2022/02/19)
- Added: shorcode [post_url] for Remote Request.
- Added: limit entries option for submit button.
- Fixed: notification doesn’t show when duplicate Email or Username.
- Fixed: an issue of Register and Update User Profile with Metabox and Toolset Integration.
- Fixed: Border style of Select Field.
- Fixed: display incorrect form when using shortcode widget of Bricks theme.
- Fixed: an issue of custom message of Submit button.
1.1.25 (2022/02/09)
- New Feature: Integrate the MetaBox Group with the Submit post and the Edit post.
- Added: new action hook to process Remote Request data:
do_action(‘piotnetforms/form_builder/remote_request_response’, $form_submission, $remote_request_response, $webhook_response);
- Added: new filter hook to custom response message of Submit button:
apply_filters(‘piotnetforms/form_builder/custom_message’, false, $form_submission, $remote_request_response, $webhook_response);
- Added: new filter hook to decide send email or not:
apply_filters(‘piotnetforms/form_builder/not_send_email’, false, $form_submission, $remote_request_response, $webhook_response);
- Fixed: Added:ress Autocomplete Map display broken image.
1.1.24 (2022/01/28)
- Update Responsive for label inline.
- Fixed: Signature Pad doesn’t work on Multi-Step forms.
- Fixed: display incorrect form in Editor mode with Bricks thems.
- Fixed: undefined shortcode of Stripe.
1.1.22 (2021/12/25)
- Integration Toolset Field to Register Form Builder and Update User Profile.
- Added: press enter option to submit the form.
- Fixed: an issue with SendGrid.
- Fixed: an issue of Preview on Editor.
- Fixed: conflict with Bricks theme.
1.1.21 (2021/12/18)
- Added: option to save form data to PDF file after submission.
- Added: mollie payment status shortcode to email 2.
- Fixed: Repeater Field issue with Conditional logic.
- Fixed: an issue when setting the default value is empty.
1.1.20 (2021/12/11)
- Added: custom required message for Textarea field.
- Fixed: an issue of Calculated field.
- Fixed: conditional logic for number type.
- Fixed: form working incorrectly in some cases with an empty value.
1.1.19 (2021/12/04)
- Integrate MetaBox Field with Register Form Builder and Update User Profile.
- Added: Input width style for Image upload field.
- Update Mollie payment status for shortcode.
- Fixed: conflict with Bricks themes.
- Fixed: signature required issue.
- Fixed: live preview of repeater items.
- Fixed: time format for Time field.
- Fixed: can’t display the Date field of ACF Repeater form in Submit post.
- Fixed: an issue of the Calculated field.
- Do re-calculate for number field when updating the min or max value.
- Fixed: Text align style of Field is incorrect.
1.1.18 (2021/11/08)
- Added: Iban field.
- Added: Mollie payment status shortcode to email.
- Fixed: Signature field on Safari iOS 15.
- Fixed: an issue of ConvertKit.
- Fixed: an issue of Woocommerce checkout redirect.
- Fixed: Paypal shortcode not working with Checkbox and Radio.
1.1.15 (2021/10/22)
- Inline label for form field.
- Added: new filter hooks to change the path of the Upload File: piotnetforms/form_builder/upload_dir and piotnetforms/form_builder/upload_dir/file_name
- Fixed: display issue of checkbox, acceptance, and radio fields.
1.1.14 (2021/10/13)
- Added: request_post for Dynamic Tags.
- Improvement security issues.
- Fixed: Register Form is not working with ACF Field.
- Fixed: display issue of Select Autocomplete Field in Popup.
1.1.13 (2021/10/08)
- Fixed: an issue with the Copy & Paste style function on the Editor page.
- Fixed: repeater returns raw shortcode when using Remove Empty Field.
- Fixed: an issue with Stripe payment.
- Fixed: Select Autocomplete Field of not working in Popup.
1.1.12 (2021/10/02)
- New feature: Editor Navigator (Structure).
- Added: new action hook for Abandonment: piotnetforms_action_form_abandonment
- Added: option to remove option value for number field.
- Fixed: Booking Form can’t load in Elementor shortcode.
- Fixed: an issue of Live Preview Field Value: Do not receive the value of Checkbox, Radio field.
1.1.11 (2021/09/27)
- Support create Stripe invoice payment.
- Fixed: The typography style of Text field is not working.
1.1.10 (2021/09/22)
- New feature: ConvertKit integration.
- Change ActiveCampaign API to v3.
- Fixed: Form Abandonment does not save the value of Add:ress Autocomplete Field.
1.1.9 (2021/09/15)
- Added: Link target for Lost Password.
- Fixed: PHP syntax error.
1.1.8 (2021/09/10)
- Added: ACF options to user register in the Multi-step widget.
- Fixed: Update User Profile can’t display the value of the Checkbox field.
- Fixed: Typography and background color style of Select field not working.
- Fixed: a bug of condition in the repeater.
- Fixed: the amount of Mollie payment for the calculation field.
1.1.7 (2021/09/06)
- Added: Justify Content for Multi-step form.
- Fixed: an issue with the Form Submission widget.
- Fixed: A Webhook issue of Form Abandonment.
- Fixed: Update User Profile can’t display the value of the Checkbox field.
- Fixed: Input padding style of Select field not working.
1.1.5 (2021/08/30)
- Added: new options for Hubspot: Get group list and Get property list.
- Added: a custom message for minimal selection.
- Added: Item Spacing CSS option for the Radio field and the Check box field.
- Fixed: a bug with the Form Entries widget on the Editor page.
- Fixed: (+/-) button of Number field isn’t working when don’t set min/max value.
- Fixed: Style control for the “Select Autocomplete” field is not working.
- Fixed: Redirect URL for Mollie’s payment.
1.1.3 (2021/08/23)
- Added: Webhook for Form Abandonment.
- Added: “Input Height” style for the TinyMCE field.
- Added: align image select field.
- Get the list of form IDs and field labels automatically.
- Fixed: doesn’t show invalid fields when clicking the Paypal button in Firefox.
- Fixed: an issue of Dynamic Tag Post Url.
1.1.2 (2021/08/17)
- New option to support import font for Stripe.
- New option to send a confirmation email for Mailchimp.
- New option to support Subscription use only the price for Stripe.
- Added: Twilio Whatsapp and Twilio SMS Integration into Multistep Form.
- Update Widget icons.
- Reorder Widgets in Editor.
- Fixed: can’t display the Date field in the Update User Profile.
- Fixed: calculated field in the repeater form is not working with “Edit post”.
- Fixed: an issue for authentication of Zoho CRM.
- Fixed: Numeric field doesn’t work when reloading at Incognito mode.
1.1.1 (2021/08/07)
- Fixed: a bug of New widget to display the form data.
1.1.0 (2021/08/06)
- New feature: Mollie Payments. Check out the document here.
- New widget for displaying the form data. Check out the document here.
- Added: SendFox and Sendy Integration into Multistep Form.
- Fixed: an issue with MailChimp Acceptance field.
- Fixed: a Paypal issue with form id containing a space character.
- Fixed: Submit button doesn’t work when using Image Select field with Condition Logic.
[FREE] 1.0.19 (2021/07/30)
- Tested up to WordPress 5.8
1.0.95 (2021/07/27)
- Added: MailChimp tags for Subscribers.
- Added: custom style for Stripe field.
- Added: the Acceptance field for Hubspot Integration.
- Added: “Item Vertical Spacing” style for the Checkbox field.
- Fixed: a repeater issue in the Form Database.
- Fixed: Date Field and Time Field display duplicate in Repeater on mobile.
- Fixed: can’t click the Next button in Multistep form when having the required field that is hidden by conditional logic.
1.0.94 (2021/07/14)
- Added: “minuteIncrement” option of Flatpickr for Time field.
- Added: Google Calendar and Hubspot into Multistep form.
- Change default time format value of Time field to ‘h:i K’.
- Integrate ACF plugin with Register.
- Fixed: the Hubspot API key that doesn’t save on the Setting page.
- Fixed: can’t Set value for Image Field when Submit Post/Edit Post with ACF Repeater.
- Fixed: SignaturePad doesn’t work on Firefox.
- Fixed: Calculated Fields calculate an incorrect value for floating numbers.
- Fixed: Email content include raw Shortcode when using Remove empty field.
- Fixed: a CSS issue of Checkbox, Radio, Acceptance field.
- Fixed: metadata for Webhook doesn’t work.
- Fixed: conflict with Oxgen plugin when using Firefox to submit the form.
- Fixed: display the value of Date field in Repeater when “Edit post”.
- Fixed: an issue of Field when enabling “Remove empty field”.
1.0.93 (2021/07/03)
- Support dynamic custom file name PDF by shortcode.
- Remove the PAFE tutorial video on the Setting page.
- Fixed: bug of number field type when setting Min-Max value, it could not fill value from the keyboard.
- Fixed: the Date field of Meta Box integration display incorrectly.
- Fixed: bug the conditional logic use repeater multi-levels together in the Edit Post page.
- Fixed: can’t select Image on the Editor page.
- Fixed: Invalid Message display incorrect when Submit form using Stripe Payment.
- Fixed: can’t submit Stripe form when Checkbox field is required and hidden by Conditional Logic.
- Fixed: an issue of Date Time format.
1.0.92 (2021/06/23)
- Fixed: Calculated Fields format incorrect for floating-point number.
- Fixed: Coupon Code Fields not working when don’t have any Coupon data.
1.0.91 (2021/06/19)
- New conditional visibility: Visibility by Date and Time.
- Added: a new action hook for Form Abandonment.
- Added: custom modules for Zoho CRM.
- Added: types of fields for Zoho CRM: Checkbox, Boolean, Multi-select, date type.
- Fixed: an issue with Google Font.
- Fixed: a Sendinblue issue when adding a contact to the list.
- Fixed: an issue about Zoho in Multi-step form.
1.0.90 (2021/06/08)
- New: Sendgrid integration. Check out the document here.
- Integrate the JetEngine Repeater with the Submit post and the Edit post.
- Fixed: can’t update User Profile.
- Fixed: an issue when setup authorization for Zoho CRM.
- Fixed: an issue with the PDF generator.
1.0.89 (2021/06/01)
- Image select field: Added: minimum selected images requirement.
- Fixed: Background Color CSS in Global Settings doesn’t work.
- Fixed: an issue about Google Sheets when using Conditional Logic.
- Fixed: an issue about Woocommerce Checkout in Multi-Step form.
1.0.88 (2021/05/21)
- Fixed: an issue when using the upload file in the repeater.
- Fixed: show/hide Subscriptions Plan List of Stripe Payment in Editor.
- Fixed: an issue when importing forms.
1.0.87 (2021/05/19)
- New Filter Hook before submitting:
apply_filters( ‘piotnetforms/form_builder/form_settings’, $settings);
- Fixed: an issue about the Range Slider field with complex options.
1.0.86 (2021/05/18)
- Allow removing the value of Select field type in Editor.
- Fixed: calculate incorrectly when removing repeater items.
- Fixed: a PDF generator issue.
1.0.85 (2021/05/17)
- Fixed: calculate incorrect for repeater items.
1.0.84 (2021/05/15)
- Added: new metadata shortcode.
- Fixed: font-weight in Global Style.
- Fixed: redirect when using Stripe payment and redirect forms.
- Remove license email on the Setting page.
1.0.83 (2021/05/10)
- Added: Hubspot integration.
- Fixed: WooCommerce Checkout incompatible with Piotnet Addons For Elementor Pro.
- Fixed: an Acceptance style issue.
1.0.82 (2021/05/08)
- Added: new Sendinblue Email Marketing Integration.
- New tool for Activecampaign: Update information of existing contacts.
- Added: a new shortcode for ZohoCRM: [Remote_IP].
- Added: delete post shortcode into submit button and multi-step form.
- Change edit post shortcode from edit_post to piotnetforms_edit_post.
- Fixed: ing: Can’t redirect when enabling ReCaptcha.
- Fixed: ing: Image select fields not showing on Mozilla and on Mobile.
- Fixed: ing: ACF Repeater value in Multi-Step Forms not displaying when using Edit Post feature.
- Fixed: ing: The edit post shortcode is not showing in Multi-Step Form (on the editor page).
- Remove Footer HTML and JS if the shortcode is not there.
- Remove PAFE form builder post type from Yoast Seo plugin.
1.0.81 (2021/04/20)
- Fixed: an issue that calculated fields don’t show separator characters when enabling “Always show decimal places”.
- Fixed: an issue that date fields require incorrect on mobile.
1.0.80 (2021/04/12)
- Fixed: a Stripe issue.
- Fixed: can’t redirect when enabling ReCaptcha.
1.0.79 (2021/04/02)
- Fixed: Google Sheets repeater issue.
- Fixed: the form not loading full width in Oxygen editor.
- Fixed: a PDF generator issue.
- Fixed: a Stripe issue.
- Fixed: an Image Upload issue.
- Fixed: a box-shadow CSS for the field.
- Fixed: text color CSS for select type.
- Fixed: compare password issue.
- Fixed: can’t update email in User Profile.
- Fixed: a radio field shortcode issue.
1.0.78 (2021/03/26)
- New shortcode for delete post: piotnetforms_delete_post.
- New: Show/Hidden and compare password field.
- Hide “Remove Button” when having only one item repeater.
- Hide “Added: Button” when the items repeater reaches the max limit.
- Handle register duplicate username and email.
- Added: checkbox and radio field for Mailchimp.
- Fixed: CSS issues: Submit Button, Boxshadow Color.
- Fixed: issue about conditional logic for submit button.
- Fixed: issues: Date field, Flatpickr custom options, delete post shortcode, showing the invalid message.
- Improve Accessibility: Focusable Submit Button.
1.0.77 (2021/03/12)
- New: Redirect open new tab.
- Fixed: redirect after submitting issue.
1.0.76 (2021/03/12)
- Fixed: redirect after submitting issue.
1.0.75 (2021/03/11)
- New: Sendfox integration. Check out the document here.
- New: Hide field data for form database.
- New: Edit contact for ActiveCampaign.
- Fixed: issues about Stripe payment, Honeypot, and dynamic tag.
- Disable the click Submit button when sending data.
- Fixed: conflict with Germanized For Woocommerce plugin.
1.0.74 (2021/03/02)
- New: Twilio Whatsapp integration. Check out the document here.
- New: Twilio SMS integration. Check out the document here.
- New feature: Live preview field value. Check out the document here.
- Added: Send As HTML/Plain Option for Multistep Form.
- Added: link option for the text widget.
- Remove plus button when uploading max-file.
- Fixed: breaking for Textarea field.
- Remove empty field for PDF Generator.
- Fixed: issues about popup, MailerLite, and field shortcode.
- Fixed: remove line if field empty.
1.0.72 (2021/02/22)
- New: Sendy integration. Check out the document here.
- New: Pods integration.
- New: Meta Box integration.
- New: Custom PDF filename.
- New: Added: metadata for email 2.
- New: Send email as HTML and plain.
- Fixed: booking bug.
- Fixed: the Zoho bug.
- Fixed: breaking email content.
- Fixed: redirect after Submit.
- Fixed: Conditional Logic Google sheets.
1.0.71 (2021/01/27)
- Fixed: ActiveCampaign variable.
- Fixed: submit post radio and checkbox value in ACF repeater.
- Fixed: Google Sheet.
- Fixed: ACF checkbox field always returns true.
- Fixed: required for booking fields.
- Fixed: required validation is not working in with WooCommerce checkout.
1.0.70 (2021/01/23)
- Fixed: the signature filename issue.
- Fixed: email content.
- Fixed: checking checkboxes.
- Fixed: multiple date fields in a form.
1.0.69 ( 2021/01/12 )
- Fixed: thumbnail and URL of Signature field.
- Fixed: User Meta Key issue.
1.0.67 ( 2021/01/07 )
- Fixed: select autocomplete field in repeater form.
- Fixed: conflict with PHP 8.
1.0.66 ( 2021/01/06 )
- Fixed: Global Settings Issues
1.0.65 ( 2021/01/06 )
- New Feature: Global Settings ( Global Form Style ) – Click on the Gear Icon of the Editor Bottom
- Fixed: Date Field
1.0.64 ( 2020/12/30 )
- New Feature: Copy and Paste Styles ( Just right clicking and selecting Copy Style, Paste Style )
- Fixed: Woocommerce Checkout Redirect
1.0.62 ( 2020/12/28 )
- New Feature: Conditional for actions after submission.
- Fixed: Submit ID Shortcode.
- Fixed: cart item uncorrected data when Adding to cart.
- Fixed: Conflict CSS for Added: Order Items in Woocommerce.
1.0.61 ( 2020/12/23 )
- Fixed: default value for Preview Submission.
- Fixed: LTR TinyMCE.
- Fixed: Remove this field from Repeater.
- New feature: Added: column vertical-align CSS.
- Import font for PDF.
- Change field id to the label for Form Database.
- Added: form id, status column into Form Database, and Form Abandonment.
- New feature: Preview template for PDF.
1.0.60 ( 2020/12/19 )
- New Feature: Change the element width by grabbing the right border and drag to the desired width. You can change element width at Advanced Tab > Advanced > Width.
- Fixed: the calculated field calculate incorrectly with thousand separators.
1.0.59 ( 2020/12/18 )
- New Feature: Slack Webhook Integration https://piotnetforms.com/docs/webhook-slack/
- Fixed: Textarea Max Length
- Fixed: Preview Submission With Conditional Logic Field
- Fixed: Message of Stripe Payment Form with Multi Submit Button
- Fixed: invalid message of radio and checkbox field
1.0.58 ( 2020/12/14 )
- Fixed: Editor Issues
- Fixed: Calculated Fields
1.0.56 ( 2020/12/08 )
- Fixed: Signature Pad disappear when scrolling.
- Fixed: MailPoet can’t send a duplicate email.
- Fixed: handling license key.
- Fixed: Multi Step Form.
1.0.55 ( 2020/12/08 )
- Fixed: Conditional Visibility
- Fixed: Stripe Payment
- Fixed: Required Field With Conditional Logic
- Fixed: Editor Issues
1.0.52 ( 2020/12/07 )
- Fixed: MailPoet can’t send a duplicate email.
- Fixed: loading Editor.
1.0.51 ( 2020/12/06 )
- Auto Generate Form ID (from Form Title) for Field Widget
- Select Field Shortcode
1.0.41 ( 2020/11/30 )
- Added: Google Sheets Tab Option
- Dynamic Field Value for Select, Options
- Fixed: Required Field
- Remove Piotnet Forms HTML in Footer if Piotnet Forms isn’t used
1.0.40 ( 2020/11/26 )
- Fixed: Form Builder Editor not loading
- Fixed: Calculated Field
- Fixed: Select Autocomplete Field Required
- New dynamic value tags: {{post_id}} {{post_title}} {{post_url}} {{shortcode | shortcode:[your_short_code]}}
1.0.38 ( 2020/11/23 )
- New Feature: Google Calendar https://piotnetforms.com/docs/google-calendar/
- Fixed: Date Field Language
1.0.37 ( 2020/11/03 )
- Fixed: Export Form Submission ( Form Database )
- New Actions Hook: https://piotnetforms.com/docs/actions-hook-filter-hook/
do_action(‘piotnetforms/form_builder/payment_status_succeeded’,$form_submission); - Added: Email From Option For Submit Button
1.0.34 ( 2020/11/01 )
- Fixed: Issues With Oxygen Builder.
If you have the issue, please follow this tutorial https://piotnetforms.com/docs/Fixed: -piotnet-forms-issues-with-oxygen-builder/ - Fixed: Typography in Form Editor
1.0.33 ( 2020/11/01 )
- Added: Paypal Locale
- Fixed: Min Value 0 for Number Field
- Fixed: Word Break on Form Editor Panel
1.0.32 ( 2020/10/30 )
- Fixed: Form Submit Issue Inside the Oxygen Modal
- Fixed: Image Width
- Fixed: Form Submit Conditional Logic
- Fixed: Empty Actions After Submit
- Fixed: get google fonts and font awesome issue
- Fixed: Form Not Full Width With Oxygen
1.0.29 ( 2020/10/27 )
- Publish Form After Save
- Duplicate Form
- Fixed: Send Data By Label for Select, Image Select Field
1.0.28 ( 2020/10/24 )
- Fixed: Select Typography
1.0.26 ( 2020/10/23 )
- Fixed: Saving Issue
- Auto Fill Field ID
- Added: Loading Icon for Save Button
- Added: Back to WordPress Dashboard Button
- Fixed: Image Width, Position
- Fixed: Added: (+/-) Button for Number Field
1.0.23 ( 2020/10/21 )
- Fixed: Oxygen Conflict Issue
1.0.22 ( 2020/10/17 )
- Update Checkbox / Radio Style
1.0.18 ( 2020/10/02 )
- Optimize Enqueue JS/CSS Files
1.0.16 ( 2020/09/30 )
- Added: More Checkbox / Radio Style Options
1.0.15 ( 2020/09/24 )
- New Feature: Label Animation https://piotnetforms.com/docs/label-animation/
1.0.11 ( 2020/09/23 )
- Added: Piotnet Forms Shortcodes in your Post / Page to Fixed: Woocommerce Checkout, Css Loading ( You can see this section below the post/page content )
1.0.10 ( 2020/09/22 )
- Update Editor CSS
- Update MailerLite
- Update PDF Generator Multiple Size
- Added: option Disable Form Database ( You can see this option on Submit Button Settings )
- Fixed: Icon
1.0.6 ( 2020/09/21 )
- Dynamic Value for Field Default Value
- Remove License
1.0.5 ( 2020/09/20 )
Fixed: Edit Post Shortcode
1.0.1 ( 2020/09/19 )
Fixed: Select Field Style
1.0.0 ( 2020/09/18 )Fww SdateOpt\