Premium Addons Pro presents an array of highly beneficial Elementor Widgets & Addons designed to elevate the quality of your upcoming website. Both the Free and PRO versions encompass 50 widgets and addons each, providing a comprehensive toolkit to expedite the completion of your website projects with efficiency and precision.
Premium Addons Pro WordPress Plugin Feature
- Visualize Your Data Beautifully
- Be Reachable and Generate Leads Easier
- Modular & Lightweight
- Boost Conversions With Social Proofs
- White Labeling Done Right
- Advanced Content with Zero Coding
- A Huge Upgrade to Elementor Sections
- Maximize Online Exposure with Social Media
- Make Your Images Glow
- Responsive & Cross Browser
- Get Rid Off-the-Grid
- 50 Widgets & Addons
- 100% White Labeled
= 2.9.10 = - Tweak: Added option to apply Particles addon on whole page through Elementor page settings. - Tweak: Added responsive controls to Display option in Content Toggle widget. - Fixed: Disable Snappy Effect on Touch Devices in Horizontal Scroll widget not working. - Fixed: Flickering issue with Image Sequence effect in Magic Scroll addon. = 2.9.9 = - Tweak: Divider widget rebuilt - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/divider-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/). - Tweak: Option to Disable Scroll on Accordion Item Click added in in Tabs widget. = 2.9.8 = - Tweak: Added option to hide Horizontal Scroll widget slides on desktop devices. - Fixed: Unnecessary HTML markup rendered in the table widget. - Fixed: Feed is duplicated in Facebook and Behance Feed widgets. - Fixed: Facebook and Behance Feed widgets not working on the frontend. = 2.9.7 = - Tweak: Added SVG Code option in Site Logo widget. - Tweak: Gold API error messages handled in News Ticker widget. = 2.9.6 = - Tweak: Added Option to enable US numbers sorting in Table widget. - Tweak: Compatibility between Hide Slide On option in Multi Scroll widget and Elementor custom breakpoints. = 2.9.5 = - Fixed: Fatal error when Premium Addons Pro is activated without the free version. - Fixed: Masonry effect not working correctly on editor page in Instagram Feed widget. = 2.9.4 = - Tweak: Added Custom Navigation Element Selector option in Multi Scroll to be used to navigate to Multi Scroll slides. - Fixed: Ratings values between .7 and .9 are rendered as half star in Social Reviews widgets. = 2.9.3 = - Fixed: PHP Error when Image Accordion widget is used. - Fixed: Elementor asks to run Safe Mode with Magic Scroll addon. = 2.9.2 = - Tweak: Added Alternative Gold API key option in News Ticker widget. - Tweak: Added Load More option in Smart Post Listing widget. - Tweak: Added more styling controls in Smart Post Listing widget. = 2.9.1 = - Tweak: Code improved for better performance and security. = 2.9.0 = - New: Added Smart Post Listing widget - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-smart-post-listing-widget/). - Tweak: Show Alt text for the images in Ken Burns addon. = 2.8.27 = - Fixed: Twitter Feed widget not working. = 2.8.26 = - Tweak: Code refactored for better performance and security. - Fixed: Numbers showing on hover not formatted in Charts widget. = 2.8.25 = - Tweak: Removed Twitter Feed credentials section. = 2.8.24 = - Tweak: Added custom position options for tooltips in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Multi Scroll widget not working when elements with entrance animations used in it. - Fixed: Twitter Feed widget not working in some cases. - Fixed: Image Comparison widget handle not working on RTL sites. = 2.8.23 = - Tweak: Added caching options in Facebook and Behance Feed widgets. - Tweak: Multi Scroll widget improved to trigger entrance animations on slide change. - Fixed: Button showing in back side in 3D Hover Box widget. - Fixed: Horizontal Scroll issues on mobile devices. - Fixed: Hide Empty Reviews option not working correctly in Google Reviews widget. = 2.8.22 = - Tweak: Added custom size unit for range controls in some widgets. - Tweak: Load posts only if they have body text in Facebook Feed widget. - Fixed: Load Chart On option not working in Charts widget. - Fixed: Fatal error in Tabs widget when an image icon with empty image is added. = 2.8.21 = - New: Added Magnet Effect in Custom Mouse Cursor addon - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-custom-mouse-cursor-global-feature/). - Tweak: Magic Scroll addon performance improved. = 2.8.20 = - Tweak: CSS files size minimized for better performance. - Fixed: Custom link attributes not working in Icon Box widget. - Fixed: Console error in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.8.19 = - Tweak: Added option to load Magic Scroll addon on page load, not when the section is reached. - Fixed: Image Comparison widget not working when used inside Tabs widget. - Fixed: Lock Page Scroll option in Magic Scroll addon causing a blank area while scrolling on mobile devices. - Fixed: PHP warning in Parallax addon when no layers are added. - Fixed: Console error with Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.8.18 = - Tweak: Added Text Shadow and Box Shadow scroll effects in Magic Scroll addon. - Tweak: Added Sort Reviews by date option in Google Reviews widget. - Tweak: Show/hide images by hashtags in Instagram Feed widget. = 2.8.17 = - Tweak: Sticky effect behavior improved in Magic Scroll addon. - Tweak: Added option to trigger entrance animations once for Snappy scroll in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Sticky effect not working on the editor page in Magic Scroll addon. = 2.8.16 = - Fixed: Draw SVG not working on the editor page with multiple SVGs in Magic Scroll addon. - Fixed: Transition is added to Icon Box widget when used with Magic Scroll addon. = 2.8.15 = - Fixed: Elements with entrance animation flash in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Icons not showing in some controls. = 2.8.14 = - New: Added Magic Scroll addon - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-magic-scroll-global-addon/). = 2.8.13 = - Fixed: Compatibility issues with Elementor v3.8.0 - Fixed: Ken Burns section/column addon not working with recent Elementor versions. = 2.8.12 = - New: Added Site Logo widget - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-site-logo-widget/). = 2.8.11 = - Tweak: Added caching option in Instagram Feed widget to improve the feed performance and loading speed. - Tweak: Added Close On Click Outside option in Magic Section widget. - Fixed: Icon styling not applied properly on SVG icons in Divider widget. - Fixed: Mouse tilt option not working since Premium Addons for Elementor v4.9.35. - Fixed: Feed is not showing if Posts/Account option value is larger than the posts returned by Facebook. - Fixed: Alignment option not working properly for multi-line values in Table widget. = 2.8.10 = - New: Added Random Badges option in Mega Menu widget - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-mega-menu-widget/). - Fixed: PHP warnings in Google Reviews widget. = 2.8.9 = - Fixed: Console error when SVG Draw option is disabled for Parallax addon. - Fixed: SVG Draw option not working for Font Awesome icons in Icon Box widget. - Fixed: Applying global background colors not working in Magic Section widget. - Fixed: Icon color applied on Lottie animation in Hover Box widget. = 2.8.8 = - Tweak: Behance Feed widget now loads feed on scroll, not on page load. - Fixed: PHP warning after v2.8.7. = 2.8.7 = - Tweak: Make sure Custom Mouse Cursor addon JS files are loaded only if the addon is used on a page. - Fixed: Navigation Arrows/Dots not working properly on touch devices in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.8.6 = - Fixed: Fatal error due to Image Accordion widget since v2.8.4. = 2.8.5 = - Fixed: Icons in Icon Box widget always dissappear if Draw SVG option is disabled. = 2.8.4 = - New: Added Draw Icon option in all widgets that has Icon option in them. - Tweak: Added Horizontal/Vertical Alignment options for multi-layers in Parallax addon. - Fixed: Conflict between Custom Mouse Cursor addon and WP Rocket Defer JS files option. = 2.8.3 = - Fixed: Compatibility issues with Elementor v3.7.0. - Fixed: Freehand Positioning feature not working when the device mode is changed in the editor page. = 2.8.2 = - Tweak: Facebook Feed widget styling improved for RTL sites. - Fixed: Conflict with Elementor Pro templates. - Fixed: Even layout not working with Carousel Infinite Autoplay in social reviews widgets. - Fixed: Carousel Navigation Arrows color/size controls not working in Instagram Feed widget. = 2.8.1 = - Fixed: PHP warning since v2.8.0 = 2.8.0 = - Tweak: Apply Custom Mouse Cursor on full page or the entire website - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-custom-mouse-cursor-global-feature/). - Tweak: Added responsive controls to Number of Columns option in Behance Feed widget. - Fixed: Carousel Tabs option applied on nested tabs. - Fixed: Unnecessay Elementor placeholder images added to the Media Library after importing templates. - Fixed: Multi Scroll widget not working with Elementor custom breakpoints. - Fixed: Ken Burns addon not showing images properly on small screens. - Fixed: Hover Box widget not working properly on iOS devices. = 2.7.9 = - Tweak: Add responsive controls for image control in Ken Burns section/column addon. - Fixed: Horizontal/Vertical Offset option not working for social icon in all Social Reviews widgets. - Fixed: Horizontal Offset and z-index options not working for Fixed Content template in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Console error in Charts widget. = 2.7.8 = - Tweak: Code improvements for better performance and loading speed. = 2.7.7 = - Tweak: Load Custom Mouse Cursor addon when the element is visible on viewport to improve performance and page loading speed. - Tweak: Added Cover Image size option in Behance Feed widget. = 2.7.6 = - Tweak: Add Mask Image option in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Add Render As SVG/Canvas option for Lottie Animation icons in Hover Box widget. - Tweak: HTML markup optimized for Image Hotspots and Twitter Feed widgets for better performance. - Fixed: Accordion Tabs option not working in Tabs widget. = 2.7.5 = - New: Added URL String, Shortcode and WooCommerce Products in Cart options in Display Conditions. - Tweak: HTML markup optimized for Hover Box, Image Accordion, Instagram Feed, Tabs, Unfold widgets for better performance. - Tweak: Added Disable Floating Effects on Safari option in widgets have floating effects. - Tweak: Trigger Particles and Badge addons JS code when visible on viewport to improve page loading speed. - Tweak: Added compatibility Charts and Horizontal Scroll widgets. - Fixed: Change Colors As Gradient option not working in Background Transition widget. - Fixed: Profile Header image not showing properly on small devices in Twitter Feed widget. - Fixed: Right Side Template option not showing in Multi Scroll widget. = 2.7.4 = - Tweak: Added compatibility between Badge Global Addon and Elementor Container element - [here](https://elementor.com/help/container-element/). - Fixed: Horizontal Scroll jiterring issue on touch devices. = 2.7.3 = - New: Added Create/Edit Live Templates feature in all widgets that support Elementor Templates. = 2.7.2 = - Tweak: Added support for future features compatibility - Fixed: Button Trigger Size option not working on frontend in Magic Section widget. - Fixed: Alignment issue in Icon Box widget when description is short. - Fixed: Invalid CSS added in the editor when Badge Addon is enabled. = 2.7.1 = - Fixed: Fatal error with some PHP versions after v2.7.0 = 2.7.0 = - New: Added Premium Badge global addon - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-badge-global-addon/). = 2.6.9 = - Tweak: HTML markup optimized for Table widget for better performance. - Tweak: Added Icon Color and Text Color/Typography options for each repeater cell in Table widget. - Fixed: Hover Color and Padding options not working for Read More link in Icon Box widget. = 2.6.8 = - New: Added five new skins in Elementor WooCommerce Products Listing widget - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-woocommerce-products/). - Tweak: Added compatibility between section/column addons and Elementor Container element - [here](https://elementor.com/help/container-element/). - Tweak: Widgets code refactored to improve performance and loading speed. - Tweak: Added Hover Box Shadow option in Lottie Animation section addon. - Fixed: PHP warning when Follow Delay option value is not set in Custom Mouse Cursor addon. - Fixed: Image with Size option set to custom not rendered in Image Layers and Icon Box widgets. = 2.6.7 = - New: Added Custom Mouse Cursor global addon - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-custom-mouse-cursor-global-feature). - Tweak: Added Auto Change Tabs option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: HTML markup for images in Icon Box widget. - Tweak: Make sure images in Image Layers and Tabs widgets are lazyloaded to improve loading speed. - Fixed: Section/Column addons not working on editor when used inside widgets using Elementor templates. = 2.6.6 = - Fixed: Box shadow and Background Color options overriden by default values in CSS in Preview Window widget. - Fixed: Charts widget not working in some cases inside Tabs widget. - Fixed: Animated Gradient and Blob Generator addons not working in Tabs widget. - Fixed: Ken Burns addon Infinite option always disabled when the editor page is reloaded. = 2.6.5 = - Tweak: Load the main CSS file only when required. - Fixed: Tabs widget not working properly with some themes. - Fixed: Compatibility between Carousel option in Social Reviews widgets and RTL sites. - Fixed: Keyboard Scrolling still works even when the control is disabled in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.6.4 = - Fixed: Compatibility issues with Elementor v3.5.0. = 2.6.3 = - Tweak: Added options to control Scroll Offset for each section individually in Color Transition widget. - Tweak: Javascript loading method improved for Animated Gradient, Particles section/column addons for better performance. - Fixed: Styling options not working for SVG icons in Magic Section widget. = 2.6.2 = - Tweak: Added WooCommerce Total Amount In Cart and Current Product Stock options in Display Conditions feature. - Fixed: Console error when videos are inserted in Tabs widget. = 2.6.1 = - Fixed: Undefined variable $dir_class in Image Layers widget when Text option is used. - Fixed: Button Size option not working in WhatsApp Chat widget. = 2.6.0 = - New: Added Animated Blob Generator section addon - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-animated-blob-generator/). - Tweak: Added Radar Style option in Image Hotspots widget. - Tweak: Added div, p and span HTML tag options for heading in Hover Box widget. - Fixed: Default icon size changed in Hover Box widget. - Fixed: Background Color not changing when multiple Background Transition widgets are used on the same page. = 2.5.5 = - Fixed: Background is not changed on scroll up in Background Transition widget. - Fixed: Nested tabs styling overwrite issue in Tabs widget. = 2.5.4 = - Tweak: Tabs widget rebuilt for better usability and editing experience. - Tweak: Control number of carousel slides to show in Instagram Feed widget. - Tweak: Prevent Background Transition widget from changing color when up/down backgrounds are the same. - Fixed: Line height not working for Business/Place Name, Reviewer Name and Review Text in Social Reviews widgets. - Fixed: Entrance Animations not working on for the first in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Premium Parallax not working for Elementor columns. - Fixed: Tabs widget not working when shortcodes are used in tabs content. = 2.5.3 = - Tweak: Added Heroes Flying-Left effect in iHover widget. - Tweak: Remove any duplicate content when Accordion Tabs option is enabled in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Tab ID option in Tabs widget. - Fixed: Animation issues for Flash Rotation, Flip Door, and Magic Door effects in iHover widget. - Fixed: Charts not working on the editor page on Chrome browser. - Fixed: Color option not applied on links in Table widget when CSV file is used. = 2.5.2 = - Tweak: Save all the plugin settings on change without need to click "Save Settings" button. - Tweak: Compatibility with Elementor v3.4.4. - Fixed: Snappy scroll stability issues in Horizontal Scroll issues. - Fixed: Compatibility issues between Elementor custom breakpoints and Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.5.1 = - Tweak: iHover widget code refactored for faster editing speed.. - Tweak: Added Image Hover Effect in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Added compatibility between Multiscroll widget and sticky headers. - Fixed: Premium Parallax not working for Elementor columns. - Fixed: Premium Particles not working on some devices in editor page. - Fixed: Premium Parallax not working for Elementor columns. - Fixed: Content is not fully rendered issue in Unfold widget. - Fixed: Removed Unnecessary requests made in Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Hide Slide On and Disable Horizontal Scroll On options not working togethr in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Carousel not working in Facebook Feed widget when `Only Show Admin Posts` option is enabled. - Fixed: Fold Height option not working when set to `0` in Unfold widget. - Fixed: Console error in Multi Scroll widget. - Fixed: Admin notices not showing when Premium Addons for Elementor is not installed. = 2.5.0 = - Tweak: JS code refactored for better performance and faster editing speed. - Tweak: Compatibility with Elementor v3.4.2. - Fixed: Emojis not showing in Twitter Feed widget. - Fixed: Slides overlapping issue on touch devices in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Image Hotspots colors not working in editor page. = 2.4.9 = - New: Added Advanced Border Radius option to improve the normal Border Radius option - [here](https://9elements.github.io/fancy-border-radius/). - Fixed: Particles overlapping issue when browser active tab is changed. - Fixed: Alignment controls icons not showing in editor panel. - Fixed: Tabs widget style conflict with LearnDash plugin. = 2.4.8 = - Tweak: Added option to control `Based on Number of Reviews` string in all social reviews widgets. - Fixed: Expired access token is not refreshed in Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Image appears before entrance animation starts in Image Layers widget. - Fixed: Facebook Feed widget conflict with Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent plugin. - Fixed: Pagination not working in the editor in Table widget. - Fixed: Tabs widget conflict with some themes. = 2.4.7 = - Tweak: Added `Change Tabs to Accordion On Small Screens` option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Improved compatibility with Elementor new version. = 2.4.6 = - Tweak: Improved Social Reviews widgets compatibility for RTL sites. - Tweak: Improved WPML compatibility with all widgets. - Tweak: Added Icon Spacing option in Unfold widget. - Fixed: SVGs icons not showing on button in Unfold widget. = 2.4.5 = - Fixed: Code improvements for better performance. = 2.4.4 = - Fixed: Console error in Parallax addon issue. = 2.4.3 = - Tweak: Added Infinite Autoplay for carousel in social reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Navigation Type Dots/Arrows option in social reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Show Number of Reviews option in social reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Put Place/Business Info next to reviews option in social reviews widgets. - Fixed: Console error `$ is not defined` since v2.4.2. = 2.4.2 = - Tweak: Added Clear Cached Data button to Facebook, Google and Yelp Reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Carousel Arrows option for Carousel Tabs option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Snap Scroll improved in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.4.1 = - Fixed: Horizontal Scroll slides anchoring not working since v2.4.0 - Fixed: Lightbox option issue in Instagram Feed widget. = 2.4.0 = - Tweak: Feed Media Height control added to work all time in Facebook/Twitter Feed widgets. - Tweak: Section/Column addons code refactored to improve editing speed. = 2.3.9 = - Tweak: Added Hovered Image Width control option in Image Accordion widget. - Tweak: Javascript Code refactored for better performance and security. - Fixed: Lottie Animation icon size option not working on Chrome in WhatsApp Chat widget. = 2.3.8 = - Tweak: Added Spacing Color option in Image Accordion widget. - Fixed: Horizontal Scroll anchor links not working with Elementor popups. - Fixed: Images Spacing option not working with horizontal direction in Image Accordion widget. = 2.3.7 = - Tweak: Added Minimal Mask effect for Text in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Added Image Spacing option in Image Accordion widget. - Fixed: Icon Color option not applied on SVGs in all widgets. = 2.3.6 = - Fixed: Hide Section option not working after v2.3.5 in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.3.5 = - Tweak: Added Disable Horizontal Scroll On Tablet/Mobile devices option in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Tweak: Added Wave Effect option in Animated Gradient add-on. - Tweak: Added Change Legend to Circles option in Charts widget. - Tweak: Added Maximum Height control in Magic Section. - Fixed: Equal Height option not working when Carousel is enabled in Social Feed and Reviews widgets. = 2.3.4 = - Tweak: Code refactored for better performance and security. - Fixed: Live Search option shows results only from current page in Table widget. - Fixed: Icon Hover Animation not working with Whole Box Link in Icon Box widget. = 2.3.3 = - Tweak: Added Pull Data from CSV file in Charts widget. - Fixed: Some Particles effects not working. - Fixed: Template style is rendered in Content Toggle widget. = 2.3.2 = - Tweak: Added Lottie Animations, Icon and Text Trigger options in Preview Window widget. - Tweak: Added Show/Hide Reviewer Image option in Social Reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Show/Hide Place Rating Stars option in Social Reviews widgets. - Tweak: Code refactored for better performance and security. = 2.3.1 = - Tweak: Compatibility with Elementor PRO 3.2.0. = 2.3.0 = - Tweak: Code refactored for better performance and faster editor loading. - Tweak: Font Awesome 5 compatibility for Magic Section widget. - Tweak: Added option to enable cookies for logged in users in Alert Box widget. - Tweak: Added Hover Image option in Preview Window widget. - Tweak: Added responsive controls for Fold Height and Fade Height options in Unfold widget. - Tweak: Added Icon Spacing option for Link in Icon Box widget. - Fixed: Icon Spacing not working on RTL sites in WhatsApp Chat widget. - Fixed: Tooltips height issue in Image Hotspots widget. = 2.2.9 = - Tweak: Added option to hide specific sections on different devices in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Content alignment responsive controls not working in Icon Box widget. = 2.2.8 = - New: Apply Animated Gradient, Ken Burns, Parallax and Particles add-on on columns. - Fixed: Global Colors not working for Animated Gradient add-on. - Fixed: Spinner effect text link not working in iHover widget. = 2.2.7 = - Tweak: Added Text option in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Code refactored for better performance. = 2.2.6 = - Tweak: Added Show Admin Posts Only option in Facebook Feed widget. - Tweak: Added Data Format Locale option to format numbers in Charts widget. - Tweak: Number formatting in Twitter Feed widget. = 2.2.5 = - Tweak: Added Horizontal Scroll Parallax option in Parallax Section add-on. - Tweak: Added Profile Header and Tweet Information options in Twitter Feed widget. - Tweak: Added Cube effect in Hover Box widget. - Tweak: Added Profile Header in Instagram Feed widget. - Tweak: Added Feed Share button in Instagram Feed widget. - Tweak: WPML Compatibility for Horizontal Scroll widget. - Tweak: Reload data every Minute option changed to Five Minutes to prevent API block in Table widget. = 2.2.4 = - Tweak: Added Show/Hide Profile Name and Feed Content option in Facebook/Twitter Feed widget. - Tweak: Added Feed Media Image Height option in Facebook/Twitter Feed widget. - Tweak: Added CSS ID option for hotspots in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: All RTL issues in Facebook/Twitter Feed widget. = 2.2.3 = - Tweak: Added Custom Navigation option to Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Back To Initial Position for Parallax Mouse Interactivity in Image Layers widget. - Fixed: Icon Spacing option not working when direction option is set to RTL in Table widget. - Fixed: Google Sheets not working in Table widget. - Fixed: Left Margin/Padding option not working for Title/Link in Hover Box widget. = 2.2.2 = - Tweak: Now you can load more than 25 feed posts in Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Google Sheets not working in Table widget. - Fixed: Carousel swipes in opposite direction in all social feed/reviews widgets. - Fixed: Duplicated Premium Addons icon in section add-ons after WordPress v5.6. = 2.2.1 = - Fixed: Description not showing issue in Icon Box widget. - Fixed: Font Awesome icons not showing in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Inline editing not working for content in Tabs widget. = 2.2.0 = - Tweak: Added two new styles to Hover Box widget - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/flip-box-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/). - Tweak: Added Carousel option in Facebook/Instagram Feed widgets. - Tweak: Added Equal Height option in Facebook/Twitter Feed widgets. - Tweak: Added Lottie Animation Icon option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Whole Box Link and Link Position options in Icon Box widget. - Tweak: Added responsive controls for Carousel Tabs option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added slides spacing for Carousel Tabs option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Rotate option to back icon in Icon Box widget. - Tweak: Hotspots Image render function code refactored to improve for site performance. - Tweak: Removed API Key option in Behance Feed widget. - Fixed: List layout width issue in Facebook/Twitter Feed widgets. - Fixed: Multi Scroll widget console error with some themes. - Fixed: Horizontal Scroll widget issues on browser window resize. - Fixed: Tabs widget spacing issues on small screens. - Fixed: Default padding given to content in Content Toggle widget. - Fixed: Widgets Badge White Labeling option not working. - Fixed: Warning `Trying to access array offset on value of type null` when Navigation Arrows option is disabled in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.1.4 = - Tweak: Added WPML Compatibility for Table widget. - Fixed: Bounce image issue in Parallax section addon. - Fixed: Font Awesome icons not showing in social feed widgets. = 2.1.3 = - Tweak: Alt attribute is now reading from Media library for images in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Unnecessary code removed for better performance. = 2.1.2 = - Tweak: Added Text Editor/Template Content Type option in Unfold widget. - Tweak: Added Interactive option for tooltips in Image Hotspots widget. - Tweak: Added File Source (URL/File Upload) option in Lottie Animations section add-on. - Fixed: Images Alt attribute not added in multi-layered Parallax add-on. - Fixed: Images stretch issue in Image Comparison widget. - Fixed: Handle not moving in RTL sites issue in Image Comparison widget. - Fixed: Responsive controls for section background not applied on Parallax add-on. - Fixed: Custom Data table not pulling data after the file URL is changed in Table widget. - Fixed: Instagram video not showing in RTL sites in Instagram Feed widget. = 2.1.1 = - Tweak: Added new skin Cards in Facebook, Google and Yelp Reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Maximum Words Number option for image caption in Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Icon Color option not applied on SVGs in Tabs widget. - Fixed: Place/Page avatar alignment issue on Twenty Twenty theme in Facebook, Google and Yelp Reviews widgets. = 2.1.0 = - Fixed: Icon Spacing option not working on RTL sites in WhatsApp Chat widget. - Fixed: Icon Spacing option not working when Icon Position is set to After in Magic Section widget. - Fixed: Freehand design option not working in Image Layers, Hotspots and Parallax section add-on after Elementor 3.0.0. - Fixed: Page update button is disabled after using Freehand position/resize feature. = 2.0.9 = - Fixed: Compatibility issues with Elementor v3.0.0. - Fixed: Particles add-on appears below section in RTL sites issue. - Fixed: Undefined 'open_graph_story' in Facebook Reviews widget. - Fixed: Icon Size option not working with SVG icons in Icon Box widget. = 2.0.8 = - Tweak: Add different color to each dataset value in bar Chart widget. - Fixed: WhatsApp Chat widget group option not working on mobile devices. - Fixed: Hotspots Horizontal Position option not working for RTL sites in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Compatibility issues with WordPress 5.5. = 2.0.7 = - Tweak: Added Change Colors As Gradient option in Background Transition widget. - Tweak: API Version updated for Facebook Reviews/Feed widgets. - Fixed: Filter by Tags option letter case sensitive in Instagram Feed widget. = 2.0.6 = - Tweak: Added caching option for remote CSV files in Table widget. - Tweak: Added Filter by Tags option in Instagram Feed widget. = 2.0.5 = - Tweak: Instagram deprecated API replaced with Facebook API in Instagram Feed widget. - Tweak: Added Color options for feed links in Twitter/Facebook Feed widgets. - Tweak: Added Background Color, Margin and Padding option for readmore link in Twitter/Facebook Feed widgets. - Fixed: Widgets with entrance animations not showing on tablet/mobile devices in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.0.4 = - Tweak: Premium Instagram Feed widget now supports Instagram videos. - Tweak: Added RTL Mode option in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Tweak: Added Image icon option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Carousel Tabs option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Change Readmore text option in social reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Render Type option in Lottie Animations section add-on. - Tweak: Added Speed option in Flip Box widget. - Fixed: Facebook Feed widget date not showing in Safari. - Fixed: Social reviews carousel issue in RTL sites. - Fixed: Vertical Image Comparison widget not working when label option is disabled. = 2.0.3 = - Fixed: Section add-on and some widgets not working since v2.0.2 = 2.0.3 = - Fixed: Section add-on and some widgets not working since v2.0.2 = 2.0.2 = - Fixed: Image Layers scroll effects not working since v2.0.0 - Fixed: Premium Lottie section add-on editor overloading issue. - Fixed: WhatsApp button not working on iOS mobile devices. = 2.0.1 = - Fixed: Freehand positioning conflict in Lottie Animations section add-on. - Fixed: Entrance animation duplicate issue in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.0.0 = - New: Introducing Lottie Animations Integration for all the widgets including icon options. - New: Added Premium Lottie Animations Section Add-on. - Tweak: Added Overlay Background option to Alert Box widget. - Tweak: Added Default Tab Index option to Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Border Radius option for button in Content Switcher widget. - Tweak: Added Show/hide layers on different devices option in Parallax Add-on multi layers. - Tweak: Added Floating Effects in Image Hotspots and Preview Window widgets. - Fixed: Horizontal Scroll not scrolling below last slide on Snappy effect. - Fixed: Widgets masonry layout issues on the editor on Chrome browser. - Fixed: Table widget responsive option not working on tablets. - Fixed: Instagram Feed new API not working for logged out users. - Fixed: Instagram login button not working when Facebook Reviews widget is disabled. - Fixed: Conflict with Pinpoint Booking System Plugin shortcodes. - Fixed: Multi Scroll widget Left/Right Section Width option override previous widgets. - Fixed: PHP error `Trying to access array offer on value of type bool` in /white-label/admin.php. - Fixed: Console error `jQuery is not defined` in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Compatibility errors with PHP v7.0 = 1.9.3 = - Tweak: Added new API options for Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Horizontal Scroll widget not working on RTL sites. - Fixed: Opacity floating effect now working in Image Layers widget. = 1.9.2 = - Tweak: Added Hover Text/Icon Color option for Trigger Button in Magic Section widget. - Tweak: Added Opacity to Float Effects in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Change "Read More" link text option added in Facebook/Twitter Feed widgets. - Tweak: Added `Mouse Tilt` option in Icon Box widget. - Tweak: Get 'alt' attribute for images in iHover widget. - Fixed: Dynamic links not working for some elements. - Fixed: Warning `Trying to access array offset on value of type bool` in section add-ons. = 1.9.1 = - Tweak: Added support for dynamic fields in all social media widgets. - Fixed: Scrolling issues in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Console error `ReferenceError: module is not defined` = 1.9.0 = - New: Added Horizontal Scroll widget. - Tweak: Added `Animation Duration` option in Animated Gradient section add-on. - Tweak: Added Chinese to Language option for Facebook Messenger Chat widget. - Tweak: Added `Whole Box Link` option in Icon Box widget. = 1.8.9 = - Tweak: Added `Load Chart on Scroll/Page Load` option in Charts widget. - Tweak: Added `Animation Duration` option in Charts widget. - Fixed: Filters by rating not working properly when review rating is not set in Facebook Reviews widget. = 1.8.8 = - Tweak: Improved `Filter By Language` option in Google Reviews widget. - Fixed: Spacings not applied on tooltips templates in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Colors applied on `Whole Box Link` in iHover widget. - Fixed: Rating Schema in Google Reviews widget. = 1.8.7 = - Tweak: Added `Pagination` options in Table widget. - Tweak: Added `Carousel` options in Twitter Feed widget. = 1.8.6 = - Tweak: Now, you can remove all header cells in Table widget. - Tweak: Added `Hover Text Animation` switcher option in Flip Box widget. = 1.8.5 = - Tweak: Added new effects for Ken Burns add-on. - Tweak: Added `Reverse Direction` for mousemove parallax in Image Layers widget. = 1.8.4 = - Tweak: Added `Link` option for header cells in Table widget. - Fixed: `Transition Speed` option not working in Ken Burns section add-on. = 1.8.3 = - Tweak: Added `Padding` option for container in Facebook Reviews widget. = 1.8.2 = - Tweak: Added `Blend Mode` option to iHover, Image Hotspots and Image Layers widgets. - Tweak: Added `Filter by Tags` option to Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Lightbox not working in Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Console errors on IE due to Background Transition widget. = 1.8.1 = - Tweak: Added `Floating Effects` to Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Added `Zoom In/Out` option for each layer in Ken Burns add-on. = 1.8.0 = - Tweak: Added four new effects to Flip Box widget. - Tweak: 3D flip effect animation enhanced in Flip Box widget. = 1.7.9 = - Tweak: Now you can set different style to each hotspot item in Image Hotspots widget. - Tweak: Added link option for Button in Alert Box widget. - Tweak: Added Hover Background Color option Alert Box widget. - Fixed: Not all ratings are pulled in Facebook Reviews widget. = 1.7.8 = - Tweak: Added Spinner styling option for loading spinner in Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: `$` is not defined in Facebook Reviews and Feed widgets. = 1.7.7 = - Tweak: Added `Button` option to iHover widget. - Tweak: Added `Hide Plugin Row Meta` and `Hide Plugin Changelog Link` to plugin White Labeling options. - Fixed: Background Transition widget not working with `RGB` colors. - Fixed: Console errors with invalid sections CSS IDs in Background Transition widget. = 1.7.6 = - Tweak: Added `CSS Filter` for normal/hover state in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Grey line appears by default in Image Layers widget. - Fixed: Even Layout not working with Carousel option enabled in all Reviews widgets. - Fixed: Carousel slides not appearing on RTL sites in all Reviews widgets. - Fixed: SVG icons size option not working in all widgets. - Fixed: Link title and icon are not aligned in Icon Box widget. = 1.7.5 = - Tweak: Premium Background Transition widget improved. - Fixed: Caching is not applied on place data in Yelp Reviews widget. - Fixed: Nested Premium Tabs not appearing. - Fixed: Active Tab box shadow option not applied on the same selector in normal/hover in Tabs widget. = 1.7.4 = - Tweak: Added caching option `Reload Reviews Once Every` in Facebook, Google and Yelp Reviews widgets. = 1.7.3 = - Fixed: Instagram Feed widget not working on IE browsers. = 1.7.2 = - Tweak: Added `Render First Row As` option in Table widget. - Fixed: Flipbox widget `Whole Box` link option is not working. - Fixed: Default icon is not working in iHover widget. = 1.7.1 = - New: Added Color Transition widget. - Tweak: Get Instagram feed by Access Token only. - Tweak: Added dynamic field support for CSV file in Table widget. = 1.7.0 = - Fixed: Instagram Feed loading spinner does not appear on preview page. = 1.6.9 = - Tweak: Added `Hover Color` option for title/icon in Tabs widget. - Fixed: Active tab Margin/Padding issue in Tabs widget. - Fixed: Vertical Tabs widget alignment issue. - Fixed: Security bugs fixed. = 1.6.8 = - Tweak: Added `Schema Support` option for all Reviews widgets. - Tweak: Font Awesome 5 compatibility for all widgets. = 1.6.7 = - Tweak: Added `Minimum Value` option in Charts widget. = 1.6.6 = - Tweak: Added `Line Width` option for grid lines in Charts widget. - Tweak: Added transition for Image Accordion overlay color. - Fixed: Parallax section add-on does not work on frontend pages. = 1.6.5 = - Tweak: Load assets files for section add-ons only when needed to improve performance. - Tweak: Added `Step Size` option for Radar type Charts. - Fixed: Tabs nav container changed to div to prevent styling issues. = 1.6.4 = - Fixed: `Reviews Word Length` option does not work for non-latin characters in all reviews widgets. - Fixed: `Notice: Undefined variable: tool_tips_image_url` in Preview Window widget. = 1.6.3 = - Tweak: Added responsive controls for `Alignment` option in iHover widget. - Fixed: `Border Color` option missing for `Style 3` in Tabs widget. - Fixed: Bottom positioned Magic Section appears after page load. = 1.6.2 = - Tweak: Added `Facebook Login` Button to Premium Facebook Feed widget for easier feed pull. - Fixed: `Maximum Value` option added to Radar chat type in Charts widget. - Fixed: `Carousel Arrows Position` option shows when `Autoplay` option is enabled in Yelp Reviews widget. - Fixed: Loader spinner not showing on the preview page in Facebook/Twitter Feed. = 1.6.1 = - Tweak: Added `RTL Mode` option for Facebook, Google and Yelp Reviews widgets. - Fixed: `Transition Speed` option not working for Ken Burns section add-on. - Fixed: Image Layers `Freehand` reposition not working if page contains Premium Carousel widget. = 1.6.0 = - Tweak: Added `Review Length` option to Facebook Reviews widget. - Fixed: Images pixelated when size is increased in Facebook Reviews widget. - Fixed: Messenger Chat icon not showing on mobile devices. - Fixed: Cells alignment issue with multi-line text in Table widget. - Fixed: Blank line below Instagram images for some themes. = 1.5.9 = - New: Added Yelp Reviews widget. - Tweak: Added `Facebook Login` Button to Premium Facebook Reviews widget for easier reviews pull. - Tweak: Added `Review Length` option in Google Reviews widget. - Tweak: Added `Responsive Controls` for Premium Particles section add-on. - Tweak: Added `Table Layout` option in Premium Table widget. - Fixed: Divider and text in Premium Divider widget are not centered in some themes. - Fixed: `Button Size` in Unfold widget not applied on the front-end. - Fixed: Back side `Link` unclickable on Microsoft Edge in Flip Box widget. - Fixed: Twitter/Facebook Feed time elapsed Singular/Plural issue. - Fixed: Clipped reviewer profile picture in Google Reviews widget. = 1.5.8 = - New: Added Image Accordion widget. - Fixed: Title/Icon are not horizontally centered in styles 3,4 in Tabs widget. = 1.5.7 = - Tweak: `Read More` button redirects to post instead of page in Facebook Feed widget. - Fixed: Carousel arrows styling only works on the editor page in Google/Facebook Reviews widget. - Tweak: Added `Theme` option for lightbox in Instagram widget. - Tweak: Added `Date Format` option in Facebook Reviews widget. = 1.5.6 = - Tweak: Added `Fade Speed` option for Ken Burns section add-on. - Fixed: Posts` images don't appear in Facebook Feed widget. = 1.5.5 = - Fixed: Reviews date doesn't appear with `Place Info` option disabled. - Fixed: Right templates shift to left by `1px` in Multi Scroll widget. - Fixed: Facebook Feed widget doesn't work with APIs v3.3. = 1.5.4 = - Tweak: Plugin core refactored to improve performance. = 1.5.3 = - Fixed: Charts animation doesn't work when height option is set. - Fixed: `Tabs Background` overrides lists background for `Style 3` in Tabs widget. = 1.5.2 = - Fixed: `Dynamic Content` doesn't work when `ACF Field` is selected in Table widget. = 1.5.1 = - Tweak: `Tilt Mouse Interactivity` doesn't work on IE for Image Layers widget. = 1.5.0 = - Fixed: Image Comparison broken on IE with Section Vertical Parallax enabled. = 1.4.9 = - Tweak: Added `Outer Background Color` option for container in Preview Window widget. - Fixed: Magic Section content appears until page is loaded. - Fixed: Image Comparison broken on IE with Image Layers scroll effects enabled. = 1.4.8 = - Tweak: `WPML Compatibility` for all widgets. - Fixed: License deactivation issues. - Fixed: Google reCaptcha doesn't work after v1.4.8 - Fixed: Particles are stretched on small screens. - Fixed: Add-ons don't load with `MyListing` theme. = 1.4.7 = - Tweak: Added `Stretch Image` option for background image in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Console error `UniversalTilt undefined` on IE browser with Image Layers widget. = 1.4.6 = - Tweak: Added `Dynamic Field` support for Instagram widget. - Fixed: `Invalid Character on line 3361` after v1.3.5 = 1.4.5 = - Tweak: Added `Scroll Effects` for images in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Added `Freehand` postioning, resizing features for layers in Image Layers widget and Multi Layer Parallax. - Tweak: Added `Freehand` postioning feature for Image Hotspots widget. - Tweak: Added `Date Format` option for Google Reviews widget. - Tweak: Added `Dynamic Field` support for all `URL` fields. - Fixed: Content Switcher widget button issue when browse back page button is clicked. - Fixed: `Save Settings` button doesn't work in White Labeling Dashboard submenu. * **Important: This update includes deep enhancements for Image Hotspots, Image Layers widgets and Parallax Add-on. So, please review your existing pages.** = 1.4.4 = - Tweak: Added `Data Separator` optiuon for CSV files in Table widget. - Fixed: Layout issues on Microsoft IE browser. - Fixed: `Notice: Undefined index: premium_parallax_android_support` , `premium_parallax_ios_support` in Parallax add-on. = 1.4.3 = - Tweak: Prevent adding inline styles/scripts for Section add-ons. - Tweak: Changed Particles Add-on `JSON` code area from `TEXTAREA` to `CODE` - Tweak: Ability to change `Live Search` and `Show Records` strings in Table widget. - Tweak: Wait images to load before triggering `Masonry` layout in Faceook Feed widget. - Fixed: Cells align right issue on Google Chrome in Table widget. - Fixed: Premium Divider issues with `Elementor Custom Positioning` option. = 1.4.2 = - Tweak: Added `Show Records` option in Table widget. - Tweak: Added `Blur On Hover` effect in Table widget. - Tweak: Added `responsive controls` for Search field in Table widget. - Tweak: Added `Text Color` option for Search field in Table widget. - Tweak: Added `Settings` to plugin action links on `Plugins` page. = 1.4.1 = - Tweak: Added `Left/Right Section Width` option to control width ratio in Multi Scroll widget. - Tweak: Added `Show Caption` option to show photo caption in Instagram widget. - Tweak: Added `CSS Filters` options group for hover state in Instagram widget. = 1.4.0 = - Fixed: Premium Twitter Feed does not work. = 1.3.9 = - Tweak: Premium Parallax background position, repeat and size inherit from Elementor responsive background options. - Tweak: Added responsive controls for `Arrow Size` option in Premium Facebook/Google Reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added `CSS Filters` option for images for trigger and preview images in Preview Image widget. - Tweak: Code refactor to enhance plugin performance speed. = 1.3.8 = - Tweak: Added responsive controls for `Number of Columns` option in Premium Facebook/Google Review and Facebook/Twitter widgets. - Tweak: Added `CSS Filters` option for images in Premium Behance/Instagram Feed and iHover widgets. = 1.3.7 = - Tweak: Added responsive controls for `Images per Row` option in Premium Instagram widget. - Tweak: Added `Widgets Badge` option to white labeling to change widgets` icons badge text. - Fixed: Enable Parallax on Android/iOS does not work for Parallax section add-on. - Fixed: Different images height when `Masonry` option is disabled in Premium Intagram widget. = 1.3.6 = - Fixed: Warning: require_once(/premium-addons-pro-includes/deps/json.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory. - Fixed: Images order when `Masonry` option is disabled in Premium Instagram Feed widget. = 1.3.5 = - Tweak: JS enhancements in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram elements to improve plugin performance. - Tweak: Added `Infinite` option for single image in Ken Burns add-on. - Fixed: Set Tabs content to Full Width issue. - Fixed: Posts overlapping when masonry option enabled in Premium Facebook Feed widget. = 1.3.4 = - Tweak: JS enhancements in Charts, Facebook/Google Reviews, Image layers, Multi Scroll , and Tabs elements to improve plugin performance. - Tweak: Dynamic data support for `Image` in Premium Divider widget. = 1.3.3 = - Tweak: Dynamic data support in Premium Ken Burns add-on. - Fixed: Image Hotspots widget issue on preview page. = 1.3.2 = - Fixed: Pointer cursor for cells with `Link` option disabled in Premium Table widget. - Fixed: overlapping issue when iHover widget `Link` option is enabled. - Fixed: Tabs widget layout issue on iOS devices. = 1.3.1 = - Tweak: Added `Border Width` option for each dataset in Premium Charts widget. - Fixed: `Warning: Creating default object from empty value` in Premium Google Reviews widget. = 1.3.0 = - Tweak: Unnecessary `esc_html()` function removed. - Tweak: Unnecessary conditions removed to enhance editor page loading speed. = 1.2.9 = - Tweak: Added `Second Fill Color` option to create gradients in Line, Bar and Horizontal Bar charts. - Tweak: Unnecessary functions removed from Facebook Feed, Charts, Behance and Image Comparison widgets to enhance performance. = 1.2.8 = - Tweak: CSS files loaded only when required to enhance plugin performance. - Tweak: Show label next to value on Pie/Doughnut Premium Chart hover. = 1.2.7 = - Tweak: Added `Show Values on Chart` option to Pie/Doughnut chart in Premium Charts widget. = 1.2.6 = - Tweak: Added language option to Premium Messenger Chat widget. - Fixed: `View Details` link appears for Premium Add-ons for Elementor with White Labeling enabled. = 1.2.5 = - Tweak: Formatting Y-Axis labels numbers in Premium Charts widget. - Tweak: Ken Burns can now be used with only one image. - Fixed: Charts not visible when inserted in Elementor Accordion widget. - Fixed: CSV files don't appear in Media in Premium Tables widget. = 1.2.4 = - Tweak: Added Overlay Color option to Premium Ken Burns section add-on. - Fixed: `Detected usage of deprecated noAndroid` with Premium Parallax section add-on. - Fixed: Premium Messenger Chat not working after Facebook latest Apps update. = 1.2.3 = - Tweak: Added vertical tabs sections width option in Premium Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Filter by language option in Premium Google Reviews widget. = 1.2.2 = - Tweak: Added arrow size and padding options to carousel arrows in Premium Facebook/Google reviews widget. - Tweak: Dynamic data support in Premium Charts widget. - Tweak: Shortcodes support using text editor in Premium Content Switcher widget. - Fixed: Charts issue when inserted inside Premium Modal Box widget. = 1.2.1 = - Fixed: Projects with grid images in Premium Behance widget. = 1.2.0 = - Tweak: Added Column Width option in Premium Charts widget. - Tweak: Added Carousel Autoplay speed option in Premium Facebook/Google reviews widget. - Tweak: Added Carousel Arrows position option in Premium Facebook/Google reviews widget. - Fixed: Carousel responsive issues in Premium Facebook/Google reviews widget. - Fixed: Reviews issue when no stars is returned with review. = 1.1.9 = - Tweak: Hide specific sections on mobiles/tables option added to Multi Scroll widget. = 1.1.8 = - Fixed: Sections order on mobile/tablets in Multi Scroll widget. = 1.1.7 = - Fixed: Responsive issues in Premium Multi Scroll widget. = 1.1.6 = - New: Added Multi Scroll widget. - Tweak: Added Margin Option for Magic Section widget in active case. - Fixed: Google Reviews unloaded place image. - Fixed: Tabs background/arrow color issue. = 1.1.5 = - Tweak: Premium Table widget performance enhanced. - Tweak: Added Dynamic Images option for all widgets. - Tweak: Added Dynamic place id option for Premium Google Reviews widget. - Tweak: Added Carousel option for Premium Facebook/Google reviews widget. = 1.1.4 = - Fixed: Premium Tabs conflict issue. - Fixed: Facebook/Twitter Feed read more issue. = 1.1.3 = - Fixed: Facebook Feed widget conflict issue. = 1.1.2 = - Tweak: Added convert values to percentage in Premium Charts widget. - Fixed: Call to a member function get_error_message() on array after license activation. = 1.1.1 = - Tweak: Plugin core enhancement for faster performance. - Tweak: Premium Divider widget performance enhanced. - Tweak: Premium Flip Box widget performance enhanced. - Tweak: Premium Icon Box widget performance enhanced. - Tweak: Premium Image Layers widget performance enhanced. - Tweak: Premium iHover widget performance enhanced. = 1.1.0 = - Fixed: Tabs issue on IE browser. - Fixed: Group Control issue in Premium Facebook/Twitter widgets. = 1.0.9 = - Fixed: Warning "Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /premium-addons-pro/widgets/premium-tables.php on line 1567". = 1.0.8 = - Fixed: License not Valid after trying to activate license. = 1.0.7 = - New: Added WhatsApp Chat widget. = 1.0.6 = - Fixed: Image size issue in Premium Parallax addon. - Fixed: Transparent images grey background issue. - Fixed: Invisible charts issue. = 1.0.5 = - Tweak: App ID and App secret are changed to Access Token in Facebook Feed widget. = 1.0.4 = - Tweak: Animations starts on scrolling in Premium Charts widget. = 1.0.3 = - New: Added Facebook Feed element. = 1.0.2 = - Tweak: Added Background Size/Position options in Premium Section Parallax. - Fixed: Instagram Feed grid issue when Masonry is disabled. - Fixed: Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context for PHP versions below 5.5 = 1.0.1 = - Tweak: Added URLs option to each dataset in Premium Charts widget. - Tweak: Added image fill option in Premium Ken Burns. = 1.0.0 = - Initial stable release.