Really Simple SSL Pro provides a knowledge base, forums, and plugins dedicated to simplifying the implementation of SSL for WordPress. With comprehensive documentation, forums, and tools, it offers valuable resources to assist you in seamlessly transitioning your WordPress site from HTTP to HTTPS.
Really Simple SSL Pro WordPress Plugin Features
- Extensive scan which enables you to detect the source of mixed content that couldn’t be fixed automatically, with fix button
- Premium email support
- HttpOnly and secure flags to make cookies secure/encrypted
- Improve security by enabling HTTP Strict Transport Security for your site
- Mixed content fixer for the back-end
- Submit your site to the HSTS preload list
- Easy implementable security headers: X-Content-Type-Options, X-XSS-Protection, X-Frame-Options, Expect-CT, Certificate Transparency, No Referrer When Downgrade header, Content Security Policy, Upgrade Insecure requests. Read the security headers article for more info
= 7.2.4 = * Fix: PHP warning in Password Security module * Fix: change login url feature not working with password protected pages * Improvement: move database table creation to Limit Login Attempts module * Improvement: prevent php error caused by debug.log file hardening feature = 7.2.3 = * Fix: CSP data not showing in datatable = 7.2.2 = * Improvement: improved check for PharData class = 7.2.1 = * Improvement: changed varchar to text to allow for very limited mysql database length restrictions = 7.2.0 = * New: Password Protection * New: Limit Login attempts * Improvement: allow 2FA login by clicking the button in the email * Improvement: move mailer include for performance * Improvement: initialize users on 2fa * Fix: check variable $rule if it is an array, for php 8 compatibility = 7.0.8 = * October 6th 2023 * Fix: including required additional files = 7.0.7 = * October 4th 2023 * Fix: get_users() function sometimes returning array of ID's instead of objects * Fix: changing user roles selected for 2fa could reset the user's choice to disable 2fa. = 7.0.6 = * October 4th 2023 * New: two step login authentication with email * Improvement: don't add rules to advanced-headers.php when empty * Improvement: prevent duplicate headers in advanced-headers.php * Improvement: Frame Ancestors default set to self * Improvement: check if the Elementor function replace_urls function exists for compatibility with older versions * Fix: wp-engine compatibility with database prefix change = 7.0.5 = * October 4th 2023 * Improvement: allow 'HEAD' in http method restrictions * Improvement: add notice about W3TC compatiblity = 7.0.4 = * August 8th 2023 * New: Advanced hardening: block admin creation * Improvement: WordPress tested up to 6.3 = 7.0.3 = * July 25th 2023 * Improvement: catch not existing 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' = 7.0.2 = * July 6th 2023 * Improvement: prevent use of subdirectories in custom login url = 7.0.1 = * Fix: change login url functionality not working in 7.0 = 7.0.0 = * New: Vulnerability Detection is in Beta - [Read more](https://really-simple-ssl.com/vulnerability-detection/) = 6.2.5 = * Improvement: stop trying the database rename if it fails on first attempt = 6.2.4 = * New: change login url * Fix: Exclude deprecated x-content-security-policy from header detection * Improvement: Update to functional components Rest API for free core * Improvement: Disable Content Security Policy if the maximum header size has been reached = 6.2.3 = * Fix: rename db prefix using not available function * Fix: Exclude deprecated x-content-security-policy from header detection = 6.2.2 = * Fix: follow redirects in third party header detection. = 6.2.1 = * Fix: prefix replacement in wp-config too broad, causing issues if wp_ is used other then in the prefix. * Fix: Update prefix site_id in user roles when changing the database prefix, to preserve capabilities for users in subsites = 6.2.0 = * Improvement: add support for BLOB and Filesystem * Improvement: disable CSP reporting mode paused status when switching to disabled or enforced = 6.1.1 = * Improvement: Use ABSPATH constant instead of path when writing path to debug.log * Improvement: Pause CSP reporting after 20 requests, to lower server load * Fix: script-src-elem in Content Security Policy not including source URL = 6.1.0 = * Improvement: CSP policy for back and front-end separate * Improvement: also allow non-recommended X-XSS options * Improvement: frame ancestors allow other values than 'none' = 6.0.5 = * Fix: Debug.log setting not saving on first save action = 6.0.4 = * New: automatically detect wrong Security Header values from other sources, and duplicate headers * Improvement: auto enable Insecure Requests header only when SSL enabled * Improvement: remove unnecessary notices load in licenses block = 6.0.3 = * Fix: isset check on $_SERVER['HTTPS'] to support environments where this key is missing * Improvement: add headers_sent() check for situations where the headers already have been sent, possibly due to an error earlier in the system. * Improvement: Update CSP reporting URI on permalink structure change = 6.0.2 = * Fix: HSTS not running on hosting environments with load balanced configuration because SSL is not detected * Fix: when wp-config.php is not writable, renaming database prefix could cause tables to get removed = 6.0.1 = * Fix: upgrade to 6 logic running more than once = 6.0.0 = * Tested up to WordPress 6.1.0 * Improvement: User Interface * New: Server Health Check - powered by SSLLabs * New: WordPress Hardening Features = 5.4.0 = * Improvement: New default Referrer Policy => strict-origin-when-cross-origin * Improvement: New default for X-XSS header * Improvement: Dropped Expect-CT header as it's now deprecated, integrated by default in certificates * Improvement: Updated Permissions Policy with improved defaults, updated to new values as currently supported in browsers * Improvement: dropped access-control-allow-origin header, as it can only be used dynamically, which is not feasible in most WP environments = 5.3.6 = * Improvement: new languages * Improvement: several small bug fixes and typo's = = * Fix: new license check causing continuous license checking, resulting in slow response = 5.3.5 = * Improvement: language files * Improvement: some small bug fixes = 5.3.4 = * Improvement: language files * Changed: license check using own transient function = 5.3.3 = * Removed credentialless from CORP setting as it caused some issues with embedded videos = 5.3.2 = * Fix: PHP <7 compatibility = 5.3.1 = * Improvement: fix site health still showing header notice if activated in pro * Improvement: set ssl verify to false on failed license check * Improvement: improved CORS settings = 5.3.0 = * Improvement: add support for report-to in CSP * Improvement: increase CSP display limit * Improvement: auto update option = 5.2.5 = * Improvement: add direct link to permalinks when permalinks notice pops up * Fix: navigation in scan overview = 5.2.4 = * Improvement: feedback on not detected headers = = * Fix: Rest API and pretty permalinks check inverted, causing false positive notification in dashboard about the permalink structure = 5.2.3 = * Improvement: various Content Security Improvements: added override to 20 reporting/100 display limit. Fixed CSS when 100+ pages * Improvement: added default required WordPress rules to Content Security Policy * Improvement: fixed advanced header warning position * Disable scan on invalid license * Improvement: moved recommended security headers notice to free, added override in Pro * Added Cross-Origin resource policy security headers = 5.2.2 = * Fix: double quotes in php headers causing issues since recent browser updates = 5.2.1 = * Improvement: replaced admin notice on inactivate license * Improvement: move security headers above WP Rocket .htaccess rules to prevent compatibility issues * Improvement: enable auto updates * Improvement: Content Security Policy did not allow for wss:// and ws:// web socket protocol * Improvement: removed trailing slash from rest api * Improvement: added rsssl_pause_after_request_count filter to adjust request count on which CSP pauses * Improvement: fixed some reporting variations = 5.2.0 = * Improvement: changed PHP header option to dropdown * Improvement: remove unnecessary parameter in file scan * Improvement: request header origin sometimes returns null. Changing to 'host' resolves the Content Security Policy reporting API in those cases * Improvement: styling issue on scan UX = 5.1.0 = * Improvement: comment on multisite environments caused layout issue = 5.0 = * Updated translations = 4.1.11 = * Fix: for very long .htaccess files, support form in the plugin gave an invalid response. props Vincent = 4.1.10 = * Fix: typo in reset license key obfuscation * Translations update = 4.1.9 = * Improvement: 'none' or '*' attribute deprecated for Permissions Policy * Improvement: Content Security Policy for unsafe inline * Improvement: Interest Cohort added to permissions policy = 4.1.8 = * Fix: PHP headers were set with quotes, causing issues on some servers. * Fix: When switching from "enforce" to "paused", CSP headers were not removed * Improvement: generalized wrap_header function for more robust header generation * Improvement: disable remove .htaccess headers on activation of PHP headers. = 4.1.7 = * Moved secure cookies to free = 4.1.6 = * Improved WP Engine compatibility * Improved Content Security Policy, added option to revoke result from overview * Lowered Content Security Policy request limit = 4.1.5 = * Fix: set defaults firing even when dependency check not validated * Fix: Constant RSSSL_DOING_CSP not set when running the CSP API = 4.1.4 = * Improvement: Added report-paused mode to Content Security Policy generator. Reporting will now automatically pause after 200 requests to prevent high server load * Improvement: Further restricted access to Content Security Policy generator REST API calls * Fix: Default options won't be reconfigured after plugin deactivation/activation = 4.1.3 = * Made PHP header option available on all configurations * Improvement: wrap example code in comments = 4.1.2 = * Fix: File name in upgrade function = 4.1.1 = * Fix: condition for .htaccess writing in combination with do not edit .htaccess option = 4.1.0 = * New: PHP headers support for all security headers, autodetecting necessity for NGINX. * New: Changed feature policy into permissions policy. = 4.0.7 = * Fix: always activate multisite license for main site url = 4.0.6 = * Improvement: moved renamed free folder notice to free plugin * Improvement: PHP 8 compatibility = 4.0.5 = * Improvement: 404 redirect check expiration set to one year when test is successful = 4.0.4 = * Fix: hsts header on multisite not saving = 4.0.3 = * Fix: network settings link * Fix: multisite hsts preload option not saving * Improvement: License notifications. Differ between remaining activations when current site is activated, and when not. = 4.0.2 = * Improvement: exclude .htaccess from edits outside settings page = 4.0.1 = * Fix: decode license for support ticket * Fix: made some untranslatable strings translatable = 4.0.0 = * New user interface * Fix: transient stored with 'WEEK_IN_SECONDS' as string instead of constant * Improvement: notices dashboard, with dismissable notices * Improvement: improved naming of settings, and instructions * Improvement: new translations * Improvement: new fix options in scan * Fix: scan mixed content detection false positive * Improvement: removal of .htaccess lines and wpconfig lines on deactivation * Fix: CSP generation bug for some types * Fix: is_writable check on secure cookies write * Improvement: do not insert default security headers if SSL not enabled yet = 2.1.21 = * Fix: return after htaccess is not writable = 2.1.20 = * Improvement: add env=https based on apache version, if available. * Improvement: fix both www and non www URL's in elementor = 2.1.19 = * Added upgrade script to move HSTS header to security headers block * Prefixed Elementor URL replace option * Updated NGINX/PHP security header notice * Added function_exists() checks * Add style-src-elem and script-src-elem to Content Security Policy * Improved TLS version check to prevent cURL errors on some setups = 2.1.18 = * Fix: check if uses_elementor function exists = 2.1.17 = * Fix: check 404 homepage redirect issue only on settings page = = * Fixed a bug where having allow_url_fopen = 0 in the PHP configuration could cause a PHP warning on the Really Simple SSL dashboard = 2.1.16 = * Added a TLS version check * Added a check for a redirect to homepage which can cause mixed content errors on image = 2.1.15= * Automatically fix mixed content in Elementor by calling the Elementor replace_urls() function = 2.1.14 = * Added Permissions Policy security header = 2.1.13 = * Removed env=HTTPS from HSTS preload header as it's not required anymore = 2.1.12 = * Fixed a bug where the SSL page could not be opened on multisite installations = 2.1.11 = * Fixed some untranslatable strings in security headers help tips * Added German formal translations thanks to Thorsten Wollenhöfer = 2.1.10 = * Removed error logging from CSP class = 2.1.9 = * Fixed a bug where the rest route wouldn't initialize = 2.1.8 = * Fixed a bug which could prevent the Content Security Policy generator endpoint from working on specific setups with a site in a subfolder = 2.1.7 = * Tested with WordPress 5.3 = 2.1.6 = * Enabled some security headers by default. * Show HSTS preload option after enabling HSTS option without reloading page * Updated support tab to pre-fill fields on really-simple-ssl.com, directly sending from support tab resulted in some undelivered e-mails = 2.1.5 = * Improved license request caching on settings page = 2.1.4 = * Improved support tab request processing = 2.1.3 = * Fix: fixed a bug where an empty regex matching group produced false positive http:// scan results = 2.1.2 = * Added right-to-left text support * Scan error is now dismissible * Fix: certificate valid to date now only shows when the corresponding option has been enabled = 2.1.1 = * Fix: no check for CSP violations when CSP not enabled. = 2.1 = * Added Content Security Policy Generator * Added security headers * Fix: moved emptying of results in blocked url's outside of loop * Added Danish, Hungarian and Polish languages = 2.0.24 = * Tweak: added support for Bitnami/AWS htaccess.conf * Tweak: updated support notice to send an e-mail manually after no response for 24 hours = 2.0.23 = * Tweak: added notices in license tab * Tweak: admin notices will no longer show in Gutenberg edit screen * Tweak: added visual feedback when fixing a scan results item * Tweak: added notice when free plugin has been renamed * Tweak: removed untraceable results from scan results * Tweak: blog count fix for multi-networks = 2.0.22 = * Tweak: added caching to redirect_to_http() function to prevent timeouts. * Tweak: updated Portuguese translations. = 2.0.21 = * Fix: fixed a bug in the redirect_to_http() function. = 2.0.20 = * Added support tab * Tweak: improved mixed content scan regexes * Tweak: added a redirect to http:// check before activating SSL = 2.0.19 = * Fix: fixed a bug where ignored url's were being added to the ignored url's array, even if they were already present. * Tweak: the /plugins/, /wp-admin/ and /wp-includes/ directories have been excluded from the scan to increase performance. = 2.0.18 = * Fix: html closure in activation message = 2.0.17 = * Tweak: removed background running of scan * Tweak: removed HTML from translatable strings = 2.0.16 = * Tweak: updated notices to be in line with free notices = 2.0.15 = * Tweak: when the scan is finished it shows the text Scan Finished and the progress bar turns green. * Fix: improved external css and js detection regex = 2.0.14 = * Fix: run javascript only on own settings page * Fix: ajax url on some functions not correct * Fix: scan results only outputting after a refresh = 2.0.13 = * Tweak: updated the scan cron to prevent it from running without first starting the scan manually = 2.0.12 = * Updated the scan functionality to use cron = 2.0.11 = * Added scan support for the wp_postmeta table * Fix: the show ignored URL's option now works correctly = 2.0.10 = * Fix: certificate expiration warning showed even when cert is still a long period valid if no valid response is received. * Fix: config screen still showing error while not blocked URL's were left, because a 0 == 'string' comparison return true. = 2.0.9 = * Fix: the plugin will no longer scan its own folder for mixed content * Fix: the scan now contains a number of common false positives in the $safe_domains array to prevent them showing up in the scan = 2.0.8 = * Fix: added a notice when the HSTS header is set using PHP on NGINX servers = 2.0.7 = * Fix: fixed a bug where the $has_result in the external CSS and JS scan was set to true when there were no results = 2.0.6 = * Tweak: added a warning when inserting HSTS headers via PHP = 2.0.5 = * Fix: deleted unnecessary transient delete = 2.0.4 = * Added support for Widgets in the mixed content scan * Tweak: changed icon classnames from icon to rsssl-icons = 2.0.3 = * Tweak: option to disable flushing of rewrite rules on activation = 2.0.2 = * Tweak: added secure cookie settings * Tweak: added notice if secure cookie settings couldn't be applied automatically = 2.0.1 = * Fix: made the HSTS option available when using the pro plugin on a multisite installation * Tweak: updated the Easy Digital Downloads plugin updater to version 1.6.14 = 2.0.0 = * Fix: moved scan data to transients, so large scan data arrays won't clutter the database * Updated the 'Scan for issues tab' * Fix: scan results are now shown in a responsive layout * Fix: fixed a bug where protocol independent (//) files and/or stylesheet were not being scanned = 1.0.33 = * Fix: adjusted the HSTS header so it will also work in three redirects * Fix: not all hot linked images were matched correctly in the scan = 1.0.32 = * Fix: When mixed content fixer is activated, urls are replaced to https, which prevented the scanner from finding these urls. A replace to http fixes this. * Fix: Regex pattern updated to match the pattern in the free version, to prevent cross elemen matches. * Fix: Changed priority of main class instantiation to make sure it instantiates after the core plugin = 1.0.31 = * Removed direct redirect to primary URL, as preload list requires a two step redirect, first to https. = 1.0.30 = * Fixed issue where preload HSTS setting wasn't saved when HSTS header was already in place. * limited .htaccess edit to settings save action. = 1.0.28 = * Added certificate expiration date admin notice * Bypass redirect chain * Fixed SSL per page compatibility issue = 1.0.27 = * Added dutch translation * Fixed typo in copyright warning box * Fixed spacing between buttons in copyright warning box * Tweak: added settings link to pro plugin in plugins overview page * Fix: fixed a bug where curl function did not increment iteration, so redirect loops were not circumvented. Use wp_remote_get instead. = 1.0.26 = * Added expiration warning functionality: enable it in the settings to get an email if your ssl certificate expires. * Fixed a bug that detected if the HSTS should be added in the .htaccess or in the code * HSTS now available for NGINX as well * Fixed a bug where the last js and css files were not parsed for http urls. = 1.0.25 = * css styling fixes = 1.0.24 = * Bug fix in importer.php = 1.0.23 = * Bug fixes = 1.0.22 = * Added functionality to fix mixed content issues * several bug fixes = 1.0.21 = * improve license validation = 1.0.20 = * Extended safe list of domains for scan * fixed a bug in licensing for multisite. * fixed a bug where the scan freezed because of not loading external url's = 1.0.19 = Tweak: added better feedback on license not being activated Tweak: added HSTS preload list option Tweak: added mixed content fixer for the back-end = 1.0.18 = Tweak: added possibility to deactivate license, for migration purposes = 1.0.17 = Tweak: also checking for http links in form actions Fix: bug caused empty scan results to show, even when no scan had been executed Fix: last queue item was shown as nr 0, instead of the last nr = 1.0.16 = Fix: bug where not all found blocked urls would show up Fix: also searching for the escaped values of a url in the database. = 1.0.15 = Tweak: added option to enable or disable the curl function for file requests = 1.0.14 = Added option to disable brute force database scan