Shoptimizer stands out as the optimal solution for swiftly accelerating your WooCommerce store. If you seek a high-speed WooCommerce Theme meticulously designed for enhanced conversion rates and increased sales, Shoptimizer Theme Free Download is the ultimate choice. Don’t look any further when speed and optimization are your top priorities.
Shoptimizer WordPress Theme Features
- Incredible speed scores!
- Increase trust with security badges
- Previous and next product navigation
- Beautiful layout for the product information
- Optional wishlist functionality
- Promotion header strip
- Uses the customizer for instant changes
- Sticky product details on scroll
- Additional product information
- Use trust badges at crucial stages
- Social media sharing icons including WhatsApp
- FOMO popup highlighting previous sales
- Include Single Product FOMOs
- In stock visibility to encourage purchase
- Stock level display
- Sticky header with call to action upon scroll
- Offer bar with discount code
- Mega menu support included
- Superior product category SEO
- Quantity increase/decrease buttons added
- Product image zoom for more details
- Request a call back option
- An additional tab for shipping prices to encourage buying
- Elementor page builder
- A huge impact on SEO rankings
- Request a call back feature
- Minified and Critical CSS created automatically!
- Add to cart button has color customization options
- Improved search with instant results
- Complete an order quicker
- Add slide up sales notifications
- Include reasons to purchase
- Find items even faster
- Countdown timer
- Beautiful pre-designed pages included
2.7.3 - 15-12-2023 * Fix - Three column grid blog archive layout now displays correctly. * Fix - Extra condition wrapped around the PLP ratings quantity so it displays only on the Shop and Catalog pages. * Tweak - Removed the "Category:" prefix from archive titles by default. CommerceKit 2.2.8: * Fix - Error when trying to edit a product with an older version of Woo (6.x) active. * Tweak - "Choose" string can now be translated. 2.7.2 - 13-12-2023 * Fix - Theme hover colors were being applied to Elementor buttons. * Tweak - Center the rating count if product cards are center aligned. CommerceKit 2.2.7: * Fix - Search suggestions relevance logic improved. * Tweak - Updated translations file. 2.7.1 - 01-12-2023 * Tweak - Adjustment to theme.json as block editor link underlines were appearing on some sites. CommerceKit 2.2.6: * Fix - Multiple order bumps on checkout page caused some display issues. * Fix - Countdown custom message now displays correctly. 2.7.0 - 29-11-2023 * New - Customizer option to display reviews count next to stars on shop/catalog pages. * New - Option to create a separate menu for mobile. * Fix - The "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives" WC option caused the single add to cart ajax event not to work when caching was active. * Fix - Search results sidebar not displaying on mobile. * Fix - Empty cart page styling resolved after WC7.8.x release. * Fix - Swiping past the add to cart button caused the mobile menu to close. * Fix - Cannot redeclare function error when ShopEngine plugin is active. * Fix - Mega menu dropdowns double-tap issue on large tablets. * UX - Improved focus-visible styling when navigating with the keyboard. * UX - Make Inter the default font for new installations rather than IBM Plex Sans. * Tweak - Cart quantity arrows on cart page - can now enter a custom value. * Tweak - Cart quantity arrows - improved styling in iOS devices when it becomes 16px on focus. * Tweak - Custom no search results page now works for all use cases. * Tweak - Sidebar mini cart quantity JS improvements. * Tweak - Single product add to cart JS improvements. * Tweak - Checkout page product thumbnails now have a skip-lazy class to prevent duplication in certain instances. * Tweak - Standardized gap when regular or skinny gallery layout selected. * Tweak - Styling for alignwide and alignfull included. * Tweak - Product long descriptions now order correctly on mobile, i.e. image first, then text. * Tweak - Numerous RTL improvements. * Compatibility - WooCommerce Product Recommendations style improvements. * Compatibility - Support for the Advanced Woo Search plugin - https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-woo-search/ * Compatibility - Sendy Pro widget styling added. * Compatibility - Initial theme.json version included (beta) for enhanced block editor controls. * Accessibility - Primary menu dropdown items now have aria-expanded true/false labels when interacting with them. * Accessibility - Sidebar cart now traps focus when interacting with it via the keyboard and can be closed with the Esc key. CommerceKit 2.2.5: * New - Ajax search module: huge performance improvements. Product search suggestions now loaded from CommerceKit cache tables. * New - Ajax search module: can now reset the "Most frequent searches returning 0 results" table. * New - Import/Export Attribute Galleries and Attribute Swatches option via: CommerceKit > Import/Export * New - Waitlist now has a 'Products' section: see the most popular items (and their variations) and how many customers have signed up for each. * New - Can now disable the CommerceKit waitlist for a particular item via a checkbox in the product editor. * New - Size Guides can now be displayed via the default sliding panel or within a tab. * New - Attribute Swatches settings has an aditional "Disable Loading Facade on Product Listings Pages" option. * New - Countdowns now include an option to hide it when it reaches zero. * New - Countdowns can now optionally display a custom message when it reaches zero. * New - Order Bump now includes a "Cart total" condition option for even better customer value targeting. * New - Order Bump statistics in the admin area can now be reset. * New - HPOS compliance. * Fix - Product page tab headings now highlight correctly when on the correct "active" tab area. * Fix - Sticky add to cart button label changes to "Get notified" when a variation that is out of stock is selected and the waitlist is active. * Fix - Google Search Console indexing alert resolved when embedding videos within the product gallery. * Fix - Multiple Order Bumps now work correctly in RTL mode. * Fix - Ajax Search: Adding a single quote caused a fatal error. * Fix - Empty <a> tag appearing in Wishlist markup caused W3C validation issues. * Tweak - CommerceKit tooltip attribute markup improved to include "data-" before each. * Tweak - Order Bump thumbnail and title now links to the product. * Tweak - Order Bump arrows repositioned to prevent them being cut-off. * Tweak - Improved compatibility with WPML for attribute swatch label translations. * Tweak - Sticky bar now toggles a class on/off when stuck for enhanced custom styling possibilities. * Tweak - Waitlist export file now includes ID and SKU columns. * Tweak - Removed emojis within default free shipping notifications text. 2.6.7 - 29-05-2023 * Fix - Replaced deprecated use of get_page_by_title with WP_Query for the custom 404 and "No search results" pages. * Tweak - Styling for a Password protected product improved. * Compatibility - WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro by SkyVerge error resolved. CommerceKit 2.2.4: * Fix - Attribute swatch variations appeared out of stock on listings pages when certain conditions were present. * Tweak - Order bump now includes left and right arrows when multiple bumps are present. * Tweak - Additional checks added to ensure fatal error doesn't occur when % is mistakenly used instead of %s within inventory bar module. 2.6.6 - 16-05-2023 * New - Update cart page quantity via ajax without a plugin. Customize > Layout > WooCommerce - Ajax update cart page quantity * New - Option to display the default 'Shop' h1 heading. Customize > Layout > WooCommerce - Display shop heading * New - Create a Custom "No Search Results" page. * New - Create a Custom 404 Page. * Fix - added_to_cart event not being fired within single-product-ajax.js. * Fix - Quantity buttons on cart page now remain visible after updating quantity value. * Fix - "The content of your post doesn’t match the template assigned to your post type" message within product admin area. * Fix - "Site doesn’t include support for the "woocommerce/product-tab block" message within product admin area. * Fix - Modal class changed to cg-modal to prevent conflicts with modals in other plugins. * Compatibility - YITH Quick View plugin. * UX - Mobile search toggle icon interaction is snappier now. * UX - Cart page quantity selector now matches the mini cart style. This is also easier to interact with on mobile. * Performance - Load single-product-ajax.js in the footer. * Accessibility - GPSI suggestion: Remove aria-hidden="true" from PDP modal. * SEO - Changed search modal heading from a h4 to a div. * Tweak - Include "nolink" CSS class option within mega menu. * Tweak - Improved hover intent menu targeting. * Tweak - Added scroll snap for mobile products scrolling elements. * Tweak - RTL improvements. * Removed - "Full width contained" page template. CommerceKit 2.2.3: * Performance - "skip-lazy" CSS class added to the first image within the Product Gallery. * Performance - Lazy load swiper and photoswiper JS files in the footer. * Performance - Videos now lazy load upon user interaction on mobile. * Performance - Attribute swatches loading improvements on PLPs and PDPs which resolves layout shifts. On PLPs a loading facade now appears while the swatches are loading in the background. * Compatibility - Product gallery now works better with the FlyingPress lazy loading option. * Compatibility - Countdown timers now work with YITH Bundle Product Types. * Compatibility - Product badges now work with the IconicWP "Show Single Variations" plugin. * Compatibility - Sticky add to cart CTA buttons now work as quick-scroll anchors on WooCommerce Bundle products. * UX - Clear cache option moved into separate Settings tab. * UX - Improved approach to cancel and restarting Action Scheduler tasks. * UX - Beta label removed from modules in admin area. * UX - Attribute swatches can now be toggled on/off on PLPs and PDPs independently. * UX - Made it possible to access the waitlist for out of stock items when "Out of stock visibility" is enabled. * Fix - Order bumps should not display disabled variations. * Fix - Waitlist notify button layout on grouped products. * Fix - Product gallery minor layout shift on galleries with a lot of product images resolved. * Tweak - Waitlist export now includes field "Mail sent - yes/no". * Tweak - "Display hidden out stock products" option now available in the Waitlist admin. * Tweak - Number of product gallery thumbnails visible is now filterable. * Tweak - Free Shipping Notification "Continue Shopping" URL is now configurable via a new admin option. Tweak - New option to include arrows within the product gallery thumbnails slider. 2.6.5 - 07-03-2023 * New - Sidebar cart quantity option. Customize > Header and Navigation > Cart. * New - Hover intent theme option for less jarring sudden interactions with dropdown menus. Customize > Header and Navigation > Navigation * Fix - Typography 2.0 PHP error resolved and updated Google Fonts list included. * Fix - PDP button gap if only 1 in stock. * Tweak - More robust sale discount calculation function. * Tweak - Improved review reply styling. * Tweak - One row header layout on the thank you page style corrections. * Tweak - Removed lazy loading background image for below header category banner as this would typically already display above the fold. CommerceKit 2.2.2: * New - Multiple order bumps within the mini cart and checkout. * New - Product swatches can now display 2 colors if desired. * New - Waitlist option to send mails to everyone on the list when an item is back in stock. * New - Waitlist footer text input. * New - Waitlist emails can now include HTML in contents. * New - Choose a custom icon for the size guides. * Fix - Product gallery on mobile no longer requires two interactions to initialize. * Fix - Sticky add to cart bar mobile display issue. * Tweak - Product gallery primary image now includes the fetchpriority="high" tag. * Tweak - Reposition mobile gallery pagination dots to be underneath the gallery. * Tweak - Swatches PLPs: when linking to the PDP and there is only one attribute remove the 'Select options' button. * Tweak - Ajax search now supports custom taxonomies e.g. various brands plugins. * Tweak - Ajax search suggestions previously had a max height of 600px, this is now dynamic. * Tweak - Countdowns variable JS names changed to prevent conflicts. * UX - Size guides admin area now suggests you create your first size guide if one does not exist. 2.6.4 - 31-01-2023 * New - Option to hide the "View cart" button in the sidebar mini cart. Customize > Header and Navigation > Cart. * Fix - Hiding category description option now works again. * Tweak - Theme now uses CSS Grid on blog and archive pages. * Tweak - Lock icon added to cart and mini cart checkout buttons. * Tweak - Mobile cart RTL improvements. CommerceKit 2.2.1: * New - Swatches on PLPs option. Can now link to the overall PDP or the selected swatch. * Fix - Sticky ATC z-index issue, it appeared above sidebar cart when opened. * Fix - Product swatch label didn't display when the label was '0'. * Fix - Product Badges 500 error when assigned categories/tags were later deleted. * Tweak - Sticky add to cart gap on mobile. * Compatibility - Countdown timers now work with the WPC Grouped Product Type. * Compatibility - Sticky ATC tabs now work with the WPC Grouped plugin. * Compatibility - Waitlist with the Product Bundles plugin. * UX - Settings link added to CommerceKit on the WordPress plugins page. 2.6.3 - 09-01-2023 * New - Customizer typography controls can now accept local custom font files. * Fix - For variable items on sale, the sale % value now updates on PDPs if it differs between variations. * Fix - Improved order of CSS loaded within Shoptimizer's child theme. * Fix - Below category content WYSIWYG - solved empty <p> tag display issue. * Compatibility - WooCommerce Product Videos plugin. * Compatibility - Smart Search Pro plugin. * Compatibility - Improved WooCommerce Composite Products Styling. * Tweak - Added a reveal password toggle to the login and register form on the My Account page. * Tweak - Cart total in nav bar displays large values better. * Tweak - Add to cart CTA on PDP goes full width if quantity input isn't present. * Tweak - RTL improvements. CommerceKit 2.2.0: * New - Minimal mobile layout option for product galleries. * Enhancement - Added post meta to an order to record when an order bump has been added. * Enhancement - New option allows for free shipping notification to be displayed by default before a customer enters their shipping address. * Enhancement - PLP swatches when there is only a single variation now displays an add to cart button. * Enhancement - Can now adjust stock meter colors and thresholds. * Enhancement - Can now change number of products displayed within ajax search suggestions. * Fix - PHP error when WooCommerce is disabled. * Fix - Slow admin when Query Monitor plugin was active resolved. * Fix - Free shipping notification - if a product is downloadable the free shipping bar was hidden. * Fix - Sticky add to cart gap on mobile when sticky header is not active. * Fix - Product gallery white space above image at certain proportions resolved. * Fix - Attribute gallery not working based on attribute value. * Fix - Attribute gallery image swap issue. * Fix - Video page indexing: No thumbnail URL provided. * Fix - Order bump setting "Button added" now displays correctly. * Fix - Product gallery white space issue if first image isn't as tall as subsequent ones. * Fix - When vertical scroll gallery enabled, clicking a swatch jumped to the bottom of the PDP. * Fix - Wishlist items being duplicated after refreshing page. * Tweak - Improved wishlist mobile styling. * Tweak - "Configure" buttons in dashboard can now be translated - thanks to Aviel. * Tweak - Single variation swatches now displays out of stock attributes better. * Compatibility - Free shipping notification now works with the WooCommerce Flexible Pricing by WPDesk plugin. * Compatibility - Product gallery now works with the WooCommerce 360º Image plugin. * Compatibility - ElasticPress can now be integrated within Ajax Search module. * Compatibility - Waitlist and Order bump modules with WPML. 2.6.2 - 12-09-2022 * Fix - Header layout bug which occurred when mobile search toggle option was active. 2.6.1 - 09-09-2022 * Fix - Bug when mobile filters button didn't stick to the top when certain conditions were active. * Fix - Animated underlined links within mega menu on iPads required 2 taps before following the link. * Fix - Category description text when switched off was only being hidden on the first page. * UX - Accessibility improvements. Homepage now gets 98/100 in Google Lighthouse. * Tweak - Standard 'On Sale' bubble style now matches the % version. * Tweak - Mobile Cart layout option is no longer experimental and is now switched on by default on new installs. * Tweak - Included optional open="open" parameter for the accordion shortcode. * Tweak - Below header category banner now goes full width edge-to-edge. * Tweak - 'Recently added' within search modal can now be toggled on/off in customizer. * Tweak - Basic block styling CSS included if Gutenberg editor is active. CommerceKit 2.1.1: * Fix - Product gallery lazy loading issue. * Enhancement - Sticky add to cart bar module now works with grouped products. * Enhancement - Product Badges can now be assigned to product tags. * Tweak - Sticky add to cart scroll gap margin tweaks. * Tweak - Attribute Swatches - added aria-label to color swatches for accessibility. * Tweak - Free shipping notification output adjusted to use apply_filters. * Tweak - Product gallery accessibility improvements. 2.6.0 - 11-08-2022 * New - Related/Upsells/Cross-sells now scroll on small viewports. Can also mobile scroll WC shortcodes with optional "mobile-scroll" class. * Fix - Elementor Pro editor triggered the sidebar cart. * UX - Shop/Catalog mobile filters UX - 'Show Filters' button now sticks on scroll. * UX - Catalog image hover effect now present only on non-touch devices. * Tweak - Improved mobile styling across all key templates. * Tweak - Improved sidebar cart styling. On mobile the sidebar cart is now full width. * Tweak - Lots of RTL improvements. * Tweak - My account order details styling improvements. * Tweak - Out of stock label styling on product cards. * Tweak - Search modal style adjustments. * Tweak - Product categories widget: absolutely position the count. * Tweak - Security lock icon added before 'Place order' button on checkout page. * Tweak - In stock pulsing animation replaced by tick icon. Pulse was jerky on iOS devices due to a lack of support for animated pseudo-elements. * Tweak - On PDPs if quantity is hidden, make the add to cart button fill the space. * Tweak - In Firefox double arrows were appearing in the quantity field. * Tweak - Product type "Mix and Match" excluded from PDP Ajax add to cart. CommerceKit 2.1.0: * New - Size Guides module. * New - Product Badges module. * New - Free shipping notification module. * New - Vertical gallery option within the product gallery module. * New - Simple scroll option within the product gallery module. * New - Ajax search option to display out of stock products at the end of the results. * New - Stock meter module option - can now adjust the low/regular/high stock thresholds within the admin area. * Fix - Sticky add to cart compatibility with YITH Tab Manager plugin. * Tweak - PDP swatch style for a single attribute when Waitlist module is enabled. * Tweak - Improved Wishlist responsive styling within the "My account" area. 2.5.5 - 07-06-2022 * Fix - Search suggestions within search modal no longer cut, and modal is positioned at the top rather than centered. * Tweak - On original sticky add to cart bar, rel="nofollow" added to CTA. CommerceKit * Fix - Resolved issue with sticky add to cart panel closing. * Fix - Sticky add to cart cloned form problem when Waitlist module is enabled. * Tweak - Improved Sticky add to cart tabs visibility with one row header layout in Shoptimizer. * Tweak - Improved Sticky add to cart tabs visibility when mobile search bar is always visible. * Tweak - Better sticky add to cart panel styling when regular <select> dropdowns are used on PDPs. * Tweak - Sticky add to Cart RTL improvements. 2.5.4 - 27-05-2022 * New - Empty mini cart widget area. You can now add custom content to this area. * Improvement - Request a call back modal now includes product data. * Accessibility - WAVE color contrast adjustments. * Tweak - Mobile menu review styling. * Tweak - In stock styling on PDPs. * Fix - Better WooFunnels compatibility. * Fix - Dokan z-index dropdown issue. CommerceKit 2.0.3: * New - Sticky add to cart module. More advanced sticky bar on PDPs for desktop and mobile. Includes option to expand default WooCommerce tabs content. * New - Store owners can now see wishlist data! CommerceKit > Wishlist > Reports * Fix - Mobile product gallery issue, it previously snapped back to the first image after scrolling. * Accessibility - "Empty button" issue in WAVE resolved. * Accessibility - "Broken same page link" issue in WAVE resolved. * Accessibility - aria-hidden="true" added to color swatches. * Accessibility - Countdown label color made darker. 2.5.3 - 08-04-2022 * Fix - Ensure that checkout custom widget content appears after official PayPal plugin. * Fix - Mega dropdown hover glitch when variable products are present in it. * Tweak - Further RTL styling improvements. * Tweak - CSS fix if Elementor is active on the Cart page. * Tweak - Improved styling when using the WooCommerce Composite Products plugin. CommerceKit 2.0.2: * New - Tooltips option for color and image swatches on PLPs and PDPs. Can be turned on/off within CommerceKit > Attribute Swatches * New - Countdown single campaign option. Set a countdown to appear only between two specific dates and times. Ideal for sales. * Fix - When Attribute Gallery module was disabled, old gallery images displayed. * Fix - Attribute Swatches now works with non-Latin characters, e.g. Hebrew and Arabic. * Fix - When Product Gallery module is active, Elementor's SwiperJS is now only disabled on PDPs. * Fix - HTML validation warning resolved. "The itemprop attribute was specified, but the element is not a property of any item". * Tweak - Improved compatibility with the WPML String Translation plugin. * Tweak - Improved compatibility with WP Rocket and Imagify - particularly webp images. * Tweak - Improved compatibility with PLP infinite scrolling/load more plugins. * Tweak - Improved compatibility with YITH Badge Management plugin. * Tweak - Improved compatibility with WooCommerce Composite Products plugin. * Tweak - Improved compatibility with weDevs WooCommerce Conversion Tracking plugin. 2.5.2 - 11-03-2022 * Fix - Accordion shortcode now works if Elementor is used on PDPs. * Fix - PDP layout issue when bundle products are displayed. * Fix - Sticky add to cart PDP bar HTML validation issue. * Fix - Breadcrumbs width when Elementor Pro full width template active. * Fix - Content width now applies to Logo/Navigation/Cart header layout. * Tweak - RTL styling improvements. * Tweak - Top bar padding on mobile adjustment. CommerceKit 2.0.1: * Fix - Video no longer zoomed on mobile. * Fix - Waitlist modal styling issue. * Fix - Custom attributes "no selection" issue. * Fix - Quick add to cart still applying on variations with a single attribute even when turned off. * Fix - Vimeo Pro embed URLs now work correctly. 2.5.1 - 01-03-2022 * Minimum PHP requirement bumped to 7.3.33 (latest secure version of PHP 7.3). * Fix for shoptimizer-metaboxes.php error. 2.5.0 - 28-02-2022 * New - Single product options metabox. Turn off certain elements on an individual product level, and reorder the short description position. * New - Theme option to change product description width. Appearance > Customize > Layout > WooCommerce > Product description container width. * New - Theme option to change product gallery width. Appearance > Customize > Layout > WooCommerce > Product gallery width. * New - Theme option to reorder the PDP short description. Appearance > Customize > Layout > WooCommerce > Product short description position. * New - Theme option to enable the block editor on the product long description area. Appearance > Customize > Layout > WooCommerce > Enable block editor * New - Shortcode to include accordions within PDP short description area. * New - Theme option to disable the block editor for widgets. Appearance > Customize > Layout > General > Disable block editor for widgets * New - Additional top bar controls. Appearance > Customize > Header and Navigation > Top Bar * New - Additional below header controls. Appearance > Customize > Below Header * New - Sales badge style option - circle or bubble. Within: Appearance > Customize > Layout > WooCommerce * New - Search field style option - filled or outline. Within: Appearance > Customize > Header and Navigation > Header * New - Display blog page title option. Within: Appearance > Customize > Layout > Blog * New - Can now set the mobile product grid to one column. Appearance > Customize > Layout > General * New - Support for AIOSEO breadcrumbs. * New - Support for FiboSearch plugin. * Fix - Typography 2.0 now compatible with latest Kirki 4.0+ release. * Tweak - Product category style improvements when in the PLP loop. * Tweak - PDP Additional information tab style improvement. * Tweak - Block widget style improvements. * Tweak - Styling when product categories shortcode added to posts. * Tweak - ACF full width category banner option now also applies to brand taxonomies. * Tweak - My account mobile styling improvements. * Tweak - My account icons width adjusted to 1.5px. * Removed - Product gallery thumbnails position option. Will now use the product gallery module in CommerceKit. CommerceKit 2.0.0 - MAJOR UPDATE: * Dashboard - New logo and dashboard design. * Product Gallery - New layouts! Grid: 2 cols x 4 rows, Grid: 3 cols, 1 col, 2 cols, Grid: 1 col, 2 cols, 2 cols. * Product Gallery - Can switch an individual product's gallery layout style thanks to a new product page selection option. * Product Gallery - Now supports variation images. * Product Gallery - Now include videos in the product gallery. * Product Gallery - Arrow style changed to make them more visible when product photos have a white background. * Product Gallery - Font icon for arrows replaced with lighter SVGs. * Product Gallery - Better compatibility with Elementor features on the single product page. * (New) Product Attributes Gallery - assign images to a single attribute, so you no longer have to make a selection from say color and size before the image updates. * (New) Attribute Swatches - Include color, image, and button swatches on the product page. * Attribute Swatches - Include swatches also on the shop and catalog pages with (optional) quick add to cart functionality. * Order bump - Fixed display issue when using specific category selections. * Waitlist - Improved from and reply-to address handling. * Waitlist - Improved email formatting. 2.4.5 - 10-08-2021 * Tweak - Select options button in sticky bar now scrolls to the variations form. * Tweak - Minor style improvements when using Elementor Pro on single product pages. * Tweak - Previous/next products option performant code refactor. * Compatibility - Better styling when using the official 'WooCommerce Quick View' plugin. CommerceKit 1.3.0 - MAJOR UPDATE: * Product gallery - NEW performance-focused gallery for single product pages. * Ajax search - Fix for SQL message being displayed. * Ajax search - Special characters now display correctly in the search suggestions. * Waitlist - Fix for waitlist form not displaying for certain variations. * Wishlist - Improved display when long product IDs are used. 2.4.4 - 19-07-2021 * New - 'Thank You Custom Area' widget (Appearance > Widgets), allows you to add custom content at the end of the thank you page. * Tweak - Distraction-free checkout option now excludes thank you page. * Tweak - Thank you page style tweaks. * Tweak - Better content top padding when breadcrumbs aren't active. * Tweak - sale prices are now bolded. * Fix - PDP sticky bar will no longer show average rating if 'Display reviews' option is disabled. * Fix - [aria-*] attributes do not match their roles. * Fix - PHP Notice: Undefined variable: sku. * Fix - 404 page products shadow on hover. * Fix - Elementor Pro - when products shortcode is used and 3 columns is selected, the grid now displays correctly. CommerceKit 1.2.8: * Order bump - HTML encode fix. * Countdown - Checkout countdown now correctly resets if previous cart items are removed, and new items are added. * Stock meter - incorporates low stock threshold value if used. * Stock meter - now works correctly with variation swatch plugin if labels/colors are selected. * Waitlist - Disabled functionality for composite products. * Waitlist - New notification recipient field option. 2.4.3 - 03-06-2021 * Fix - An additional check to see if a sizes attribute is present. * Tweak - Coupon button hover color now matches the other buttons. 2.4.2 - 02-06-2021 * Tweak - Mobile PDP tabs style change to increase the tappable area. * Tweak - WooCommerce Brands header layout now matches product categories. * Tweak - Small style adjustments if using the Perfect Brands plugin. * Tweak - Margin reduction on single posts when no breadcrumbs active. * Tweak - PDP Description title now removed with filter rather than hidden with CSS. * Fix - Previous/next blog post setting works correctly now. * Fix - Category titles when 'Below header' option applies now mirror the default H1 font size. * Performance - Custom sizes attribute for PDP images. * Performance - New custom thumb for PLPs. New sizes media query for PLP loop. * Performance - Load Rivolicons option now disabled by default, as theme uses SVG icons. * Update - Class name change from menu-link to cg-menu-link. CommerceKit 1.2.7: * Remove DOMContentLoaded dependency JS throughout plugin. * Ajax search - Fix for non published products appearing within search suggestions. * Order bump - enhanced selection functionality for variable products. 2.4.1 - 12-05-2021 * Fix - Reduced sensitivity of 'Show Filters' button on mobile when scrolling past it. * Tweak - Removed JS classes applied to category description area * Tweak - Reworked category description markup and CSS of PLPs, CLS is now 0. * Tweak - PLP category image dimensions now outputted. * Tweak - PDP sticky bar now loads the smaller woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail image size. * Accessibility - Use aria-label for quantity selectors. CommerceKit 1.2.6: * Ajax search - New option to hide variations from search suggestions. * Order bump - If PayPal Plus plugin active, reload checkout page if an order bump item is added. 2.4.0 - 05-05-2021 * New - 'Blank canvas' page template. Removes header and footer. Ideal for custom landing pages. * Fix - Displaying single products using a shortcode functionality and styling improved. * Accessibility - Quantity selector 'Links are not crawlable' GPSI warning resolved on PDPs. * Tweak - Default H2 headings now 600 weight. * Tweak - Width of category images when no description is present is 100% again. * Tweak - H1s added to the product description area matches default H1 style. * Tweak - Minor RTL improvements on PDPs. 2.3.9 - 21-04-2021 * Fix - Ensure coupon field on cart page is 16px to fix mobile iOS zoom. * Tweak - Better max-width CSS display for category images to reduce flash of image resize. * Tweak - Replaced checkout loading spinner gif with inline svg. * Tweak - Product category banner can now also apply to product tags. * Tweak - Blog grid layout style improvements. * Tweak - Product description H2 now correctly corresponds to the typography H2 setting. * Tweak - Some Elementor 3.2 compatibility updates. * Removed - Display pagination theme option due to conflict with YITH infinite scrolling plugin. CommerceKit 1.2.5: * Countdowns - Fixed undefined indexes PHP warning. * Waitlist - Improved logic when an item is out of stock. * Order bump - Solved some duplicated product image issues when lazy loading plugins were active. 2.3.8 - 24-03-2021 * Fix - Tapping the x on the mobile PDP gallery sometimes triggered the cart sidebar. * Fix - Ajax search option not appearing when Header 4 layout selected. * Fix - Mega menu hover overlay now covers footer. * Tweak - Checkout and cart inputs now use 16px font sizes to prevent zoom on iOS. * Tweak - Request a Quote plugin responsive styling tweaks. CommerceKit 1.2.4: * Countdowns - Improved checkout countdown text wrapping display on smaller viewports. * Ajax search - Removed DOMcontentloaded dependency so it can now be delayed. * Ajax search - String added to translation file: "Search results for:" 2.3.7 - 15-03-2021 * Update - Typography 2.0 filter support. * Tweak - Better PDP info bar styling when long strings are present. * Tweak - Improved WooCommerce Bundle styling. * Tweak - Improved WooCommerce Request a quote styling. 2.3.6 - 04-03-2021 * Fix - Elementor Pro can now overwrite the 404 template. * Fix - variable_id PHP warning. * Update - Languages pot file updated with additional strings. * Tweak - RTL vertical gallery layout. CommerceKit 1.2.3: * General - Fixed notice on WP multisites. * Order bump - Delete action fix in admin. * Waitlist - Only emails a single time when an item is back in stock. 2.3.5 - 18-02-2021 * Fix - PHP error if WC is deactivated. * Fix - PDP Ajax add to cart for external products functionality improved. * Tweak - Variations tick icon JS now correctly displays when a variation is selected. * Tweak - Small adjustment to the open sidebar cart vanilla JS. * Tweak - Germanized plugin can now update variation prices dynamically. * Tweak - <select> font display improvement in Firefox for Windows. CommerceKit 1.2.2: * Stock meter - Position fix on variable products 2.3.4 - 08-02-2021 * New - Mobile cart page experimental theme option: collapses the table cells into rows. Useful for certain sites with a lot of long product title strings, or German sites which need to display more information e.g. tax data. Appearance > Customize > Layout > WooCommerce * Fix - Modal css loading fix when certain options are selected. * Fix - Tagline theme option now saves correctly without needing to reapply it. * Fix - WooCommerce sidebar position on the archives template. * Tweak - Updated quantity.min.js file. * Tweak - Cart table on checkout page now has slightly larger thumbnails and more flexible markup. CommerceKit 1.2.1: * Ajax search: Strip visible <span> tags from autocomplete results display. * Order bump - Improved responsive CSS styling. * Stock meter - JS fix. 2.3.3 - 27-01-2021 * New - Option to include My Account icon and link in mobile header. * Fix - Ajax PDP error message bar display. * Fix - Error if WC is deactivated. * Fix - HTML validation issue. * Fix - Styling when widget menu is used in footer. * Tweak - New languages .pot file included. * Tweak - Better mega menu transition timing when hovering on and off quickly. CommerceKit 1.2.0: * Ajax search: Search by SKU now displays variations in results dropdown. 2.3.2 - 20-01-2021 * Fix - Added to cart message doesn't get added to other pages. * Fix - Reduced sensitivity of mobile filters button so it doesn't open when scrolling past it. * Fix - JS error when WooCommerce ajax option was disabled. * Fix - Additional <h1> tag removed. * Fix - Reverted decision to disable Rivolicons by default. * Tweak - Minor RTL improvements. * Tweak - Improved menu widget styling. * Tweak - Sale price color in CommerceKit ajax search results dropdown now matches theme option. --- CommerceKit 1.1.9: * General: Fixed update notices. * Wishlist: <br> tags no longer outputted if included in product titles. * Waitlist: Removed PHPMailer sender field data. 2.3.1 - 13-01-2021 * Fix - Mobile menu tap event improvement. * Fix - Update button on cart page fixed. * Fix - Sidebar body class now added to WooCommerce taxonomy pages. 2.3.0 - 12-01-2021 * Performance - PHP required version bumped to 7.2.1. * Performance - Theme-specific javascript rebuilt using vanilla JS. * Performance - Set Rivolicons to not load by default. * New - Can now add text to the bottom of the cart sidebar. Appearance > Customize > Header and Navigation > Cart * Fix - Navigation hover links color option now works correctly. * Fix - Renamed jetpack_lazy_images_blacklisted_classes filter to jetpack_lazy_images_blocked_classes. * Fix - Hover underline issue when using columns in mega menu. * Fix - Exclude WooCommerce variable subscriptions from PDP ajax add to cart. * Fix - PDP ajax error notices now appear above the product. * Tweak - New shoptimizer_woo_cart_available function check before loading cart quantity and amount. * Tweak - Improved mobile menu tap event on Android. * Tweak - RTL style improvements. * Tweak - Improved WooCommerce subscriptions completed order and my account table styling. * Tweak - No results search styling design. * Tweak - Cart page coupon button style improvement. * Tweak - Minor WooThumbs gallery plugin compatibility style improvements. --- CommerceKit 1.1.8: * Search: Result page tabs now translatable. * Search: If catalog visibility set to hidden, it will not now appear in search results. * Search: Excluded pages/products now removed from search results, not just suggestions. * Search: Results page pagination issue resolved. * Waitlist: Can include HTML in the label field. * Waitlist: Checkbox not automatically ticked. * Waitlist: Fixed button label issue on Grouped products. * Waitlist: If backorders enabled, waitlist form will not appear. * Countdowns: Now display on backordered items. * Wishlist: aria-label added to links. * Order bump: Fixed issue where adding an order bump sometimes removed credit card inputs. * Stock meter: Responsive display improvement on mobile. * Stock meter: More accurate level reflected in the bar width. * Stock meter: Additional 'low-stock' CSS class added when stock level is low. 2.2.9 - 05-11-2020 * Fix - Mobile filter doesn't appear if sidebars are not active. * SEO - Product category image alt tag is now used if present. * Tweak - YITH Ajax Filter plugin styling improvements. * Tweak - Filter by attribute widget dropdown no longer overlaps sticky menu. * Tweak - Improved default gallery styling. 2.2.8 - 22-10-2020 * Tweak - Lots of RTL improvements. * Tweak - Mobile footer style issue fixed if Elementor used. * Tweak - Width and height if SVGs are added to the top bar widget area * Tweak - Top bar widgets now centered on mobile * Fix - Dropdown arrow color in Header 4 * Fix - Wishlist icon was overlapping mobile Header 4 2.2.7 - 13-10-2020 * Fix - Products in mega menu not appearing in Elementor Pro * Fix - Property notices debug messages. 2.2.6 - 12-10-2020 * Improvement - Replaced Rivolicons and star font files with faster loading SVGs, removing two requests. * New - Theme option to disable Rivolicons. Appearance > Customize > General > Speed Settings * New - Color option for icons in below content area. Appearance > Customize > Colors > Footer * New - SEOPress breadcrumbs option added. * New - Mini shopping bag icon option included. * New - Includes <h1> hidden titles on Shop and Blog pages. * Fix - Remove pagination theme option broke YITH Infinite Scroll in v2.2.5. Now resolved. * Fix - Elementor overflow mobile issue resolved. * Fix - Elementor Pro loading issue when using a theme builder header. * Fix - Compatibility with Ci WooCommerce Product Gallery Slider plugin. * Fix - Check for out of stock string condition added. * Tweak - YITH Wishlist functions and CSS now conditionally load only if plugin is active. * Tweak - Sticky add to cart bar will always now be positioned at the bottom on mobile. 2.2.5 - 24-09-2020 * New - CommerceKit launched! * New - Option to remove shop pagination. Appearance > Customize > Layout > WooCommerce * New - Mobile header now has a search toggle option. Appearance > Customize > Header and Navigation > Mobile Header > Mobile Search Position * Improvement - More defined form element styling on checkout and account pages. * Fix - Overflow issue on Elementor pages on mobile. * Fix - Adjusted sales badge function to remove if_admin condition and included a check for product bundles. * Tweak - Intermediate media query for smaller tablets added, product grid adapts to 3 rather than 2. * Tweak - WooCommerce Smart Search plugin removed from TGM installer. * Removed - Stock meter theme option has now migrated into the CommerceKit plugin. 2.2.4 - 28-08-2020 * New - Can now add a title label to the sidebar cart. Appearance > Customize > Header and Navigation > Cart * New - Typography preset option - Inter. Appearance > Customize > Typography > Presets * Fix - Sticky bar JS error when a product was out of stock. * Fix - Image change on hover option now loads the correct thumbnail size. * Fix - Double scrollbar issue on Canvas template. * Tweak - Sidebar cart improvements, now doesn't open until the product has been added. * Tweak - Add to cart buttons now display a spinner while the item is being added. * Tweak - Improved search results styling in preparation for our own search module. * Tweak - WooCommerce info bar styling improvements if ajax ATC turned off. * Tweak - Vertical gallery JS improvements. * Tweak - Font smoothing in Firefox. 2.2.3 - 31-07-2020 * New - Can now display previous and next blog posts. Option in: Appearance > Customize > Layout > Blog * Fix - PHP 7.4.1 error message when WooCommerce is not active. * Fix - Overflow issue on About page in Safari. * Tweak - Icon fonts now use display block rather than swap. * Tweak - Simplified the logo function code. * Tweak - Submit button style in WP Forms. * Tweak - Strong/weak password icon now displays within My Account area. * Tweak - Set blog post featured images to display by default. * Tweak - Shop pagination margin adjustment. * UX - Remove sidebar by default from Cart, Checkout and My Account pages without having to change the template to full width. 2.2.2 - 18-07-2020 * Tweak - Mobile sidebar cart z-index adjustment. 2.2.1 - 17-07-2020 * Fix - Mobile overlay issue when top bar is visible. * Fix - Lots of minor RTL improvements. * Tweak - Mega dropdown menu now supports a 5-col class. * Tweak - Improved responsive tables within the My Account area on mobiles. * Tweak - CommerceKit updated to 1.0.3. 2.2.0 - 11-07-2020 * Fixes - A number of customizer selector corrections from the 2.1.9 release. Thanks to Krishnendu and Guillermo. * Tweak - Inner scrollbar now visible within sidebar cart when contents are taller than its container height. 2.1.9 - 10-07-2020 * Performance - Removed sticky-kit.js - now uses native CSS sticky and vanilla JS. * Performance - Moved quantity js into a separate file and only loads on PDP and cart. * New - Option to show fixed search bar below header on mobile. * New - Option to show top bar on mobile. * New - Support for Ajax Search for WooCommerce plugin for main site search. * Fix - Mobile filters slide out bar no longer closes when you tap outside of it. Solves a number of issues regarding the selection of filters. * Fix - W3C validation issues when menu descriptions were active. * Fix - Elementor Pro conditional pages setting now applies correctly. * Tweak - Reduced length of some of the theme option class names. * Tweak - Simplified inline color CSS from theme options selections. * Tweak - Elementor Pro product card styling improvement on mobile. * Tweak - Elementor Pro custom header usage will now remove the default theme header and navigation. 2.1.8 - 22-06-2020 * Fix - Subscription products opened up the cart drawer instead of directly linking to the product page. * Fix - Content overflow within single product critical CSS file from 2.1.7. * Fix - More robust sales badge function checks. * Fix - Undefined index: shoptimizer_layout_top_bar_mobile 2.1.7 - 19-06-2020 * New - Can now add a button to the main menu. * New - Dokan styling if the plugin is enabled. * New - Compatibility with Imagify's webp <picture> format. * Tweak - Removed next and previous text from blog pagination - just arrows. * Tweak - Simplified link and hover color selectors. * Fix - Child theme icon font paths issue resolved. 2.1.6 - 11-06-2020 * New - Can now span multiple columns in the mega menu. * Tweak - Display attribute term title on its archive page. * Tweak - Previous and next arrows on single products now display items within the same category. * Tweak - Removed $j call from main.min.js and recompressed it. * Tweak - Add to cart button visibility on mobile devices. * Tweak - Added a preload for icon fonts. * Accessibility - Added aria-label to product links. * Accessibility - Increased contrast on grey category color. * Accessibility - Removed maximum-scale on header.php viewport. 2.1.5 - 04-06-2020 * Fix - Top bar position when using full width header. * Fix - Search modal display on large iPads. * Tweak - Improved upsells title function, now uses a WC4.1 filter. * Tweak - Sticky cart bar hook position. * Tweak - Mobile Extra widgets area no longer requires WooCommerce. * Tweak - Improved swatch styling if using labels. * Tweak - Mega menu width - occasional overlapping issue with 5 columns on iPads. * Tweak - Single product ajax add to cart JS adjustment. * Removed - Option to show top bar widgets on mobile. 2.1.4 - 29-05-2020 * New - Option to position cross sells on the cart page. * New - Option to use the regular WordPress search in the header rather than the WooCommerce search. * Fix - Mobile top spacing when sticky menu was active. Mobile sticky header no longer uses JS. * Tweak - Better product card hover to cope with different sized images. * Tweak - Make cart shipping toggle selections bold when active. * Removed - Sticky header height option when full row header selected, resulting in improved performance. 2.1.3 - 22-05-2020 * All new options in this release are now available within: Appearance > Customize > Layout > WooCommerce * New - Option to have ajax add to cart on single product pages. * New - Option to flip and display a different product image within product cards on hover. Should be used with a lazy load plugin active. * New - Option to hide category featured image. * New - Option to hide category description. * New - Option to change upsells title text. * New - Option to position upsells before related on single product pages. * Fix - Colors within product cards embedded in blog posts. * Fix - Modal display CSS now loads on full width header layout when the search is disabled. * Tweak - Can now set letter spacing for all headings within the typography section. * Tweak - Mobile: Can now toggle shop and archives sidebar filter sidebar by tapping outside it or on close icon. 2.1.2 - 15-05-2020 * Fix - Focus issue on mobile search input on Android. * Fix - When search is disabled on full row header, don't load modal.css * Fix - CommerceKit 1.0.2. Removes a message displayed in the log file. * Tweak - Exclude product gallery images from Jetpack's lazy load. * Tweak - Further improved mobile sidebar cart buttons staying in view, works on initial load and resize. * Tweak - Highlight active link in product categories widget. * Tweak - Opacity hover effect on primary menu will now apply irrespective of how the menu is named. 2.1.1 - 01-05-2020 * Tweak - Added a theme option around menu descriptions - they are no longer displayed by default. * Tweak - Improved downloads styling on confirmation screen. * Tweak - Minor style tweaks. 2.1.0 - 29-04-2020 * New - Can now include images in the mega menu - see: https://www.commercegurus.com/docs/shoptimizer-theme/mega-menu/ * Tweak - Minor mobile responsive tweaks. * Tweak - Better JS targeting of quantity up and down arrows. * Tweak - Updated xfn structured data reference in header.php to use https. * Tweak - Improved RTL styling on single product add to cart bar. * Fix - On mobile the sidebar cart checkout button should now always stay in view, even when the bottom mobile bar is present. * Fix - Sticky menu issue when full width header layout active. 2.0.9 - 24-04-2020 * Fix - Responsive sticky header layout when switching from portrait to landscape mode on large tablets. * Fix - Sticky bar issue resolved between 992px and 1024px viewports. * Fix - Refactored single product CSS so can now use the single product shortcode on standard pages. * Fix - Cart page layout width issue in Safari on tablets. * Tweak - Radio button active color on cart and checkout pages when only one option. * Tweak - RTL version - On the my account screen, sidebar is now on the right. 2.0.8 - 08-04-2020 * Tweak - Link color within product short description. * Tweak - Border added to below category area, and better table styling. * Tweak - Display product category widget counts. * Tweak - RTL mobile product layout. * Fix - Add to cart issue from mobile menu products. 2.0.7 - 03-04-2020 * Tweak - Sticky product bar now uses ellipsis for long titles. * Tweak - Touchstart included as well as click in main JS file. * Tweak - Minor sidebar cart style improvements. * Fix - PHP7.3 warning message for below category text area. 2.0.6 - 26-03-2020 * Fix - Link color issue on single blog posts. * Fix - Duplicate magnifier icon in search widget. * Tweak - Size guide plugin position on products. * Tweak - Metadata on single products now on one line. * Tweak - Minor responsive adjustments. 2.0.5 - 19-03-2020 * Fix - Mobile filters no longer close if text is entered into a filters widget. * Fix - Tapping an add to cart button within the mobile menu now closes the menu and opens the cart. * Fix - Theme's link colors weren't applied on certain pages and posts. * Fix - Duplicated SKU issue on variable products. * Fix - Dimensions and weights on variable products not displaying. * Tweak - First mobile menu item styling. * Tweak - With a centered logo, header style of minimal checkout improved. * Tweak - Updated shoptimizer.pot language file for translations. 2.0.4 - 10-03-2020 * Tweak - Responsive video container styling for embedded Youtube videos in description tab. * Tweak - Remove page header from canvas template. * Tweak - Minor RTL improvements. * Fix - Search overlay fix on some Android devices when mobile navigation is active. * Fix - CommerceKit 1.0.1 update to remove debug warning. 2.0.3 – 26-02-2020 * New - Header layout option - can now include the cart in the main header instead of only within the menu bar. * New - Product archives template for users of FacetWP and who want to display the mobile filters toggle. * Tweak - Mobile sub menus will be revealed if the parent link is a hash (#) and is tapped. No longer need to tap only the arrow. * Tweak - Product category shortcode within mega menu styling. * Tweak - Mobile call to action buttons now line up if using slide up card option. * Tweak - Add a width check to the masonry grid JS call so it only applies on desktop. * Tweak - Mega menu hover timing adjustment. * Tweak - Improved styling of the Downloads section within My Account. * Fix - "Undefined variable: tagline" warning message. = 2.0.2 – 19-02-2020 * New - Product card style alternative to the polaroid effect - a slide up effect. * New - Can now remove buttons from product cards. * Tweak - Link and link hover colors now apply if the Elementor Canvas template is selected. * Tweak - Mobile cart page improvements. = 2.0.1 – 12-02-2020 * Fix - Alternative cart icon color. * Tweak - Mobile filter js function call. * Tweak - Mega menu heading margin adjustment. * Tweak - Improved filter widget styling. * Tweak - Tag page description padding. * Tweak - Cart table display at very small mobile resolutions. * Tweak - Remove featured thumbnail from canvas template. * Tweak - Add <h1> brand title if using WooCommerce Brands plugin. * Tweak - Product card style in Elementor Pro. = 2.0.0 – 03-02-2020 * Fix - Blog grid layout display * Fix - Mobile cart icon color * Tweak - Waiting list button style when logged in. = 1.9.9 – 29-01-2020 * New - Offscreen mobile navigation and additional color options make it much easier to style. * New - Mobile extras widget area allows for additional information be displayed below mobile navigation. * New - Mobile cart icon color option. * Fix - Header 2 and 3 logo position issue. * Fix - product_thumbnail_in_checkout filter causing error message. * Fix - Elementor font and color styling being over-written by typography controls in the customizer. * Fix - Link color styling not being applied on some pages. * Fix - Elementor Pro users can now use their own custom single post template. * Tweak - Small <500px breakpoint adjustment where the timer and stock counter collapse under each other. * Tweak - Display enlarge product image icon on mobile. * Tweak - Revert single product image display to take up full width of viewport. = 1.9.8 – 14-01-2020 * Fix - Header 4 z-index issue. = 1.9.7 – 13-01-2020 * New - Started typography presets section, can switch to a websafe font. * New - Added Rank Math as an option for the breadcrumbs display. * Tweak - Moved Mobile Header options from General into Header and Navigation section. * Tweak - Changes to the sticky mobile menu operation and larger tappable icons. * Tweak - Single product zoom on desktop and mobile. * Improvement - Icons added to main customizer panels. * Improvement - Removed and optimized some images from the setup section bringing zip size down to 620kb. = 1.9.6 – 03-01-2020 * New - Full width header style added. * New - Can now disable top bar on mobile. * New - Option to place checkout coupon code top or bottom. * New - Option to display product CTA button always, i.e. not on hover. * Tweak - If top bar disabled, wrapping div also removed. * Tweak - Single product, cart, checkout mobile views all improved. * Tweak - My Account styling enhanced. * Tweak - Include small product thumbnails within checkout summary order table. * Tweak - Improved radio style on checkout. * Fix - PHP search modal warning if WC not active. = 1.9.5 – 16-12-2019 * Fix - Hide the mobile search if disabled. * Fix - Mobile sticky header issue if Header 4 enabled. * Fix - Elementor Pro custom header replaces header and navigation if Header 4 enabled. * Tweak - Select dropdown style adjustments. = 1.9.4 – 9-12-2019 * Fix (Header 4) Distraction free checkout hides search and cart. * Fix (Header 4) Mobile search present again. * New - Header 4 theme option - can now change the search modal title within customizer. * Tweak - warning info message on single products no longer full width. = 1.9.3 – 5-12-2019 * New - One row header layout option added - Logo / Navigation / Search / Cart * New - Can now arrange gallery thumbnails vertically, next to the main product image. * Fix - Mobile sticky menu issue resolved. * Tweak - Removed wp_body_open as some folks are still running an old version of WP which doesn’t support it. = 1.9.2 – 26-11-2019 * Update to TGM installer to fix sprintf() too few arguments warning when installing plugins. * Tweak - Judge.me stars disappearing on hover. 1.9.1 – 25-11-2019 * New – CommerceKit plugin allows automatic one-click updates once domain has been connected within My Account. * Fix – Kirki deprecated function: required replaced by active_callback throughout. * Tweak – Menu heading font style comes through to mobile menu now also. * Tweak – Small style adjustment – Reviews tab margin on mobile. 1.9.0 - 21-11-2019 * New - Header layout: Search / Logo / Secondary * New - Header layout: Secondary / Logo / Search * New - Loading spinner displays after placing an order at the checkout. * New - Additional font theme option. Can now change heading font within mega menu. * New - Minified versions of all CSS files now load if theme option selected. * New - Minifed main.js now loads. * Tweak - Minified sticky-kit.js and lazyload.js and added them to main.js. * Tweak - Conditionally loading lazyload-bg.js so it’s not always present. * Tweak - Smart Search results display better when items with a long title are found. * Tweak - Removed placeholder focus CSS rule which interfered with SUMO exit intent plugin. * Tweak - Added WPForms and YITH Wishlist to the help section as suggested plugins. Removed from the TGM installer. * Tweak - Improved default theme styling when Kirki is not active. * Tweak - Removed Kirki fallback style and script loaders. * Tweak - Help area; improved heading font styling. * Reorder - Navigation font settings put into the Typography panel. 1.8.9 - 20-11-2019 * Fix - Error message in functions.php if WooCommerce is not active. * Fix - Mobile navigation label displaying when disabled. * Tweak - Responsive cart display on smaller resolutions. * Tweak - Link color for list items in posts. 1.8.8 - 14-11-2019 * Tweak - Improved Judge.me styling on single product pages. * New - wp_body_open(); added to header.php. * Fix - Improved sticky bar styling when adjusting browser window width manually. 1.8.7 - 08-11-2019 * Tweak - Mobile menu now can expand and collapse more than one level. * New - Theme option to remove featured images on posts. * Tweak - Small CSS adjustments for better compatibility with certain plugins. 1.8.6 - 02-11-2019 * Fix - Prevent canvas template footer from going edge-to-edge full width. * Fix - Allow shortcodes within category description area. * Fix - Compatibility with Off-Canvas Sidebars and Menus plugin. = 1.8.5 - 31-10-2019 * Tweak - Removed breadcrumbs from full width (no heading) template. * Tweak - Out of stock text now called by a function. Can be changed via a filter. * New - Canvas template for full width edge-to-edge page creation. = 1.8.4 - 29-10-2019 * Fix - Double tap issue on mobile navigation. * Fix - Debug notice warning on 404 page. * New - Support for Yoast breadcrumbs via a theme option. * New - Can disable author and meta on single blog posts via theme options. = 1.8.3 - 18-10-2019 * Fix - Floating button was not appearing on single products. * Fix - Tagline variable not defined. * Fix - Removes extra archive description block from paginated pages if below header layout selected. * Tweak - Cart widget styling when in a sidebar. * Tweak - Products within mobile dropdown grid adjustment. * Tweak - Regular message styling on a single product. = 1.8.2 - 09-10-2019 * Fix - Full width category image display fix. * New - Theme options to change related, upsells and cross-sells number. = 1.8.1 - 02-10-2019 * Fix - ACF not activated error message. * Tweak - Sidebar cart style tweaks including empty state. * Tweak - Woo Notification plugin style improvements. * Addition - Can now switch the basket icon to a cart via: Customize > Navigation > Cart. = 1.8.0 - 30-09-2019 * Enhancement - Elementor Pro compatibility. Can now use custom headers and footers with the theme. * Tweak - Product category description text width when there's no sidebar. = 1.7.9 - 20-09-2019 * Tweak - Product reviews star rating display. * Tweak - Button within product card display. * Fix - Tap event on main dropdown menu now works on touch devices. Once to open. Second time to follow the link. = 1.7.8 - 17-09-2019 * Tweak - Product categories within grid styling. = 1.7.7 - 16-09-2019 * New - Category title and description layout below header option. * Fix - Mobile grid bug which reappeared. * Fix - Regenerated Critical CSS. * Tweak - More precise sticky bar scrolling to selection options. = 1.7.6 - 13-09-2019 * Fix - German market plugin compatibility. * Fix - WooCommerce bundles plugin now displays prices correctly on mobile. * Tweak - Single product responsive change - details now appear under the image * Tweak - Mobile grid adjustments for products within Elementor sections. = 1.7.5 - 12-09-2019 * New - Star rating now displays within the single product sticky bar. * New - Can now place the single product sticky bar at the bottom. * New - Can now add label text beside the mobile menu. * New - Option to display the site tagline under the logo. * New - Theme option to turn off the sliding cart drawer and link directly to the cart. * Tweak - Bundles and composite products within sticky bar now scroll to summary. * Tweak - Composite products style tweaks. * Tweak - Additional RTL styling. * Tweak - Sidebar cart z-index when demo store notice is active. * Tweak - Sidebar filters mobile animation speed to prevent ghosting. = 1.7.4 - 09-09-2019 * Fix - Sale label now appears on mobile on single products. * Fix - Elementor text element font size on single products. * Tweak - Sticky add to cart bar now supports bundles. * Tweak - Change product title on mobile to be a span. * Tweak - Empty cart styling improvements. * Tweak - Additional RTL styling. = 1.7.3 - 04-09-2019 * Fix - Gap above sidebar cart when viewing as a customer. * Tweak - Product categories on mobile now fit to the grid. * Tweak - My Account orders table styling improvements. * Tweak - RTL improvements. = 1.7.2 - 28-08-2019 * Fix - Added to cart button display. * Fix - Responsive layout on mobile for My Account page. * Fix - Product grid now displays correctly when Elementor page template is selected. * Fix - Grid of 6 columns display on Safari. * Fix - Mobile filters sidebar was briefly visible before page loaded. * Fix - Safari cart display bug when multiple shipping options were present. * Tweak - Accessible alternative to hiding product title h1 on mobile. = 1.7.1 - 01-08-2019 * Addition - Theme option to display secondary navigation on mobile. * Fix - Mobile layout of category description text * Tweak - Categories with product cards, markup changed from a <h6> to a <p>. = 1.7.0 - 29-07-2019 * Fix - Grid issue in Safari resolution. = 1.6.9 - 29-07-2019 * Fix - Firefox category image layout. * Fix - Grid display in Safari. * Fix - Grid display on mobile iOS. * Fix - Link Colors Theme Option. * Tweak - Sidebar cart checkout button position when admin bar is present. * Addition - Masonry layout option for Shop. * Addition - Can now add labels to the menu dropdowns using the <strong> tag. = 1.6.8 - 15-07-2019 * Tweak - Main grid % widths refactored. * Enhancements - Infinite scrolling shop support. = 1.6.7 - 08-07-2019 * Tweak - Responsive blog layout updates. * Tweak - Confirmation page: display addresses in two columns. * Addition - Updated POT language file. = 1.6.6 - 27-06-2019 * Fix - Added to cart message bar styling. * Fix - JS error if floating modal button option is not active. * Tweak - Styling when fixed mobile bar is active. = 1.6.5 - 26-06-2019 * Fix - Added to cart message bar styling. = 1.6.4 - 26-06-2019 * Fix - Single product responsive issues from 1.6.3. * Fix - Iconic swatches plugin double tick icon. * Fix - Sticky header on mobile now picks up the background header color. = 1.6.3 - 25-06-2019 * New - CSS split into key template files reducing load. * Fix - Lazy load sticky logo so that it is non-blocking. * Fix - Sale theme color option. * Fix - Variation default option now stays set. * Fix - New lighter modal js on the single product page which resolves some plugin conflicts. * Enhancements - a host of minor CSS bugs squashed. = 1.6.2 - 11-06-2019 * Fix - Floating button theme option was hidden * Fix - Gutenberg video block display * UX - Variable products now display a tick beside each attribute when an option has been selected. Purchase button stays faded out until it can be interacted with. = 1.6.1 - 04-06-2019 * Fix - Star ratings were showing a slight difference on Windows and Mac rendering = 1.6.0 - 31-05-2019 * New - Mobile sticky header option added * Enhancement - Theme version number added to main.min.css for better cache busting * Fix - Countdown timer styling = 1.5.9 - 24-05-2019 * Fix - wc_add_to_cart_message deprecated function * Fix - Column layout when using Elementor's product grid = 1.5.8 - 09-05-2019 * Enhancement - improved added to cart bar styling which includes a direct checkout link * Enhancement - new widget area to add reviews under the cart summary for conversions = 1.5.7 - 03-05-2019 * Fix - get_woocommerce_term_meta deprecated function * Fix - blog sidebar display when turned off on the shop = 1.5.6 - 02-05-2019 * Fix - SKU display updates now on variable products * Enhancement - Alternative to the Beeketing plugin added = 1.5.5 - 17-04-2019 * Fix - Remove the dequeuing of Dashicons * Tweak - Minor style tweaks = 1.5.4 - 12-03-2019 * Tweak - Card Product titles now link also * Tweak - Single product variable CTA button is no longer grey and faded * Improvement - Display % discount next to single product page price * Fix - Extra dash within variable/grouped product pricing * New - Theme Option - cart text hover color = 1.5.3 - 01-03-2019 * Fix - Old price/sale price margin issue * Improvement - Minimal checkout now also removes main navigation and top bar * Addition - Progress bar color option added within theme options = 1.5.2 - 28-02-2019 * Fix - Price display issue = 1.5.1 - 27-02-2019 * Tweak - Single product page no longer displays two h1 tags * Improvement - Sale badge now works on variable products * Fix - Below category content code refactoring = 1.5.0 - 24-02-2019 * Tweak - Grid adjustment on mobile = 1.4.9 - 22-02-2019 = * Fix - Mega menu dark opacity layer present when refreshing the page while hovered over the link * Fix - Remove mobile filters button if no widgets present * Tweak - Mobile sorting dropdown now full width if no mobile filters button present = 1.4.8 - 21-02-2019 = * Improvement - Below category WYSIWYG now accepts shortcodes * Tweak - Shop ratings - increase priority to 6 = 1.4.7 - 20-02-2019 = * Fix - Display product sorting / display result count now applies after the loop also = 1.4.6 - 12-02-2019 = * Tweak - WooCommerce product search widget style * Improvement - Single product shortcode display * Improvement - Add to cart shortcode display * Fix - Legacy Gutenberg style cleanup * Fix - Double scrollbar on fixed container page * New - wpml-config.xml file added for WPML = 1.4.5 - 04-02-2019 = * Fix - Button color styling fix = 1.4.4 - 27-01-2019 = * Improvement - Enhanced WooCommerce Subscriptions styling = 1.4.3 - 04-01-2019 = * Tweak - Enhanced mobile header/navigation color options = 1.4.2 - 30-12-2018 = * Fix - Safari grid % correction = 1.4.1 - 29-12-2018 = * Compatability - WooCommerce Germanized Plugin styling * Tweak - Progress bar now links to cart/checkout pages = 1.4.0 - 19-12-2018 = * Fix - Level 2 font size when in a full width dropdown * Enhancement - Confirmation order styling = 1.3.9 - 18-12-2018 = * Tweak - Better styling when breadcrumbs are disabled = 1.3.8 - 14-12-2018 = * Fix - Product loop function category link permalink = 1.3.7 - 13-12-2018 = * Tweak - Display category description text on all paginated pages within that category. = 1.3.6 - 13-12-2018 = * Tweak - Single variable product sticky button scroll to variations table rather than outer div = 1.3.5 - 07-12-2018 = * Tweak - Better mobile cart rendering when multiple items are in it * New - Additional full-width single post blog template added to better display posts built with Gutenberg = 1.3.4 - 04-12-2018 = * Fix - Remove biggerlink JS library = 1.3.3 - 30-11-2018 = * Fix - Improved the general search results display = 1.3.2 - 28-11-2018 = * Tweak - Reposition Critical CSS stylesheet in the <head> = 1.3.1 - 27-11-2018 = * Tweak - Increase specificity on the RTL stylesheet = 1.3.0 - 26-11-2018 = * Update - RTL support added! * Enhancement - Out of stock label on shop/archives screens = 1.2.7 - 20-11-2018 = * Tweak - Redo the three homepage features to use regular images rather than backgrounds * Tweak - Rivolicons to use font-display: swap = 1.2.6 - 19-11-2018 = * Fix - Quantity selector JS rewritten, fixed increments of two from sometimes happening * Tweak - Cart page - updated message color and style tweak * New - Mobile header color options = 1.2.5 - 12-11-2018 = * Fix - Safari grid calculation adjusted = 1.2.4 - 10-11-2018 = * Tweak - Sale badge display fixed if set not to display = 1.2.3 - 09-11-2018 = * Fix - Dropdown menu now works within unlimited levels * Fix - Responsive tweaks for the stock countdown display * Tweak - Primary color theme option now picks up more spots * Tweak - If Sale badge is disabled - reverts to the normal WooCommerce display = 1.2.2 - 24-10-2018 = * Fix - Search instant results display on mobile = 1.2.1 - 02-10-2018 = * Tweak - On mobile: Display left and right arrows on product image * Fix - CSS rule for stock countdown plugin had changed, updated this = 1.2.0 - 18-09-2018 = * Tweak - On mobile: Sticky add to cart bar appears * Tweak - On mobile: Call me back button hidden * Tweak - Cross sells now positioned under wrapper for better mobile layout = 1.1.9 - 17-09-2018 = * Tweak - On mobile: Single product title, rating, price now appears above the product image * Tweak - New Theme option - can now enable/disable search = 1.1.8 - 16-09-2018 = * Fix - Select library now used for long dropdowns = 1.1.7 - 07-09-2018 = * Tweak - Cart and Checkout is now full width by default * Tweak - Site Description margin tweak = 1.1.6 - 03-09-2018 = * Tweak - Cart styling fix = 1.1.5 - 24-08-2018 = * Tweak - Minor responsive improvements for mobile = - 21-08-2018 = * Integration - Beeketing plugin styling = - 20-08-2018 = * Fix - Sticky bar reinstated for all products. When on a variable or grouped product it smooth scrolls down to the options. = 1.1.4 - 19-08-2018 = * Fix - Improved display of product categories = - 16-08-2018 = * Fix - Cart drawer opens now when on the minimal checkout * Tweak - Sticky single product bar now loads only on simple products * Integration - Woo Notification plugin = - 15-08-2018 = * Tweaks - Minor checkout improvements with 3rd party plugins = - 15-08-2018 = * Tweaks - Improvements in styling when Stripe payments plugin is active * Tweaks - AngellEye Express checkout for PayPal styling tweaks = - 14-08-2018 = * Fix - Variable products no longer opens the add to cart drawer when clicked * Fix - YITH wishlist icon position fix * Fix - Dash in a grouped/variable product price no longer disappears on hover * Integration - YITH Size Guide Plugin = 1.1.2 - 10-08-2018 = * Fix - related products width fix = 1.1.1 - 09-08-2018 = * Dev - Restructured header hooks * Dev - Show/Hide categories in product listings theme option added * Dev - Added top bar border color theme option * Dev - Added sticky border color theme option * Dev - Added hover opacity theme option on navigation links * Dev - Updated default colors including new dark navigation * Fix - If primary navigation is renamed it now displays correctly * Tweak - Top bar now visible on mobile = 1.1.0 - 06-08-2018 = * Tweak - Added theme option to show/hide previous and next products * Fix - secondary menu is now always aligned to the right = 1.0.9 - 31-07-2018 = * Integration - YITH Tabs Manager * Fix - modal appears now when item added to Wishlist * Tweak - Single product style tweaks * Tweak - Typography defaults updated = 1.0.8 - 26-07-2018 = * Integration - WPForms Lite supported * Integration - Aelia Currency Switcher plugin supported * Fix - Mobile style tweaks and improvements * Tweak - Typography defaults updated = 1.0.7 - 21-07-2018 = * Tweak - Mobile filters now slide out from the side when filters button is tapped * Tweak - Mobile viewport now kicks in at 992px * Tweak - Mobile header is now fixed on scroll * Tweak - General mobile style improvements throughout * Fix - Main menu no longer loses position when only a small number of nav links are present = 1.0.6 - 19-07-2018 = * Dev - Loading animation when item added to cart * Tweak - Cart countdown timer added * Tweak - loading spinner visible when item added to wishlist = 1.0.5 - 16-07-2018 = * Dev - Cart fragment dequeued * Tweak - Responsive fixes = 1.0.4 - 13-07-2018 = * Dev - Test for when YITH Wishlist is active * Dev - Previous/Next product now includes price display * Tweak - Updated typography defaults = 1.0.3 - 12-07-2018 = * Dev - Elementor page builder styles * Dev - Previous/Next arrows on a single product page * Tweak - Updated demo data = 1.0.2 - 06-07-2018 = * Dev - Support for YITH Wishlist * Dev - Support for YITH WooCommerce Waiting List * Dev - Support for Woo Advanced Product Size Chart plugin * Dev - Support for Jetpack share icons * Tweak - new card style when hovering over product * Tweak - CTA add to cart button now visible on card * Dev - New quantity up/down arrows included * Dev - Adding to cart on listings page opens the cart side panel * Tweak - New empty cart screen styling * Dev - Mobile header layout fix * Tweak - remove product widget if item is not in stock * Tweak - hide size guide if item is not in stock = 1.0.1 - 03-07-2018 = * Tweak - Style improvements * Dev - Speed theme options added - minification and critical CSS = 1.0.0 - 09-06-2018 = * Initial release