The Plus v5.3.2 – Addon for Elementor

Last Update: December 20, 2023
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The Plus is specifically designed for Elementor, incorporating a collection of top-notch Elementor addons crafted to inspire innovation and creativity. The Plus Addon for Elementor includes an array of extended elements, featuring elements such as Mailchimp, Icon Box, customized Contact Form 7, and more.

The Plus Addon for Elementor Features

  • Info Box
  • Buttons
  • Pricing Tables
  • Stylist List
  • Video
  • Countdown
  • Heading Title
  • Advance Text Block
  • Social Icon
  • Gallery Grid
  • Gallery Masonry
  • Gallery Metro
  • Client Carousel
  • Client CSS Filters
  • Client Messy Columns
  • Client Load More
  • Client Pagination
  • Before After
  • Animated Text
  • Smooth Scroll
  • Image Cascading
  • Creative Images
  • FlipBox
  • Dynamic Devices
  • Switcher
  • Accordions
  • Tabs/Tours
  • Row Background
  • Parallax Background
  • Segment Background
  • Canvas Background
  • Gallery Background
  • Client Grid
  • Client Masonry
  • Blog Design Styles
  • Blog Grid
  • Blog Masonry
  • Blog Metro
  • Blog Carousel
  • Blog Filter
  • Blog Messy Columns
  • Blog Stagger Load
  • Blog Lazy Load
  • Blog Pagination
  • Blog Load More
  • Testimonials Style 1
  • Testimonials Style 2
  • Testimonials Style 3
  • Testimonials Style 4
  • Testimonials Center Mode
  • Testimonials Messy Columns
  • Client Center Mode
  • Client Lazy Load
Version 5.3.2
Add : Post Author : Documentation Link
Add : Post Comment : Documentation Link
Add : Post Content : Documentation Link
Add : Post Featured Image : Documentation Link
Add : Post Meta : Documentation Link
Add : Post Title : Documentation Link
Add : Post Prev/Next : Documentation Link
Add : Info Box : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Flip Box : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Woo Product Images : Option to change the carousel direction
Fix : Carousel Anything : Carousel RTL direction compatibility with outer arrow
Fix : Blog Listing : Carousel RTL direction compatibility with outer arrow
Fix : Dynamic Listing : Carousel RTL direction compatibility with outer arrow
Fix : Product Listing : Carousel RTL direction compatibility with outer arrow
Fix : Social Feed : Carousel RTL direction compatibility with outer arrow
Fix : Client Listout : Carousel RTL direction compatibility with outer arrow
Fix : Team Memeber Listing : Carousel RTL direction compatibility with outer arrow
Fix : Testimonial : Carousel RTL direction compatibility with outer arrow
Fix : Social Review : Carousel RTL direction compatibility with outer arrow
Fix : Gallery Listing : Carousel RTL direction compatibility with outer arrow
Fix : Dynamic Category : Carousel RTL direction compatibility with outer arrow
Fix : Dynamic Smart show case : Carousel RTL direction compatibility with outer arrow
Update : off canvas : Controller Improvement
Update : Breadcrumbs Bar : Controller Improvement
Update : Advanced Typography : Controller Improvement
Update : Image Cascading : Controller Improvement
Update : Product Listing : Controller Condition Improvement

Version 5.3.1
Add : Navigation Menu Lite : Documentation link
Add : Accordion : Highlight search text
Add : Carousel Anything : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Blog Listing : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Dynamic Listing : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Product Listing : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Social Feed : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Client Listout : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Team Member Listing : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Testimonial : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Social Review : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Gallery Listing : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Dynamic Category : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Dynamic Smart show case : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Popup Builder / off canvas : Close Icon color
Fix : Search Bar : Compatibility of search result with All post selected
Fix : Display condition : Shortcode display condition Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements
Update : Product Listing : Controller UI Improvement
Update : Carousel Remote : Controller Improvement
Update : Search Bar : Condition Improvement
Update : Social Embed : responsive Compatibility for map style option 
Update : Design Tool : Controller Improvement
Fix : Team member listing : Style 4 icon width not working

Version 5.3.0
Add : Horizontal Scroll Demo
Compatibility : Event Traker : GA4 Compatibility with Elementor form
Update : Scroll Sequence : Backend Relayout
Fix : Dynamic Listing : Pagination Compatibility with archive page
Fix : Product Listing : Pagination Compatibility with archive page
Fix : Search Filter : Compatibility with category archive page
Fix : Search Filter : Condition Improvement
Fix: Button : Style 2 css Improvement
Fix: Button : Style 17 css Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.19
Add : Gallery Listing : Border Radius on hover of feature Image
Compatibility : Page Scroll : Horizontal scroll background image & color Compatibility with Elementor's Optimized DOM Output
Compatibility : Row Background : On scroll background animation Compatibility with Elementor's Optimized DOM Output
Compatibility : Morphing Layout : Compatibility Elementor's Optimized DOM Output 
Fix : Progress Bar : Pie chart style 2 layout break
Fix : Blockquote : Style 1 CSS Improvement
Fix : Testimonial : Masonry Layout
Improvement : Number Counter : Icon Style Condition Improvement
Update : Navigation Menu : Javascript Optimized
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.18
Fix : Live Copy : Cross-Domain Copy Paste
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.17
Add : Progress Bar : Margin Top Option for Number in Style 3
Update : Heading Title : Responsive Compatibility for Separator Height and Width
Update : Video : Responsive Compatibility for Icon Size
Fix : Progress Bar : Icon Position Issue Fix in Pie Chart
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.16
Compatibility : Elementor Free & Pro 3.16
Update : Blockquote : UI Improvement
Update : Info Box : Responsive Compatibility With Max Width
Update : Progress Bar : Responsive Compatibility for Pie Chart Circle Size
Update : Tabs/Tours : UI Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.15
Add : Advanced Typography : Responsive Option Marquee Text Width
 Add : Progress Bar : Style 3 Merging Option
 Add : Product Listing : Documentation Link Here
Add : Social Feed : Add Button For Reload Preview
Add : Social Review : Add Button For Reload Preview
Fix : Search Filter : Debug Error
Fix : Search Filter : Date Field Style 2 Bug Fix
Fix : Woo Cart : Critical Error in Elementor editor
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.14
Compatibility : WordPress Version 6.3
Add : Blog Listing : Column 5 For Tablet & Mobile
Add : Client Listout : Documentation Link Here
Add : Client Listout : Column 5 For Tablet & Mobile
Add : Dynamic Listing : Column 5 For Tablet & Mobile
Add : Dynamic Listing : Add Button For Reload Preview
Add : Gallery Listing : Column 5 For Tablet & Mobile
Add : Gallery Listing : Featured Image Border Radius
Add : Hover Card : Documentation Link Here
Add : Info Box : Hover Borer Width For Background
Add : Popup Builder / Off Canvas : Documentation Link Here
Add : Product Listing : Add Button For Reload Preview
Add : Pricing Table : Box Hover Option For Button
Add : Pricing Table : Add Controller Icon Spacing
Add : Social Feed : Column 5 For Tablet & Mobile
Add : Social Review : Column 5 For Tablet & Mobile
Add : Team Member : Column 5 For Tablet & Mobile
Add : Team Member : Documentation Link Here
Add : Testimonial : Column 5 For Tablet & Mobile
Add : Testimonial : Border Option For Background
Add : Woo Product Listing : Column 5 For Tablet & Mobile
Add : Woo Single Image : Column 5 For Tablet & Mobile
Update : Info Box : Responsive Option For Pin Text Height & Width
Update : Message Box : Icon Css Improvement
Update : Video Play : Image Size Css Improvement
Fix : Advance Button : Download Button Style 3 Box Content Hover Border Radius Is Not Working
Fix : Advance Button : CTA Button Style 14 Error On Mobile & Tablet Responsive
Fix : Advance Button : CTA Button Style 10 Typography is Not working
Fix : Blockquote : Style 2 Icon Show/Hide Issue 
Fix : Circle Menu : Border Radius Not Working On Image
Fix : Circle Menu : SEO Compatibility
Fix : CountDown : Style 3 After Time Expire Value show Minus In 
Fix : CountDown : Controller Improvement
Fix : Dynamic Listing : Child Category Wise Filter Condition Improvement
Fix : Dynamic Devices : SEO Improvement
Fix : Dynamic Listing : Lazy load compatibility with cross browser
Fix : Info Box : Full Infobox Link Not Open In New Tablet
Fix : Pricing Table : Debug Error
Fix : Pricing List : Lottie Animation Margin Right Not Working
Fix : Product listing : Load More & Lazy Load not Work with Category option
Fix : Product Listing : Lazy load compatibility with cross browser
Fix : Pricing Table : Content Border Radius
Fix : Pricing Table : Button Icon Spacing Not Working
Fix : Pricing Table : SVG Color Not Working
Fix : Search Bar : Search Result Area Not Close On Overlay Click
Fix : Site Logo : Debug error
Fix : Tabs/Tours : Force Accordion On Second Click Closed Not Working
Fix : Table : Swiper Responsive Compatibility With Container 
Fix : Unfold : Scroll Top Compatibility With Responsive Device
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.13
Compatibility : Popup Builder : Compatibility With Tabs/Tours
Compatibility : Elementor Free & Pro 3.15
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.12
Add : Advanced Typography : Responsive Option For Marquee Width Controller
Add : Blog Listing : Add Padding Controller For Title & Excerpt/Content
Add : Gallery Listing : Document Link Here
Add : Heading Title : Add Padding Controller For Main Title and Sub Title
Add : Info Box : Add Controller For Pin Text Width & Height
Add : Search Filter : Range Field Text Support
Add : Pricing Table : Add Padding Controller For Content
Add : Post Comment : Add Enable & Disable Controller For Comment Count
Add : Pricing Table : Add Alignment Controller For Title, Sub Title, Price & Button
Add : Style List : Desktop Layout Horizontal Alignment Controller
Add : Style List : Icon Position Before & After
Add : Testimonials : Document Link Here
Add : Team Member : Document Link Here
Add : Blog Listing : Document Link Here
Compatibility : Elementor Free & Pro 3.14
Compatibility : Search Filter : Display Product Dropdown Compatibility
Compatibility : Wrapper Link : Dynamic Tags
Update : Woo Single Pricing : Controller Improvement
Update : Unfold : Container Improvement
Update : Coupon Code : JS Improvement

Version 5.2.10
Add : Button : Style 23 Icon Alignment Controller
Add : Contact Form 7 : Document Link Here
Add : Dynamic Listing : Custom Field for ACF Repeater key
Add : Everest Form : Document Link Here
Add : Flip Box : Add Controller For Carousel
Add : Google Analytics 4
Add : Google Map : Document Link Here
Add : Gravity Form : Document Link Here
Add : Image Cascading : Add Controller CSS Filters for Blur Images
Add : Ninja Form : Document Link Here
Add : Navigation menu : Select off Canvas Menu
Add : Process Steps : Add New Controller For Horizontal
Add : Scroll Sequence : Document Link Here
Add : Style List : Icon Position Before & After
Add : Table : Vertical Scrollbar Document Link Here
Add : WP Forms : Document Link Here
Compatibility : Unfold : With Container
Update : Accordion : Accessibility
Update : Dark Mode : Position Top and Bottom Controller Improvement
Update : Gallery Listing : Condition Improvement
Update : Post Comment : Add Controller For Dynamic Content
Fix : Accordion : Expand/Collapse Content issue
Fix : Caldera Forms : Default Select Form
Fix : Contact Form 7 : Default Select Form and Default Error Message
Fix : Dynamic Listing : Quickview Compatibility LoadMore & Lazy load
Fix : Everest Form : Default Select Form
Fix : Gallery Listing : PHP Warnings Metro Image Not Select
Fix : Gravity Form : Default Select Form
Fix : Ninja Form : Default Select Form
Fix : Popup Builder : JS Condition Improvement
Fix : Post Author : PHP Warnings in Archive Page
Fix : Post Comment : Add Controller For Dynamic Content
Fix : Process Steps : Backend JS load Issue
Fix : Process Steps : Controller Condition Improvement
Fix : Product Listing : Quickview Compatibility LoadMore & Lazy load
Fix : Search Filter : JS Bug Fix
Fix : Search Filter : Quickview Compatibility Product & Dynamic Listing
Fix : Social Reviews : Badge Review count issue
Fix : Tabs/Tours : Design issue
Fix : WP Forms : Default Select Form
Fix : Security Update bug fix
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.9
Security Update : Reported by Rafie M from Patchstack

Version 5.2.8
Added : Table : Add controller For Table Vertical Scrollbar
Update : Contact Form 7 : Input Field Css Improve
Update : Hover card : Opacity Controller Condition Improvement
Compatibility : Unfold : Connection With Accordion Inner Section  
Fix : Popup Builder : Outer Click Close Content issue
Fix : Popup Builder : After Close Height Issue
Fix : Search Filter : JS Bug Fix

Version 5.2.7
Add : Contact Form 7 : Add Controller For Radio Button & Check Box Icon size
Add : Pricing Table : Add controller for Border Hover Border Color
Add : Table : add link for google sheet integration guide
Add : Woo Single Tabs : Add Controller for Enable/Disable Reviews in Individual Review Form
Update : Advertisement Banner : Controller UI Improvement
Update : Display Condition : Location Condition Improvement
Update : Pricing Table : Controller Improvement
Update : Team Member : Controller UI improvement
Fix : Audio Player : Condition Improvement
Fix : Product Listing : Sales Badge Not Display
Fix : Search Bar : Condition Improvement
Fix : Style List : List Alignment Issue
Fix : Testimonials : Word Break issue

Version 5.2.5
Added : Scroll Sequence Demo
Added : Countdown : Days, Hour, Minutes, Seconds Disable Controller Add
Added : Testimonial : Add Controller Position Y Option For Arrows
Added : Popup Builder : Height Controller Added 
Added : Style List : Responsive Option For Horizontal Layout
Added : Table : Add Alignment Option For Individual Cell
Added : Table : Add Google Sheet Option
Added : Unfold : Scroll To Top Controller Added
Update : Dynamic Devices : Dynamic Device: Popup - Close button center align.
Update : Heading Title : Controller Added Separator Margin
Update : Search Bar : Condition Improvement
Update : Table Of Content : Copy text hide and show Controller Added 
Update : Accordion : Document Link Update
Update : Advanced Text Block : Document Link Update
Update : Carousel Anything : Document Link Update
Update : Carousel Remote : Document Link Update
Update : Dynamic Device : Document Link Update
Update : Meeting Scheduler : Document Link Update
Update : Off Canvas : Document Link Update
Update : Pre Loader : Document Link Update
Update : Switcher : Document Link Update
Update : Table : Document Link Update
Update : Tabs & Tours : Document Link Update
Update : Unfold : Document Link Update
Compatibility : Search Filter : Connection With Google Map Autocomplete Field
Fix : Product Listing : Numeric Warning When Value Not Set
Fix : Gallery Listing : Style 4 Content Not Showing
Fix : Navigation menu : Active Color Not Working With Repeater Type
Fix : Testimonial : Company Logo Disappears When Turning The Switch ON
Fix : Popup Builder : Outer Click Close Content Not Working Multiple Widgets
Fix : Countdown : Metro Re-layout Compatibility
Fix : Tab Tours : Metro Re-layout Compatibility
Fix : Navigation Menu : Metro Re-layout Compatibility
Fix : Gallery Listing : Metro Re-layout Compatibility
Fix : Search Filter : Metro Re-layout Compatibility
Fix : Switcher : Metro Re-layout Compatibility
Fix : Testimonial : Metro Re-layout Compatibility
Fix : Team Member : Metro Re-layout Compatibility
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.3
 Update : Accordion : Controller Improvement
 Update : Blockquote : Drop Cap Quote Description Html Support
 Update : Tabs & Tours : UI Controller Improvement
 Update : Navigation Menu : UI Controller Improvement
 Update : Table : Individual Cell Alignment Controller Add
 Update : Search Bar : Generic Filter Tags Compatibility with Custom Post Type
 Update : Search Filter : Generic Filter Tags Compatibility with Custom Post Type
 Update : WP Login & Register : Google One Tab Login Option
 Fix : Search Filter : Post Category Page Bug 
 Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements
 Deprecated : Social Feed : Facebook Transient Deprecated

Version 5.2.0
Update : Progress Bar : Number Controller Css Improvement
Update : Gravity Form : Radio Field & Check Box Field Style Controller Improvement
Update : Team Member : Controller Improvement
Update : Equal Height : Js And Condition Improvement
Update : Search Filter : Compatibility With Equal Height
Update : Dynamic Listing : Compatibility With Equal Height
Update : Product Listing : Compatibility With Equal Height
Update : Blog/Post Listing : Compatibility With Equal Height
Update : Social Feed : Compatibility With Equal Height
Update : Social Reviews : Compatibility With Equal Height
Update : Extra Options : Pre Loader Performance Improvement
Update : Style List : Style Option Improve
Fix : Advanced Typography : Overlay line Break Issue
Fix : Accordion : Horizontal Accordion Layout Style Improvement
Fix : Accordion : AutoPlay Compatibility with On Hover Accordion
Fix : Accordion : AutoPlay Compatibility with Horizontal Accordion
Fix : Accordion : Expand/Collapse Content Condition Improvement
Fix : Accordion : Play/Pause Button bug 
Fix : Accordion : Expand/Collapse Compatibility With Search Bar
Fix : Accordion : Multiple Search Option Widget Compatibility
Fix : Accordion : Horizontal  Active Accordion Option Condition Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.1.7
Compatibility : Elementor Free & Pro 3.12
Update : WP Login Register : Google New API Update
Update : Accordion : Horizontal Controller Improvement
Update : Blog/Post Listing : Backend Relayout
Update : Button : Controller Improvement
Update : Dynamic Devices : Scroll Image Condition Improvement
Update : Dynamic Listing : Backend Relayout
Update : Navigation Menu : Mobile Menu Off Canvas Condition Improvement
Update : Number Counter : Change Controller Normal To Responsive
Update : Product Listing : Quickview Compatibility With Multiple widgets
Update : Product Listing : Condition Improvement
Update : Product Listing : Image Styling Improvement
Update : Plus Extras : Wrapper Link Dynamic Tag Compatibility
Update : Pricing List : Classic Style Controller Improvement
Update : Tab Tours : Font-Awesome 5 Mobile Accordion Compatibility
Update : Tab Tours : Tab Active in Mobile Responsive
Update : Tab Tours : Metro Re-layout Compatibility
Update : Search Bar : Condition Improvement
Update : Carousel Anything : Condition Improvement
Update : Woo Single Pricing : Stock Condition Improvement
Update : Gravity Form : Fields Improvements
Fix : Gravity Form : Checkbox & Radio Button Visibility
Fix : Search Filter : Minor Bug Fixes
Fix : Navigation Menu : Woodmart Conflict resolve
Fix : Live Copy : Cross-Domain Copy Paste
Fix : Minor bug fixes and Improvements

Version 5.1.6
Update : Search Filter : Input Field and Select Field Condition Improvement
Fix : Minor bug & improvements related to LiteSpeed Server Requirements

Version 5.1.5
Added : Client Listout : In Content Repeater Option
Added : Testimonials : In Content Repeater Option
Added : Team Member : In Content Repeater Option
Add : Google Map : Tooltip Content on Hover & Hide Title Tag
Update : Advanced Typography : HTML Tag Support
Update : Advertisement Banner : Hover Parallax Style Improvement
Update : Animated Service Boxes : Image/Icon Condition Improved
Update : Contact Form 7 : Textarea Height Option
Update : Carousel Anything : Dots UI Controller Improvement
Update : Display Condition : Condition Improvement
Update : Gallery Listing : Desktop Column Controller Improvement
Update : Gallery Listing : Support Icon Library in Hover effect
Update : Info Box : Dots UI Controller Improvement
Update : Info Box : Add border option in Style 5, Style_6
Update : Info Box : Full Infobox link Controller Improvement
Update : Info Box : Condition Improvement
Update : Product Listing : Hide Out of Stock Product
Update : Product Listing : Rating Dynamic Alignment
Update : Row Background : Condition Improvement
Update : Search Filter : Rating Controller Improvement
Update : Search Filter : Radio & checkbox exclude child category support
Update : Search Filter : Pagination Condition Improvement
Update : Search Filter : Search Results Controller Improvement
Update : Social Reviews : Language Controller Improvement
Update : Table : Condition Improvement
Update : Team Member : Add Image Overlay
Update : Team Member : Social Icon Styling Controller Improvement
Update : Navigation Menu : Mobile Menu Controller Improvement
Update : Navigation Menu Lite : Mobile Menu Controller Improvement
Update : Navigation Menu Lite : Mobile Menu Icon Updated 4 to 5
Fix : Carousel Anything : Responsive Mobile Dynamic Row Bug Fix

Version 5.1.4
Update : Coupon Code : Condition Improvement
Update : Image Factory : Condition Improvement
Update : Mouse Cursor : Condition Improvement
Update : Navigation Menu : Submenu improvement
Update : Product Listing : HTML content support for Title
Update : Row Background : Container Compatibility
Update : Search Filter : UI Controller improvement
Update : Search Filter : Radio Button and Checkbox category and sub category UI Update
Update: Search Filter : In stock Condition Improvement
Update : Search Filter : Pagination Controller Improvement
Update : Search Filter : Archive Page Checkbox Field Improvement
Fix : Search Filter : Archive Category Improvement
Fix : Search Filter : Metro Re-layout
Compatibility : Smooth Scroll : Firefox Compatibility
Update : Search Bar : Condition Improvement
Update : Table : Add Dynamic Tags In CSV File URL
Update : Woo Single Pricing : Condition Improvement
Update : Info Box : Condition Improvement
Fix : LottieFiles Animation : Play Speed Issue Solved
Fix : Product Listing : Search List Option Issue

Version 5.1.3
Update : Display Condition : Product Stock Improved
Update : Dynamic Listing : Ajax load Condition Improved
Update : Product Listing : Ajax load Condition improved
Update : WooCommerce Thank You file version info added
Update : Global Tooltip : Angle Condition Improved
Update : Animated Service Boxes : Image/Icon Condition Improved
Update : Audio Player : Added Background Size, Position, Repeat option for Style 9
Update : Audio Player : UI/UX Improvement in backend Editor Panel
Update : Blockquote : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Blog/Post Listing : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Button : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Carousel Remote : Next/Previous Icon On/off based conditions improved
Update : Chart : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Circle Menu : Overlay Color Condition improved
Update : Client Listing : Filters Text option and styling for Style 4
Update : Client Listing : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Contact Form 7 : Unchecked styling for Checkbox
Update : Contact Form 7 : Unchecked styling for Radio
Update : Contact Form 7 : Minimum Height Field improved for File/Upload Field
Update : Draw SVG : Border/Stoke & Fill Color global color disable
Update : Dynamic categories : Include Terms ID
Update : Dynamic categories : Exclude Terms ID
Update : Dynamic categories : Hide Parent Categories
Update : Dynamic categories : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Dynamic Devices : Icon Size control in array
Update : Dynamic Smart Showcase : Post Meta Color improved
Update : Dynamic Smart Showcase : Offset Option
Update : Dynamic Smart Showcase : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Flip Box : Border Radius for Button Style 8
Update : Flip Box : Button hover background improved
Update : Flip Box : Box Hover Effect(Float Shadow, Grow Shadow, Shadow Radial) note added
Update : Gallery Listing : Tilt Parallax empty condition improved
Update : Header Extras : SVG Icon Size improved
Update : Header Extras : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Heading Title : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Hover card : Background Icon Update
Update : Info Box : Icon Width improved
Update : Info Box : Box Hover Effect(Float Shadow, Grow Shadow, Shadow Radial) note added
Update : Mobile Menu : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Navigation Menu : Sticky Menu Typography multiple in same page conflict fixed
Update : Navigation Menu : Sticky Menu Outer Padding, Inner Padding same page conflict fixed
Update : Navigation Menu : Sticky Menu Color, Size and all styling option same page conflict fixed
Update : Navigation Menu : Sticky Mobile Menu same page conflict fixed
Update : Navigation Menu Lite : Border Color improved for Mobile Menu
Update : Number Counter : Box Hover Effect (Float Shadow, Grow Shadow, Shadow Radial) note added
Update : Page Scroll : Next/Previous Color and Background wrapper update
Update : Post Content : Content fetch from WordPress editor
Update : Post Meta : Content Alignment improved
Update : Post Meta : Taxonomy Limit increase 25 to 200
Update : Pricing Table : Icon Spacing improved
Update : Pricing Table : Icon Border Style added
Update : Pricing Table : Prefix Hover Color & Price Main separator improved
Update : Pricing Table : In Price field value ZERO(0) supported
Update : Product Listing : Query update for custom Taxonomy
Update : Progress Bar : Title Left Margin improved
Update : Protected Content : User role output condition improved
Update : Row Background : Image segmentation Position improved
Update : Row Background : Auto Moving Image Yoast SEO conflict editor field empty
Update : Row Background : Top Layer Texture Image Opacity Label added
Update : Row Background : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Scroll Navigation : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Social Icon : URL Parameter improved
Update : Social Reviews : Show More Text Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Switcher : Toggle Box Shadow label added
Update : Syntax Highlighter : Alignment improved for PRE and CODE tag
Update : Table : Padding wrapper improved
Update : Woo Single Pricing : Variations Product Label styling improved
Update : Woo Thank You : All Label Dynamic option. e.g Order Fail, Pay, My account. and rest
Update : WP Login Register : MailChimp Subscribe default Uncheck option
Update : WP Login Register : Password Hint Icon Styling improved
Update : WP Login Register : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Fix : Pre Loader JS load after jQuery
Fix : Breadcrumbs Bar : Gradient Angle field improved
Fix : Pagination FA4 to FA5 icon update
Fix : Countdown : Label Typo fix
Fix : Global Tooltip : Background Type icon update
✲ Prices shown on the site are excluding taxes which at checkout will be calculated based on user's geolocation as per EU regulation.
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