Ultimate Membership Pro v12.2 – WordPress Membership Plugin

Last Update: December 21, 2023
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Ultimate Membership Pro stands out as the renowned and best WordPress Membership Plugin, empowering you to establish and manage multi-level exclusive access for your members. This versatile plugin enables you to customize membership levels based on both free and paid packages, providing a comprehensive solution for creating a tailored and secure membership environment on your WordPress site.

Ultimate Membership Pro WordPress Plugin Features

  • Payments Gateway: PayPal, Authorize.net, Stripe, 2CheckOut, BrainTree, Payza, Bank Transfer
  • Content Lockers protect
  • Unlimited Paid/Free Membership Levels
  • Visual Composer Integrated
  • Subscriptions Plan
  • Menu Protection
  • Login Predefined Templates
  • Trial Free/Paid period
  • MultiPayments option
  • Restrict Pages or any URL
  • Register Predefined Templates
  • 9 Email Marketing Platforms integrated
  • Multi-Levels
  • Drip Content protection
  • Keywords Restrictions
  • Sell Subscriptions via WooCommerce platform
 Version 12.2 – 12.20.2023
 - Added: Members counted on each Membership with direct link to the members list
- Fixed: Constant {amount} value and format on certain situations
- Changed: The plugin crons registration process during update
- Fixed: Prorating Subscription management for Lifetime and Limited memberships type
- Changed: Bank Trasfer payments during registration process

 Version 12.1 – 11.14.2023
 - Fixed: WordPress Native Fields Labels translation
- Changed: Memberships Table when needs to show linked WooCommerce Products
- Fixed: Content Rules Access setup without a selected Membership
- Changed: WorkFlow of Register and Profile Forms for custom fields
- Fixed: Taxes showing up inside Payments table
- Changed: Prorating Subscriptions workflow
- Fixed: Search in Dashboard Tables
- Checked: Compatibility with PHP 8.1+
- Checked: Compatibility with WP 6.4.x
- Changed: Stripe Checkout workflow in particular setup scenarios
- Added: Wizard Setup

 Version 12.0.1 – 10.06.2023
 - Fixed: The shortcode for direct purchase, ihc-purchase-link
- Changed: Compatibility with WPML plugin
- Fixed: License activation on CloudFlare service
- Fixed: Access Rules - restrictions based on Categories didn't work properly on listed posts showcase
- Fixed: Print Invoice option on Payments table from Admin Dashboard
- Fixed: Custom Banner image for Account Page top section
- Fixed: Filtered Payments based on Members ID
- Added: extra special fields data inside Exported CSV file

 Version 12.0 – 09.28.2023
 - Fixed: Registration process with Free Membership
- Changed: How Values from Custom fields are displayed inside the Members Directory without spaces
- Added: Taxes calculation included or not in Membership Price
- Added: Pretty Links for front-end pages like Account Page tabs, and Checkout page with selected Membership
- Fixed: Dynamic Account value displayed inside the Notifications and Payments tables
- Changed: How Stripe Connect payment gateway is available on the front end without valid keys
- Fixed: Bulk Discount Codes generator with specific Lenght value
- Fixed: Social Connect Design options
- Changed: How Taxes are calculated when Discount Codes are used
- Fixed: Undefined variable inside Affiliates tab
- Fixed: Paystack Payment gateway addon warnings
- Fixed: Restict Entire Website without Login option related to various Homepages
- Fixed: Various server compatibility related to FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING
- Added: Ultimate Membership Pro Dashboard improvements and better User Experience
- Fixed: Conditional Logic feature for Profile form fields
- Added: Filters inside the Payments Table
- Changed: Allow HTML Customization inside the Bank Transfer Message
- Fixed: Some custom templates are to be further customizable via the Theme folder
- Added: Stripe Connect and Stripe Checkout compatibility with the latest Stripe API version
- Fixed: Show Hidden Pages/Posts Titles in Listing option not applied for Bulk restrictions based on Categories
- Fixed: Adding a Plain Test custom field without a Label
- Changed: How the Workflow Restrictions module works in various scenarios
- Fixed: How DataBase Tables are generated on restrictive hosting servers
- Added: a dedicated editor for Custom CSS options
- Changed: Style on Login and Register forms
- Fixed: Members Directory pagination workflow when filters are applied

 Version 11.9 – 07.18.2023
 - Improve Compatibility with Yoast SEO plugin
- Improve Reset Password workflow
- Improve Import Users&Memberships module workflow
- Improve Plugin Performance and Speed
- Fix the Predefined subscription option inside the Register form
- Fix Register Redirect+ module workflow

 Version 11.8 – 06.15.2023
 - Add Debug functions for the_content() filter process
- Improve JS Performance on Front-end side
- Improve Core Coding process
- Improve functionality on particular servers with limited access on certain PHP functions
- Improve Security in Admin Dashboard forms
- Improve "Cancellation Pending" status for recurring Subscriptions
- Fix Invitation Codes counting algorithm

 Version 11.7 – 05.24.2023
 - Improve Braintree payment integration
- Improve Authorize.net payment integration
- Improve Login form functionality and performance
- Fix Stripe Checkout automatic payments confirmation for old subscriptions

 Version 11.6 – 05.04.2023
 - Improve Drip Content Notification
- Improve Register From JS beside the Profile form
- Improve WooCommerce Products Discount based on categories
- Improve Code performance
- Fix Members list Filter options
- Remove old Stripe integration

 Version 11.5 – 04.13.2023
 - Fix Register form workflow related to required fields
- Fix reCaptcha requirements when is not fully set up
- Fix Register Redirect+ module for custom pages
- Improve Stripe Connect payment service workflow
- Improve Braintree payment service workflow when is the default payment
- Improve Inside Locker shortcode for removed templates
- Improve code performance on Core files
- Improve the Avatar options to remove uploaded images
- Improve Membership trial options setup
- Improve Twitter Social login process
- Remove Online fonts from Template 9

 Version 11.4 – 02.23.2023
 - Improve Register form workflow
- Improve Profile form special required fields
- Improve Stripe Connect workflow
- Fix Print Invoice option for custom Orders table
- Fix Date Picker field when is required
- Update Translation files
- Set Checkout section to show up
- Remove old payment section
- Remove Deprecated Custom Special fields from Register Form

 Version 11.3 – 02.15.2023
 - Improve Profile Form workflow
- Improve Register Form core Classes
- Fix Invoice data display
- Fix manually change Orders status to Completed
- Fix shortcode for Member Banner display
- Fix Profile Form - Conditional logic option

 Version 11.2 – 01.10.2023
 - Fix Profile Form JS workflow
- Fix editing the UMP Default Pages with Elementor page builder
- Improve Taxes display inside Invoice details
- Improve WordPress Automatic Updates process

 Version 11.1 – 12.23.2022
 - Improve dynamic data and dynamic links process
- Fix Mollie Recurring payments
- Remove deprecated metas

 Version 11.0 – 12.17.2022
 - Improve Profile Form
- Improve the CSS structure for Subscriptions Table showcase
- Improve "Restrict Access over the entire Website" option
- Fix Stripe Connect payment service with specific price decimals
- Fix specific constants replacing process
- Fix Bulk Coupons generation process

 Version 10.11 – 11.08.2022
 - Add option to clean the Notifications Logs
- Add extra message in Checkout page for Bank Transfer payment service
- Add Integration with RazorPay Gateway external Addon
- Add Integration with PayFast Gateway external Addon
- Add Integration with Paystack Gateway external Addon
- Improve Plugin core classes
- Upgrade Mollie Library
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.1
- Fix currency on Total Spend column
- Fix License process on WP Multisite environment
- Fix Payment selection on FireFox

 Version 10.10 – 09.26.2022
 - Add Stripe Checkout the new API 2022-08-01 integration
- Add a custom label for the Register form when payments are triggered
- Improve Register form showcase for required fields
- Improve how Memberships are listed on Admin Dashboard
- Improve Login Modal error messages
- Improve Register Modal workflow with upload file fields
- Improve Access Rules workflow
- Improve UMP Dashboard responsive display on low resolution
- Improve Expire time for the same Subscription assignation
- Fix Email Notification to cancel action
- Fix Export to CSV process for big amount of data
- Fix Taxes on Register form based on specific States
- Fix LinkedIn Social Login integration
- Fix Authorize.net links to the live environment
- Remove Google Fonts

 Version 10.9 – 07.06.2022
 - Improve WP Workflow Restriction module workflow
- Improve UMP Dashboard functionality and style
- Improve the Upload files process
- Improve Restrict Physical File workflow
- Fix compatibility with Security Plugins
- Fix the Restriction process with external AddOns
- Fix SweetAlert library compatibility with some WP Themes
- Fix Custom Tabs for Account page removing process

 Version 10.8 – 06.10.2022
 - Add integration with Manager role Addon
- Add integration with Pay Per Post Addon
- Add Coupons setup for multiple Memberships
- Add link for website and uploaded files into Members Directory
- Improve WP Workflow Restrictions process
- Improve Double E-mail Verification process - avoid multiple attempts
- Improve integation with Elemento Widget Locker Addon
- Improve compatibility with Twenty Twenty Two Theme
- Fix Memberships Order setup
- Fix Login Modal

 Version 10.7 – 05.04.2022
 - Add option to pre-check Optin signup checkbox
- Improve Dynamic Price for free Memberships on Checkout step
- Improve Coupons management on some languages
- Improve how Templates may be loaded from Theme folder
- Improve Stripe Connect on Firefox browser
- Improve Cancel option for Bank Transfer payment
- Fix ReSend Email Verification Notifications
- Fix Optin workflow based on conditional field into Register form
- Fix Checkout settings management after major update

 Version 10.6 – 03.18.2022
 - Add editable label for Register submit button
- Add custom labels for each Membership into Subscription Plan showcase
- Add Resend Verification Link for Double Email Verification process
- Improve Stripe Connect on Register step
- Improve Prorating Subscriptions module
- Improve Purchase button into Checkout Page
- Improve Subscriptions expire time for short months
- Improve Renew button from Subscriptions table
- Improve JS workflow on front-end side
- Improve Password required conditions on Register step
- Improve My Account - Top Header section management
- Improve UMP Dashboard structure
- Improve Plugin Update process on WordPress Dashboard
- Improve Authorize.Net payment fields on Register and Checkout Page
- Fix Stripe Connect months time management
- Fix Subscription Plan shortcode parameters
- Fix Payments vs Memberships module on Checkout Page
- Fix Weekly Reports module crons
- Fix Members Directory Filter process for Countries
- Fix Customer Login Alert Admin Notification
- Fix Discount Code messages translation option
- Fix Registration process on Firefox
- Fix Registration submit button workflow
- Fix Braintree Live mode setup
- Fix Trial Time calculation

 Version 10.5 – 01.27.2022
 - Add Prorating Subscriptions module
- Add User ID into Export CSV file
- Add Checkout Page option to move Payment Method section
- Improve Members Profile page
- Fix Price Decimals setup when is missing
- Fix Checkout Page workflow when Payment Method is turned off
- Fix Members editing process when no membership exist
- Fix Filter Members based on WordPress WP Roles option

 Version 10.4 – 01.04.2022
 - Fix jQuery Compatibility
- Fix Members Directory Slider Showcase
- Improve Stripe Connect Card Form
- Improve Plugin Dashboard display on small screen resolution.

 Version 10.3.1 – 12.16.2021
 - Fix Stripe Checkout OnGoing Subscriptions
- Fix Stripe Connect for older PHP versions
- Improve Compatibility with WP 5.8.2

 Version 10.3 – 12.11.2021
 - Add Stripe Checkout Migration process
- Add Stripe Connect - notification to customers for invalid credit cards
- Fix Checkout Page - Select Payment with RadioBox template
- Fix Stripe Checkout limited cycle Subscriptions
- Improve UMP Dashboard structure

 Version 10.2 – 11.23.2021 – Important Update
 - Add Stripe Connect Pro Payment Service
- Add "Change Card" option for Stripe Connect
- Add Spinner on Checkout Page
- Improve Integration with Ultimate Affiliate Pro
- Improve Checkout Page on old PHP versions
- Improve Email Notifications management
- Improve Payment Services Custom Labels
- Fix Custom Payment Labels on Checkout Page
- Fix Changing Payment Method on Checkout Page
- Fix Optin Accept Checkbox field on Register Page

 Version 10.1 – 10.05.2021
 - Add Checkout Page
- Add Thank you Page
- Add Test Email option for Email Notifications
- Add Purchase link shortcode
- Add "Show Password" option over Password fields
- Add "Reset Password" shortcode for Logged Users
- Improve Email Notifications default Templates
- Improve Reason for Cancel module workflow
- Improve Stripe Checkout payment for limited Subscriptions
- Improve Renew Subscription process
- Improve DB Tables encoding
- Improve generating password when Password field is turned off
- Improve Zapier Integration Module by sending out more user data
- Improve Subscription Expire time calculation
- Improve Messages Translation
- Improve Orders Table data display
- Improve Compatibility with common WP Themes, ex Divi
- Fix Registration process with Social Networks
- Fix Manually paid Membership assignation
- Fix Bank Transfer Email Notification
- Fix Notifications Logs stored in DataBase
- Fix Woo Product Discount for variable Products
- Fix Orders Code generation for repeated Orders.
- Fix Custom CSS style on Membership Cards during Printing process

 Version 10.0 – 08.17.2021
 - WordPress 5.8. Compatibility check
- PHP 8.0 Compatibility check
- Divi Theme Compatibility check
- Flatsome Theme Compatibility check
- Fix Import/Export process
- Fix WP Menu options for specific WP themes
- Fix MultiSite Subscription module
- Fix Optin Module for Mailchimp with additional data
- Fix Avatar photo uploaded via Mobile Devices
- Improve Social Login with Google
- Improve Country name display
- Improve adding new Members WP role selection
- Improve Bank Transfer amount calculation with discount and taxes

 Version 9.9.1 – 06.19.2021
 - Fix WooCommerce Product Discount module workflow

 Version 9.9 – 06.16.2021
 - Add Authorize.net extra required fields
- Improve Payment Details showcase for discounted initial payments
- Improve Stripe Checkout setup steps
- Fix Custom CSS option for Invoices
- Fix Login Popup loading instantly
- List Access Posts - remove non-restricted posts

 Version 9.8 – 05.26.2021
 - Fix Membership Cards warnings
- Fix SuperAdmin Role verification
- Improve Crop Image process
- Improve Gutenberg Locker option
- Improve Style

 Version 9.7 – 05.14.2021
 - Improve Style
- Improve Nonce for AJAX calls
- Fix Weekley Summary Email Module
- Fix Username Blacklist explode
- Fix Socal Plus tab from My Account Page
- Fix Inside Locker Preview

 Version 9.6 – 04.22.2021
 - Compatibility with WordPress 5.7
- Add New UMP Dashboard on Admin side
- Add New Shortcodes for My Account page predefined Tabs
- Add new Shortcode for Member Banner image
- Add Manage Plans section on UMP Dashboard for Members
- Add Extra options for Members Plans management
- Add Pause/Resume Option for one-time Memberships
- Add more details on UMP Dashboard for Members Plans
- Add OptIn box option as Checked by default
- Add Member List box option as Checked by default
- Add new Module Weekly Summary Email
- Add Profile Form Showcase on UMP Dashboard
- Improve create new Membership process with minimal required fields
- Improve Zapier Module data transfer
- Improve DataBase tables encoding
- Improve Inside Locker shortcode with minimal arguments required
- Improve Account Page settings Dashboard style
- Improve Register Lite module workflow
- Improve Shortcodes section from UMP Dashboard
- Improve Members table from UMP Dashboard
- Improve My Account page on front-end side
- Fix Admin Member form workflow
- Fix Nonce verification on front-end side
- Fix create Orders manually process
- Fix WooCommerce Product Discount workflow
- Fix Payment service credentials verification
- Fix Cancel process for Stripe Checkouts for incomplete Subscriptions
- Update Mailchimp API to 3.0

 Version 9.5.1 – 03.08.2021
 - Fix Import Users&Memberships module
- Fix Amount format inside email Notifications
- Fix Amount format on Toal Spend column
- Fix Register process for required fields
- Fix Inside Locker Preview box
- Fix Edit Profile form on UMP Dashboard
- Fix Taxes managements
- Fix display Taxes on Invoices
- Improve DataBase Tables format
- Improve calls via WP Dashboard
- Improve delete Memberships process
- Improve Subscription plan showcase display
- Improve Bank Transfer Message
- Improve UMP Dashboard counts

 Version 9.5 – 02.19.2021 – Massive Update
 - Improve Bank Transfer payment workflow
- Improve Crons processes
- Improve Subscriptions structure
- Improve Users profile management on Admin Dashboard
- Improve Notifications management
- Improve Registration process
- Improve Invoices for Orders
- Improve Memberships table display
- Improve UMP Dashboard display on Mobile devices
- Improve Orders table on Administrator Dashboard
- Improve 2checkout Payment workflow
- Improve Homepage restrictions
- Improve content Restriction workflow
- Fix WordPress Workflow Restrictions module
- Fix Lock Rules - Categories with Except setup
- Fix List Access Posts showcase workflow
- Fix Memberships & Payments module
- Fix Suspend Account button process
- Fix Braintree simple payments notifications
- Add New Subscriptions Events
- Add Memberships Grace Period option
- Add Memberships various actions after End of Term
- Add Memberships various actions after Cancel
- Add New 11 Notificaitons
- Add Refund option inside Administrator Dashboard
- Add Taxes on Orders table
- Add extra constants
- Add Merchant Business details
- Add Authorize Search Engines option
- Add restriction over SignUp for specific Usernames
- Add User Banner editing option
- Add Restrict entire Website
- Add Member Profile section
- Add Extra options for Orders on Administrator Dashboard
- Add Insert/Edit Orders options

 Version 9.4.4 – 01.20.2021
 - Fix GetResponse OptIn integration
- Fix Multiple WP Roles workflow during user's editing step
- Improve Membership Gifts module workflow
- Improve Braintree payment form verification

 Version 9.4.3 – 12.22.2020
 - Fix WooCommerce Discount module
- Fix LinkedIn Rediret URL format
- Fix Stripe Checkout decimals amount issue
- Improve Register Redirect+ module
- Improve Payment process for unsupported intervals

 Version 9.4.2 – 12.09.2020
 - Improve Stripe Checkout payment workflow
- Improve 2Checkout setup steps
- Fix Payments after paid trial period

 Version 9.4.1 – 11.25.2020
 - Fix Bank Transfer payment Notifications
- Improve Double Email Verification process

 Version 9.4 – 11.12.2020
 - Fix Bank Transfer payment workflow
- Fix Reminder Notifications for old users
- Fix Stripe Checkout amount calculation for discounted price
- Improve Membership DataBase structure
- Adds additional options for multiple Payment services

 Version 9.3 – 11.04.2020 – Important Update
 - New Payment workflow for multiple payment gateways
- Improve Orders showcases on My Account page
- Improve Reminder Notifications for expired Subscription
- Improve uploaded files management for deleted users
- Fix Authorize.net payment for any timezone
- Fix Invoices status
- Fix ""Text Unique Value" field type workflow when an user profile is edited.
- Fix WooCommerce Products Discounts workflow for variable products
- Fix Currency display for coming Orders
- Fix Country special field in Modal register showcase
- Fix Stripe Checkout Cancel workflow
- Improve workflow with Hidden WP Login Addon
- Improve Admin Dashboard style and structure
- Improve plugin files structure
- Disable Payza payment service

 Version 9.2.2 – 10.26.2020
 - Improve PayPal Express Checkout payment process
- Improve Stripe Checkout payment process

 Version 9.2.1 – 09.02.2020
 - Compatibility with Stripe API 2020-08-27

 Version 9.2 – 08.14.2020
 - Compatibility with WordPress v.5.5
- Improve Cropping Avatar step
- Improve LID parameter verification during Register step
- Fix Register Form custom fields submission
- Fix Register Modal workflow with required fields

 Version 9.1 – 07.30.2020
 - Fix Authenticated Stored XSS issue
- Fix Bank Transfer message format
- Improve ULP integration
- Improve Update process from old versions
- Improve DataBase queries performance
- Improve WP MultiSite compatiblity
- Update Social Login setup and process

 Version 9.0 – 06.23.2020
 - Fix WooCommerce Product Discount module workflow
- Fix [ihc-select-level] shortcode attributes workflow
- Improve Stripe Checkout payment for limited recurring subscriptions
- Improve WP Role restriction access

 Version 8.9 – 05.19.2020
 - Improve Stripe Checkout Cancel process
- Improve Stripe API compatibility
- Improve JS front-end workflow
- Improve Coupon discount for Limited level type on Stripe
- Fix List Access Posts limit workflow
- Fix API Gate "get_user_posts" call workflow
- Fix Warnings during user editing process
- Fix Level Badges display on front-end
- Fix Woo Payment Integration module
- Fix Account Page top message default value
- ADD extra CSS style on front-end
- Update Languages files

 Version 8.8 – 04.16.2020
 - Improve system performance
- Improve Stripe Checkout payment workflow
- Improve PayPal Standard payment workflow
- Improve PayPal Express Checkout payment workflow
- Improve UMP Dashboard style
- Improve UMP Dashboard user experience
- Improve Frontend Showcases
- Improve Compatiblity with WP 5.4.
- Improve Compatibility with PHP 7.4.x
- Improve Initial Setup data
- Improve extra Modules activation process
- Improve User editing workflow
- Fix Notifications content management
- Fix special characters on custom messages
- Fix Stripe amount for specific currencies
- Fix cuomst attributes into Register page URL
- ADD Compatiblity with LocoTranslate plugin
- ADD Environment verification process
- ADD Default Country value option
- ADD Extra details on Users table

 Version 8.7.2 – 02.27.2020
 - Improve Envato API integration

 Version 8.7 – 02.21.2020
 - Integrate Envato API
- Fix Import Users&Levels module
- Improve WP security
- Improve system performance
- Fix Elementor Widgets integration
- Fix Dashboard counts
- Improve Mollie Single Payment workflow

 Version 8.6 – 01.20.2020
 - Fix Mollie Payment service process
- Fix Pagseguro single payment process
- Change OptIn checkbox requirement
- Improve Modal showcases workflow
- Improve Stripe Checkout cancelling subscription
- Improve Date time stored related to TimeZone
- Improve editing reCaptcha field
- Improve custom fields eiditing process
- Improve payment process performances
- Add GetRresponse new API

 Version 8.5.1 – 12.11.2019
 - Improve PayPal Standard gateway workflow

 Version 8.5 – 11.26.2019
 - Add Extra options for Currency customization
- Improve Stripe Webhook workflow
- Improve design on Mobile devices
- Improve Bank Transfer payment workflow

 Version 8.4 – 11.01.2019
 - Fix Membership Gift PHP version compatibility
- Improve Export CSV file management
- Fix Users Filters limit problem
- Improve Stripe Checkout transactions list
- Improve User Experience
- Update LinkedIn social login library

 Version 8.3 – 08.23.2019
 - Add 3D Secure Stripe Checkout payment gateway as SCA Compliant
- Improve Stripe standard payment gateway
- Improve export CSV for filtered list of users
- Improve Account Page Custom Tab module
- Improve mass Post restrictions display
- Fix Pagseguro Trial workflow
- Fix reCaptcha for specific server setup.

 Version 8.2 – 07.23.2019
 - Fix PayPal Express Checkout integration
- Add Drip Content box for Gutenberg
- Improve MembersList showcase
- Improve Subscriptions tab mobile responsive
- Imporve UMP Dashboard mobile responsive

 Version 8.1 – 06.24.2019
 - Update PayPal Express Checkout integration
- Improve Custom Fields creation
- Improve Custom Tabs creation
- Improve Levels unique values
- Improve Orders manually added

 Version 8.0 – 06.04.2019
 - ADD ReCaptcha v3
- ADD Extra links for custom Tabs
- ADD Custom design for WP Login page
- Improve Users listing performance
- Fix Extra special fields labels
- Improve payment workflow

 Version 7.9 – 05.17.2019
 - Fix Users list table
- Fix DirectEmail sender details
- Improve custom fields workflow
- Improve Coupons insert process
- Improve Export CSV workflow
- Improve Avatar storaged images

 Version 7.8 – 04.29.2019
 - ADD dedicated Filter section for Users
- ADD Export users to CSV based on selected filters
- ADD Special field for OptIn confirmation
- ADD Special field for MembersList display
- Improve Modal Login workflow
- Improve Mollie payment gateway
- Improve Public Individual page workflow
- Update PayPal Standard payment gateway
- Fix MembersList Filter showcase for multi options fields

 Version 7.7 – 04.05.2019
 - Improve DirectEmail workflow
- Improve Stripe popup data
- Fix loading CSS and JS files into Admin section
- Fix MultiSelect field workflow
- Compatibility with latest PHP versions
- Fix Cancelling reason module workflow
- Improve Invoice showcase
- Improve PagSeguro recurring workflow
- Improve Notifications workflow. 
✲ Prices shown on the site are excluding taxes which at checkout will be calculated based on user's geolocation as per EU regulation.
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