W3 Total Cache Pro v2.5.0 – Web Performence Optimization Plugin

Last Update: October 2, 2023
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W3 Total Cache enhances your website’s user experience by optimizing server performance, comprehensively caching various site components, cutting down download times, and seamlessly integrating with content delivery networks (CDN). This comprehensive approach ensures quicker page loads and a more responsive site, contributing to better user engagement and search engine rankings.

W3 Total Cache Pro WordPress Plugin Features

  • Fragment Caching Social layer, personalization and e-commerce etc are common elements of highly dynamic web sites.
  • That means that caching entire pages to improve user experience and performance is not a solution.
  • Fragment Caching bridges the gap between no caching at all and the “ideal,” full page caching.
  • By extending the WordPress Transient API, W3TC allows developers to bring both horizontal and vertical scale to bear without doing anything differently.
  • Extension Framework As mentioned above, extensions / add-ons represent a great opportunity to both de-bloat projects that solve many problems or address many use cases.
  • It also allows for innovation as 3rd parties can make contributions without having to be a core project developer to contribute or solve their problems while maintaining the control they need.
  • We’re excited for you to try this first iteration of our extension framework, and documentation can be found (for now) inside the plugin’s FAQ.
= 2.5.0 =
* Feature: Added Delay Scripts (Pro)
* Fix: Several PHP 8 warnings
* Fix: Fragment Cache extension PHP warnings when no engine was selected
* Fix: Fragment Cache engine selection disabled for pro license under certain conditions
* Fix: Added Database Cluster compatiblity for older db.php files
* Fix: Fixed one PageSpeed tool metric not outputting data and adjusted a few labels
* Fix: Multiple anchor links for PageSpeed block on General Settings page
* Fix: Cache Groups validation on save
* Fix: Cache Groups delete button not working for added groups
* Update: Renamed Image Service feature to WebP Converter
* Update: Added WebP Converter block to General Settings page along with link to navigation bar
* Update: StackPath CDN prices (Service ending November 22, 2023 and will be replaced by Bunny CDN in future update)

= 2.4.1 =
* Fix: Add a fallback for the older version of wp-content/db.php

= 2.4.0 =
* Feature: Added filter "w3tc_config_item_objectcache.enabled" to allow for disabling W3TC object cache
* Fix: Auto-apply W3TC Pro license after purchase via in-plugin purchase/upgrade buttons
* Fix: PHP 8 warnings for Page and Fragment caches
* Fix: Replaced delete_blog deprecated hook with wp_uninitialize_site and wp_update_site
* Fix: Database Cluster configuration file save issue
* Fix: Fragment cache will now be disabled for non-pro users instead of being only disabled on the front-end
* Fix: Premium services widget list is now synced with the support page
* Update: User interface updated for cleaner appearance and easier navigation and control
* Update: Added support for get/set/add/delete wp_xxx_multiple methods to Object cache

= 2.3.3 =
* Fix: Fragment Cache: Fatal error when displaying registered groups
* Fix: PHP 8 deprecation warnings in the SNS Message Bus and NuSOAP libraries
* Fix: Broken nonce for renewal form
* Fix: Page Cache: Moved hardcoded query string exemptions to the settings page
* Update: Redis and Memcached host/IP/domain configuration examples

= 2.3.2 =
* Fix: Correct interpolation of a symlinked cache directory
* Fix: Memcached test using SASL authentication
* Fix: Multi-site authorization request returning to incorrect URL

= 2.3.1 =
* Fix: PHP 8 compatibility: Invalid return type if Browser Cache is disabled
* Fix: Added AWS SNS message classes (aws/aws-php-sns-message-validator)
* Fix: PageSpeed service: messages and escaping
* Fix: Image Service meta query handling
* Update: Dependency version updates
* Update: Content-Security-Policy (CSP) and Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only (CSPRO) header field configuration

= 2.3.0 =
* Feature: PageSpeed Insights reports and performance page widget
* Feature: Added basic OpenLiteSpeed support
* Feature: Add Permissions-Policy to mirror Feature-Policy directives
* Fix: PHP 8.2 compatibility
* Fix: GuzzleHttp 7 conflict with Azure
* Fix: Allow object cache updates when using WP-CLI
* Fix: Added missing Page Cache configuration "host" value
* Fix: Missing on_comment_status action callback
* Fix: Flush cache on attachment update
* Fix: Varnish flush for posts
* Update: Improved comment status logic for flushing database and object caches
* Update: Adjusted FTP form style
* Update: Removed deprecated MaxCDN and NetDNA components and added a notice if one was used
* Update: Removed deprecated FeedBurner

= 2.2.12 =
* Fix: Comment status change error
* Fix: Varnish flush post arguments

= 2.2.11 =
* Fix: Error when flushing page cache after an attachment update

= 2.2.10 =
* Fix: Optimized and fixed object cache flushing
* Fix: Scheduled post page cache flushing
* Fix: Admin bar flush cache for current page with disabled purge policy
* Fix: Loop when disabling Minify HTTP/2 push setting
* Fix: Extension admin notice missing links
* Update: Removed custom translation files

= 2.2.9 =
* Fix: Reset our textdomain for translations

= 2.2.8 =
* Fix: Escape output in compatibility checker, minify, and New Relic pages
* Fix: Admin notice buttons on non-plugin pages
* Fix: Namespace on exception type in a minify class
* Fix: Translation issues due to hooks and typos
* Fix: Broken JavaScript in admin_print_scripts calls when language is not English
* Fix: Deprecated warnings in JS and CSS minify
* Update: Translation files

= 2.2.7 =
* Fix: Updated database cache connection class to avoid deprecated warnings in WordPress 6.1
* Fix: Redis: Fixed handling of retry interval and timeout options for usage statistics
* Enhancement: Redis: Added TLS/SSL certificate verification option
* Enhancement: Page cache: Added query string exemptions

= 2.2.6 =
* Fix: Error clearing all cache when using Cloudfront full CDN in Pro

= 2.2.5 =
* Fix: Revert WooCommerce Variation Image Gallery plugin CDN filter
* Fix: DB cache syntax error in PHP 5.6
* Fix: Added missing space to S3 CDN bucket label
* Fix: JS error for CloudFront CDN related check on non-W3TC pages
* Fix: Page cache unpack warning for empty/malformed files
* Enhancement: Image Service pre_get_posts anonymous action now hooked (w3tc_modify_query_obj)
* Enhancement: Image Service ajax_query_attachments_args anonymous action now hooked (w3tc_filter_ajax_args)

= 2.2.4 =
* Fix: Extensions URL in settings
* Fix: Redis undefined array key warnings
* Fix: Redis connect issue based on phpredis version
* Fix: Sanitization of licensing messages
* Fix: DB cache error in Ajax
* Fix: Call to undefined function in DB cache query class
* Fix: PHP 8 compatibility: join
* Fix: WooCommerce Variation Image Gallery plugin CDN filter
* Enhancement: Add setting for AWS S3 public objects in ACL
* Enhancement: Check if post is empty before cache flush
* Enhancement: Add max lifetime setting for non-disk page cache
* Enhancement: Add notice when selecting CDN using CloudFront
* Update: CSS Tidy 1.7.3 => 2.0.1
* Update: Add sns-message-validator
* Security: Ensure cache writes in cache folders

= 2.2.3 =
* Fix: Redis Cache: Removed exception on warnings
* Fix: Compatibility check for WP_CACHE
* Fix: Flush all cache cache except Cloudflare button
* Fix: License terms update notice escaping
* Fix: Feature Showcase: Image Service activate button
* Security: Updated guzzlehttp/guzzle to 6.5.8

= 2.2.2 =
* Security: PHPCS and WPCS updates
* Security: Updated guzzlehttp/guzzle to 6.5.6
* Security: Updated guzzlehttp/psr7 to 1.8.5
* Fix: Cloudflare flush all cache
* Fix: Access log test
* Fix: Better handling for PHP 5.6
* Fix: Convert Redis warnings to exceptions
* Fix: WordPress 5.5 image lazy loading
* Fix: Infinite loop when using database cluster configuration
* Fix: Database cluster logic
* Fix: FTP credentials form
* Fix: Preview deploy button
* Fix: Image Service links in multisite network admin
* Fix: Enable Image Service settings changes in multisite blog/sub sites
* Enhancement: Updated Cloudflare settings to allow a global API key or token
* Enhancement: Added Cloudflare CDN public objects option to settings
* Enhancement: Added timeout settings for Redis
* Enhancement: Added TLS/SSL certificate verification option for Redis
* Enhancement: Added Image Service visibility option
* Enhancement: Updated Image Service limit notification
* Enhancement: Better handling of trailing slash URLs
* Update: Adjusted lightbox for accessibility
* Update: Removed deprecated opcache flush

= 2.2.1 =
* Fix: Cloudflare: Removed use of the retired ip_lkup V1 endpoint
* Fix: Prevent error in some environments using non-direct filesystems
* Fix: Added better checking for some filesystem actions
* Fix: AWS CloudFront: Reverted async change for cache invalidation to honor promises
* Enhancement: Added option to exclude minified JS files from being processed by Rocket Loader
* Enhancement: Improved handling of Image Service rate-limiting and error messages

= 2.2.0 =
* Feature: Image Service extension: WebP conversion options

= 2.1.9 =
* Fix: Cloudflare Dashboard Widget: Updated to use GraphQL
* Fix: Cloudflare Dashboard Widget: Use WordPress timezone
* Fix: CDN: Execute purge only if hosting is enabled, to prevent unneeded delays
* Fix: Published/modified custom posts not clearing the archive cache(s)
* Fix: Native WordPress sitemap caching
* Fix: Extra MIME groups other than controlled by settings were added to rules
* Fix: Usage Statistics: Not functioning when object cache is set to Redis
* Fix: AMP Extension: Prevent popup admin bar for endpoints
* Fix: Setup Guide Wizard: CSS for long translations
* Fix: Opcache Settings: Validate timestamp indicator checkbox
* Update: Remove robots.txt cache toggle setting
* Enhancement: Impove 404 detection
* Enhancement: Improved compatibility check indicators
* Enhancement: AWS CloudFront: Faster cache invalidation using async

= 2.1.8 =
* Fix: Corrected handling of robots.txt (file and filter)

= 2.1.7 =
* Fix: Corrected relative paths used in the JS minify YUI Compressor
* Fix: Disallow crawling of cache directory
* Fix: Responsive display for the dashboard
* Enhancement: Added lazy load threshold setting
* Enhancement: Added feature policy security headers to settings

= 2.1.6 =
* Fix: JS minify issue with template literal backticks
* Fix: Do not redirect when using WP-CLI
* Fix: Missing whitespace in Memcached Nginx configuration
* Fix: Setting for CDN over passive FTP
* Fix: Updated CDN Minify regex
* Fix: Added missing text domains and fixed translations
* Enhancement: Allow default AWS credentials provider
* Enhancement: Added error logging when minification base URL is not found

= 2.1.5 =
* Fix: Sanitize extension argument

= 2.1.4 =
* Fix: Use Memcached server from config for Nginx rules instead of localhost
* Fix: Allow more characters in CDN hostname sanitization
* Fix: Added missing textdomains for Browser Cache settings
* Fix: Avoid a possible PHP warning in LazyLoad mutator
* Enhancement: Added a filter w3tc_cdn_cf_flush_all_uris for CloudFront purging

= 2.1.3 =
* Fix: Authenticated Persistent XSS & XFS in CDN admin page
* Update: AWS library version 3.183.0
* Update: Minify: Include theme template files using page_* filenames

= 2.1.2 =
* Fix: Skip removing spaces around "
  • ” tags in HTML Minify
    * Fix: Updated admin URL logic for multisite installations
    * Fix: TransparentCDN purge URL validation
    * Fix: Added an option to use ABSPATH as the document root for Minify
    * Fix: Database cache debug message
    * Update: Added regions for AWS S3 (af-south-1, cn-north-1, cn-northwest-1, eu-south-1)
    * Update: Added MIME types AVIF and AVIFS for Browser Cache rules
    * Update: Enhanced “get_pagenum_link” filter
    * Update: Removed “comment” from the non-persistent object cache group

    = 2.1.1 =
    * Fix: Move Minify library to a namespace to avoid conflicts with other plugins
    * Fix: Check for AWS before loading functions
    * Fix: Update Minify ClosureCompiler base URL; use HTTPS
    * Fix: Corrected getting the network siteurl
    * Fix: Prevent PHP warning in CurlFactory
    * Update: Added information links to general minify options
    * Update: Added video/ogg support for browser caching

    = 2.1.0 =
    * Feature: Added a Feature Showcase to highlight new and existing features
    * Update: Consolidated cache groups settings pages
    * Update: Replaced deprecated jQuery method for WordPress 5.6
    * Fix: PHP warnings for sprintf placeholders in PHP 8
    * Fix: PHP deprecated warnings in PHP 8
    * Fix: Browser Cache Quick Reference Chart link
    * Fix: Bad nonce in help
    * Fix: Google Drive CDN JavaScript

    = 2.0.1 =
    * Fix: Corrected redirection logic for the new Setup Guide
    * Fix: Fixed JavaScript w3tc_ga error

    = 2.0.0 =
    * Feature: Added the Setup Guide wizard for onboarding
    * Update: Updated jQuery compatibility and methods deprecated in WordPress 5.6
    * Fix: Browser Cache: Fixed ExpiresByType code; changed from modified time to client access time

    = 0.15.2 =
    * Fix: Minify: Do not remove quotes around meta tags
    * Fix: Minify: Removal of spaces in calc function was breaking CSS
    * Fix: Browser Cache: Query string was not added to prevent caching after setting changes
    * Fix: Avoid warning when sending an empty URL for purging
    * Update: Added a filter for minified JavaScript content
    * Update: Minify: Added options for minify only got both JS and CSS in auto mode

    = 0.15.1 =
    * Fix: Fixed Memcached flush logic
    * Fix: Remove disk enhanced rewrites when disabling page cache
    * Fix: Better handle conflicts on activation

    = 0.15.0 =
    * Feature: Added TransparentCDN full-site delivery option
    * Fix: Update settings on activation in a changed environment
    * Fix: Fixed a compatibility check for Apache when PHP is running as CGI
    * Fix: Always set HSTS headers in Apache; not only for 2xx HTTP codes
    * Fix: Implemented anatomic incrementing of key version in Memcache(d)
    * Update: Allow filtering of w3tc_minify_url_for_files Minify URL for files

    = 0.14.4 =
    * Fix: Cleanup widget and postbox display for WordPress 5.5
    * Fix: Update to PageSpeed API v5, show webvitals metrics
    * Fix: Console error when adminbar is hidden and PageSpeed module is active
    * Fix: Stats view JS issue
    * Fix: Deprecated jQuery warnings
    * Fix: Require files for request_filesystem_credentials() call
    * Added option to disable jquery-migrate on the front-end. Fixed #172 master (#240)

    = 0.14.3 =
    * Fix: Take “Accepted Query Strings” into account when “Cache query strings” enabled
    * Fixed typo in variable for lazy loading
    * Update: Add lazy load Google Maps reference to the general settings page
    * Update: Support background-image: together with background: for lazy loading

    = 0.14.2 =
    * Fixed WP-CLI redirect issue in multisite
    * Fix: Avoid PREG_JIT_STACKLIMIT_ERROR in minify
    * Fix: Prevent empty needle PHP warning
    * Update: Allow to specify URIs with a query string in Additional Pages

    = 0.14.1 =
    * Fixed CSS minify URL rewrite logic that affected some lazy loading and CSS URL addresses using protocols

    = 0.14.0 =
    * Added lazy loading for Google Maps
    * Added a filter w3tc_minify_css_content for minified contents
    * Fixed a minify regex issue in non-Unicode websites
    * Fixed a PHP notice in WPMU: accessing array offset on null
    * Fixed a minify issue where embedded CSS URL fragments were converted incorrectly
    * i18n improvement
    * Changed default to disabled for wp-admin requests in the object cache

    = 0.13.3 =
    * Fixed HTML minification of img elements containing embedded SVG strings
    * Removed an identifying value for GDPR

    = 0.13.2 =
    * Fix: Dont store content of HEAD requests
    * Updated informational URL on page cache static page comments

    = 0.13.1 =
    * Fixed php warnings in PgCache_ContentGrabber.php

    = 0.13.0 =
    * Added new Pro feature, Debug – Purge Stack Trace
    * Added “Feature Policy” security header
    * Removed deprecated get_magic_quotes_gpc()
    * Improved AMP Extension by ignoring value of amp querystring marker in request if passed without value in config
    * Improved lazyload by not processing elements with skip-lazy class or data-skip-lazy attribute
    * Fixed caching of query-string normalization redirects, no longer cached when cache key is normalized by accept querystring arguments, caused redirect loop

    = 0.12.0 =
    * Added querystring based URL structures for AMP pages
    * Added filter of minify options
    * Added lazyload picture tag support
    * Removed footer link “Support Us” option
    * Improved wp_die handling
    * Improved lazyload handling of content in script tags
    * Improved lazyload handling of feeds
    * Improved printing tags coming from feeds
    * Improved handling of modified posts before wp_rewrite initialized
    * Nginx rules changed a lot to avoid “location” block conflicts. That change may cause problems on some systems using non-default WordPress rules – keep a backup of your original rules
    * Improved handling of .htaccess files in regard to EOF
    * Fixed Varnish purging
    * Fixed html minification of data tags equaling 0

    = 0.11.0 =
    * Added recommendation for BoldGrid’s Total Upkeep plugin
    * Added new lazy loading feature
    * Removed New Relic extension by default for new installations
    * Updated usage of html minification and quote removal
    * Improved memcached config and added optional binary protocol setting
    * Improved process of renewing expired licenses
    * Improved page cache purging
    * Improved FAQ link by opening in new window
    * Improved detection of detect_post_id
    * Improved REST caching in relation to cache headers like X-WP-*
    * Improved Vary User-Agent header usage
    * Improved various features with AMP pages and HTTP2
    * Improved redis connection string to allow for tls://host:port format
    * Fixed file headers for Cloudfront S3 CDN
    * Fixed fatal error on with flush / SNS
    * Fixed comments with URLs within minify debug mode
    * Fixed ObjectCache statistics within footer
    * Fixed temporary hotfix with wp_die and regular output
    * Fixed fragment cache header link
    * Fixed flushing of /feed and /feed/ cache
    * Fixed js error in widget
    * Fixed fatal cache flush error caused by empty $wp_rewrite
    * Fixed path for file_generic REST caching on non-default port
    * Fixed test minify button with Closure Compiler engine

    = 0.10.2 =
    * Fixed compatibility with wpdb::prepare in WordPress 5.3

    = 0.10.1 =
    * Fixed slowdown in memcached engine
    * Fixed Purge Cache menu links so they flush current blog in WPMU
    * Fixed error during upgrade, “Call to undefined method W3TC\Util_Content::is_database_error”
    * Updated Redis cache engine to avoid “Function Redis::delete() is deprecated” warning

    = 0.10.0 =
    * Improved Statistics component for pro users
    * Improved support for CloudFront distributions with multiple origins
    * Improved redirects by using safter wp_safe redirect
    * Improved .htaccess usage when pagecache does not require it
    * Improved protection of unexpected values in global variables
    * Added more Amazon S3 regions
    * Added support for memcached binary protocol when available
    * Added caching for webp MIME type
    * Updated S3 bucket creation by settings CORS policy
    * Updated blogmap to allow urls with custom ports
    * Fixed usage of base url with minify
    * Fixed mixing content of sync & async scripts with minify

    * Fixed S3 + CloudFront urls when CNAMEs not used

    = =
    * Updated AWS library
    * Added support of set_sql_mode by dbcluster
    * Improved support for webserver running on non-default port with disk-enhanced
    * Improved menu icons
    * Fixed php warning when remote service cannot be loaded
    * Fixed php warnings on support page

    = =
    * Fixed PHP warning when Redis integration not configured correctly
    * Fixed 404 in multisite caused by subdirectory issue
    * Fixed object cache issue in multisite where object cache was cleared at wrong time
    * Fixed database cluster in WordPress 5.1
    * Fixed warning caused by user agent theme change used
    * Fixed minification in multisite when URLs were set to root-blog based url
    * Fixed undefined w3tc_ga issue
    * Improved purging of current page by using post_id instead of URL
    * Improved cache delivery of /feed URLs
    * Improved security on calls to opcache flush
    * Improved minification of files in environments running on non-default ports

    = =
    * Fixed caching of redirect responses based on empty response body
    * Improved compatibility with WordPress 5.1
    * Improved transports, unix: prefix not required
    * Improved minify html

    = =
    * Fixed fatal error during media file upload with CDN module active
    * Fixed removal of empty values, JSON encoded string in attribute, trailing quote at end of tag, and the handling of anchors in HTML minify
    * Fixed undefined index warning
    * Fixed fatal error when purging CDN using full site delivery

    = =
    * Fixed undefined variable notice
    * Fixed “No such file or directory” warning
    * Fixed writing to PHP error log rather than WordPress debug log
    * Fixed default referrer policy should be “no-referrer-when-downgrade”
    * Fixed php_flag error related to browser cache, using ini_set instead
    * Fixed CloudFlare IPv6 check undefined offset
    * Fixed Undefined constant WP_ROOT
    * Fixed frame-ancestors being overwritten by frame-src
    * Fixed missing semicolon in nginx configuration
    * Fixed HTTP/2 URLs handling for browser cache and CDN modules
    * Fixed display of CDN debug information
    * Fixed CSS Minification with Google Fonts when included via “Include external files/libraries” and non-latin character-sets are loaded
    * Fixed media query string not updating when all caches were purged
    * Fixed double slash with ABSPATH if file exists
    * Fixed setting max-age and expires header simultaneously
    * Fixed SASL detection for PECL Memcached
    * Fixed handling of manually entered objects to be purged on CDN
    * Fixed query string handling in Nginx
    * Improved error handling with Cloudfront
    * Improved page cache logging
    * Improved multi-tenant support for memory-based caching engines
    * Improved CSS minification
    * Improved purge behavior for changed media objects when using CDN
    * Improved compatibility with sitemap plugins
    * Added support for Memcached for Nginx
    * Added support for caching webm files
    * Added Brotli HTTP compression support
    * Added StackPath full site delivery support
    * Added _wc_session_ to the list of ignored query stems for improved WooCommerce compatibility

    = 0.9.7 =
    * Fixed minified files not being hosted by CDN when enabled if “host minified files” is disabled
    * Fixed warning thrown when purge all was selected (via nigrosimone)
    * Fixed undefined offset error in fragment cache
    * Fixed MaxCDN test button failure when debug mode is enabled
    * Fixed purging of feeds when cache feeds option is enabeld
    * Improved handling of errors when full site delivery isn’t set
    * Improved nginx.conf to support xml caching
    * Improved nginx.conf to support HSTS for static files
    * Improved minify’s handling of query strings
    * Improved database caching, frequent wp_options no longer flush posts or comments data
    * Improved Limelight Networks CDN integration
    * Improved FAQ, they’re now hosted in the GitHub public repository
    * Improved handling for /*<![CDATA[*/ in HTML minify engine
    * Imporved garbage collection for basic disk caching
    * Improved HSTS support (via Dave Welsh)
    * Improved reliabilty of CSS embed options
    * Improved New Relic requirements in compatibility test
    * Added StackPath CDN integration (including full site delivery)
    * Added support for page cache priming via WP-CLI via prime function
    * Added filter support for managing cache groups
    * Added API for flushing individual cache groups via flush_group function
    * Added purge support for JSON cache e.g. cached REST API requests
    * Added filter support for managing database cache settings
    * Added filter support before (w3tc_process_content) and after (w3tc_processed_content) a cache object is created
    * Added compatibility for AMPforWP plugin
    * Added JSON caching support for Pro subscribers
    * Added additional security headers (via amiga-500)

    = 0.9.6 =
    * Fixed anonymous usage tracking, default to disabled
    * Fixed incorrect minify cache data written if target directory missing
    * Fixed empty minify cache file written when file locking enabled
    * Fixed missing commas in CSS (via nigrosimone)
    * Fixed typo in object cache engine (via Furniel)
    * Fixed incorrect reuse of redis connections when persistent connections option enabled
    * Fixed reliability of Google Drive (via jikamens)
    * Fixed handling of UTF-8 encoded files by writing them in binary (via jikamens)
    * Improved Full Site Delivery configuration user flow on the General and CDN settings screens
    * Improved content type matching and cache hits as a result
    * Improved minify file locking logic
    * Improved visual langage of the compatibility test (via Furniel)
    * Improved configuration file management
    * Improved MaxCDN set up wizard
    * Improved page cache’s accepted query string handling to handle optional values and add support for disk enhanced mode (via amiga-500, nigrosimone)
    * Improved handling of timeouts to origin push CDN proviers
    * Added HTTP/2 push headers for disk enhanced page caching (via nigrosimone)
    * Added X-Forwarded-Proto header for use cases like HTTPS recognition behind proxies or load balancers
    * Added multiple CDN support i.e. static file objects and pages, posts, feeds, API responses etc to use different respective CDN providers
    * Added page caching by cookie name or value (sponsored by SQweb)
    * Added toggle for CORS header to improve inter-operatbility with various CDN providers
    * Added support for CDN hosted media to media library (inspired by amiga-500)
    * Added object caching of AJAX calls (via andyexeter)
    * Enterprise features are now available to Pro subscribers! Including reading from multiple databases concurrently and purging caches across multiple hosts via a Message Bus

    = =
    * Fixed regression with browser caching and query strings

    = =
    * Fixed handling of HTTP compressed documents in PHP v5.3 (via amiga-500)
    * Fixed a bug with accelerated mobile pages (via nigrosimone)
    * Improved reliability of minify in manual mode
    * Improved JavaScript interoperability with CDATA use cases
    * Improved file name generation on Windows for IIS servers
    * Improved handling of # in URLs
    * Improved handling of exclusions for e-commerce in Genesis Framework
    * Improved handling of headers for Microsoft Azure
    * Improved functionality with existing Cloudfront Distributions when configuring Full Site Delivery
    * Improved minify debug logging
    * Improved handling of URLs that omit the protocol
    * Improved handling of custom files with CDN (via amiga-500)
    * Updated CSSTidy library (via nigrosimone and amiga-500)
    * Added Swarmify Video Optimization Extension [Hat tip the Swarmify Team]
    * Added flushing of AMP pages

    = =
    * Fixed security issue by protecting configuration data by adding .php to relevant files
    * Fixed security issue with the creation of dot folders that could be abused
    * Fixed handling HTTP compression for uncached pages
    * Fixed handling of .svgz files
    * Added expiration headers to webP images
    * Added support for Microsoft Azure’s latest API
    * Added ability to cache WP Admin. Recommended setting, is off. (Improved WP Admin performance with object caching enabled)
    * Added HTTP/2 Push support for minified files
    * Added option management support for wp-cli
    * Improved handling of uncompressed minified files
    * Improved handling of purging of modified pages / posts
    * Improved compatibility with Rackspace Cloud Files
    * Improved initial CDN configuration reliability
    * Improved reliability of object caching
    * Improved PHP 7.0 compatibility
    * Improved PHP 4.3 compatibility
    * Improved HTTP/2 support
    * Improved CSS embed handling
    * Improved reliability of object cache, transients now fallback to database
    * Improved handling of cached http compressed objects

    = =
    * Fixed missing namespace, which caused issues with other implementations of Google APIs
    * Fixed handling Cloudflare zone list being incomplete for users with many zones
    * Added extension to support Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
    * Added notification for users that are still using PHP 5.2 (end of life in 2011)
    * Improved default settings
    * Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO sitemap caching
    * Improved compatability with Jetpack
    * Improved directory handling on IIS
    * Improved backwards compatibility for 3rd party implementations against legacy W3TC functions

    = 0.9.5 =
    * Fixed XSS vulnerability
    * Fixed issues with dismissing overlays
    * Fixed handling of tilde in URLs
    * Fixed issue with HTTP compression header when using mfunc calls
    * Fixed cache ID issue with minify in network mode
    * Fixed rare issue of caching empty document when some PHP errors occur in themes or plugins
    * Fixed caching of query strings
    * Added support for APCu Opcode Cache
    * Added support for Redis
    * Added support for Google Drive
    * Added support for Amazon S3-compatible stroage services
    * Added support for PECL memcached
    * Added support for srcset elements
    * Added support for Rackspace CDN Origin Pull
    * Added support for minification of external fonts
    * Added support for WOFF2 font format
    * Added support for FTPS (FTP-SSL, S-FTP)
    * Added YUI Compressor’s PHP Port of the CSS minifier
    * Added Narcissus’ JS minifier
    * Added purge of parent page when attachments are added or updated
    * Added Highwinds CDN provider
    * Added “Validate Timestamps” option for compatible opcode caches functions like apc.stat are enabled
    * Added Full Site Delivery for Pro subscribers
    * Added HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) support
    * Added a sample extension for developers to reference
    * Added Rackspace Cloud Files Multi-Region Support
    * Added more support for exclusions to database cache
    * Added more optionality to minifiers
    * Added WPML Performance Extension
    * Added use of [namespace](http://php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.rationale.php) which creates mininum dependency on version PHP 5.3
    * Improved PHP 5.6 compatibility
    * Improved PHP 7 compatibility
    * Improved performance menu in admin bar, including purging of specific cache engines and more
    * Improved SSL interoperability
    * Improved reliablity of test buttons
    * Improved nomenclature of caching files for higher cache hit rates
    * Improved nginx compatibility
    * Improved WP CLI support
    * Improved Cloudflare compatibility (now using latest APIs), Cloudflare must be re-authorized
    * Improved AWS API compatibility (now using latest APIs)
    * Improved Rackspace Cloud Files compatibility (now using latest APIs)
    * Improved page cache purge for extensions like cloudflare and other reverse proxy use cases
    * Improved extension framework functionality
    * Improved compatibility of headers like ETag and content encoding
    * Improved template fragment caching
    * Improved notifications, warnings and errors
    * Improved moble user agents detection
    * Improved security with nonces and form elements
    * Improved security throughout the codebase
    * Improved detail of debug messages
    * Improved Amazon SNS security (validation)
    * Improved minify’s ability to match script tags without type attribute

    = 0.9.4 =
    * Fixed undefined w3tc_button_link
    * Fixed support and other form submissions
    * Fixed extension enabled key error
    * Fixed Test CDN errors
    * Fixed trailing slashes in custom wp content path and Minify
    * Fixed WP_PLUGIN_DIR not being available when object-cache.php is loaded and W3TC constant not set
    * Fixed Minify Auto and restructuring of JS code placement on page
    * Fixed remove / replace drop in file on plugins page
    * Fixed false positive check for legacy code
    * Fixed deprecated wpdb escape
    * Fixed Fragment Caching and APC anomalies
    * Fixed cached configs causing 500 error on interrupted file writes
    * Fixed readfile errors on servers with the functionality disabled
    * Fixed false positives for license key verification
    * Fixed debug information not printed on cached pages
    * Fixed backwards compatibility and flushing and added doing it wrong notification
    * Fixed “Prevent caching of objects after settings change”
    * Fixed “Use late init” being shown as enabled with Disc:Enhanced
    * Fixed missing param in APC cache method declaration
    * Fixed user roles property not begin an array
    * Fixed adding empty Vary header
    * Fixed notice on failed upgrade licencing check
    * Fixed Database Cache description text
    * Fixed duplicate bb10 agents
    * Fixed settings link in Minify Auto notification
    * Fixed notice with undefined constant
    * Fixed nginx configuration and Referrer, User Groups setting
    * Fixed Genesis settings and Suhosin field name limit error
    * Fixed Genesis and Fragment Caching (caching categories etc)
    * Fixed CDN being enabled when creating NetDNA / MaxCDN pull zone
    * Fixed NewRelic related notice in compatibility popup
    * Fixed trailing slash issue in filename to url conversion
    * Fixed issue with wp in subdirectory and relative minimal manual urls
    * Fixed issue with widget styling
    * Fixed issue with Purge All button action
    * Fixed issue with exporting of settings
    * Fixed issue with plugin interferring with preview theme
    * Fixed issue with malformed config files
    * Added caching of list of posts pages (tags, categories etc) to Genesis extension a long with flush it checkbox
    * Added typecasting on expiration time in object cache drop-in
    * Added capability check for save options
    * Added FeedBurner extension
    * Added woff support to Browser Cache
    * Added new CloudFlare IPs
    * Added support for WordPress defined charset and collate in CDN queue table creation
    * Added WordPress SEO by Yoast extension
    * Added *.less to CDN theme uploads and MIME
    * Added default settings for MaxCDN Pull Zone creation
    * Added call to change MaxCDN canonical header setting to match plugin setting
    * Added one button default pull zone creation to MaxCDN without refresh
    * Added MaxCDN authorization validation
    * Added whitelist IPs notification for MaxCDN
    * Added support for use of existing zones without refresh
    * Added new mime types
    * Added support for separate domains for frontend and admin backend
    * Added CloudFlare as an extension
    * Added nofollow to blogroll links
    * Added DEV mode support to PRO version
    * Added EDGE MODE functionality
    * Improved wrapper functions in plugins.php for plugin / theme authors
    * Improved reliability of NetDNA / MaxCDN API calls by using WP HTTP and not cURL
    * Improved Fragment Caching debug information
    * Improved preview mode, removed query string requirement
    * Improved FAQ structure
    * Improved empty minify/pgcache cache notification when using CDN
    * Improved default settings for MaxCDN zone creation
    * Improved CDN queue performance
    * Improved blogmap url sanitation
    * Improved MaxCDN automatic zone creation process
    * Improved license key saving and Pro mode activation on Pro license purchases
    * Updated EDGE MODE: Full site mirroring support for MaxCDN
    * Updated translations

    == Upgrade Notice ==

    = =
    Users running Cloudflare CDN may experience issues beginning June 6th. Please upgrade to W3 Total Cache for the latest Cloudflare patches.

    = =
    Thanks for using W3 Total Cache! This release includes compatibility fixes that have been reported. In addition, numerous other improvements are now yours!

    = =
    Thanks for using W3 Total Cache! This release includes security fixes that have been reported. In addition, numerous other improvements are now yours!

    = =
    Thanks for using W3 Total Cache! This release includes security fixes that have been reported. In addition, numerous other improvements are now yours!

    = 0.9.5 =
    Thanks for using W3 Total Cache! This release includes fixes for recent XSS security issues that have been reported. In addition, hundreds of other improvements are now yours!

    = 0.9.4 =
    Thanks for using W3 Total Cache! This release introduces hundreds of well-tested stability fixes since the last release as well as a new mode called “edge mode,” which allows us to make releases more often containing new features that are still undergoing testing or active iteration.

    = =
    Thanks for using W3 Total Cache! This release includes various fixes for MaxCDN and minify users. As always there are general stability / compatibility improvements. Make sure to test in a sandbox or staging environment and report any issues via the bug submission form available on the support tab of the plugin.

    = =
    Thanks for using W3 Total Cache! This release includes performance improvements for every type of caching and numerous bug fixes and stability / compatbility improvements. Make sure to keep W3TC updated to ensure optimal reliability and security.

    = =
    Thanks for using W3 Total Cache! This release addresses security issues for Cloudflare users as well as users that implement fragment caching via the mfunc functionality. For those using mfunc, temporarily disable page caching to allow yourself time to check the FAQ tab for new usage instructions; if you have a staging environment, that is the most convenient way to test prior to production roll out.

    = =
    Thanks for using W3 Total Cache! The recent releases attempted to use WordPress’ built in support for managing files and folders and clearly has not worked. Since W3TC is a caching plugin, file management is a critical issue that will cause lots of issues if it doesn’t work perfectly. This release is hopefully the last attempt to restore file management back to the reliability of previous versions ( etc). We realize that having *any* problems is not acceptable, but caching means changing server behavior, so while this plugin is still in pre-release we’re trying to focus on learning.

✲ Prices shown on the site are excluding taxes which at checkout will be calculated based on user's geolocation as per EU regulation.
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