WP All Import Pro v4.8.6 + Addons – WordPress XML and CSV Importer Plugin

Last Update: December 20, 2023
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WP All Import Pro features a straightforward drag-and-drop interface, simplifying the process of mapping data from your XML or CSV file to the relevant fields in WordPress. This versatile plugin seamlessly integrates with any theme or plugin, offering support for images, Custom Fields, taxonomies, Custom Post Types, dates, and virtually every other WordPress field.

WP All Import WordPress Plugin Features

  • Use any XML, CSV, or Excel file
  • Supports very large files, and any file structure
  • Compatible with custom plugin and theme fields
  • Images, categories, WooCommerce, ACF, etc.
  • Simple interface & flexible API
  • Powerful scheduling options
improvement: ensure temporary files never use a .php extension
bug fix: restore old CSV encoding conversion behavior
bug fix: orders cannot be matched by order meta
bug fix: SFTP imports fail to run via cron in some cases

minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.2
bug fix: do not automatically deactivate old versions of the WooCommerce Import Add-On

minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.2
bug fix: PHP 8.2 fatal error when importing some Excel files
bug fix: PHP 8.2 fatal error when file cannot be written in some cases

minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.2
note: WooCommerce Import Add-On 4.0.0+ is required to import orders
new setting: add 'Do not create new terms' setting on Edit Template page
improvement: better PHP 8.2 support
improvement: include example cron commands on Scheduling Options modal
improvement: better import file preview loading
improvement: enable updating taxonomy description image URLs when using 'Scan through post content...' option
improvement: enable matching review products by title
improvement: replace tmpfile() call with wp_tempnam() to avoid host restrictions
bug fix: preview modal isn't scrollable in some cases
bug fix: resolve 'change missing' loop in some cases when products have backorders enabled
bug fix: resolve fatal error when taxonomies are set to update but the WooCommerce Add-On isn't active
bug fix: navigating import file preview shows incorrectly numbered records

minimum required WP version: 5.0
minimum required PHP version: 7.2.5
improvement: remove wp_navigation from Step 1 dropdown
improvement: fix PHP 8 deprecated notice
improvement: add new filter 'wp_all_import_hash_ignore_options'
bug fix: match existing terms by ID
bug fix: ensure records added with an 'Existing Items' import are recognized by the options to modify missing records
bug fix: ensure "History file not found' message doesn't remain when file is valid
bug fix: avoid fatal error while editing import when import file has been deleted outside of WP All Import
bug fix: ensure correct import IDs are processed when running multiple imports sequentially via WP-CLI
bug fix: don't invalidate unchanged record hash when import 'security' option value changes
bug fix: allow using an 'Existing Items' import that only removes products that aren't in the import file

bug fix: file preview shows incorrect record order in some cases
bug fix: PHP8 fatal error when updating Scheduling configuration in limited cases

new feature: edit import filters on import 'Edit Template' screen
bug fix: allow saving custom fields '0' values
bug fix: do not duplicate images when they contain dimensions in the name
bug fix: infinite loop when performing 'missing post' actions in some cases
bug fix: undefined variable $import notice
bug fix: resolve notice when $attch variable not defined
improvement: use wp_trash_post when sending posts to trash
improvement: resolve PHP 8.x deprecated items
improvement: allow more strings to be translated with _e
improvement: use wp_add_inline_script instead of localize where appropriate
improvement: add setting to disable the 'I HAVE BACKUPS' prompt
improvement: better handling when expected files are not found or have the wrong permissions
improvement: ensure the run import screen correctly shows what fields are set to update
improvement: add nonce to clean up logs action
improvement: allow specifying templates for post types other than pages
improvement: replace deprecated get_page_by_title function
improvement: ensure correct version of PCLZIP is used with WP All Import
improvement: ensure history file path returns correctly regardless of import file source
improvement: ensure wp_read_video_metadata function exists before calling
improvement: ensure import file preview sections can be expanded on Edit Template screen
improvement: allow changing stock status for missing existing products
improvement: call pmxi_before_delete_post hook as needed when running via WP-CLI
improvement: don't show 'hidden' imports when listing via WP-CLI
improvement: don't assign parent when parent field is empty
improvement: allow importing emojis from JSON files
improvement: improve wp_all_import_get_import_id to work when running multiple imports via WP-CLI
improvement: better record matching for delete missing option
improvement: better existing image matching when importing images from Content

new feature: Records missing from your import file can now be deleted even if WP All Import didn't create them. 'Existing Items' imports have gained the ability to delete records missing from your import file as well.
improvement: add support for libxml 2.9.0+
improvement: set headers to prevent caching of cron URLs
improvement: fixed miscellaneous PHP notices

security improvement
improvement: import progress bar appearance

security improvement
note: minimum PHP version for WP All Import 4.7.4 and above is now 7.2.5
bug fix: fatal error when PHP version is less than 7.2.5
improvement: replace deprecated jQuery functions
improvement: add support for newer SFTP servers
improvement: update FTP support for PHP 8.1+
improvement: better file extension detection for downloaded attachments

bug fix: fatal error when importing from (S)FTP

security improvement
bug fix: error when importing tab delimited text files on PHP 8
bug fix: ensure wp_read_video_metadata() function is available before calling it
improvement: better autoloading of plugin files
improvement: better handling for server paths that contain underscores
improvement: fix notice when downloading from Google Sheets

improvement: changed Manage Imports page button labels to be more precise
improvement: assign 'Uncategorized' term to posts imported without a category assigned
improvement: add support for taxonomies that return objects instead of IDs
improvement: check if import file still exists before trying to load it
improvement: remove commented code that could cause false positives for security scans
bug fix: jQuery error related to 'destroy' method
bug fix: rare issue that prevented content image URLs from being updated during import
bug fix: option to mark missing products as out of stock doesn't work with cron
bug fix: taxonomies section drag and drop doesn't save after rearranging fields
bug fix: can't save code to Function Editor
bug fix: conflict with Advanced Ads plugin

bug fix: 'Set missing records to out of stock' option doesn't work when 'Delete products that are no longer present in your file' option enabled
bug fix: do not invalidate hash when FTP settings change
bug fix: drag-and-drop hierarchical taxonomies doesn't work ( WordPress 5.9 )
improvement: respect filename matching options with images in content

security fix
improvement: add support for extremely long image source URLs
improvement: invalidate 'skip records that haven't changed' hash when using the 'instead of delete' options
bug fix: file cleanup fails on PHP 8

bugfix: ensure that invalid Automatic Scheduling times aren't supplied by import template
improvement: add ability to control taxonomy mapping case sensitivity via filter wpai_is_case_insensitive_taxonomy_mapping
improvement: add ability to control uploads directory for single file/image via filters wp_all_import_single_image_uploads_dir and wp_all_import_single_attachment_uploads_dir
improvement: add missing options on confirm import step
improvement: decrease frequency of plugin updates check
bug fix
improvement: initial PHP 8 support

bug fix: categories were imported despite the taxonomy option being disabled
improvement: ssl_verify was disabled for api requests
improvement: parent review setting was missing when importing WooCommerce Reviews
improvement: add ability to filter csv escape symbol via wp_all_import_csv_parser_settings filter

maintenance: compatibility with Elementor v3.3 JavaScript changes

4.6.7 2021-05-21
bug fix: import of taxonomies hierarchy didn't work properly

4.6.6 2021-05-18
bug fix: records were removed from pmxi_posts table when activating WPAI on multisite installation
improvement: git rid of deprecated join query on manage imports screen
improvement: add is_update_post_format option
improvement: add wp_all_import_manual_matching filter
improvement: add wp_all_import_logger filter
improvement: add display type option for Product Categories
improvement: update scheduling keys in the scheduling service when changed in settings

4.6.5 2020-10-24
improvement: added support for custom FTP root paths via filter
improvement: return to 1st record in file when applying filters
bug fix: update only selected custom fields didn't work properly
bug fix: update featured image provided by 3rd party add-ons didn't work properly
bug fix: get rid of unused deprecated function add_contextual_help()
bug fix: impossible to move past step 4 when using import template that had import schedules configured
bug fix: last run timestamp not updated if import file is valid
bug fix: no records available when multiple filters are removed

4.6.4 2020-10-07
New Feature: Import files from FTP
improvement: deprecate 'High Speed Small File Processing' import option
improvement: allow multiple import IDs to be passed to WP-CLI
improvement: sort imports by friendly name
improvement: improve import speed when matching WooCommerce products by _sku custom field
bug fix: 'Change image file names' setting used when 'Use images currently in Media Library' is selected
bug fix: existing Reviews content type conflicts with WooCommerce Reviews
bug fix: 'Use images currently in Media Library' option tries to match images in content section
bug fix: periods removed from cron job keys when saving plugin settings
bug fix: references in 'pmxi_posts' table for terms imported via 'Taxonomies' imports removed on plugin deactivation
bug fix: invalid images in post content downloaded as HTML pages
bug fix: chromium scroll anchoring causes screen jumping effect
bug fix: pagenum query argument causes broken link on import complete screen
bug fix: WPML translations matching don't work for product variations in some cases
bug fix: unable to match existing comments/reviews by custom field
bug fix: unable to import existing files from sub folders
bug fix: disabling 'Keep images currently in Media Library' invalidates hashes when 'Images' aren't set to be updated
bug fix: changing image options in add-ons using Rapid Add-On API doesn't invalidate hashes
bug fix: post created/updated/deleted counts disappear from 'Import in Progress' page upon import completion

4.6.3 2020-08-11
improvement: compatibility with WordPress 5.5
bug fix: new log created on each cron processing call
API: added helper function wp_all_import_get_import_id()
API: added helper function wp_all_import_get_import_post_type($import_id)
4.6.2 2020-07-07
improvement: Import Comments
improvement: Import WooCommerce Reviews
improvement: Skip updating records when data in import file has not changed
improvement: Optimize speed when matching updated posts by custom field or SKU
improvement: Disable scheduled imports via Automatic Scheduling UI
API: add post ID to wp_all_import_images_uploads_dir
bug fix: CodeMirror throws missing dependencies error
bug fix: when using Match Images by URL images are also matched by filename
bug fix: CSV column header detection causes issues in some cases

improvement: run imports via WP-CLI
bug fix: switch to CodeMirror implementation shipped in WordPress core
bug fix: unable to double click to insert XPath in some cases
bug fix: unable to apply pmxi_is_images_to_update filter to featured images
bug fix: unable to match existing images when suffix is added to file name during import

API: add new filter wp_all_import_scan_files_recursively
bug fix: import custom fields caused import duplicate values
bug fix: unable to match existing scaled images

improvement: import post content images from srcset attribute
API: add new filter wp_all_import_recount_terms_after_import
API: add new filter wp_all_import_content_images_get_full_size
API: add new filter wp_all_import_feed_type
bug fix: original_value argument for pmxi_custom_field contains incorrect value

improvement: match existing images by filename with underscores
API: add new action wp_all_import_before_preserve_post_data
API: add new filter wp_all_import_specified_delimiters
bug fix: attachment author not imported for API image imports

improvement: get files nested in subdirectories from /wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/files
improvement: add support for importing WebP images
bug fix: images in content not being imported when creating new items
bug fix: unable to match existing users by user ID
bug fix: strip special characters from cron job key

improvement: add support for .tsv format
improvement: load WP All Import only on admin dashboard on cron calls
API: add new action pmxi_before_delete_post
API: add new filter wp_all_import_use_wp_set_object_terms
API: add new filter wp_all_import_copy_uploaded_file_into_files_folder
API: add new filter wp_all_import_is_php_allowed
API: add current XML variable to pmxi_article_data filter
API: add articleData argument to wp_all_import_images_uploads_dir filter
bug fix: search for existing images doesn't work properly when rename images option in use
bug fix: post terms incorrect after import complete, must be recounted
bug fix: empty attachments created when attachment import fails
bug fix: page template for some posts is overwritten in some cases
bug fix: pmxi_update_post_meta action not firing in some cases
bug fix: unable to import featured image from content section
bug fix: matching posts by ID matches and imports into attachments with the same ID
bug fix: matching taxonomy terms by term ID matches and imports into posts and attachments with the same ID
bug fix: remove deprecated function pmxi_convert_encoding from API

improvement: do not keep trigger log items in history
improvement: added new filter wp_all_import_search_image_by_wp_attached_file
improvement: added new filter wp_all_import_get_existing_image
improvement: added pmxi_import_failed action
improvement: search for existing attachments in /files folder
improvement: set featured image from img tags when importing content
bug fix: don't delete records from pmxi_posts for existing users and taxonomy terms
bug fix: skipping empty lines during csv to xml convertation
bug fix: skip post when custom field data is unchanged
bug fix: import custom field name via XPath
bug fix: trigger delete_post action when imported posts are deleting
bug fix: imports that are scheduled to run at 12am/pm
bug fix: fixed updating custom fields with quotes

bug fix: import using stream reader
bug fix: generation temporary files in system temporary folder

improvement: add support for Toolset Types
bug fix: trigger deleted_user action when import deleting a user
bug fix: add-ons api - searching for existing images in pmxi_images table
bug fix: php error on array push alias

new feature: Automatic Scheduling - run imports on a schedule
improvement: search for existing images based on remote image URL
improvement: various backend improvements to image imports
improvement: various import speed optimizations
bug fix: remove deprecated function calls for PHP 7.2 compatibility
bug fix: delete db tables when mu blog deleted
bug fix: remove BOM from import templates
bug fix: saving CSV delimiter when changing import file

improvement: import images from dropbox
improvement: skips import process to the first specific record
improvement: added new filter wp_all_import_is_render_whole_xml_tree
improvement: added wp_all_import_images_uploads_dir filter into add-ons api
bug fix: conflict with InfiniteWP
bug fix: oddity update notification for Link cloaking add-on
bug fix: load functions before pmxi_before_xml_import
bug fix: do not re-count category terms when post imported as draft
bug fix: import base64 encoded images in add-ons
bug fix: woo order custom fields auto-detection
security fix - XSS exploit (Special thanks to Mardan Muhidin for reporting)
security fix - XSS exploit (Special thanks to Yuji Tounai for reporting)

improvement: Make the WooCo Short Description expandable
improvement: show notice when function editor is not saved
improvement: added timestamp to import log lines
improvement: added support for bmp images
improvement: added new action pmxi_before_post_import_{$addon}
security fix: patch XSS exploit
bug fix: import pages hierarchy
bug fix: error in pclzip.lib.php with php 7.1
bug fix: import taxonomies hierarchy
bug fix: json to xml convertation
bug fix: import password protected feeds with port defined

improvement: custom fields detection
improvement: new action wp_all_import_post_skipped
improvement: updated history page title
improvement: optimize large imports deletion
improvement: added import friendly name to confirm screen
improvement: sql query optimization on manage imports screen
improvement: added wp_all_import_shard_delay filter
improvement: added wp_all_import_images_uploads_dir filter
bug fix: compatibility with WPML
bug fix: generation image filename
bug fix: wp_all_import_specified_records filter

improvement: added hungarian translation
bug fix: csv headers generation
bug fix: import template from Import Settings works again
bug fix: users no longer logged out when user is update via import
bug fix: images with encoded quotes

bug fix: cron job completed early for imports with xpath
bug fix: csv headers with non latin characters

bug fix: cron job un-triggered on timeout error

bug fix: import xls from dropbox
bug fix: template preview

improvement: new filter 'wp_all_import_phpexcel_delimiter'
improvement: new filter 'wp_all_import_is_trim_parsed_data'
improvement: added new 'filter wp_all_import_skip_x_csv_rows'
improvement: added csv delimiter setting to import options screen
bug fix: taxonomies dropdown list
bug fix: cron job was never untriggered when calling to undefined function
bug fix: taxonomies preview
bug fix: import duplicate tags
bug fix: importing taxonomy terms that already exist in a different taxonomies

bug fix: parsing images for newly added records
bug fix: the event calendar conflict

improvement: added new filter wp_all_import_phpexcel_object to modify excel data before import
bug fix: search for images ending with underscores in media
bug fix: import hierarchical posts and pages
bug fix: import custom post type page templates
bug fix: matching taxonomies by name
bug fix: custom fields validation

improvement: compatibility with PHP 7.x
improvement: search for existing attachments option
improvement: new filter for file path of functions.php file
bug fix: images preview
bug fix: improved matching for images similar to image.com.png

new feature: added import taxonomies feature
bug fix: hierarchy taxonomies preview
bug fix: empty logs folder generation
bug fix: 'Keep images currently in Media Library' option for add-ons
bug fix: import bundles with gz files
bug fix: custom functions for attachments

improvement: 'Force Stream Reader' setting
improvement: tar + gz compression support for remote feeds
improvement: new filter 'wp_all_import_auto_create_csv_headers'
improvement: new filter 'wp_all_import_is_base64_images_allowed'
improvement: new filter 'wp_all_import_set_post_terms' to leave a specific category alone when a post is being updated
bug fix: cron import timeout when set missing outofstock option is enabled
bug fix: nodes navigation for xpath like /news/item
bug fix: frozen import template screen for cyrillic XML feeds
bug fix: conflict between taxonomies & user import
bug fix: creating users with the same email
bug fix: enable keep line breaks option by default
bug fix: composer namespace conflict
bug fix: images preview when wp is in subdirectory
bug fix: 'Instead of deletion, set Custom Field' option for users import

fixed issue with libxml 2.9.3
execute 'pmxi_article_data' filter for all posts ( new & existing )

added de_CH translation
added support for .svg images
added possibility for import excerpts for pages
added new filter 'wp_all_import_specified_records'
added new filter 'wp_all_import_is_post_to_delete'
fixed saving function editor
fixed custom fields mapping rules with '0' value
fixed termination of the import if the "Delete source XML file after importing" is checked
disable XMLReader stream filter for HHVM
improve search for existing images in media gallery

fixed error messages on step 4
fixed renaming image files
fixed delete missing records option
fixed csv to xml convertation in case when there are some equal titles in csv file
stop using $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA for PHP 7.x compatibility
added new action 'pmxi_missing_post'

update required database tables

fixed detecting root nodes with colons in names
fixed php notice "Undefined variable: existing_meta_keys"
fixed rendering special chars in function editor
fixed css for WordPress 4.4
added feature to delete only posts not import
added feature to download template/bundle from import settings
added new option for importing images "Use images currently in Media Library"
remove periods to hyphens convertation in image name
auto detect dropbox URLs and change to dl=1
changed comma delimiting behavior/UI in image meta

fixed preview prices
fixed counting XML nodes

fixed 'Delete source XML file after importing' option
fixed ‘Instead of deletion, change post status to Draft’ option
fixed reading XML files with NS in element names
added ‘WooCommerce Order’ to post type list on step 1

fixed duplicate matching by custom field
fixed error messages on step1 in case when server throws fatal error e.q. time limit exception
fixed option "Delete posts that are no longer present in your file", now it works with empty CSV files which has only one header row
fixed importing custom fields with the same name
fixed custom functions in images preview
added es_ES translation
added de_DE translation
added iterative ajax delete process ( deleting associated posts )

Fixed removing uploaded XML source file on re-run process

Fixed saving function editor

fixed duplicate matching by custom field ( cron )
fixed converting image filenames to lowercase
fixed import html to image description
fixed import _wp_old_slug
added Post ID to manual record matching
added 'Comment status' to 'Choose data to update' section
added 'cancel' to cron API /wp-cron.php?import_key=Kt&import_id=407&action=cancel
added function editor

fixed parsing CSV with empty lines
fixed parsing multiple IF statements
fixed preview in case when ‘Disable the visual editor when writing’ is enabled
fixed conflict with WooCommerce - Store Exporter Deluxe
added possibility to start synchronized cron requests &sync=1
added notifications for required addons
added support for wp all export bundle
added support for manual import bundle
added feature 'click to download import file'
added validation for excerpt and images sections
added auto-detect a broken Unique ID notification
added import template notifications
removed support for importing WooCommerce Orders
changed absolute paths to relative in db
updated cron response messages
moved uploaded files to 'Use existing' dropdown

added support for Excel files ( .xls, .xlsx )
added new option 'Do not remove images from media gallery' on import settings screen
added new options to taxonomies import 'Try to match terms to existing child Product Categories' & 'Only assign Products to the imported Product Category, not the entire hierarchy'
fixed excessive update requests
added options to 'Delete associated posts

load ini_set only on plugins pages
fixed saving import template
added import post format via XPath

fixed import page template
added a second argument to pmxi_saved_post action ( SimpleXML object ) of current record

fixed Apply mapping rules before splitting via separator symbol for manual hierarchy
fixed path equal or less than
fixed changing unique key when moving back from confirm screen
fixed override page template
fixed unlink images on deleting missing posts
updated wp_all_import_is_post_to_update filter with second argument XML node as array
updated compatibility with WP All Export
added filter wp_all_import_feed_type
added possibility to use php to calculate URL on first step [add_to_url("https://google.com/")]

fixed un triggering issue on cron jobs for empty files
changed updater priority from 10 to 20
added post parent option for all hierarchical CPT

Important security fixes - additional hardening, prevention of blind SQL injection and reflected XSS attacks

critical security fix - stopping non-logged in users from accessing adminInit https://www.wpallimport.com/2015/02/wp-import-4-1-1-mandatory-security-update/
added new filter wp_all_import_is_post_to_update to skip needed posts add_filter('wp_all_import_is_post_to_update', 'is_post_to_update', 10, 1);
added new option Search for existing attachments to prevent duplicates in media library
fixed imports pagination
fixed preview taxonomies
fixed upload folder creation when 'upload_dir' filter defined
fixed db schema for wpmu when new site added

fixed cron execution when titles are not defined
added an option to separate hierarchy groups via symbol
added separator symbol for manually nested taxonomies

added license key setting for automatic update
added option search images through attachments
added option assign term to the bottom level term in the hierarchy

fixed taxonomies preview
fixed import meta description for images
added feature to assign posts to needed terms
added new option for taxonomies Apply mapping rules before splitting via separator symbol
added set with XPath option for comment status, ping status, page parent, page template

fixed feed detection for rss chanels
fixed parsing json data
fixed add only new images option
fixed delete missing records option
added ability to import custom fields with the same name
added port setting

fixed encoding for taxonomies mapping
optimization for delete missing records option
fixed feed type auto-detection
fixed changes that related to _wp_page_template meta data

fixed template parsing when php function arguments contains an array()
fixed error msg when feed is html page e.g. page 404
fixed xpath building
update hierarchy taxonomies options

changed main file name to wp-all-import-pro.php
fixed feed type auto-detection
fixed bug with empty unique keys

fixed re-count record when a file has been changed at an import setting screen
fixed database schema auto-update
fixed uploading large files
fixed auto-detecting root element
fixed log storage in database
fixed cron execution when "do not create new records" option is enabled
fixed feed type detection
fixed unlink attachment source when posts updated/deleted
fixed specialchars in taxnomies/categories mapping
updated taxonomies hierarchy settings
added a limit 10 to the existing meta values

speed up the import of taxonomies/categories
added taxonomies/categories mapping feature
added custom fields auto-detection feature
added custom fields mapping feature
added images/taxonomies preview feature
added unofficial support for more file formats - json & sql
added new setting (secure mode) to protect your files
better import logs
updated design

fixed navigation bug
fixed search duplicates
fixed duplicate categories
fixed path builder for element attributes
fixed cron processing for already uploaded files (XML)
added taxonomies for pages

fixed pmxi_delete_post action: this action was executed after posts were deleted
fixed import menu order & post parent for pages
fixed import log for continue import feature
added is update author option
fixed post formats
fixed cron processing: WP_Error object was not initialized
fixed cron processing for import where XPath filtering is defined
fixed UTC dates on manage imports page

fixed: import empty content
fixed: log files
fixed: detect image extension
fixed: terms hierarchy on cron job execution

added: feature to do not escape shortcodes
fixed: pre-processing logic
fixed: downloading images with unicode url
fixed: clear non ASCII/invalid symbols in CSV files
fixed: import option 'Instead of using original image file name, set file name(s)'

fixed: admin notices
fixed: creation duplicates draft post via cron
fixed: images with encoded symbols
fixed: upload file via URL
fixed: php notices
added: compatibility with WP 3.9

updated convertation CSV to XML with XMLWriter
fixed import *.zip files
fixed xpath helper on step 2
fixed showing zeros in XML tree
allow post content to be empty on step 3
added autodetect session mode
delete deprecated settings my csv contain html code and case sensitivity
fixed deleting history files
fixed autodetect image extensions
fixed increasing SQL query length
added error messages
fixed "High Speed Small File Processing" option

fixed: multiple cron execution
fixed: load options template
fixed: session initialization
fixed: import search
fixed: attachment author on cron execution
fixed: download images option
added: errors messages to the log
added: "not contains" filter to step 2
added: compatibility with categories mapping addon
updated: cpt navigation on step 4

fixed bug with cron processing
fixed bug with saving wrong image name
added serialized custom fields feature
added compatibility with user import add-on
added compatibility with 3rd party developers
added new setting 'Cron processing time limit'
✲ Prices shown on the site are excluding taxes which at checkout will be calculated based on user's geolocation as per EU regulation.
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