YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons & Extra Options allows you to incorporate advanced, either paid or free, options on your product pages. Utilize a variety of field types such as radio buttons, checkboxes, drop-downs, and custom text inputs to enhance your offerings.
YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Features
- Create unlimited groups of options
- The group of options can be applied
- Possibility to select the products on which not apply the add-on
- Test a group of options and show it only to the administrator
- Add options to the product, choosing from the following typologie
- Set dependency between the options
- Assign a price to each option
- Decide if “First X options are free”
- Set the product quantity as a value amount of the number type add-ons
- Set a mandatory option to add products to cart
- Set label and description for each option
- Possibility to “Hide Label” for add-on options
- Set extensions for file uploads
- Create attributes of “color” type
- Create attributes of “label” type
- Create attributes of “image” type
- Show attributes description on the product page
- Show tooltip for attributes and advanced options
- Show placeholder text for textual and numerical add-ons
- Show an add-on only when selecting a specified product variation
- Replace the product image with the one of the selected add-on
- Duplicate groups, add-ons, and options
- Support to Divi theme
- Support to 7up theme
- Compatibility with Woo Layout Injector plugin
- Compatibility with WooFood plugin
- Support to WooCommerce Currency Switcher
4.4.0 - Released on 14 September 2023 * New: support for WooCommerce 8.1 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: use midnight time to disable days before current day * Fix: fixed product price selector to replace new prices * Fix: force add-on price to float for character length price calculation * Fix: remove incorrect index when adding file add-ons on product page * Fix: non-numeric value on cart * Fix: options dependencies * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_option_price_html' * Dev: code refactor 4.3.0 - Released on 14 August 2023 * New: support for WordPress 6.3 * New: support for WooCommerce 8.0 * Tweak: do not show quantity for individually add-on on order pages * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: prevent update variation box for related products * Fix: improve toggle addon in order to allow no option on addons toggle configuration * Fix: saving correct block data when creating the block * Fix: changed calculation of new priority for add-ons * Fix: issue with admin settings visibility in the add-ons editor * Dev: enhanced select missing * Dev: formatted conditional logic views * Dev: new trigger 'yith_wapo_date_field_updated' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_select_option_disabled' 4.2.1 - Released on 14 July 2023 * Fix: label add-ons selection * Fix: conditional logic for label add-ons 4.2.0 - Released on 10 July 2023 * New: Support for WooCommerce 7.9 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: retrieve original categories for retrieve blocks on translated products WPML * Fix: add-on editor when creating new add-on * Fix: prevent error if bicolor option is not a string * Fix: avoid unexpected error on block padding configuration * Fix: fixed maximum selected option * Fix: updated sortable blocks code * Fix: use timezone from browser for dates in product page * Fix: fixed replace image on null * Fix: single selection on labels/image addon * Fix: html text add-on * Dev: new parameter to filter 'yith_wapo_default_addon_number_step' * Dev: Updated grunt file to allow minify C&L modules * Dev: trim price data to avoid conflicts * Dev: decode URL of uploaded files * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_show_total_price_box' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_option_on_cart' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_option_on_checkout' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_get_product_price_excluding_tax' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_wcmcs_convert_price_args' * Dev: new trigger 'yith_wapo_check_number_total_values' * Dev: minor CSS changes * Dev: necessary code changes 4.1.0 - Released on 05 June 2023 * New: Support for WooCommerce 7.8 * New: option to enable 24-hour time format for the timepicker of the Datepicker add-ons * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: do not check max selection rules if it's set to zero * Fix: WPML integration for variations * Fix: migration process and save of the data * Fix: replace image on Number add-on * Fix: grid system changes * Fix: radio selection with custom style option * Fix: double value of upload files in cart page * Fix: disable second color field in color add-ons if the option is single color * Fix: init datepickers after variation selection * Fix: remove slashes from form data while saving add-ons * Fix: timepicker of datepicker add-on * Fix: accent color for Product add-ons * Dev: minor changes on strings * Dev: minor CSS changes * Dev: allow translation of file upload errors * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_add_item_data_check' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_show_empty_product_image' 4.0.3 - Released on 24 May 2023 * Fix: change flex direction when image is display on the left or right in label add-ons * Fix: problem checking for max option * Fix: scroll to the add-on when error is displayed for Number add-on * Fix: color swatches position * Fix: show preview for jpg, jpeg, png and gif on Upload add-on * Dev: CSS changes improving Grid system * Dev: revert reponsive mode using one single row * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_show_id_in_conditional_addon_title' 4.0.2 - Released on 18 May 2023 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: responsive add-ons * Fix: numeric value in cart Update: plugin framework * Fix: allow select another add-on with single selection instead unselect it * Fix: add-on description overlapped with other add-ons * Dev: minor CSS changes 4.0.1 - Released on 17 May 2023 * Fix: exclude variations if variable product is added to block exclusion * Fix: added admin text to WPML config file * Fix: images size of the add-ons * Dev: changed alpha color on HTML Separator add-on * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_show_product_description' 4.0.0 - Released on 16 May 2023 * New: extra label to better print the information on cart and checkout pages * New: added progress bar on File add-on * New: allow multi upload on File add-on * New: option to disable product add-ons when they are out of stock * New: option to show field empty by default or with a number on Number add-on * New: option to set a min/max value among all options on Number add-on * New: option ‘Upload folder’ to allow users to save the files in a specific folder * New: option to attach uploaded files into the order emails * New: option to set the color of required options * New: option to set the text of required options * New: option to change colors of price box * New: option to disable days previous to current day on Date add-on * Tweak: date add-on refactored * Tweak: blocks table improved * Tweak: new option to set select width on Selector add-on * Tweak: force user to select one option by default on Radio add-on * Tweak: double color updated on color swatch add-on * Tweak: ‘force user to select options of the block’ option redesigned * Tweak: conditional logic information on selectors * Tweak: organization of options for each add-on * Tweak: organization of tabs in the add-on editor * Tweak: organization of options on Style tab * Tweak: option dependencies and coherences * Tweak: specific options of Label add-on * Tweak: WPML integration improved * Update: YITH plugin framework * Update: upload framework field * Update: files and folders organization * Fix: add-on taxes calculation depending on product price * Fix: block is created when no options are set * Fix: custom styles not applied correctly * Fix: size and position of the images * Fix: minor bugs * Dev: applied new panel style * Dev: applied new Grid system * Dev: improved performance of the database (new table) * Dev: code refactor * Dev: CSS changes * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_custom_inline_styles' * Remove: ‘show block titles in the cart page’ option * Remove: RGB code of Color add-on from cart, checkout & order * Remove: filter ‘yith_wapo_show_option_color’ * Remove: unused files and code 3.14.0 – Released on 02 May 2023 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 7.7 * New: Support for WooCommerce HPOS feature * New: support for PHP 8.1 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: only use classes when selecting the title of the add-on using JS * Fix: default path for override addons template * Fix: Added new callback for RAQ with Multi Currency conversion * Fix: typo string error * Dev: Added alt to product images * Dev: modified filters 'yith_wapo_product_quantity_input_min' and 'yith_wapo_product_quantity_input_max' 3.13.0 – Released on 13 April 2023 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 7.6 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: prevent to replace product price if product doesn't have blocks * Fix: add text input length error message * Fix: update product price when Composite product price is updated * Fix: stripslashes function on restore product stock action 3.12.0 – Released on March 2023 = * New: Support for WordPress 6.2 * New: Support for WooCommerce 7.5 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Update: updated language & JS files * Fix: prevent to replace product price if product doesn't have blocks available * Fix: price in the label with the customer currency * Fix: show message on max selection rules error * Fix: hide add to cart if add-ons type select is required * Fix: check text field length before form submit * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_allow_decimals_number' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_uploads_button_text' 3.11.0 – Released on February 2023 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 7.4 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Update: updated language & JS files * Fix: fixed Min selected message * Fix: fixed selectable dates issue * Fix: apply correct accent color on selected product-type add-ons * Fix: disable AJAX add to cart in product archive pages if product has add-ons * Fix: change add-on price on if price method is set to decrease * Fix: fixed selection of add-on type Product * Fix: fixed toggle status * Dev: new trigger yith-wapo-reset-addons' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_product_name_in_cart' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_show_total_table' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_datepicker_options' * Dev: selector name on create order item changed * Dev: minor changes 3.10.0 – Released on 10 January 2023 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 7.3 * Update: languages files * Fix: disabled add to cart validation on shop page * Fix: issue with variation prices and price replacement * Fix: fixed variation clear method * Fix: add-ons calculation after variation changes * Fix: update product stock depending on selected quantity * Dev: new filter yith_wapo_after_add_to_cart_individually_product 3.9.0 – Released on 20 December 2022 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 7.2 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Update: languages files * Fix: issue with selected status of add-ons type Product when their quantity field is clicked/changed * Fix: product price when variation is not selected by default * Fix: check that add-on isn't hidden in conditional logic rules * Fix: toggle opened by default * Fix: fixed non numeric value * Fix: getting wrong value of 'show_image' option * Dev: improved performance of conditional logic checking and the add-ons calculation in the product page * Dev: reset product price on reset data trigger * Dev: fixed product quantity selector * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_addon_display_on_cart' * Dev: minor changes 3.8.3 – Released on 25 November 2022 = * Update: plugin framework * Fix: Fixed add-on taxes calculation * Fix: calculation fix with add-on type Selector default option in cart * Fix: issue with checkbox and radio border styles * Dev: fixed force height equals for Labels * Dev: changes on 'yith_wapo_show_option_color' filter * Dev: changes on 'yith_wapo_show_options_grouped_in_cart' filter * Dev: decode WooCommerce attributes * Dev: minor changes 3.8.2 – Released on 18 November 2022 = * Fix: add-on label repeated on cart * Fix: add-on value on cart when is not grouped * Fix: fixed issue with the first free options count * Fix: radio button not being unselected * Fix: minor code changes 3.8.1 – Released on 16 November 2022 = * Fix: add missing label and checkbox add-on values in cart 3.8.0 – Released on 14 November 2022 = * New: Support for WordPress 6.1 * New: Support for WooCommerce 7.1 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: convert price to float on add-on tax calculation * Fix reload add-ons table when variations are reset * Fix: only check required fields if they are visible * Fix: added Select options label to WPML * Fix: prevent issue with the quantity of add-ons type Product when calculating total price * Fix: fixed min/max for input text and textareas * Fix: fixed product price multiplied by form quantity * Fix: MinMax rules being ignored when adding product to quotes * Fix: fixed radio name (on cart and quotes) * Dev: Removed add-on description from add-on type Products * Dev: changed input number on add-on type Product by the default WooCommerce input number method * Dev: Set hidden product with zero tax class * Dev: calculate taxes for individually add-ons * Dev: added 'Copy' string to the duplicated add-on title * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_default_product_qty' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_hide_option_prices' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_product_quantity_selector' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_show_blocks_to' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_sold_individually_quantity' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_cart_item_sold_individually_quantity' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_get_addon_value_on_cart' * Dev: CSS changes * Dev: minor changes 3.7.0 – Released on 11 October 2022 = * New: support for WooCommerce 7.0 * Tweak: improved price calculation on cart * Update: YITH plugin framework * Update: updated language and JS files * Fix: recalculate total price table on variable products * Fix: only use visible add-ons to calculate product total * Fix: use mb_strlen function instead strlen function * Fix: update the integration with WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator * Fix: variation price on product page loading * Fix: fixed replace image by default when the add-on is hidden * Fix: show error when has been selected more options that max set in add-ons type Number * Fix: added check typeof for add to quote button * Fix: Added add-on description on add-ons type Product * Fix: calculate correctly total when adding gift card custom amounts * Fix: fixed minor issues * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_show_addon_product_add_to_quote' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_show_addon_product_link_target' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_show_attached_file_name' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_color_picker_input' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_show_attributes_on_variations' 3.6.0 – Released on 05 September 2022 = * New: support for WooCommerce 6.9 * New: add to cart validation stock on addons type "product" * Tweak: moved required option for add-on type Selector to Advanced Settings tab * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: fixed problem of add-on editor template * Fix: do not show price on add-on type Number when value multiplied by product price is selected * Fix: improved sorting blocks * Fix: display product-type add-ons price with tax if needed * Fix: replace of add-on image on load when is selected by default * Fix: percentage calculation in addon type "product" * Fix: restore image when using replace image feature on select add-ons * Fix: fixed default variation price when it is reset * Dev: removed yith-wapo-hooks file (unused) * Dev: new filter yith_wcmv_process_wp_safe_redirect * Dev: new filter yith_wapo_conditional_logic_variation_data 3.5.0 – Released on 09 August 2022 = * New: support for WooCommerce 6.8 * Tweak: method to load addons section when variation is loaded changed * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: typo error for add-on type Color Swatches * Fix: prevent error if product does not exists * Fix: let users override toggle status from add-on settings * Fix: avoid issue when selectable dates is set to date range and min/max dates are missing * Fix: fixed price with YITH Product Bundles plugin * Fix: added the add-ons in WooCommerce "Order again" action * Fix: disabled Selection type and first option free for Selectors and Radio * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_addon_display_title' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_show_option_color' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_admin_blocks' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_enqueue_front_scripts' * Dev: do not hide options in email by default * Dev: added option name on cart to add-on type Number * Dev: minor fixes 3.4.1 – Released on 13 July 2022 = * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: fixed sale price obtained * Fix: re-enable select-type add-ons if they were hidden * Fix: replace variation price with price_html if needed 3.4.0 – Released on 12 July 2022 = * New: support for WooCommerce 6.7 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: fixed add-on settings translations with WPML * Fix: do not translate price type and price method with WPML * Fix: reload add-ons on variations * Fix: do not translate add-on enabled status with WPML * Fix: do no translate add-on required with WPML * Fix: added VAT suffix on product price calculation * Fix: do not translate the value of onoff and select field in admin with WPML * Fix: fixed price entered with taxes or not * Fix: price calculation excl/incl taxes * Fix: price calculation on order item meta * Fix: do not translate options in admin templates with WPML * Fix: add-on min/max values in admin side * Fix: calculate add-on taxes on cart and checkout * Fix: disable checkboxes on conditinal logic * Fix: remove conflict between conditional logic, min/max rules and AJAX add to cart * Fix: do not re-enable out-of-stock products added as add-ons in frontend * Fix: do not translate some options in the block.php template with WPML * Fix: min_max with conditional logic and avoid conflict adding the add-ons to cart * Dev: added color as title to the the Color add-on in the cart * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_sold_individually_product_title' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_show_product_formatted_name_in_order' * Dev: added 'out-of-stock' class to the add-on type Product when is out of stock 3.3.1 – Released on 28 June 2022 = * Fix: avoid stripslashes function error with array values * Fix: fixed min/max selection of add-ons type Number * Fix: prevent issue when no colorpicker is shown in a page * Fix: fixed product id when products are sold individually * Dev: added class to addon editor * Dev: readded interval to fix logical conditions * Dev: new filter yith_wapo_show_in_products_limit* 3.3.0 – Released on 22 June 2022 = * New: support for WooCommerce 6.6 * Tweak: load correct images if the site is using SSL (https) * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: show discount add-on price correctly * Fix: unset add-on sale price when price type is multiplied in cart * Fix: fixed add-on price calculation in cart if set as percentage * Fix: sum addon price when price is per character * Fix: fixed file name and styles for add-ons type Uploads * Fix: prevent add-ons calculator on composite products * Fix: fixed error with undefined sale price * Fix: changed jquery dom selectors for prevent problems with Porto theme * Fix: fixed add-ons type product quantity when sold individually option is enabled * Fix: add-ons price updated when product bundle price is updated * Fix: changed product gallery reset method on image replacement * Fix: replaced missing attribute used by zoom animation * Fix: improve selection of variations in the conditional logic depending on included products selected * Fix: prevent price replacement if the price is missing in the product page * Dev: improved logic conditions and removed interval checks * Dev: added class yith-wapo-option-value to all add-ons type * Dev: improved price calculation with tax and without tax * Dev: added step attribute to add-ons type Number * Dev: readded variations limit on conditional logic selector * Dev: improved block priority method * Dev: improved admin JS code * Dev: new filter yith_wapo_addon_arg * Dev: new filter yith_wapo_option_price * Dev: new filter yith_wapo_option_price_sale 3.2.1 – Released on 19 May 2022 = * Tweak: display variations based on current language WPML * Fix: increase or decrease addons product stock based on order status * Fix: accent color & form border-color options of Style tab * Fix: remove zero price when sale price doesn't exists * Fix: fixed "Image swatch" background color on add-on type Color = 3.2.0 – Released on 17 May 2022 = * New: support for WooCommerce 6.5 * New: support for WordPress 6.0 * New: French language * Tweak: duplicate conditional rules addons when clone the entire block * Tweak: changed method to save add-on label for Products * Tweak: calculate product price via ajax if suffix is enabled * Tweak: allow admin to change vendor user for a specific block * Tweak: retrieve addon product in the correct language. Integration with WPML * Tweak: add new parameter on addons->get_option for prevent translate string * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: fixed checkbox add-ons when select type is set to single * Fix: fixed display product price with addons on product page * Fix: reinit product gallery when addons replace default image * Fix: fixed add-ons calculation on cart with variations * Fix: fixed add-ons arrangement when saving on admin section * Fix: fix retrieve current variation language for conditional variation logic * Fix: conditional logic on admin product page * Fix: add-ons taxes included in the price on emails * Fix: show/hide addon image depending on toggle * Fix: change option image positioning in number add-ons * Fix: adjusting addon options index when adding/sorting/removing an option * Fix: remove add-on option index in color image field * Fix: fixed CSS code in options per row for radio, checkbox and number addons * Fix: refactor conditional login on addons * Fix: allow re-stock in refunds for add-ons type product if the quantity selector is not added * Fix: skip required select add-on check if it's hidden * Fix: sale price equal to zero * Fix: replace product image in order and email when addon has image * Fix: show color and labels variation module for vendors * Dev: filter yith_wapo_blocks_product_price * Dev: filter yith_wapo_product_price * Dev: filter yith_wapo_split_addons_individually_on_cart * Dev: filter yith_wapo_allow_timeout_for_datepickers * Dev: filter yith_wapo_options_in_order_email_meta * Dev: filter yith_wapo_individually_product_addon_title * Dev: filter yith_wapo_admin_addons * Dev: filter yith_wapo_get_currency_rate * Dev: filter yith_wapo_show_addon_product_link * Dev: action yith_wapo_after_addon_product_name * Dev: optimized JS code * Dev: minor changes * Remove: removed required option from add-on type Radio = 3.1.0 – Released on 29 March 2022 = * New: support for WooCommerce 6.4 * New: added option to allow enable or disable each add-on option * New: added 'required' attribute for Selector instead using min/max selection * Tweak: changed 'Select by default' feature of position * Tweak: improved quantity of add-ons type Product with the add to cart option * Update: YITH plugin framework * Update: language and JS files * Update: Color and Label JS files * Fix: fixed NaN value when product is out of stock * Fix: fixed conditional logic for default select value * Fix: fixed the migration process due to incorrect value on abs function * Fix: fixed replacement of default image when there is still a current option selected * Fix: fixed add-ons calculation when "sell individually" add-ons exists * Fix: fixed sell individually feature with selectors * Fix: fixed addon image display with toggle enabled * Fix: prevent error when image product on add-on type Product does not exist * Fix: get initial product price depending on tax * Fix: fixed WPML compatibility to show the add-ons correctly in each language * Fix: fixed price calculation using quantity field * Fix: prevent save vendor if the block is created by the admin * Fix: fixed addon priority on migration process * Dev: set multiple selection to checkbox add-ons on migration process * Dev: added new template addons-container.php * Dev: improved remove add-on option * Dev: improved datepicker rules * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_default_addon_number' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_get_addon_' to filter a specific option * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_get_original_product_id' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_get_original_category_ids' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_table_product_price_label' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_table_total_options_label' * Dev: removed selection type option for add-ons type 'Select' * Dev: optimized JS code * Dev: minor changes * Remove: removed the product add-ons section from the admin product page = 3.0.4 – Released on 21 March 2022 = * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: Color and Label JS file updated * Fix: fixed checkbox add-on selection * Fix: fixed NaN value when product is out of stock * Fix: conditional logic for default select value * Fix: changed image replacement value to 'options' on migration process * Dev: set multiple selection to checkbox add-ons on migration process * Dev: removed Selection type (Simple/multiple) for Radio add-ons * Dev: fixed global image size of Select add-on * Dev: added sell individually class to the addon * Dev: Tweak CSS rules for radiobutton label * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_default_addon_number' * Dev: minor changes = 3.0.3 – Released on 16 March 2022 = * Update: language and JS files * Fix: added correct add-on description on migration process * Fix: fixed Color and Label term metas when saving new attributes * Fix: show prices suffix only when tax are enabled * Fix: fixed value of add-on type number when value is zero * Dev: added required sign for selector addon title = 3.0.2 – Released on 15 March 2022 = * Update: YITH plugin framework * Update: language and JS files * Fix: Calculate total price when product quantity changes * Fix: fixed 'show_in' option when there are existing categories assigned to the block on the migration process * Fix: fixed image assigned to each option on the migration process * Fix: fixed single selection for checkboxes * Fix: fixed show of products and categories assigned in the block table * Fix: fixed invalid argument for conditional logic method * Fix: improved add-ons calculation for free options * Fix: improved border radius to Color picker attributes * Fix: previously removed blocks and add-ons are permanently removed * Dev: added 'replace product image' feature compatibility for Elementor widgets * Dev: improved add-ons views * Dev: minor changes = 3.0.1 – Released on 10 March 2022 = * Update: YITH plugin framework * Update: language and JS files updated * Fix: check free add-on before calculating price in cart * Fix: updated the documentation link in the Help tab * Fix: hide select type add-ons in cart if no option was selected * Fix: fixed addon name when it has a large label * Fix: fixed add-on type product on responsive mode * Fix: improved the placeholder option on colorpicker add-on * Fix: correct update term meta function used for Color and Label module * Fix: compatibility with YITH Gift Card * Dev: improved Add-ons calculation moving the JS code to the JS file * Dev: added default image setting values for each add-on option = 3.0.0 – Released on 08 March 2022 = * New: support for WooCommerce 6.3 * New: added color picker add-on to the version * New: added sold individually feature to the version * New: added priority to the Blocks table * Tweak: included quantity option to add-on type product * Tweak: changed block rules layout * Update: YITH plugin framework * Update: language files * Fix: fixed the conditional logic on the migration process * Fix: added min/max values to select free options and single or multiple selectable items on the migration process * Fix: added add-on image replacement on the migration process * Fix: fixed the date pickers imported on the migration process * Fix: fixed block visibility on the migration process * Fix: added option to collapse the add-on or not by default * Fix: fixed options of the label add-on on the Style tab * Fix: fixed conditional logic options after adding a new one * Fix: fixed get_setting function if the option is empty * Fix: fixed the Color and Label terms when the Color and Label plugin is disabled * Fix: fixed add-on title of add-on type product on admin side * Fix: fixed default date on Datepicker add-on * Fix: fixed accent color on color swatches add-on * Fix: show Base Price label only when individual add-on exists on the cart * Fix: fixed found problem with PhotoSwipe images * Fix: fixed label on order creation for add-on type Uploads * Fix: fixed block title when add-ons are not displayed as group * Fix: fixed calculation of add-on price by string length * Fix: fixed image replacement feature with YITH Badges plugin * Fix: fixed sell individually feature on the YITH Request a Quote integration * Fix: fixed Quick View integration (with color picker add-on) * Fix: fixed add-ons panel on the YITH Multi-Vendor menu * Dev: changed default 'options per row' to 1 * Dev: created new module for Color and Labels features * Dev: added the Color and Label tab for all the versions * Dev: added new constant for script versions * Dev: added CSS rules for the add-on editor * Dev: added framework classes to the selector of the plugin options * Dev: set default values to upload options * Dev: set default value to blocks background * Dev: set default value to 'Show options in the cart page' option * Dev: added short delay to sortable add-ons * Dev: added 'jpeg' to the default values of Upload extensions’ options * Dev: added default value to Attribute behavior option from Color and Labels module * Dev: improved add-on actions with framework * Dev: improved selector of conditional logic (optgroup) * Dev: added priority 1 by default to blocks when they are created * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_reduce_conditional_option_name' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_price_sign' * Dev: minor changes * Remove: removed old import export tab = 2.7.0 – Released on 10 February 2022 = * New: support for WooCommerce 6.2 * Dev: added new filter 'yith_wapo_table_hide_total_order' * Dev: added new filter 'yith_wapo_allowed_product_types' * Dev: updated datepicker to a international date format * Dev: improved image replacement option * Fix: addons price calculation after input numbers with value 0 * Fix: add readonly attribute to date add-ons * Fix: avoid counting 'Select an option' in Select add-ons as a valid option for the min/max rules * Fix: calculate the file size depending on size type (KB, MB, GB, ... ) * Fix: fixed number addon when value is zero * Fix: changed the default value with placeholder * Fix: apply global accent color to the Product-type add-ons when it is selected * Fix: set minimum value initially in the 'number' addon * Fix: fixed print of addons when a variation is selected ( also for Quick View integration ) * Fix: hide prices on cart if value is zero * Fix: number addon when 'multiplied' price type is selected * Fix: default grid value for free version * Fix: minor bugs = 2.6.0 – Released on 03 February 2022 = * New: support for WordPress 5.9 * New: added funcionality to rearrange addon options * Update: YITH plugin framework * Dev: default value for addon Number * Dev: set default values for conditional logic settings * Dev: exclude addons from grouped products * Dev: set background color for addon options in admin * Dev: added a new function to get the label of the addon option * Dev: changed the method to get the path to replace the images of the product gallery on frontend side * Dev: added vendor url in the blocks table * Fix: show add-on price in cart when 'yith_wapo_show_options_grouped_in_cart' filter is applied * Fix: fixed undefined variable on date rules * Fix: fixed show image option * Fix: fixed date addons on "Set a range of days" option * Fix: variation name in addon product * Fix: first free options calculation in cart * Fix: fixed prices on product page with taxes * Fix: fixed free prices when adding the item to the cart * Fix: calculate addon price when writting in a input text * Fix: fixed "Hide options in the order email" option * Fix: image position option in labels * Fix: deprecated function is_ajax(), instead using wp_doing_ajax() * Fix: changed JS variables to enqueue_script function * Fix: fixed multi vendor integration when saving the vendor id * Fix: hide help tab for Vendors * Fix: undefined label variables = 2.5.0 – Released on 17 January 2022 = * New: support for WooCommerce 6.1 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Dev: show alt text image when you show image on addons * Dev: filter yith_wapo_admin_after_addon_title * Dev: filter yith_wapo_include_variations_on_conditional_logic * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_block_classes' * Fix: avoid unexpected value type for separator color variable * Fix: fixed error displayed when there isn't an exactly match of numbers * Fix: hide "Base price" message in cart if product has no add-ons * Fix: fixed addons prices depending on tax configuration * Fix: number addon calculation ( value per product ) * Fix: fixed deposit calculation on cart * Fix: price calculation for each addon * Fix: show addons in the variations when a variable product is selected * Fix: calculate total price when event is onkeyup on input type number of number addons * Fix: fixed price with percentage price type * Fix: minor bugs = 2.4.1 – Released on 03 January 2022 = * Update: YITH plugin framework * Update: translation file for Portuguese * Dev: the Shop Manager role can manage add-ons * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_select_option_label' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_table_total_order_label' * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_reduce_conditional_option_name' * Fix: use the default value when option doesn't exists * Fix: date restriction when there is more than one date field on addons * Fix: multiplied input value by sale price * Fix: selected by default in checkbox addons * Fix: fixed the display of addons for product variations * Fix: enable/disable specific days of datepicker addon * Fix: check if product-type add-ons are valid products * Fix: calculated amount with percentages * Fix: plugin option "Total price box" with amount 0 * Fix: force 'Options per row' count only .yith-wapo-option elements * Fix: load dashicons * Fix: asterisk in the hidden option labels * Fix: conditional logic options * Fix: minor bugs = 2.4.0 – Released on 16 December 2021 = * New: support for WooCommerce 6.0 * New: option to show/hide block titles in the cart page * Update: YITH plugin framework * Dev: added a loader when uploading files * Dev: override feature for addon templates * Dev: override feature for block.php template * Dev: moved the addon description inside the .options element * Dev: changed the toggle icon * Dev: add price display suffix to total price table * Dev: changed call method for color and labels settings * Dev: added html element to checkbox template * Fix: compatibility with quick view and min/max rules * Fix: extensions check for upload add-ons * Fix: product bundles integration * Fix: fixed 'add time slot' and 'add type rule' for new Date options * Fix: clear option description when "Select an option" is selected * Fix: price calculation if qty is not grater than 0 * Fix: Check that the cart item price is numeric * Fix: new block rules view * Fix: compatibility with WPML * Fix: additional check to avoid error checking if product has blocks * Fix: addons main title and description with WPML * Fix: missing jQuery images * Fix: improved required error for upload addons * Fix: Improved required error for checkbox and radio buttons * Fix: min/max feature * Fix: "select" class in radio options * Fix: fatal error on "Call to a member function get_category_ids() on bool" * Fix: fixed display suffix to the total price table * Fix: avoid error when the product addon type has a product removed on the site * Fix: fixed CSS rules for images of select addon * Fix: value multiplied by product price calculation * Fix: minor bugs = 2.3.0 – Released on 09 November 2021 = * New: support for WooCommerce 5.9 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Dev: added classes to the labels of radio template * Dev: product price multiplication by qty in single product page * Dev: added new filter "yith_wapo_addon_classes" * Dev: allow the exclusion of products when the category filter is active * Dev: re-enabled the addon description * Fix: WPML compatibility * Fix: price calculation on hidden options * Fix: toggle feature * Fix: fixed the information displaying in the block list after the migration * Fix: fixed tooltip color warning if it doesn't exists * Fix: tooltip and image replacement compatibility with custom themes * Fix: avoid show addons in components of YITH Composite Products * Fix: hide add-on price when the amount is zero * Fix: compatibility with YITH Multi Vendors * Fix: replace price was affecting to related products * Fix: subtotal price duplicated in Product Bundles * Fix: .change() is not a function (for Divi theme) * Fix: ajax add to cart feature * Fix: price calculation for hidden options * Fix: js code for role based plugin * Fix: added media queries to avoid hover rules in mobile devices * Fix: replace product image not working for checkboxes * Fix: v1 gallery variation of color and labels = 2.2.7 – Released on 25 October 2021 = * New: option to multiply the numeric fields by the product price * Update: YITH plugin framework * Dev: re-enabled the images and descriptions of the "Select" addons * Dev: hide add-ons price if value is 0 * Fix: required hidden options * Fix: price not showing on emails when empty or 0 * Fix: option images don't show in "Select" add-ons (v1) * Fix: HTML code in add-ons description (v1) * Fix: product attributes description * Fix: switch version problems * Fix: minor bugs = 2.2.6 – Released on 15 October 2021 = * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: variation requirements field in version 1.x * Fix: custom add-on style in frontend not working * Fix: fixed price of addons with empty price * Fix: description of addons doesn't accept html tags * Fix: addon price when value is empty or 0 (only on variable products) * Fix: minor bugs = 2.2.5 – Released on 13 October 2021 = * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: images in migration process * Fix: no addons in order details * Fix: fixed "Hide options images" on individual add-ons * Fix: addons not displayed to cart if Label is empty * Fix: max-length attribute not work (v1) * Fix: slot time didn't work * Fix: minor bugs = 2.2.4 – Released on 12 October 2021 = * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: saving groups * Fix: saving addons * Fix: minor bugs = 2.2.3 – Released on 09 October 2021 = * Fix: XSS vulnerabilities = 2.2.2 – Released on 08 October 2021 = * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: XSS vulnerabilities * Fix: replacement image problem * Fix: text and textarea max length * Fix: selected options not visible * Fix: add to cart button layout * Fix: calendar default date problem * Fix: value of addons of type "select" to the cart * Fix: variations tab in product editor * Fix: minor bugs = 2.2.1 – Released on 30 September 2021 = * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: fixed "Add options" button to open the options popup * Fix: image replacement * Fix: minor bugs = 2.2.0 – Released on 28 September 2021 = * New: support for WooCommerce 5.8 * New: help tab in admin panel * New: "First available day" option for default calendar date * New: days of week feature in calendar * Update: italian and spanish translation * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: grid tooltip position * Fix: prevent the selection of out of stock products * Fix: conditional logic for hidden fields * Fix: integration with role based prices * Fix: debug info feature removed for all logged in users * Fix: minor bugs = 2.1.0 – Released on 14 September 2021 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 5.7 * New: Time selector feature in calendars * New: Option to show add-ons only to guest users * New: Option to show the SKU of the product * New: Option to enable the quantity selector of the product * New: Option to show product stock status * Update: YITH plugin framework * Dev: Scroll on top feature if an option is required * Dev: Enabled the transparent color in colorpickers * Fix: Product page variation price * Fix: Min/max feature with request a quote form * Fix: Required hidden fields submit * Fix: Currency Switcher calculation * Fix: Conditional Logic fade out time * Fix: Add-ons with no labels in WC order * Fix: Toggle feature with "No title" * Fix: Replace image reset * Fix: XSS vulnerability * Fix: Minor bugs = 2.0.7 – Released on 30 August 2021 = * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: Min/max checking for radio type * Fix: Min/max checking for select type * Fix: Error related variations in addons type product * Fix: YITH_WAPO_SECRET_KEY constant = 2.0.6 – Released on 27 August 2021 = * Update: YITH plugin framework * Dev: New filter "yith_wapo_replace_product_price_class" * Dev: New filter "yith_wapo_show_options_grouped_in_cart" * Fix: Add-ons visibility for vendors in frontend * Fix: Flatsome theme layout in product page * Fix: Undefined constant error * Fix: Colon of the add-on label in cart, checkout and order view * Fix: Required option in select type * Fix: Min/max add to cart problem * Fix: HTML addons name in backend * Fix: "Disable globals" option * Fix: Currency position * Fix: Minor bugs = 2.0.5 – Released on 23 August 2021 = * Dev: New conditional logic variations limit filter * Fix: First select option not added to cart * Fix: First installation version check * Fix: Toggle feature on block title * Fix: Multiplied by length feature * Fix: Removed error_log * Fix: Minor bugs = 2.0.4 – Released on 17 August 2021 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 5.6 * New: Date time feature * Fix: Color swatch addons selection * Fix: Multi Vendor integration * Fix: DB tables creation * Fix: Uploaded file name in cart * Fix: Replace images compatibility * Fix: Conditional logic loading * Fix: Toggle problem * Fix: Minor bugs = 2.0.3 – Released on 28 July 2021 = * New: Hooks before and after addons list * New: Calendar date format * Update: IT, ES & FR Translations * Update: YITH plugin framework * Dev: Improved replacement image feature * Fix: Taxes calculation * Fix: Required addon type "File" * Fix: Number of decimals in total price table * Fix: Min & Max feature * Fix: Backend overlay layout problem * Fix: Total price number format * Fix: Price calculation of single label options * Fix: Included categories problem * Fix: JS "ajaxurl" variable error * Fix: Various JS errors * Fix: Minor bugs = 2.0.2 – Released on 20 July 2021 = * New: Support for WordPress 5.8 * New: Product type add-on price calculation method * Update: IT & ES Translations * Fix: Currency position in total table * Fix: Number limits feature * Fix: Upload required feature * Fix: Multi upload problem * Fix: Required files style * Fix: Min-max feature design * Fix: Replace image problem * Fix: Ajax error * Fix: Minor bugs = 2.0.1 – Released on 06 July 2021 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 5.5 * Update: IT translation * Update: ES translation * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: Conditional logic notice * Fix: Fatal error in blocks list * Fix: Migration function * Fix: Minor bugs = 2.0.0 – Released on 01 July 2021 = * New: Plugin UI/UX restyling * New: Conditional Logic system * New: "Product" addon type * New: "Color Swatch" addon features * New: "Date" addon features & settings * New: HTML elements for product page * New: Layout & grid settings * New: Automatic upgrade procedure * New: Cart & Order settings * New: Style settings * Update: YITH plugin framework * Tweak: major code refactoring = 1.5.39 – Released on 18 June 2021 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 5.4 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Dev: New trigger "yith_wapo_miss_required" * Dev: Filter "yith_wapo_order_item_addon_price" * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.38 – Released on 17 May 2021 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 5.3 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Dev: New filter "yith_wapo_get_item_data" * Dev: New action "yith_wapo_get_total_by_add_ons_list" * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.37 – Released on 15 April 2021 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 5.2 * New: WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator compatibility * Update: YITH plugin framework * Dev: Function to check all inputs checked when the JS load and show the dependencies * Dev: New trigger parameters on change method * Dev: New filter "yith_wapo_exclude_global" * Dev: New JS trigger "yith_wapo_feature_image_updated" * Dev: New parameters to filter "yith_wapo_option_price_html" * Fix: Attributes in order info * Fix: Product price table for YITH booking products * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.36 – Released on 12 March 2021 = * New: Support for WordPress 5.7 * New: Support for WooCommerce 5.1 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Update: Language file * Dev: New filter "yith_wapo_display_image_alt" * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.35 – Released on 10 February 2021 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 5.0 * Tweak: prevent add tax on addons that have tax added in the price * Tweak: Add a float to prevent errors * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: Show woocommerce suffix on table if include {price_including_tax} * Fix: Enable all post status * Dev: Add quick view support for astra theme * Dev: New filter yith_wapo_print_options_default_args = 1.5.34 – Released on 12 January 2021 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 4.9 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: Multi currency check * Fix: WOOCS support * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.33 – Released on 11 December 2020 = * New: Support for WordPress 5.6 * New: Support for WooCommerce 4.8 * Fix: Multi labels max items selected * Fix: Display prices with taxes * Fix: YITH_WCTM error * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.32 – Released on 11 November 2020 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 4.7 * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: Select description if checked * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.31 – Released on 14 October 2020 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 4.6 * New: Hide option feature * New: Auto Update feature * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: First X options free for multiple labels * Fix: Admin checkbox problems * Fix: WPML categories * Fix: Colorpicker error * Fix: Wrong filter name * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.30 – Released on 23 September 2020 = * Dev: New filter 'yith_wapo_force_enqueue_styles_and_scripts' * Fix: First X options feature * Fix: Labels selection * Fix: Greek translation * Fix: Multi Labels limit selectable elements * Fix: Negative percentage discounts * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.29 – Released on 31 August 2020 = * New: Support for WordPress 5.5 * New: Support for WooCommerce 4.5 * New: WooCommerce Multi Currency support * Update: YITH plugin framework * Dev: Load JS only in product page * Fix: Gift Cards support * Fix: Add-ons options position * Fix: Percentage calculation * Fix: AND operator in label add-ons * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.28 – Released on 15 July 2020 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 4.3 * New: Support for Subscription 2.0 * Dev: New filter to display price without tax * Dev: new filter 'yith_wapo_product_final_price' * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.27 – Released on 03 June 2020 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 4.2 * Update: Italian language * Update: Color & Labels features * Update: YITH plugin framework * Fix: Variation Image Gallery * Fix: YITH Quick View add to cart position * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.26 – Released on 14 May 2020 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 4.1 * New: Proteo theme integration * New: New replace image function * Update: YIT Plugin Framework * Fix: Error when deleting an order * Fix: Prevent Google index * Fix: Dependencies problem * Fix: Clickable label price * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.25 – Released on 10 March 2020 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 4.0 * New: WooFood plugin compatibility * New: Popups compatibility * Update: YIT Plugin Framework * Update: Dutch language * Dev: Show product options check * Dev: New filter to show the add-on type select images * Fix: Variations dependencies ignored * Fix: Variations dependencies in popup * Fix: Radio buttons price calculation * Fix: Min value calculation for numeric add-ons * Fix: Calendar date format * Fix: Collapse feature * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.24 – Released on 9 January 2020 = * New: Support for WooCommerce 3.9 * New: Description and image after selecting an add-on type "select" * New: Minimum product quantity feature * Update: YIT Plugin Framework * Update: Spanish language * Dev: New filter to limit the variations loading * Dev: New filter to disable colorpicker files * Dev: New filter to show/hide "sold individually" label * Fix: Collapsed by default option * Fix: WPML direct translation feature * Fix: WPML translations of long strings * Fix: Enter key in add-ons type number * Fix: Checked options on loading * Fix: Add-ons price table with totals at 0 * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.23 – Released on 5 November 2019 = * New: Support for WordPress 5.3 * New: Support for WooCommerce 3.8 * Update: YIT Plugin Framework * Dev: Increased add-ons options db size * Fix: Variations dependencies loading time * Fix: Elementor compatibility * Fix: WPML check if actived * Fix: WPML strings strip * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.22 – Released on 9 October 2019 = * New: WPML options direct translation * New: Price suffix to the total table * New: Grouped products support * Update: YIT Plugin Framework * Dev: New filter 'yith_wapo_get_translated_products' * Dev: New hook 'yith_wapo_start_addon_list' * Dev: New filter 'yith_wapo_get_thumbnail_for_addons_image' * Fix: Attributes selection in loop pages * Fix: Issue when showing hidden field for Bundle integration * Fix: Uppercase file extensions problem * Fix: Duplicate groups problem * Fix: Add-on description links * Fix: Sold individually add-ons with Role Based plugin * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.21 - Released on 12 August 2019 = * New: WooCommerce 3.7 support * New: 7up themes compatibility * Update: YIT Plugin Framework * Fix: Keypress problem * Fix: AND operator * Fix: All add-ons collapses by default * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.20 - Released on 27 June 2019 = * New: WC Embed Product support * New: Replace image method for Divi theme * New: Option to disable the "labels" features * New: Option to enable again the "add to cart" feature in loop * New: Alternate collapse feature * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.3.5 * Fix: WooCommerce attribute name conflict * Fix: Cart numeric price error * Fix: File validation with Request a Quote plugin * Fix: Options position * Fix: First X free options feature * Fix: Replacing image size * Fix: jQuery UI filter * Fix: QuickView Pro support * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.19 - Released on 28 May 2019 = * New: WordPress 5.2 support * Update: Italian language * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.2.1 * Fix: Calculate quantity by values amount * Fix: Request a Quote error message * Fix: Undefined offset notice * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.18 - Released on 11 April 2019 = * New: WordPress 5.1 support * New: WooCommerce 3.6 support * New: WooCommerce bundle products support * New: Filter to change the add-ons title HTML tag * New: Scroll product page when required options are not selected * New: "Replace Image" method sent by the customer Paul McWalters * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.1.28 * Dev: Tax included string * Fix: Collapsed feature in Quick View * Fix: Add-ons negative percentage values and variations * Fix: Missing description-field.php template notice * Fix: Image replacement * Fix: Options images size * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.17 - Released on 20 February 2019 = * New: TheGem theme support * Tweak: Add-ons panel loading speed optimization * Update: YITH plugin framework 3.1.21 * Fix: Missing variation-gallery.php template * Fix: Grouped products support * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.16 - Released on 28 January 2019 = * New: WooCommerce Currency Switcher support * Update: Language file * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.1.15 * Dev: Allow external plugins to save custom options array * Fix: Composite Product component variation price reset * Fix: Required options * Fix: Admin menu * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.15 - Dic 05, 2018 = * New: WordPress 5.0 support * New: Plugin options to enable compatibiliy * Dev: Improved Woo Layout Injector support * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.14 - Dic 05, 2018 = * New: Divi theme support * New: Woo Layout Injector plugin support * Update: All .po files * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.1.5 * Dev: Improved WPML support with required variations * Fix: Number add-ons "min" value problem * Fix: Variations and attributes disappear after saving * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.13 - Nov 07, 2018 = * New: Alternative "Replace Image" method for non standard themes support * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.35 * Update: Dutch language * Fix: Elementor support * Fix: Deprecated .size() method of jQuery 1.8 * Fix: Quick View * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.12 - Oct 23, 2018 = * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.27 * Fix: Required options * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.11 - Oct 18, 2018 = * New: WordPress 4.9.8 support * New: WooCommerce 3.5 support * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.24 * Dev: New "wapo_print_option_price" filter * Fix: Hide Label option in add-ons type "labels" and "multi labels" * Fix: Required "select" add-ons * Fix: Add-on types in "new" form * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.10 - Sep 28, 2018 = * New: Portuguese translation * Fix: Table columns in ThickBox * Fix: Undefined variable "collapsed" = 1.5.9 - Sep 25, 2018 = * Fix: Fatal error adding to cart a gift card product * Dev: Double price in percentage amount * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.23 * Update: Language files * Fix: Missing options problem * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.8 - Sep 14, 2018 = * Fix: Activation function * Fix: Free version compatibility * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.7 - Sep 06, 2018 = * New: German translation * Tweak: Improved Multi Vendor compatibility * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.21 * Fix: Avoid undefined "first_options_free_container" variable * Fix: Add-ons position in variable products * Fix: Required single textarea * Fix: Strings translation bug * Fix: Vendor in group settings * Fix: Data js error * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.6 - Aug 17, 2018 = * New: "First X options free" feature * New: "Hide Label" setting for add-on options * New: Support to "Variable subscription" products * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.20 * Tweak: Improved WPML compatibility * Fix: Add-ons position in variable products * Fix: Vendor settings in groups * Fix: Show Options shortcode * Fix: Main image replacement * Fix: Filter to disable the plugin init * Fix: Groups categories with WPML * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.5 - Jun 22, 2018 = * New: Option to enable/disable general "collapse" feature * New: Option to collapse each single add-on * Dev: New filter to disable the plugin init * Dev: New filter to disable the jQuery UI loading * Dev: New filter to hide add-ons group container * Dev: New filter "yith_wapo_show_group_container" * Update: Dutch language file * Fix: Check for catalog mode hiding price * Fix: Fatal error after update * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.4 - May 24, 2018 = * New: WordPress 4.9.6 support * New: WooCommerce 3.4 support * New: Support to GDPR compliance * New: Privacy class * Update: Spanish translation * Update: Italian translation * Update: Dutch translation * Fix: Options image placeholder * Fix: "Required" title in add-on name * Fix: Add-ons image replacement * Fix: Plugin localization loading * Fix: Price percentage of a variable product with "Select" type * Fix: Translation required title * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.3 - Apr 30, 2018 = * Fix: Dashicons in frontend * Fix: Add-ons taxes calculation * Fix: "class.divi-et-builder_module.php" include error * Fix: "function.yith-wccl-activation.php" include error * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.2 - Apr 23, 2018 = * New: Textarea Editor feature * New: Add-ons type number style * New: Alt tag in options images * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.15 * Fix: Upload fields without labels problem * Fix: Upload problems with Request a Quote * Fix: Wrong upload extension notice * Fix: Add-on type number with value "0" * Fix: Variations attributes type label * Fix: Tax calculation for Price Suffix * Fix: Tooltip bottom margin * Fix: WPML Variations Requirements select * Fix: Group creation in product edit page * Fix: Error required fields * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.1 - Apr 13, 2018 = * New: WooCommerce 3.3.5 support * New: Show add-ons collapsed option * Tweak: Improved add-ons admin open/close * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.14 * Fix: Tooltip, placeholder and description fields * Fix: WPML translation and missing strings * Fix: Duplication of deleted components * Fix: Variations Requirements with WPML * Fix: New add-on "Cancel" button * Fix: Price sign position * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.5.0 - Apr 05, 2018 = * New: WordPress 4.9.5 support * New: WooCommerce 3.3.4 support * New: Group duplication feature * New: Add-on duplication feature * New: Option duplication feature * New: Placeholder and Tooltip fields * New: Divi ET Builder Module integration * New: Unero theme support * Tweak: Improved options table * Update: Language files * Fix: Tooltip options * Fix: SelectWoo error * Fix: Docs URL * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.3.5 - Mar 15, 2018 = * New: WooCommerce 3.3.3 support * New: Filters to edit price table strings * New: Fields placeholders * New: Addons price suffix * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.13 * Fix: YITH WooCommerce Role Based Prices integration * Fix: Compatibility with Frontend Manager * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.3.4 - Feb 21, 2018 = * New: WordPress 4.9.4 support * New: WooCommerce 3.3.2 support * New: [yith_wapo_show_options] shortcode * Dev: New "wapo_wpml_default_language" filter * Fix: Uploaded files link in order details * Fix: Subscription support * Fix: Add-ons for WPML translations * Fix: Options price calculated in cart * Fix: Fields style = 1.3.3 - Feb 05, 2018 = * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.12 * Fix: Options are not shown after vendor check * Fix: Missing options after the update to version 1.3.2 * Fix: Image replacement with standard WooCommerce template = 1.3.2 - Jan 30, 2018 = * New: WordPress 4.9.2 support * New: WooCommerce 3.3.x support * New: Filter 'yith_wapo_show_uploaded_file_name' to show the uploaded file name in cart and order details * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.11 * Tweak: New options sign filters * Fix: Multi Vendor support * Fix: Booking post type support * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.3.1 - Jan 18, 2018 = * New: Filter 'wapo_select_variations_in_loop' to manage the variations in loop * Tweak: Template yith-wapo-form-option-type.php loaded by wc_get_template function * Tweak: Added the add-on $title to the "ywapo_empty_option_text" filter * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.9 * Fix: Group doesn't saving * Fix: Image replacement * Fix: WooCommerce 2.6 compatibility * Fix: And operator dependencies * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.3.0 - Dec 12, 2017 = * New: AND/OR operators for Options Requirements * New: Negative value in options price * New: Possibility to reset add-ons type file * New: Unero theme quick view support * New: 'yith_wapo_allow_frontend_free_price' filter to show free options price "+ $0.00" * New: HTML options container * New: French translation * Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3 * Fix: Deprecated 'woocommerce_add_order_item_meta' action * Fix: Options not shown in checkout * Fix: Options not shown in order details * Fix: Options not shown in order emails * Fix: Options not shown in order again * Fix: Variations fields in shop page * Fix: Options textarea freeze after press enter key * Fix: Product Bundles plugin compatibility * Fix: Select2 and SelectWoo problems * Fix: Product attributes types * Fix: Multi Vendor user error * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.2.8 - Oct 12, 2017 = * New: WooCommerce 3.2.0 support * New: Flatsome product lightbox compatibility * Update: language file * Fix: Removed 'Color and Label Variations' item from YITH Plugins menu in admin * Fix: Illegal string offset in order again feature * Fix: Quick View compatibility * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.2.7 - Aug 31, 2017 = * New: es_ES translations files * New: nl_NL translations files * Update: Core files * Fix: Increased Type Description length * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.2.6 - Jul 21, 2017 = * New: "Toggle" function on options group (frontend) * New: HTML code in option label * New: 'yith_wapo_frontend_price_html' filter * New: 'yith_wapo_cart_item_addon_price' filter * Update: Core files * Update: Language files * Fix: Blank page with WooCommerce 3.0 * Fix: Type "Color" attributes and variations problem * Fix: "Mixed Content" error with SSL images * Fix: "Sold individually" cart price * Fix: WooCommerce select2 error * Fix: Order again errors * Fix: Hidden variations in options editor * Fix: Base price before options in variable products * Fix: JavaScript errors in backend * Fix: Prevent "add to cart" at the press "enter" in product options fields * Fix: Call to undefined method WC_Product_Variable::get_default_attributes() * Fix: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Role-based Prices Premium * Fix: Deprecated 'woocommerce_add_order_item_meta' hook * Fix: Limit selectable elements with Multi Labels type * Fix: Fatal error: Cannot unset string offsets in class.yith-wapo-frontend.php * Fix: Prevent "Manage" popup open in other tab * Fix: Type text "max length" * Fix: Fatal error after activation * Fix: Minor bugs = 1.2.5 - Apr 07, 2017 = * New: WooCommerce 3.0.x support * New: Dutch language files * Dev: Added yith_wapo_product_price_updated trigger * Dev: Added query operator for category filter * Dev: Added product id in group list * Fix: Special chars in label * Fix: Change featured image problem * Fix: Minor bugs * Fix: Variations query when categories are filtered in the edit group * Fix: Flolat value for sum + avada style for dropdown * Fix: Add to cart layout with Avada * Fix: Variation query with categories = 1.2.4 = * New: Add-Ons options "Minimum and Maximum sum value amount" * Fix: Featured image does not changed when an add-on was hided by a dependence * Fix: Calculate totals after quantity value is changed by minum and maximum rules * Fix: Calculate totals after product quantity changed. = 1.2.3 = * New: Add-Ons type "Multiple Labels". * New: Option "Always show the price table" allows the admin to always show the price table even if the amount of the add-ons is 0 in the single product page. * Fix: "Limit selectable elements" now works with "Number" Add-On. * Fix: Integration with "YITH WooCommerce Product Bundle Premium". = = * New: Option "All options required" that allow the admin to decide if a required add-on must have all options required or just one. * Fix: Dependece conflict between add-ons and variations requirements. * Fix: Some price types not shown in the "new option" template. = 1.2.1 = * New: Added two price type "Price multiplied by value" and "Price multiplied by string length". * New: Now the options list are sortable with drag & drop in the back-end. * New: Option "calculate quantity by values amout" that allow the user to set the quantity value as the sum of the total amount of the add-on options. * Fix: Mobile layout in single product page = = * New: Product Add-Ons is now integrated with YITH WooCommerce Product Bundle Premium(with versions grather than 1.1.3). * New: Add-Ons option "replace the product image" works now with YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier. * Fix: Error with category field on variation requirements. * Fix: Output error after plugin activation. * Fix: Wrong arguments using the filter 'woocommerce_cart_item_thumbnail'. * Fix: Argument missed with YITH WooCommerce Catalog mode. * Fix: If more then one add-on checked "replace the product image" option the product image was reset. = = * New: WordPress 4.7 support. * New: Product Add-Ons is now integrated with YITH Composite Products for WooCommerce Premium(with versions grather than 1.0.3). * New: Product Add-Ons is now integrated with YITH WooCommerce Subscrition Premium(with versions grather than 1.1.6). * Fix: Total box was duplicated with Avada theme and variable product. * Fix: Prevent variations limit for the "Variation Requirements" field. = = * Fix: The Add-ons order can' t be saved in the backend. * Fix: The Add-ons price get 0 when decimal separator is not the point. = = * New: Option "Replace the product image" that allows the customer to replace the product featured image when the add-on is selected. * Fix: Min and Max option values doesn' t appear in the administration panel after saving. * Fix: Required field not works for checkboxes when the option "max item selected" is set. = = * Fix: Add option doesn' t work with some configurations. = = * New: Administration restyling. * Fix: Add to cart button was disabled with Flatsome theme. = = * Fix: Total preview was not updated right after variations was changed. * Fix: First element with the add-ons "select" was not stored in the cart. = = * New: Hide price feature with YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode Premium and YITH WooCommerce Requeste a Quote Premium. * Fix: Labels and descriptions of the Add-Ons were not translated on the customer email even if translation was complete on WPML String Translations. = = * Fix: Add-on with dependence doesn' t appear even if the correct variation was selected. * Fix: Prevent notice in the back-end when a new add-on was inserted. = 1.2.0 = = Add-Ons = * New: Possibility to hide add-ons until a specified option or variation is selected. * New: Integration with YITH WooCommerce Role Based Price. * New: Flatsome quick view compatibility. * New: Exclude products field on group * Fix: Click doesn' t fire on radio button label. * Fix: Error was printed when a customer receives YITH WooCommerce Request a quote email. * Fix: Add-ons name and value was not translated by WPML on the Cart = Variations = * New: Change product image on hover (only for one attirbute). * New: Option to show custom attributes style also on "Additional Information" Tab. * New: Compatibility with WooCommerce Products Filter. * New: Compatibility with YITH Composite Products For WooCommerce. * New: Compatibility with WooCommerce Quick View by WooThemes. * Fix: Reset attribute type on plugin deactivation. * Fix: Description and default variations on archive pages. * Update: Language files. * Update: Core plugin. = 1.1.4 = Released on Jul 08, 2016 * Update: Language files. * Fix: Wrong total price preview when variation is changed * Fix: Default variation on single product pages for products with only one attribute * Fix: Issue when there were two labels in two different group = 1.1.3 = * New: WooCommerce 2.6 support. * New: Option "Max Items Selected" for checkboxes add ons = 1.1.2 = * Update: Language files. * Fix: jQuery event not triggered with "The Edge / Internet Explorer" browser * Fix: Product Add-On Group is not saved because of mysql error = 1.1.1 = * Fix: error on add to cart when add-on is not "sold individually" = 1.1.0 = * New: Support to WordPress 4.5.2. * New: Support to WooCommerce 2.6 Beta2. = Add-Ons = * New: "Sold individually" add-ons option that allow user to sell an add-on lonely(* the price will not increases by cart quantity) * New: "Upoad File size" option on settings that allow the administrator to set max uploaded file size * New: "Vendor" option on group that allow administrator to change the vendor previously store * New: Option "Show product price on 'cart page'" that allow you to show the product base price on the cart item * Fix: minor bugs = Variations = * New: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup. * New: Set dual color such as blue-white (half box blue and half box white). * New: Show a preview of the attribute image in the tooltip (available only for image attributes). * Fix: Variations now work with Owl Carousel 2 when infinite loop option is set. * Fix: Clicking on selected attribute before selecting another one is no longer necessary. * Update: Language files. * Update: Core plugin. = 1.0.9 = * Fix: prevent localize domain issue = 1.0.8 = * New: support to YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote - 1.4.7 version = 1.0.7 = * Update: Text Domain * Fix: minor bugs = 1.0.6 = * Fix: Prevent notice on products loop = 1.0.5 = * New: WordPress 4.5 support = 1.0.4 = * Fix: Request a quote button not working in the products loop * Fix: Removed unuseless query execution = 1.0.3 = * New: WPML support * Fix: Options total price was not correct when user change quantity on single product page = 1.0.2 = * Fix: Options are not saved when a quote was inserted inside a label = 1.0.1 = * Fix: Price total doesn' t change after option is selected on quick view = 1.0.0 = Initial Release